The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1895, Image 1
' ' . THONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNtY. . ' tot jftvq IT.AVTOV. PA.. WEDNESDAY MOBN1NG, NOVEMBER 27. 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. : ? ON THE '$ LOO TALK. Ciirta AT UNHEARD OF . LOW FIG URES. THAT WILL EVER BE REMEM BERED BT THOSE FORTUNATE MONEY SAVERS WHO TAKE AD VANTAGE OF OUR SEMI-ANNUAL. CLEARING UP IN THIS D3 PARTMENT. TALKING WON'T BETTER THESE EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES, SO WE'LL LET THE VARIOUS LOTS TELL THEIR OWN STORY AS YOU SEE THEM ON THE COUNTER. At Half Price A LOT OF IRISH POINT, TAM BOUR AND BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS. ONLY ONE PAIR TO TO A PATTERN, BUT ALL VERY CHOICE STYLES. PICK OF THE LOT AT HALF PRICE. At the following: guaranteed ... reductions: i : -- - -.. " SS Pafri, Eeru' only, were 45c, OKr now 12 Point,1 Eeru only, were 75c. KKn now wv to Pairs,, Ecru only, were 85c, SQc 'now :.. ) Pairs, White and Ecru, were AOrv 11.00, now Wk" CO Pairs, White and Ecru, were C 1 00 11.35, now Pairs, White and Ecru, were 1 JUS. now -JM.Ovf 17 Pairs, Whit and Ecru, were CI 45 $1.95, now k -. ' (This lot in 4 patterns.) f Pairs, Cream only, were 12.25, 1 .C now ps.w 6 Pairs, Ecru and White, were 4 t&ie, now ... 9' Pairs, Ecru and White, wore S7 Art !.7S, now......... ..... 'tVU ; . (Three patterns In this lot.) Pairs, Ecru and White, were CO Cfi 13.23, now.. VPairs, Whlto only, were $3.73, $3,00 WPalrs, Kcru only, were $5.00, $3,50 SALE . , Begins Wednesday, Y Ndv. 27, at 9 a. m. ace BffW 1 11 111)$? Sweeping Sale f ill Lace Curtails frcparattoas in Progress for the Opening of Congress. PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL MESSAGE Foreign Affairs Will Be the Leading , 1'oatures Contests for Ilonso of fices Ths South Will Forward Numerous Election Contests. Washington, Nov. 28. President Cleveland and the members of his cabi net, with the exception of Secretary Morton, who is in Nebraska, assembled at the white house today for their reg ular semi-weekly meeting;. Secretary Olney remained with the president some time after, the others had left, presumably with reference to that part of the annual message to congress re latins to foreign affairs. The secre tary of state is the only cabinet offi cial not permitted to make a report di rectly to congress through the presi dent. All communications as to our foreign relations have to emanate from the president and usually take the first I place In the president's mw"Er The 1 only exception was when Mr. Cleve ! land, during his first term, sent in ins j celebrated tariff message and remitted ! nil questions of foreign pulley to sub sequent special messages. There Is every reason to believe that foreign affairs the Venezuelan and Alaskan boundary matters, the Cuban revolution, the perilous position of American missionaries in Turkey and othe engrossing topics will load off In the presidential message for 1835. It is understood that the document will be somewhat longer than usual. It will, of course, not be sent to congreoa until after time hai beon glvon for an or ganization to b effected. This im plies that Tuesday next Just a-j soon aftor 12 o'clock as the respective com mittees deputed to on President Cleveland can make the'.r eporta, will ho the earliest date at which asslctant Scretary Prude can announce "a message in wrltln.T from the president of the United BtateaV Contest for Hnusa Offices. There are the ucual conflicting raports today reecrdlnp" the contest for the House olHces. With ths arrival of one hundred Republican members the Hnea are being more tightly drawn and greater Interest is excited as to the re sult. One of the reports in circulation today was that tho defeated candidate for clerk would probably be given the office of nergeant-at-arme as a com pensation for hla failure to secure the office of Ms choice. The two candidates for this place are ex-menrbera. One Is Mr. McDowell, of Pennsylvania, and the other General Henderson, of Illinois. So far 83 can be learned there is no basis for the belief that the clerkship will be settled in mis manner. Mr. McDowell flatly cays that he will be a party to no such arrangement. General Henderson's friends adopt a conservative tone In discussing his chances. Their candidate Is a man of great popularity who is widely known to public men as a result of bis long service of twenty years In the House. It Is said mat Mr. McDowell, and the other members of his combination, will enter the caucus with the twenty-eight votes of Pennsylvania, the twenty-eight of New York, and the ten from Missouri, absolutely certain. The eight New Jer sey votes are claimed for the combina tion. Eight of the Massachusetts mem ber's are said to be committed to them. In addition to a sufficient number of votes whose location it is not now de sirable to make public, which will in sure McDowell's election. . ' Mr. Heed In Demand. Washington, Nov. 28. If Thomas B. Reed had doubts about his unanimous nomination as speaker by the Repub lican caucus next Saturday night they would speedily be dispelled by the amount and character of the mail that weighs down the postman whose tour Includes the Shoreham. Every one of the 244 Republican members-elect ap pear to have called on. all their friends to present their qualifications for com mittee assignments to the coming speaker, who Is working his clerk and I his stenographer extra time trying to return simple acknowledgements for the numerous suggestions. About 100 Republican members, most of them liv ing west of New Tork, are already here and half of them have paid their re spects to Mr. Reed. The ex-speaker was cordial, but he confided to no one his intentions regarding committees, which his visitors so persistently sought. STRUGGLE FOR OFFICES. Mueh of the Time of the Noxt Ilonso Will Do Consumed In Listening to Contested Election Testimony. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Washington, Nov. 26. Much of the time of the next House will be devoted to settling contested elections. Testi mony In twenty-nine cases has been re ceived at the clerk's office. They are as follows: ' j Alabama Third district, Robinson vs. Harrison; Fourth district, Aldrlch vs. Robbing; Fifth district, Godwin vs. Cobb: Ninth district, Aldrlch vs. Under wood. Ueorgia Seventh district, Felton vs. Maddox. 4 - . . Illinois Third dlsrlM. Belknap vs. Mc Oann; Sixteenth district, Rinaker vs. Downing. .- Kentucky Seventh district. Denny vs. Owens; Tenth district, Hopkins vs. Ken dall. Laulsinnn Second district, Coleman vs. Buck; Third district, Beattlo vs. Price; Fifth district. Benoit vs. Boatner. Maryland-Third district, Booze vs. Rusk. Missouri Fifth district, Van Horn -vs. Tarsney. New York-Eighth district, Mitchell vs. Walsh; Ninth district, Campbell vs. Miner. North Carolina Second district, Cheat ham vs. Woodward; Third district, Thompson vs. Shaw; Sixth district, Mar. tin vs. Look hart. South Carolina First district, Murray vs. Elliott; Third district. Moorman vs. Latimer; Sixth district, Wilson vs. lie Laurln; Seventh) district, Johnston vs. Stokes. ' Texas Sixth district, Kearby ' vs. Ab bott; Tenth district, Rosenthal vs. Crow- lev'lrglnla Fourth ' district, Thorp- vs. McKenney: Fifth district, domett vs. Swaaeon; Sixth district, Hoge vs. Otey; Tenth district, Yost vs. Tucker. WORLD'S FAIR DIPLOMAS. Thef Will Hot Bo Prepared for Delivery Until February. Washington, ; Nov. 26. The comple tion of the steel engraved world's fair diplomas was the occasion for a cele bration and a banauet at Reuter's by the employes of the award division of the government . printing office - last night. The members of this division have been at work for many months upon the diplomat, which will be scattered to every civilised country on the face of the globe. . There are 28,000 of - these diplomas and each one hat to be printed by hand, nd as the output of the division Is but 110 a day it has taken a long time to complete the war. The end of the uL uad :iacticully been reached, but the diplomas will not be ready for de livery before February. WHITNEY'S HOODOO. It May Cost Thousands of Dollars to Re pair tho Texas, . Washington, Nov. !. Although the damage to the battleship Texas, which was severely strained when being dry docked in Brooklyn a short time ago may be of a very serious character, it is an easy matter to see that among the construction corps of the navy de partment there is very little regret over the accident. The Texas was not designed upon plans drawn by American naval con structors, but was one of Secretary Whitney's schemes for building up the new navy upon what he considered to be the line of British naval architec tural progress. He paid $27,000 for the plans and had the vessel built at the navy yard in Norfolk. It has been a hoodoo from the start. Half a dozen accidents have occurred to her and only last summer two men were killed by a lightning stroke while at work upon her hull. The Texas is by no means a type of the new navy but Is as foreign to the other ships as her plans were to the construction bureau. It will probably cost a great many thousands of dollars to put her even in as good shape as she was in when she made the trip from Norfolk to New York, but the department Is reticent concerning the extent of the damages, and it Is unlikely that the real facts will be known for some time to come. MORTON'S SEED ORDER. Secretary May Be Questioned Rogardlng the Stopping of the Gratnlty. Washington. Nov. 26. Some of the incoming members are talking of haul ing Secretary Morton over the. coals because of the position which he has taken In the matter of the distribu tion of seeds. They point out that the law Is Im perative on the subject and that the act which made an appropriation for the purchase of seeds also stlnulated that the packages should be ready for dis tribution by the 10th of January. On tho other hand, however, there are scores of members, especially those representing suburban districts, who declare that the seed scheme, as it has bees conducted for tho past twenty years. Is a humbug and a fraud. The man who represents the Bowery district In New York, for Instance, has absolutely no use for the ten or twelve thousand packages of seeds which have annually been assigned to him. The abuse which grew up from the printing of tons of useless literature has been In a measure corrected by the new printing law which went into effect last spring but it was only by the arbitrary action of the secretary of agriculture that the seed folly was stopped. GREENBACKS BED FOR MICE. Mutilated Bills to the Value of S3, 750 . Kedoemed .at Washington. . Washington, Nov.' . 26.-Among. the bills recently presented for redemption at the United States treasury were ten of $100 denomination, one of $500, one of $1,000 and five of $50. They were nibbled around the edges, but enough re mained to render them good. This $2,750 constituted a mouse's nest. The bills had been laid away In a trunk, and when the owner went to look for them they wer gone. Search was Instituted, but no trace of them could be found. Finally a mouse hole was noticed through the bottom of the trunk, leading under the floor. The boards were taken up and a mouse scampered away, leaving five little pink and white creatures too young to walk lying on the pile of greenbacks. TURKEY FOR THE PRESIDENT. Virginia Man's Offering for Mr. Cleve land's Thanksgiving Meal. Washington, Nov. 26. Henry Harri son, of Leesburg, Va., who owns a fish ing ground which President Cleveland occasionally visits, came to Washington yesterday to present a Thanksgiving turkey to the President's family. While it was accepted with thanks, there Is no proof that it will grace the presidential board Thursday. A leading citizen of Rhode Island for many years has sent a large Thanks giving turkey to the White House with out regard to the politics of the occu pant. He has not yet been heard from this year. The turkey he sent last year was given to the servants at the White House and this may have cooled his en thusiasm. MARRIED AT A1 HOTEL Hugh MeCorraiak and Miss Rockefeller Are Mndo One-A Reception Without the Groom. New York, Nov. 26. Miss Edith Rockefeller, younge'st daughter of Johp D. Rockefeller, the Standard old mag nate, and one of the greatest heiresses in the world, was married at noon today in the Buckingham Hotel to Harold F. McCormlck, son of Chris McCormlck, the millionaire "reaper king," of Chicago. ' The Fifth Avenue Baptist church had been magnificently decorated, and over 1,000 Invitations had been issued to the wedding. An attack of pleurisy with threatened pnuemonla, however, kept Mr. McCormlck In his rooms at the Buckingham, and. In consequence the invitations to the church were recalled as far as possible last night, and in stead the marriase was solemnized In Mr. McCormlck's apartments at the hotel. Mr. McCormlck wan able to arise and dress and met Miss Rockefeller in the apartments, and the marriage was held, and they were made man and wife by the Rev. Dr. Faunce, who was assisted by Dr. Hall. Only the Imme diate friends and relatives of the two families were present at the ceremony. Miss Alta Rockefeller, sister of the bride, was to have been maid of honor at the church wedding and the brides maids were Miss Emma Rockefeller, a cousin of the bride, Miss Carrie Mc Cormlck, of Chicago, a cousin of Mr. McCormlck, the Misses Scott and Miss Caldwell, of New York, and Miss Prances Adams, of Boston. Mr. Mc Cormlck's best man was his brother, Stanley McCormlck, and the ushers were John D. Rockefeller, Jr... the bride's brother, John Chapman, cousin of the groom, and Turlington Harvey, of -Chicago, Vance McCormlck, of Har rlsburg, cousin of the groom, Oerrard Herrlck and Howard Colby, of New York, James -Blair, of Scranton. Pa., and Jacob Otto, of Buffalo. After the ceremony, as It was raining hard, his physicians advised Mr. McCormlck not to leave the house. ' The newly wedded bride and tho bridal party then drove to Mr. Rockefeller's . residence, or) Forty-fourth street, and a .reception was held there without the groom: Miss Rockefeller Is ail attractive young woman of 24 years. She takes great interest In athletic sports, and is accomplishes in swimming, saating, riding and driving. TRACK OFJTBE BLIZZARD first Storms of Winter Accompanied by High Winds. DISASTROUS EPPECTS WEST Houses are Unroofed and Trees l'p-rooted-Telegraph Serviee Is Bsdly Crippled and Lake and River - Navigation is Interfered with. Port Huron, Mich., Nov.' 26. The wind reached a velocity of seventy miles an hour here this morning. Sev eral houses were unroofed and trees and teleDhone wires carried down. The water in St. Clair river lowered one and a half feet, which has not occurred In years. Snow Is nearly a foot deep and street car and railroad service 1b greatly delayed. Cincinnati, O.. Nov. 26. A terrific wind storm swept over this section last night causing considerable damage to property. Trees were usrooted, build ings unroofed or wrecked, telegraph poles and wires blown down and sev eral boats In the river were torn from their moorings and set adrift. The watchman and crews of packets and tow boats were all aboard and con sternation reigned among them. None of tthe boats had steam up, and they were therefore left to the mercy of the gale after the lines had 'parted. Just above the Big Sandy wharf boat were moored the steamers T. J. O'Connell, Rob Roy and Lee Brooks. The shore lines of all three were snapped and when the wind subsided they were all in a bunch at Brown's Coal Fleet, a distance of fully half a mile. A $4,000 barge was sunk at the marine dry dock. Nearly a hundred empty barges were set adrift from the Queen City landing, at the foot of Washing ton street. The damage in the river here will amount to $10,000. Storm Moves Westward. Buffalo, Nov. 26. High winds pre vail here. The telegraph companies are experiencing great trouble in getting off business. Wires are down in all di rections. Canada Is practically cut off from communication with the United States at this point. The lake is very high at this point. The water is over the breakwater at the entrance to the harbor, and freight Is being taken up to the second stories of the transfer houses, which are In undated on the ground floors. The harbor has risen to an almoBt unprece dented height. Troy, Nov. 26. The most boisterous wind storm of the season passed over Troy and vicinity last night and early this morning. It was accompanied part of the time by rain. Signs and roofs suffered to some extent. The wind has been extremely warm. Busi ness on the upper Hudson has been de layed by the storm, navigation being very difficult. Saratoga, Nov. 26. The thermometer stood at sixty-two degrees this morn ing, .which is remarkably warm (or this region at this time of the year. Wllllamsport, Pa.. Nov. 2t.i-Llght rains have prevailed throughout this section for seventytwo hours, and the small streams that have been dry for four months are showing signs of re viving life. Reports from along the Susquehanna river as far west as Clear field Indicate considerable rise, and the lumber men are hopeful of getting In the 45.000,000 feet of logs. The big "splash" on the Lockhaven dam, which held an artificial flood four feet high, was broken to-day, and the water Is ex pected to drive all the logs into the boom that are stranded between here and that city. If the logs get In, the saw-mllla here will begin running night and day immediately. PITTSBIBC'S BIfi SCANDAL Many Shocking Instances of Immorality Drought to Light by the Investigation of tho Anti-Cruelty Society. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 26. The antl Cruclty society Investigation was re sumed this morning. State Charity Commissioner Francis J. Horrence pre sided. Dr. J. O. Flower was the prin cipal examiner. The most Important incident of the morning developed sub rosa. Commissioner Torrence and Dr. Flower were summoned to another room, where they met privately a young girl, formerly connected with the society, and who has been prom inently mentioned In the scandal. The girl told the officials who was respon sible for her condition, and made a clean confession, sensational in the ex treme. She will probably go on the stand and repeat her statements made in private. In the testimony offered this morning, It was stated that Fred Dorrent, son of D. E. Dorrent, secre tary of the society, had taken a girl from the Anti-Cruelty home to a house of shady character. Other testimony of like import and much of it, was brought out against the elder Dorrent. The prosecution has been unable, as yet to locate D. E. Dorrent and Lizzie McMillan. They were seen together late yesterday afternoon, but the ef forts of special officers to locate them and serve subpoenas have-been fruit less. Their absence is considered sig nificant. The attendnnoe at the morn ing session was small. It was noted also that some of the directors of the society were conspicuous by their un explained absence. Prior to the opening of the afternoon session Lily Simmons made affidavit Implicating Secretary N. E. Dorrent. of the anti-Cruelty society. In her ruin. On the strength of this affidavit, Dis trict Attorney Haymaker at once is sued a warrant for the arrest of Dor rent. Peter Kuns, an ex-agent of the so ciety, in his evidence, stated that when Dorrent made his first report to the state board of charities, the figures were falsified to show an apparent de ficit of $260, between the expenditures and the state appropriation, when In fact there was an actual surplus. M. J. Dean, the organist of the so ciety, testified that he was compelled to sever his connections with the so ciety on account of Secretary Dorrent's shocking Immorality. The testimony of ex-Matron Dachroth was so Immoral that the lady asked to be excused from giving it In public and a commissioner was appointed to take her evidence In private. Dorrent has not yet been located. 1 Commissioner Torrence said he would submit the evidence In hand to the state board of charities and would advise that a portion of It be referred to the district attorney. The state board of charities will meet Thursday of next week In Philadelphia Warrants have been is sued for the arrest of ex-Secretary N. K. Dorrent and Miss Llssle McMillan. Their whereabouts have not yet been ascertained, but It Is believed they are yet In the city and that their apprehen sion Is only a matter of a few hours. - Gold from Rami Districts. Atlantic City, N. J., Wev. M.-The First National bank of this city, in response to I a call made by Secretary Carlisle, shlpoed iAM la gold t the ittfc-tmuery in New York city.. T0 bank officials expect to follow the shipment with a similar amount in a few weeks. WRECK ON THE PENNSY. Freight Train Separates and Kuns To getber with Disastrous Results. Lima, O., Nov. 26. A very bad wreck was caused on the Pennsylvania railroad near Richie, west of this city, by a freight train breaking in two and running together. The train carried a verry larg'.- quantity of stock and the stockmen, A. S. Welson, of Marengo, ta.; N. C. Vance, of Martin's 'Ferry, O., and J. D. Weber, of Decatur, Ind.. who were In the caboose, were seriously In jured. Tim conductor, J. P. Herron, was hurled through one of the caboose win dows and tadly hurt Flagman Watt, was sitting on top of the caboose and wus thrown about seventy-five feet and Injured Internally. SATED BY HER CORSET. Bullets front the Revolver of a Would-be Murderer Glance Off from Miss Plato's Apparel. Newark, N. J., Nov. 26. Arlington Heights was the scene of a shooting af fray this afternoon, which resulted In the mortal wounding of Thomas Colt and the narrow escape from fatal In Jury of Miss Carrie Plate, daughter of the late Henry D. Plate. Colt, for rea sons that have not been explained, shot Miss Plate and immediately af terwards sent a bullet crashlns Into his own head. Colt, who Is 38 years of age, was a frequent caller at the Plate mansion, one of the most conspicuous dwelling houses in West Arlington. About an hour prior to the shooting Colt and Miss Plate boarded a street car near the Erie bridge. At that time there were two women. In the car, and they were acquainted with Colt and Miss Plate. The quartette chat ted and laughed merrily, and neither Colt nor Miss Plate acted as If they ever hrtd a' care on their minds. Colt and his companions, on leaving the car started toward Magnolia avenue, on which the Plate mansion stands. They were at a point about 300 feet west of Kearney avenue when Colt drew a revolver and fired at his com panion. The bullet penetrated the fleshy part of her arm. She screamed and turned to escape, when her assail ant fired a?aln. The. bullet this time struck Miss Plate at the base of the spine, but her corsets and the heavy dress soods she wore probably saved her ltfe, as the leaden missile glanced off and fell to the ground. 'A third time Colt fired but the bullet missed Its mark. Colt then turned the weapon toward himself, and sent a bullet Into his own head. The young woman was able to walk to her home. Colt was sent to St. Michael's hospital. Little or no hopes of his recovery are enter tained. It was learned this afternoon that about a month ago Colt attempted to shoot Mlso Plate while they were out walking because she refused to marry him. ... Lately, it is said, Colt has become very Jealous of the young lady,, and for several days he has loitered about the Plate residence,-his features par tially disguised by a false moustache. FLOATING THE COAL. Pittsburg Rlvermen Take Advantage of tho High Water. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov.26. All was ex citement along the river" fronts and Monongahela pools to-day. Hurried preparations were being made to take advantage of the prospective rise In the Allegheny river which Is due here by to-morrow morning and will probably give the rlvermen ten feet of water. Every available craft Is being pressed Into service to move to southern mar wets as much as posisble of the thirty minion bushels of coal that during the past seven months of drought has ac cumulated in the harbors. Several light tows left to-day. Last night's rain was particularly heavy along the Alle gheny river. WORDY BATTLE IN INDIANA. Spiritualists and Their Enemies Employ Lending Lecturers. Anderson, Ind., Nov. 2. The exciting war between Indiana spiritualists and anti-spiritualists, the latter led by El der W.R. Covert, one of the best-known antl-splrituallsts, has broken out again. The Indiana association has sent for Moses Hull, the best of all spiritualist lecturers, and proposes to fight the matter cut. The members have reserved certain nights at the Grand Opera House. Both men are reckless with assertions re garding each other and their Isms. Covert has engaged the Opera House for all of the Sundays. FUNERAL OF G B. CHASE. Services at the House Wero Attonded by Many Odd Fellows. The funeral of Oeorge B. Chase was held yesterday afternoon at the house, 526 Qulncy avenue. The services were conducted by Rev. Drs. James McLeod and 8. C. Logan and were attended In a body by Lackawanna lodge. No: 291, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and by delegations from Robert Burns and Globe lodges. The pall-bearers were: John T. Howe, George F. Frutchey. Freeman Fred erick, Israel Ruth, John Hale and Wes ley Lannlng, all members of Lacka wanna lodse. Burial was madejn the Odd Fellows' plot in Forest Hill ceme tery, where the service was conducted by the Odd Fellows. .THE LATE II. A. HESS. Interment Will Take Pisco To-morrow ' V Afternoon at 3 O'clock. The funeral of the late Henry A. Hess, whose death was announced In yesterday's Tribune, will be attended from the home of his mother, corner of Oulncy avenue and Walnut street, at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Interment 'will be made In the family plot In Forest Hill cemetery, alongside the remains of his father. Henry Hess, who preceded him as outside foreman of the Pine Brook colliery.. Besides his ' mother, the" surviving members of the family are George W. and William S. Hess, of the Hess bakery; C. F. Hess, teller of the Dime Savings ban, and Miss Amelia Hess. The deceased was not married. ; REPORT OF VIEWERS. . ' - 1 Those Who Assessed Damages for the " ' .. 3 Grading of New Street. ' Attorney J. Alton Davis, Thomas H. Kelley and Charles Kocmpel, the board of .viewers -appointed by court to as sess damages to abutting properties In cident to the grading of New street, between ' Capause and Washington avenues, filed their report ' yesterday In the office of Prothonotary Pryor. . It recommended damages as follows: Catherine DeLacy, $210; M. F. Qllroy, M87.W, Thomas P.' Jones, $605.25; W. P. Gllroy, 417.60; H. B. Lackey, 37US; usu Dale, tN.TI. .. THE AR1HSSACRES Story of tbe Butcheries Given by nn Eye-witness. A FLIMSY EXCUSE P0R MURDER Turkish Policemen Degln the Fight Which Ends in 'ho Slaughter of 140 Armcntans-The Old Story of Turkish . Oppression. Concord. N. H., Nov. 26. Harop C. Maggarlan, a young Armenian who just arrived in this city, tells a graphic story of the recent massacre In Con stantinople, which resulted In the kill ing and maiming of some 140 of his countrymen by the Turkish policemen and soldiery. He says: My home Is in Harpoot and I was in Constantinople us the gueat of an Armeni an from Palu, a city on the Euphrates river, who went there for the purpose of trading. We were stopping in a massive stone building, the headquarters of all Armenians when In the city. This Is lo cated in Itttamboul, -nnd at tho time of the massacre was crowded with my country men. There had been no trouble with the authorities, and we had not the least warning of approaching events. On the morning of the day of the massacre my friend and myself, with several other Ar menians, were standing In front of the Inn conversing, when a policeman came along fully armed. Of course, we natur ally looked at him. This appeared to anger him, and culling one of the party aside he asked If anything was wanted of him. The man replied that nothing was wanted; that he was merely looking; whereupon the policeman assaulted him wltli kicks and blows. The Armenian na turally objected, but the only resistance offered on his part was to seize the of ficer's arms. While endeavoring thus to hold him another officer put in an ap pearance and shot the Armenian dead. Signal for Slaughter. . This was a signal, for scarcely had the echoes of the shut died away when an ambulance dashed up for the body and the entire square was filled with soldiers, who Immediately openod Are on every Ar menian In sight. Immediately on the fir ing of the first shot my companion and myself ran inside the building and barred the massive Irun doors. We were safe, but through the windows of the building we were eye witnesses of the horrible butchery of our countrymen, who were totally unprepared to make the loast re sistance, and were ehot down like dogs. For six hours the massacre continued, and then it stopped only because the work of killing the helpless Christians had been well and thoroughly done. Throughout we were In constant fear of our lives. Assault after assault was made upon the building, but It proved too strong, and the attempts were at length abandoned. In that attack 140 Armenians were killed and injured. As they fell, they were im mediately carried nway in the ambulance, and when all was over the Turkish fire men were called out, and with their hose washed away every vestige of blood from the pavements and destroyed all traces of the monstrouB crime. The escape of myself and companions was miraculous, and was owing to the fart that we were dressed In costumes similar 'to the Turks, and they did not discover that we were not of that na tionality until we had reached the door way of the building. Prisoners for Dors. In the building we were confined for ten days, never daring to show our heads. Finally, through the Intercession of the foreign consuls, we were granted a limit ed amonnt of protection and freedom. Waiting until the excitement had died out, myself and six others bribed a Turk ish policeman by the payment of . seven Turkish pounds to escort us 'to a steamer on which we made our escape to this coun try. It was the old story of oppression of the Armenians by the Turks, which has con tinued for the past 400 years. Angered by outside Interference and the assembling of a foreign fleet within striking distance of Constantinople, they are wreaking their vengeance on us. They publish to the world that we are the aggressors in all cases, and It Is time the world under stood the nature of that claim. They drive us to the last extremity, and when we turn to protest, we are shot down and the statement goes out from the Turkish officials that the Armenian struck the first blow, as It did in Justification of the Con stantinople massacre. We are Christian. We refuse to accept Mohammedanism. We demand the right to worship God as our consciences dictate. For that - Ar menians are shot down, our crops de stroyed, our homes ruined. CARS LEFT THE TRACK. Wreck Near Steel Works Station That Delayed Travel for a Time. Three cars left the Delaware and Hudson Railroad track near the Bteel works station yesterday morning, blockading the down track until even ing. A box car filled with lumber and sev eral fiat cars were being pushed Into a switch when the trucks of one of the cars left the track. In an Instant the box car was on its side and the two flat cars were also dragged from the rails. One of the cars struck a railing that guards a culvert at that point, which alone prevented It from falling to the ground, some distance below. The passenger train due In this city at noon was delayed half an hour by the wreck and for the remainder of the day all trains had to use the north-bound track. No one was Injured. DIED FROM IMS INJURIES. Patrick Campbell, of Dickson City Pnssed Away Yesterday Morning. Patrick Campbell, who was Injured In the Johnson No. 2 colliery at Dickson City Monday, mention of which was made in yesterday's Tribune, died yes terday morning. His injuries were caused by a fall of roof which crushed him beneath it a few minutes before his day's worlt was completed. Both of his legs were broken. When forced down ward he .fell on the point of his pick which entered the stomach, causing the wound that resulted In death. Mr. Campbell was 28 years of age atrd Is survived by a wife and one child., He wan qne of Dickson City's progressive citizens nnd was president of Division No. 14, Ancient Order of Hibernians. Tho funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2.30 from his home, on Carmel street. MXE-YEAR.OLD BOY KILLED. He Attempted to Cross the Track In Front of a Moving Coal Train. While trying to cross the railroad track In front of a moving, coal train at North Taylor yesterday morn ing at 11 o'clock 9-year-old David B. Williams fell under, the wheels and had his legs and an arm severed from the body. The boy died an hour later at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David B. Williams, on Railroad street, Taylor. The little, fellow attended the North Tuylor public school and during the recess period ' went to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, which runs close to the school building, and attempted to cross in front of a coal train with the terrible result above described. 1 . To Determine School Holidays. Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 20. A circular has been tent out from the department of pub lic Instruction advising school directors that they may determine for themselves which holidays designated by law shall be observed as school holidays. When the schools are open for regular Instruc tion on the days named the time can be counted and paid for the same as other T-S f(nnmf(niHiyj IS Our stock of Blankets Is most complete In both size and quality. The follow ing prices prevail through out this week: 10-4 White Cotton Blankets. $ St 10- 4 White and Grey Cotton Blankets ; . , 3 11- 4 White and Grey Cotton Blankets l 35 11- 4 White Extra Heavy Blankets 2 25 12- 4 White Extra Heavy Blankets. 2 98 11- 4 White All Wool and Shrunk.. 175 12- 4 White and Scarlet All wool and Shrunk 4 95 11- 4 California, Plain and Damask Border 5 50 12- 4 California, Plain and Damask Border 6 4g 13- 4 Extra Heavy and Fine Cali fornia 8 SO 13-4 Extra Fine California 9 75 Fancy Blankets in plain and figured centers, suit able for Dressing- Gowns and Bath Robes at $2.00, $2.98, $3.45 and $3.85. Attractive prices in cotton and down Comfortables. Full Size Comfortable $ 9S Imported Sateen White Cotton.. .. 1 0 Imported Sateen Best White Cot ton 2 00 Crepon Elaborate Stitching 1 45 Sllkollne Four-Inch Ruffle, Hand made s 26 Imported Sateen Down Filled.... 4 45 Fine French Sateen Down Filled fi 50 Fine French Sateen Reversible, Down Filled 72x81 7 60 Eiderdown in plain col ors, pink, blue, gray, car dinal and black; also fig ured and striped, suitable for children's wear. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Busy, Every Foot -- In the Family Properly Fitted. Our stores will be closed Thanksgiving Day, No vember 28. 18 Salespeople Busy Every Day and Evening. 114 AND US WYOMINQ ATX Open Evening. Until Jan. L LAMP: Jest Received. A beautiful line of Banquet Lamps, and Brlc-a-Brac, very suitable for a Call and see them.: W. J. WEICIEL, Jeweler 401 SPRUCE 6T HIRAM MARSH ANNIVERSARY. Ills Conversion of Two Years Ago Cele. brated in Reseue Mission, t Yesterday was the second annlver ssry of Hiram Marsh in the Rescue MP slun and the customary celebration of Fuch an event was celebrated during; th evening in the mission, on Franklin avenue. Mr. Marsh is a cabinet-maker In the employ of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad- com pnny. Frt ni 6 to 8 o'clock a turkey supper furnluhed by the women of the First Presbyterian church was served in the basement of the mission to converts) and their families. At 8 o'clock In the. chapel began a service of song- and ex perlence , telling led by Mr. Marsh. There were congregational singing, se lections by the former glee club -of the Young Men's Christian, association, tenor solos by Mr. Vangorder and se lections by the mission quartette ane chorus. . . . . ' Remarks were made by 3. A. Lansing, A. T. Williams, Luther Keller, A. W. Dickson, W. J. Hand. William Mo Clare and other officers of the mission WEATHER REPORT. 'or Eastern Pennsylvania, fair; tnttcM ier, wit a com waves noruwesi wiaee '.'.'