THE SCRATfTOIT TBIB DUB TUESDAY MOKNINO; NOVEMBER 20, 1895. Sally and Weekly. No Sunday Edition. Published at Bcrantno, Pa, by The Tribune Pub- UUIlVUWlFMir. (few York Office: Tribune Building, Frank a Ony, Hauaser, RiNaasunv. .. ... o. i Mo. I. N. RIPPLC, ' NO Tatae. LIVVS. RICNAND. Ceirea. . W. W. DAVIS. Maaaeta. W. W. YOUNGS. . Maae-a. isn mo AT THB POOTOmOl AT KKANTOa. PA., AS UOOMD-CLAU HAH. MATTKM. Trlntrra Ink." the nwcnlxert journal for adror tlem, ntm Tm HcaaKToa Tbibukk as the brat dvenlalDf mtdlum In Northeastern rennsylva- nia. -iiiuierr iiu auuwa. r Wtntr TniiinKK. Issued Fverr Saturday, Contains Twelve Handsome Hues, with an Abuih . danos of News. Fiction, and Well Edited Miscel lany. Fat Those Who Cannot Take Tilii Daily , TamritB, the Weekly Is Recommended as the awsi xuvcsain uouis. unifia iuiiuauim. Tsx Tuirai la ftir Bale Dally at tbs D., L. and W button at Uobokea. SCRANTON, NOVEMBER 26, 1895. The Scranton Tribune Is a Republl ; can paper and It will support the nominees of the next Republican city convention. Dare the Scranton Re publican suy as much? Pennsylvania and the Presidency. ; All the greater states of the north, ex cepting only Pennsylvania, are already petting into shnpe to present their claim for recognition in the Republican National Convention next year. New York will present Governor Morton as a proper and available candidate for the Presidency; Ohio will come to the front as a unit for her own Governor McKln ley; Illinois will, In all probability, offer Senator Cullom; Indiana, General Har rison; Iowa, Senator Allison; Mlnne Bota, Senator Cushman K. Davis; while all the eastern states will probably unite on Sneaker Thomas B. Reed. Where will Pennsylvania stand in that convention? As a Republican state she looms high above all the others, She is second to New York in popula tion only; she is first In devotion to Re publican principles and policy as she la first in Republican majorities. And yet, Pennsylvania is mentioned only inci dentally when the Republican candi dacy for President Is discussed. This condition is beginning to attract more or less attention in our own state and a number of prominent Republican pa pers are awakening to the fact that the Keystone Btate has claims which, if properiy urged to the front, might be recognized. Is there less state pride among the Republicans of Pennsylvania than ex ists in other states? Have we no Re publicans in this state who size up to those in other commonwealths regarded as fit Presidential timber? While it may be admlttted that among our pub lic men there are none with the national roputation as statesmen attained by men like Sherman, McKinloy, Allison, Reed and Harrison, it is equally truo that Pennsylvania could present to the next National Convention a man who possesses all the qualifications to give the country an administration which for Ability, purity and patriotic devotion to the best Interests of the people would measure up to the highest and best Standards. What is the obstacle In the wav of a movement to secure for a Pennsylvp, nlan the Republican nomination for President of the United States? The answer is obvious: The logic, of politi cal events points to Governor Daniel H. Hastings as the man on whom the Republicans of ' Pennsylvania should unite as their first choice for President, and with a solid delegation from this state, wisely led by sincere men, de voted to the interests of the common wealth, his nomination would at least be among the possibilities. The thread-bare argument heretofore advanced against Pennsylvania that "she is safely Republican anyway, no matter from what state the candidate comes," should be cast aside. Governor Hastings would unquestionably be as strong in the doubtful states as any of the other candidates named more rrom Inently for the nomination. The people of the United States will next year be Influenced by higher considerations, in the election of their President, than that of territorial location. They will vote for the restoration of a wise and patri otic policy In our national government, and that they know can be achieved only by the restoration to power of the Republican party. Governor Hastings Is as good a representative of Republi can policy, principles and measures as. any of those who have had larger ex perience in national affairs. In short, be Is a "big enough" man for the Presi dency, and the Republicans of Pennsyl vania will not be true to themselves or to their state If they fall to unite in a determined effort to accomplish his nomination. The great Republican commonwealth has earned this distinc tion at the hands of the Republican party. ' Senator Quay regards Senator Gor man as the likeliest Democratic candi date. For licking purposes Gorman probably could not be surpassed. Dalzell for Leader. During the present week it Is hoped that Representative) Reed, the. speaker-to-be of the congress which will as semble next Monday, will decide to place In command of the Republican majority on the floor of the house that gifted Pennsylvanlan and unsurpassed debater, Hon. John Dalzell. It can be truly said that there is no man In the house better fitted than Mr. Dalzell for the chairmanship of the ' Ways and Means committee, nor Is there another member whose constituency so clearly represents the benefits of the protective policy' of the Republican party, as ex hibited In treat, diversified and, tinder a' protective tariff :' successful'' Indus trie.' ?,'.r5 ,;;;u-r iH ... If r. Dalzell would be the' real leader of hie party In congressional debate, even though another should be Invested frith the nominal leadership. His tffts and Qualtneatlopi for such : priority cro too many and too important to pc subordinated. It is to i be"" .hoped that Mr. Reed will recognize the rule of fitness regardless of the amiable tradition which accords the chairman ship to seniority alone. By so doing he would put the party In its best battle trim and gratify every Republi can who places party supremacy above purely personal elevation. The sudden seal of Joseph A. Scran ton for political reform recalls the song: When the devil was 111 The devil a aalnt would be; But when the devil got well The devil a saint was ho! The trouble with Mr. Scranton's pas sion for reform is that it has no in clination to take effect at home. Ex-President Harrison's Paper. Almost at the beginning of the series of papers on "This Country of Ours," which ex-President Harrison Is con tributing to the Ladles' Home Journal, appears this sentence, which Is the epitome of whole Bermons: "Cod has never endowed any statesman or phil osopher, nor any body of them, with wisdom enough to frame a system 'of government that everybody could go off and leave." "The real enemies of our country the dangerous ones-" are not," says he, further on, "the armed men nor the armored ships of the great powers. If there Is too much exuber ance In the thought that we can whip the world it Is a safe saying that we can defend our land and coasts against any part of tho world that will ever be in arms asalnst us. We are alert as to foreign foes the drum tap rouses the heaviest sleepers. But we are a dull people as to internal assaults upon the Integrity and purity of public ad ministration." For this reason the ex- presldent appeals to the mothers of the lund to redouble their training of the children in patriotism, in obedience to regularly constituted authority and in respect for law and order. Very perti nent, too, is this excerpt from his first paper: ' Many laws are mailo necessary because we have neighbors because there are so many people. If there were not so many people usiiitf the park we mlKht reper.l the law that forbids the pluclilna of the llowera and substitute the mlbler rule, "Don t pull wp the roots." Tho llowera are planted In public moumls and ut the public expcntHj, and In a sense they belong to the people; but since there ure not rnoUKh for all to pull, and us there cannot be an ciiual und the largest enjoyment of them that way, the pulling of them Is forbidden. All can have frequent and equal enjoyment of the (lowers If the ap propriation of them Is by the eye, and the hands are kept off. A very little child can understand this object lesson, and when it has bten received It will restrain thefeet from crossing many a forbidden bonier. If all laws, irreat and small, are not to be observed by every citizen, but each Is to muKe an elective cone lor nimseir, n is the end of civil order. We are having a rennlssance of patriotism and we need a renalnanee of conscience toward the law. The man or wo man who hides property irom the customs otllcer or tax gatherer, or slips a foe into his hand to obtain a preterence he ought not to give, cannot take the lead In a "tiger hunt." No executive ofllcer should be criticised for enforcing the law. We cannot allow him any choice; ir we do, he becomes a luw-muker. The legis lators, under our system, mak the laws; and If they are unwise In the opinion of a mujority of the people they can be changed. Hut till then obey them, as you love your country and her peace. Very forceful and timely, likewise. are the ex-president's comments on lynching, which he denominates "a dethronement of our constitutional king, the law." "A lynching," he adds, "brutalizes those who take part In It, and demoralizes those who consent to or excuse the act. Crime Is not re pressed, but stimulated. The evidence has not boon taken and to his friends the man is a victim whose blood calls for revenge. The frequency of thlt high crime against the law, and the Immunity that attends its commission In our country, have suggested an or ganized movement for its repression. There should be a medal of honor for the sheriff or Jailor who, at the risk of his life and in the face of an In flamed community, defends his pris oner against the mob. The man who loathes the guilty and cowering wretch in his custody, and yet dies to defend him from a mob because the law makes it his duty to keep and to present him before the lawful tribunal, is worthy of a monument. I can think of no higher test of the loyalty of a soul to duty." The Whole paper Is a most able, cred itable and dignified one, the publica tion of which is bound to do good. Age and Temperament. The Philadelphia Bulletin has discov ered a drawback to the presidential can didacy of Senator Allison In the fact that he is already 67 years of age and would,' If elected, be older at the time of his I. 'st inauguration than any other presldei . excepting William Henry Harrison,' who lived only thirty days. It adds: In the nast fortv Vflnrs tho nlripar nreal. dent elected was Harrison at fifty-live; the youngest, Grant, at forty-six, and Cleveland, at forty-seven. The slightest suspicion of ill-health or the Infirmities of age has operated seriously to the disad vantage of every candidate for either the office or the nominntlon. It helped to rule out Mr. Tllden from two campaigns after his first venture In 1876; It was used as an argument against Horace Greeley when he was only sixty-one, and Allen G. Thurtnan, Horatio Seymour, Oliver P. Morton, James G. Blaine all found It tell ing against tbem before they finally gave up their presidential ambitions.- To it John Sherman bowed himself in submis sion three years ago when he declared at me age or sixty-nine that It was useless to expect rcognition from the people for the presidency. . The argument of advanced age Is a pertinent one. . The possibility of a change in the next administration, to be caused by the death of tho president and the succession of tbe vice-president, is not pleasant to contemplate. The quality of the timber (n late years chunked upon the tall and of the ticket has not been such as tolnsptreconfidence In the outcome of such a transposition. The succession of Arthur was .the least unpleasant of these events, occa sioned friction and led to more or less disappointment The next president ought to be a man of reasonably rugged health and fair expectation of life. He should have the physical as well as the mental vigor necessary to cope success fully with the many and Intricate prob lems of the presidency; and a calm and equable temperament would be most desirable.,', ; - " . Of the candidates most prominently mentioned on the Republican side of the house the one who would probably re ceive the highest rating In a physical and .phrenological competition Is Gov ernor McKlnley, He Is a, strong, vigor ous and even-tempered, man,, who car ries responsibilities .with dignified tsse. i Mr. Reed Is satirical and Ironical, with a tendency toward ' combatlveness; General Harrison is cold, distant and suspicious, and Senator Allison is some whut negative. No candidate , would make a better showing in this respect than Governor Hastings, who is a splendid type of virile and well-balanced manhood physically and every other way. If the choice of the next convention should fall uaoii him, it would be most advantageously placed. The semblance of political sanctity would command greater confidence it It were not in this case discounted by the poor' concealment of the cloven hoof. . Colonel Ripple is an honest man who never deserts a friend. Thercfore.knlfc him, in the name of the ingrate and "reform." What a pity that Mr. Scranton's vir tuous repugnance to "Connellism" didn't break out last fall! Is it any wonder that reform is often shamed by the tricksters -who mas querade in its name? Under the present order there is no bleeding and no blackmail. Therefore, "reform It." "Reformer" Joseph forgets that re form, like charity, should begin at home. The self-appointed leader of the "re form" campaign la certainly a beauty. THE NEW MAN FROM MAINE. McFarland, In Philadelphia Record. Washington, Nov. 23. Enter Thomas Brackett Ueed, the new "man from .Maine." Fifty-six years old lust month. In the prime of his powers, mental and physical, ten times elected to congress, spouker of the house of representatives when he was 5U years old, and about to be elected speaker again, and by a curious coincidence, as before, on the second day of December; today the leading cnndldute for his party's nomination for the presi dency and Its mo.n prominent nun, he tukts the front of the congressional Btage. For the next six months he will be the most interesting man in congress, if not in public life, und all that he says and does will be Important. His political op ponents and his party rivals will be watch ing him constantly, and will be quick to take advantage if his foot or his tongue slip. This time, as before, he will be not only speaker, but leader or rather muster of his party, and therefore of the house. I'rain, of Texas, was showing some ladles the house one day when Heed was presid ing and somebody was making a speech on the floor. "Which Is- the speaker?" asked one of the ladles, who hail never been in the house before. "Why, thut gen tleman who is making a speech," said L'ruln. "Hut who is that In the chair?" asked another of the indies, who knew a little more about things, anil she pointed to Heed. "Oh," said Craln, "that is tho house of representatives." And that was as truo as it was witty. At tho beginning of the session Mr. Reed stands higher In politics than he ever did before. He Is the head of the Re. publican class, and the great question here Is whether he will be ublo to hold that which he has Rained. I must say, I think he will. Now that John Sherman has pluced his own nume on the retired list, I think that Mr. Keed Is the strong est man In the Republican party. He Is certuinly the most brilliant among Its leaders. He is the only one who can bo properly termed a genius. No one would think of applying that term to Senator Allison, much less to Governor McKlnley. Kx-i'resident Harrison, who Is much abler than cither Allison or McKlnley, would only be termed a genius by his most de voted admirers, while everybody else would say that he was a man of great talent and great versatility and great force of character. Reed is different. Just as lilalno was different, with that differ ence which we try to indicate by calling a man a genius. Keed was never appre ciated outside of Washington until with in the last half-dozen years, becauso of a combination of physical lethargy and In tellectual Indifference which kept him from putting forth his strength. If he hud been of lllulne's nervous, excitable and showy temperament he would have hud throughout his twenty years of congress the same prominence that Blaine had throughout his congressional career. But here In Washington I think Reed has al ways been recognized by those who had the chance of hearing his remurkablc conversatlon, If not by those who heard his speeches and rend what he wrote, at an unusunl and original man from whom almost anything might be expected In the way of Intellectual achievement. "A lazy giant" was .the way he was summed up a dozen years ago, and the only question was whether the giant would ever think it worth while to urlse and show what he could do. Six years later he dlk arise, and he soon made his name a household word all over this country, and his doings familiar to al who read newspapers and magazines li other countries. Since then he has grown steadily In the public estimation, and. has just as steadily developed his intellec tual resources, until now he Is recognize) at pomething like his real value. His ambition, that seemed to slumber so long, woke with a fierce appetite when It dicj wuke, and his masterful will has been seeking to gratify It, and In the process ht has constantly grown in the public eye Kverybody realizes now that, whatevei differences there might be as to the wis dom of his policy or the justice of his acts, he would be a great president. In the sense that he would, like President Cleve land, direct his own administration and not be directed by the members of his cabinet. Mr. Heed would govern whether with or without them, for over everything else In his make-up stands his independent and imperious will. The new "man from Maine" is a real Maine man. and not, Ilk Ulalne, a Penn sylvanlan, for he was born In the very city of Portland, which has ten times seni him to congress, and he has lived Ir, Maine almost constantly, getting his edu cation In her schools and being graduated at her leading college and having prac ticed for thirty years at her bar. He U, a genuine Yankee in everything excepj physical appearance. Everybody know how round and stout his body is, how rolling his walk and how cherubic hit, face at a distance, for near to, it look like Bismarck's, and you can see tha power behind It. He has all tho Yanket shrewdness and sagacity, and the Yankca wit comes forth In his Yankee voice, anj eren- with Yankee pronunciation and thd Yankee drawl. He has all the strong New Kngland traits and some of the lino ones. lils feet are always on the grounij and his eyes are always on a lovel with those of other men. There is nothing of the transcendentalist about him,, and ha Is a philosopher rather than a poet, but ha has Ideals as well as Ideas, and hi admires and practices the sterner vlr-. tues. He Is not known to be a member of eny church, and I have not heard or his being a regular attendant of any on here, but no one doubts that he is an up- right man. His private life is beautiful His wife and his daughter and he ar three most devoted and Intimate friends. He has never been rich and probably never will be, for he is not a moneys maker and he has neglected his practice, a good deal of he time that he has beet! In Dublic life, and he was elected to tha state house of representatives three years after he was admitted to the bar. He has never been able to keep' house here or to entertain extensively, and this winter, aa Inst, he and his family will have a small flat In Vice-President Morton's hotel, the Bhorehnm, and up on tha fifth floor, at that. He ha had lrttle leisure of latr rears for his law practice, and lias made, suppose, almost as much money by writ ing for the magazines as he has from most of hla law cases. However, he has fclwayi lived comfortably, and I imagine Ills Yan kee thrift has kept him out of debt. Hf keenly enjoys What are called "the goor things of this life" by most people. Hi likes society, at least, the conversations' phases of U, and especially dining out, al though, like most public men, he dislike public dinners, and since he first became speaker he has been prominent In Wash ington society a he never was before. He Is by far the greatest ot the few public men who do appear In society, most of whom are more prominent there than they . are anywhere else. . He ir fond of the theater, and of music and of art and of literature, in Trench aa well as In Engllih, . -". ., , He Is fond of fun of alt bettar Srts. Indeed, his fun and his love of fun are the moat serious drawbacks be . has as a ? residential candidate or a candidate for he presidential nomination even la Ails country, where we fetugh more than they An anvarhef nine ln the world. Hut thaac aeip to asaae sua very seugsHiu ooa panlon. He reads newspapers and frankly says so, unlike some smaller men, who think that la beneath the dignity of a statesman, and he told ine once that the Now York Sun vus his favorite newspa per. Simple and straightforward in -manner, like almost all rtuily rrreat men, he hates pretentiousness as he does hypoc risy, end is to all appearances as dem ocratic In his dealings with everybody us when he was unknown outside his own Hate. He Is overbearing and sarcastic at times, but he does not truckle and toady and he does not bully, and underneath it all he has a really kind heart. He laves his friends and hutes his enemies like the Roman that ho Is, or shall 1 say the Greek? Hut he helps sometimes as well as hurts even thoao who are opposed to him, and he does a favor most graciously. It Is perhaps needless to say that he Is a man of his word, who makes promises carefully, but keeps them even more carefully.- JOE AS A MUGWUMP. Scranton Free Press: Will the "Inde pendent," (the" Republican's) 'or tho "Straight," (The Tribune's) ticket win? That is the question. Tho Tribune has a great advantage over tho Republican, so far as the titles of the ticket are con corned. In the past, the average "Inde pendent" movement In this, as well as oth er localities, has been avoided on account of Its being nursed and hatched by dis gruntled politicians. The "Independents" generally held a rump convention when defeated, refusing to nblde by the conven tion's decrees, and kicked up as much of a row as they possibly could. Tho "Straights" can be depended upon to sup port the party nominees. Thoy may op. pose candidates in tho convention, but once thoy succeed, antagonism ceases, and the "Straights" ure always found pulling In the party traces. Ills Mugwtunpcrv Hccojnlzcd. Philadelphia Record: Congressman J. A. Scranton, of Lackawanna county, has brought put a full sot of independent candidates In his Scranton newspaper. TOLD BY THE STARS. Dally Horoscope Drawn by AJaoehus, The Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe cast: 1.49 a. m for Tuesday, Nov. 2U, isilu. 3 A child born on this day will always be of a cheerful disposition directly utter dinner. Upon arriving at yenrs of understanding he may dabble tn politics, as he will be able to keep his temper If the provisions hold out. The fuces of Lackawanna Republicans who allowed themselves to be labelled "Independent" have already assumed the expression of anxiety that accompanies an effort to ride a circus trick mulo three times around the ring. It Is surprising to note the number of political doctors who dislike to take their own medicine. It Is rumored that Major Penman has refused to again sing "Hen Holt" for .Mr. Scranton to un accompaniment on a mug wump harp. Ajncchns' Advice. Remember that cheerfulness aids dicta tion and makes votes. Po not expect people to love you If you hate yourself. Do not be too ready to knife a friend. Ho is liable to be useful when least ex pected. ALL THE NOVELTIES IN NEW STYLES AT HILUCONNELL'S 131 AND 133 IL WASHINGTON AVENUI Large Stock to Select From, To close a few patterns we have made the following reductions: 1 S-plecc Suit reduced from $2K5 to $227. 1 3-plece Suit from $110 to $95. 1 3-plece Suit from J210 to $175. 1 3-plece Suit from $200 to $ir0. 1 4-plcce Suit from $S8 to $.15. 1 3-plece Suit from $1!)6 to $175. 1 1 3-plece Suit from $145 to $100. 1 4-piece Suit from $150 to $100. 1 4-plcce Rug Suit from $115 to $50. 1 3-piece Rug Suit from $112.50 to $50. 1 Mahogany Chair from $22 to $16.50. 1 Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.50. I Mahogany Chair from $20 to $15.25. 1 Mahogany Chair from $22 to $16.00. 2 Mahogany Chairs from $18 to $13.25. I Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.50. 1 Mahogany Chair from $20 to $14.75. Coma early, as these art desirabla goods at original Prices. HH1& Connell (31 AND 133 N. WASHINGTON AVI Winter Will Soon B? fl?r? And to be prepared to meet thn culd woatlier you want a seasonaLle buit or au Overcoat -or both AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT F03 SOMETHING G009 III MERCHANT TAILORING IS THERE YOU WILL FIND , . ' Tho largest stock to sotoet from. Trim mings Always of the Best, Latest Htyles in Cutting, and msdo up on the promissi by Expert Workmen. tVNothing allowed to loars the tab ' llihtnont unless satisfactory to the cos . tomer. and tha lowest prices coaaistaut , with Good Merchant Tailoring. WELL It's only as hjng as yoa ses this ad.-s faw days SEVENTEEN CENTS F.r Jbur choice of thl excellent line ot 16 mo. 6ELKCTED Ftrtioa, Utiles' Lot ten, Poetry ant) Historv. Not dry goods store Job lot. Thay are in our windows, Dia't wait If yoa want a ' choloa. It HEME E'J, W Ijmos M Of Um CsauDoavMlUaj Hit II Ml 08 Lackawanna Ar GOLOSH'S Unprecedented Otir Cloak Far ahead of all former seasons, lias placed us in a position to purchase two very large lots of Garmeuts during the past few days. The cream of the stock from two well-known manufacturers, No slip-3hod, trashy stuff, hut every garment tailor made and up-to-date. ' v All at About 50 Cents on the Dollar. About 700 Garments Altogether, for Misses, Ladies and Children. We can furnish you with a Wool Chin chilla Jacket, 28 , in. long, Velvet Collar, such as every store will charge you $9.00, $4.98. We cau furnish you with a Misses' or Ladies' Boucle Jacket of handsome curl and well made,, market price, $S.od; our price, $5.98.- . We can furnish jrou with a handsome Child's Reefer, 4 to ' 12 years, with a Sailor Collar, neatly trimmed, such as commands $5.00 readily elsewhere; our price, $2.98. Please examine our line of Astrakhan and Boucle Jackets at $9,98 $11.98 and $12.98. Regular $15 and $16 garments wherever you go. Fur Capes of Every De We have a few 1 8-inch Turkey Platters in gold baud French China, which we will sell for $2 each from now on until Thanksgiving Day. Reg ular price $4.50. v nn M ILUDLH, UiililLLU W LIMITED ill LACKAWANNA AVENU1 OR BUST, One of thef greatest puzzles of the age. This is not a new puzzle to some, but there are very few who can work it without a great deal of study, Price, 25 cents. Q M. FLOREY Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. THE LAY-TEST IN -AT- CONRAD'S ALWAYS, THAT WONDERFUL v T is Tw ft tart mly Is t WEBER OUI M4 Mmw PiUMM. mi MM lM M ead-bSBd PtasMW have tataata suSsf t:LT.:zr r.3Ti:m w. 1 PIANOS Sales in Department scripts on, from $4.98 to the Finest made Fine Blank Books, Office Supplies, i'S MIMEOGRAPH And supplies, TYPE WRITERS' SUPPLIES M ALL ITS BRANCHES. REYNOLDS BROS, Stationers and Engravers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE. PONT WAIT TOO LONG. Previous to oar Inventory wt hT decided to closa out wnai wo uara oanuoi EDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S LADIES' FINE SHOES, Consisting of well assorted line of henJ welts and turns in ration anu Amrioin ma tuat were aoit at Pi U, SS.5J and l.00, C. en Now reduced to .PO" Theae Shooa are all In mrfect condition. Call early It you wish to take adrentage of tms special sate, The Lackawanna Store Association LIMITED. COM3 LACKA. AND JEFFERS01 AVES. a. leumax. V. D WIIHaiKlEB, B. LEHMAN & CO. CLOTHIERS And TAILORS A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF OVERCOATS, Which wo w.ll sell reasonably. Also a flno and complete Una of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS 111 LACKAWANNA AI OYSTERS We are Eeadquarters tor 'Oysters and areaaodllasUe Lynn Hatcns, . Kevports) . ' . iniu ronaa; suso nrews bury, Rockaway. Maurice Shores and Blue Points. ; rv We make Mpedalty of eaUreriaf Bloc Paints on half aheU (a carratre. PIERCE'S C!!2SUZ!!3in Stationery 11 . i. - . . " WELSBAGII LIGHT Specially Adapted lor Reading and Sewloj. Coniumea three (8) feet of gas per hour and Rives an efficiency of sixty (SO) candles. Saving at least 33) per cent otwt tha ordinary Tip Burners. Call und See It. T 4 CONNELL CO., 434 LACKIWAMI AVENUE, rianufacturer' Agent. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK."0 TILE MANUFACTURING CO, MAEIKI or SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Oflloei S39 Washington Avenue. Works: Nay-Aug, Vm E. 4 W. V. B. aa, M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa Stocks, Bonds and Grain Bougat and sold on New Toft .Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, cither for cash or ot) margin. WM LINN ALLEN & CO, 412 Sprue Strest LOCAL STOCKS I SPECIALTY Telephone 5002. WILLIAM & MILLAR, Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 5, Qas and Water Co. Bulldlno, CORNER WYOMING ATE. AND CENIEK ST. OFFICE HOURS from r.W m. Set p. m. (1 hour lutormlsslon for sion.r and sapper.) Particular Attention GlYcato Collections Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. ' . YOURBUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No. 184, THERE IS We don't know what the Saltan is soint ts do about It bnt what Interests the American people most at the present Urn Is THE- IHBK tIM We trust erery fbmih will hart a tstv key on that day. an tea next nest thin to ha Tin? one in to hare it eooked prep eny. We can foewe that part of It If you will buy a Crown Boaster. We hare made a special prioa on them tor this weekonty. Yoa can see. them tn our window. Don't rbrtet, prices marked oa these foods for this week only. FC3IE : fi m CO, JJ1 1 Pi III . M UN g2j glen Ifr MM. II 1