THE SCBANTON TKIMUIOS WEDNE S DAT MORNING, .. NOVEMBER 20, 185.. r . - , IrtCiirihg: Torturing: Disfiguring Skin Diseases team Works Wonders -f!i r ' 4mtt V. Wiw. London rbma Mwt CsaaiMl Coin. oi Prof. BoUOB. U. B. A. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS ." i 1 STOCKS AND BONDS. if aw Tork. Nov. 19. Speculation at tht itock exchange was adversely af- footed today- by disquieting news about tH foreign political situation, further , liquidation for London account, the en gagement of nearly two millions gold for export .by .tomorrow's steamers and "the likelihood of further shipments later In the week and the adverse de cision against American Tobacco and Western Union. The Industrial group , lost Hper cent'. Sugar was an excep tion and' ruled Bteady to Arm. The other Industrials rallied at Intervals. LoulvlllQ and Nashville was weak. About 15,000 shares of St. Paul and Louisville and Nashville and other , London ' favortles were thrown on the market. Reading securities showed a little more strength and improved any where from Si to 1H per cent. The Grangers held firm and were bought freely. The Trunk lines were quiet. The liquidations In Manhattan appear to be over for the time being. It Is . now Intimated that the regular divid end will be declared. Western Union on the other hand was freely pressed for sale and fell to 884. Speculation closed steady In tone. Net changes show Jdeclllies of from 2 In the In dustrials. Reading closed H higher. Sales were 262,000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stooks of the Now York stock mar . kat are given below. The quotatlbna are "furnished The Tribune by Q. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen A Co., slock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Bcranton. . Op'n- High- Low- Clos- r ' lng. est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co....; 854 86-H 84 86 Am. Cot. Oil: Wi 19 19V4 1W4 Am. Bugar Re g Co. 100 lim, 9OT 100, Atch., To. & S. Fe... 16T4 17H 16T. 17 Can. Bouth 54 Mr 64V4 54 64'4 cues. & Ohio 1M 18 18H n Chicago Gas 64". S4' 63 644 Chic. iNSW lO&Va 106 105V. 105 Chic, B. Q 814 8 Chic, Mil. & St. P... 75 78V, 7 V4 74H i Chic.,' R. I. P... 75ii 75 75Vt 75 VDtl: Hudson...... 128 129 128 129 Dlst. A C.,F 1 18 18 19 0n. Electric.......'. 31 314 30 30 Louis. ft Nash 62 52 51 M M. K 4 Texas 13 13 13 13 Manhattan Ele 99 99 88 s Mo. Paclflo , mi 30H 29 30 Nat.' Cordage......... 7 7 7 7 Nat. Lead 31 31 30 30 N. j. Central W7 107 107 1074 N. Y. Central 89i 99 99 99 N. T., L. E. ft W.... 9 9 9 N. Y.,8. & W.,.Pr... 31 31 31 31 Nor. Paclflo...., 4 4 4 4 Nor. Rati no, Pr , is . 15 15 15 Ont. ft West 15 15 14 15 Pac. Mail , , 30 31 30 30 Phil. ft Read STi '10 9 10 Southern R. R 11 11 11 11 Tsnn. C. &!I 32 32 31 31 Tex. Pacific , 8 8 8 8 Union Pacific....... 9 9 8 8 Wabash ..: 7 7 7 7 Wabash, Pr.... ...... 19 19 187 18 West. Union..., 88 88 86 87 W I. - . . . i7i liii i ix. ini. V. 8r Leather!'!!!'.'.!. 12 12 11 11 U. 8. Leather, Pr.... 70 70 68 68 Chicago board: OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT, . Ing. est est. ing. December ..... 67 67 66 67 May 61 61 61 61 : OATS. December 18 18 18 18 May 20 20 20 20 CORN. December 27 27 27 27 MSV 29V 29 29li 29'Ti LARD. ' ' January G.62 - 6.55 5.52 6.55 MP0ltK' ' 677 671 6''5 877 '.January'.., 9.00. 9.00 8 97 9.00 May 9.00 9.37 .37 S.37 Bcranton Board' of trad Exchange Ono tattons-11 Quotations Based on Par of 100. j Name. Bid. Asked. Often Ridge Lumber Co 110 Dime Dop. & Dls. Bank 130 Bcranton Laee Cur. Co.... 60 Nat. Boring ft Drilling Co 80 First National Bank..... 600 Thuron Coal Land Co 90 cranton Jar ft Stopper Co 25 Bcranton Glass Co 65 Laekawanna Lumben Co 110 Spring Brook Water Co 100 Elmhurtt-Boulevard CO..; 100 Soranton Axle Works,.. 80 Third National Bank 830 Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... 100 Bcranton Packing Co ... 100 Bcranton Savings Bank,." 200 Lacka. Iron A Steel Co -... 150 ' Weston Mill Co. . i - 250 Bont Plate Glass Co 12 ' BONDS. Bcranton Glass Co 100 .Economy Btsam Heat ft Power Co 100 Bcranton Past. Railway first - mortgage, aue ins.... uv ... Bcranton Traction Co.; 95 People's Street Railway, first : mortgage, due 1911 , 110 Bcranton ft Plttston Trac. Co. ... 90 l. Dumtk'.' Htrt fiollwov. Rfln- ' end mortgage, due 1120 110 . . ... Lacka. VaUe Trac; Co., first mortgage, due 1928 100 E lesson Manufacturing Co 100 acka, Townahlp School 6 J2 ; City Of Bcranton Street Imp 654 ... . 102 , Kew York Produce Market. New Tork, Nov. l.-Flour Dull, easy. Wheat Dull, firm: No. 2 red store and elevator, 66s.. afloat, ttc; f. o. b., 67 aM4,r,ungraded .red. Sa70e.j No. 1 north ern, KiAc options dull and firm; January, 6M4c; May, 7C; June and December, 67o, Corn Firm; No. 2, 36c: elavatdr, ro.; afloat; options. dull, firm; November, ll5o.-; -Decstnber, 5c; January, 35o.; (Mayi I6c. Oats Dull, steady; Novem- .er, tic. December, 23o.; January, 23c; 'May, 25c. spot prices, No. 2, 23a23c; No. I White, I40.t No. t Chicago. 24 al4c.f No. i r2c; No. t white, 23e.: mixed western, 23al4c; White do. and white state, 280. Provisions Firm, steady, Unchanged," Lard Bteady, quiet, un- .ckknged.- Butter Quiet, steady; state dairy,. 12a21c.) do., creamery, I7a2s)c: western dairy,' lUallc; do. creamery, 14 attc; do. Jun, I5a21d.r do. factory. 8 16c; Elglns, 23c. t Imitation creamery, 12 al8c ' Cheese Dull, ' easy, unchanged. EggsQuiet, unchanged. a ' ' Toledo Grain Market. 'Toledo, O.t NOV. U.-Wbeet-Recelpts. 11,000 bushels ',. shipments, 7,000 bushels; market quiet: No. I red, cash and Decem ber, 4c; .My,, t7Hc. No. I red, cash, W8. No. I While, 2a. Corn-Receipts, gf,0M bushels; shipments, 19,000 bushels; Market easy; No, t mixed, cash, 2c.; No. I do.,, 280. 1 Ne. t yellow, J8c Oats Io itradlng. Cloverseed-r-Receipts, 320 vagst shipments, 61 bags; market steady; prime cash, tM: March, f ,42. r" ! ' ' -; ' oil Market. ' V PltUburjr, P;i Nov. II. Oil opened and lowest, 81.60; . highest. 81.61; closed, X. here and on City. : b ... . ., !. , .cr' .. ' . ' GhlasgO LiV Btoelt. . Tv Chicago, No. ll.-Cattle Receipts,, 6,000 .head; market slow and steady; common td lltr tersM Wall Mockers and feeders; r.fcAlffi; aowiaad bulla, 61.60U.W; calves, -6: TtxAns, '. 8wJ.40; wests rn ratigsnt, .iiTi,' Hats-noe4ta, ,00O head; rket t.l oottt lower: heavy toklng "i r, Mpf Ma, 8150U.66; oora-r-n to eTinic h... -4, Oa8.66; choice as-(4v.i.ii.ty-W! Iw-t T4.e0aJ.l8; plga, 8 -. ' -V . " "I . ' : - .'. ' , r - - a3. 90. Sheep Receipt. 20.000 head; market weak and 10al5 cents lower; Inferior to choice. 81.75a3.30; lambs, Ha3.4& r Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Nov. 19. Tallow Is steady but dull. We quote: City prime. In hhUs, 44c; country prime. In bbla, 4a4c; country dark. In bbls, - 3a3c ; cakes, 4c; grease, SWSc. NEWS OF 01 K 1XUUSTBIE3. The Catawissa Railroad has declared a dividend of 3 per cent, on the pre ferred stock, payable November 20 as registered October 31.. . - The coal shipments over the Hunting don and Broad Top railroad last week were 39,295 tons, an , Increase of 13.777 tons over the same week last ye if. For the year to date the shipments are 2, 085,597 tons, an increase of 276,455 tons. II I! It The preliminary work essential to the beginning of the tunnel whlcn is to be constructed so as to connect the No. 5 Jeddo slope with the Ebervale tunnel. Is now about completed. The air-compressor Is In working positon and work upon the tunnel will commence prob ably In a day or so. It Is expected to have this vast undertaking completed about spring. When the connection is made all of the Jeddo works will send their water off In the direction ot the valley, thereby reducing the pumping expenses greatly. II II II The Pittsburg and Kastern company has placed Ha order with the Schenectady Locomotive Works for a number of large, consolidation freight locomotives, two of which ore for de livery this year, and others during next year. The grading and bridge super structlon Is nearly ready for track lay ing for fifteen miles,, and a branch from Burnslde to Spdngler is under consider ation. This will add a large output of coal tonnage, and coal car equipment for this traffic must be provided. RAILROAD NOTES. The report that the Metropolitan Traction company had leased the Forty-second Street and Boulevard surface line Is confirmed. The transaction was conducted very quietly, and some of the directors of the companies knew noth ing about it until the announcement was made. It is also stated that the Metropolitan Traction company hns se cured control of two other lines in the lower part of the city whereby desired connection with the downtown ferries on the North and East rivers will be ob tained, and will Inaugurate a system of transfers to and from the said ferries which will be great feeders for Its main lines. A system of elctrlc power will be used on the smaller lines. :o: . Certain details of the reorganization plan of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad have been announced. The plan has been in possession of some of the larger Interests In the company for some time. It Is proposed to assess the stock and first and second and third Income bonds 20 per cent. New common stock will be Issued In ex change for the old. There will be lusucd new first and second preferred stock. Present first preference bonds will be exchanged Into this first preferred Btock, getting thirty shares In the first preferred and 100 shares In the second preferred for each 81.000 bond. The second preference Incomes will receive twenty shares In first preferred stock, sixty shares second preferred, and sixty shares In the new common stock. The third preference incomes will receive ten shares in first preferred, sixty shares second preferred, and sixty shares in the new common. Early on Wednesday morning the en gineer and fireman of the Santa Fe overland train, bound west, when near Cajon Pass, Cal., imagined they saw something on the track right ahead. Thinking the train was about to be wrecked, they both Jumped. The engi neer was rather badly hurt, but when the fireman picked himself up out of the dust he found that the engine had made kindling wood of a wagon to which two horses had been attached. Their driver had seen the headlight of the engine and had jumped in time to save him self, and the animals themselves wore cropping the dried grasB along the roadside, which showed that they hud not been greatly disturbed by the ac cident. But the train, with nobody at the engine's throttle, was plunging away through the darkness, the pas sengers asleep in their berths, utterly unconscious that they were being drawn Dy a wild locomotive. The fireman, who had been left behind, thought he would try to overtake the flying train on foot. Then he changed his mind, and, jumping astride one of the horses, he set out after the runaway train. He knew it must stop soon, as it had to climb a very steep grade, and If the fire under the hollers was not kept up the supply of steam would not furnish sufficient pressure to keep the wheels going around. The vagrant train did stop a mile and a half from where the accident occurred. There did not seem to be any reason for an Interruption of the Journey just at that point, and so the conductor and brakeinan hurried ahead with their lanters to ask the engineer what had given out. When they round the cab empty, of course the train hands were very much mys tified. They asked each other a good many questions to account . for the strange disappearance of the engine crew, when the fireman came loping along on the horse he had borrowed. After explanation had been made he turned his horse toward San Barnadino and brought the first tiding the railroad people had of the missing train. A hack was sent to the scene with another en gineer, and as soon as steam was raised the overland went on over the hill through Cajon pass. .The same car riage brought the Injured engineer to the city. San Franslsco Examiner. HONESDALE H. T. Dolmetsch, one of our popular photographers, returned from Chicago on Saturday evening,' very much im proved In health. ueorge uunmng, or Htroucinpurg, for merly of this place, has been spending a few days In town. Ben C. Gardner is boused up with a bad case of Inflammatory rheumatism. Worry vein out your kMneyi. paragus tarn men. . . " If you hare worried your fcelf sick you can gain new. 'vigor by 'taking- Dr. Hobb'a Spuuru KWuey Pllla. '' " . s', : ' ' i A few dose will Teller... " a urn am rtn ei . ill drusistairor vailed , poetpsia for sue. par box. , "' WriUfor yaiayalsf. (' " HOil't MtoiciNt CO.,' . rfikks. r FtaaciM. Mf Worry, i H. T. Menner and J. "Slfmuel Brown returned from the wilds of Pike county on Sunday evening. . Mr. Menner killed one deer. Miss Vlnnle'Rose la visiting friends at Clinton. N. T. John Abbott, of Carbondate, ,1a the guest of Fred Farnham. . . W. A. Parehall, of Port Jervls, was a visitor in town yesterday. P. E. tiumaer, of Hotel 'Anthracite, Carhondale.c ailed In friends here yes terday. David Pulls, jr.. who was arrested on suspicion of having started the Burner ous fires here lately, made a confession Monday night before R. A. Smith, Sher iff Murphy, Deputy Barnes. A, S. Searles and Rev. John N. Lewis. He admitted having set fire to the barn of Patrick Weir, of which he was sus pected. After getting some matches at a bottling establishment nearby, with which to light a cigarette, he went out doors and lit his cigarette back of Weir's barn. He then tossed the match Into some hay and soon the barn was a masa of flames. He denied having started the other fires, but stated that on the night the barn of Judge Purely burned he was so drunk he didn't know whether he set it on fire or not. David Pulls is a cripple and not always sane. 1 A year ago he became so unmanage- able that It became necessary to send ' him to the poor house. Lately he has been drinking hard and this, added to his lack of mental responsibility, no doubt drove him to his insane deeds. The school teachers of Wayne county have Invaded the county seat and now aie attracting the attention of every one In the borough, especially the young mm. The Institute opened at 2 p. m. Monday with about 200 teachers in at temlnce. Superintendent Kennedy opened the session and made his an nual address, which wrung with words of encouragement. Professor G. W. Twltmyer discussed "Moral Training and Superintendent McNeal. of Dau phin county, gave an Intending ad dress. Superintendent Schaeffer was present yesterday and gave the teach ers many a good pointer to help them in their work. The Jubilee singers will be at the Methodist Episcopal church tonight. FOREST CITY. J. II. Bryden, of Pittson. was In the borough on business yesterday. George Clark.of Scranton.was in town yesterday. Mrs. Edward Cnffey and Mrs. Andrew Morgan were In Carbondale Monday. Mrs. R. H. Dunn visited Honeda!e friends Monday and Tuesday. An Infant child of George Matteson's Is seriously 111. The "Old Rube Tanner" company will appear at the opera house Saturday evnlng. The company comes well rec ommended. Forest City Council. Jr. O. U. A. M., will attend services In a body at the Baptist church next Sunday morning. Rev. J. L. Williams, the pastor, will preach a special sermon for the occa sion. 1 The reviewers appointed by the Wayne county court to view the road between the O. & W. depot and the Sus quehanna county line, at this place, were on the ground Monday, and as a result of their work the road has been laid In a direct line from the depot to the old bridge. Many of the residents In the upper end of this borough are dls sattsfieu because the road does not ter minate at a point further north, so that it would connect with Grand avenue, and It Is probable that a petition to have reviewers appointed will be circulated. C. H. Alexander, of Carbondale, was a visitor in town yesterday. Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable, MILD BIT EFFECTIVE. Purely vegetable, ant without p.iln, elegant ly coate l. tustelo'S, small and ity to take. Hadway's i ills aaxi't nature, stimulating to healthful activity tbs liver, bowels a id other d ge.tivo organ i. leaving the bowels in a nat ural condition without any bad alter etTectk. Cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles AND All Liver Disorders. HADWAY'S PILLS ara purrly vegetable mild and reliable. Cause perfect Dig stion, com plete absorption and healthful regularity. 2Ti cts. a box. At Druggists, or by mall. "Book of Advicu" freo by mail. RADWAY d CO.. ; N P. O. Box 885, New Tr.rk. Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 Commow calti Bld't SCRANTON, PA. 1 MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH. ' DALE WORKS. Lafflln ft Rand Powdor Co."! Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and fiepauno Chemical Co.'s Hitf Explosives Frencli Injection Compcund Cares potlMvelr, quickly, (not taereiy etwrks.) tiuaranteed or money rerundeil. Avoid dangerous remallos. Price SO eeata per bottle. Mix- Hollies (will cure aevrt caae) sent prepaid, taoara from eosM-ratlon. with only scleuuncaliy made ij rings, to soy address fur l. uo. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all sufferers of FtfHORS OF YOUl H, I OST VIGOR sod DISEASES UP MEM AND WOMEN. !08 ?a: .'loin bound; -sceurelr al d aad malm free Tr-stmeat byaiii strictly cjuBdi'ntial, and a I ositlve qa ek rare cat ant'od. .no mattr how atag ataadiag, I will l.o-ittrelv our. yon.- Writ er call. . 10 I flRR 39 N.-lStU t., PfaUad.,Pa. n, I.ynr. jii vnrH' rnntlnn na, nrtotire. HUeMfHrMleM WEYQJI iirr i la koala, Hanvfalllnal Writs. COo cstea fA. nor l ..mis tiis CalasiM, in- itryrtoU . t Utan iM waak sV ) , FLU Tne largest piece, of Good toJDacco ever sold for 10 cents' By common consent the greatest living writer of short stories is o o Rydyard Kipling . He is, indeed, the King of Story Tellers. The demand for the work which comes from his pen ex ceeds that for the writings of all other living writers The Tribune, in association with other leading daily journals of the country, takes pleasure in announcing a new story from the pen of this master wielder of the Queen's English, entitled x Tie levi and The remarkable thing about it lies in the fact that no story ever written so vividly sets forth the absolute sublimity of human en durance. This tale, with the vividness characteristic of its author, depicts the last adventure of a desperate crew of sea rob bers captured in forbidden waters with a shipload of stolen pearls. Pirates though they are, their indomitable Anglo-Saxon pluck will win the sympathy of every reader, , in their fearful struggle with a maniac engine disabled by a shell from a pursuing cruiser. Scalded by escaping steam, scorched by the- red-hot metal they are forging, crazed by heat and toil and famine , till they are scarcely conscious of what they . do, they strive with unyielding stubborness to repair the wrecked machinery and effect their escape. DM -They Succeed? '""..' r- ' ... -i :'..' ; , ' .-a ' , ., ..h.. ! You ;shall learn .by reading the , six issues ot .'our 23 to Nov! 27, inclusive. the Deep' Sea .paper trom Nov OLD WHITE ME TUBER For Heavy Structural Work.- M ANY SIZE, AMD UP TO FORTY FEET LONG 1 RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commoaweal'h Eldg., Scrantoii, Fa. Telspku 422. IRON A STEEL : : Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Ri' ets,. Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon - Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, BiTTENBEIOER SCRANTON. PA EVERY WOilAN 8eaat!ai bo21s a relteble, monthly, reiaUUQf medleina. Oalf htrmlssa (- U9iUrcst droga should bo Died. If yo want tho best, get 0?o PssS's Fsnnroal Pills The on prom tit, safe ard certain Is rose It The twain (Or. Pool's) aerat dUapa uit., Jl.00. Addnai FsaL UaBiciKB Co., OoTUod,0. , For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, oor. Wyoming Avonu an Sprue Straai, Scrants.i Px x TUB TRADERS Eational Bank of Scranton. OROANIZED 1890. CAPITAL 250,000 : buiiL03, $10,000 BAJTTTEIi HIVE3, President. V. W. WAVBON. Vice-President. A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel Hlnes, James M. Evcrhart, Irv ine A. Finch, Pierce B. Flnley, Joseph J. Jermyn, M. 8. Kemeror, Charles P. llat thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson, it citcnni 1, luuio, uuaou and LIBERAL. -run bank nvltea the patroaacs Of btt nan and srira rroeraiy. DU FONT'S MINING, BUSTING AND SPORTING afaantaAtnred at the Wapwallofn Mills, Lo seme county, Pa,, aLd at Wil mington, Do'awaro, HENRY BELIIM, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE Soranton, P Third Katlonal Bank Boilding. aorvcim : THOfe. FORIl ttUton. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A SON, Plymouth. Pa, K. W. WUL1.IGAN, Wilkes Barrs, Pa. Agents for the Chemical Udec aay's Blfih Esnlosivaa. THE NEW NO, 2t Contains all that bH mirte Hammond Work famous, and NEW, NOVEL and ISHFVL im proyements. "Han mond Work the C'ritorion of Hammond Buporioritr." "Hammond Bales tho C riterion of Hammond Popularity." Ham mund No. 2, "Tho Perfect Typi-writor. Ex am no it and bs convinced. Philadelphia branch of Th- Hammond Typewriter Co., 116 bixth htreet. F. A. & A. J. BRANDA, 414 8srvet St., Snn:).i RtprtMntativM. RESTORES VJUUTY. Made a Well Ma- uthOay.Wf of Me. w i rr r Trw aniAT sotk bay. prodeeeotheaboTerMaltslnSOilnys. Itacti Kwerf ally and qnloklr. enrea ws.n aU other, tall oatajiaalUi)siain their loot manhood, aad eld ana will raeowr th.ilr youthfiu vutor by ntiM WBTITO. It Caloair wd surely roatores Menoa ms, Lou TIUIltT, icupowncr. KllHt'r Emissions, Lost Power, latitat X' mory, Wastlu MKSase, ens' U esMe ot aolibuM er eseanaad Indiscretion, whlehaaltseaetors uily.biMlBessermarriats. II no oalr eares a stsriin. at tho ml of alesaso. but Is a anal imi tonle and blooa bnllder, bBur int aeei Uio piak glnar to jmle ehevhe ana n .twrlag the Br ef youth. f wards eg Jnualt; nd OaaoiBBtloa Insist ea earls .nher. It en bearriod la vest oiail. Dr tatlL 1 M or eaekece, er aU tee 0M.aa, wtta peel is orrlttaai aareate te emre) oar tmnni .he as easy. Oirealufrw. Adojoai 0L MEDICINI CO.. Pff M., CHIfJMO. Ill tW m attfcoOTsWaf, aVanay POWDER lmilTEll I OIL THE. Pennsylvania Roofing Co., 326 Washington AYenis, Scranton, Pa, TELEPHONE 535. i t Ebonite Varnish, Gravel Roofing. Pipe Covering,' Building Felts, Sheathing Papers, All kinds of rooflns: work dons. All kinds 3t gravel or slag roofs made. BREWERY. Uannfactarers of the Celebrated PILfiENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY I 100,000 Barrels per Annum sod 5 cants for amnle paeka, Faultlesa Chamloal Company. Baitl more. Ma. TkllLSMllee' aadld rtwotck DeaasaKMaa. eootJeeai aenioiia nee oaywasoe 1a se mjm Kanale eery eror ee boeej sold ta al rstsai 1 92.0O. We ws vilTrareaa ete osoeaj ereeBasaeiusi fmm, yrr Xslsas I te aad haat luasinisa TT.. stseele. term . fiflisiin's Km BEER a " 1 -1 n r rato : " ' Vvh ' "