THE SCBAH TON 'HtlMUNE MONDAY MOBNINGr, NOVEMBER 2ft, 185. Tee Devil . . and the : . ICopyrlcht, 186. t - 1 STXOPSIS. , The Haliotis. ihlp of English origin, but of Very shady record, ban bnen pur sued and captured by a cruiser which , foiuid her trespassing In forbidden waters And wrecked her engine with a shell. She wad found to br laden with stolt-n penrlH. The vlrttorioiiJ warship tows her tawlvo to land reirote Island undec the tropins but meanwhile the chief engineer. Mr. Wardrop, succeed In concealing part of rtie machinery, and making the ruin ap pear worse than It really Is. On rouching shore the unhappy crew are summarily consigned to the army for Jungle service. 1 PAIiT III. It was the firing that did tt They should have said nothing: about It, but when a., few thousand foreigners are bursting with' joy over the fact that a hli) under the British II aK had been fired ut on the high sens, news travels quickly: and when It came out that the poarl-srcnllnifrrew hnd not been allow ed Hppcss to their consul (there was no consul within a few hundred miles ot The llntry Enemy Armed that lonely port) even the friendliest of power has a right to ask questions. The great heart of the British public was beating furiously on account of the performance of a notorious race horse, and had not a throb to waste on distant accidents; hut somewhere deep in the hull of the ship of state there Is ma chinery which more or less accurately takes charge ot foreign affairs. That machinery began to revolve, and who . so pained and surprised as the power that had captured the Haliotis? It ex plained that colonial governors and far away men-ofwar were difficult to con trol, and promised that it would must certainly make an exemnle both of the governor and the vessel. As to the crew reported to bo pressed Into mili tary service In troplcdl climes it would produce them as soon us possible, and It would apologize If necessary. Now no apologies were needed. When one nation apologizes to another millions of amateurs who have no earthly con cern with the- difficulty hurl themselves Into the strife and embarrass the train ed specialist. It was requested that the crew be found If they were still alive they had been eight months beyond knowledge and it was promised that all would be forgotten. The little governor of the little port was pleased with himself. Seven-and-twenty white men made a very com pact force to throw away on a war that 'hod neither . beginning nor end a JUngle-and-stockade fight that flicker ed and smouldered through the wet hot .years In the hills a hundred miles away, and was the heritage of every wearied official. He had, lie thought, deserved Well of his country; and if only some one would buy the unhappy Haliotis moored in the harbor below his ve randa his cup would be full. He looked at the neatly silvered lamps that he ,had taken 'from her cabins, aiid thought of much that might bo turned to ac counts But his countrymen in that moist climate had no spirit. They would peer into the silent (mglne-room and , shake their heads. Even the men-of-war. would not tow her further ur the mast, Where the governor believed that she could be repaired. She was a bad bitrglan; but her cabin carpets were undeniably beautiful, and his wife ap proved of her mirrors. vThree hours later cables were burst ing round him like shells, for, though he knew It not, he was being offered as ft sacrifice by the nether to the upper millstone, and his superiors had no re gard for his feelings. He was, said the cables, an ass who had exceeded his power, and failed to report on events, lie would, therefore at this he oast lilmsclf back In his hammock he i would produce the crew of the Haliotis. Ho would send for them, and If that failed he would put his dignity on a pony and fetch them himself. He had 'jio conceivable right to make pearl poachers serve In any war. He would bo held responsible. Next morning the cables wished to know whether he had found the crew ot the Hnllotls. They were to be found and freed and fed he Was to feed them till Such lime as they could be sent to the nearest English port in a man-of-vur. If you abue a man long enough 111 grent words Dashed over the sea beds things happen. The governor sent .inland swiftly for his prisoners, who were also soldiers, and never wan a nilMtla regiment more anxious to reduce its strength. No power short 'of death could, make these mad men wear the uniform of their service; they would not Hunt except, with their fellows, and It was for that reason tlv regiment had not gone to war, but stayed In a stock ade, reasoning with .the new troops. The autumn campaign bad been a 'fiasco, but here' were tho Englishmen. All the regiment marched back to guard , them, and the hnlry enemy, nrmcd with blowpipes, rejoiced In the forest. Five of the qrew had died, but there lined up on the governor's ver anda two and twenty men marked about the legs with the scars of leech bites. Five of them wore fringes thnt had been trousers, the others used loin cloths of gray patterns; and they etlstod. beautifully but simply, in the governor's veranda, and when he came nit they sang at him. If you have lost seventy thousand pounds' worth of pearls, your pay,, your ship and all your clothes, and have lived In bondage for eight months, beyond the faintest pre tense Of civilisation, you know what true Independence means, for you be- the great SKIN CURE Irutantly Relieve TORTURING Skin Diseases ' Ana the atott dhrtrestlnf forms of Itching, Jprajoe, Meedla. and scaly akla, scalp, i ! Hood busMmn.and folate to a speedy cure warn ail etusf retaediae i all ... i . lane fall. anu uo Mat paysl- ; J,.tf,.T"4T,,Mrr--" baths, : Vita Ctmovaa Boar, gentle applies toss of ftmoVBA ola-u, (ad Mlhi deeet of Oc- wvm amTiniusiiwimarinMn. 1 r a t 1. 1. 1 1 'Deep; Sea v By . 9 RUDYARD KIPLINQ. by tee Author. come the happiest of created things natural man. The governor told the orew they were evil, and they asked for food. When he saw how they ate, and when he remem bered that none of the pearl patrol boats were expected for two months, he sighed. But the crew of the Hallotts lay down In the veranda and said thnt they were pensioners on the governor's bounty. A gray-bearded man, fat and bald-headed, his one garment a green and yellow loin cloth, saw the Haliotis In the horbor and bellowed with Joy. The men crowded to the veranda rail, kicking aside the long cane chairs. They pointed, gesticulated and argued freely without shame. The militia reg iment sat down In the governor's gar den. The governor retired to his ham mock. It was as easy to be killed lying as standing, and his women squeaked from the shuttered houne. "She gold?" se.ld the gray-bearded man, pointing to the HulloUa. lie was Mr. Wardrop. ".' . With Blow Pipes Rejoiced. . "No good," said the governor, shak ing his head. "No one come buy." "He's taken my lamps, though," said the skipper. He wore half a pair of trousers and his eye wandered along the veranda. The governor quailed. There were cuddy campstools and the skipper's writing table In plain sight. "They've cleaned her out, o' course," said Mr. Wardrop. "They would." "We'll go aboard and take an Inven tory. See!" He waved his hands over the harbor. "We live there now. Sorry?" The governor smiled a smile of re lief. "He's glad of that," said one of the crew, rellectlvely. "I don't wonder." They Hocked down to the harbor front, the militia regiment clattering behind, and embarked themselves in what they found It happened to be the governor's boat. Then thoy disappeared over the bulwarks of the Hnllotls and the gover nor prayed that they might tlnd occu pation Inside. Mr. Wardrop's first bound took him Into tho engine room, and when the others were patting the well-remembered decks they heard him giving (lod thanks tluit things were as he had loft them. The wrecked engines stood over his head untouched; no Inexpert hand had meddled with his shores; the steel wedges of the storeroom were rusted home; and best of all, the hundred and sixty tons of good Australian coal In the bunkers had not diminished. "I don't understund it," said Mr. War drop. "Any Malay knows the use o' copper. They ought to have cut away the pipes. And with Chinese Junks coming here, too. It's a special Inter position o' Providence." "You think so?'.' suld the sklpper.from above. "There's only been one thief here, and he's cleaned her all out our side." Here the skipper spoke less than the truth, for under the plunking of his cabin, only to be reached by a chisel, luy a little money which never drew any Interest his sheet anchor to wind ward. It was all in clean sovereigns that pass current the world over and might have amounted to more than a hundred pounds. "He's left me alone. Let's thank God." repeated Mr. Wardrop. "He's taken everything else look!" The Haliotis, except as to her engine room, hnd been systematically and scientifically gutted from one end to the other, and there was strong evi dence that an unclean guard had camped In the skipper's cabin to regu late the plunder. She lacked 'glass, plate; crockery, cutlery, mattresses, cuddy carpets and chairs, all boats and her copper ventilators. These things : I 1 . i 111 One Garment a Green and Yellow , l oin Cloth. had been removed, with her sails, and as much of the wire rigging as would not imperil the safety of the masts. "He must have sold those," said the skipper, "The other things are In his house, I suppose." Every fitting that could be pried or screwed out was gone. Port, star board and masthead lights; teak grat ings; sliding sashes of the deck house; the captain's chest of drawers, with charts and chart table; photographs, brackets and looking glasses; cabin doors; rubber cuddy mats; hatch irons; half the funnel stays; cork fenders; carpenter's grindstone and tool chest; holystones, swabs, squeegees, all cabin and pantry lamps; galley fittings en bloc, flags and Hag locker; clocks, chro nometers: the forward compass and the ship's bell and belfry were among the missing. There were great scarred marks on the deck planking, over which the cargo derricks had been hauled. One must have fallen by the way. for the bulwark rails were smashed and bent and the Iron sldtf plating bruised. "It's the governor," said the skipper. "He's been selling her on the Install ment plan." "Let's go up with spanners and shov els and kill 'em all!" shouted the crew. "Let's drown him and keep the wo man!" "Then we'll be shot by that black-nd-tan . regiment our regiment What's the trouble ashore? They've eampea our regiment on tne beach. were cut on, ioat an. ; uo and what they want" said Mr. Wardrop. "You've the trousers." . " . In his simple way the governor was a strategist. He did not desire that the crew of the Haliotis should come ashore again, either singly or In detachments, and he propsed to turn their steamer Into a convict hulk. They would wait he explained this from the quay to the sklper In the barge and they would continue to wait, till the man-of-war came along, exactl" where they were. If one of them set Ptot ashore, the en tire regiment would open Are, and he would not scruple to use the one cannon of the town. Meantime food would be sent dally In a boat under an armed escort. The skipper, bare to the waist, and rowing, could only grind his teeth, and the governor, improved the occasion, and revenged himself for the bitter words In the cables by telling what he thought of the morals and manners of the crew. The barge re turned to the Hnllotls In silence and the skipper cllmbeil n board white on the cheek bones and blue about the nostrils. "I knew it," sold Mr. Wardrop, "and they won't give r? good food either. We shall have bai as morning, noon, and night, an' a man can't work on fruit. We know that." (To Be Continued.) RAILROAD NOTES. The sale of the Little Rock and Mem phis railroad was again postponed un til Jan. 22. John Todd, of Cleveland, was ap pointed receiver of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad. This action is taken preparatory to the an ticipated purchase of the road by the reorganized Erie railroad. Ex-Attorney General O'Connor, of Wisconsin, one of the Incorporators of the Duluth, West Superior and Chica go railroad, says that th? road will be an air line from Superior to Chicago and that it Is an assured enterprise. The route has been selected and a small portion of the road built. It will con nect with the Wisconsin Central at Portage. Chicago and New York capi tal is said to be back of the enterprise. One of the Philadelphia directors of the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Rail way company, the reorganized Choctaw Coal and Railway company, writes that the line Is now being operated in its entirety with gratifying results. The connection between the Eastern and Western divisions was only recently completed, having been greatly de layed by the weather. Tlv? road, as completed, has about 225 miles of line, and the limit of fixed charge bonds Is $25,000 per mile. Business along the Wisconsin Central lines is in nn encouraging condition. While the fall business has not given the exceptional Increases over the cor responding period of last year which were noted In the midsummer, the gain In gross receipts since June 1 Is about 15 tier cent, over the same time In the year 1894. The revival of trade in that section of the country Is progressing slowly, although there Is not to be not ed any abnormal Increase In the amount of trade. Progress Is making In the proposed plan of reorganization. THE ELECTRIC LAMP. Stories of Hotel .Men Who Manago to Hove Lots of l-'un Out of It. Prom the New York Tribune. Several hotel men were standing In a group in on uptown hotel, recently chatting. The conversation turned upon the eccentricities of guests. Tho many odd ways In which different peo ple handle electric lights came up, and one hotel man said: "Nearly every one now knows how the Incandescent lamp Is operated, but still we meet with some funny In stances of Ignorance. Last week we nearly had our hotel set on fire on account of a piece ot stupidity on the part of a guest. The building being Hre-proof alone prevented a conflagra tion. A woman came to the house who was In the habit of sleeping with a dim light in her room, and the electric lamp bothered her. She either had to let It burn brightly, or else turn it off altogether. Finally she hit upon the Idea of wrapping a towel around it. Then she began to question whether the towel would catch fire. Then she adopted the happy expedient of wet ting the towel. That was the worst thing thnt she could do. Bhe soon dropped asleep, and of course the towel soon began to burn. A blazing piece dropped on the curtains, and soon the whole room was afire. She was badly scared and, of course, the contents of the room were ruined." "That was odd," Bald another one of the party, "but the strangest thing I have heard of was the case of a farmer who came Into St. Louis. He went to a hotel where electric lamps were used. He tiled for an hour to put It out, and then sent for a call-boy. The guest ex plained his dilemma, and the boy promptly stepped up to the lamp and turned the button. There was a mo ment of silence, and then from the place where the farmer stood there came a. Hash and report, and a bullet burled Itself In the wall, narrowly missing the boy. Again and again the pistol was heard until every chamber was empty. Fortunately the boy escaped and the police entered the room and placed the farmer under arrest. The old fellow was talking Incoherently, anu seemed mad clear through. When he was Anally quieted down he gave his reason for shooting. He said that he had been trying to put out a new-fangled sort of a light and had not been able to do it. Then he called a boy, who blew It out. Just after the light went out he heard a click, and knew that someone had cocked a revolver. He at once thought he was about to be murdered and robbed, and did not wait, but began shooting at once. When told of his mistake he was much chagrined, and apologized most humbly." ( ASKING TOO MUCH. The Information the Guest Desired Was Mot Included In the Terns. From the Detroit Free-Press. After getting washed I went down on the veranda to have a little Interview with the landlord of the mountain hotel, to which I had been recommended. "Any flsh around here?" was the natural first question. "Dunno." he replied, as he glanced to ward the brook. "Is the mountain In front accessible?" "Mebbe she ar'." "Do the people do much driving about up here?" . ..... "Can't say." "What is the altitude of your house above the sea?" "I never flggered." "What did your thermometer register last night?" "Hain't got none." - "Do you expect to have a full bouse this season?" ,. "Kinder expect."- . ..; i. "How do your guests amuse them selves?" , "Dunno." ' ' "' ' :': I was determined to bring htm out of his shell If It were possible, and after an Interval I queried: v ' - - "Do you get a dally mall up here?" "I guess so," he gingerly replied. "As the landlord of the' hotel you ought to be posted on all these things, hadn't you?" He slowly fared around, took a long look at me, and finally asked: "Didn't you come, up here ' to re cooperate?" "Yes. I did." "Wall, I'm glvln' ye a straw bed, meat and taters twice a day and as good spring water aa ye'll find In the Catskills. If ye want to recooperate go ahead and recoop. if ye want to kick and upset things , ye'd better paok up and find a landlord who's wlllln' to board you for la a, week and talk a lung oft gratis " , THE WORLD Of BUSINESS STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, Nov. 23.-The transactions at the Stock Exchange for the two hours of business today were less than 60,000 shares. Only two stocks on the list. Sugar and Tobacco, were anyways active. Sugar sold down from 99 'to 9H. Chicago Gas was weak at 62tta 63V4. The railway list and Western Union were dull but firm. Western Union recovered to 87. The Grangers wer In fair request, but steady. Man hattan was quiet and steady at 8914a 100. The market closed firm and gener ally aH per cent, higher for the rail way Issues. The Industrials, however, lost a per cent, on the day. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are itlven bidow. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mlck. manager for William I.lnn. Allen Co.. slock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Bcranton. . Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co 83 83 82J4 83'i Am. Cot. Oil I8V4 1 Am. Sugar Re'g Co. 9w KWi 99 Ateh.. To. & S. F.. 10 1 10 Can. South 54 55 64 5 Ches. & Ohio lMi 18 W Chicago Gas 624 3?4 62H 62 rhic. ft n. w ior 105 io.t i Chic. B. A Q st'i M 8IH 844 C. C. C. & St. L 41 41 41 41 Chic. Mil. & St. P... 74Mi H J4i 74V4 Chic. R. I. & P... 74 75 74H 74, Dlst. C. F 1 19 19 19 Gen. Electric 30. 304 30 304 Louis. A Nesh 52 52 52 52 Manhattan Kin 99U W 9914 1110 Mo. Pacific 29 29 29 29 Nat. Cordage 64 64 6 N. J. Central 107 107.J 107 107 V V. A N R 52 62 52 52 N. Y., L. E. W... 12 12 124 12 N. Y., S. & W., Pr.. 31 31 31 31 Nor. Pacific 4 4 4 4 Nor. Pacific. Pr 14 14 14 14 Ont. ft West 15 K iw. Pacific Mall 30 30 30 .10 Phil, ft Head 10 10 10 10 Southern R. R 10 10 10 10 Tenn. ('. ft 1 32 32 31 32 Union Pacific 8 8 8 8 Wabash. Pr 18 18 18 Pi West. Union 87 87 87 87 W. L 13 13 13 134 U. S. Leather 11 11 10 1 U. B. Leather. Pr.... 6U Utt u?h Wi CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PKICF.8. Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. Intr. est. est. In. December 66 56 6rt 56 May 60 60 60 60 OATS. December 17 17 17 17 May 20 20 20 20 CORN. December 2714 27 27 27 May 29 29 29 29 LARD. January 6.50 6.52 6.50 6.50 Way 5.75 5.77 6.72 5.72 PORK. January 8.90 8.92 8.89 8.97 May 9.30 9.32 9.25 9.27 Scrnnton Board of Trade exchange Ono tations-AII Quotations Based on Par of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Green Ridge Lumber Co.-. UO Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 130 Bcranton Lace Cur. Co 54 Nat. Boring ft Drilling Co SO First National Bank iOO Thuron Coal Land Co 1 Bcranton Jar ft Stopper Co ii Bcranton Glass Co ... ti Lackawanna Lumber Co M0 Spring Brook Water Co 100 Elmhurat Houlev?.M Co 100 Bcranton Axle Works 80 Third National Bank 350 Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... ICO Bcranton Packing Co 100 E-:ranton Savings Bank 200 Lacka. Iron ft Steel Co 150 Weston Mill Co 250 Seranton Traotion Co 15 BONDS. Seranton Glass Co 100 Epnnnmv Steam Heat ft Power Co 10 Seranton Pass. Railway first mortarare. due 1918 110 Scrsnton Traction Co 95 People's Street Railway, first mortran. due 1918 110 Bcranton ft P'.ttston Trac. Co. ... M People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage, due 1920 110 T.nrka Vnllnv Trac. Co.. first mortgage, due 1925 M Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 5 102 ntv nf Seranton Street Imn 6 ... 101 Seranton Axle Works 100 New York Produce Market. New York, Nov. 23. Flour Dull. easy. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator. 67n67c.; afloat, 48a48c: f. o. li - BliUHliaWe. : ungraded red. U4u70c: No. 1 northern, 6565c; options closed firm; January, 65'4c. ; May and June, 66c; July, 67c; December, 64c. Corn Dull, firm; No. 2, 30c; elevator, 36c; afloat; options dull, firm; November, 35c; December, Sue; January, 34c.; .May, 35c. Oats Dull; options dull; November, z-ic. ; uecemner. &iic. ; junuitry kiiu .nay, 23 V; spot prices, No. 2. 22c; No. 2 white, 24a24c; No. 2 Chicago. 23c; No. 3, 22c; No. 3 white, 23c; mixed west ern, Kiuztc: wnne do, ana wnite state, 24a27c. Provisions Firm. aulet. unchanged. Lard Slow, firmer; western steam, 15.75 a5.60; citv, 15.40; November, 15.75; refined dull: continent. S6.25: South America. 16.60: compound, 4a5c. Butter Firm; state dairy, 2o21c; do. creamery, 17a2Jc; western dairy, 10al5c. ; do. creamery, 14 aac; uo. June, limbic: uo. rectory, vaiuc; Kleins. 23c: Imitation creamery. 12al3. Cheese Quiet, steady, unchanged. Eggs gulet, unchanged. Chicago Live stouk. Chicago. Nov. 23. Cattle Receipts, 000 head: market steady; common to extra steers, S3.l0a4.85; stockers and feeders, $2.80aJ.80; cows and bulls. S1.5Ua3.50; calves, I2.5ua6; Texans, 82.20a3.65; western rang- Uric Acid tv A3 is Poison. AJ ry The Kidneys are supposed to filter the uric acid out of the blood. When they are sick VC they forget t CV mat ism, G ut.KidnejTroubles A and other dangerous diseases. CV The only way to cure these rv Q diseases is to cure the Kidneys. cx Al CV care the Kiftaavaaad kata these cy AJ to niter UMiwtcacM eat of the AJ CV Al All drnggiste. or nail- W ftd prepaid for Mm. per cy HVUf for postpaid. X Ci HOBO'S ME0ICINI CO., rS CsHMte. Sas 'raecitce. W French Injection Compound Cares posUtTrir. quickly, (not maraly checks.) tiuarantaad or money ratunded. Avoid danaeroua rrnnniMa. PrloaSaMBtapar bottla. alx statiles (will rare ssnrMt caw) aant mali saeare frua afcaamuloo. with enbr aclraOatatli nada ayrliiga, eani aaaraw iur XL DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all suff.rars ef ERRORS OF VOUtH, LOST VIQOR sad DISEASE? OP MEN AMD WOMEN. SOS pans: cloth booaa: sceareJr id a ad aatleT flee. Traatsaeat kr atal itrktlr oonfldntlal, aid a vaahlra eniofc ear; (as aated. Mo matter how koag etaadiag, I will paaltifely ear. yon. Write er sail. 43 4liil aS .UfltltiVHIIIS era. tS.25aS.75. Hogs-Receipts. 23,000 head; inaraei nrm anu o cema nianaritf " j packing and shipping lots, t&oOaS..; com mou to choice mixeu, choice as sorted, t3.56aa.65; light, 13.4013. &!.,; pig. S2.25a3.60. Sheep Keceipts, 2,0e0 heud; market steady, but slow; Inferior to choice, S1.7Sa3.40; lambs, S3a4. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. N. Y., Nov. 23. -Cattle II e celota. 2.400 head: on sale. 20 head: market firm; fair light steers, S3.40a3.80; fair to' flood fat cows. I2.60a3.25. Hoga Receipts, , 1,000 hoad; on sale, 10,000 head; market t steady; Yorkers, JJ.60a3.65; mixed, 13.60 1 aJ.65; mediums and heavy, S3.60a3.66; light 1 Yorkers, S3.5u3.70; pigs, S3.70a3.76; roughs, i; stags, imku. bheep ana uram-nf cetp-ts, 11,000 head; on sale, 16,000 head; market slow, closed dull; mixed sheep, good to choice, S2.25a2.50; extra, S2.t0a2.75; oulle and common, lo2; export sheep, 3.1u ai.iO; best native lambs,; good do.. S3.50al.75; light to fair, SS.15a3.20; ten cara of Caada lambs sold at S410a4.25. Toledo Groin Market. Toledo, O., Nov. 23. Wheat Receipts, 105,000 bushais; shipments, 24,000 bushels'; martlet dull; No. 2 red, cash and Decem ber, 64c; May, 6dc; No. 3 red, cash, 62c. Corn Receipts, 1.0X1 bushe-s; shipments, 11,(M bushels; market easy; No. S ycilow, cash, 24c; No. white, 27c; No. 3 mixed, Zftc. Oals Receipt!, 3,000 bushels; mar ket quiet; No. 2 mixed, cosh, lSVfec: No. 2 White, 21c; No. 3 white, 20c Rye- til; No. 2 cash, 3c. Clovereeed Firm; Feoru ary and March, S4.S0. Oil Market. Pittsburg, Fa., Nov. 23. Oil opened $LG9; lowest, 11.00: highest and closed, $1.63. Oil City, Pa., Nov. 23. Oil opened and lowest, tl.59; highest and closed, Jl.fcl HOW WOMANLIKE. ' Tboo Oisonss Their Friend, Dut Would'nt Say an I'nklnd Thing About Her. Prom the Chicago Post. After they had kissed each other and each had disposed of a bonbon to show that they met on friendly terms the blonde said : "Bo Mamie Is man";d?" "So I've heard," returned the bru nette. "Nice girl," ventured the blonde. "Oh, very," returned the brunette. "I wouldn't say a word against her for the world." "Neither would I. How do you sup pose she every grot him?" "I'm sure I don't know. Do you?" "No; I would give anything: to know." "So would I. It certainly wasn't her beauty." "Oh, no." "The Idea la absurd." "I can't understand It at all. - They say she was married first by a Justice and afterward by a minister." "I shouldn't wonder. Bhe naturally wanted to make awfully sure of him." "tf course. It Is the only way she could keep htm. But I am glad she has caught some one. Mamie Is a dear girl and it would be cruel to eay anything against her." "Indeed It would. I wouldn't do It for the world." "Neither would I." IMDVM UH pg Always Reliable, Piiraly Vagstabto, MILD BUT EFFECTIVE. Purely vegetable, act without pain, eltsrant ly coated, tasteless, s-nsll and eisy to tukv. Had way 's I Ills aaUt nature, stlmulatlne- to besltbtul activity th liver, buwels and othor d setiY organ, l.avinf the bowals in a "at ttraJ condltlou without any bad attar electa. Cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles AND All Liver Disorders. MDWAV'S PILLS are purrly vegatabl , mild and rallablo. Cause ptrfect Dig stion, com plete absorptloa and healthf al rejular.ty. S3 eta a box. At Drogirists, or by null. "Book of Advice" free by mail. RADWAY dt CO., P. O. Box 365, Kew York. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET Tbe Finest In tbe City. The latest lmproYed furnish Inga and apparatus for keeping neat, butter and eggs. . 223 Wyoming Avtv su'We'a'a'ai -Mr RgVlVG RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Ma- of Me. SOtb prodaeea tke above retain la 30 days. It arti P. wanaiv tea qmcsiy. vans wn.n tu otatrt itti ssea will ragaia their lost awoDood.auoUi will laeetat their nrathfnl vuor br sains WETS TO. It caleaifr wd sorely natorea Martnua aaas, lVest Vitality, laapotuic. Kicntlr Bmlauons, Lost rvwer, Falliat Memory, Waa'.lna DlaeaKt, and U eWsets ef aeU-abuaa or assaat aad lndiscratlon hlakaoltaoMfarstady,eealaMserB9arrlata. It ao only nn ay I tart Ins at tha aaat ef oUaust, bill Isaareel srerta toalo and blood bander, erlse lea naaS the pink sriow ta pali juris tbe Bre of youth. 1 wards off Inttoitj .ad Osasamptloa. Insist aa a.Tlc; RE VIVO. Be Hhsr. it eta be carrlM la vast votk.t. Br mill ".1.00 ear vaekaKt. a all tor B.OO, with a potl '.! wHttea ataarasitee to ear ear ief oaf no sactaey Circular fraa. AaMutts '3L MEOICItlE CO.. IS Rlter St., CH!80. ILI tfatthawe Bree Vtwtxl fold au BD(liilmc?t boia of young tux) middle ageJ nra and women, Th Br. Ha of temteient. EIUIORS. prodaciDf weak Mat, MerTont DobUity, KfffBtJy Emlaxkma, CoDtaraptkm. IxmkMZ,; mi dralnaariri Ion of power of tha Oca For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS. Drua gist. Wvomlne ave. and Bpnire street n Chliaaaltrl Kaatba rEUNYROYAL PILLS a9lW)4 ta IVfaat aMNH TT Y'l MthDar.f) TUB OMAT soth Day fa a arauTfj urmna uzmitinar ant ivrmwjt uuainotsj ug mac Hin la qttkkly cured by p. Rati r lrc miMi ft trra ChMm. Thar sal nlyctjra brjUrtlns at tha aat of dia kMka an nttorine the FlIII or TetJTII ta tha aaUaai. DrsaTirvperbaora foe eeiritawrtb tva rimittt ta nrm r nrsae ir MMwjr.Booa ti SaaaVnhriiwf - f- .BaieaSS.MawTa3Cr T m. laa. mlat with Hm ritta. take M Vaft V hatiaan aatw aaafiw ml win, I 4Wa taHHMni ill DraariMi,araa) I a- Jf ta ium mw aanlnlan, uM.aaaih aa kf JlSmmmi ' tmZiZi satara IO rail For Heavy Structural Work, ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS 22 Comnioiiwaaltb Blfe, IRON -AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Tumbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, BITTEnBENDE SCR ANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN SoBtUsMS need's a reliable, Monthly, rojalaUse nadieiae. Only nincl aa tbeparettdrupihtaliktaeM. Utb vast the Uat, fit Dr. IPeaPc Pennyrool Pillo Thtr are eronpt, tale ard etrtaln In malt. The etnalee (Dr. Pttl') etrtr llaxa. ooiat. AddrtM Txai. iflMOVIa L... CJ.rilnd, 0. For sale) by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scran tan Pa. Ceni 5 eants foe -mol paekaa Faultles Chamlcal Company. Baitl more, Md. -A dalla ana Urn italha aaMid." i ea' Mid rreawh Dsajeaa KM detteeettl tne aarvhars la the U-J-ee or A Hate tar tlJe. Kantla eeary mrar ate hoow old la all Mtall stm tat a.w. we eatM thtJM, etjrit m mmr, ad II aareae w net tatfanae) ra will rsrmi the niaaf ernaaseinnfair, yaava Tee er iIm 1 te i aad hal Valaaa. BadyrMmtf 1 j wtj'v rati iaJ ..rtt w, tun CIJERSItl n I V 1 r n ...v " (1111) Ce-ialssnMs A GREAT CENTS. 1 TIBER LUMBER CO Seranton, Pa. Telephonj 422. Ira . m Pharmaclat, car. Wyamlno Avenue anel iBREWERY. Ifsanfavetareri of the Celebrate4 PILSENER LAGER BEER CARACITVi oo,ooo Barrels per Annuo KflF TTfJIIRG MO SOLDEKTS AH done away with br the nee of HAB1V MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consist f Inirredleiiu well-known to alL It oaa he applied to tin, talvanlsed tla, sheet lro) reofe, alao to brick dwellRC, which wld prevent absolutely any c nimbi inc. craefc to or broaklne of the brick. It will onu hut tlnnlna- of any kind by "any irearav and It's coat does not exceed one-ana thM f the. cost of tinning. Is sold by the Jet er pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAATMAKN. Hi t 'AVE K3 SSSerrr llllil M IIUNIIIVVII w , wwaaw LAGER BEER 1: 1 '7