TUB 8CB ANTON TBIBUHB TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 6, 1895. i - and Fashionable Fad prcvrilt throughout the States for Artistic Posters of Books and Periodicals. Some people like to decorate a room with them when the can obtain enough to do so. The Publishers have sent these Posters this autumn with our stock. :- .' We exhibit them In our Large Show Window ' for a few days only, - to show how live Yankees advertise. This I'nlqne Window Display r contains the names of some of the recent and New Hooks, of which our store is full We invite attention to the largest and best selection of - MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS we have ever exhibited. All the desirable new issues ' , - alt the standard sets and single volumes in cloth and leather, suitable for Birthday, Wedding and Holiday Gifts; also, for Private, Public und School Libraries. Our stock is all "up-to-date," and the prices are "all right" Come in, look around 1 and enjoy our Literary Feast. Plenty of room for a crowd. We are "At Home" now In our spacious new building and glad to sec our friends. NORTON'S, 322 LACKAWANNA AVE. A Foe to Dyspepsia QOOD BREAD USE THE v FLOUR And Always Have v Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALB i, t; TO THE TRADE BY . tho Weston Mill Go. PERSONAL. r Gordon Noakes has returned from a visit i(o New. York. Daniel Sayre, of Montrose, was among; The visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. and. Mrs. C. A. Summers, of Adams venae, returned last evening from a visit to New York city. Miss Bess Rice will give a thimble tea. next Saturday from 8 till 6 in honor of Mrs. George 10. Rice. Mrs. Oeorgo L. Yost, of Jcfffison ave- Jiue, will spend the present week in Phila , etolphla visiting friends. 1 a. L. Oallen, of the Penn Clothintr and Bhoo emporium, will leave this morning (or New York on business. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Parton have re turned from their wedding tour nnd will he "at home" to their friends at 230 Mifflin avenue after Nov. 20. ' 'John H. Brooks, E. W. Thayer, Charles Ostrander, Attorney John R. Edwards oml Assistant District Attorney John M. Har ' fls are home after seeing the Yule-Prince- ton foot bail game. ,'. Frank H. Wampler, who has been man tar mechanic for the Seranton Traction r company for the past two ;-eurs, has re signed his Position nnd nceted one with the Union Traction company, of Philadel phia. Mr. Wampler is one of the most capable men -In his line of business, and Vary popular among his employes. . Handkerchiefs. ' We are displaying a regular Holt day stock of Embroidered Handker chiefs ranging In price from 10 cents to $2.50. Mearsfe Hagen. , Plllsbury's Flour mills have a capac ity of 17.500 barrels a day. Tlio New Trilby We have last received them: made of the best Dongola, Button and Lace, with pat ented leather tips and back. FEWEST SHAPE LAST ,. . Which will fit anvfoof. and '.. will warrant every pair to ; r " give satisractlon, . or a new -' pair irill replace them.' Can : t only oe nau at onr store. V 111! ternn HLER UUIll 410 e- Ert BIDS FOR SUrPLYlKC COAL Read at .Meeting of Board of Coatrol and Referred to Committee. TEACHERS COMMITTEE REPORT H G. O'.Mallsy Endeavored to llavo tho "Report Amended Dot Was lusucccss f nl-Proteata Against tbo Lata Uoar of Calltag Meetings to Order.- A formal protest against the late hour at which the school board meet ings are called to order was entered last nisrht by Pi U. Wormser and O. B. fichrlefer. When 8 o'clock arrived and there was no indication that the meet ins; would soon be called, Mr.- Wormser said It was time the tedious delays In regard to calling the meetings were ended. He was tired of the practice of having members consulting and com mittees meeting when the board should be in session.- That was business that ought to le transacted prior to the meeting nlN-ht. so that the board can get down to business at 7.30, the regular meeting hour. A moment later Mr. Wormser nnd Mr. Rchrlefer walked out of the room and when President Carson and other mem bers of the board came out of the secre tary's office, where a committee meet ing was In progress, they found them selves without a ouorum. Within a few minutes, however. Controller Jacobs and Williams sauntered in and Mr. Wormser returned for his umbrella. The meeting was at once called to order and he remained. -Mr. Schrlefer soon afterwards resumed his seat. Report of Teachers' Committee Chairman Williams, of the teachers' committee, presented the following re port for that body: vt ' That Miss Mary Connery bfr appointed to the vuranry in primary A department In No. 6 school, caused by 'the death of Jlls Sarah Rogers. ... . That Mls Luev 'nueln h' tcmnnrnrilu appointed to assist Mr. Hurdick, liiincinal of No. 2S. - 1 - That arithmetics he furnished tn !. vaneed pupils In night srhools under the direction of the superintendent. That the principals of nljrht schools, where five or morn rooms are in use, shall be paid at tho rate of 135 per month dur ing ajich tlmo ns the attendance shall warrant the keeping open that number of rooms. That the schools of the rltv he clniorl from Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 27, until Monday, Deo. 2, for the Thanksgiving holi day. A. Q. O'Malley moved to amend the report by substituting the name of Miss Jennie Durktn for that of Miss Mary Connery as the successor of Miss Rogers at No. 6. The yeas and nays were called and the amendment was lost by a vote of 11 to 3. The report of the committee was then adopted. The building committee reported fa vorably on a number of bills, among them one of $1,106.66 In fnvor of the Smeud & Wills company for ventilat ing No. 18. The committee recommend ed awarding the contract for heating and ventilating No. 23 to the same com pany and the appointment of David R. Roberts as janitor of No. 28 to succeed Peter Cavelle, deceased, the appoint ment to date from Oct. 1, 1895. The recommendations were adopted and bills ordered paid. New No. 10 Building. After the building committee had made its report Herman Notz asked why nothing was said In it about the new plans for No. 10 building. Chair man Welsh, of the building committee, replied to the effect that they had not reported In favor of adopting the plans because they are for a building that would be much wider than the lot they have to put It on. Mr. Notz said that they can buy the adjoining lot from Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips for $3,000 and he produced an option from her to the effect that she was willing to Bell at that price, lie moved that the build ing committee be directed to buy the land at the price named, but as the members could not see any money in sight to pay for It the voted down the proposition and referred the whole mat ter of securing a building to replace No. 10 to the building committee. That was only done, however, after a good deal of spoechmaktng and ex plaining on the part of. the members. The following bids for supplying the district with coal were read and re ferred to committee for consideration: W. H. Williams. First and Third dis tricts Chestnut, stove and furnace, 12.50; pea, $1.50. Consumers' Ice and Coal company, Sec ond, Third and Fourth districts Chest nut, stove and egg, $2.4!); pea, $1.65. S. Short, First district Chestnut, stove and egg, $2.49: pea, $1.65. West Hiuge coal company, r irst ana Fourth districts Chestnut, stove and eKit. $2.50; grate, $2.40; pea, $1.00. James Flynn, Third district Chestnut, stove and furnace, egg, $2.75; pea, $1.60. Fourth district, cnestnut ana stove, iz.uo; pea, $1.50. Jumes Kearney, First district Egg, stove and chestnut, $2.50; pea, $1.(10. Fourth district Chestnut, stove and egg, $2.60; pea, $1.75. , Mountain Lake Land nnd Coal company. First district Chestnut nnd larger sizes, $2.60; pea, $1.85. Second district Chestnut and larger sizes, $2.50; pea, $1.85. John Byrne, Third district Chestnut, stove and egg, $2.60; pea, $1.40. The bids were referred to committee for consideration. NOW WORKING THE SOUTH. Swindler O'Connor Who Operated Here . Is Also Wanted lit Richmond. John T. Hall, captain of police in Richmond, Va., wrote here yesterday for information concerning John O'Con nor, the photograph swindler, who op erated In this city on September 9. last. O'Connor, It will be remembered, came to this city and representing himself to be interested in crayon portrait work, induced Photographer Henry Frey to negotiate with him for the work of Oil ing the orders which he might secure. Having secured the use of Mr. Frey's office he advertised for agents and as many as responded were required to advance $10 as security for the faithful performance of their duties. After securing a handfuj of golden eagles from his unsuspecting dupes he quietly slid out of town. As he had falsely represented that Mr. Frey was connected with him in the business that gentleman was subjected ,to 'no little Inconvenience In explaining his Inno cent part in the-affair. This slick Individual, it would seem from a warning printed in tho Photog raphers' Magazine, has been operating extend vely throughout the country since leaving here. He worked Rich mond a few weeks ago and the police department there is making a strenuous effort to run him down. Remarkable to relate, he went under the same name In Richmond that he ud while here. EW WARD MAPS A Mooting to Provide for Them Will Be - Held To day. Owing to the rapid growth of this city the ward maps made a few years ago by Engineer Edmund Bart! are now al most worthless and a new set will have to be made. For this purpose a meet ing of the,board of appeals, board of assessors and city engineer will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the city clerk's office. When this project has been complet ed the entire lot and house numbering plan of the city will be revised so that there will be a uniformity throughout. .. CARNIVAL OV HOLIDAYS. It Will Open Tonight at- the Psokville , ' ' Presbyterian Chores.' An event that has been looked for ward to with great Interest, the Carni val of Holidays, will open to the public tonight In the Presbyterian church, Peckvllle, and continue three nights, closing 6n Thanksgiving night. The large number of booths have been beau tifully decorated to represent the differ ent holidays, and a grand tight will greet all who avati themselves of visit ing the carnival. Among some of the holidays repre sented are New Year's, Easter, St Val entine's, Christmas, Fourth of -July, George Washington's liirthday. Thanksgiving. Special visitors will be George Washington, Martha Washing ton and Santa Claus. A large number of articles, both useful and ornamental, will be for sale in the different booths. Supper will be served in the Tnanka giving booth. A very tine programme of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, panto mimes will be rendered each evening. Among the artists who will assist, in. the programme are: Green Ridge Wheelman's quartette. Miss Duncan, pianist, Seranton: Miss Smith, violin ist, Carbondnle; Imperial quartette, Carboudale; Miss Jones, Miss Winchel, elocutionists; Miss Holipeter, Wyoming seminary. Miss Maud Doud, and a num ber of others. The admission to enter tainment and carnival Is only 5 cents. Programme commences at 7.30 o'clock sharp. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Appearanco of Nat C. Goodwin at the Academy of Music la "Ambition." It -has been a long time since Ameri ca's formost artlBt, Nat. C. Goodwin, has been in Seranton and the same is equally true of the unprecedented Inter est over his appearance tonight, at the Academy,- In Henry Guy Carleton's latest achievement, "Ambition." That the piece will receive a considerate hearing at the hands of Seranton play goers is more than evidenced by the large sale of seats. Nat. Goodwin has the honor to occupy the position of America's foremost actor. He has won 'this title through his great versa tility and Indefatigable efforts to please. Again, he has at all times shown his preference for his mother Country. He is an American. He pro duces only American plays. He is sur rounded by American actors and his plays are from the pens of American writers. All his great successes In the past, and "A Gilded Fpol," "David Qarrlck," "In Missouri" were true suc cesses. He has eclipsed all previous presentations in his latest play, "Am- bitlon," which first saw the light of day last September, at the Fifth Avenue theater. In New York, and for over eight weeks reigned supreme. Com menting upon its success in Philadel phia, the Press of that city last Sun day said: "The scenes of enthusiasm at the Chestnut Street Opera House on Monday of the past week, when Nat. C. Goodwin won instant success In his new play, "Ambition," are rare. Before one of the finest audiences ever gath ered in this spacious play-house, Mr. Goodwin presented for Philadelphia's Judgment his new play by Henry Guy Carleton, and the judgment quickly and heartily expressed was that Mr. Goodwin has made the hit of his life In his new charcter of Senator Obadlah Beck, a part which brings out to fuller extent than ever before Mr. Goodwin's marvelously versatile resources as an actor of the first magnitude." Mr. Goodwin's supporting company Is un questionably the strongest he has ever had, there being such well-known and popular players among them as Annie Russell, George Fawcett, Jean Clare v. alters, Henry Bergman, Estelle Mos timer, J. It. Saville, Ethel Browning, Arthur Hooper and many otners. The scenic environments are - described magnificent and all scenery and set tings will be brought intact from New York. As this will be Mr. Goodwin's last appearance In Seranton for many years to come, the attendance will more than do credit to Seranton. Qismonda at Frothingham. The advent of Fanny Davenport In Sardou's masterpiece, "Gismonda," at the Frothingham, Nov. 28. 29 and 30, Is an evept of rare prominence in the tne atrical world of the city. Superlative terms are usually strewn with a care less hand In the average dramatic notes of the day, but all that has been said in the American, press of this famous ac tress and "Gismonda" is neither exag gerated nor undeserved. No production ever known In this country has ap proached it, taking Into consideration the beauty of the play, the never equalled artistic dramatic merit of the leading performer, the excellent work of the well-balanced and thoroughly trained company, and the magnificence and correctness of the stage setting. White Squadron To-morrow Night. The congress of navies In Rio Jan eiro. Brazil, forms the basis of the In tensely Interesting patriotic and love fitory which Is related In the action of the great naval drama, "The White Squadron," which the management has reproduced this season with a magnin cence which eclipses the first represen' tatlon. Every member of tne company, every piece of scenery and every me chanical effect Is new. "The White Squadron" will be seen at the Academy on W ednesday evening. Tho Gilhnolv Abroad. Manager Burgunder announces as his attraction for next Thursday mat inee and evening, at the Academy, The Gormans, John, James and George. In the new musical farce, entitled "The Ollhoolys Abroad." The Uormans are well known and favorites In this city. having for years been proprietors of the Gorman's High-Class Minstrels. "The Gilhoolys Abroad" Is a departure In farce comedy, and contains pretty dances, marches and lots of good sing' lng. , Jnllns Caesar Friday Night. . "There have been productions by many legitimate companies In this city, Including Richard Mansfield's, hut none so complete from a spectacular stand point or so well-balanced as to the act ing as this," says the Washington Post of Nov. 19 regarding a performance by the Charles B. Harford, Ellhu R. Spen cer and Nora O'Brien company, which was In Washington last week. The company will appear at the Academy Friday night In Shakespeare's great tragedy of Roman history, "Julius Caesar." They will use the famous Booth-Barrett scenery and. judging from the warm endorsement above minted, the acting will be of as high a .,!t. ... --'"nry. The sale opens tomorrow morning. - , The llindery. 'Why, It Is simply amazing to us how people have received the fact that this department Is well equipped with mod ern improved machinery, all attached to our 35-hoVse-power engine, so that work can be hurriedly turned out Even our ruling machine Is receiving the benefit of this nower, and Dickson Manufacturing company never built a piece of machinery that gives better satisfaction. But this is wandering from the subject, so we bring you back again to our subject The Bindery. Its completeness and the readiness with which you can get work done. Have you THAT MET CASE ACAIX Now Having Its Ponrth Hearing Be . fore Jury in Court. THE EAR OP SAMMY SCHL0SS it Was Removed by a Dog and Is Responsible for Trespass Case on Trial Before Judge Ganstcr ' la Conrt Room No. 3. Judge Schuyler, of Easton. la nulat- Ing the local Judges In disposing of cases this week, which is the last of the November term of common pleas court. He is presiding In No. S. court room and the case of Mrs. Ann Munley against the city of Seranton was called before him for trial. Major Everett Warren and City Solicitor Torrey, represent the defendant, and counsel for the plaintiff are Attorneys I. H. Burns and Joseph O'Brien. A coincidence of the trial Is that on Nov. 25, 1889, exactly six years ago yesterday, Patrick Munley, husband of the plaintiff, fell down the open area where the John L. Hull building now stands on Lackawanna avenue, and died the same night from the injuries sustained, and that for that accident the wife of the deceased Is now suing for $25,000 damages. This Is the fourth time the case has been on trial. The first time the jury brought In a verdict of $5,000 against the city; the second time the jury could not agree and now it Is before a Jury again. The other time mentioned John I Hull, the own er of the lot, was defendant and court non-suited the case. Patrick Munley was on his way to the Delaware and Hudson station, then on Bridge street, to take the 11.15 pas senger train on the Delaware and Hud son railroad for Olyphant. He was on his way down Lackawanna avenue on the right hand side, going toward' the bridge, and when he reached the Hull building, a plank sidewalk had been built and a deep excavation had been made, underneath it. He was In a hurry to reach the station, and as the 'plaintiff alleges, was using withal due diligence, but the Insecure condi tion of the sidewalk was responsible for the accident for which damages are now asked. ' Says It Was Mnnlev's Own Fault. On the former trials of the case the contention of the defendant was that the sidewalk was sufficiently well guarded to enable any person to pass along without any degree of danger, providing reasonable care and diligence had been exercised. Evidence was elicited to prove that Munley was un der the Influence of liquor and contrib uted to his own misfortune, which in such case, would relieve the city of any liability for damages for his death. Four wltneses were heard up to ad journment. The first two were Sur veyors C. F. Mattes and A. B. Dun ning, Jr. A Mr. Dunkerly gave unim portant testimony. . Jeweler Louis Relchert was heard; the time of Mun ley's death Mr. Relchert's store was on lower Lackawanna avenue, next door to the Hull building. From his story there was negligence on tho part of some one for the Insecure manner In which pedestrians were protected from tumbling down on the Delaware and Hudson railroad tracks to their death. He admitted that the sidewalk was safe enough for any person using prop er care, but the guard rail was very unstable. A model of the sidewalk, guard rail and premises as they existed when the plaintiff's husband was killed, rests on the plaintiff s table. Judge Schuyler cautioned the Jury to talk to no one outside of court concerning the case. It will "be resumed at o'clock this morning. - ... His Ear Was Chewed Off. The trespass suit of Jacob Schloss against Frank M. Cobb Is on trial be fore Judge Gunster in No. 3 court room. Attorneys John P. Kelley and M. W. Lowry represent the defendant, and Attorney George S. Horn the plain tilt. The suit was tried before and the Jury disagreed. The plaintiff wants $2,000 damages from Mr. Cobb, the well known horse dealer, for the loss of an ear, sustained by his son, Sammy, a youth about 12 years old. On Feb. 6, 1893, a dog chewed the ear off the boy, and It is alleged that Mr. Cobb's dog performed the operation. The plaintiff had much testimony to show that Mr. Cobb offered to settle tho damages, which might be taken as a presumption that he acknowledged ownership of the dog. The defendant's case opened at 4 o'clock and the sub stance of It is that the dog was not around when the boy was bitten, that it was absent, having followed the ser vant girl to the butcher shop. The defendant's apparent readiness to set tle the case for $15 was accounted for In this way; that he would prefer pay ing a few dollars, even though he was confident his dog did not bite the boy, rather than become defendant In a law suit In court. A Divorce for llaldoman. The case of James Haldoman against Irene Haldeman was called before Judge Archbald In the main court room and a jury was sworn. It was a di vorce case. The husband some time ago filed a libel In divorce on the ground of desertion. Mrs. Haldeman answered and responded that her hus band had deserted her, and she prayed GOLD WEATHER IS COHIUG Special 111 Mi H08 MS 415 Lackawanna i Avonup. that her ease be put on the country. That Is equivalent to asking for trial by Jury. The case waa yesterday called and she did not appear. Hulslander ft Vos burg represented Mr. Haldeman. On motion of Mr. Vpsburg. Judge Arch bald directed the Jury to find a verdict for the libellant. without leaving the jury box; this, on acount of the failure of the respondent to appear and urge her defense. That divorces Mr. Halde man from her. He resides In the North End, but her place of residence Is not known. Suit to Recover a Strip of Land. The suit of Karl Bruner against Fred Parll was tried before Judge Archbald and the verdict of the Jury will be hand ed to court this morning. , It was brought to recover a strip of land thir teen feet wide and 127 feet long situ ated on Brook street and Stafford ave nue, in the Nineteenth ward. South Side. Bruner and Parll bought four lots from Henry Meyers: Parll took the two nearest the corner of the street and Bruner the two adjoining ones. Afterward the street lines were changed thirteen feet and Parll moved his fence In that distance and en croached that far on Bruner's land. E. C. Newcomb appeared for the plain tiff and John F. Scragg was attorney for the defendant. The big Assumpsit suit of the Seran ton Gas and Water company against the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany was marked discontinued. A set tlement of the claim having been made. The suit of Knight, White & Co. versus J. L. Hull was settled and the case of the Commonwealth against B. S. Clark was marked off list. Tne case of P. T. McDonnell against Edward Hod gins was referred to a referee. Cases continued were: Ingersoll & Sergeant Drill company vs. the Urelgs vllle Salt Mining company; Patrick Loftus and others against the Seranton Traction company. In the case of the Commonwealth against Ignatz Uram all proceedings arc stayed until the rule for an exonera tion of bail Is disposed of. The audi tor's report In the case of M. M. Jones against the Olyphant Sewage company was confirmed nisi. Remember tho Hospital. In . making your Thanksgiving Cur- chases remember not only the poor of our city but the sick and disabled ones in the hospitals. Lackawanna Hospi tal has an unusually' large number of Inmates at "resent. Try and make their burdens lighter for one day at least by providing them with a Thanksgiving dinner. Anything that will help to make up such a dinner will be thank fully received at the hospital, corner Franklin avenue and Mulberry street, on Tuesday or Wednesday, RHEUMATISM Is caused by lactic acid In the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neu tralises this acid and completely and per manently cures rheumatism. Bo sure to get only Hood's. HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, slek head ache. Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all druggists. REXFORD'S. Crowds Iu our store alt tho time. Dray men unloading big cases of newest goodB dnlly, Mnr business and more help. That means lower prices, Silverware Lsrtest stock of Rogers' and Palr poiut'a reliable wareiu town. r'pednl for this week: Sugar Bowl, Huby Ulass, UoKls C, c adozenHpoon Picture Department Perhaps yon have several without frsnies. Nicely framed tbey would make a Christinas present. We do it : 600 styles of moulding. Prices right. Diamonds Bee that Ring wit K-K. atone for $25.00. P 213 0j Lacka. Aire Prices in Hill HAGEN REXFORD EH. 5 OdOGK TEI mTLES ' ' From $1.00 up. CHAFING DISHES, Many Styles. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 WYOMMB AVENUE. Walk in and look around. m. p. mm la Now at His New Store with a FULL LINE OF HATS -AND- Sole Agent for Knox Hats. Come and Bee Me. 205 WV0HI1G IVE1UE. Carpetings And Draperies Baby Carriage RobesA Far Rngs, Table Covers, all sizes, Stove Patterns, in Oil Clotb, Fringes, Loops, Poles, Trimmings, Lowest Prices. P.M'CREA 'ft CO,, (28 WYOMING 1VENUL ON THE LINE OF THE IAN PACIFIC R'Y re locaUd tha finest fiablnff ani hunting grotmda in tha world. Dcicriiitire books on application. Ticksts to all points la Maine, Canada and Maritime Frovincns, Minueapolia, 6t. Panl. Canadiau and Unitod States North west. Vanconrer, Seattle, Tacoma. Portland, Ore.. Man Pram-boo. First-Class Sleeping and Dininf Cars attached to all tbroiiiru trains. Tourist oars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and sp o tally adapted lo wants of families may be had with second-clan tickets. KaUs always lesi than via other lines. For (nil information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, CS. E. A. - 353 BROADWAY, NEW YOU THE RECEIVERS III MARTIN & DELAHV'S CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to 5o per cent, below cost. These Goods Must And if you want bargains come and get them at once. . '.''!' win in in From Fall to Winter ' weather may be expected at any time now. .Are You prepared for it? We Are; in fact we were never before in . such splendid shape coun ters, shelves and tables literally groaning with the immensity of the as sortments of new Cloth ing for fa'l and winter use, and while the big ness and beauty of the stock creates a wondrous surprise in the mind of the beholder, the Little ness of the Prices ere ates a surprise still more remarkable. 3,Mers,8,Fi -3 WYOMING AVE SCRANTQ STEIHWIT I SON DECKER BROTHERS KRINICH i BACK and Other STULTZ I BAUER PIANOS AIm a large stock of firstclaM , ORGANS CUSiCAL rlERCrlANDlSB. MUSIC, ETC Wa Will Sae What Bicycles Wa Have on Hand At a price which will save the buyer money. , Victorins, Gendrons, Relays, in Men's Wheels. Victorias and Gendrons In Lndjcs' Wheels. We have some second-hand Wheels at your own price. Baby Carriages at a bargains J.D. 314 LACKA. AVE., SCRANTON, PA. TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippc, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELJHEN. DORF, Elmira, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CONNELL, Wholesaio Agents, Seranton, Pi. TAKE CARE & ssr-Jj OF YOUR EYES VSS& W lUUn L.IE.3 ne f0 to DR. SHIM BI RD'S and have yonr eye examined free. NVe have reduced prices and are th) lowest In the city. Nickel spectacles from 1 tod; (old from Si to fd, 303 Sprues Street, Seranton, Ps. OF Be Sold RECEIVER irnisncra lU.MILBERTC cm ii sii Williams EUlf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers