. THE SClXirraKVIlIXINK-PBIDAY MOHlTllrtl,: NOVEMBER 15, 1893. CARBONDALE. POST NO. 187 INSPECTED. .... Everything Was Found to Be In Credit I . . ' able Situation. ' ' A most pleasant time was.had.-at the official Inspection of William H. Davis post. No. 187. by Comrade Moses Morey, of Post No. 139. of Scranton. There . were a large number of the members present and the meeting prpved Of more than ordinary Interest. Among other things a new member was mustered In, In the person of Da vM Jones, of Washington street Mr. Jones served as quartermaster on the Minnesota for three years, and nlso as a private in Company L. Fifth TTnlted States artillery for three years. Besides serVlns his own country faith fully, Mr. Jones served several years in the English navy during an insur rection In India. ' ' , Visitors and members of the local ppst addressed those present. Among the latter was Hon. John Kelley, who made a most Interesting Bpewh. W. 8. Jones. MJutant of the Scranton post, .was also present. He was a for mer citizen of this place, having come here in 1839, and spending most of hla life here. It was shown that the post had given away for charity $47, and there was still a balance In the treasury of $240. Comrade Alexander spoke upon the suspended members, and said he was In favor of taking steps toward their reinstatement. A resolution was passed that they reinstate them for $1 If paid before the end of the year. ' THE FAIR OPENS. A Hlg Crowd Attends tho Mitchell Hose Company's Fair. Notwithstanding the Inclemency of the weather, a big crowd attended the opening of the fair of the Mitchell Hose company at W. W. Watts' hall. The hall has been beautifully decorat ed by the boys, and the appearance wns Very pretty. The booths attracted much attention especially that of Abe Sahm. This occupied the center, and was prln ' cipally decorated with horseshoes. The programme as has been published was carried out most successfully. Dancing was Indulged in later. The programme for tonight Is as fol lows: Plnno solo, Professor Kenle; vocal solo, Mamie Daley: contortionist, Ed. Weaver; piajio solo, Cora Crandall. WILL START A READING ROOM Knights .of Fntlicr Mathcw Will Open Ono in tho Watt Building. The Knights of Father Mathew have been contemplating the opening of a reading room for their members at the Watt building In the rooms formerly occupied by the Young Men's Christian association. The plan Is to get the In terest of the younger members of the organization and tables for checkers chess, dominoes, and other games will be put In. The reading room will be provided with all the leading daily papers and monthly periodicals, and It is also ex pected that a library which will be added to from time to time will be started. . Hit by a Crnnk. Nicholas Stelllano. an Italian resid ing in Electric alley, was severely hurt and It Is now thought that he is suffering from concussion of the brain. He was turning a crank when he lost his grip and the heavy bar came down on his head with great force. He was taken to his home and a physician sum moned. Aftbr an examination the scalp was found to be uncut, and there can not . be found any place where the skull Is injured. The man suffered great pain last, evening, but Is resting a little more comfortably today. Hurt on the Gravity. A young man named Homewood. headman, at No. 6 on the Gravity road, had his foot caught In the wheel while attempting to get on a trip yesterday morning. The foot was badly bruised, but the doctors 'think there are no ' bones broken. Homewood has been emoloyed on the road only for a short time. His home Is In Denver, Col. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Among' those who will attend the Kays-Franklin wedding in Scranton on Thursday next are the Misses Jo sephine Burr, Mabel Jadwin and Min nie Reynolds. Julius Jones, of New York city, called on' the trade yesterday. , Miss Jennie Marsh, of Honesdale, who- has been the guest of Miss Mar garet Heller, of South Church street, for the past two weeks, returned to her home Wednesday. Thomas Shannon and W. Fltzpat rlck attended a party at Mayfleld on Wednesay evening. Mailcarrier Martin L. Oliver Is confined- to his home by sickness. James Paul U in Troy, N. Y on business. Mf. and Mrs. George Giles and son, Clarence, have returned from a two weeks' visit In New York state. Mrs. T. D. Baker has returned to her home In this city after a two weeks' visit with relatives in Provi dence. Mrs. A. B. Dolloway, of Brooklyn, Pa.,, was the. guest of Mrs. W. B. Chase Wednesday. John Mannlon, of Brooklyn street, lias received a handsome Irish 'setter Irom Rockway, N. Y. The dog Is the gift of his friend, Daniel Gagnln, who is proprietor of a hotel at that pice. Mrs. S. 8i Henderson, of Laurel street. Is ill with diphtheria. Walter Glbbs, Jr., has moved from Wyoming street to his new residence on South Park street. Mrs. Charles Colbath, of Farvlew, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Will son, on Salem avenue. , Friends in this city have received information that the W. W. Watt family are nicely situated In Ashville, N. C, and are thoroughly enjoying the southern climate. Mrs. James Farrell Is ill at her home on South Main street. After a week's stay In New York city and a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Stlllman Hadcock. of Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Morse, of Lakeside, will take rooms at Hotel Anthracite for the winter, John Devlne, who has been 111 at his home on the West Side for the past week, 4s convalescent. The. bicycle club is considering the engaging of Miss Anna E. Kunkle. of Wilkes-Barre, a reader ami elocution ist, to read "As You Like It." . Harry Lindsay, clerk in the super intendent's office of the Ontario and Western, has resigned his position to . TERMt-ltricllFCMH DuHtii This tele, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. LINO leums, Draperies, Window Shades, and Wall Paper, ... 419 iiCMWMM IVMIL GREAT ALTERATION SALE. , .We have decided on Sweeping Reduc tion rather than cover np oar goodi dur ing oar extensive improvement, and hare marked down everything in the ' ' store at coet and lent, See our Window Display, which will substantiate what we : Ctrtett (rem I5e. te Me.. Werth IB te 7 So. InitMltCirsett, 40c te 0e Wefts Mo. It He. Hill P4Nrt,lc,WertliKcM ' Ai4 everything eW Is proportion .' J, SCOTT INGLIS v . CA2PETS AID WILL PIPERS, 0(iliiiii'Mif ... . ... MMneiiiiiwI-Jnamf accept a poeltion under hla father, who is street commissioner at Scran ton. Frank Hchoonover la to succeed Harry. . A little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Malone, of Eighth avenue. Is seriously ill with pneumonia. Miss Mame -Gerrity, of Honesdale, visited friends in this city Wednes day. . . . William Hall has been appointed guardian of Eva Hall, minor child of Edward Hall, late of this city. Edward Smith, of Scranton, called on friends In town Wednesday. . FOREST CITV. , Died, on Tuesday afternoon, Claud, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Woldren. . The funeral services were held yesterday -at 10 o clock. Inter ment was In Hillside cemetery. Ed. Kelts, of Honesdale, formerly of this place, is visiting his brother, Leon nr.l Kelts. - - Wednesday. . at 2 o'clock, was sol emnized the wedding of Miss Alice Cunningham and John Lumbert, both of this place. The ceremony was per formed In St. Agnes' church by Rev. Author Pomner. Thev will take a wed- dlnir trio to New York. Albany and Troy, and upon their return will take kup their residence nere. rne case or itate oieraK aRniimi am Heller for assault and battery and the larceny of a trunk, has been postponed to the next term of court. Patrick McKune. of this borugh, will be tried at this term of court for em bezzlement. McKune was made the custodian of $50. which had been con tributed by the miners tor the benefit of William Farrell, who was seriously injured in the mines here a year ago, Mr. . Farrell received only $5 of the amount. Minnie Champion, of Scranton, is visiting frlenus in town. Mrs. F. W. Westgate has returned home from a visit with her daughter, at Liberty Falls, N. Y. The basement of the Methodist Epis copal parsonage will be fitted up to hold socials and similar entertain ments. . - . - Howarth's Hlbernloa will be at Da vis' Opera House on Wednesday, Nov. 20. The members of British-American lodge. Sons of St. George, are requested to meet in their hall. Sunday evening, at 6.30. The lodge will attend the Epis copal church In a body. Lewis Bevan. of Vandllng, Is slowly recovering from Injuries sustained in the mines at Rtchmondale recently. An old-fashioned tea party will be given in tne Vandllng Presbyterian church, Monday evening next. Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hi bernians, will hold a ball In Davis Opera House next Thursday evening. A turkey supper will be held In the Methodist Episcopal parsonage next Tuesday evening. . PRICEBURQ. Edward C. Owens, of North Main street, is suffering with a severe at tack of neuralgia. Schools Nob. 1 and 2 have each re ceived a set of mans from the Green wood Supply company. Miss Mabel Evans, of Providence, vis ited Miss Julia Langan last evening. The remains of the late Peter Natin ton, who died at the Lackawanna hos pital, from the result of injuries re ceived on the Delaware and Hudson gravity . track at Archbald, were brought to tho home of P. T. Dingle berry, on Main street, yesterday. Ho will be Interred tomorrow. The council held Its regular meeting Wednesday evening. No business of Importance was transacted. - A large number of the friends of Reese W. Davies assembled at his home on Lincoln street, Wednesday evening to surprise him. The speaking and singing of the entertainers was delight ful. Supper was served at 12 o'clock and at an early hour the guests de parted for their several homes, each declaring that an enjoyable evening was passed. The council would accommodate the citizens of the North End of the bor ough by placing a cross-walk at the Junction of Main street and Snyder avenue.. The hearing In the case of Tax Col lector W. E. Moses was postponed until tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. Morlle Barrett, Frank Noeland and Henry Rles attended a turkey supper given at the Presbyterian church In Peckvllle, Wednesday evening. J. G. Miller was a caller In Scranton yesterday. The Odd Fellows Initiated two new members last evening. HONESDALE The marriage of Miss Anna Taylor, of Cherry Ridge, to Fred Keen, took place at noon in the Methodist Epis copal church yesterday before a host of friends. The ceremony was performed by Rev, C. A. Benjamin. The young couple and their friends were then driven to the newly furnished home of Mr. and Mrs. Keen, on East street, where a reception was held. At 2.40 they departed on the Gravity on a wed ding trip. The ushers were Mr. Keen, Horace Keen, Scranton; Mr. Rice, Car bondale. and William Starbuck, Hones dale. The bridesmaids were Miss Edna Honcan and Miss Anna Reining, Cherry Ridge, Miss Cora Keen, Honesdale, and Miss Steve Clark, Cherry Ridge. The first two ladles wore organdie over pink, and the last two-named, organdie over yellow. 'The bride wore white silk and carried roses. A party from Carbondale drove over to the Taylor-Keen wedding in a coach. Before returning home the driver had the misfortune to run over a small boy, Fred Hiller, who was considerably bruised about the head and body. The accident was no fault of the driver as a number of boys wer dodging about at the time. "Who's To Win Him?" at the Pres byterian chapel tonight. Grant W. Lane and J. Kirk Rose will Join the party of deer hunters in Pike county today. HALL STEAD. Milton Summerton and Charles Bald win BOt In a nunrrpl nl'Ar anmo tnnttai, on Tuesday, In which Milton struck naiuwin wnn a raice on the head. On Thursday he was nrredtoil ami raiooaori on $300 ball. B. F. Bernntoln u-na In Wednesday. E. D. Burton hag purchased a new piano. Mrs. Hatch Is visiting in Union. A raffle for tiit-lmva urin tni.a inM i the billiard parlor on Friday evening. in una jrenows- lodge will hold an entertainment In Rossa hall Tuesday evening, Deo. 8. Mrs. Eldred visited In Nicholson on Thursday. Mlrman Hannan is attending court at Montrose as a juryman. Mrs. fnrnpHfl Vanalalala r.itM Is visiting friends in this place. ' OLYPHANT. Joseph Hlne, a well-known resident of this place, died at a late hour Wednesday night after a lingering Ill ness of Br(gh,t's disease Deceased was 87 years of age and has been a resident of this town for the past ten years. A wife and threw children survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from his late resi dence on Ferris street. Interment In Union cemetery. Miss Llssle Williams, of Kingston, Is the guest of Miss Edith Probert. of Delaware street. Miss Belva Taylor will spend Sunday with her parents at South Gibson. Mrs. John McCue. of Scranton, Is vis iting relatives at this place. The Whlttler Literary society of the central school will give an entertain ment In the--school house tomorrow evening. Aaimasion, lb cents. 'B DEVIL "AND THH TWtr.P BEAV Read'Thw Tribune for early de- PITTSTflll. The PUtston - office of the Scranton Tribune '.a located at No. i William stret, where all advertisements, orders for Job work and items for publication will re ceive prompt attention. Oflica open from l a. m. to 10 p. m. William Drury has placed a handsome new delivery wagon on the road. It is one of the prettiest wagons that has yet been seen in this city.-' . Yatuenska Lovlnski was taken to the hospital yesterday morning suffering from a severe scalp wound, received while at work in the Exeter shaft. George Huntley yesterday bought the Water street bridge house for $105. It will be removed at once to make way for the new Lehigh Valley station., Joseph Webber was taken to his home on Panama street, suffering from a severe injury to his spine, which he received while -at work In the Twin shaft yesterday afternoon. The members of the African Method ist Episcopal church held a meeting lust evening at their rooms on Linden street. Rev. W. W. Taylor, of Buf falo, N. Y., addressed the company present. The work of connecting the Pitts ton and Scranton electric railway was commenced yesterday morning at the corner of Main and Broad streets and it is thought that the line will be in operation about the 1st of December. The stxteen-months-old daughter of Thomas Reese died at her home on Oak street, yesterday morning. Fu neral Saturday at i p. tn. Interment in Pittston cemetery. . Pittston Business Directory. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange: also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. AVOCA. Miss Minnie Leonard was a visitor In Pittston yesterday. Miss Annie Deeble, of South Main street, Is convalescent after a severe attack of typhoid fever. Miss Mary Brown, of the North End, was a visitor at West Pittston yester day. Mrs. C. Duffner and daughter. Nettle, were visitors in Scranton yesterday. Levi Ellis, of Janesvllle. Wis., is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Sanders, of Main street. William Watson, formerly of Mooslc, and at presant conducting Rescue Mis sion work In New York city, will occu py the pulpit of the LangclifTe church on Sunday; subject, "Rescue Mission Work." Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davenhall. of Forty Fort, were visitors in town yes terday. Mrs. H. M. Steever and Mrs. Hattle Bell were visitors in Scranton yester day. Mrs. Thomas McNalley, of Grove street, Is visiting friends In Wapwal lopen. Mrs. Curtis, wife of Hon. W. N. Cur tis,' and Mrs. J. Bronson, of South Ca naan, Wayne county, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Webber, of Main street. Messrs. Rourk and Gardner, of New burg, N. Y.; N. Youngs, bf Salamanca, N. Y.; Shaw, of Hackettstown, and G. Beemer, superintendent of the Scran ton poor farm, . were pleasantly entertained at the home of W. H. Hol llster. on Tuesday. They were shown through the Avoca colliery by their guest and party. Mlflses Sarah Meehan, Mamie Reap and Mamie Hines were visitors in Pitts ton, on Thursday. NEWrVMLFORD, The New Milford Dramatic society will soon place several productions on the market. Repairs are in progress at the tan nery. The meat market business conducted by Eugene Barnes has been purchased by William Patterson, of this place, who has taken possession of the same. Mr. Patterson has been connected with the market for several years and as a caterer of choice meats has few equals. Mrs. Hatch, an old lady living at the North End, of this borough, died at her home on Tuesday of this week. It was rumored on the midway this afternoon that Professor Hanrahan. of Blnghamton, will be In town on Friday to organize a dancing school for the winter. A new photograph gallery has been opened on Depot street by J. H. Wilcox. It is stated that Messrs. Barnes and Pickering, of the meat market, are going to Scranton to take an Interest In the livery business, lately purchased by Frank Everrett, of this place. Plumbers are busy at the Jay house laying the pining for heating the en tire building by steam. The ice house at Heart Lake Is com pleted. Henry Hosfeld was In Scranton yes terday. Mrs. M. A. Hill Is moving back to her home In this place. The new camp, Patriotic Sons of America, held Its first meeting at the Grand Army of the Republic hall, Tuesday and elected officers, etc. Quite a delegation from Gibson Camp, No. 400, was present and assisted in making a pleasant evening for the new organization. Next Tuesday evening will complete the organization, when several visitors will be present. A ban quet will follow the ceremony. SIBLEY. Mrs. William Shere, of Mountain Val ley, was visiting her parents, at this place, this week. Mrs. E. Judson, of Mooslc road, Mud town, after a long Illness, died at her home, on Monday last. The funeral ser vices were conducted at her late home by Rev. Coroner. The remains were borne to the Marcy cemetery, where In terment was made. TIIURMAN ABLE TO JOKE. Venerable Ohlonn Continnes to Improve In Body and Spirit. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 14. The vener able Mr. Thurman continues to Improve though he is not yet able to sit up. He seems to suffer little pain, and fre quently Interjects a humorous remark In the conversation of those in the room. He had been smoking a cigar Nerves Are like Fire. They are . . Good Servants But make ' Poor Masters , To keep yonr Ncrvei steady. Your Head clear, . Build up your Strength, ; " Sharpen your Appetite, 5 . You must hovp , , Pure Rich Bloocl The Best Medicine to Vitalize and Enrich tht? Blood, is . ' Hood' Garoa The One True Blood Purifier '2 Prominently in the Public Ere. 0;:;;- parilla last night and It had gone oat 'Ms watchers had dropped -Into; a .doatt when they were startled with; "If any of you are carrying the work of the devil, give me a lucifer match." . . An eggnog, was served him today, b his faithful colored servant. It Was highly complimented by the patient, and he added: "If I go to meet St. Peter I must take plenty of that.?. , LIGHT CP0X A MYSTtBY. The tVotnaa Bratally .Vardorod ai Laredo by annti Was Mrs. llenm.of St. Lou1x. Laredo. Texas, Nov. 14. The child murdered by Kuntx, the day before yesterday Is Clara Fisher, of East St. Louis. The chief of police has been wired to hold the property and the btfdy until the arrival of Mrs. Fisher. Men na, the son of the murdered woman, ar rived this afternoon. A plot is be lieved to have existed to kill the child, and the woman was killed to. remove the witness of the murder. A valise, bdlleved to contain the proofs of ' the motive for the crime, was seen, but it has disappeared. ....... The wife and child of the murderer have been located at Kingston, N. Y. The police are searching for a motive of the crime and say it could not be robbery, for only $1,600 were involved. Dallas, Texas, Nov. 14. The woman killed near Laredo yesterday and called Caroline Memm or Menn, was Mrs. Chrlstlnia Hemm, of St. Louis. She came to Dallas In September last and registered at the Postofnce Hotel as Mrs. Schultx. About the middle of Oc tober she left Dallas, oelng called to St. Louis by a telegram announcing the death of her real husband, Hemm, About two weeks ago she returned to Dallas, wealing deep mourning; and bringing with- her a girl six years old, whom she said was her niece and whom she called Ethel Fisher. She told Mrs. Marks, the proprietor, her real name at this time, and said the reason she had registered as Mrs. Schulti was because she was trying to avoid a man named Kuntz. of St. Louis, who had long wanted her to marry him, which she declined to do until rr husband, who was In bad health, she lid die. She said she was afraid Kuntz would kill her. She left for Houston, Texas, last Sat urday night, telling Mrs. Marks that she was to be married at Houston, but old not name the man. There Is no doubt that the three dead bodies at Laredo are those of Kunts Mrs Hemm and Ethel Fisher, all of 8t. Louis. . ' Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure" This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages in male or female. It relieves re tentlon of wafer and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, druggist. 125 Penn avenue, Scranton. Pa, If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs Winslow's 8oothlng Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething; ?Ll1,1h, fe;.fect ,?ue'e"- 11 Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain Cures VV.ml Colin, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ak for "Mrs. WIntlow'g Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. HERE IS Facts tell "the story facts: Our partnership- limitation. The balance bO AND GO QUICK. Any hour of the day, any time you please, you will find our staff of polite and attentive salespeople ready to please, ready to serve, and you save big money on every article you buy I IF YOU Intend to purchase . either Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades or Upholstery Goods of every description, our Dissolu tion Sale provide a splendid opportunity for all who WANT TO SAVE IIY The stock is entirely new and has been marked down to first cost, many goods even below cost. l&CAt our Branch Store, in addition to our Carpet and large line of Furniture. KERR, SIERECKER & CO. 406 AND 408 UCKANANNA AVENUE. Greatest Salo of tho Season in Underwear - t The overproduction of our Milts, and the accumulation of Odds and Ends, during the busy days, compelled us, to mark down Prices In Underwear at lower points than ever. We are known throughout the county that we are only the one Iioum that keeps exel naively a full line of Underwear, and we cut the priots for the month of November In half, ' for Instance. - ' A Shirt that we Sold for $1, we only ask you SO Cents. Men'a Underwear Natural Gray Camel's Hair or Scarlet, Your Choice 3S Cents, Former Price 75c. 150 doz. Natural Grey, in all wool, " u Any Slxe for 49 cents, Former Price $1.00. 800 doz. of Heavy Jersey Overshlrts; p ' 1 -. ' ' Never sold any lest than 60 cents; sale price 39c. 400 dox. or Child Grey and White, good value, to shop worn goods, but strictly fresh stock, dally production of the mill, v. - , At 48 centa; former price 28 cents. GREAT REDUCTION IN SSTjCS,! BLANKETS AKD SHAWLS. We offer you an all wool shawl, elegant colors at $3.99. You can't , duplicate the eame shawl for (0.00. H3 Can't Eat Breakfast ' ' . - - . a failing altogether too common with Americans. Due generally to excesses of some sort, whether over-work or dissipation the re sult is the same. " The candle is being burnt at both ends." the man, who begins the day in this way is living on vital forces that should be hnsbanded. If yon ttuijt eat in the morning as you should, take a glass of milk containing a tablespoonful of Bovinine The; effect it marvelous. You will have taken a food stimulant that nourishes, makes new blood, new bone, new flesh and nerve tissue, and one that has' no re action. Every vital organ of the body will be kept in a normal condition and will be enabled to throw off disease.. Bovinine is a'powerful concentration of the life-maintaining elements of lean beef, all of which are preserved by the special cold process em ployed in its manufacture. Doctors everewhere will com tnend it, and druggists sell it. DU POINT'S IKING, BLASTING AND STORTING POWDER Maaafaetared at the Wapwalkmea Mills, La era county. Fa-, and f Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, tit WYOMING AVC. Seranton, Pa TUrd Netlontl Bank Boildiag. Aaaactaa ; THOB. TOan. Htteton. Va, JOHN & SMITH SON, Plymouth. Pa -a, w. MUL.L4UAN. wuiMbirn, re. ageoto for the Bepaoaa Cbenucal Oca aw High Bapkaivea fl SALE. not wind. Here are tlie must shortly expire by of our stock hiust - Church street, Carbondale, Upholstery stock, we carry a nv (ApTION ; TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many path rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom 'of milling STRICTLY oId WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessiyelv dry weather many miller, are of the opinion that tt h already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow, the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. iTus careful attention to every detail of milling has placed WashburnCrosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. ta.XI rvvw MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commoi ealtli Bld'j, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER UAOB AT MOOSIC AKD RUSQ CALB WORKS. Lafflln it Rand Powder Co." ' Orange Gun Powdoi Electric Batteries. Fuses for explod ing blasts, 8a ety Fuse and fiepanno Chemical Co.'s Higa Explosive) HT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domeetli se, and of all si sea, delivered in one (art of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Oflloe NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, firm floor. Third National Bank, ar sent by ma.ll or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. R pedal contracts will be made for the lale aad delivery of Buckwheat Coal WLVI. T. SMITH. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qeoeral Office: SCRANTON, PA THE TENTH WEEK since the opening of bur Clothing 1 regards results will be of a Suit or H i EM) MB FANCY PARLOR TABLE Rememher this is for 0 ONE WEEK ONLY Commencing Saturday, November 16, and ending Friday, November 22. v : Our assortment of Clothing liking, and the selling of it tema little at the time has I : :..5 -i2' 225 AND 227 AND 818 WYOQING AYENUEf (MILL THE. Pennsylvania Roofing Co., 326 Washington kmi Scranton, Pi TELEPHONE 555. i t Ebonite Yarnisli, . Gravel Roofing, Pipe CoYcring, Building Felts, Sheathing Papers, 9 All kinds of roofing work dons. All kinds jf gravol or slag roofs made. ROOF TIMING AKD SOLOERIIC All dona awav with bv tha ira of HiltlC MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which conslste of Inaredlente well-known te all. It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, eheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellntu, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling-, crack Ins; or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the J oh or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAKTMAtf N. 527 Birch It. Pm-lPi-l- JL'' ' t-'L 11 ,aejelsl 1 1 Department begins Saturday, No vember 1 6. Our satisfaction as shown by Overcoat with a has been selected to your by our "Pay as you can" sys: also met with your favor. Both Sides. : : a i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers