6 THE SCBAHTON 4 TIUBUXE TUESDAY MOBNI2M.' .NOVEMBER' 26, 1895. Me Devil - . and the . . Deep ; Sea Copyright, ISM. 8YNOPSI8. The Hallotis, . a ship of English origin, but of very shady record, ha been pur cued and captured by a cruiser which found her trespassing 111 forbidden waters nd Wrecked her engine with a shell, tthe was found to bo laden with stolen pearls. The victorious warship towed her cap tive to land a remote island under the tropics but meanwhile the chief engineer, Mr. Wardrop, succeeded in concealing certain -parts of the machinery, and In 4S: iiajcinp; tne ruin appear more complete than it reallv Is. The wretched crew, vhd naa uoea consigned to the army for Junulo service, were at last, on demand of the ErrIIkIt government,' called back, and they are now confined on board their own ship. They, are not much Interfered with: but their condition is miserable, und they are almost in despair. PART IV. Then the skipper cursed Mr. War drop for importing frivolous side in sues Into the conversation, and the crew cursed one another and the Hallo tis, and all that they knew or could bring to mind. Then they sat down In Silence' on the empty decks, nnd their eyes burned In their heads. The green harbor water chucked at them over side. They)ooked at the palm-frlnpred , hills Inland; at the white houses above the harbor road, at the single tire of native craft by the quay, at the stolid soldiery, sitting: around the one can Til Trouble Yon for the Rest of the Men." non, and. last of all, at the. blue bar of the horizon. Mr. Wardrop was burled in thought, and scratched imaginary lines' with his untrlmmed finger nails on the planking. "I make no promise," he said, at last, for 1 can't say what may or may not have happened to them. But here's the ship, and here's us." There was a little scornful laughter ..at this, and Mr. Wardrop knitted his brows. Me recalled that In the days when he wore trousers he had been , chief engineer of the Hallotis. "Harland, Macksry, Noble, Hay, Noughton, Pink. O'Hara. Trunbull." , "Here. .sir! The. instinct of obedl- ; ence waked to answer the roll-call of the engine-room. ; "Below." ' They rose and went. , "Captain, I'll trouble you for the rest ot the men as I want them. We'll get ' my. stores out, and clear away the - stores we don't need, and then we'll patch her In the Hallntls under me." He went Into the engine-room and the ' others stared. They were used to the accidents of the sea, but this was be- yond their experience. None who had seen the engine-room believed that nny thlng.3hort of new engines from end to end could stir the Huliotls from her lhrtng3. - ' The engine-room stores were un earthed, and Mr. Wardrop's face, red with the- filth of the bilges and the ex ertion of traveling on his stomach, lit with Joy. The spare gear of the Hall otis had' been unusually complete, and iwo-and-twenty men armed with screw Jacks, differential blocks, tackle, vices, and "a forge or so, can look Kismet be tween, the eyes without winking. The crew were orderd to replace the holding-down- and shaft-bearing bolt, and JuTn Ahe cJ5"ars f the thrust-bout. 'When they had finished Mr. Wardrop They Throw ttot delivered a lecture on repairing com pound engines without the aid of a dockyard, and the men sat about on tho cold hiachlnery. The cross-head Jammed In the guides leered at them dninkenly, . but offered no, help. Thev ran their i fingers hopelessly into the cracks of the starboard supporting column, and picked at the ends of the rwpt roundthe shores, while Mr. War drop's vojee rose and fell echoing till the quirk tropic night closed down over the engine-room skylight. ' Next morning the work of reconstruc tion began. It has been explained that the foot of the connecting-rod was forced against tin. ' ' A wwmharhb6owTtfiCirtkttniop and a single tppllcatlott, of Cuticura , ; (ointment), thi peat Skin Cure, clear the scalp and. hair faf crults, scales, and dand- ruff, allay Itching, soothe irritation, stint j, uate the hair, follicles, and nourish the , roots,: thus, producing Luxuriant Hair, ; fVltlka clean, wholesome scalp. K tT$?V FOR THE H5!R -A .By 9 RUDYARD KIPLING. by to Auticir. M the foot of the starboard supporting column, which It had cracked through and driven outward against the ship's skin. To all appearances the job was moro than hopeless, for rod and column seemed to have been welded in one. Hut here Providence smiled on them for ono moment to hearten them through the weary weeks ahead. The second en gineermore reckless than resource fulstruck at random with a cold chisel into the cast iron of the column, and a greasy gray flake of metal Hew from under the Imnrisoncd foot of the con-ncctlng-rod, while the rod itself fell away slowly, nnd brought up with a thunderous clang somewhere In the dark of the crank-pit. The guides plates above were still jammed fast In the guides, but the first blow had been struck. They spent the rest of the day grooming the donkey-engine which stood Immediately forward of the engine-room hatch. Its tarpaulin, of course, had been stolen, and eight warm months had not Improved the working parts. Further, the last dying hiccough of the Haliotis seemed or It might have been the Malay from the boat house to have lifted the thing bodily on its bolts and set it down inaccurate ly as regarded its steam connections. "If we only had one cargo derrick! Mr. Wardrop sighed. "We can take the ...-in.w-cnvpr off bv hand if we sweat, but to get the rod out of the piston s not possiuie unless we uc there'll be steam the morn if there s nothing else: She'll lizzie everywhere. Next morning men from the shore paw the Hallotis through a cloud, for It was as though the deck smoked. Her crew were chasing Bteam through the shaken and leaky pipes to its work in the forward donkey-engine; and where oakum failed to piug a noie, wic, stripped on their loln-ciotns ior lap-nine- nn d swore, half-boiled and mother- naked. The donkey-engine worked at nrirn the nriee of constant attention and furious stoking worked long enough to allow a wire rope, it was maue in i if Q funnel and a foremast-stay, to be led Into the engine room and made fast on the cylinder-cover or tne ior ward engine. That rose easily enough and was hauled tlirougn tne BKyi.sni nd on to the deck, many nanus assist Ing the doubtful steam. Then came the tug of war, for it was necessary to get to the piston and the Jammed piston rod. They screwed an iron screw plate on to the piston, douDiea tne wire rope, and set half a dozen men to smite with an extemporized batteringram at the end of the piston-rod wnere it peereu through the piston, while tne aoimey engine hauled upwards on the piston itself. After rour hours of this furious work, the piston-rod suddenly slipped and the piston rose with a jerk, knock ing one or two men over Into the en gine room. Hut when Mr. Wardrop de clared that tne piston nau not spin, they cheered and thought nothing of their wounds, and the donkey-engine was hastily stopped,! for Its boiler was no thing to tamper with. And day by day their supplies reached them by boat. The skipper humbled himself once more before the governor, and as a concession had leave to get drinking water from the Malay boat-builder on the auay. It was not good drinking water, but the Malay was anxious to supply anything In his power if he were Da d for It. Now when the jaws of the forward engine stood, as it were, stripped and empty, they began to wedge up tne shores of the cylinder Itself. That work alone filled the better- part of three days warm and sticky days, when the hands slipped and sweat ran Into the eyes. When the last wedge was hammered home there was no longer an ounce of weight on the sup porting columns; and Mr. Wardrop rum maged the shin for boiler plate, tnree quarters of nn inch thick, where he could find It. l here was not niucn available, but what there was was more thnn beaten gold to him. In one terrible forenoon the entire crew, naked and lean, hauled back, more or less into place, the starboard supporting column, which, as you remember, was cracked clean through. Mr. Wardrop found them asleep where they had fin ished the work, and gave them a day's rest, smiling upon them like a father as ho drew chalk marks about the cracks. They Woke to new and more trying labor, for over each one of those cracks a jilate of three-quarter-Inch boiler Iron was to be worked hot; the rivet holes being drilled by hand. All that time they were fed on fruits chiefly bananas, with some sago. Those were the days when men swooned over thfi ratchet drill and the hand. forge, and where they fell they had leave to lie unless their bodies were in the way of their fellows' feet. And so, patch upon patch, and a patch Coats at Wardrop. I over all, the starboard supporting col umn was ciouiea: but when they thought all was secure Mr. Wardrop decreed that the . noble patchwork would never support working engines. As best It could only hold tho guide bars approximately true. - The dead weight of the cylinders must be borne by vertical struts, and therefore a gang would repair to the bows and take out with flies the bis bow anchor davits, each of whlph 'was some three Inches In diameter. They threw hot coals at Wardrop. and threatened to kill him, those who did not ween (they were ready to weep on the least provocation):-but he hit them with iron bars heated at the end, and they limped for ward, and the davits came with them when they returned. They slept six teen hours on the strength of it, and In three days two struts were In place bolted from the foot of the starboard supporting column to the under side of the cylinder. ' There remained now the port, or con denser column, which, though not so - iiuuw, naa also been strengthened In four places with mie paicnes, Dut needed struts They took away the main stanchions of the bridrrp . fnr lhn b - - - - - . . V TT 1 1 n, MIIU. craxy with toll, did not see till all was in iMBi-tf inai ine rounuea oars of iron must be flattened from ton to bot- tnm ff. ftllnv. 4kn- bin i . c mn i.uijip levers 10 clear, them.. It was Wardrop's over- oirui, biiu ne we:n utueny Dernre the men as he gave the order to unbolt the atrnta n-irl flatten .. .i . w u . - ,1 wim iiuimner and the flame. Now the broken engine was unoerpinnea nrmiy, -and they took away ' the wooden shores from under - incur lu Lim robbed bridge, thanking Ood for even nun u uuj b wwm un p;enue, Kinaiy wood 'instead of the iron that had en- ImuI IhIk' tAln .n,.l. Vftl:. , i. IIM" llivril BUHII, Clgl.l II1UIIMI0 In the back country among the leeohea at s temperature of 84 degree moist Is very bad for the nerves. , They had kept the hardest work to the last, as boys save Latin prose, and worn as they were Mr. Wardrop did not dure to give them rest. The piston rod and connecting rod, were - to be straightened, and this was a Job for regular dockyard with "every appliance. Tney fell to It. cheered by a little chalk showing or work done and time con sinned which Mr. Wardrop wrote upon the engine bulkhead. Fifteen days had gone fifteen days of killing labor and there was hope before them. (To Be Concluded.) THE WORLD OF Bl SI N ESS. Stocks and Ilonds. New York, Nov. 25. The Industrials were more prominent in the dealings at the Stock Exchange than for tome time past. The activity, however, was at the experse cf values and decllnos, ranging from to 3 per cent, were recored In these Issues. Sugar fell to 97. Chicago Gas reii to iii-s. Distiller sold clown .o iss,. This stock cloFed at or near the lowest of the day und showed net lorses of 'iu27, per cent. The railway lif t cut aloof from the Industrials, and was firm to strong throughout. Prices Improved anywhere irom ai-s per cent, rne urangers, Northern I'aciilc preferred. Manhattan. Louisville and Na&hvlllr were most promt. nent in tne rise, in tne nnai ueo,ings money on call worked a little close and transactions were enecteii at 3 per cent., but tills had no Influence. Net changes in the railway lint show gains of per cent., .Norinrn i'aciilc preierrea leauing. Total sales. 201.000. Tho rnni;e ot today's prices for the ac. tive slocks of the New York a lock mar ket are Riven below. The quotations are lurnisneu The Tribune by u. du a. inm mlck. manager for William I.lnn. Allen A Co., stock brokers, 412 Sprue street, Scranton. Op'n- High- T..0W- Clos- ing. est. est. inK. Am. Tobacco Co 83'4 83(4 8V4 Am. Bimar Ke g Co. ri'4 tw i r A-teh., To. & S. Fe... lirSi 1T lWs 1 Cun. South 65 ffii4 55 5T4 Ches. & Ohio 18i Wi ISM, 184 Chicago Oas 63 3 M 112 Chic. & N. W NHS ItuPi MS-, 10P Chic, 11. & Q 84 Kfc WVi Sr.'i C. C. C. (ft St. Li 41 41 4'"'4 HIV, Chic, Mil. & St. P... lt 7Si 1 75 Chic, It. 1. & P... 7-1 75 75 75-U DIsU ft C. F 19 19'4 N' IHVfc uen. Klectrlc 30-?, si 31114 Lake Shore 151 157 151 151 Louis. & Nash 52'i Kl4 52H 53'4 .Manhattan Klc vo-i swi jmiHi Aio. ruciiic a z-si Nat. Lead 30V, 3H4 30t4 30U, N. J. Central llMVi lot!1 1W-4 1084 N. Y. Central loo'i loo, 100'J inoi, in. i., . c v pr.. aii ; si si Nor. Pacltle, Pr 15' 15'4 15 157i Ont. & West 15 15'j, 15 15i.j Pacific Mall KJ 30'i, 30j 3Vi Phil. & Kt-ad 10 0'4 9't HI Southern R. R 10 lO'-i '4 10 Tenn. C. ft 1 32 32'i 32 32i rex. pacitic s'4 K"i 'i Union Pacific ? m T4 Wabash. Pr IS74 19 1 lS'i in West. Union 87'a 88 87-i 87 W, L 14 . 14 . 13'i 14 U. 8. Leather 10'i 10'4 10U U. S. Leather, lr.... W't H4 tH;B CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PniCF.3. Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. est est. Ing. December 5fi'i 67 K D7 May 60 61i CO'j 61 U OATS. DeeembeY 17 18 17T4 18 .May 20' 204 201 20 CORN. December 27 27 2C', 27'i May 2U', 29 2 29 LArtD. January 6.50 B 55 6.50 6.55 May 6.75 5.77 6.75 6.1T PORK. January 8.90 9.02 8.87 9.00 May 9.22 9,40 8.25 9.37 Scranton Hoard of Trade F.xchaiffce Quo tntlons-All Quotations Based on Par of 100. Name. Bid. Askel Green Ridge Lumber Cs 110 Dime Den. ft ni8. Bank 130 Scranton Lace Cur. Co M Nat. Boring ft Drilling Co 80 First National Bank 600 Thuron Coal-Land Co vO Scranton Jar & Stopper Co Scranton Qlass Co 66 Lackawanna Lumber Co HO . Spring Brook Water Co 100 Klmhurst BoulevsM Co 100 Scranton Axle Works 80 Third National Bank 350 Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... ISO Scranton Packing Co 100 Scranton Havings Bank 300 - Lacka. Iron & Steel Co 150 Weston Mill Co .- 250 Scranton Traction Co 55 Bonta Plate Glass Co 12 BONDS. Scranton Clans Co , 100 Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co 100 Scranton Pass. Railway first mortgage, due 1918 lie Scranton Traction Co $S People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due 1918 110 Scranton ft Pittston Trac. Co. ... 90 People s Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage, due 1920 110 , Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgaKe, due 1925 90 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 5 102 City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 102 Scranton Axle Works 100 New York Prodnco Market. New York, Nov. 25. Flour Dull, easier; closing steady; winter wheat, low grades, S2.25a2.65; do. fair to fancy, S2.65a33o; do. patents, S3.50a3.70; Minnesota clear, S2.60 a3.15; do. straights, $3.10a3.40; do. patents, S3.15a4.10; low extias, $2.25a2.G5: city mills, S3.8ua3.90; do. patents, :i.90a4.15; southern Hour dull, sternly; common to fair extra, t2.10a2.H0; good to choice do., 2.90a3.30; rye Hour, dull, easy, 2.65a2.95. Wheat Spot market, dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator (;8aUNic; afloat, B9!4a6Wic. ; f. o. b., 69ati4c; ungraded red, G4a70c; No. 1 northern, 6G',4c; options fairly active and II nn at c. advanav: No. 2 red. January. ttla; March, 67c.; May, 67c; June. lc; July, Sc; December, 65c. Corn Spots quiet, tirm; ino. z at atiasiivic. ; elevator, 38c; afloat; options, dull, Arm St r. ad vance: November. 35c. : December. STi'tc. : January, 35c; May, 35c. Oats Spots rainy active, easier; options nun, nrmer; November, 22c; December, 23'4c; Janu ary, 23 3-5c; May, 25Wc; spot prices, No. 2 at 22482;!?.; No. 2 white, M4c; No. 2 Chi cago. 23:u2lc.; No. 3 at 22c; No. i white. 23a23'Ac; mixed western, 23a24c; white do. and white state. 14a27c Beef Steady. quiet; family, S10a12; extra mess, S7.50a8; beer hams, inactive, ii4ni4.(io; tiercea peer, strong; city extra India mess, $17. Cut ...... O 1 .. . ..I ..I, ! .,.1 1 1 in .., .1 - iuenia nit-niii, iiivmm urincvi vuiti, 6M-o.; pickled shoulders, 6iaSc.- pickled hams, a4auc; miunies, nominal, uara Quiet, stronger; western steam, 85.80; city, $5.40; November, (5.80; nominal; refined, quiet; continent, 86.25; South America, $6.60; compound, 4ia5c Pork Fair de mand, firm; mess, $9.50al0. Butter Fancy In light supply and Arm; state dairy, 12 t21iic.; do. creamery, 15a22'4c; western rialrv. 10V.al5c: do. creamery. 14a23',',c do. June. 15a21c; do. creamery, 9al6c. ; Blglns, 23a23c; imitation creamery, 12al8c. Cheese (juiet; state large, '(aioc.-t ao. fancy, 9!!ia!0c. ; do. Bmall, 7!lal0e.: part skims, 34a7jC.; full skims, 2Via3o. Eggs Quiet, easy; state and Pennsylvania, 22 a26: ice house, 16a20c; do. per case, $3.50 n-1.50; western fresh, 21a23c.; do. per case, $3.50a4.25: limed. 16Vial7c: do. per case. $3.50a4. Toledo Groin Market. : Toledo. Nov. 25. Close: Wheat Re ceipts, 4,000 bushels; shipments, 8.600 bush els; No. 2 red. cash and December, 65tyc; May, GTTIiC.; July, 67'4c Corn Receipts, 9.420 bushels; shipments, 15,400 bushels; market quiet; No. t yellow, cash, 28"c ; No. a ao., ic. ino. i mixea, zac uats Recelnta and shlnments. none: no trad ing. Cloverseed Receipts, 63 bags; ship. me Ms, 24 bags; market nrmer; prime, cash, 84.5214c; February and March, $4.60. Chicago Llvo KtoukV Union Stock Yards, til.. Nov. 25. -Cat tie Receipts, 16,000 head; market steady; common to extra tteers, $S.10a4.83; stock crs and feeders, $2.S0a3.80; cows and bulls, $1.50a2.50; calves, $2.50n6; Texans, $2.20a8.65; western rangers, 42.25a3.75. Hogs Re ceipts, 60,000 head; market firmer, 6 cents higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, $3.55a3.70; common to choice mixed, $3.46 a3.67; choice assorted, $3.66 a2.65; light, $3.4Ca3.65; pigs, $2.25a3.60. Sheep Receipts, 13,000 head; market Arm; Inferior to choice, $1.76a3.40; lambs, $3a4.30. ; - . m 1 Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. N. Y.. Nov. K.-Cat!1e-Re- celpts, 4.356 head: on sale, 4,598 head; mar ket dull for heavy steers; good to choice steers, $4.20a4.40; extra do., $4.60a4.76, with fancy Christmas f-tetrs selling at (4.90x6.25; light to medium steers, $1.75tt4.16; good fat 11 v. . t. . .. v. Ki.i nr. . 1 .. . v.... , HHiii uuiLifcia, vtf.wnw.iw. hiiu u u iuuc! B stock, $2.75a3.66; fat heifers $J.50o4; fair to goou, w.ttoai.2u; lai cows, siaifti; cnoice fat. 83a3.60: fair to good oxen. $3aa.60! choice smooth lota, $S.7ta4; bulls In moder ate supply and firm; light to good stock ers, $".40a2.76; feeders, $1 $53.85-; veals and calves In good demand and steady. Hots Reoelpts, 10,10 head) on sale, 26.W9 head) market weak: eood to choice Yorkers. $3.713.75: light lots, $3.75aJ.80; pigs. $3.80 ai.nu; mixed and mediums, 83.7ua3.7d; good to prime heavy. 83.16; roughs. .$3a$.26; stagj, $2.50a3. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 17.20 head: on sale, 34,000 head; market weak; mixed aheeu. fair -to rood. S3.lOa2.50: culls and common, Sla2; choice handy wethers, $2.60a2.90; export sheep, $3a3.25; a few fancy selling at 83.40a3.60; top native mm or. h.iv; prime seieciea ao., x3.sua4.aj; fair to good, $3.25aS.76; culls and common, $2.50a3.10; Canada lambs sold mainly at tn.u; oes-i vanaaa selling ai n.A Oil Market. Oil City, Pa.. Nov. I5.-OII opened and highest, SI. 62; lowest, $1.65; closed. SI.E6L4. Pittsburg. Pa.. Nov. 25. Oil ODened. H.60: highest, $1.6214; lowest, $1.65; closed $U6Vi uiu. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Phlladelnhla. Nov. 25. Tallow la steadv, but demand is light. We quote: City, prime, in hhds, 4a44c; country, prime. In bbU 4a4Ltc; do. dark, in bbls, 3a3T4c.i c:;.es. ic; grease, 3'jaa-iC. NEWS OF 01B 1XUUSTBIE3. The pay-roll of the Pennsylvania Steel Works at Steelton for the two weeks ended yesterday amounted to $108.195,an average of $22.76 for every man and boy who was employed during that period. The total amount paid out was the largest In the history of the company. It Is said that the Pennsylvania rail road intends to make a speed test of one or its big engines, now In the Meadow shops. The engine is said to be No. 1.61A, which Is built on English plans, and It la proposed to have it haul six Pullman cars between Jersey City and Philadelphia. The test will be made in the near future. :ll: The Lehigh Valley Railroad company is attempting to gradually establish pension fund with which to provide as far as possible for their employes who grow oiu in the service of the company. Kecent action on the part of that com pany provides tickets for the use of the employes traveling on the Lehigh Val ley lines at the rate of one-half cent per mile, and a considerable portion of the amount received from the sale of these tickets Is to be set apart for payment into the pension fund. Rules governing the Investment and appropriation of the moneys received are to be established. w GIVE AWAY A Seh) Package (4 to 7 doeee) et Dr. Pierce's 1 Pleasant Pellets 7b any one tending name and address to ms on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast - ON They absolutely cure Sick Headache, BIL iousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs yon ABOUT the same. . HIS profit is in the "just as food." WHERE IS YOURS ? Address for Fee Sample, Worts" Dlspeitary Medical Association, No. 663 Mala St, BUFFALO. At K MAOl DOCTOR dWA ENQLISH will atop a congh in a night, check a cold in a day, and care consumption if taken la time. If the little ones have Croup or wuoopmg cougn, Hit i prompiiy. vronp is a very latai atscase. Fully one hall of those at tacked die. The great dancer is in delav. The disease progresses so rapidly that the loss of a few hours In treatment is often fatal. ACKER'S Enolish Reme dv will cure Croup, and it should al ways be kept In tho house or emergencies. A j cent bottle nay save your child's life. Three slsesi SSe, 0e, (1. All Drncriits. ACKER MEDICINE CO. it & t8 Chambert St, Sew York. THE DOCTOR'S ADVICE. Buffalo. My face has a very oily ap pearance. Kindly give me aome remedy. Two teaspoonsfuls of our Natrollthlc Baits, before breakfast, for a week. N. R., Boston. Use Cerebrine for nervousness. C. T. Y.. Blnsrhamton. Have been an noyed for over a year with larae Dlmnles on my back. Can you suggest a cure? . Take our Thyroidlne. extract of the thyrola gland, three times dally. Twice each week Natrollthlc Salts. G. M Trenton. No! yes. Take our Onslrlne, a teaspoon ful after each meal. You will get better at once. William, Natchei. What Is good for a coated tongue; also a remedy to gain flesh?. Take our Natrollthlc Salts and Gas- trine. The Doctor. The above preparations and other spe cialties of the Columbia Chemical, Co., Washington, D. C. Including the famous ANIMAL EXTRACTS am! NATROUTHIC SALTS. ' At all Druggists. Send for Literature. Sold by Matthews Bros., $20 Lack's ave. -A UUwrnnt4Umamemrmtd." . This todies' gUd n ssn PessfaU KM jisV a sot asllinH is aaywam lathe VSm lMOTVI, BllM UMr. er Postal tteM tar M. Xonals eten wsf sks Vxrta sold la at sstell I J.M. we mntt the JU, eMt tmd war, end kf say sue Is aet ssstsAesr wtu rsfeae she mmmf etessdaaethertaar. Ofara wtethsai).l,$KA suae ii saw sssi a. amattmrtmi insiiinin hMSBI , - niu n 1 1 I V rtm v 1 1 Important Art At No. On view fron 9 a. m, until 9 the Examples by ADOLPH SC11KEYEK. A. HAUBOUG, ESEK DETTI. ALFRED STEVENS. A. DELABltE, EMIL 31UNIEK, VICT0U GILBERT, A. Plot, W. C. Deaqaesne, E.RIc liter, Paris M U ' ; M lorence L. de schrevver. Tito Contl, P. Massanl, C. Rinaldl, The entire collection is from the Johnson Gallery, formerly of 225 Fifth avenue, New Yorfc, and will be os. exhibition Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 25, 26 and 27. Rile by auction will take place Thursday, Friday aud Saturday evening followiug at 8 o'clock, P. S. Please present Invitations at the door, as no ono will be admitted without invitation. RenH S cents Tos e-mole pacing t. Faultless Chemical Company, baltl more, Md. t BREWERY. Manufacturers of the Celebrate PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITYl lootooo Barrels per Annual The best wearing, most stylish, and the greatest value of any 13.00 Men's Shoea on the continent Best calfskin, dongola, Kjps, solid leather soles, with all the popular toes, lasts end fastenings, and Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. Each pair contains a paid-up A cel. dent Insurance Policy for f 100, good for 00 days. Wear Lewis' Accident Insurance Shoes ence and yon will never change. The Insurance goes for "full measure." Talk with your dealer who sells Lewis Shoes. FOR SALE AT Globe Shoe Store S27MCKI IVEtSCRANTOM,PI. EVANS ft POWELL, PropH ROOF THM1IIG Am S0LDERS& , 'All alAnsft fia f ei K ka .. .m vv a mess. t" - . wcii-nuuwn 10 au. it east oe applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron reofs, also to brick dwellnr. which will prevent absolutelr any crumbling, eraek- i V 1 II V BTKK. II Will QUI any kind by many yeara. wmi wni noi exceea one-niin ins t nf Hnnln. 1m -n1 k. k lk er pound. Contracu 'taken by ITONIO HAHTetAKN. IS Blroa M. L' 1J eulslTattuvQiic sflnrnt .tk of youns sad sdddl Hvu wiii, .umw lin's s LAGER BEER ALWAYJ HITiTHfttLs- j . i.nTvsis swhicneuot rocrhnSt Mitts ottnotnmt. f RHOKS, prodooOf weak. asss, Nwroee rciuitj7mtlT tmUtlou, Coawraptlos. tuuttr, KxhMKtas OsiiiasBdloaot jwwer ot tb0f ejnUTsOrsus nitwit mforstadr,MsliMasDdaM fmA hr SMtTeiuVe psr boj (tor S wttk mrtu for sale by JOHN H. PHELPB, DrtLf gist, Wroaslnt ave. and Spruce street, S18 Spruce Street. -; p. m., one hundre4 and fifty modern high class paintings from most celebrated Kuropaen masters. the Followlns: Artists Are In PARIS JEAN BEK1UIK LEON PERRAULT, BERNE BELC0UR, GKO. MICHEL, BRUCK LAJOS, OTTO DE TII0REN, A. GISBERT, A. MillOtil; Galtclii, E. Slmoncttl, G. II. Kotclicarelte?, B. Weber, JlnUer-Lanckc, Florence Rome Iilnnicli M U THE LACKAWANNA Trust and Safe Deposit Co. NO, 04 Lackawanna Avonues. Capitol. Surplus and Undivided Profits, OFFICERSi WILLIAM T. 8MITII, President, HENRY J. ANDERSON, Vico Presldont ' JOHN W. F0WLE3, Trsasnrer. Duslnsaa Alii ncrann.il ninnn(a J HWHUUU..? IVfcbllSU. hayings deposits received and interest paid on sum of $1 upwards. anrSmM act9 fustce. Executor. Guardian? etcT, under appointment by the courts, corporations or individuals. Cn"l!atlSSS!f fr thC State f andth. frai90,d,Cnlrab,e iizcB ln ire and Burger Proof Vaults for Rent the siimmef lnoPnthin convenient Storage for Valuables for OLD I T PI T IBER For Heavy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bltfe, Scranton, Pa. Telephana 422. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, RJn ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sap plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And-a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Runs, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEli E1R SCRANTON. PA. 1W ' t CHITA Kesolt la 4 weeks. ' vry fc o rdr we give VEAL MEDlClNIi CO., For sat by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton Pa. EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Face Bleach, Pulliislj hum 111 Ficlol Blm!sa:s. Ko more Precklec, 'Tan, Sunborn, Black heads. Liver Beets. Plmoles and Sallow Complexions If ladles will- use my Su perior Face Bleach. Not a cosmetic, but a medicine which acta directly on tbe skin. romovinff an aiseoiorations. an one or tne greatest purifying scents for the complex ion In existence. - A perfectly clear and sDotlesa complexion oan be obtained In every Instance by Its use. : Price, $Le per bottle. For sale at B. U. Hetsel's Halr dreaalntr and V anion re Parlors, no Lack awaana ave. taaU orders Blled proaativ. the Collection: PARIS n :; Munlcl M a ft F. Pondel!. E. Miscl, Prof. Carl Helz Prof. 0. PMz, Prof. Franz Ortll E. Mailer, $250,000 $95,000 DIRECTORSi HENRY BELIN, J a. COM! AD BCHROEDEB. P.J. ROHAN. R. T. BLACK. HKNRY J. ANDERSON. EDWARD B. 8TUROK3, J. BEN DIM MICK. WM. T. SMITH. GEORGE SANDERSON1, WILLIAM CON NELL, T i uui-twa CHARLEBH, WELLES. .nnlnAj (SO, 9 RESTORE LOST VIGOR Wkm In dmibt wh.t to an for Nno DiUlltr. Lost of Sexutl trmm (hi tilbw Wl, ImpaUKjr. Atrophy. ViiluccK tml Mkc, nakMMM. from Ml cmm, im Sin rill,. Ditln, diKkcrl Md full ,lf quickly mlareii. If iulcMi, nek lpn.,1,1.. PM!( (.i.llv U.il.l....hM T..UI f t. . IhMMfathA With lesal ruerantM to cure er refund the money. Aaatees Cle'eUnil, Ohio. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming AvtfnuA ana REV1VO restores vnunir. Madet Well Mai MDay. MthDay. of Me. THI aBT sotb prodixwe ths sboT resnlts In SO Oars, Met poTMtf ally end qaieklr. Carte when all ethers tsU Vvkbs sua wiu nssia tkelf lost auahoed. ead eld teea will iseercr thtlr rotitkfal visor by mint KET1TO. It ealeslr d sursly restetse Mermf ms. Lest TlUUtv, Xaisateacr. Mlclitly toieMeat. Loot Power, Islllat Msnory, WarrUna Siseesse. sed ell esMs ot sslf-sar et .siisinl Isdlecraiise, nhJali n9U cae (or rd, iMMtnean ar mtrrlf. II so. tIt CTinu br eUrtlrn l tk ewt f !, Isesteet stervetesile sad bloo tssllder, Mtsty 1st keek the piak (law to Ml eheekssediw Mrln the Ire of youth. I wards off festal ad OsaeasiptloB. lasist oa hsrtat BKTITO,a Kthsr. It ou he tarried la wsst umekii. Be smU i 1 JtO per rekre, er six tor walk I o writiesi amsrmateo oenw thesnosksy. Oberdartrse. Addieas 0Yl MEDKIH CO, It llrer UL. CmtH. Hi. at aM y HaHhewe Broev. tl tcf to BOrriliAf WrltjM dTesm Bsa sBbsBBrjBBBnesl Ml t m TV M Miry bay. iftiesnT eA mmmm rMeMreanej & ow vlatwa, H, tor sreets of evse. mk. k elA.S. Wontsssai ( - Iteen, IteeM M-to -i
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