The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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cranfon CriBune
Dally and Weekly. Xo Sunday Edition.
Publlibcd at Scranton, Pa.,
by The Trtbuoe Pub-
luhin rooitwnv
Knr York Office: Tribune Building,
Frank a
Unr, Mauaier,
(C. . KINGSSURV, Paaa. aaa Otn-a Mm.
K. N. HIPPLC, Sea- aaa Taua.
W. W. DAVIS, Suemcra Maaaaaa.
W. W. YOUNGS. A. MuM-m.
"Prlntera' Ink," the reoognteri Journal tor adver
tlwn, retea Tn Scstoh Tbibunb aa the beat
adveriMm mm Northeaatarn rennaylva-
.ala. "rtlulera' iuK" known.
The Wmrr v TaiatmK. Isnied Everr 8turday.
I'mtalm Twelve Handaume Ilures, with an Abun
dance or Nen-a, nclloo, mvi nrii-iujiiea mwcbi
lany. For Those Who Cannot Take Th Daily
TmnrNt, the Weekly I Kecommended aa the
lk-al Bargain Uolng. Only 1 a Year, in Advance.
TBI Taiami la fbr Bale Dally at the D., I and W,
btation a iioooken.
It Is a pretty true saying that there's
no man so completely mean and con
temptible as the ingrate, and a living
proof of the adage can doubtless he
found next door to the postofflce.
Lancing an Ingrate.
Representative Scranton, when con
fronted with the evidences of hla base
but characteristic Ingratitude, through
his newspaper and In the Times' Inter
View tries to shift the subject. We
do not propose to let him do It. It Is
needless to say that we have no quarrel
with any of the gentlemen who met
Monday night In Captain Molr's of
fice. We do not "whack" at them.
Their right to their opinions and pref
erences Is sacred and supreme. Many,
probably most of those present that
night owe nothing to what the con
gressman from this district is pleased
to call the "Connell ring;" and hence in
their meeting together to further the
Interests of a number of candidates
supposed to be hostile to that "ring"
there was no impropriety.
But In the behalf of Congressman
Rcranton, whose recent begging for aid
from the so-called "Connell ring" has
been open and notorious, and who has,
If the truth were known, been under
such obligations to Mr. Connell and his
friends that decency at least, If not
gratitude, should urge him to silence,
no such plea can truthfully be entered.
His blatant harangue against his ben
efactor, uttered coward-fashion be
hind the latter's back, was a specimen
of cold and undiluted gall, Just like
him, to be sure, but none the less
nauseating to men with a sense of
honor. Mr. Scranton can deny until
doomsday that for this disgusting ex
hlbltlon of his malice, spleen and envy
he was "called down," but we have
better authority than his own worth'
less word for saying that he was, and
right vigorously at that!
The Tribune does not worry over this
rank lngrate's familiar bluster. It will
not descend to his plane of spumous
billingsgate. But it wants the people
of Scranton to know, if they don't al
ready know It, that the present raging
champion of "antl-Connelllsm" Is the
same fawning suppliant who has twice
owed his nomination for congress to
the mistaken generosity of the men he
now honors with his scurrility,
' What Immeasurable contempt the
people of Lackawanna county would
have for their mlsrepresentatlve in
congress If they knew all tho details
of his political perfidy!..
says the Timest "It surprises us
that Mr. Scranton should go out .of his
way to give a gratuitous slight to P. A.
Barrett, a newspaper man who has
nothing to do with the case and who,
at times has been kind to the esteemed
editor of the Republican." There Is
nothing surprising In that The surest
way to win this ingrate's enmity Is to
.be kind to him.
Matthew Stanley Quay had taken J.
A. Boranton's measure correctly before
he exolatmed: "I have no further use
for him." The Republicans of this dis
trict have no further use for him,
either. . '
The Situation in Maryland.
' Friends of Senator Gorman represent
him as being utterly overwhelmed by
the result of the election In Maryland.
They say that he was genuinely confi
dent of success and would have staked
his last dollar upon the chances of
Hurst's carrying the state. The dis
crepancy between his expectations and
the mathematical fact In the premises
Is atttrlbuted to the handiwork of the
"Merit voter, who, with never a flourish
of trumpet nor beat of drum, walked
up to the polls on election day and de
posited a verdict of deliberation and
There la no concealment of the fact
that Gorman was beaten by Demo
cratic votes. A majority of the voters
of Maryland are yet Democratic
when the party lines are fairly and
clearly drawn. But It may be possible
for the Republicans In that state, by
moderate and Judicious administration,
to retain tho support of a sufficient per
centage of the thoughtful and intelli
gent Democrats to Insure the continu
ance of their present control of the
state. The case stands like this: On
the one side are the Republicans, a
minority; oh the other are the- Gor
manltes, also a minority; the Independ
ent Democrats cannot elect a ticket of
their own, and they cannot consistently
go back to the Gorman column, hence
we have the possibility of their becom
ing permanently Identified, on state
Issues, with the Republicans.
Tho most satisfactory feature of the
recent campaign In Maryland was the
established Importance of the race cry.
Senator Gorman staked his all upon the
appeal to white prejudice against the
negro. His references to this subject'
were unblushlngly demagogical. 4 The
voters of Maryland were told that Be-
poblioan success would mean the plac
ing of the negro in supreme control of
the state governmental machinery and
might even force him into the white
man's parlor and at the white man's
dinner table. In fact, no change was
left urung In the octave of racial prej
udice, and in the forepart of the fight It
looked as if this unconscionable trickery
might win. But In the last days of the
canvass popular intelligence revolted,
with results already familiar. This
fact alone would Justify general Jubt
The wrangle in the Democracy over
Judge Smith's vote Is a sheer waste of
time. There Is no low on tho statute
book whereby It will be possible to
punish the people of Pennsylvania for
voting for Smith instead of Yerkes.
The right to vote as one pleases has
not yet been ' cancelled in this com
Pennsylvania Day.
Georgia has been called, and very
aptly, the Pennsylvania of the south.
It therefore is fitting that In the dls
plays of human skill and handicraft
now collected In Georgia's beautiful
capttal city Pennsylvania's exhibit
should, among the northern represen
tations, take first place..
Nor Is it unreasonable to expect that
In the new era of rapid Industrial and
commercial development upon which
Georgia and the re-anlmated New
South are Just entering, Pennsylvania
capital and Pennsylvania products will
play an Important part. There is a nat
ural interrelation between these two
sovereign industrial commonwealths
which no superficial division of politi
cal sentiment can long obscure. The
South will come to the North for Us
money; and while there it will come to
Pennsylvania for Its machinery, its
fabrications of Iron and steel and brass,
and Its Industrial plans and models.
The growth of this awakening section
will be a vindication in no Btnall degree
of Pennsylvania skill and Pennsylva
nia enterprise; and at its prosperity
Pennsylvanlans will be among the first
to rejoice.
The exercises of yesterday at Atlanta
were therefore more than nominal and
formal. They were prophetic. They
foretell the day of closer union and
franker and freer intercourse. They
form Pennsylvania's ratification of the
compact of accelerated kinship and
friendship, and constitute the felicitous
ceremonial of a new wedding of the sec
tions. A current dispatch from Washington
intimates, upon the vague authority of
"a prominent Democratic senator," that
President Cleveland will in his next
message auvocato tnai ine uniieu
States go into partnership with Great
Britain in building the Nicaragua
canal. This is probably an Idle rumor.
A partnership of the character pro
posed could not be effected while the
American congress retained possession
of its senses.
An Impossible Plan,
The Pittsburg Times, In noting the
determination of the labor unions to
move for a repeal of the present absurd
law prohibiting the manufacture and
sale in this state of oleomargarine, con'
cedes the improbability of accomplish'
ing such a result in the face of the Ig
norance, prejudice and class selfish'
ness massed together In favor of that
law. But It proposes a compromise
measure, which It thinks ought to to be
passed without much trouble. It Bug'
gests that a system of inspection of ole'
omargarine be established which will
stop the sale of the adulterated product
concerning which the dairymen are so
greatly exercised, and In order to make
the inspection effective it would have it
performed by Federal authority In con
nection with the Internal revenue de
The trouble with the Times' plan Is
that It rests upon the Incorrect suppo
sition that the farming Interests would
be willing to permit pure oleomargarine
to enter into competition with their own
often adulterated butter. To be sure,
there is no conceivable reason why the
farmer should be marked out for special
favoritism under the law and no ex
ruse for the establishment of a legal
Inhibition against the manufacture and
sale of the chemically pure butter of
the laboratory. But might makes right;
and the rural members are mighty in
the biennial deliberations of the Penn
sylvanla legislature. Therefore the
Times' .eminently fair and sensible
proposition a proposition the adoption
of which would cheapen the grocery
bills of thousands of day laborers and
other persons in straitened clrcum
stances to whom dairy butter, by rea
son of its artificially exalted price, Is
almost a forbidden luxury will fall flat
and the present comedy of class pref
erence go on, to the exceeding great de
light of the Pennsylvania granger.
The Harrisburg Patriot Is unable to
account for the large vote received by
Judge Smith In the county of Lacka
wanna, except on the theory of fraud.
To people In this and Luzerne counties,
where Smith's majority over Yerkes
was secured, the explanation is easy
enough. Thousands of Democrats vot
ed for Smith alone.
The Liquor Problem.
In si recently Issued address to the
clergy Bishop Doane, of Albany, takes
a position with reference to the liquor
problem which will arouse widespread
dissent, but which Is at least worthy of
consideration. "I am more and more
convinced," says be, "that we are ab
solutely insecure so long as the state
.undertakes to exercise any special con
trol over the sate of liquor other than
that which It exercises over the sale
of other things. The temptation Is ir
resistible for the liquor dealers' to elect
the legislature, or at least a majority
of It, In their Interest;, and, as irre
sistible for the average politician to
prostitute their offices by pandering to
the liquor dealers to secure their votes.
No excise law can be framed that will
not, either by its strict enforcement,
create a popular excitement by Its al
leged Interference with Individual lib
erty, and its unfair discrimination of
privilege between classes, or It will be
used for many years as a means of ob
taining money to purchase immunity
for crime." 1
"Meanwhile," he adds, and here Is
where the critics will take him to task,
if the state let the whole matter alone,
vnAWalw Innltiitajt tit .La .iwiln.l
! ...V. - .MVlHUkU u ti.u viimiimi
folde certain offenses, drunkenness, sell-
rE . 7 '
Infer liquor to minors, Violation of the
lrd's day and the selling of llauor In JrfcMS" press and one off the best
T , , "UUT '"equipped newspaper plants In the state
t&e Immediate neighborhood of schoote without the loss of a single issue. The
and churches and polling places, I be
lieve the matter would regulate Itself
by the law of supply and demand.
There would bo no more liquor saloons
than tho thirst of the neighborhood re
quires, and there would be no tempta
tlon on the riart of politicians to sup.
port them as places In which they could
secure Influence, or to liquor dealers to
establish them as centers of political
power." But the law of supply and de
mand applies differently to the liquor
traffic than to most other branches of
trade. The supply. Instead of satisfy
Ing the demand, as would be the case
with clothing, food or most other neC'
essarles, stimulates It; until we hav
lllustrated a kind oT perpetual motion
which would tend steadily to Increase
the proportion of the saloons to the
number cf inhabitants. Where such is
the case, society has a right to inter
pose artificial restrictions with a view
to minimizing the harmful results.
We do not wonder that Bishop Doane
is disAtlsfled with the present favorite
method of dealing with this problem. A
moro unsatisfactory adjustment than
tho state license plan can hardly be
Imagined. On the one hand you have
the state confessing, by its Interference
with the liquor traffic, that that traf
flc Is more dangerous than the traffic
in bread, meat and potatoes; and on
the other you have it volunteering to
compound the peril for a specified cash
consideration. But the discovery that
high license is intrinsically illogical and
vicious does not further the problem's
solution. Upon the whole, we can see
no better way out of the dilemma than
to favor the Gothenburg plan of state
or municipal ownership and control
under regulations sufficient to bring the
evils of tho traffic down to a low min
imum until such time as an effective
public sentiment shall decree Its utter
The congressman from this district
would, of course, like to have tho pub'
lie forget the manner In which his char
acteristic ingratitude was rebuked the
other night; but It's a thing that will
not down.
The Honorable Joseph A. Scranton
has at no period In his career been not
ed for either honor, dignity or truthful
ness, but as he grows older he Beems to
be getting worse.
Mr. Scranton's abuse of William Con
nell does no particular harm; but it at
least serves to exhibit Mr. Scranton.
Walter Wellman. In Tlmes-TTnrnl.1.
Jf 1 were a Drencher 1 ooulfl irpf im a
pretty good sermon on the friendships of
politics. I know It is the fashion to look
upon politics as a game of delllshness, and
iu rciiuru puuiiciuns as so many woiven,
But ufter a somewhat Intimate annualnt.
atu'e with politicians of both parties for
Hume years i am willing lo go on record
witn tne statement that more genuine
lrientianips are lormcci in pontics than
in any of the other relations of life. More
over, politicians wbo amount to anything
must be munly and true. No sneaking,
double-faced, treacherous man ever made
more than a temporary success in poli
tics. He Is sure to be found out. and
lilsuovevy means ostracism. Politicians
are not ansels, but their vices are at least
manly. The first thing they learn is to
stanu oy their menus, to keep their word,
to be ready to help unselfishly In any
emergency. There Is no other field nf ir.
tlvlty in which the old saying so well a p.
pnex, inui in oruer 10 nave iriends you
must be a friend. One may succeed in
business or professional life after a
lasnion wunout menus; but In politics,
A few months before he dlerl Horatio
Seymour said to one of his friends, Dwlght
Lawrence, or ssevi lorn: 'Uwlttht, I feel
that I am near the end of my career, and I
want to tell you something. I have had a
great deal to do with politics and with
politicians In my time, and as I look back
over the past I can clearly see that the
best friendships of my life have been
lormea in politics, it is in politics that I
have met the manliest men, the most
generosity, xnese friendships have been
enuunng, too; many 01 mem nave con
tinued throughout life. I believe polities
uniiMs on i me nest mere is in man. It
teaches the narrow man to be broad, tho
Heinxn one 10 no generous, inis la true,
because friendships are essential in mi-.
cess. In that field of acUvlty ono must
have friends or he can't get on, and if he
wants friendships he must deserve them.
I would not advise anv vounir man to tav
out of politics because of the danger of
ueing uvmormi.Ku. ir ne is tne right kind
vi man 11 win uo mm gooa.
It Is a fact that the personal friendships
of politics have combined to produce the
most poweriui jorce in tne Kemrblican
party of today. I mean the alliance of
Quay, Piatt, Clarkson, Fesaenden, Man
ley and others. It is not my business to
defend that combination, which has for
its object domination of the party and
control of nominations. But it is never-
tneiess true mat this alliance had Its
foundation in personal friendship. Thnaa
men, with many whose names have not
oeen mentioned, nave Deen thrown tO'
gather In the strife of conventions and
campaigns. They have sometimes been
opponents, but they have learned to like
one anotner, to respect one another's word.
to entertain mutual confidences. They
nave in me nam ngniing or many cam
palgns learned to know where the true
metm is, wno are tne men who never
nunK, wno uo not want everything In sight
when they win, and who do not whine or
rcproacn wnen tney lose.
Personal friendship in this way served
as the natural basis on which was built
an alliance clearly the strongest seen in
Republican politics since the days of
urn nt ana uonKiing. an alliance which
plans to nominate Reed, probably with
Allison as an alternative choice. Perhaps
the alliance will fall, for it is sure to
rouse antagonistic sentiment and compet
ing combinations, but there is. no good
reason why we should not accurately
characterize the conditions out of which
It' was formed. It Is noteworthy, too, that
these men who have welded themselves
Into collusiveness with a practical aim
have done so largely In protest against the
sort of thing in politics which every de
cent man abhors. Their allowance Is a
natural reaction against Ingratitude,
broken pledges and the Insolence of power.
These are the men who, through respect
for manliness In politics, would not per.
mlt one of their- number to takn from
Wanamaker the cabinet post which he
had been promised, who would not per
mit Quay to be driven from the national
committee chairmanship by the man
whose election ho had battled for, who
firotested against disregard of the prom
se that Piatt should be secretary of the
treasury, who protested against the man
ner In which Dudley was offered up In
sacrifice, We may not approve the pur
pose or method of these men, but we must
respect that part of their general motive
which had its origin in disgust with in
gratitude. ,
The thought has often occurred to m
that Dersonal frlendshiD la the haul nf a
great deal of the remarkable activity In
politics which we see In this country an
activity which no other country in the
world can duplicate. In what other field
of human energy will men exert them
selves so much and sacrifice so much
without hope of direct reward? At the
call of a leader like Mr. Piatt, or Mr.
Harrlty, or Mr. Quay,, or Mr. Tanner,
thousands of men leave their homes and
(heir business and go to county conven
tions. A thousand or two more pay their
expenses to a state convention. Many
tnousanns leave nome ror a week or two
to attend a national convention. Not one
in a score of these Is an ofllce-seeknr nr
office-holder. They must do It for love of
Politics, and what Is the secret of that
asclnatlon which politics has for so many
men, but the opportunity to cultivate
friendships, to meet old friends and make
new onesT
From the Scranton Times.
The Tribune has luat comnlatail tho wm-b
'of removing to Its superb' neir home oH
Washington avenue, removing a great
ifjiperlty of the paper Is evidenced by
t-j coatly structure which It has specially
ronatructeil for newspaper purposes. The
Tribune is fall cf iiiteroatlriis mutter evary
day. Its editorial columns are bright and
reailnble. nd it would bo hard to beat Its
exceucnt local corps.
'comment of the press.
Why Colonel Boyd Is Sad.
Ilkes-Barre News-Dealer: "We take
down from our editorial column the names
of David II. Hill and Adlal Stevenson, as
ur choice for president and vice-president
In lSStt. We , do r.ot do this because our
feeling for the men has changed In any
i -iieci. out oecaiue neither or rthem
would accept the nomination If tendered-
mem. i ne lemocracy of the country has
kuuo io me uemnitton now-wows, and they
" not so unwise as to lead a forlorn
hope, such asj the IlKht next fall will be.
There Is no democratic party. What was
once the party has dwindled down to the
personal following of Orover Cleveland.
They are not many In numbers, the late
elections show thl., but they make a
great noise. The old Democrat!!, men who
were so because principles, not men, wero
the contending tasue, refuse to vole to sus
tain an administration that Is Democratic
in uomins."
Protection Firmly Established.
Washington Post: "There are probably
less than a doxen prominent miblic men
In the I'nited States who are not in favor
oi me imposition, or such duties on foreign
goods as will, in their opinion, cover the
difference in cost of production between
those goods antt the same articles manu
factured in this country. A few newspa
pers and three or four politicians talk free
trade, but there Is no party in the I'nited
States that ventures to advocute a tariff
on tho English plan. Mr. liavard ought
to know that the polii-y which he de
nounces os 'corrupt and corrupting' has
been, by the election of ISM, '91, and 'S3,
more firmly established than It has been at
any previous time In our history."
Americans Are 1 nfortnnnto.
Rochester Post-Kxpress: "Xo sooner do
Corbett and Ki tzsimmons relapse Into si
lence than Dunraven and Iselin begin to
talk. Truly, the American people are
sometimes sorely attllcted."
Chnnnccy's Latest.
Rochester Post-Kxpress: "Depew's lat
est Is worthy of his genius: 'It is sweeter
far to enjoy taffy while living than to be
decorated with epitaphy when dead.' "
Onr Fnvorite Author.
Washington Star: "Kngland . sends a
great many books to this country, of vary
ing degrees of popularity and merit. Hut
James Monroe continues to be our favor
ite author."
Cannot Hcciprocnto.
Chicago TImes-tlenild: "Mr. Brlce re
fuses to believe that Air. Gormr.n is done
for. but Mr rSnvmuti la nnl ln n i
mood and cannot say as much for Mr.
The Silent Statesmen.
Rochester Post-Kxuress: "Dcvlrl n Hill
eecms to be kef-ping silent in about seven
teen uiiicreni languages."
Saloons in tho Cities.
The New York World has been gathering
the statistics of saloons In fnnr nitiu
which it prints in tho following tabular
Number of Ratio to
Elulnrtnfl. TurinlHnn
New York i in vun mi
Chicago 7,(hk) l to every
iumuii i to every bm
Philadelphia l.:rr i in v,.rv kii
Tho number of saloons bears a very close
relation to tho number of dollars it costs
io la k b out a license. In New York the
fee is $200; in Chicago, $,100; In Hoston, SOo
to J1.D00; in Philadelphia, $l,tW.
"U'nrfl V Al I WC f In A m...4 r ft 41
BTeat London editor.
"Ever rear! a nAtt'tuna, i. .. ,
. ----- ' ..vnuiiV ..Will lll.l LUUI1
'Rvnp tfillroil wilt. 1. - 1
there9 Hiiuun wuu uus uavn
"Not a syllable."
"You'll Hi, nf , l
torlals on the oclnl nnd political condi
tions In the United Stutes-Washlngton
Injured Innocence
"BobbV." said the lenchov In Hl,n
school, "I am surprised at you! You are
usually so stmlloiis, and here you are
drawing; horrid, idle pictures on your
I beg your nardon. mlsa " rtiniiori itm
youth, with the hauteur nf mlsnn.l
genius, "but yoti are laboring under a mis
apprehension. This Is not a horrid, Idle
picture. It is a design for
A Sentiment.
'No place like home!" That hallowed spot
Whore gentle deeds are mi forgot
auu cnensncu Hopes ne er stray.
Whore shadows, drifting fitfully.
Sport with the -firelight's gleam. I
Tin IK,.... ,1 n .1 ii.... '
in n,i b wo iiiiu lettiuyi
The day was but a dream.
And when applause that' pealed of yore
-"in ei iiucu iu i lit? uuine
Is hushed, we turn to pence once more
-"j, inave nite nome.
"No place like home," And yet, 'mongst
It ever will bn sn.
They only realize It when
'mere s nowhere else to go.
Washington Star.
Large Stock to Select From.
To close a few patterns we have
made the following redactions :
1 5-piece Suit reduced from $285 to $227.'
i s-piece suit from jllu to $!)5.
1 3-plece Suit from $210 to $175.
1 3-plece Suit from $200 to $150.
1 4-pleco Suit from $58 to $.'13.
1 3-piece Suit from $196 to $175.
1 3-plece Suit from $145 to $100.
1 4-piece Suit from $100 to $100.
1 4-plece Ruk Suit from $115 to $r.0.
1 3-piece Ru? Suit from $112.50 to $50.
Mahogany Chair from $22 to $16.50.
Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.60.
Mahogany Chair from $20 to $15.25.
Mahogany Chair frorn $22 to $16.30.
2 Mahogany Chairs from $18 to $13.25.
Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.50.
Mahogany Chair from $20 to $14.75.
Corns early, as these are desirable
goods at original Prices.
Hill & Connell
Got her duke, but every girl io Scran
ton can get' a count at out itore for
much less money. .
!ount Antonio
By Anthony Hope, author of -PRISONER
437 6 proof it Opp, the Commonwealth,
Part ot the charm of buying Silks here is that you not only find what you
want, but don't find what you don't want. You Select from a selected stock.
Come and see the wide range of Novelties that xv are showing at prices that
are bound to catch your loose dollars. '
At 57 Cents
We are now offering several patterns and colorings in changeable stripes anfl
figures and chameleon effects, the usual 75c. kind.
At 79 Cents
Some of the handsomest heavy Gros de Londres
covered with sprays, flowers and dainty figures,
At 98 Cents
Nearly all of our
to make the Silk
tXOur line of Black Brocaded Satin Duchesse at 08 cents, for width
and quality were never equalled. 1
Silk Shades,
Fancy Globes.
Our Line Is Complete.
We are now showing the
largest line of Decorated Din
ner Sets ever seen in Scran
ton. Our leader,
ICO PIECES, $6.98.
Also Big Stock of
222 Wyoming Ave.
But he knows . where to buy
Good Hats
305 Lackawanna Avenue. ,
Tn U framd r m Mm WKBSfl
rvM m-m k n. -ji
on d-tend Piano wt bT tkaa ta nhaaft
far Uina. -. .
Sale of Sis
$1.25 Silks have been marked down to that figure in order
Counter an interesting spot for the next few days.
Blank Books,
Office Supplies.
And BuppliM,
Stationers anl Engraven,
To Iuiptct Our Complete Unt of
For Gents' wear. The Patent Leather Shot
made by thii concern are far raperior to any
similar line en the market. Those wbo hare
worn tuom I it the past two rear will bear
ns nnt in this atntement.
If you hare Irregular feet we can make shoes
to your ep-cial measure and lotrantee you
pcricci satwiacuon.
Tho Lackawanna Store Association,
The Acknowledged Expert la
Hoi-Hcshoelng and Dentistry,
la Now Permanently Located
on West Lackawanna Ave
Near the Bridge.
We at Hud-oarWri for Oysters and
are headline the
Celebrated Duck River,
Lynn Havens. Keyporta,
Mill Ponds; also Shrews ,
bury. Rock sways, Maurice
Stiver r'nw. W.f.-n
Shores and Blue Points.
tVWe sake ftpeoieltr of deHrerinf
Bh Feist eahaUshaU im earrien.
and Satin Duchesse grounds,
the usual $1.00 quality.
Specl&llj Adapted (or RetdlDfj ud Seiloft .
Consumes three (8) feet of gts pet
hoar and gives sn efficiency of sixty
(00) candles.
Saving st least S3 per cent over the
ordinary Tip Burners.
Call and See It.
flsnufacturers' Agents.
Ofliee: 839 Washington A-eoos. .
Werkst Ka.T-Auf, p E. W. V. ft. B.
General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa
Stocks, Bonds
and Grain
Bought and sold on New York
Exchange and Chicago Board
of Trade, either for cash or oa
412 Spruoe Street
Telephone 60O&
Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton
. Qss anal Wster Co. Building.
OFFICE HOOas front JM m. sots. a.
(1 boor intoraUoo forelnaer sad sapper.)
FartlcDlarlttsntioiiGlTento Collections
Prompt SettlesMBt GaaraateedL
Telephone No. 134.
eat to yon aboat a hundred times or nor that
OUB Bard ware is not sold by aaykody hot V&
Yes we know how to fan and how to sell oar
Jl I Mil
-pr men'
J .n.CaSe9lb
kiaSof Hardware better taaa say sate a tee
and yea nast sot mind If we harp aoaew)at
pen fee subject, Come sad see for yonnatt
'i V