EIGHT PAGES 5G COLTJMXS. SCBANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. IB,. SILKS P ALL THE LEADING .STYLES, KINDS, COMM. S, s Now overcrowd the fixtures of our , Immense silk department to such an extent that we have determined to . find relief by offering special values for 10 days, beginning- Tuesday, November o During that bargain period buyers will have our price lists pretty much their own way. the values being such as to Induce sales, even If not for Im mediate use. At the same time, pur chasers have the satisfaction of knowing that THE MARKET OFFERS NOTHING NEWER, BETTER OR MORE DESIRABLE THAN CAN BE FOUND IN THE SPLENDID BILK STOCK NOW SUBMITTED FOR THEIR INSPECTION nigs, For Trimmiigs: That silk weaves were ever used for, look our stock th couch. If your thought run In fashion's latest and , moffr rpproved grooves woan fUl the bill to the smallest detail. llftl pieces 22-Inch Gros Oraln Silks AUU In Discs, ana coiorea grounus new and striking broche effects. suitable for walBts or complete costumes.' : Special Price, $1 pieces Fancy Seed Taffetas In fashion's very latest conceits, designed especially for nobby waists and trimmings. Special Price, $1 pieces Taeff tas with beautiful seed Camele stripe effects; style reaches Its climax here. 15 Special Price, 75c pieces, 3 distinct styles, assort ment and shade list unlimited. .We had ladies' waists in mind when we bought these. Special Price, 69c pieces. Brocade Satins. Two styles. All the desirable light 23 mil, lui'n hb nunr, .ism : Old Rose, New Nile, Cardinal, Cream am) White. , Special Price, 75c 15 Pieces. 22 In. Bluer tiro Oraln. Brocades In correct styles for separate sxirts, waists, etc. . Special Price, $1 THESE, ARE BUT. . VALUE HITS Take the hint then and have the . Whole truth by a visit of Inspection. Ameig Tie Spe ciai al ncs Are PENNSYLVANIA BIG DAY The Keystone State Represented at the Atlanta Exposition. ADDRESSES BY THE VISITORS Kcraarks by Governor Hastings. Chief Jostle Williams, Lieutenant Governor Lyon and Othcrs-A Royal Welcome Extended to Pennsylvania. Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. 14. The Pennsyl vanlans had possession of the exposi tion to-day. Governor Hastings and Rtaff. the justices of the Supreme court, the Manufacturers' club of Philadel phia and the Pittsburg Press Cadets came in on special trains early in the morning. There were two hundred In the ManufacturersSclub party. During the afternoon, the governor and his staff were escorted to the exposition by the governor's horse guards of Atlanta. The speeches were delivered at Penn sylvania's handsome building. Judge Ureen, of the Supreme court, presided. Governor Hastings, in responding to the address of Governor Atkinson, said: (iovcrncr Hasting' Speech. Ladles and Gentlemen: This is Pennsyl vania day in Atlanta, and the Cotton Stales and International exposition. We are here by your invitation and we find on all sides the evidence of your hearty wel come and your well known hospitality. Pennsylvania comes to Georgia today to renew her sentiments of good will, and to reaffirm that spirit of comity and fra ternity which should always exist between sister states. Georgia and Pennsylvania two great sovereign states, today meet In fraternal association; they offer In friend ly rivalry the products or their native re sources, wealth and development. In our journey here we. passed through rich and historic states, but we have crossed no sectional lines. They have been obliterated. They should never have marred the map of the United States. We have seen, as we have never seen before, the new South, not in hud or blos som, but In that full and radiant bloom whose fragranue permeates the whole land. There is much of similarity In the two states united in these ceremonies; a simi larity In the hills anil valleys; In the fertil ity of the soil; in the abundance of their crops; In their stores of mineral wealth; and vnlue of internal commerce; In their "mountains that point to the heavens, and the rivers that run to the tea." I proclaim to you that the patrlotlo heart of Pennsylvania beats as warmly and as steadfastly for Georgia and her sister states today as when they first united to found a government upon the rock of free dom. Pennsylvania was one of the earli est provinces to throw her weight, her In fluence, her fortune, her honor and her future In favor of a free and Independent government. The historic bell which you see at my right, for more than twenty years rang out a warning to the mother country against the oppressions visited upon our people, and Georgia and the Carolina and Virginia and Delaware and Maryland stood round the cradle of lib erty when this same bell rang out Its tri umphant notes of liberty and equality to the western world and all the inhabitants thereof. While calling the attention of Georgians to those things of which we boast In Pennsylvania, let me avail myself of the opportunity to direct the attention of Pennsylvanlans to some distinguishing features In the history of Georgia. Georgia's versatility of climate and soil Induced her law makers to establish the 11 ret state department of agriculture in the land.- Oeorela was the first and only free and anti-slave colony In America. Her code of laws of 1799 -was so wine and symmetrical that it Was afterwards approved ark to some extent engrarted upon the vene .Jblc hn.lv of F.nirliKh lurlSDrudence. - The first steamboat that ever crossed the ocean sailed from Savannah. The first female college In the world, me Wesleyan Female college, was established at Macon, Ga. The cotton gin was Invented in by Eli Whitney near Savannah, on the plan tation of General Green, of Revolutionary fame. The first sewing machine was Invented by a Georgia preacher, r. K. uouimng. Georgia is the second state In the pro. cluctlon of cotton, and the first In the South In all general lines or manufacture. We have gathered a few testimonials and have brought them here to lay them as an offerlnir of friendship at your feet. They testify better than our briefly spoken words of the good will which we bear to th neonle of Georgia and her sister states of the South. We are but one of that great constellation or lour anu rorty stars which .comprises the only government founded on the rock of freedom, blessed with every gift of nature, now so peaceful, so prosperous and homogenous. The starry Danner, uemgnmi, woven, huh first flung to the breeze In Philadelphia, now floats In peace and In glory over an undivided nation. We. In Pennsylvania, believe In one flag and one country. We believe In the union of states. We bettave in a common country, a common flag, a common Americanism, a community or in terest and patriot lem. His address made a fine impression on the Southerners and he was loudly and frequently applauded. Governor Hastings was followed by Mayor King, of Atlanta; Lieutenant Governor Lyon, of Pennsylvania; H. H. Cabannis. of Atlanta, and Judge Wil liams, of Pennsylvania's Supreme bench. .' . Justice Williams' Remark. We eohie to your great state and to your beautiful city. Its chief manufacturing center, because we wish to know more of you, or tne resources oi mis general re. gton, or Its industries ana or tne remarK able development that has been In prog. ress for a score or more of years. We know something of your history, because It is a part or tne nisiory or tnin great republic of which we are all citizens. But we recall with greater Interest and with deeper emotion the fact that Georgia like our own magnificent commonwealth, was one of the thirteen colonies that shook off alliance to the British crown and that emerged from that struggle fi;ee and independent states. There are rorty-nve states now gathered Into the fold of the Union and thev stretch from ocean to ocean. There were thir teen colonies then hulntr the Atlantic coast. We are responsible jointly and sev erally tor ine prenrrvation, tne develop ment and the rounding out Into complete ness of proportions of the Institutions which eur fathers founded and transmit ted to us. W e want to know more of the natural resources of your state and of the region or wnicn it is so important a part. More of your Industries and productions, more of your growth and the measure of prosperity you nave reached, more of your educational system, and what may be called the tone of public opinion. And when upon tho conclusion of our visit, which will bo much too short for what we would like to gather from It we come to say good-bye and enter upon our home ward journey, we hope to take with us and leave behind us no memories but such as are pleasant and are calculated to give to us all an Increased Interest in whatever concerns the welfare, the usefulness and the happiness of eaoh other, and of our fe'low citizens wherever under the folds of our glorious star spangled banner their homes may be. . . ' Llent. Governor l.vons' Address. Lieutenant Governor . Lyons, In re plying for the Pennsylvania legisla ture, said in, port as follows: . The two commonwealths, Pennsylvania and Georgia, planted as they were to the Interests of liberty of conscience and for the progression Of mankind, stand today, the people of one a high type of the people of the north, the oth as a high type of the people of the sout' land both of them types of th oommont jhlth of which the nation Is composed. Whllit Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's great city of the east, representing a population Of over a million people. Is here glorying In th 'greatness of her mercan tilemanufacturing and shipping indus tries; and glorying, as glory she well may. In the sacred liberty bell, and as being tbe birthplace of American independence, yet we are her today front Pittsburg too, juat Ula H rtontrlvMU'i Ut, and this la Pittsburg's day. One hundred years ago the invention of the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry of the south, and from being the producer of but a few bales the cotton states became the cotton producers of the world. The cry for years was "Cotton Is king." We of Pennsylvania cry "Iron is king." King cotton is dethroned and a queen has taken a throne, "Queen Cot ton." Let us cry: "Long live King Iron and Queen Cotton." what Is ror ine wenare oi ine King is for the welfare of the queen: and what Is for the queen Is also for the king. What Is for the south is for the north, and for the north, the south. And what Is best for both is best for the nation. Let us oulld our railroads north and south, as well as east and west. Let our cry be "Protec tion, patriotism and progress." The Mexican band gave selections te- tweeen the speeches. . . After the speaking the Pennsylvanl- ans were given a luncheon at the Pied mont club. Governor Atkinson gave a reception to-night at the executive mansion to Governor Hastings, of Pennsylvania; Governor Greenhalge, of Massachusetts, and Governor Lippltt, of Rhode Island. NO MORE FINES. , Dlsclplino on tho Base Ball Grounds Will Ho Maintained by Other Means. New York. Nov. 14, The annual fall meeting of the National Base Bull league, which was adjourned from last night, was concluded tonight after n session which, with lntedmls(ora. lasted from 12.no till 7 p. m. President John T. Brunh, of Cincin nati, and President Andrew J. Freed man, of New York, tired some Lot shot at one another , during the day. Brush claims that Freedman gave him the option on Doyle In exchange for Arlle Latham, and that the New Yorker had broken his word when he made the Doyle-Gleason transfer. This Freedman strongly and most em phatically denied. The New York magnate was pretty well turned down by the league. His name does not ap pear on one of the boards or commit tees, and his attempt to overcome President Byrne was a failure. The Brooklyn magnate was elected by a vote of 11 to 1, Freedman polling the dissenting vote. The most Important move taken by the league was the abolition of the fine system. For the future offending players will be expelled from the came after one warning in trivial cases and without any notice In glaring offenses, umpires 'Hurst. Emmie and Keefe gave evidence before the meeting vb to their treatment by obstructing players on last and previous seasons. By the unanimous vote of the league the secretary was directed to act-out the Harry Wright relics, and to have a list of the same drawn up and pre sented at the next spring meeting. A committee consisting of Messrs. Brush, of Cincinnati: Hart, of Chi cago, and Itoeers, of Philadelphia, was appointed to arrange for a day In the spring to be called "Harry Wright day,"and to be uniformly set apart In all the cities of the league, on which a game is to te played and the proceeds thereof to be devoted to the erection of a rrunumsnt to tho veteran umnire. un resuming session the delegates proceeded to the election of officers. President and Secretary Young was elected last year for a term of three years. - The national board was In creased by the election of another mem ber, John T. Brush, while Messrs. Byrne, of Brooklyn, President Young and sodon, or Boston, were re-elected. With regard to the Sunday ball ques tton the advocates of play on the Sab bath won their end, and Sunday ball win he played in the west. Among the resolutions passed amend tng sections of the article of the con stitution was the following: That any minor league organization desiring to ne classified as class "A shall receive the sum of S500 for a se lected player and the amount to be paid to the secretary shall be one half the amount now paid to class "A. That paragraph D bo amended that clasB "B" organizations shall receive the sum of 2u0 for a selected Dlaved and shall pay half the sum paid by class A organizations. The amendment will not come into force until the season of 1897. The league the adjourned until Feb. 24, 1896. AT THE HORSE SHOW. Th Dnko and His lirido Among tho Inter ested Spectators. New York, Nov. 14. The fourth day's attendance at the horse show did not reach the high water mark of yester day, but the big amphitheater was completely filled afternoon nnd even ing In spite of a nasty drizzle of rain. Society filled the boxes and stalls, as usual, and In nearly as brilliant plum age as last evening. The duke and duchess of Marlborough were guests of Miss Duer for a couple of hours In the afternoon, but their coming had been kept secret, few of the thousands who glanced at the pretty girl In a brdad brimmed black plumed hat, as they passed, or at the young man with "down" on his upper Up, recognized America's greatest heiress and his grace, the duke. In the evening very nearly the same society people were In their seats and the multitude filled the promenade and stared at them, neg lecting the horses In the ring. The special prize of $100 offered by Mrs. John G. Heckscher for the best pair of horses and best appointed vic toria or cabrlolot was won by Joseph E. Wldener, of Philadelphia. DR. HERRING WINS. Awarded 3,000 Pounds for the toss of the Steam Yacht Mohican, London, Nov. 14. A verdict In favor of the plaintiff was rendered today In the suit brought by Dr. Conyers Her ring, of New York, for tho recovery of Insurance money on his yacht Mohlcnn. The JUry awarded him 3,000. It Is the doctor's Intention to bring suit against other companies In which his yacht was Insured for the recovery of an addi tional 2,000. Montague Eder. who accompanied Dr. Herring on board the Mohican when that vessel left New York, says the party will resume their plan of making a pearl fishing trip to the South Seas. ENGLAND AGREEABLE. Tke London Graphic Sees No Objection to Our Annexing Republics. London, Nov. 14. The Graphic, com menting on the articles In the North American Review, supporting the Mon roe doctrine, says that "if the people of the United States really care one cent for these Indo-Spanlsh Republics, which Is doubtful, the course of the government Is clear. They mustf ormally undertake the duties of a protection, power, or, bet ter still, annex these territories alto gether. England," the Graphic con cludes, "will have little objection to either solution of existing difficulties." CHOLERA RAVAGES RUSSIA. 610 Death Caused by It in Ono Province - - In Two Weeks. ' ' St. Petersburg, Nov. 14.Between Oct. i n.1 on thapo ti -of ft 1 ion . . n chdlera. and 616 deaths recorded In the .rTovince ul vuiuyum, aim iiurijr-eiKni case and twelve deaths In the Pro vince ui ivicu. .... .The. report that cholera has broken vvi in pi. rcversourg not cuaannea. HORRORS ARE INCREASING Missionaries in Eastern Turkey Are in Great Danger. MINISTER TERRELL'S ACTION Through Ilia Demands Orders Have Been Issued That Americans B Afforded Protection from the Mobs-Shocking Cruelty to Chrlsians. Boston, Nov. 14. Today's dispatches from Constantinople state that the mis sionaries In Harpoot, eastern Turkey, are In great danger. The missionaries referred to are those of the American board. Secretary Rev. Judson Smith, D. D., bf the foreign department of the Ameri can fcoard, and Hon. Henry D. Hyde, of the prudential committee, left for Washington today to confer with Sec retary Olney tomorrow morning rela tive to the situation as It effects the missionaries of the board. St. Petersburg. Nov. 14. Five Itus sian warships have been ordered to start Immediately for the Mediterra nean, in view of the proposed naval demonstration of powers at Constanti nople. A Butcher for Grand Vizlcr. Constantinople, Nov. 14. The latest rumors here seem to Indicate that Shaklr Pasha, the Imperial high com missioner for Armenian reforms, Is about to be recalled, in order that he may be appointed grand vizier, to suc ceed Hall Rlfat Pasha, the present In cumbent. If the rumors piove correct, this would be arjiiarently another open defiance of the powers, for Shaklr Pasha Is regarded as the chief butcher of the Porte. Since his appearance at Erzerum as high commissioner, the massacres there have been more Moody and frequent than ever before, and It Is well known that he has done nothing to punish the offenders. In fact, he has been charged with calmly looking on while the Turkish soldiers fired upon every helpless Christian they caught sight of. Abdulla Pasha, formerly president of the Sassun commission of Inquiry, and Saabedln Pasha, have been sent to Erzerum and Bitlls, respectively, to take command of the Turkish troops In those places. This lends color to the report that Shaklr Pasha Is coming hack to Constantinople to be appointed grand vizier. News received here today from the district of Van records fresh massacres of Armenian Christians there, and there seems to be no reason for doubt ing the authenticity of the reports. The Kurds of Van are said to be attacking and pillaging the Armenian villages, and the Turkish officials are powerless to preserve order. Horrors of Erzerum. Every dny brings further details of the massacres at Erzerum, and each re port makes the story of the crimes there more ghastly. Men, women, and dill drert were shot, bayoneted, burned, and outraged for daya, the murders and out rages lasting for weeks, though Inter vals of rest are recorded. The orders for these outages are said to have been sent by the Porte, and they were-car rled out In the most cruel manner Im aginable. The number of killed will probably never be known, and Is est! mated at from 500 to 3,000, according to Turkish or Armenian versions of the affair. Certainly many hundreds were killed, and Armenian accounts say that some or tne victims were skinned alive, while others were covered with netro- leum and then set on Are. The Turks claim that the Armenians were the ug pressors, but independent reports ac quit the latter of doing anything more than attempting to defend themselves at Erzerum and Dlarbcklr,, although at Zeltun, where they captured a Turkish battalion, and at Marash, the Armeni ans arc admitted to have taken the In Itiatlve. The Turns may not always be to blame for the outbreaks, but there seems to be no excuse for the massacres which follow. Further troubles are reported at Kharput, Malatla. and A'rabklr. and at Marash the bloodshed and outrages are said to have been even more terrible and prolonged than at Erzerum. Du ring the rioting at Marash, Hadjin, and Orfah, the American missionaries, on account of the strong representations made on the subject to the Porte by United States Minister Terrell, were protected by Turkish gendarmes. This, It Is known, was by direct order of the Porte, telegraphed to Lie Turkish olll clals at the places mentioned. Owing to additional disquieting news just re ceived here from Slvas. Mr. Terrell has renewed his demand that the Porte oro. tect the missionaries, and he Is hold ing the Turkish government responsible ior ine missionaries lives. RUSSIA'S CURRENCY. Significance of Her. New Coinnco Mens i nres-Probnbly a Step Toward the Re dc rapt Ion of Paper Currency- Washington. Nov. 14. The cablegram of yesterday announcing the intention of the Russian government to coin next year 100,000.000 roubles In gold and 25, 000,000 In silver, in addition to the sub sldlary coinage, has created consider able interest among financiers because of the evident purpose exhibited on the part of Russia of Increasing her specie currency. While Russia holds In coin and bullion between four hundred and five hundred millions of gold, she has recently coined very little of this. It Is thought in some quarters that the general purpose of this increase is to begin preparation for the redemp tion of Russian paper, which Is the principal currency In circulation In the empire. Last August the Imperial bank held f829.9O0.000 in paper. It is also considered probable that In In creasing her silver coinage as she Is doing, Russia Is preparing to extend her trade Into the stiver-using coun tries of the Orient, especially China, Japan and Corea. To put this purpose Into execution It wilt be necessary to go outside of her own country to secure silver. , CUBAN REBELLION. An Important Engagement Between Span Ish and Insurgent Force Expected. Madrid. Nov. 14. Dispatches re celved here from Havana say that the Insurgent leader, Roloff, Is at Hlgun ca. province of Santa Clara, awaiting Maximo Gomex. who recently entered that nrovlnce at the head of a force of insurgents, with the Intention of advancing upon the city of Santa Clara, the (headquarters or captain General Campos, now preparing to give battle to the combined rebel forces. Captain General Campos la now on his way to Higunca, and a very important engagement la , expected.. Domes r' cently changed his tactics -of attempt ing to tire out the-Spanlsh troops, ow ing to the decision of the Cuban revo lutionary assembly In New York, which Is understood to consider It urgent that the Insurgents bring about a de cisive enr-smsot s!th the Spanish trobps ao that U."YOluUonlta majr hope to obtain recognition by the Unit ed States as belligerents. Four new cunboats have arrived In Cuban waters to take part in the block ade of the coast of that Island. AGAIN THE DETECTIVE. Members of a Chicago Agency Kill Frank White in a Skirmish Where Bullets W Hlstled on All Sides. Chicaeo. Nov. 14. A man who was supposed to be Clarence White, one of the gang of porch climbers who last spring robbed the residence of Norniun B. pHeam, on LKe snore arive oi thousands of. dollars worth of dia monds, was killed tonight by Detec tives belonging to the Berry agency. The Berry men have been trying to find White ever since the Lake Shore robbery occurred, and early this even ing five of them were standing on the corner of Wlntnrop place ana roiK street. Two men came by In a buggy driving a white horse. When opposite the detectives they are alleged to have opened Are, and It was briskly returned. The excitement on the street was intense. The men drove west on Polk street as a break neck speed. A policeman telephoned his station to send a patrol wagon In pursuit. Thlr was done and the wagon got out of the barn so oulckly that It was only a little way behind the buggy when Ogden avenue was reached. At this street the man who was supposed to be Clarence White fell from the buggy and lay dead on the car tracks, while the other man dashed on. The patrol wagon stopped to pick up the dead man and the buggy went a little further when, the remaining occupant deserted It and disappeared. At mid night he hod not been found. At mid night the morgue omcer telephoned that a woman had Identified the body as that of her son. Frank White. It Is denied that White or his companion fired any shots. No pistol was found on the corpse. C. A. McDonald, superintendent of the Berry agency, was among the men who was present at the shooting. He brought Into the Central station, after visiting his attorney, one of his opera tors, by the name of Dicks, and sur rendered him as tbe man who did the shooting. The police believe that all of the men shot, and that Dicks has been selected as a dummy for the present. They consider that the Berry men have mutle a great blunder that they took the liberty of firing at a man who they believed to be Clar ence White, and that they have made a mistake. SOUTH AMERICAN TROUBLE. EnglishCapltollst Demanding Protection In Colomblo-An Arbitrator Insulted. Washington, Nov. 14. Friction has arisen between British capitalists and the republic of Colombia, growing out of a concession granted by the Colom bian government to an English com pany to build a railway through the state of Antloque, tapping the richest sections of Colombia. The company not proceeding with the work, the con cession was declared forfeited. The company then presented a claim for $640,000 damages. Colombia refused to pay, but consented to arbitrate the claim. Out of this has grown the pres ent friction. Dr. Luhrsen, the German Minister to Colombia, acted as one of the arbitra tors, but, as the Colombian press and public believed him to be favorable to the ' 1-ingllsh claim, riotous scenes at tended the meeting of the arbitrators. Colombian soldiers were stationed at the Gel-man Minister's house, and It Is claimed that they assisted the excited populace In perpetrating Indignities on the Minister's household, the acts being confined, however, to noise, threats, and alleged drunken disorder. As a result of concerted action In London and Ber lin, the British Minister at Bogota. Dr. Jenner, and the German Minister re ceived Joint Instructions to protest to President Caro of Colombia. This was done, and the Colombian government decided that a public explanation should be made In the Dlario Official. But this explanation, signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is said to have been as offensive as the preceding events. No settlement was reached on the ar bitration, and now urgent efforts are being brought to bear on the British foreign office to administer a rebuke to Colombia which will serve as a re minder that British investments In that country must receive full protection. These efforts come from the interested capitalists, and it is not known that Lord Salisbury has yet considered the advisability of putting in motion the machinery of the foreign office to pro' tect them. THAT FORT LEE DUEL. Wilkes Is the Son of a California Vnltor Ian Minister. ' San Francisco, ' Nov. 14. Paul Tup- per Wilkes, the young actor who fought the duel at Fort Lee, New Jersey, early Tuesday morning Is a son of Rev. Ell?a Tupoer Wilkes, the Unitarian minister, formally assistant pastor of the First Unitarian church of Oakland and now doing missionary work at Palo Alto. The Chronicle says he duel was the result of statements said to have been made by Warren McVeigh to the effect that Wilkes had Inst his wife's fortune on the gaming tables at Monte Carlo. Wilkes and his wife both denied the re ports and at the first opportunity Wilkes challenged McVeigh to fight a dule. r-TT- DUNRAVEN CHARGES. Continncd Condemnation of Them tn London. London, Nov. 14. Regarding tho Dunraven pamphlet and the America's cup. the Chronicle says: "We admit that we attached hut little Importance to tho revival of this con troversy, but as we re-read the refer ences to the loading of the Defender, and the changing 'of the water line, we confess that we wish that they had never be.en written. Every fair-minded man here will accept the strong re pudiation of Mr. Iseltn and the syndi cate having charge of the Defender. NOT YELLOW FE?ER. The Sleksoss Among the Mhsdet's Crew Was Malarial. - , Newcastle-on-Tyne, Nov. 14. It has been officially declared that the fevc which prostrated the crew of the Nor wegian ship Mlndet. two of whom died, which was towed Into this place on Tuesday last, la malarial fever. Not yellow fever, as at first an nounced. - " Strike of the Cabbies. New York, Nov. 14. The strike of the cabmen took a more serious turn to day and was Increased by 700 men, who were ordered out by the strike commit tee of the Early Dawn association. An attempt was made to break the dead lock at Realchs stables, to which the strike hod been conflned yesterday, and the new strikes were ordered In oonse quence, ... -.. i . .-- Castellan a Heavy Loser. ; London, Nov. 14. "Vanity Fair" has a dispatch from Paris referring to the recent losses on 'the Bourse there. In .which the statement Is made that Comte de Castellaoe was one. of the neavy tosars. SCHLATTER SKIPS DENVER The Divine Healer Disappoints Three Thousand Patients. HIS MISSION IS FINISHED Th Strange Individual Leave Londlord Fox the Task of Explaining 111 Sadden Departure-Anxious People Refuse to Believe tbe Story. Denver. Nov. 14. A climax in the re markable furore over Francis Schlat ter, the alleged divine healer, came to day, when his room was found vacant. He left a note to Mr. Fox, with whom he lodged, saying: "Mr. Fox: My mission is nnisneu. The Father takes mo away. ( Signed) F. Schlatter." According to nil of Schlatter's past statements he was subject to the or ders of "The Father," and doubtless he was told last night to arise and go forth. Mr. Fox came before the crowd of 3,000 people that had been assembled Bince 3 a. m.. and told them the start ling news. The crowd was astounded, and were disposed at first to disbelieve the story. Today Schlatter was to appear be fore the United States commissioner as witness against the "blessed" hand kerchief fakir, and the fear of becom ing entangled In the court proceedings is probably the real reason for the dis appearance of the man. It was ob served yeHterday that he was growing restless under the Increasing excite ment and the swelling crowds. The craze hud grown beyond his power to control, and he feared the denouement. The United States court has Issued a subpoena for his Immediate appear ance as a defaulting witness, and a search Is being made. Should he be found and tailed trouble would follow. so strong Is public belief in the man's honesty and sincerity, and even his power. A report tonight locates Schlatter at Rooney's ranch between Golden and Morrison. Rooney was one of the be lievers In Schlatter and had Invited the healer to come there to rest before starting for Chicago. UNDER STRICT RULES. Monks Who Rarely Speak, I so No Fir for Heat and No Bed Covering. European disturbances are forcing many religious communities to seek homes on this continent, and the Trap- pists of Italy are the latest to ar rive. They are about to found a house in the Brooklyn diocese under the di rection of Rev. Ecimumi Obrecht, and with the approval of Bishop McDon nell. For the last year the former has been the guest of the Drumgoole mis sion, In Lafayette place, while arrang ing the details of the new establish ment. The generosity of a New York er, now living on Long Island. Bern ard Earl, has enabled the Trappist tatner to negin tne work at his con venience. Mr. Earl gave a house and twenty-seven acres of land at a place near Hlcksvllle, known as Round Swamp, which Is of a character to provide the monks with of opportunity to show their skill In MBproving land. It was an ordinary farm, and the house an ordinary farm building. The monks will use the house as a monastery, after making such altera tions as are needful. Besides follow ing their own rule, they will keep a home for aged and Infirm priests and a place of retreat for those who de sire to spend a longer or shorter time apart from the world. This house will be supplied with members from the Trappist monastery In Rome known as the Tre Fontana, where the monks turned, a swamp Into a habitable lo cality by planting groves of the eucalyptus tree, from which they make a medicine efficacous in malarial fevers. The Trapnists have been slow to settle in other countries of late years or.t slde of Europe. - They have a monastery In Dubuque founded by Irlshrr-m from the Irish Mt. Melleray, and a second In Ken tucky, founded by German monks. The severity of their rule has usually con fined them to a moderate climate, but a few years ago the French Trappists started a monastery In the province of Quebec, and secured dispensations from seme features of their rule. In spite of the climate they have man aged to get along, and will probably re main In Canada. The principal fea tures of their rule are perpetual silence unless In necessity, and then only Is speech permitted In the presence ot the abbot; four hours of field work and four of prayer each day; six hours of sleep; study or Indoor labor four hours; one meal a day at which meat Is not al lowed, and no tires In the monastery ex cept for cooking. The monks sleep on a matress with out covering, never taking off their habits evcept to take baths. In Can ada, however, they are allowed to use fires and to eat a slight breakfast on account of the severe winters. The sick may use meat. With all this strictness they do not want for mem bers, and their average term of years Is higher than that of other commun ities. LESSONS TO SWEARERS. How Gcorg Francis . Train Reproved Violators of Third Commandment. The eccentric George Francis Train, while traveling in a parlor car, was annoyed by many oaths with which several men Interlarded their conversa tion, says tho Dallas News. Deter mined to rebuke them, he Joined In the talk, exclaiming again and again "Shovel, tongs and poker!" . "Mr. Train," said one of the men at last, wearied with &the recurring ex clamation, "why do you use that non sensical phrase?" "Thnt Is mv vnv rt swered Train; "and It Is no more non sensical ana rar less blasphemous than your oaths. I'll quit If you will." There was no more swearing during the Journey. The Christian describes another lesson given to a swearing student: A late distinguished president of one of nur western nnllc.a ,oa .1 .. walking near the college, with his slow mm imiuercBH step, wnen a youtn. not observing his approach, while engaged In cutting, began to swear profanely in nis vexation. ' The doctor stepped tin and said "Give mp tho ava " ntA than ,.ln.l chopped the stick of wood. Returning the axe to the young man, he said in his peculiar manner:' "You see now tne wooa can be cut without swearing.' CHARGED WITH MURDER. Owensound. Ont. Nov. 14. The vll lage of Big Bay, eighteen miles from this town. Is In a state of excitement over the arrest of Miss Helen Findlev an educated and wealthy ladv. charred with the murder of George E. Green, a 17-year-om ooy, . from the Barnardo Home, . . . He died last Friday, and the post mortem examination showed that the stomr.ch was empty and the body cov ered, with bruises. Neighbors testified that Miss Ftndlay, who la a powerful woman, frequently knocked the lad down ud beat htm with a heavy stick. NLEfS SPECIAL SALE OF . Ladles' Muslie Underwear For One Week, Com mencing Thursday, November, 14th. 10 doi Gowns with Tucked and Embroidered Yokes, at 69c. each. 6 dozen GownB, with Tucked Yoke and Embroidered Ruffle 65a, 10 dozen Ruffled Cambric Gowns . . .98o, The greatest bargain of the season. 6 dozen Empire Gowns $1-1 S dozen Gowns, Tucked Yoke, Sailor Collar $1-31 Also a large assortment of Gowns handsomely trimmed with Tucking, Embroidery and Lace, at $1.35, $1.46, 11.65, $1.98, $2.60, $3.00, $3.60, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, and $7.00 each. All these goods are Included In our regular line, the quality ar.a finish of which are so well known that comments are not necessary. Goods and prices speak for them selves. Outing Flannel Gowns for Ladles and Children. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Buisy.. . . . 1 Every Foot " ' In the Family 1 Properly Fitted. 13 Salespeople Busy Every Day and Evening. 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. Open Evenings Until Jan. L LAMP: Just Received, A beautiful line of Banquet Lamps, and Bric-a-Brac, very suitable for n Call and see them' I J. 401 BPRUCB ST., STABBING AFFRAY. Abnr Borkalow and William Darn kencw an Old Grndg. Shtppensburg, Pa.. Nov. 14. Abner Barkalow and William Bamer, resid ing near here, had been enemies fop years, but on Tuesday they were recon ciled. After talking for a long; time, the subject of the old grudge came up and soon they began to fight. Barner was badly stabbed in the shoulder. He got possession of th knife and stabbed Barkalow In the abdomen. The latter will probably die. , llealy and O'Connor Expallad. Dublin, Nov. 14. The parliamentary committee of the Irish National party at a meeting today passed - resolution by vote ot 32 to 24 expelling Timothy H. Hcaly and Arthur O'Connor from thai body. bammed In Vain. Wllltamsport, Pa.. Nov. 14.-The attempt to create an artificial flood In tho Susque hanna river by building a splash dam at Lock Haven for the purpose ot ftoatrng the 40,000,000 feet of Stranded logs Into th Wllilamsport boom ha proved a tatlur. , WEATHER REPORT. For. Eastern Pennsylvania, threatthtng I weather and rain: easterly wlod Brb- akl. .1 . h A .ha. Mart. 5 ' ;
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