- I THIS SCTLAJNTOIT . TRTBUNIS SATUBDAT. MOBOTITOr. 3OVEtBEB. t&TlSdS: THE 111 124-126 Wjc Ail, Will place on sale today and all of next week the follow ing Special Bargains: Cloak Department 25 Ladles' Fine Plush Capes, lined all the way through with silk and trlm Aied wtthThlbet around the collar and ' the front, 150 aweep, worth $12.98, Leader's Price. $8.75 One lot of Ladles' Beaver Jackets, also Chinchilla and Ladles' Tan Covert Cloth, with velvet collar, Leader's Price, $1.08. $3.98 and .' $4.98, worth just-double. SO Children's Fancy Reefers, sixes 6 to v 14. worth $3.50. ...... Leader's Price, $1.98 Have' also -received several 'lots of the Caterpillar Boucle Jackets, made In the latest style and the- scarcest thing In the market today, at always lowest prices. Dress Goods and Silk Dept 19 pieces ' All Wool Plaid and Novelty Press Goods, worth 76a per yard, . , Leader's Price, 45e 15 pieces of All Wool Plain and Fancy . Dress Goods, worth 50c. and 75a per yard,' " Leader's Price, 28c 10 pieces of Plain and Fancy Silk Vel vets, worth 75c. to $1.00, Leader's Price, 36c 10 pieces 46-Inch All Wool Black Henri- etta, worth 65c., Leader's Price, 45c Have Just received another shipment of the choicest and newest designs In Dress Patterns and In Dresden and Per sian Bilks; also new Black Crepons. White Goods, One lot 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, regular price 18c, Leader's Price, 13c One lot of Ready-made Sheets, 2 yds. wide and 2 yds. long. Leader's Price, 49c Several lota Ready-made Pillow Cases, all slses, from 25c. per pair upward. Several lota of new Turkish Towels, In all slses, at 10c, 12c., 19c, and 25c. each. One lot of Shaker Flannel, worth 6c, Leader's Price, 3c Also a large assortment of Comforters and Blankets, ranging from the low est price to $10.75. Also small size Elder Downs for Chil dren's Cribs. ... .. Woolen Underwear Dept. One special lot of Men's Underwear on center counter, worth at least 50c, Leader's Price, 25c Ladles' Egyptian Bibbed Cotton Un derwear, long and short sleeves;- also pants, Leader's Price, 25c Also full lines of prices and qualities in Ladles' Men's and Children's Under wear In white, natural, camel's hair and scarlet, Also full line of Onelta Combination Suits at Always lowest prices. Millinery Dept Special Inducements will be offered for Saturday and all the week In both Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats. Umbrellas, $0 M-lnch Fine Gloria BUk Umbrellas, paragon frame, with the choicest col lection of the newest wood handles, i trimmed with sterling sliver and gold, ; every umbrella warranted not to fade . or crack for 12 months, worth $2.50, Leader's Price, $1.59 25 28-lhch Fine Gloria Silk Umbrellas, paragon frame with the choicest col lection of the newest wood handles, trimmed with sterling silver and gold, i warranted as above, worth $3.00, Leader's Price, $1.89 ' . " ".... K 2-lnch Fine Quality Union Serge, with covers to match, with the finest natural wood handles, trimmed with sterling silver and gold, worth $3.50, Leader's Price, $2.23 10 28-tnch Fine Quality Union Serge Umbrellas, with covers to match. An- est natural wood haudles, trimmed HW, tCTl'n Uver no sToM, worth Leader's Price, $2.73 ' Every Umbrellet warranted not to crack or fade for It months. . The above would make a very adapt able present for Christmas. Fun. 4t Ladles' Fur Thlbets, worth 11.00, Leader's Price, G5c M Imitation Seal Thlbets, worth 1100, Leader's Price, $1.25 Purchases to the amount of $5.00 and upward delivered free of charge. - All mall orders promptly filled and aprses caargee prepaid. WILKES-DARRE. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS. Their Anasal Institute Met at Kingston Yesterday. Yesterday the thirteenth annual in stitute of the Luaerne County Sunday School association was held at the First Presbyterian church, in Kingston, and the delegates present were as follows: Wllkes-Barre Mrs. Emma Thomas, Miss Elisabeth E. Doran. George E. Powell, Mrs. C. Tucker Bcott, Mrs. M. R. Baylton, Miss Cutnmlngs. Byron G. Hahri, Mrs." L. G. Swetland. Mrs. Koer ner. Mrs. Lang-don,-Dr. T. W. Thomas. Mrs. Elmer Dennis. Miss Mary Wlll- U8weet Valley C. A. Frick, Lydla Williams. ' , , .. Wapwallopen Mrs. T.- A. Lawall, Mrs. Lewis Hitter, Miss Lydla Karch nor - Pittston-Rev. R. S, Hulsart. Mrs. Haberson, Charles A. Howlti, Mrs. Owen Jones." ' Plains Mrs. James Marshall. Plymouth Edith M. Selgel, William Scharht, Mrs. O. L. Severson. Mrs. J. Q. Crevellng, Miss Sadie Armstrong. Ashley-Mrs. Rev. J. B. Sweet. Nanticoke Miss Julia H. Newton, Mrs. O. K. Bennett. , Bhlckshlnny Rev. W. C. Mickey, Miss Cella Roberts. . Shavertown Miss Cassle Hatletlne, Miss Grace Hawley. Sugar Notch Thomas Hosking, Miss Bertha Polsue, Miss Alice Minlck. Foryt Fort Mrs. George Peck, Mrs. John Banders. Kingston Mre. L. Laycock. Avoca-Mlss Mary 8. Cranston. Town Hill Miss Emma Rowl, Miss Gussie Everett. Hunlock Creek Alex. Dodson. Drums A. U. Leuder. Wyoming H. B. Kocher, J. W. Wil son, Mrs. N. Mlnlger. Lafflln Robert Ktdd. Dorrancenn Mrs. Bchnell. Hlocum-Mrs. Willis Brenton. PrlnKlevllle Mrs. R. Heldel, MlsS Rose Bhlpps. -..,, Avoca Miss Mary McCrlndle. Tomhlcken Mrs. J. 8. Yocum. Mountain Top Rev. Thomas W. Wright. " Forty Fort Miss Alice PurcclU Alden Frederick Moon. Yatesvllle Miss Annie Sartaln, James Jones.' Wllkes-Barre John Bymans. Wyoming J. Frank Smith. Drums Miss Anna Smith. Bennetts Miss Nellie Rosa. Drums Henry Gilmore. Duryea Miss Hattle Roth, C. H. Iatcy. George Urquhart, esq., of Wllkes Barre. president of the association, oc cupied the chair and the session opened with a song service. The report of Treasurer John V. Brownell. of Wllkes Barre, was then read, showing a bal ance from last year of $98.48, receipts for 1895, 1110.48; total, ub.!m. hnraomuntn were 8117.07. leaving a bal ance on hand of $91.89. Byron G. Hann, esq., oi hiimh Barre, then read his report as corre sponding secretary, as follows: rri -,. vatti. wnn ntiA nf RtefLnV 111 - X lie w..- - crease In membership. The number or officers, teachers and scholars amount to 33,000; gain in memoersnip, uv; oi ... o nnaalhla 9IM ar-hnnlSi Sent in statistics; 19 report a diminution of 659; 32 show an Increase of 1,259; giving us an increase aDove noiuu. n um same ratio of increase exists through out the country, and we see no reason why It should not, then the total esti mated amounts to 2,800 scholars, givlnff us a total attendance of 35,000. Six new schools were organised and two have made a report. In retiring from this office I can only say it give the incumbent ample opportunity to study the Sunday school and its working. He must have leisure or he will pot be able to do justice to the office. The president then named Rev. H. C. McDermott, of Kingston. Rev. Mr. Ward, of PIttston, and Rev. W. D. Johnson, of Wllkes-Barre, as the nom inating committee. The committee on resolutions was Rev. Mr. von Krug, Rev. A. J. Welaley, of Avoca, and Rev. J. G. Williamson, of Hazleton. Then Rev. Mr. McDermott, of Kings ton,, delivered the address of welcome, and he was followed by Rev. Mr. Weis ley, who spoke on "The Sunday school; Its Three Fold Mission." He said that m.mh.whln 9 ttia Cnnrlnv rhnnla l IllVllltJV I ..... v -' ............. is made up from the church constitu ency. Tne Bunuay scnooi snouia oe a bearer of truth to homes where this I m ma. bnnvn Tho muster ii' a a n n a r V er as well as preacher, and so the apos tles were wttuners. every irni-ner in the Sunday school Is a teacher of the wainI nf t liA Tho Snnrlav arlinn1 la a magnet to draw and there is no line or worn more enecuve. The children's crusade mentioned In htatnvtt la an nnl lllllat ia H-... nf what can be done. Make the Sunday school attractive ana men ur&w me net. The school should center In Jesus Christ. It should be a stepping stone to the Kingdom of God. The Sunday school should point upward to a special end. Rev. Waiter D. Johnson, of Wllkes Barre, then spoke on the subject of "The Parents' Neglect, the Teachers' opportunity." This work, said Mr. John son, began with Christ speaking to men who could not understand him. One reason of failure at present Is because parents who pretend to be Christians do not set a good example to their chil dren. They do not perform their duty, they do not pray. The Sunday school la not a necessity; it is only an expedient. We have a striking example in the Ro man Catholic church. e have a free school, but we do not use that freedom to the best advantage. The Catholic is bound to do what Is right and the mild exhortation to do so is always obeyed. ' This parent pretends to be a pillar in the church, and what a shock it Is to the child of even the unbeliever to see that parent act In an unbecoming manner. The teacher of the Sunday school is do ing a great work, indeed a responsible work. A teacher should be made to feel that his or her work Is important. Rev. Mr. Kephart, general secretary of the ePnnsylvanla State association, then made an excellent address, advo cating tno Sunday school Herald. In .the afternoon, Mr. Kephart led the devotional exercises. Rev. J. G. Wil liamson, of Hasleton, spoke on "The Seven Laws of Teaching;" Miss Annie Harlow, of Lovell, Mass., spoke on "Child Development and Training." The entire day's sessions were attended by appreciative audiences, who enjoyed the addresses to their utmost. P-ACTORWILLE, . . Mm. TV D. Gardner, and Mrs. M. V. Townsend spent Thursday at their brother's Lyman Green, oi neeivuie. : Henry Mathewson, who has been 111 for some months. Is rapidly falling. The Lackawanna and Wyoming Mus ical Alliance will hold Its annual meet ing la the. Nicholson Opera bouse be ginning Tuesday morning, Nov. 25, and onntinuinar until Friday evening. Nov. 29. A large attendance Is desired. The leader wlU be John T. Watklns, of Bcranton. . - Rev. H. H ."Wither and family are occupying the new Methodist parson age. J. C. Reyonlds has a gang of workmen moving the old parsonage on to a tot in the rear of the Methodist church. F. A. and G. B. Reynolds are en gaged In rebuilding the barn recently burned on tne xarm oi is. m. rroper. The Nokomis Water company are preparing to lay water pipes on Church ana sycamore streets, eimon m. jtey nolds has the contract for the ditch. Ing, and Is making rapid progress with the work. Arthur Bailey lost three valuable colts Tnursaay evening on wocunrs crossing, between the stations of Del ton and La Plume. They were caught between a moving stock train and the Nicholson express and killed. The pas senger eosehee were slightly temaced. ; Harry Hlllman Foot ball teaa, of Wllkes-Barre. and Keystone Academy team, of this place, will play a game of foot ball this afternoon on Keystone athletic field. - Mr. and Mrs. A. Warren, of Union- dale, will move to this place on Mon day, and occupy O. H. Halateads' new house, on Academy street. Mr. War ren comes here to educate his children at Keystone academy. JAVUOR. .... . Miss Florence Swarts, of PIttston. Is visiting friends in this place. A pleasant party was given by tne Misses Llszle Reese and Lizzie Ender llne at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor don, on Ridge street, last night. The event was attended by only a few of the select friends of the young ladles, who hailed from Wllkes-Barre, PIttston, Bcranton and a few from this place. The evening was most pleasantly spent in the enjoyment of games of different kinds, and anclng was indulged In. Re freshments were served at about mid night, after which the guests departed for their respectnve honfes. Misses Edith amir Mary Van Busklrk are visiting Miss Alice Rashlelgh, of Carbondale, today and will spend the Sabbath there. Joseph Gibbons, of Hyde Park, was a visitor In this borough last night The Calvary Baptist church fair closed last evening after a most suc cessful three nights' run. At each eve ning mere was a large attendance of people from different parts of the county, and the fair proved a most successful event socially and finan cially. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Daniels and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Daniels attended a sliver wedding In Scranton last evening. The Taylor Social club will hold their usual dance on Monday nlcht at Web er's rink. The fire alarm boxes have been nlaced In position in the borough, and are nearly ready for operation. On next Wednesday evening the fair of the Price Library association, of Taylor, for which the members of the association have been laboring so strenuously for the past few months, will open and continue until Frldav evening at Weber's rink. Bcranton and its neighboring towns have been thor oughly canvassed, and the subscription committees nave met with wonderful success. The display of goods prom ises to be exceedingly large. The decorations will be under the supervis ion of Kerr & Son, the carpet dealers, of Scranton, who have kindly consent ed to decorate the rink for the occasion. JOHN BULL AND HIS PILLS. Estimates Show a Doily Consumption of Over 9.000,000. From the Boston Traveler. Between six and seven million nills of one kind or another are estimated to be daily consumed In the United Kingdom. The estimates are based on the actual dally sales by druggists of ordinary pills, prescription pills, and patent medicine pills. The average of these estimates, which came In from all 2arts of the country, showed that the daily consumption was consider ably over five and a half millions, which would give one pill per week to every man. woman, and child of tho population. ' Taking the average nlll to welch three grains, the year's supply for the United Kingdom would weigh not less than 178 tons, or enough to till thirty six ordinary wagons, and making a train load which would require two powerful engines to pull. 17 9f ton No Two Alike. The weekly announcement, of "77" re like a row of rsw militia, no two alike. 'Til the same with Colds, sometimes it is a Cough or Sore Throat, or Catarrh, Influenza or Cold in the Head, or tiorenesi in the Chest. Gentril Prostration end Fever; when nearly sll these symptoms sre present, then it is genulns GRIP. "77" is ths mastsr remedy for all of thsts conditions. Taken sarly, cuts It short promptly. Tsksn during Its prevalence, it prevents its Invasion. Taken while suffering from It, a cure is speedily reslistd. "77" will "bresk up" a stubborn cold that "hangs on." Dr. Hwnpbroys Pt op a Bpecifle for every diMMo. Thty r. descfibud iu but Muusl, which li Mint fna. Bmull bottles of pleanst pellets-fits your tu nn.act, aula BJ uragllH OT OflUl OB TO- ceiDtof Drlce. (Sc.: or flva for SI. Hnmnhram' Modicina HI anil llx WlllUm York, H-U-M-P-H-R-E-Y-S-. 01 CENT A WORD. . WANTS Off ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT I? MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 2S CENTS. THIS RULH AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS AND HELP WANTED. WHICH ARE INSERTED KUEi. .... , . . Real Estate. Ml&fino EACH FOR 4 SINGLE -HOUSES of Brooms oh, Wabiter eve.; rent fii each; term. mtf. iironar'y r ust be sola. M. H. HOLQ ATE 3.a WILL BUY 9-ROOM HuUSB. SOO Dioes, uuvs Kriwi reut ; Botio lo cation; can at omce. M. a HOLOATC 'Oi WILL BOY DOUBLE HOUBE, oinerry it.; nnt saw; tnrmt euy. ja. a. uulua i k. K.0M WILL BUY DOUBLE HOUSE (Raw;, lot fuxiov, wu Dinrs, vl"SC7 Bra. m. u. nvbUATi, RO0O WILL BUY SINGLE BOUSE, WQ woes, uiDiea n. . V. H BOLOATB. Jr4 18,000 WILL BUY D' JO on Pine st. f rest $79 $8,000 WILL BUY DOUBLE HOUSE M. H. BOLOATB. I utaAIVlrl BTTV If Uf A I rifj 4illEil B.. I sseh. It-room hoase, suitable for two - rumiiaa, ion diock. usraner t. it. H. BOLOATE. 1.400 WILL BUY LOT )sIW ON DEL- ware sear uaptuoa. i man Bargain; nouee Moauoa. price sn enn si oraos at. H. BOLOATB. ICO WILL BOY DOUBLE HOUSE. OOw ics. irvwg smi resi brk r.M lot: oi. a. puuua i a. OMBaoBtrMlth Bulldln. Help Wawteel slsle. i a weesirt sam. yesrwi so esperwnee 1 sinisstrri Wive. iaaa4ul ear ScaMM a Ibjw bee. Aetlrsat r. O, fees AlTED FIBST-RATt STENOGRA PHER AND TTfE WRITEB. witubnsi- aRS experieace; brat of reterncoa. Apply to 8IDNKY WILLIAMS. iVa (roller Phji. Coal Compaay, Duamur, Pa. WANTED -A BRIGHT BOT TO LEARN f tha lranHix. tnuiiuai J Print. r. TribaM offlo. WANTED AN AO INT IN EVERY SEO tioil tonanvmsa! S4.00tafi 0.1a dav modo! Mil at alirht ; a lan man to sell h tapir Uoodi iu uriium; Deat aiu 11110 m nioiixn; aai- ry or Urtra rommlaaion made; ezperioooa nnnrceoaa y. Clifton Soap and otanafactar in Co., Cincinnati, O. a GENTS MEN WANTED. ALREADY li-avallnc. to carry luliriratiaa ollaaaa I i S . . k' . T . . IWIt 1 1 T- 1 ... 1 .1. ( I'l 1 ida Cleveland, O. iiiw. aaouiativnLoa viiu vvr.. WANTED -.WELL-KNOWN MAN 13 vrrv anwn la aulirit ativ-lr anhanrin- tlont; a monopoly: Me money fur atonti; no capital reqnu-od. EDWARD C. F1S11 CO, Borden Block. Caloaca. Ill Hela Wanted Females. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED DRKS3 makor; no others neext apply. Apply to S, Tribuue ollioo. tScranton, Pa. w ANTED IMKEDIATELY TWO ENER- . estfa oalMWoman tn Mnnadil no. Gnsranteed $aly.wlthont intrrferiufwith othor duties.- Bialthful omnpation. write for partlmlara, inclosins stamp, Manjo Cbera leal Company, No. 73 John street. New York. VirANTED-LADY ASSISTANT IN OF- lice: mast be well aualitied: naeitlon permauont: salary $15 weeuly to rlphi party. Escloaa nolf addreesod stamped enrelopo to I. L FAU&T, Manager, care Scranton Tri bune. Agents Wanted. CENEHAL AGENT! WANTED-8ELL-T lnir new aitlrlra to dealnra! Yf.lnKiva ter ritory, no competition, no mpltnl reqnired: U0 to Ml per crnt. pmllt Columbia Cbmlcal Co., (f Dearborn it., Chicaso. III. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS; $75 per month salary and exwusrs paid. Address with two-ceut stamp, FIGARO CI GAR CO., cnicaco. AGENTS TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, atlrer, nirki'l and copper elrctro platers: prioe from S3 upward; salary and ez pennes nad: outfit free. Address, with slain p. MICHIGAN WFG Ca, Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; fc3 weeklv and exnensns: Miwrinniui nn. necessary. t'ONSOLillATED UFO. CD., 48 v an Hurra ai., ifiicaira. prr root, commission; sample book msllrd free. Address U N. CO., btatioa L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new IMitulucr aellinir tnlile cloth. mm- qnito and bonse fly liquid at 1U cents and 25 cents a Do-tie. rinnipln tree. JiULUlAMU U'F'G Co., Baltimore, ild. AGENTS HIXDE'S PATENT UNIVER sol Hnir Curlers and Wavers fus.-d with out heat), and 'PyrPiititcd"Halr Pins. Lib eral commlssioBS. Frco sample and full par- ncniara, Aaurrss r. v. box wo. nmvr York. MAN OR WOMAN OP GOOD ADDRE8 wanted to hho r our Roods; make 812 to SIM per week: no talkins: ther srll themselves at every household; seud SiV. for samples wnicnsell for 81. The UlSHOP BENNETT CO., 87J and 670 lira id st. Newark. N. J. Kft A WEEK PAID LADIES AND i&tjyj (tents to sell.KupId Dish Washer; washes and dries (bam iu two minutes with. out wetttnir tho hands; a child cn operate; never bleaks a d'sh; price low; sells at siitht; nrrmauent position for sll who write soon. W. P. HAURlbON A CO., Clerk 17, Colum bus, Ohio. VITANTED-LADY FIRST WILLING TO expenses paid, or t o do omeo work and corre snondrnco: nositio-.i normanent: salarv 87(10. Enclose snjf-addn ssrd stamped envelope to u. i. nana, Becreiary, care Bcranton -in-bunft Salesmen Wanted. WANTED-SALESMEN TO SELL STA nle soodSnt homo or trnvol: liberal sal ary or Boot! commission: wo send sanin'rson atiiilicntion : Riv exclusive territory. Address r. u. unx inii, new lorKi uy. For Rent. IfOR fcENT STEVENSON FRUIT FARM, Clark's Grren, for a term of year. Ap ply to tiEOKGE 13. DAVIDSON, Attorney, MS Spruce fctravt. . iTORE FOR RENT 313 SPRUCE ST. J Inquire at store F OR RENT-FOUR NICE ROOMS. MOST. Ir furnished, for llaht bousekoeuinK. 1UU3 Liayeiis street. ?OR RENT-FURN38UED FRONT ROOM. suitable for one or two persons; gas, beat and bath. 71U Olive street. FOR RENT-ON CAPOUSE AVENUB, 6 room house: latest improvements. An- TWO OFFICES, CLOSET, STEAM HEAT, mnntn water, decorations, front, con spicuous; 110. W. GIBBON JONES, Ull Spruce street. UINEST BACHELOR APARTMENTS IN X citr: stram heat: handsome suite: all comforts and oheerful; s-cure it quick. w. uiunun juji ta, on pruc street. SUPEfios house to lkt-madison avenue. Be sure to not miss seeing this before renting1. Also nouse on joirrrson. W. GIBSON JOSES. 811 eprucn street. FOR RENT ONE-HALF HOUSE, NO. ST.9. Nnrib Main avenue: 11 rooms. cs. water. furnace and bath room and barn. Inquire at Anderson s inbws nooms, rroviaenrn cquarr, UOR RENT-FUR ISHED ROOM. WITH A or without board, suitable lor two per sona 1112 Adams ave. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS K. EVANS, aear ua Luzerne, Hydo Park. T?OB RENT NICEu I FURNISHED HALL A' suitebln for kxlfre rooms. J OWN JEK MYR, 11V WyominR ovenue. FOR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY occupied by The Scranton Trlb ne,known as the Ulotser hluilulnir, corner or Spruce St. and lenn ave. Possession irlven immediatelv. Tbopremi.es consist of the bi tiding in I he rear of the bulldint on the corner of spruce street and Fenn avenue, together with the basement, and also the entire fourth floor nf the corner bnildins. For particulars inquire on the premises, f Rudolph Bloesrr, or at tho omce or j n rcrsnT-in 'i rinune. Boarders Wanted. MVE PERSON CAN FIND GOOD board and rooms at hut Washington ave, Loot. VwAi TOST -LADY'S GOLD WATCH. BE- 1 J tween Penn avenue and D- & H. depot. Suitable reward ou returning to operator, D. rl. aopot. uiypnsnc For Sale. I OR SALE BLACK MAKE, 7 YEARS OLD; lndy can drive her; price, tiJ. Inquire at nrcsKer srrei;, nOR SALE-FARM. STOCK AND ALL r farming utensils, lnquiro of J. M. 8HEF- riBLD, Til Bcranton street, bcranton, pa. DOR 8 LK-A GOOD SQUARE PIANO, f cnesp. inquire wti i arouse ave. Dressmaking. DRE?SES ELEGANTLY FITTED AND made in tho very latest style. A Lrge assortment of rich simples from the leading New York baustS: Altinan, McCreery, Htearn Bros., Hilton, Hughes A Co. Reasonable clisrir's. grl Wyoming avrnnn. Notice to Taxpayers. Ht-HAlcTnx. Pa. THE UNDERSIGNED, TAX COLLECTOR for state and county taxes in the 17th ward, dtv nf Si-ranton. hereby notinei ths clils.ni f said ward that all taxes must be paid by the 10th day of December, 1H0B, or wju DC ant ei. ROBERT J. HAAO. Colleetor. 533 Taylor ave. SoeeJat Notices. N OTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I wld make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free opjo air advertising ex hibitions with tne strreoptloon: Taylorville, Hyde Park, Provident. Dickson Olynhant, Peokvllle, Arefabaid, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each week daring the month, the rates for adrer Us'ng sre 10 per month. Address H. H. Osll.Tribnne offler, elty. ,. ' : tlmill HOI.DIERIN OUR CIVIL WAK.' 1 Yoa want thft relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Picture. enow fas the forees tn aotnal lwttle, sketoned ori the spot, Two voluntas) HOUO pjetares. Sold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press somnloiei all charges prepaid. Address P. a MOODY, etl Adams Ave., Serantoa. Pa. B1 LAN ' BOOkS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA .a. aVw. boand or nbonnd at Ths ISrs.aA SsmSb ttukk Work. ssSBMlllg rr I .; w c IF YOU WANT A i (1 U WE ARE SURE TO SUIT YOU, BOTH IN Style, Quality and Price, CONNOLLY & Situations Wanted. AN EXPERIENCED UOOKKEtl'ER wishes a situation as such or as dork; reference if nocrasnry. Address D. A N INDUSTRIOUS MARRIED MAN OF il 21 wnnts nnsitlim of anv kind. Addraiui T. A. M., 132 Chestnut streit. SITUATION WANTED-TO GO OUT BY the dsv washlnir. Washinca taken home also. Call or audroaa L. It. U3t N. bumuer avenue, Hyde Park. SITUATION WANTKD MIDDLE-AOED womsu would lileo to b-o out pewinir bv day or work. Address or call 817 Delaware street. Scran tou. V7 ANTED A SITUATION AS HOC8E i keoDer bv a middle cred woman: no objection to taking care of sick people. Ad dress E, L D., Tribune office, Scranton. RESPEi TABLE -MIDDLE-AGED WO men would auist with sowine and lirht housework; nhome more of nn objcot than wages. Address ANXIOUS, Tribnno offler. CITCA'tlON WANTED BY A BUTCHER; k? 10 voars' extwriouce: can furnish best of reference; cm snnalc (lorman and English. Address BUTCHER, Tribune offica. ANTED POSITION AS CLERK OR AT omce work. Audrosi T, Tribune oflloe. SITUATION WANTED POSITION A8 will-small or ahinninir clnrk bv exnerl- tnced mau. Address E. L., this ofUco. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man as bsrtondcr. Reforencm if re quired. Address E. W In care of Tribune. SITUATION WANTED AS GE ERAL C? bouseltconer in family or chambermaid in hotel, ddrcss Mrs. Geo. Hood, Taylor, Pa. SITUATION WANTED AS DRESS makor: willing to work outside of city Ad dress Airs, Geo Hood, Taylor, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO t3 ladv position for bookkeenln. short hand and typo writing. Address li. N. U.. car Tribut e. CITUATION8 WANTED THREE GOOD O Germn bovs from It to 1(1 vears. want a place to learn a trado or do nny other work: they speak English, I cm wi-11 recommiud them. REV. F. llOLTEH, il3'J Waple street, city. XIJ I J J We cannot teach to araw a CRAYON PR0TRAIT by our patent method in three lessons. We pay our pupils SI0 to III pnr week to work for us at homo, eveuingsor spare time, Hrnd for work and particulars nsrmsnn Seymour, xij s. am si. rniis., rs. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN, BrMire and Crown work. Office, 825 Washington avenue C. C. LATTFIACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DH. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Bpruce street, Scranton. of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 n. m. to 6 p. m. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to C10 Spruce street, Bcranton, Pa. (JustopposUe Court House Square.) DR KAY, M ! PENN AVE.; 1 to 3 P. At.: call SOe. Dis. of women, obstretrlca and and all dlsjof chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L, PREY, PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Uye, Ear, Nose and Throat; oflice. 122 Wyoming: ave. Resi dence, 629 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES. 123 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to I I, m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. i DR. 3. C. BATESON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at COS Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WATtREN ft KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Kepunnran building, Washington avenue. Scran ton, Pa JES8UPS ft HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSTTP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. TTT1i".rHnM Jtt WILCOX. ATTOR- neys and Counsellors at Law; offices 6 ana s i,inrary running, ocrnniun, r. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON, ' WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys ann i-ounsenor, common wealthbullillng. Ttooms 19. 20 and 21. wnKk T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES -W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY- at-L,aw, moms oj, m ana va, uoiiiuiuii' wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, HIT Spruce St., Scranton. Pa. L A. WATERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KO UBCXH Willi II a MVC.s DflBIIWUt URIB TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT- t T-,lma Tlai.lr Vti.lt. Iln flnfunlnn Money to loan In large sums at 6 per sent. inw, Commonwealth building, Scranton, pa. H. C SMYTH E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 l.acnawanns avenue. C. COMEQT8. -ft, SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. A Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 1Z0 Wyoming sve.. pcrsnton. rs. JA8. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 48 Commonwealth bld'g. Bcranton, J, M. C. RANCK. 1S8 WYOMING- AVE. Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT 61 Meridian street, i-arg Hill. , Wire Sreena. Jflfl KtTICTTEL. REAR til LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufao- turer oi wire Hereon s. MeslieaL LADimai QMmku't tsPsimiwsl Wi iSCe.71Hau.Tr I WALLACE, TRY US. 632-604 LACKA. AVE,"cOH HOHIS. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA, Bcranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, ' WALTER H. BUELL MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 413 Adams , avenue, opens e.PJ-jl "jlrgarten 110 per term. Architects. edward h. Davis, architect. Rooms 24, 25 and 20, Commonwealth Muiming, acranion. E. L. WAT.TP.n innutTPii' nrnti Tea"Jvv asningtbnayjnue1 ' ... U . . , w u tit LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 43o Spruce st.,cor. Wash, ave., Borqnton. BROWN ft MORRIS, ARCHITECTS Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. Lonns. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callendcr, Dime Bank building. Seeds. G. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone 782. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGARGEK BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Po, FRANK P. BROWN ft CO WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms It and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THK ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. ' Cor. Sixteenth St, and Irving Place, New YorV. Rates, 13.50 per day and upwards, (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLB, Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite cool used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE i, 1896. Trains loave Scranton for PIttston, Wllkes-Barre. etc., at 8.20, 1.15. 11.10 a.m 1.23, 2.00, J.Ofi, 5.00, 7.10 p. tn. Sundaya .00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. tn. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.23 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.23 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 0.21 p. m. and New York 6.4S p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Boston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m.. 1.23, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Oroya, eta., et 120 a.m., 1.23 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Herrtsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.23, 5.00 p. m. Sunday, 8.15 p. m. . For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m., 1.23 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 1.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Ieave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, .00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday C.2T a. m. Through tickets to alt points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vace to the Ucket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, , . .... Gen. Pass. Agent 3. H. OLHAPBEN, Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. rv-wimanelnsr . Monday, LsaJuly 30, elf trains will 0 arrive at new Lacta- wsnns as follows: nina win laavs Bcran ton station for Carbondale and Interme diate eolnts at 2.20. (.45, 7.0O, 8.M and. 10.10 a. tn., 12.00, 120, 156, .. .. I " 11.30 p.m. ' .., For Farvlew, Waymart sad .Hpneedale at 7.00, 1.23 and 10.10 a, m.. 12-00, 110 and 5.U P'For Albany. Saratoga, the Atffrpndaelti and Montreal at l.tt a. m. and 110 P - For Wtlkee-Barre and lntersst points at 7.4. 14, 1.38 and 10.41 a. m.,U.t L20, 188. 4.00, 110, 1.05. 11B ahd U.S p. m. Trains will arrive at Serauton statlen from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40. 140, 184 and 10,40 a .p.. 12.00, 1.17, 134, 140, 4.4. 1 51 7.461U and 11.81 1. m. From Honesdale, waymart end" Far view at 184 a. m 110, LIT. 140. 115 and 7.45 p. tn. . . From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, ete., at lit and u.n p. m. . Front .Wllkee-Barre iM lrsrtnedjae Mints at ill lot, lo ei Shi O.W a. ., VH ill, 1Kb 0.10, 10 m . aad ail p. ta. vsntt Mr St Fur, Largest and Best Una 14 the City, Srue' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets,'. Renoiate FeatieB, v Hake Over Mattresses, . Make and Repair Sprin Sell Iron Ms, rnfiiilH , May-12, 1881 Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia ahd New York via D. ft H. R. a at tU a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D , L. ft W. R. R 1.00, 108. 11.20 a. m and iM p. tn. Leave Bcranton for PIttston end Wilkss. Barre, via D., L. ft W. R. R., 100, 101 11.31 a. m., 3.50. 6.07, 8.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha sleton, Pottsvllle and' all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. R 140 a. m.. via D. ft H. R. R. at 7.45 a.. m.. 12.05, 1.20, IU 4.04 n. tn., via D., L. ft W. R. R. 100, 1H UJ0 a. at.. 1.30, 160 p, m. ' Ieave Arrnnlon for natViiAhem. EaStoR- Readlng, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points, via D. ft H. R. R., 7:45 a. m., U08, 1.20, 2.38, 4.00. 11.88 p. m.. via D., U.ft W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R.. I ts a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R. R., 8.06, 9.65 a. m 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D. ft H. R. R., 145 a. in. 12.05, 9.15, 11.88 p. m.. via D., L. ft W. R. )(. ancf PIttston Junction, 8.08, 9.56 a. m., 1.30. 160 p. m., via B. ft W. V. R. R., 141 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca. wla T-hLri. . . n u . nr ' 1 ... .v. a.w a.m. i-.w. u.w ii.iii.- via, D., L ft W. ft. R 101 1 a. m., 1,80. and 8.07 p. m. . t-unman parlor and sleeping or L. v. chair cars on all trains between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Oen. Supt. CHA8. 8. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.,PhUa.,Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1891 Trains leave Scranton as follows: ' Exa press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.50, 115, 100 and ICS a. tn.; 1156 and 134 p. m. ExpreHS for Eaaton, Trenton, PnlladeU phia and the South, 115, 100 and 156 a. m.a 12.55 and 3.14 p. m. Washington and way stations, IBS p. tn, Tobyhunna accommodation, 1 10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton,' Oswego. El mlra, Corning, Bath. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 115 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all polnti in the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 1 a. in. Blnghamton and way stations, UtT p.m. Nicholson accommodation, 5 p. m. Blnghamton and-Elmlra Express, 10S p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego Utioa and Richfield Springs, 186 a .tn. and 1 itrfarO.aS and Birth 9 a. m. and 1.21 P.m. For Northumberland, Pittaton, Wilkes. Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsbur, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 100, 1.56 a. m. and I SO and 6.07 p. m. Nanticoke and Intermediate stations, 108 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Intsr medlate stations, 140 and 8.62 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oa 'rr.ttll'rnfirm.tlon pocket time depot ticket office. . - Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Tortf andlhtermedlate points on the Briersll. road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. Also for HSneXale. Hawley and local points at 7 A,ll,b.aatv'.na4'!?hrou,Sh train, to a ,r??aln.0 lelv:'?- Wllkes-Barre at 1 a. m. and 8.13 p. - - avssjs.rsw ait avawnv . In Effect eeptemlxr 89t ISOSf Hart Mean. eaUi aflsloT Mi cwssnaajM wi BP' re 710Wi Arrive aacoet Baaeoak IBM lfi l4 Utal "3 fiieS ttSSuitiik l!lBmlSw? Carbondale e SOT(l in es t tSs. HI -VAM 0 Off Ilia) OS. All trains run AsJtVf siBiasatiMiaaSMMo -J2 tM ..MS 2 to. SP o i e a isttl.e ! en ..- a .... OS. li li Ptekvuie IE! '-i .... 0 Mil or OLipbaat Iff IS .... 0SH1M sipksoa r . h m a TiXaave Antr sir . iaassaar. Teoare raise via Ofitsto SWeetewe Mrvuff vawaBd s-re siiaar. Day aafl ;.