The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    TIEE SCBANTblf -TnnnJNE- WEDNESDAT taKlOT fi OVE JtBBB 13, 1895.
cut and bruised. With assistance he
reached the office of Dr. F. E. Jenkins,
where he had his wounds dressed.
amc F. MnrphyAttssked WMI Drlvlnf
f Ham from Soranton.
James P. Murphy, a young man em
ployed aa teamster by John Booth, of
this city, had a painful experience
while driving from Scranton to Carbon
dale Monday evening. Last week Mr.
Booth borrowed from the Scranton
Driving Park association a heavy road
roller for use on Salem avenue, where
he Is finishing a contract. Having fin
ished using the roller he sent Murphy
with a team attached to the roller to
Scranton, where It was left iwith the
It was late In the afternoon when he
reached there and after delivering the
roller he drove to central Scranton,
where he had other business, and start
ed on his journey home about (.30. He
had gone as far as the Marvine shaft
Just above the city line when he passed
three young men walking In the same
direction. As he passed them, one of
them said: "Give us a ride." There was
not room In the buggy for three and
Murphy said, in a Joking manner, "The
walking's good. Isn't It?"
The man made no answer and Mur
phy drove on.' He had gone but about
100 feet from the place where they had
spoken to him when one of the men
climbed over the rear of the buggy and
Sealt Murphy a heavy blow with a club,
rte fell unconscious from the buggy to
the road, where he lay until found by
some passers-by. The horses became
frightened by the occurrence and be
ing without a driver turned round and
started down, the road. They were
caught about a mile away by a man
who drove them back, looking for their
oher. The unconscious man was
taken to Mahon'a hotel. In Olyphant.
wheqe his wounds were dressed by Dr.
Kelly, of that place, and ho is still there
under the doctor's care.
Murphy had about 20 on his person,
but no attempt was, made .by his as
tallants to rob him.
When the young man had not re
turned to the city by midnight, Harry
Booth drove down the valley, fearing
foul play, and he was confirmed In his
suspicions when he found the man In
the physician's care.
Irs. Carpenter I ns bis to Do Present on
Account of Sickness.
The case of, William ' Passmore, of
,ark street, against Mrs. Dallas Car
penter, of Burnwood, which was to
ke place at Montrose Monday, did
lot come off. Mr. Passmore went to
.iontrose, but the counsel presented a
isrtincate from a physician certirymg
ihat Mrs. Carpenter was unable to be
reient on account of sickness.
The result of the case will be very
interesting to Carbondalc people as
Irs. Carpenter Is to be tried for assault
ipon Miss Lavlnla Tucker, a young
ady who resides In this place, and
who has a large number of friends. Miss
Tucker, who teaches school at Burn
wood, was attacked and brutally beat
en by Mrs. Carpenter for whipping her
child In school. Miss Tucker was sick
for a long time from the results.
Everything Now Ready for the Opening
, of the Mitchell Fair.
The programme for the opening night
of. the Mitchells fair is given below
and from those who take part it will
be seen that the entertainments each
night will be of excellent character.
The fire laddies have been busily" en
gaged in decorating the hall the last
couple of nights, and have turned It
Into a bower of beauty. The concert
T,i'-"'v evening will MmmniMi Im
mediately after the parade, and will
be followed by danoing: ,
bo Uermania Band
Address President T. E.' Campbell
Vocal Solo Miss Ida Snyder
luanaonn ana uuitar Duet,
Messrs. Wilson and Hunt
Vocal Solo..; Miss Hannah Leonard
Piano Duet Misses Corby and Herring
Tho Wllkas-Barrs High School Will Play
t Alumni Park.
A good, game of foot ball will be seen
this afternoon by lovers of the game.
at Alumni Park, when the Wilkes
Barre High school team will play the
Carbondale High school. The Wllkes
Barre team beat the Carbondale lads
a couple of weeks ago, at the former
place, , but the local team was some
what crippled by the absence of sev
eral players. They have been strength
ened this last week and expect to come
bit victorious this arternoon.
To-night the Alumni team will prac
tlce at the rink. They will play Scran
'on Business College Saturday and all
' payers are requested to report.
a, i
A Little Girl Diss After a Two Weeks'
The little daughter of the Widow
Reynolds, of Belmont street, died Mon
day 'evening after an illness of two
weeks. The child was burled yesterday
after noon, Rev. Q. A. Place, of the
Methodist church, officiating. Besides
this girl there are three other children
lck with the disease, but they are now
The mother, though, who contracted
the disease while caring for her chil
dren, is now in a very serious condl
tlon and there are doubts as to whether
her life can be saved.
( ' '
' A Hons Burned.
The fire lastiMonday night proved to
ns a two-Story frame structure owned
by John Nelson, on the Greenfield road
just out of the city limits. Both Are
companies were soon on the way, but
were stopped, as the house was without
the water limit - When the fire broke
out the family were all asleeD. but were
warned by a neighbor, who had not yet
retired. The Inmates barely escaped
being roasted alive. The house was
burned to the ground. It Is thought that
the fire was due to a defective chim
-Joha Baldwin Injured.
John Baldwin, an employe at the Wll
son Creek mines, was severely hurt
wmie attending nis duties. Mr.
Baldwin was . emnlovad In bor
ing down soma top coal and was obliged
to ase considerable force In the
use of the bar. In some manner the
bar slipped from Its hold and Mr. Bald
win was thrown suddenly forward with
great force. He landed In a pile of
gob and his head and- face were badly
Tf -atrteth CAM PeHas TMt Uh.
V learns, Draperies, . Window
Sbadea, and Wall Paper,
We bars decided on a weeping Beda
, lien rather thaaeover ip oar goods dor
lag our astasslrs , tsnprevemeata, and
' 1 hare ssarkei down STsrythinr' la the
ssoreetosM end tee Bee ear Window
' Display, which wul sabsuatiate wast we
; . sayi .. ... . .. . . .
taafsjB Catsesi treat Ms. st Me. WsHh lis. Is Me.
Itf rtrl,trftt9ft, t . .
- Aadsrarjthiatstosta proportion.
ciipm m pipers,
Attacked a Car.
Several Hunrarians tried to gain pos
session of one of the Rapid Transit
company's cars between Wilson Creek
and Richmondale late Monday night
The car was on a switch waiting when
the . Hungarians, who were drunk,
boarded It and tried to put the men in
charge off. They were prevented in
their designs, however. ny me motor
man, who with a crank defended him
self so effectively that the Hungarians
were put to flight
The announcement Is made of the
coming marriage of Miss Mary McDon-
ough, daughter or Mr. ana Mrs. i num
as McDonough, of Fallbrook street.
The ceremony will be performed on
Thanksgiving evening at o.ju ociock
In St. Rose church.
H. W. Walker, who has been visiting
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Walker, of South Wyo
ming street, for the past week, re
turned to his home in Brooklyn yester
Fabian Schumpf's recovery is now
Miss Delia Healey, or uunmore, is
visiting at the home of Miss Tesrile
Buckley, of South Main street.
Miss Anna O'Donnell, of Boston. Is
the guest of Mrs. Deven Chamber
lain, of Scott street.
Jury Commissioner John Mannlon, 01
Brooklyn street, was in' Scranton yes
terday assisting In the drawing of the
jury for the extra term of court.
Miss Jessie Vannan, of this city, was
a visitor in Scranton Monday.
Announcement is made of the com
ing marriage of Miss Julia Duffey, to
James Healey, of Falrvlew street. The
ceremony will take place at St. Rose's
church on Wednesday, Nev. 27.
Mrs. James Kellley Is lying danger
ously 111 at the home of her daughter.
In the Valley House, and her recovery
is doubtful.
Miss Mary Millitran Is confined to her
home with la grippe.
Miss Ollna Herring, of Salem avenue.
Is confined to her home by sickness.
Julius Young and family and O. R.
Sanders and wife, of Clifford, passed
through this city yesterday en route
to Daytona, Florida, where they will
spend the winter.
J. . H. .Wilson, of Salem avenue,
mourns the loss of his pet parrot. It
died Monday. Mr. Wilson had owned
the bird for about twenty years, and
It was well known to many people.
It was a very fluent talker, and Its
absence Is much felt In Mr. Wilson's
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krants and son,
Frank, of Church street, and Mr. and
Mrs. William Pello, of Honesdale, who
have been visiting In Germany for sev
eral weeks past, returned home last
evening. The party arrived at Now
York on the steamer Friesland yester
day morning, after a Pleasant vovaire.
The employes of Mr. Krants and the
uermania singing society tendered
them a royal reception. They mot
them 'at the depot and escorted them to
Mr. Krants s home, where a few merry
nuurs were passed. .
Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 28. the
first game of indoor base ball will be
played In the armory. The Amity Base
uaii ciud wnicn was warmly support
ed as Honeadale's leading base ball
team, will play with a team yet to be
selected. The game Is attracting a
great deal of attention In all parts of
the country and Is bound to be a great
success In Honesdale, whose citizens
are particularly enthusiastic over base
ball. The admission will be 25 cents.
"Who's to Win Him?" Is the name of
the farce that will be played In the
Presbyterian ohapel Friday evening
at s o clock. The following well-known
amateurs will have the leading parts:
cyru uasnwooa. Mr. Prentiss: prattle
tarn Primrose, Robert Smith; 'Squire
ttrusielgn, Howard Tracey; Rose, Miss
Adelald Dodge; Sylvia, Mrs. C. H
Rockwell: Mlnneta. Miss Louise Dur-
land; Musldora, Miss Blanche Wood;
Anabella, Miss Elisabeth Bentley.
Ice cream and cake will be served and
the proceeds devoted to the Reading
Room Fund.
Mrs. William H. Dlmmlck and son.
Russell Dlmmlck, of Scranton, are the
the guests of Mrs. Annabel, at New
Robert Miller left yesterday for Jet
ferson, Ohio and Chicago. He will be
absent about two weeks on business.
The Hillside Coal and Iron company
paid lte employes yesterday.
A little child of Herman Holdren, of
Dundaff street, Is dangerously ill with
membraneous croup.
'Tim the Tinker" will be the attrao
tlon at the Opera house Saturday night.
Enterprise Hose company, No. 1, will
head the firemen's parade, to be held
In Carbondale on Thursday, Nov. 21.
All members of the company are re
quested to meet at the hose rooms at
4 p. m. on that day. A chartered elec
trie car will take the firemen from this
place to Carbondale at 6.16.
Lizzie McLaughlin Is visiting Scran
ton friends.
The Junior Endeavor' society of the
Presbyterian church will serve a sup
per In the church basement on Satur
day evening next. They will also dls
play different . kinds of handiwork.
made by them. Supper will be served
at s o clock.
A ball will be held In Peter Walsh's
hal, on Wednesday evening, under the
auspices or St Anthony society.
On Tuesday-evening, Dec. 24. the Or
der of American True Ivorltes will
give a concert In Davis' Opera house,
Mrs. William Allen Is visiting rela
tlves at Wllkes-Barre.
Frank Wells, a former resident o
this place, but now a well-to-do mer
chant of Penobscot was a caller ii
town yesterday.
Mrs. W. S. Bloes attended the chrys
anthemura show In Scranton last Mon
Miss' Stella Arnold is visiting her
incna, miss nose uionsfieid, at Pblla-
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Pres
byterlan church will not hold a turkey
upper on xnanksgiving eve, as was ad
vertised In last Saturday's Olyphant
uaxeiie. uui tney will give a chicken
upper in me cnurcn parlor this even
"Doc." Snyder, of Dalton, spent Mon
d&V With h (. lUMIll. In .n,n
I do hereby thank my friends and
neighbors, also the Junior Order United
American uecnamcs, ror their kind'
ness during the sickness and bereave'
w mjr wue. ionn warren.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Klitnov iiul nAA At
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
uresi ooum 'American Kianey cure,
This new remedy Is a great surprise c
account nf If a ..Muuiin.
tuiulllini 111
rellevin naln In rha Kias
back and every part of the urinary pas-
mi in mate or re male, it relieves r
tentlon of water' mrf naln in .!..
almost Immediately. If you want quid
einr ainu ure mis is .your remedy.
duiu ujr v.. aa. narria, urugglat,
Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa.
'if the Baby U Catting Teeth. -
Mrs. Window's Boothia fhrrun has been
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children whlla TmHi'm.
with Perfeet Success. It Soothes the
cnuo, notions tne uums, Allays ail Pain;
Cures W'.nd Colic, and la the baat ramedv
for Diarrheas. Bold by Druggists In every
part of the world. Be sure and ask for
'Mrs. Wins lew's Soothing Brrup," and
take no ether kind. Tweatr-ave eeats a
mm fHttafon office of the 'Scranton
Prihuna la located at Nil. I William street
where ail advertisements, orders for JoU
work ana items ror puorcauon w:u ir
celve prompt attention, unica opm rra
la. m. to 10 p. so.
The Esteem In Which Father M. J. Belly
Was tlctd by the C, M- B. A, . .
i"iahnll Mutual Renevolent as
sociation of thia city held a social at
their rooms in the Durkln block, on
Main .iiuit UnnHav exenlna.
which was a moat delightful .affair. A
special feature of the evening was the
presentation of a beautiful gold-headed
cane and a purse of $125 to Rev. M. J.
voiiv formerlv of this narUh. but now
of Ashley. Those present were: J. J.
n . . . T I .J T uilnn
DUny, r rens eonan, iaiur .
Joseph J. Gilllgan, J. H. Foy, C. Don-
lt.r TW. WnlnrJ T U f'olller. All-
thony Early, Timothy Durkln. B. J.
Durkln. Thomas urace. r. r . un-
gher. B. J. Conlon, P. Gallagher, Ed-,-,i
lvhnion Xf u Mnvlan. Will De-
vaney. M. J. Healey, William McKaig,
and W. a. joraan. . ine inviieu urau
were: Thomas English, T. F. . Burke
and M. W. O'Boyle. After a short time
spent In reading and conversation-Hon.
William H. Rutledge, who was the pre
siding omcer or tne evening.-cauru mv
company to order and made a brilliant
speech in behalf of the association.
Father Kelly responded, having been
deeply stirred by the esteem In .which
he is held by the members of the organ-
l.ltnn r9 urhlnh ha 1. tllmMlf A. PH lOUS
member. The cane is a beautiful piece
of workmanship and bears tne rouow-
Ing Inscription. "Presented to Rev. M.
J. Kelly by Branch 4ti, u. M. a. m... oi
Pittston, Oct. 28, 1195." The date is
when the reverend eentleman -was re
moved to Ashley.
An alarm of nre was sent oui irora
kA til mt twill Qtft'nVlork Monday
evening. All the companies responded
as usual, dui were unauiv iv uu ojiywimt
owing to tne scarcity oi water, i no
house was owned by Peter Cogglns and
was Insured for 400 In Captain Flan-
nery s agency.
Miss Mary A. Gallagher, of this place,
n.l uuhBol Panarv nf WUllamannrt.
were married at St. John's church yes-
teraay auernoon ai t.iv o ciucr.
Mrs. Karlev and son. Edwara. or
Miinmnm p.m In o t nJI it ttlA
funeral of the late Mrs. Kearney yes
terday morning.
Pittston Business Directory.
on Wright & Co., 7 South Main street.
A new range for rale or exchange: also
second-hand household goods, bought or
vnitn.m H. Olace and wife.
of Catasauqua, were guests at S. Jud
son Stark's yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeWltt of Lacey
vllle, are spending a few days with the
former's mother, Mrs. margin ci w
Witt- . '
Th lortnra Mnnilnv evening by Rev.
O. L. Severson was not largely attend
ed, but was pronouneed one or tne nnesi
ever given here.
a Wvaluslnar correspondent notea the
rnmlna weddlnsr of Mrrarry E. States
to Miss Jessie Brown, wnren win um.v
place ui me nume ui ui. mmw -at
Wvaluslmr. Wednesday evening, No
vember 27, at 8 o'clock. Mr. States was
formerly clerk at the Hllkowicn dom
ing store at this place, but Is now man-
r nf a. branch establishment at Wya
luslng. He nas many irienas nen wuu
will wish him much happiness In his
new venture. Miss Brown Is said to be
an accomplished young lady and one
of the society belies in tnat town.
. Winnie Reynolds wi.i go to Bunourj
In a few days to work for his uncle,
Arthur Squires, who Is raising coal from
the river bed by his newly patented
process. The coal is that wnion is
washed down from the mlnea. and
lodges along In the eddys and wherever
slack water exists., it is saia 10 do tree
from slate and of the very finest qual
ity. The raising process Involves some
sort of pumping machinery that dumps
It upon the deck of a boat similar to a
dredging scow. As many as ninety
tons per day of clean, marketable coal
are said to have been obtained in this
Mrs. C. J. Reed and son Spencer de-
ferred their start for the South until
yesterday. Inasmuch as they could not
possibly get there in- time, for the
funeral of Mr. Reed, they concluded to
delay a little longer to make some need
ed preparations. The sympathy of the
people here goes wl,th them on their
sad Journey.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Miner and Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Mead, of Lemon, are spending
a week - among Sullivan county
friends. The men are also making a
hunting tour over there and presuma
bly slaughtered a whole menagerie.
A case of the commonwealth against
Sefernls Hawke, a hotel keeper, at
Noxen, for alleged " violation of the
liquor laws In selling' minors, held the
attention of court yesterday afternoon.
There was a long array of witnesses,
principally natives of the land of sauer
kraut and Khln wine, wno almost uni
formally testified of the careful conduct
of the defendant with regard to allow
ing youthful looking persons to have
liquor without . Inquiring about their
age. The case was yet unfinished, wnen
court closed.
The sudden death of Russell Kasson,
of orth Branch township. Is reported
to have occurred on Saturday. He was
attending a petty lawsuit at Lovelton,
and fell dead while listening to the evi
dence. He was one of the oldest and
most respected farmer citizens of that
locality, and leaves a family of adult
Marriage licenses have been granted
to John C. Dean, of Dalton, and Lena
M. Gunder, of Russell Hill; George W.
Bickham and Roselln Beiias, of Ross
township, Luzerne county.
About forty of the Pythian Knights
went down to Pittston with the degree
team last evening. They came home
on the flyer, which by special arrange
ment stopped ror tnem.
SEA Read The Tribune for early de
velopments. "
Scrofula Broke Out
On oar boy when a baby. . WsgevohttB
much treatment without avail. Notlolng
In the papers Hood's BsrisperlUa wee rec
ommended for aorofulaend blood diseases
we g eve It a trial. We soon saw. a change
for the better. He has taken loor bottles
Hood'o G aroaparilld
end is now entirely well, hearty and free
from ell scrofulous symptoms. I have
also taken three bottles for nervous bead,
sobs end catarrh. It f a me greet relief."
ins, a, si. BMrni, nntner men, va. .
Hood's Fills SS ..SSS
x. v
. Tom TTTT fr
QOODTobaccc Solo For
Facts tell the story hot wind. Her,
facts: Our partnership must shortly
limitation. The balance of our stock must
Any hour of, the day, any. time you please, you will
find our staff of polite and attentive salespeople ready
to please, ready to serve, and you save big money on
every article you Duy.
Intend to nnrchasfc
Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades or
Upholstery Goods of every description, our Dissolu
tion Sale provides a splendid opportunity for all who
The stock is entirely
to nrsi cost, many gooos even oeiow cose
ttAt our Branch Store, Church street. Carbondale,
in addition to our Carpet, and Upholstery stock, we carry a
large line of Furniture.
Dr. Pod'o
tln atssnt. sale s
For sal by JOHN H. PHELP&
Spruce Street, Soranton P.
The overproduction of dur Mill, ' and the accumulation of Odds and
Pr,Am rfnrina- the hna dava. ooinnalled us. to mark down Prices in
Underwear kt lower polnta than
mnnt that wa are onlv the one
of Underwear, and wo out the
for instance. '.- I . ' . . .
A Shirt that tf Sold for. $1. we only aak you 50 Cents
i i"'''.'.. . r ' .' '
vtonia TtaJamir Natural Grav Camel's Hair or Scarlet
.. f, . ;.. HffMt piotea 38 Ccnte, Former Price 7Bc
160 dofc.lralOfrey, In all wool, 71 1 i--.r
.-a ,. - Af Slie for 49 cents, Former Price $1.00.
. . ' . : i ' S ''
imJm r TTaa Jaraov nvavahlrui- ! .'.'A! :,'
, . , -- ."Never aold
400 doc of Child Orey and WhlU, -Rvalue, no ehop worn goods, but strictly
fresh etock,dauyproauanoweiineinui, '."-"
5; AtTSaenta: former price 28 cenU,
, , We offer you an all wool shawl,
. duplicate the sa
- -- - VwX -V MM
ft SALE.
are the
expire by
, ,
either Caroets. Rues ' Mattinsrs.
new and has been marked down
every Woman
UkaaratdraaahM beaa Ursa tnai the baai, rat
Pennyroyal Pillo
asrMUB la rasaM. Tse ttaslse (Br. Fssrs) saver it
harmaele cor. Wyoming Avenu
ever. . We are known throughout the
boiife that keers exclusively a full line
prices for the mouth of November In half,
any leu thin 60 centaj aalc price 39c.
etjeCint colors at $3.09. Yon can't
shawl for 6.00.
of tho Soason in Underwear
TO our
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat
rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are
of the opinion that it h already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling baa
S laced Wtshburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Moosio Powder Go
Booms 1 tod S Commof ealtli Bld't
Lafflin a Rand Powder Co."s
Orange Gun Powder
Bleetrlo Batteries, Puses for explad
Inc blasts. Safety Fuse and
taopannoCbemical Co,'s Ei0hEiplosiia
Coal of the beat aualltr for domaatla
so, and of all alsea, delivered in any
iart of the city at loweat price.
uraera lexi sc my unio
Rear room, tut floor. Third National
Bank, or sent by mall o. telophono to the
nine, win receive prompt auenuon.
Special contracts wll) be made for ths
late and delivery pf Buckwheat CoaL
SCRANTON AND WILKES-BArlnt, PA, Mauutaoiurors ox
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Of good size,
strongly .
pat together,
just slender ..
enough to secure
both style
and sen ice.
The fumes
ire finished,
some in Pink,
White and Bine
and all with
Gold Decoration,
while the
Rash Seats
are finished In
Solid Gold. V
A fitting
for the
of the best
rooms in
So fine a
never ins
offered in
jthis city
I? for so in
a price.
m AND 111 AND 218
inn nn
Roofing Co.,
326 Washington kuu:
Scranton, Fi
U Ebonite Yaraisli,
GraYel Roofing,
Pipe GoTering, .
u Building Felts,
;! Slieathing Papers.
All klodtotrooflng work don. Allklnlsaf
gravel or alag roofa madr. -
AO done away with by the use of HAKT
of Iniredients well-known to all. It eaa be
applied to tin, galvanised Un, sheet Iron
roofs, also to brick dwellnsa, which WIN
rirevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
og or breaking of the brick. It wUl out
laat tinning of any kind by many years,
and It's cost does not exceed ona-fifth that
of the cost of tinning. Is aold by the jot
r pound. Contract! taken by
Wo can't
Oart Is Bill
nam tutj.
conusant Is
SomolDgrej ;
similar ;
u is oa
ir 70a
vtot ttpsj
vtdOB'l can
This Chair
was in
tended for
a holiday
and 59
of them
came a
aa than
Ow pries h,
If jott bb
to Dlkl
a bolldiy
bnj ooi. '
I $2.68
T)tlaw.,aMW. ' ,
''' ''v;.::", w
. y