The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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5-cent Wall Papers,
6cent Walt Papers,.
7- cent Wall Papers,
8- cent all Papera,
10-cent Wall Papers,
and all the better grades
at up-to-date prices. '
7' ' No limit in time to buy.
v ', No limit la (jtiaatitt.
';. v , ' No fictitious prices named
to humbug or deceive people.
' No English, or French or German,
r Jersey, or other ancient styles. '
' AH American, and the best
the world produces, at
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
Tno Weston Mill Go.
Miss Alice Evans Is visiting Wllkes-
xiarre irienus. .
Charles M. Hall, of Towanda, was In the
city yesterday.
',' D. J. O'Brien, of New York, was In the
City yesterday.
' T. Cramer von Storch has returned from
. visit to New York.
Rt.: Rev. Bishop O'Hara spent Wednes
day In Carbondale.
V W. H. Hagen, of Mears & Hagen, is In
. New York city on 'business.
-Miss Agnes Of lmartln, of Carbondale,
Is the guest of Bcranton friends.
" Miss Bertha Shaffer, of Georgetown, Pa.,
Is visiting Miss Abble Watrous, of Dun-
Mnilcarrier Richard Grimes has returned
T1J I. - - ... . . .
ai.uiu j-imc vuuniy, wnere no spent several
days hunting for pheasants and rabbits.
Isaac Butler, of Dunmore, has been pro
, tnoted to the position of superintendent
of the Pennsylvania Coal company's engi
neers. fi Bank Examiner James P. Harrlty and
.his assistant, H. O. Stockwell, both of
.Philadelphia, have bean In Soranton sev
eral days. . , . ,
'.'i.-11? UBt Itoalnson, Charles Robinson and
Frank Robllng, of this city, accompanied
by 8enator Stadler, of New Ysrk, are on
' a hunting expedition In Monroe county. '
. , ...r. . . ' n wiiv h 1 j . wiiii-n in
cludes William Connell, Colonel Ripple and
.others of this city, arrived at the Atlanta
exposition Thursday morning. They
stopped en route at the Chattanooga bat
tlefield. The following Scrantonlans have during
the week registered at the St. Denis Ho
tel, New York city: Miss Hamlin. H. H.
, Beldleman, C. W. Dowd, the Misses Silk
man, D. E. Taylor and family, T. J. Fos-
' ter, M. J. Wightman, R. O'Brien and son,
C, Qarnewell.
.nvarnni. Moil no. a.. . . . hlul i
Davis and Harris, of This City, Defeated
the Pool Tournament.
The games at Jerome R. Keogh's pool
tournament last night were as folio wb:
S'ST-1 u- a 13 . t
-100. Scratches, 2.
Davie-., 9. 13, 11, I, 2, 2. 1, H, 4, 7-59.
0cratcbes, 3.
Jones 13, 13, 7, 12, 8, 14, 11, 1, S, 2, 1. 15
Harris 2, 2, 8, J, 7, 1, 4. 14, 12, IS. 14. 0-89.
Tonight Jones, of Plttston, will play
Helstand. of Wllkes-Barre; Win Marsh
and Thorp, of Bcranton, will play.
, '
English Capital for American Invest
'important to Americana seeking Eng
'1ls!t; capital for new enterprises. A list
..containing the names and addresses of Z'J)
successful promoters who have' placed
Over 100,000,000 sterling In foreign Invest
ments within the last six years, and over
118,000,003 for the .seven . months of 18
.Price 5 or $25, payable by postal order
-to the London and Universal Bureau of
Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London, E. C
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of introduction to any
Of these successful promoters.
This lint Is first class In every respect,
nd every man or firm whose name ap
pears therein may be depended upon. For'
placing the following it will be found In
valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial,
Commercial and Financial Concerns,
Mortgage loans, Salo of Lands, Patents or
Thoy Must Go
r ;. We have more' than we tan use
- this season of the year. A
Ladies' Fine Dongola Button,
Patented Tip, selling -for $2.25,
j. J . nre now going to close' out for
$1.69. .
v ' lit fttflM.' n v f
' ' Cannot get any more to sell for
V : "T" ttila ift-. .
-fr -4.
5;. .yii j,,fr.c) sirt
Councils Art Tired of the Turnpike
Compaty'a Yoke.
That Is tbo Sentiment of the- Select Conn
cllmen-Mr. Manlcy Out for Blood.
Proposition from the Company.
In Common Connell.
Resolved by the select council of the
city of Soranton. the common coun
cil concurring, that the city treasurer
be an it hereby directed to withhold
payment of the warrant In favor of the
ProvKV-nce ana aiiki"
x.,. ,.,,. nnH the city's attorney in
the case" 8 B. Priee. Is directed to
carry the matter to the Supreme court.
2..h .,-0 ..11 incinw of a long ana
animated discussion on the West Mar
ket street dilemma in seieci
The matter was destined to come 1 up
at all events, but It received a fitting
but unexpected introduction m v-...-municatlon
fxm the Turn '.Ike people,
through their secretary. W. W. Wat
son? The gist of t was that inasmuch
as the city was seemingly of the opin
ion that it would reoulrt; an Immense
expenditure or money iu .......
In repair, the Turnpike company would
... the road In a Rood, sat-
f.r....Tr ..nnrlltlon for 85.500: keep It
... ',.r..r rennlr fbr S1.B00 a year, and
ns en evidence of their Intention to
do the work in a gouu raumwr,
covenant to assume all liability for any
oossilile damages mat iiukhi
fmm the road not being kept In n good
repair. It further proposed that If at
any time the city desired to revert to
the present existent compact, the com
pany would be willing to accede to the
city's wishes. 1
Before any action was taken on the
communication. Mr. Manley culled for
the reading of the opinion of S. H.
Price.' who was the city's attorney In
the case, and who held that If the case
ivnft annealed to the Supreme court the
award against the city wouttl be strick
en off and the city released from Its
contract, all of which v.'hh set forth
in nrvvlniis Issue of The Trlnune.
When the oiinlon. containing the
ahove contention had been read, Mr.
Manley commenced to deplore tne lact
that It hed not been read at the time
It was nresented, saying that If coun
cils had not passed It over so care
lessly the city would not be in its re
grettable plight. In a somewhat vin
dictive tone Mr. Manjey declared for
war, advising that tne city pay u
monev to the Turnpike company or
heed to their communications.
Mr. Chittenden ativiseu mat tne mi'
est nrnnnsitlon of the company be re
ferred to the judiciary committee for
the purpose of at least securing an op
tion on their offer so that in case the
court should decide against
the city there would be something to
fall back on, which no doubt would be
found to be desirable. He would also
have the committee ascertain If the
eltv would be expected to pay $1,500 In
addition to the $2,500 for the first year
if the proposition was acceptea.
But Mr. Manley had no deBire to have
any negotiations at all with the com
nanv. He would throw their proposi
tions and claims and hills to the four
winds, drop all parleying and have a
good old-fashioned auction.
Mr. Roche agreed with Mr. Chltten
den that councils adopt both plans-
entertain the proposition and follow out
Mr. Manley's belligerent views, this
was done by sending the turnpike com
nanv's communication to the judiciary
committee and by adopting the Manley
resolution reproduced in the first para
The nerinatetlc streets and bridges
committee, after a day's outing on the
South Side, came in with three recom
mendations in relation to Improve
ments-contemplated there. In the mat
ter of the removal of the Delaware ana
Hudson depot platform at Cherry street
the committee approved of Superin
tendent C. R. Manville s suggestion
that the oblique road about 100 feet
below Cherry street be closed If Cherry
street is to be opened and thus avoid
two grade crossings near each other,
and promised that no damages shall be
Incurred by the city. Mr. Roche want
ed thP committee to draft an ordinance
embodying these recommendations, but
Mr. Chittenden advised that this be
held In abeyenoe until the Judiciary
committee could netermlne the exact
legal status of affairs, and his Idea pre
Another matter which the committee
looked into was the proposes, extension
of tne pipe drain which empties on
Cherry street, so as to carry the water
to the river. This pine drain was built
some years ago at the expense of the
city. It carries the water from the hill
above and empties it on Cherry street.
The property holders on that thorough
fare complain that this water Is damag
ing the street and their properties and
ask that the city adopt measures to
relieve thein. Mr. Coyne, selectman
from the Twentieth ward, proposed an
extension of the pipe drain to the river
and it was on this proposition that the
committee Journeyed thither yester
day. The recommmendation of the
committee was that no action be taken
In the matter until the property hold
ers grade Cherry street, and their re
ommendatlon was adopted.
Mr. Robinson's project to compel the
Lackawanna Iron and Coal company to
open a blind alley on their Eleventh
ward plot also received a cold shoulder
from the committee, who believed that
the matter could be settled more satis
factorily by a conference between the
Interested property owners and the offi
cials of tne company and recommmend-
ed that the resolution be laid on tno
table. This was done.
The nominations of of Oscar F. Free
man for inspector of the Capouse ave
nue lateral sewer, and of Dennis Roche
for Inspector of the Washington ave
nue lateral sewer, were received from
Mayor Connell and unanimously con
firmed forthwith. . . .
The proposition of William Brlcht
and William Love to accept $1,500 In
payment for damages resulting from
the extending of the Providence sewer
through the private alley which ex
tends between their respective proper
ties, was submitted by Mayor Connell
for the consideration of councils. Mr.
Chittenden believed this to be an ex
orbitant demand and wanted to settle
the matter then and there by Ignoring
the proposition and throwing the mat
ter into court, put other counsel pre
vailed and the question was referred to
the judiciary committee.
1 1 1 terse cimcui'iiculion City Solici
tor Torrey advised the repeal of the
Seventeenth district main sewer ordi
nance. He said that during the sum
mer the assessment was made and
when It was about completed the Su
preme court. In a parallel case, handed
down a decision which threw grave
doubts on the legality of the assess
ment. The Lackawanna Iron and Coal
company tested the local courts and it
wan decided that assessments on non
abutting property are null and void.
If the ordinance is not repealed the city
will have to pay about $20,000 out of
the general treasury to make up for the
Illegal assessment levied on non-abutting
properties. The only way, Mr.
Torrey says, that a sewer can be built
there Is to plan the main sewer and
lateral sewer simultaneously and call
It all a main sewer, by which means all
properties can be made to share In the
cost. . -
x-Mr. Chittenden advised that the mat
ter be referred to the Judiciary com
mittee with a view of having that com
mittee draft an ordinance repealing the
ewer ordinance. This course was
adopted. .
--. The following ordinances passed first
and second reading: Providing for a
double dron harness for the General
Phtnnev Hose company, and also a
team of horse for the same company;
establishing the grade of Prescott ave
nue, from Mulberry to Olive streejj.
Trouble Between the Assessors' and
Board of Appeals Get an Airing
Common council was made adjudi
cator, last nlsht. in the contest be
tween the assessors and the board of
appeals. City Clerk Lavelle's letter
setting forth the assessors' refusal to
give uo the furniture was read and
Assessors Jones and Toos appeared to
give their side of the story.
The city clerk merely Informed coun
cil that their resolution could not be
enforced, and asked further Instruc
tions. Mr. Yoos argued that the assessors
needed the furniture, and Mr. Jones
contended that councils could not leave
them unprovided for, as the new act
does not contemplate the abolition of
the board of assessors.
In answer to Mr. Sweeney's question
as to what use the assessors had for
en olHce Mr. Yoos replied that It was
necessary to have some place to meet
with the assistant assessors.
Mr. Oliver, a member of the board of
appeals, at this juncture took occasion
to emphasize his contention that the
fight was not between the two boards,
but between the assessors and the
councils. Mr. Uattle scored the board
of appeals fur being the instigators of
all the troublo, and accused them of
trying to upset the board of asscssrs.
Then the real bone of contention was
thrown Into the part by Mr. Sweeney,
who Introduced a resolution dispensing
with the services of the assessors' clerk.
This was piomptly laid on the table
on motion of Mr. Robinson, the vote be
ing 8 to 7. Mr. Oliver, at his own re
quest, was excused from voting. Just
to show there was no hard feeling Mr.
Sweeney followed this up with an ordi
nance fixing the salary of the assessors
at $4 a day for each day employed. In
stead of $1,000 a year, as now pre
scribed, the ordinance to take effect
April 1. The furniture matter was re
ferred to t he public buildings com
mittee and salary ordinance was re
ferred to the estimates committee, and
so the affair ended.
The question of opening up Iron
street to meet the projected free turn
pike from the city line to South Ablng
ton wr.s referred to the Streets and
bridges committee.
A communication wns rood from
Mayor Connell, City Controller Wld
niayer and City Solicitor Torrey, In
which they advised the acceptance of
the proposition of Frank Sniffer to
settle his clnlm ngalnst the city upon
payment of $371.81. Shtffer's attorney,
Mr. Rhoadeo, explained that his client
had a pood claim for .tfi.607.73. but ".rt
signed o. release while Insane. The
recommendation was ndopted!
A resolution, Introduced by Mr.
Nealls, directs the controller to with
hold payment on the warrant of K O.
Koons, the contractor who Is building
the sewer In the Fourteenth ward, un
til such time ns the claims of his labor
ers are Rettlcd. This wns adopted.
The property owners Ion Luzerne
street petitioned to have the names of
Luzerne and Fellows streets reversed
as thev were before the city engineer
changed them three years aso. The
petition wan favorably received.
There was a little flnre-un at the
end of the meeting. Mr. Robinson
wanted council to consider the resolu
tion which Mr. Manley Introduced in
select council and which had been sent
over for concurrence, but the chair
recognized Mr. Zeidler, who called up
the ordinance providing for perman"i't
men for the General Phlnney nnd Nay
Aug Engine comoanies. Mr. Kcbinson
pleked up his hat and overcoat nnd
left the room without asking to be ex
cused, thereby hrcaklnar up the quorum.
Chairman Grier became somewhat
wroth over this act of discourtesy.
and then and there repealed the privi
lege of skipping from one order of
business to the other and said that
hereafter business will go on in the
regulur order as prescribed by the
rules. He also Intimated that he
would prevent any member hereafter
from leaving the council chamber
without being excused.
An event of the greatest Importance
to Scranton theater-goers is the ap
pearance tonight of Delia Fox and her
merry opera company. 'Flour-de-Lls"
has Just closed an eight week's run at
Pnlmer's theater. New York. J.
Cheever Goodwin has written the words
and William Furst has contributed the
score. Miss Fox has a much stronger
part than ever before. The Fox com-
pany this season Includes Jefferson De
Angells (who Is playing his Ilnal en
gagement with this company, as he
stars next year), Alf Wheelan, Charles
J. Campbell, Charles Dungnn, Edward
Knight, Ida Fitzburgh. Kate Mart,
Alice Cameron and others. It is said
that the scenery and costumes equal
In magnificence anything of the kind
that have ever been seen. The Delia
Fox opera engagement will last for
only two nights and Saturday matinee
and the beautiful new theater, the
Frothlngham, has been selcted for the
place for Miss Fox to make her first ap
pearance here as a star.
Two Johns Coming.
John C. Stewart (better known In the
theatrical world as "Fatty" Stewart),
the organizer and original of "The Two
Johns" Comedy company, will be the
attraction at the Academy on Satur
day evening. Mr. Stewart Is well and
favorably known throughout the coun
try In his personation of Philips Johns.
one of the funny fat cousins whose re
semblance to each other1 causes so
many ludicrous mistakes and laucrh
provoking situations In that greatest of
all laughing successes. "The Two
Johns." The piece was always a popu
lar comedy bill with the theatrical pub
lic, and we are assured that this sea
son it is being presented bigger, bright
er and stronger than ever.
Ono of lloyt'a Sntlrcs.
"A Bunch of Keys." polished an to
date. Hoyt's best satire, still possesses
great attraction for the theater-going
public. It Is essentially an entertain.
ment for the masses, and in that draws
the patrons of farce comedy. This rat
tling farcical production bristles with
funny situations so closely following
upon each other that the audience Is in
almost a continual peal of laughter un
til the fall of the curtain. The sons.
dances and medleys, which form an im
portant item in tne play, are entirely
new nnd are nicely rendered. Miss
Ada Bothncr appears as Teddv. The
rest of the company are very evenly
balanced and contains some very clever
people. The comedy win be presented
at the Academy of Music three nights,
beginning Monday, Nov. 18.
He Waived a Hearing.
John Kline, of Bradford countv. wax
arrested some time ago for seltinir
oleomargarine for butter, and today
was the time fixed for his hearing he
fore United States Commissioner Col-
born. Yesterday afternoon he went be-
fore Commissioner Col bom, waived a
hearing and entered ball for hla en.
pearance at United States court .
Lawyer Vidaver Attacked Constable
Hitler ia I'rothonotary's Office.
.Mr. Vidaver Resented a Sneering Refer
ence to His Nationality and O robbed
the Constable's Whiskers-Fight
Ended tbo Cose Continued-.
Prothonotary Fryor's private offlce
was the scene of a musclar contlict
yesterday afternoon between Attorney
Nathan Vidaver and Constable Jacob
S. Miller, of the Ninth ward. The tres
nass suit of John A. Smith ugaliiBt Mr.
Miller and George Schultz was on be
fore Attorneys I. H. llurns, H. M.
Streeter, and W. J. Lewis as a board of
arbitrators. Attorney Vidaver was the
plaintiff's lawyer.
Some time ago the constable sold out
the household goods of the plain tiT at
the Instance of Geo-ge Schultz, and a
suit for damages arose. Smith alleges
thut the sale was Illegal, and he thinks
he Is entitled to recover from the de
fendants. The first hearing came up
yesterday before the arbitrators.
Calm Prcccedv'd the Storm.
Everything was proceeding along
si-.ioothly. The arbitrators had their
feet up on tables and were listening In
teny to the testimony of Constable
Miller as he was being questioned by
the plaintiff's counsel. It was the calm
that precedes the storm. The exam
ination of Miller grew more calorific
at each succeeding question and the
climax came when Attorney Vidaver
"What's the reason you tell such de
liberate lies about the matter? You
know you ere under oath and sworn to
tell the truth."
"Oh, you little Jew, you!" spoke
up the guardian of the peace.
Quick as flash Attorney Vidaver
lumped on Miller's throat and cauimt
him by the whiskers, and pulled vigor
ously. They rolled over on the lloor
and upset chairs and cuspidors In the
wrestle, but the attorney retained a
firm hold upon the hirsute appendage of
Millers' face. The scuflle was all over
In three seconds.
Attorneys Lewis and Rtreeter acted
as peacemakers and separated the
combatants. Attorney Burns' equani
mity wns not In the least disturbed; he
set still nnd smiled.
With this little Intermission over, the
case was resumed.
llclng Conducted by the Presbyterian
Congrocatlon of Green Ridge.
A novel church fair began last night
In the basement of the Green Ridge
Presbyterian church and will end to
night. It Is called a "Carnival of Na
tions," the title being suggested by the
Characteristics of the booths and the
ocstumes of the attendants. The affair
IS under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid
society of the church, of which Mrs. S.
M. Stetler Is president, and Miss Jean
Lindsay secretary. The following Is
the society's board of directors: Mrs.
Charles Klrkpntrlck. Mrs. C. H. Pond,
Mrs. Frank MerrlfiVId, Mrs. Colvin,
Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Merrlman.
Following are the booths and the la
dles In charge: Indian booth, Mrs. K.
H. Sturges and Miss Parker Scotch
booth, the Misses Nlchol and Mrs.
Lindsay; Jnnnn booth, Mrs. J. B. Poore
nnd Mrs. William Patterson; Spanish
booth, Mrs. Frank Merrlfield and MIhs
Davidson; German booth, Mrs. T. F.
Wells. Mrs. W. W. Phillips and Mrs.
Koehler; American booth. Mrs. F. L.
Hitchcock and Mrs. W. D. Kennedy;
flower booth. Miss Jenn Lindsay, Miss
Katberlno Nettleton, Miss Bessie Stahl
and Miss Crls Lindsay.
The general elUpct of the seven booths
Is very pretty, and each has Its own
peculiar Individuality. A professional
dec-irator and hla assistants did most
of the drapery work, while the arrange
ment of the Interiors shows the good
taste of the women In charge and their
asslstnnts. The Japan booth Is the
largest of r'l nnd has a large open
space from V 'ch Inst night was given
a plealng enVtalnment which will be
repeated tonicht. The American booth
Is chiefly occupied by a half dozen sup
per tables. The price for supper Is 25
cents additional to the general admis
sion fee of 10 cents.
Slight Decrease During October in the
Number of Pspils at IMibllo Sshool.
As Is usual, the. reports of attendance
at the public sohils for October shows
a alight falling f as compared with
September, the opining month.
During October the attendance was
11,212; 4n September It was 11,4110; de
crenco, 218. The schools closed last
June with t.i attendance of 9.C48, and as
they opened with an attendance with
in a few hundred as arge as this vear,
it is to be expected that there will be
a proportionate falling off each winter,
until when June comes the attendance
will tie down below the 10,000 mark.
Its Splendor and Elegance Will Surpass
Last Winter's Affair.
A klrmesa for the benefit of the Home
of the Friendless Is to be given In the
Frothlngham the second week In Feb
ruary, and the officers have already
closed a contract with Miss Llla Stew
art, of Kingston, N. Y., who conducted
Jtist Received
If you desire one, come quick. At' the
very low prices which we have marked
them they will last only a day or two.
415 Lackavanna Avonuo.
the large and magnificent klrmesa last
winter, for the benefit of Lackawanna
hospital. In addition to drilling and
arranging the many classes, MIbb Stew
art will be chief factotum, occupying
the same position as did Mrs. C. L. Frey
last winter.
Mrs. N. Y. Leet has been chosen to
be Miss Stewart's chief assistant and
they will have associated with them
Mrs. C. B. Scott, chairman of the
Home's entertainment committee.
Many marvelled over the stupendous
klrmesa of last winter which was given
with a rare degree of elegance and at
tention to detail, but it Is the inten
tion to make the coming affair eclipse
even the splendor of the former.
It Will Be Delivered at College Hall at 8
o'clock This i-A-cninj.
Rev. D. J. MaoGoldrlck's thlnl and
final lecture In the Catholic Mutual
Benefit association series will be given
at College hall. Wyoming avenue, nt S
o'clock this evening.
The subject will be "The Antiquity
of Man." No admission will be charged
and all are Invited.
WONDERFUL are ths cures accom
plished by Hood's tiarsapai-llln nnd vet It
Is only because Hood's Sarsaparllla, the
one true blood puilller, makes pure, rich,
healthy blood.
HOOD'S TILLS for the liver and bow
els uct easily, yut promptly und effi
ciently. Tbo World's Oest
Quality Is what wo claim for the Garland
healing stoves. They are made from Iron
mixed with alumlnun, and will not crack.
They are nlckle-pluted on copper and have
the revolving fire pot. Call and see them
at Trios. F. Leonard's,
500 Lacka ave.
Taylor's New Index Map of Scranton and
For sale at Taylor's Directory office, 12
Tribune building, or given with an order
for the Scranton Directory 1800.
Plllsbury's flour mills have a capacity
of 17.600 barrels a day.
From now on this will be a
Strictly One-Price store.
Guess wc are the first
Scranton Jewelers to adopt
this method. Seems strange,
Here's a
Three hundred large medal
ion pictures, new and beau
ful, 38c.
Started to sell tliu n:i::utc
they went in the v.indaw.
Thimbles this week
1 Of beautiful gifts here. A
1 great many arc selecting
now, and we set aside for
Christmas. W hy don't you ?
The Finest In tne C ity.
The latest improved furnish'
Ings and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
, 223 Wyoming Ava.
BEXFBR0 S, Licit in
4 1
5 (Ml
Many Styles
China Hall
134 mama avehjl
Walk in and look around.
Is Now at His New StorJ
with a
Sole Agent for Knox Hats. Come
and ISce Ale.
205 WYOffilM mVCN'JZ.
Baby Carriage Robes,
For Rags, .
Table Covers, all sizes,
Stove Patterns,
in Oil Cloth,
Fringes, Loops,
Poles, Trimmings,
Lowest Prices,
p. ran a go
are located tbe finest flailing nnl hunting
ei O' nd In tlio world, bescrliitira booiot on
upiiliratinn. Ticket to all pointM la Maino,
dirndl auil Maritime Provinces, Miunonpul!,
fct Paul, Cnna Ji.iu and United State isortn
westx, Vancouver, Soattio, Taoouia, fortland,
Ore., Una Frandso.
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all through trains. Tourist cars
fully fitted witu licddlnc. curtains and sp e
ivlly adapted to wants of families rear bs hid
witb soco!id-cl;iM ticket. Kntos always les
tkan via other Urns, For full Information,
time tables, etc., on application to
i m
i. P. MUM
Are still offering the large stock of goods from
25 to 5o per cent, below cost,
These Goods Must
And if you want bargains come and get them
at once. .
AIDTflM '.' inICn receivers;
vm u urn (g yi&ikMu
From Fall , to Winter
weather may be expected
at .any time now. Are
You prepared for it?
We Are; in fact we were
never before in such
splendid shape conn,
ters, shelves and tables
literally groaning with
the immensity of the as
sortments of new Cloth
ing for fall and winter
use, and while the big
ness and beauty of the
stock creates a wondrous
surprise in the mind of
the beholder, the Little
ness of the Prices cre
ates a surprise still more
Clothiers, rfettera& Fumisnera
Also large stock of first-close
Wo Will See What
Bicycles We Have on Hand ' .
At a price which will save tho
buyer money.
Victorias. (Jendrons, Relayj, ,
in Men's Whcc!.-i.
Victorias and Geudrons in
Ladies' W Ik els.
We have some second-hand
Wheels at your own pries.
Baby Carriages at a bargain.
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaUrippc,
Cures Incipient Consumption. t
Manufactured by G. ELMEN
DOKF, Elinira. N. Y., and for sol
by tbe trade generally. ,
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa.
and yenr oyos wdl
take care of ymu If
iflim rum you are tronnioa wun
(IF YflUR EYES headache or nerrone
Ul IUWII UIUW nessgotoDU. S1II.U-
ni'RG'S and have your eyes examined frea.
We have reduced prices and are the lowest In
tbe city. Nicliel spectacles from f 1 to 12; gjli
from (4 to (6.
305 Spruce Street, Scranton, P -
Bo Sold