The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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A Snsqnchsnns County Constablo Has
' ' Lively Battle With Polaadsrs.
. A horse trade which occurred some
time ago has turned out badly and now
one of the parties is in Jail. The scene
of the excitement was near Vandllng,
above thla city. John Bosak. the plain
t tiff, made a horse deal with Charles
Hansen, who lives In the country. The
horse Bosak traded was a good one and
Hatisen guaranteed his to be equally as
good. In the trade he gave Bosak $25.
When Bosak . went to the barn the
next day his new horse was unable to
rise and In a few days was dead. Bosak
was angry and determined to get his
horse back. He went to Hansen's barn
and took the horse. Then It was Han
n'a turn to act and he. had a search
warrant sworn out. He also took a con-
stable to arrest 'Bosak.
jetttins the horse did not prove to be
an easy thlnpr by any means. Con
. stable Bates had with him a boy and a
i man and Retting his forces together ad
i vanced upon the enemy. The horse was
t got out and the boy started off with It,
but three Polish women came to the
rescue ami took the horse away. Con
stable Bates then came up, but before
he could do anything three men came
: out and stopped him. liatos sailed into
' them, though, with a club and would
soon have routed them but for the wo
; men, who threw stones at him. At last
he had all the forces under subjection
; snd marched them off to jail, leaving
. the horse until the next day.
Mrs. Bosak came to this city and be
t fore Alderman Jones had a warrant
sworn out. Bates pave ball and the
, hearing will come oft on Tuesday. Bates
i may have got himself into trouble by
t the arrests he made, as the parties were
, in Lackawanna county, while he is a
Susquehanna man.
It Proves To Bo Most Interesting and
The report of President Walker, of
the Hospital Association, proves a most
interesting and encouraging one. It
gave that $912.16 had been paid on the
Indebtedness of the Institution during
the past year In addition to the Im
provements which amounted to $8,417.
83. The Improvements are still under
way and will be provided with a walk
around and In front of the building.
Eleven employes, including nurses not
under pay, are at the Institution and
their average pay per day is about $5."9.
Cost of lights, fuel, drugs, etc., $10.12.
The dally average of patients per week
is $7.63. The training school for nurses,
under Matron Desmond's direction, Is
making good progress.
Mr. Walker expresses for the asso
ciation his thanks to the mnny friends
who have so generously contributed to
the wants of the Institution by money
and other necessaries, particularly to
the employes of various coal railroads
and manufacturing companies of the
town and vicinity. Also to the Ladies'
Auxillury for kind assistance In their
muslcales given at the hospital.
The medical staff deserve much grati
tude from the public for their faithful
ness. . The total number of patients
treated during the year was I"i8. Num
ber of deaths, eighteen, of which eight
died within two hours after being taken
to the hospital on account of the sever
ity of their Injuries.
The Organization Will Hold Its Annual
Itnnquot at Hotel American.
The Crescent club are busy making
, preparations for their annual dinner at
t the Hotel American Thanksgiving eve.
Knowing what has beeen done by the
Crescents In the past Is surety that they
will not disappoint their friends this
year. The chef if the American has
." promised an elaborate spread, which
will Include the followln" dishes:
Little neck clams, conaommc prln
. tlnere royale, broiled blue fish, pota
i toes au session, frizzled celery, queen
, olives, stuffed turkey with cranberry
sauce, prime ribs of New York beef,
lamb, lemon sherbert, jalnboro en dla
fcie au Delmonico, small patties a la
(toyer, mashed potatoes, scalloped to
matoes, reen peas, stewed corn, cab
bare Falad. apple pie, plum pudding
with brandy sauce, tuttl tnittl Ice
cream, assorted cakes, oranges, apples,
English cheese, Sweitscr cheese, tea and
cafe noir,
New Engines for No. I Plane.
. -A handsome pnlr of new engines have
been placed In the enjrlne house at No.
1 plane. Monday of next week they will
be used for" the Jlrst time. Owing to the
btlny condition of the rond the old en
t glnes wlllte taken out on Sunday. The
new ones are located about thirty feet
westward of the old ones and are much
stronger and wi do better service. The
engines which are being taken out were
, put in position in 1858 and when they
accomplished the work of'hoisting lfiO
trips a day It was considered a full day's
. work. . At the present time the number
often exceeds 400 trips. A large dum
ber of men will be necessary to do the
work on Sunday.
Merchant ' Maxey, of Forest City,
called ion Carbondale friends yester
day. William Bowers, superintendent of
the Delaware and Hudson mines In this
city, Is '111 at his Canaan street home
of nervous prostration. '
Miss Hannah Richards, of Hyde
Park, Is the, guest of Miss Kate Mc
Mullen, of Seventh avenue.
Justice Maxey, of Forest City, was
In town yesterday.
Miss Mary Meehan, of Jermyn, Is
visiting Miss Alice Connor, of Railroad
Rev. J. J, Curran, of Wllkes-Barre,
was a visitor at the parochial residence
yesterday. .
John Jones,' of Clifford, has accepted
a position as solicitor for the Star
fiteim Dye works.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Peck, of Washing
ton street, have returned froi.i Atlanta,
where they attended the exposition for
the last two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, John Estabrook were
pleasantly surprised Thursday evening
by a number of their friends. John
Olbbs in a few well chosen word3, pre
sented Mr. Estabrook, in behalf of
those present, wltha handsome plush
rocker. Those present were Messrs. and
Metdamea John Olbbs, John Downing,
Fred Watts,. William Shelley, Fred
Martin George Shelley, Edwin Ken
worthy., Misses Margaret Kralg, Nellie
Ken worthy, Maggie Klrk, Messrn.
Richard Estabrook, of Susquehanna;
Joseph Kralg,, William Ingerman,
" ERMg-llric'ly CH3H Daring Thlt Sals.
, J . leums," Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
f, Ws bar decided oa Sweeping- Refine.
v : ' ti6n rathef than eover up oar goods dur-
. -7 .Isf ottr extensive improvements, end
. have marked dowa ererythlne in the
: (tore at dost sad lest. Bee our Window
, DiUr, Which will substantiate what we
; eay:
fRfrtln Oirtett (MM IS. ItlOe.. WerBi Its. N TBe.
nutm canst, oev te M wans sue. vim.
all raasra, ., I0,
v And verftataf eke la proportion. '
13 t...'nl ftn!IS
Charles - Kenworthy. . Charlea Kralg,
Augustus' Alexander ' and Charles
Downing. 9 pleasant time was enjoy
ed by every body.
Dr. J. S. "Nlles has returned home
from NwTork city. ' ' '
Miss May Kilpatrick has Issued Invi
tations for a medley party to be held
ct her home on next Monday evening.
Mrs. M. Q. Meaker is 111 at her home,
on Garfield avenue.
Philip Uerryman. who has been visit
ing In this city, returned to his home
In Oneonta, N. Y. Mrs. Berryman and
two children will remain In this city
and make an extended visit with -her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewsley, of
High street. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Frlsble, of Wyo
ming street, left today for Berwick,
Pa., where they will spend Sunday with
Ralph Blair, of "Park Place, had his
wrist SDralned while at work on a cel
lar. He fell from a wall.
George and Harry Lowry. two sons of
Mr. and Mrs. George Lowry. of Bel
mont street, are suffering with an at
tack of diphtheria. Another grown-up
son, Emmett, Is also sick, but not with
the same disease.
Zopher Lee Is confined to his home, on
Wyoming street, by illness.
H. J. Brennan spent Thursday In
John Hansen, jr., is lying ill at his
home of typhoid fever.
Rev. James Malore, of Scranton, call
ed on friends In this city yesterday.
Charles Ounston late of Hone3dale,
a portrait painter of much ability, ex
pects to locate in this city.
James Kelly and daughter, Irene, of
Jersey City, are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Patrick Kelly, on River street.
John T. Ball, of Honesdalc, a prom
inent citizen of that place, wa3 a vis
itor here yesterday.
Mrs. John On Hasher and Mrs. A.
Mesnenger called on friends In Scran
tor yesterday.
MisB Minnie Tnllman Is confined to
her house by illness.
Mrs. E: A. Wheeler, who underwent
an operation In a private hospital in
Scranton several weeks ngo, la recover
ing slowly and probably will be able
to return to her hume In this city the
lntter part of the month.
James Boyd, who recently underwent
an operation for an Injured eye, is
doing well under the circumstances.
Ills many friends will be glad to learn
of his improvement.
The recent death of Isnac Decker, an
old-time resident of Carbondale, calls
to mind the fact that his mother, who
lives with her son-in-law, Is S3 yenrs
old, and Is still hearty and active. Her
husband died in 1&3B. They were
among the earliont residents of the
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. M.
B. Madigan gave a reception at their
home, on Salem avenue. In honor of
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mul
larkey, of Scranton, who were married
quite recently. Mrs. Mullnrkey Is a
niece of Mr. Madigan. The evening
was spent in games and social inter
course, refreshments were served, and
tho party broke up before midnight.
Those ;iresent were Misses Margaret
and Anna Mlssett. Mary Oilgullon,
Katie Monohan, Mary Morrison, of
thin city; Kate Hlgglns, of Wayne
county; Margaret Mudlgan, of Hyde
Park; Messrs. Dr. McClr.iw, Thomas
Missitt, of this city, and Thomon Mc
Donald, of Susquehanna.
Kcllcf in Six Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dla
ensca relieved In six houro by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages In male or femcle. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing It
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this ia your remedy.
Sold by C. M. Harris, druggist, 125
I'enn avenue, Ecrar.ton, Pa.
Mrn. Thomas Keating, of Dtiryea,
was the gucft of her olntcr, Mrs. Arkln
san, yesterday.
W. H. PutTKon rode to Wllkes
Barre on his wheel Friday.
Henry Cole ia quito 111.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cr.rcy were tlio
guests c;f Mrs. Styles at Lackawanna
Miss Fettle Baiter Is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. George Coolbaugh, In Jack
Bcn township,
George Kambridge Is seriously l!I with
Allen Wallace, one of tho students of
the high school, In quite 111,
Mrs. William Heel attended the con
cert at Forty Fort, given by the Glee
Mrs. William Bambrldge, of Forty
Fort, called on friends here yesterday.
Charles Allen, of Mount Zlon, was in
town on business Frlda.
Miss Pcrcilla May Strait In quite 111.
Nclsnn Hoffmoji U visiting his moth
er at High Bridge. N. J. '
The boys of the Wyoming Hose com
pany. No. 1, will serve oysters In nil
styles, at Music hall. Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Kitnklo, of
Orange, Vcre callers In town yesterday.
If tho nabr Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothlni? Syrup hns been
ujed fof over Fifty'Yenrs by M'.lKons of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfpet Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens tho Guir.s, Allays all Pain;
Cures W'.hd Col c, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea., Sold by Druggists in every
part of the world. I!? mira and ask for
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.", and
take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
After a short dolay, the burgess hat
approved of tho electric light contracts.
Surveyors were on the new site yester
day rd tho construction ct the now
building will be commenced io'Jcy. Sit
uation of th new plant Is CE.rt cf the
Delaware and Hudson str.tion. rear the
upper gravity railroad. The dimen
sions of the .new structure are 50x76.
It Is expected that the plant will be in
readiness In about two months.
Miss Tcssie Sweeney sncnt yesterday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sweeney, of
Lackawanna -street.
Rev. A. L. Ur!Sti. of St. Mark's Epis
copal church, Dunmore. will conduct
services !n Edwards' hall at 3 o'clock
next Sunday afternoon, os usual. One
of the rpeclal features of the service
will be the Elnglng of St. Mark's choir,
under the leadership of Professor
Housor. .
Mrs. S. W.'Huphes and Miss Vlrdle
Morgan, of LaTe Idlcwllde, are' visiting
friends In BlakPly.
Mrs. P. F. KUInuIlen. of Newark, N.
J., returned home yesterday after a
Visit wHh her mother, at this place.
The funeral of Magsle. the 8-year-old
aurhter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wil
liams, of Race street, who died on
Wednesday of Inflammation, oc
curred yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Interment was made In Union ceme
Dr. J. H. Price, of BuTalo, N. T., la
vlBlting relatives at this place.
Samuel Brodhead,' jr., J. P., made a
business trip to Dunmore on Friday.
John Davis, of Hyde Park, Is visiting
hlc trother, E. Davis..
Rev. E. L. Santee and wife returned
from the Atlanta exposition on Thurs
day. -.
.Thomas Lance, of PUtslon, was call
ing on friends on. Friday . -
William Carey announces himself a
candidate for supervisor subject to the
Republican caucus.
Rev- Mr. Funck. of Philadelphia, will
preach In Drake's hail on Sunday.
The Sons of 8t. George Initiated
eight candidates on Thursday night.
C. S. Brodhead and family, of Mont
rose, were visiting friends in this plaea
and Mooslo this week. -
tThe Plttston office of the Scranton
Tribune is located at No. S William street,
where all advertisements, orders for job
work and items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. OfHce open from
I a. m. to 10 p. m.
William Bath was held In $300 ball by
Alderman Loftus on Thursday evening
for his appearance at court for assault
ing George Meleskl, . a driver In the
Clear Spring mine. Bath, who is a driv
er boss in the same mine, told Meleskl,
who was carrying a rail on bis shoul
der, to leave it down, when he refused.
Bath picked up a aprag and struck
htm over the nose, inflicting a bad
v.-ound. Bath denied the charges and
said that Meleskl struck him ever the
head with a "topper" first, and that he
called him bad names also. Charles
Norrl3. his step-father, . became his
The manager of the Plttston Foot
Ball team received a telegram yester
day from Carbondale stating that they
would come down today and play a
game wtth the Plttston eleven. The
Carbondale team Is a very strong one
and an exciting game Is looked for. A
collection will be taken to pay the ex
penses of the visiting team and those
who attend are requested to come pre
pared to help the boys out.
Mrs. J. E. Roche, of Scranton, and
Miss Lydia Campbell, of Carbondale,
were visiting Mrs. J. J. Keating, of
Railroad street, yesterday.
Misses Blanche Lavan and Mary
Ruitcdgc. of this city, were among the
number of friends who witnessed the
Forve-Rutledj wedding yesterday in
Alderman Loftus and Attorney Don
nelly hnve gone to New York on busi
ness. They ore expected to bo home on
Monday evening.
Miss Helen Dewey, of the West Side,
Is visiting friends In Scranton.
Plttston niislncse Plrectorr.
on Wrlsrht & Co., 97 South Main street.
A new ranee for sale or exchange: also
second-hand household goods, bought or
Rumor has It that a canning factory
Is likely to bo started In town by par
ties from Ithaca, N. Y. All such enter
prises that have any Inclination to drift
our way will be welcomed provided
they don't cost, us anything. We've said
can't so long ' that It Is almost 1m
poGslble to leave oft the negative part
of It, but when the factory gets here
perhaps we can. The rumor forgot to
state what Is to be canned, but we us
ually have a good crop of strawberries,
tomatoes, cats, dogs, old rubber boots,
et ceterae very senson, so there need be
no discouragement on that line.
A few of our singers will attend the
meeting of the Lackawanna and Wy
oming Musical alliance at Nicholson
next, while others will merely take In
the concert Thursday evening. Tunic
hannock is generally apathetic con
cerning music, though possessing tal
ent enotifih If properly cultivated.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Decker, of Gibson,
Susquehanna county, are visiting rela
tives here.
It Is given out on semi-official author
ity that a new depot for this place Is In
cluded in the estimates of the Lehigh
Valley company for next season. Good
enough! it lH surmised by th" uniniti
ated that the nev tri-ctnr? will net oc
cupy the site of the old one. but will
bo placed, farther down toward the rail
road brlilre, possibly at tho Bridge
streetc roSKlnp. This would throw the
nter of gravi )f the trwn no block
east and boom some property In that
Tho suit of. Cynthia Decker vs. the
Lehigh Valley Railroad company wan
put over until January term of court,
when It will head I he list.
our Idea of a philosopher la a man
who, when bitten by a cow, can be
thankful that It wasn't a sheep, which
hns teeth on both Jawb.
Tho case of H. L. Whitney, et. al., ad
mlnstrators. vs. Elihn Keeney, et. nl
was concluded yesterday and rendered
for plaintiffs. The action wan brought
to recover a note of $l!,0OO which be
longed to the estate of the late Ann
Eliza Whitney. The deceased was par
alyzed and helpless omo time before her
death, and was cared for- by Mrs.
Charles Keeney, a niece. Desiring to
repay the nurse, the elder lady, preci
ous to her death, gave Mrs. Keeney a
paper which figured In court as a "gift
paper," In which she stated that the
latter was to have some furniture, vnl
alile pnpors, etc., and Interlined In the
paper was Included the Interest for one
year on the $2.0(H) note, amounting to
$110. Juat previous to her dnth she
showed n trunk to the defendant and
told where the key could be found, say
ing "that trunk and contents are
yours." The $2,000 note wns In the
trunk, hence the defendant claimed tt.
In Bplte paper plnlnly Implied that she
was to have the Interest for one year,
only. In addition to this the old lady
had bequenthod the note to other par
ties In her will. The Judges ruled that
so lonpr as the furniture had not been
removed previous to the old lodv'o
death, they could not be claimed after
ward, as they then rightfully belonged
to the estate, no matter what verbal
disposition che might have made of
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Geneke,
who died early Vednenday mornlns of
heart dlsear.e. occurred yesterday. morn
ing from her home on Main street, and
was largely attended. The remains
were taken to the German Catholic
church inHyde Part, where requiem
mas was celebrated. 'Interment was
modcin the Hyde Park Catholic ceme
tery. Miss Clara Ixisenring. of West Pltts
ton, was a visitor here last evening.
The Fyno mines have started to work
ten hours a day again, on account of
the great demand for coal.
Lackawanna Valley Council, No. 81,
will attend divine service In the Metho
dist Enlacopal church to-morrow even
ing, when Rev. I. A. King, the pastor;
will deliver a patriotic sermon.
The third night of the Price Library
Association fair at Weber's rink last
evning marked the largest attendance
. .
Litis Known
By Its Cures
It 13 not whit we say, but what
Hood's Sarsaparilla docs, that telb tha
story of Its merit. . .
Tho thousands of people whom it bal
raised from disease and despair to happi
ness and health, srs the strongest and
best advertisements Hood's SarssFsrllU
hat. No other preparation in existence
has such a record of wonderful cares. .
This is why Hood's Sartaparilla hss tbs
largest sale, and requires for its produc
tion the largest laboratory ia tha world.
Now if yoa need a good medicine, why
not try that which has dona others so
much good. Bs member
Hood's Garcoparilla
Is the Only '
True Dlood Purifier
Prominently to tha public ey. fl ; six for6
s-An Diita asnsonloaily wit
tlOOa fl F1113 Ueod'soanaparUla. tM.
Highest of all in Leavealfig Powct.
of any of the precedlng : nights. The
sales were equ, f
thing passea on bhii"j -"y , ...
The booths so artlstlca.ay and i beautl.
fully arranged anu "'"-
tnc aamirauon i -- .
evening the Anthracite Glee club ren
dered a number of selections and were
roundly applauded Ha,iRtead.
MISS J una uuuKiic.y.
Is visiting friends in this place,
ii warren, of Mooslc. was a vis
itor here .'ast evening.
Mr. and Mrs. uavm rui. '
Park, were visitors In this place last
Quite a number of our people will at
tend the Lackawanna and Wyoming
Musical Alliance at Nicholson next
wek. . . .
The annual Thanksgiving dinner of
the descendants of the late Darwin
Gardner will be held at the home of
Blrman Cardner this year.
An error in last Thursday's Tribune
In regard to the Ladles' Aid at Mrs.
M. V. Townsend's read Presbyterian
chvrch, when It ohould have read Bapt
ist church.
Mrs. A. B. Rought Is suffering with
the grin.
The Second Keystone Academy foot
ball team and Wood's college team, of
Scranton, rday a game of ball on Key
stone Athletic field today, Saturday,
Nov. 23..
At a meeting of the school board held
on Thursday evening for the purpose
of receiving bids for tho new school
building, the following contractors
forwarded propsals: Phillips, of Wllges
Barre, $5,493; 'DaviB. of Plttston, $4,825;
and Summons, of Plttston. $4,910. The
contract will not be awarded until Mon
day afternoon at 12.30 o'clock, when the
board will meet and render a decision.
John Taylor, of West Avoca, is lying
seriously 111.
James McKenzle, William Kane, John
Doran, John Meade, Lawrence and
Thomas Morahan left yesterday morn
ing for Pocono Summit, wher they will
spend a few days trapping In the wild
erness, .
Robert ' Shields, of ' Wllkes-Enrre,
spent lust evening wilh friends In town.
Mrs. M. Whalen, Mrs. P. Cannon,
Mrs. T. Urehony and Misses Kate
Dempsey, Ella Qulnn and Alice
Mitchell' attend the Ladles Catholic
Benefit association at Dunmore on
Weclneeday evening.
Miss Mnry Dennis-and Harry Geott,
both popular people of the West Side,
were ur.ltod In marriage on Thursday
evening. Rev. J". Jones performed the
ccrmony. The young couple will re
Elde on the West Side in a neatly fur
nished hoTr.e.
The Moral show Is meeting with grand
sucrers. Crowds attend every night and
Friday afternoon the children of the
different schools attended In a body. It
has been decided to keep It open until
tonight, and It Is expected that every
one will avail themselves of tho oppor
tunity to be present.
The St. Aloyslus' society will meet
In rcgulnr cession on Sunday afternoon.
Mlrs Ensle Rooney, of Dunmore Is the
guest of her cousin. Miss Bessie Web
ber, of Main street.
Sidney Luckey, of Port Jervls, wan
the guent cf his son, Howard Luckey,
this week.
The Langcllffe Coal company paid lit
employees yesterday.
Thomas Cranston and Miss Jennie
White are representatives to the Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavoi
convention at Scranton today.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians,
Board of Erin, held a grand entertain
ment at O'Malley's hall last evening.
Many talented people from home' and
Sa mctfer haw violent or excruciating
Iho puln. the Rheumatic, Bedridden, In
firm, Crlrpied, Nervous, Neurnlpje, o:
prut'tratcd vllh diseases may tun'cr,
W ill Afford Instant Eass.
For headache (whethsr tick or nsrvour),
toathat'bc, uauralgls, rheumatism, lum
hf o, pbl'.is and weakness In the baci:.
tplne or kidneys, pains around the liver
pleurisy, swelling of the Joint.) and pain'
ef all kim'i, the s;i!!etton of Radway'r
Ueni'y Relief will afford Immediate ess;,
and Its centime! use for a few days cdae".
a permanent cure.
Ir.'tantly stops the mo3t excruclatlns
pains, allays Ir.tlnmmii'Jon and cure con
gestions, whither of the Luna-s, Stomach.
Howel or ctlior glands or raucous n:m
br&nea. Had way's ltf-ady ttolici'
Colds, Coughs, Soro Throat, lnflu?n
zs, Bronchitis, Pneumenla, Rheu
matism, Neuralgia, Headache,
Tceti-.ashe, Asthma, Dif.
ficult BreMMn;.
one to twenty minutes. Not one hour
after renrtlnr this sdvfttrsnvsnt need any
INTERNALLY A half to a teaspoanful
In half a tumbler of water will In a few
minutes cure Cramps, Spasms, Eour
n'rr-.nrh. Nausea, Vomltlnf. Heartburn,
filck Headache, Diarrhoea, ColU, Flatu
lency and ail Internal pains.
Prlo 50:. par Battle. Said by a'l
Greatest Sale of tfie
Tho overproduction of our Mill, and the accumulation of Odd and
Ends, during the tuy day, compelled us, to mark down lrl!o- in
Underwear ut lower point than ever. Wo are known throughout tho
county (hat we ate only the one bcuie Mint kei s exclusively a full lino
of Underwear, and we cut the prices for the inouth of November in half,
for instance. -
A Shirt that vra Sold for $1, we only aslc you 50 Csnts.
Men's Underwear Natural Gray Camel's Hair or Scarlut,
Your Choice 35 Cents, Former Price "Sj.
130 doe. Natural Grey, in all wool, '
Any Size fur 49 cent 3, Former Pries $1.33.
500 doz. of Heavy Jersey Overshirls,
v z 1 . Never sold any less than CO cents; sale-price 33i.
400 dos' of Child Grey and White, good value, no shop worn goods, but strictly
fresh stock, daily productions of the mill, ,,
. r At 13 cents: former price 23 cents.
' : We Offer fou 0 all Vool shawl,lsffant colors at $3.09. You cau't
duplicate the aana shawl for 0 00.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report ;
surrounding towns too kpart and an
Interstineg programme wbb rendered.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Brown are
now domiciled at their neatly furnished
home, on Main street
There will be a contest for a Demor
est gold medal In the Methodist Episco
pal church on Monday evenlg, Nov. 25.
An excellent programme hos been ar
ranged. Miss Eliza Dick, of Moonlc,
will favor the audience with one of her
selected , recitations. Admission, 10
Professor McCarthy, of Plains, vis
ited the borugh schools yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wler, of Pitts
ton, spent Thursday with friends In
Oeorge and John Readey, two broth
ers, were quite badly hurt at the Grassy
Island, Delaware and Hudson shaft,
yesterday by a fall of roof. The lat
ter was Injured most severely.
Miss Ella Cobb, of Green Ridge, was
the guest of Mrs. S. M. Rogers yes
terday. About twenty-five of our fire laddies
attended the fair of the Carbondale
Flro company last Thursday evening.
Rev. 8. C. Slmpkins Is meeting with
success at his revival meetings here
every evening. May the good work
A number of our collcrles here ...will
pay today.
Miss Etta Noyles, of Scranton, it
visiting Mlsc Bonnie Slmpkins.
Mrs. Ceorge Cool and two children
have returned from a visit in Susque
hanna cour.ty.
Only Ono Alternative.
From the Detroit Tribune.
Fashionable Patient This bill Is exhor-
Doctor Rut
Fashionable Patient Not a word. sir.
Either cut It in two, or llnd something eUo
the matter with me.
nil of your life. There's no nrcps.
slty. lf you aro ruptured cotiKult
Dr. O'Malley, of WllKes -Hurra,
tho celebrated Rupture Specialist,
ut ouco. lie gives a written guar antee
in from four toolkit weekly treat
ments. No knife, no op: r.itlou, no
detention from oulnesn, no tru-is
to w.-ar afterward. Particulars i'y
mail if you ask. then, or by call
ing on
DR. A. P. fi'lll
20 yean' cGntlnuou prac'.lct In Wilkes-Barro.
ing ue
328 Washington Kmu,
Scranton, Pa.
EbOQit-3 Yaraisl
Gravel Roofing
Pips Covering,
Building Felts,
Sbeafbing Papon
All klrds of roofing work den 3. All UlnJs 7
snivel or ibg ruofs made.
Hoosio Powder Oo
Rooms 1 and 2 ConunogeaUh lli't
mm and E LASTING
Lafllln A Hand Powder Co.
Orange Gun Powde?
Electric Batteries, INiem for explod
-- ins blasts, Safoty Fuse uid
Bepanno Chemical Co.'s Ei0uEiplos!;c
Season in lint
(Iotion :
TO our
W ashburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pats
rous that they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling S1RIGTLY OLD WHEAT until the new erop
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro
of th.?.P,.n,on ft? U already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will taka
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of ralllinc haa
Eluccd : W tahburnCrosby Co.'s flour far above-other
rands. v
Wholesale Agents.
is a nearly everybody
. dissolution of partnership sale
of flpnnlp in Vrrnntm nml vtr!
It has coaie nearer givin; them on; dollar's worth of value oa every
fifty cents they have spent with us, than any other sale of similar
gsods ever inaugurated in the Lackawanna Valley. Only a few
wcek3, however, now remain fcr the public to avail themselves o!
this extraordinary opportunity to secure CarpetJ, C&TtalllS, Dr
pevles, Rujjs, Linoleum, PorHeres, Mattings, Hlc, at manu
facturers' prices. If you arc desirous ot saving money don't mist
this opportunity. Dcn't say you'll come tomorrow, things yon may
have misht be gone; come today. The prices we are selling
goods ct now will not be duplicated again fer many a day. ,
Kt cur Branch Store in Carbondale, we carry a large line of
Furniture, and to facilitate its disposal the same reductions bavt
been made as upon other lines of goods.
40S and 403 Lackawanna Ave, Scranton, Pa.
Branch Store-"Watt ButUinj," Church Street, Carbondale.
General Office: SCRANTON, PA
is tr
m w-ssrs--'s X VsrVsss s aSsVVN f , f
A sm fl n jtjh gm m rwa oa ssam m ssssva j)f
i imflvo mn nmrn& vo attract w I
here and there are being reduced to our usual stand
ard, but nobody ever yet attempted to lower entire
stocks to our . rates. It would mean the loss of too
much money.
To Sell as Low as We Sell there must be buying as
large and steady as ours in order to get all the advantages.
There isn't a retail store in Scranton that we know of that
would for a moment claim to handle as many goods as we do.
Ho Old Stock Is Being Pasbed Off, .
Ko Percentages Are Being Paid
Tiling '
Ulizjard in the sir overcoats in our
clothing departments. Chilly men
everywhere. " Introductions to over
coats go cheaply here aad now.
Kersey overcoats, blue or black,
wool or Italian cloth liniug, fourteen
dollars. They'll compare favorably
with others at iS, We have finer
ones. Our credit system hold 4 g30i
here set what you want, "Pay os
You Can," a llltl: at a U ae.
has, or ought to hare; nt least. Car
hns alreadv hciocd reanv huadreda
- .!i. f . - . . n. (I
PA., Manufacturers of
Salesmen to Sell Particular!
They attract the attention of crock
cry dealers J 3.90, our price for the
six dollar kind not one kind but
many and the latest of the new
designs this is a hint of what you
may expect to near from time is
time in this growinj department.
.our creau is gooa acre aisu.
- 1