The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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New York. Nov. 12: Less attention
was paid to foreign new at the stock
exchange today. The Granger roads
are steadily Increasing- their ecelpts.
The fact that merlin exchange has
weakened enough to prevent gold ship
ments tomorrow had a good effect on
stocks. Local shorts covered in the In
. dustrials and Burlington and QUInry,
but It was noticeable that the advance
brought out but small amounts of
stacks. The improvement ranged from
to SH, and as a rule the best figures
of the day were current at the close.
Chicago Gas rose 24;. Illinois Central.
iVi; General Electric, 2; Burlington and
Quincy, 2; Tennessee Coal and Iron.
1: Sugar. 1H: St. Paul. 1V4: Rock Is
land. -Hfc Colorado Fuel, 1; Jersey
'Central, IVi: Pacific Mall, H4. and the
. remainder Of the prominent issues,
al4. Speculation closed active and
strong. Net changes show gains of
Ha2 per cent. - Total Bales were 22",
The rango of-today's prices for the ac
tive atocki of the New York stock mar
ket are slven beow. The quotations are
. furnished The" Tribune by O. du B. Dlm
'mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen ft
. Co., . stock brokers, 412 Spruce street,
Scranton. . .
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. inc.
Am. Tobacco Co SS RW 8B . 8
Am. Cot. Oil 19- 20 1 29
Am. Sugar Re Co. 98i 100-4 98
Atch., To. & S. Fe... 1ST 17 J6' 17
Can. South 54 BT.Vi 01 B5i
Ches. & Ohio Wfc 19H 19' 19
Chicago Gus 63i4 63'4
chic, ft n. wv... tov iohh iowi io$4
Chle.. B. ft Q S31 Mhi 83 soi
C. C. C. ft-St. I 41 '4 43 414 42
Chlc.,:Mil. 4 St. P... 74 7tl 74 75T
Chic, R. I. & P... 75', 70 7a Ws
Pel. ft Hudson... ...128 129 128 129.
Ilst. ft C. F 2tHi 20T 20'. 20
Gen. Electric 29 SI1 3114
till. Cent 97 99 7i 99
Loire tttiore..... HMi 1494 "9K
Louis. Nash Wi 52H 64J.
U. K. ft Texas 14 14 14 144
Manhattan Ele lixi 10OT. 106 106
Mich. Central 99 89 l 99
Mo, Pacific... .......... 29H 31 29 31
'Naf. Cordage! 75 7 7V 714
Nat. Lead '. SI 31 4 314 11
N. J. Central ;.W 107i WW, 106
N. Y. Central 1' J V" i
N. T., L. E. ft W... 104 " Wis U
N. Y.. S. ft W.,"lr.. S2V W'i lu . oH
Nor. Pacltlc 4 4 4. 4
Nor. Paclllc.Pr 15 16 15 10
Ortt. ft West 154 16 15 16'
Pao. Mail 30 81 30 31
Southern R. R 1114 " H
Tenn., C. ft 1 33 85 33 35
Tax. Pacltlc 8 9 8 9
TJnlon Pacltlc 10 10 10 10
Wabash 7 7v4 7 7
Wubash, Pr..., 19 20 .19 20V
West. Union ..... 89 904 89 90Vfc
V L .i 13 14 15 14
V. S. Leather 13i 13 1.1 13H
IT. S. Leather, Pr.... 68Mi 7V4 68 71
Open- High- Low- Clos-
WHEAT. ing. est. est. ing.
December 67 57 57 67W
May 61 61T4 01 61
OATS. v.
December 1S 18 18 18
May 20 20 20 29
December 27 28 27 28
May 29 29 29 29
January 5.021 6.62 6.02 6.62
tMav ; 6.82 - 5.82 6.82 6.82
January ..; 9.10 9.12 9.07 9.07
May 9.42 9.42 9.42 9.42
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Ono
tations-All Quotations Bassd on Par
of 100.
Name. ' Bid. Asked.
Green Ridge Lumber Co 110
.Dime Dop. ft Die. Bank 130 ...
Bcranton Lace Cur. Co 60
Nat. Boring ft Drilling Co H
First National Bank 00
Thuron Coal Land Co 90
Bcranton Jar ft.Stopper Co 25
Scranton Glass Co IS
Lackawanna Lumber Co 110
Spring Brook Water Co ion
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Scranton Axle Works 80
Third National Bank 350 ...
Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... 160
Scranton Packing Co 100
Scranton Savings Bank 200
Lacka. Iron ft Steel Co 150
Weston Mill Co 250
Traders' National Bank 120
Bonta Plate Glass Co " ... 15
Bcranton Glass Co 100
Economy Steam Heat ft
. Power Co 100
Bcranton Pass. Railway first
mortgage, due 1918 110
Bcranton Traction Co 95
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage, due 1918... 110 ...
Boranton ft Pittston Tree. Co. ... 90
Poople's Street Railway, Sec-
, ond mortgage, due 1920 110 , ...
'Lticka. Valley Trac. Co., first
' mortgage, due 1926..... ' 100
D'.ckson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. Township School 5 102
City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 102
New' York Produce Market.
New York. Nov. 12.-Flour-Dull. Wheat
Dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and eleva
tor, Mfc: afloat, 69c; f. o. b 67
a8c.:. ungraded red. 63a70c.: No. 1 north
ern, 64a65o.: options closed firm; Janu
ary, 6c; March, 7c.i May, 67c; June,
7; July, 7c; December. 64c. Corn
Dull, firm; No. 2. 3(a.16o.; elevator. 37c;
afloat: options dull and firm; November,
Ilia.: December, S5c; January, 35c;
May, .c.' ' Oats Firmer; options dull,
firm; Novemebr, 23c; December, 23c:
May, 26c; spot prices, No. 2. 23c; No. 2
white; 24c; No. 2 Chicago, 24a24c; No.
8. 22c; No. 3 white, 23c: mixed western,
28a24c: white do., 24a28c; white state,
24a28c. Provisions Firm, quiet, un
changed. Lard Quiet, unsettled; western
.steam, .15.90; city, S5.65a5.00; November,
85.90 asked; refined dull, continent, 86.30;
South America, 86.05; compound. 4a4c.
Butter Steady; state dairy, 12a214c: do.
creamery, 20a23c.t western dairy, 10al5c;
.do. creamery, 14a23c.; do. June, La21c.;
do. factory, 9al4c; Elglns, 23c; imitation
-creamery, 12al7c. Cheese Easy, quiet,
tunchanged. Eggs Scarce and strong;
state and Pennsylvania, 22a26c; western
fresh, 20a2Sc.
Toledo Grain Markot.
. Toledo, Nov. 12. Wheat Receipts, 6,000
bushels; shipments, 4,000 bushels; market
easy; No. 2 red, cash, 64c; December,
64c; May, 67 c; No. 3 red, cash, 81 c. :
No. 2 white, ,62c. Corn Receipts, 47.000
bushels; shipments, 59,000 bushels; market
quiet; No. 2 mixed, cash, 28c; No. 8 do.,
87c: No. 2 yellow, 29c; No. 3 do., 28c.
No. 8 white, 27c. Oats Receipts, 3.000
bushels; shipments, none; market dull;
No. 8 white, cash, 20c; No. 3 do., 19c.
Clovereeed Receipts, 476 bags; shipments,
238 bags; market dull, prims oash, $4.30;
Maroa, 1440.. , r
. ' Buffalo; Live Stook.
Buffalo, N. T., Nov. 12,-Cattle-Re-celpts,
tSf bead; on' sale, 60 head; market
Steady; goad rat mixed butchers' stock,
ga3.50; old fat cows. 81.76a2.75. Hogs
ecelptt, 5,000 heat; oa sale, ,6000 head;
market strong and flrmi Yorkers, mixed
and. mediums,. 83.80; roughs, 83.25a3.40;
stags, t2.75a3.2S. flhsep and Lambs Re
ceipts, 82,400 head; on sale, 4,001 head;
market firm; good native lambs, $4a4.05;
(air to good light, t8.86s3.76; culls and com
mon, t2.7aa3.25; - mixed sheep, good to
itatifls tauMtff of tb Skla.
C"r'y,MMifnfi wfcM ail tU
'.lifalU t MM BesMi F. ITts
A tas . l e l ft n. lm. rsnsa
1 iJJlllH.liiiigB.sVft. i
- r i
cholca, 83.3Sal.75: culls and common, 81.75
sZiB; export sheep, fair to extra, SSSalSO.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago.' Nov. 12. Cattle Receipts. 6.000
head; market steady; common to extra
steers. S3a4.90; stockers and feeders, $2.15
aS. 75; cows and bulls, $1.25a3.2S; calves,
82.75a6; Taxana, $2aX30; western rangers,
82.10a8.8S. Hogs Receipts. 28.000 head;
market Arm and 5a 10 cents higher; heavy
packing and shipping lots, t3.5iaj.90; com
mon to choice mixed, S3.45a3.80; choice as
sorted, S3.C5a3.H0; light, $3.40a3.75; pigs, $2.25
a3.65. Sheep Receipts, 7.000 head; market
Arm and 10al5 cents higher; Inferior to
choice, $1.75a3.35; lambs, $3a3.25.
Philadelphia Tallow Market.
Philadelphia, Nov. U.-Tallow is steady
but demand light. We quote: City prime,
in hhds. 4a4c; country, prime. In bbls,
4a4c; do. dark. In bbls, 3a3c; cakes,
4c; grease, 3a3u.
x Oil Market.
Pittsburg. Pa.. Nov. 12. Oil opened and
highest. $1.56: lowest and closed, 81.54; both
here and at Oil Clty.
The revived report that the general
offices of the Pennsylvania lines west
of Pittsburg, were to be removed to
Chicago, is contradicted by the officials
of the company. Under its charter it
Is stated the railroad company cannot
take its general offices out of Pennsyl
vania. L. C. Salisbury, secretary of the Rail
road Young Men's Christian associa
tion at Watertown, formerly secretary
of the Blnghamton Railroad Young
Men's Christian association, was acci
dentally shot while duck hunting in the
Adirondack mountains at Black Lake,
St. Lawrence county, Wednesday
Freight officials of lines leading Into
the southwest will meet In Chicago
Wednesday to further consider the
pooling of traffic in that territory. Up
to date this scheme has been blocked
by the refusal of .the Kansas City, Fort
Scott and Memphis to go into the deal.
This company has promised to be rep
resented at the meeting in Chicago,
Wednesday, but it Is not likely to
change Its position regarding the pool
unless some of Its competitors decide
to gtve it a larger portion of total ton
nage than it can legally Becure Itself.
Chicago advices yesterday announced
that the differential lines leading east
ward from Chicago have practically
completed an agreement on immigrant
traffic similar to that already entered
Into by the western roads. This agree
ment, it Is stated, covers all the so
called steamship business, which is
comprised largely of immigrants re
turning to foreign countries either
permanently or for the winter. A com
mittee has prepared a report in favor
of the formation of a pool and it Is
the general belief that the question
of percentages will be left to arbitra
tion. It was reported yesterday that nego
tiations are nearly completed by which
practically all the soft coal operators
in central and western Pennsylvania
and the Cumberland region have form
ed a combination on a tonnage basis,
thus following the Ohio bituminous
operators, who made a similar combin
ation last March. It is likely that the
combination now being formed by an
Interstate agreement, will Include
Indiana. Illinois. Ohio, Pennsyl
vania and West Virginia. There Is o
scarcity of bituminous coal reported
from nearly all the districts with a
strong and advancing market.
Judge Lacombe, In the United State?
oircult court, today handed down a
'ieclsion In the application of the reor
ganization committee of the Erie for
tho confirmation of the sale of that
oroperty last Friday, which was op
posed by the New York, Pennsylvania
and Ohio - Railroad company. When
the application was made W. W. Mc
Farland, as counsel for the railroad
company, interposed an objection on
that ground that the court had no jur
isdiction in the matter of foreclosing
the mortgage".
In his decision Judge Lacombe holds
that the court has full jurisdiction and
he confirms the sale of the property.
The Lehigh Valley proposes to pro
vide living apartments for its station
agents in their respective stations
where they are isolated from the town.
Before the close of the present year
the Pennsylvania lines will have CO.
000 freight cars of their own, besides
the line cars. refrigerator cars and stock
cars the Pennsylvania lines are inter
ested in.
An order has been issued appointing
Sydney Williams comptroller of the
Pennsylvania Coal company, and its
proprietary companies of the Krie and
Wyoming Railroad company. Mr. Wil
liams will have his headquarters at
Dunmore and will have charge of all
the business of this company.
The DuPont Powder company is se
curing all the soda land In the vicinity
of its already Immense soda lake hold
ings In Natrona county, Wyoming. It
Is the intention of the company to erect
large soda works, which will cause an
extension of the Fremont and Elkhorn
It is believed that an extensive field
of valuable coal has been discovered
within fifty miles of Juneau, Alaska. If
this proves to be so it will, of course,
mean very much for the development
of that region. It is known that excel
lent coal exists in many parts of Alas
ka, but the discoveries hitherto have
been remote from the settled regions.
"There Is nothing new in the report
that a tonnage agreement on bitumin
ous coal is being arranged," said Presi
dent Spencer M. Janney, of the Hunt
ingdon and Broad Top railroad, yester
day. f'The matter has been talked of
for months paBt, and Is still under con
sideration. " BUt' nothing definite so far
has been done. I believe, however, an
arrangement of some kind will be per
fected before the beginning of the next
'coal year,' which is the 1st of April."
The audit of Special Master Craw,
ford, of the Reading receivers' cash ac
counts for September, was filed Mon
day.' The account of the railroad com
pany showed total receipts of $3,200,451,
Including $781,139 brought forward on
September 1. The payments footed up
$2,232,270, leaving a balance carried for
ward on September 30 of $968,181. The
account of the Coal and Iron company
showed gross receipts of $1,827,655, in.
eluding $125,773 brought forward. The
payments were $1,653,733, leaving a bal
ance on September 30 of $173,922.
A discovery of anthracite coal Is re.
ported from Iron county, Idaho, which,
if true, will become an Important factor
In the future development of that re.
gion. Vast and limitless deposits - of
Iron ore are found In that locality, but
anthracite coal was not known to exist
there. There has been much talk of
establishing; furnaces and steel works
and it is known that the Rio Grande
Western has In contemplation an exten
sion of its Sallna branch to the iron
fields. Several railroad surveys from
Bait Lake to Los Angeles pass through
this coal and Iron belt.
wilkei-Barre Record: The Annora
colliery of the Laflln Coal company will
resume operations on Wednesday morn
ing next . The colliery was leased from
the Parrlsh Coal company of Wilkes
Barre by a Scranton firm, Reeae'Brooka
It Co., about one year .ago. The com
pany remodeled the breaker and made
other extensive Improvements, but the
breaker-was destroyed by fire Just as It
was ready to be operated. A new break
er has been built, with modern improve
mentaa new shaft sunkAnd now every
thing is reedy to begin operations. W.
0. 1 nomas, of West the gtn
titti mpezar 91 uw company. .
Msay of Them Have a History That's As
laterestlag as a deos of Fietioa-Some
of the Valqae Traditions That Are As
sociated with Certain Jewels.
In the wild, lavish era of imperial
Rome the pearl seemed to take the
leading role among Jeweled favorites;
at least, when the crown wearers and
millionaires wanted to squander money
at a . dassling pace, they picked the
pearl. We'll have to drop that story of
the $8,000 pearl cocktail which Cleo
patra swallowed for Antony's : enter
tainment, because modern chemistry,
sad to relate, has discovered that if An
tony's Interesting hostess had swallowed
an acid strong enough to dissolve that
pearl Egypt would have had a swell
funeral on Its hands. But . there Is
plenty of authentic evidence that the
pearl and the profligate were close
friends. Caesar paid a quarter of a mil
lion for one single pearl. When that
moneyed maniac, Caligula, smothered
old Tiberius with a pillow (under the
correct impression that he had outlived
his usefulness) his petty cash account
consisted of $400,000,000, which Tiberius
had not been able to spend. Caligula
more of an expert In the great art of
circulation, managed to wipe out this
entire legacy in a single year. But
then, among other interesting freaks,
he built Ivory and jeweled stalls for his
favorite steed and adorned his neck
with a massive collar of pearls. No
fortune could stand these strains very
Tho Famous Kohinoor.
For many centuries the diamond has
led the gem procession, both In crown
Jewels, scepters and private collections
because the ruby, in order to surpass
the diamond in value, must have the
precise pigeon's blood red color, and this
Is well nigh Impossible to And. No well
regulated monarchy of today can get
along without a diamond. England,
without her Kohinoor, would feel like a
disreputable second-class power. Not
by any means so large as its royal
rivals, the Kohinoor is matchless for its
purity and Are. And then it has a ro
mantic history, too. It is traced back
to 1526. when a mogul sultan owned It,
and he reckoned It was worth enough
to support the iwhole world for a day,
When it passed into the hands of Em
peror Aurugunsbe It weighed 793 carats.
But the royal lapidary, who fancied he
could Improve Its luster, sliced it down
to 183 carats, whereupon the wrathful
potentate gobbled up the progressive
stone cutter's estate, but mercifully
left him his head, which he wore In ex
ile. Then the Kohinoor boarded around
among various Eastern monarchs till
the British troops In India managed to
collar it. They placed It In the hands of
Queen Victoria, where they knew it
would never get away. Some years ago
an Amsterdam stone cutter tinkered at
It till he got the stone down to 106
carats, where it now stands and shines.
One of the native rajahs in Borneo
has a pear-shaped Bparkler, 357 carats,
said to be of "purest ray serene." It
was discovered about 1360, and whole
reservoirs of blood flowed before the
ownership of that Mattam diamond was
settled. They say a certain well-fixed
Dutch governor of Borneo wasted his
time once In dangling $250,000 cash be
fore the eyes of the Mattam's owner,
but the rajah said: "Nay, the fortunes
of my family depend upon the posses
sion of that diamond." John Bull
would have had that sparkler by an
offer of bayonets.
Other Noted Sparklers.
The famous Orloff diamond, which
Catherine II., of Russia, bought in 1774
for 450,000 rubles, a pension of 20,000
rubles and a patent of nobility, now
adorns the czar's Imperial scepter. An
idol of India used It once for a glass
eye. Its weight is only 194 carats, but
It ranks next the Kohinoor as a shiner.
The Regent, some times called the
Pitt diamond, now among the crown
Jewels of France, weighed originally
410 carats, but cutting reduced It to 137.
It cost over $600,000. Austria wears
the Florentine diamond in her crown
nearly 140 carats weight and a stone of
dazzling beauty.
Then the famous Sancy diamond, sold
by Napoleon I. to a Russian prince for
enough money to run a new campaign,
was first the property of Baron Sancy,
who sent It as a gift to 'the King of
Portugal. On his way over the moun
tains the trusted messenger who bore
the costly gift was set upon by some
brigands and had to swallow the gem
to save it. They found the stone, some
years later. In his body. Of lesser
prominence among the diamond aristo
cracy are the Cumberland, the Shah
and the Polar Star.
The diamond, as a rule. Is a denizen
of the torrid zone, of Africa, India, East
Indian Islands and Ceylon, where the
sun's heat and volcanic action are said
to produce It. Still, diamonds have been
found In Siberia and they tell a story
of a Swiss peasant who found a stone
of great value clinging to the roots of
a cabbage he pulled from his garden.
Tho Beneficent Turquoise.
The world was In its babyhood when
gems of value were worn as amulets
and credited with the power to protect
from peril and to bring good or ill for
tune In their wake. Some were sup
posed to ward off disease and accident.
No gem was more sedulously sought
for In the ancient world than the tur
quoise. It seemed to have certain hu
man properties. If the mild blue gem,
modest as a violet, found itself in the
vulgar society of camphor, musk or
other jcents or of acids, it showed dis
gust by changing its color. It has al
ways been a prime favorite, largely, no
doubt, because it Is not an expensive
stone, unless of superior size and hue.
Orientals have loved It from the
earliest days as a hea'" and
fortune bringing amulet. 'iey en
grave It with sentences from the Koran.
It was supposed, In the middle ages, to
change color as the health of its owner
changed, so that a citizen, or a fair
dame, could have a reliable family doc
tor always "on hand." Then, too, In
Christian gemology, the beneficlent tur
quoise Is December's guardian stone,
because Christmas Day falls in that
month, when the Prince of Peace was
born and the worn-out, wicked earth
saw the reign of mercy and redemption
begin. Somehow the world, pagan and
Christian and Moslem, has felt the glow
of kind, humane fellowship In the mild
company of the turquoise, the patron
gem of prosperity, rest and peace. Dag
gling is the diamond, but you And no
warmth in its haughty loveliness.
There's genial glow enough In the gar
net's rich, red heart, in the ruby's claret
smile, in the emerald's verdant rays,
and the sapphire's deep blue, faithful
eye. All have their lovers and de
votees; all arouse humanity's avarice,
pride of ornament, passion for wealth
or gaudy show; but none can All that
aulet, sacred niche in the world's tender
heart where the turquoise reigns su
preme. Copied from an old English magazine
Is the following curious table of stones
for each month In the year:
January Garnet: It will make you
a good motherland keep your husband
February Amethyst: It . will lead
you In the paths of truth, save you
from slander and make you reverent
and devout.
March Sapphire: It will make you
faithful through life and carefully
shield you from quarrels.
AprilDiamond: You will need a
stone of solid, steady habits and great
force of character to presekve you from
dangers of this fickle month and keep
you pure and free from evil in the
world. Wear the diamond on your
May Emerald: The fiver of a long
life and beauty and greenness of days.
June Agate: It will keep your hus
band faithful andfrlve away spooks.
July Ruby: FuLofwarmth and sun
shine; It will All the heart of the man
you love with passionate adoration.
August Sardonyx: . It will ml ke you
a happy mother, but you will 1 iave to
keep a sharp lookout, Just the si .me, on
your better half. . . . I '
September Moonstone; The ' yon
will be lucky at games of chaact ftad
have lovers forever at your feet '
October Carbuncle: Makes a good
thrifty housewife and promotes' lore
of home.
November Topaz: It brings serenity
and warm friends, whose fidelity .will
remain through life.
December Turquoise: The guardian
gem of Christmastide; wear It always
and It will shower your days With tM
world's best gifts, prosperity and peace.
She Is Said to Get $10,000 a Year for
Naming the Pullman Cars. '
Many complaints have been made
from time to time about the high
charges levied on travelers using the
Pullman car service, , and several times
there have been threats of Introducing
legislation to regulate such charges
under national law governing railroads,
placing Jurisdiction under control, of
the Interstate commerce commission.
Officials of the Pullman company have
maintained an lmperviousness to this
Miss Florence Pullman, daughter of
the head of the company, whose mar
riage with a foreign nobleman of ques
tionable antecedents has been repeat
edly announced and as often denied,
according to the Pittsburg Post, draws
a salary of $10,000 a year for naming the
cars. In the performances of her du
ties Miss Pullman evinces a decided
preferences for names which sound
euphoniously, and which have a soft
and musical quality. Most of the names
of the cars are of Spanish origin. They
are taken after the names of countries,
rivers, historic towns, battlefields, flow
ers and geographic names miscella
neously selected, and none are named
after men. Such names as Guatemala.
Brazil, Oulana, Peru, Chile, Mexico and.
u. V'Ciiutu Ainn ii'aii cuiin Hre ire-
quently seen. Floral names, such as
Narcissus. Sweet Briar, Geranium, May
Bells and other Moral favorites, are
common, while Windsor, Worcester,
Indianola and the names of states are
also common. Germania, Italy, Egypt,
etc., are often seen.
There is a fine discrimination dis
played In the naming of cars designed
for special service, as, for Instance, din
ing cars are In all Instances named
after celebrated cooks, as Bavarian, and
the cooks, of famous men and women.
There are cars named after the cooks
of Queen Victoria (Francatelll) and of
Emperor William of Germany, the pres
ident of France and noted chefs of
mention in the literature of cookery.
If you want help or a
situation. The Tribune
will advertise the fact for
you and not charge you
one red cent. Other little
advertisements, in the
classified columns, cost
only a cent a word, and
are read.
Last Night?
Sleeplessness is one of
the principal symptoms of
Kidney Troubles.
Don't take opiates, but
cure your kidneys with
A few doses
A few boxes will cure.
At all dragglst fov Me. per
box, or mailed postpaid oa
receipt of price.
n rit for iuttrttting pawphlit.
Ctiletfo. San Fr.nene,.
lational Bank of ScruUn.
CAPITAL 250,000 -
bUKWiOS, $i0,00(
SAMUEL HWE9. President
W. W. WATSON. Vioe-PrMldeat,
A. a WILUAMB. Cashier.
Samuel Hints, James M. Bverhart, Irv
ing A. Finch, Pierce B. Finley, Joseph f
Jermyn, M. 8. Kemsrer, Charles P. Mat'
tbsws. John T. Porter, W. W. Watsos.
ui unm.
mm bank Invites the patronage ef Ms-
mb ana urns neneraiy.
The Acknowledged Expert la
Horseshoeing and Dentistry
I Now Permanently Located
on West Lackawanna Aft,
Near the Bridge. ,
French Injection Compound:
Cars seatlrtly, qrlrkly. (sol BMtstz SHsekM
Guaranteed or swots' nfnndad. ATwaafOie
rwMdtas. rrieSM Mr bottle. akaVstifa
(will sars strermsl osw) iant pc.pla. issiM.fran
ssasWaflns, with eafcrieMtltcaUjr ssUs syiUsSi
To all sufferers ef EBROIfOP YOl) tj
WOMEN. M hmi eletVWanai stoarel:
mM as4 sialbT fsse. TfMtaeat
triolr osoideatial, aal a MMalek.eer
fas salted. So ssatter bow teat 1
wiU soaltrMlir sors res, Write u.
IMvPilb o
will relieve. 1 1
Stove Works.
3,088 Loaves of Bread baked in
Easter Dockash Range, (style shown
above,) in seven days with Range
Standing in street. Longest day's
baking 11 hours.
: Weather warm, Stove Trade dull.
If you want a Stove or Range within
the next year, now is your time to
buy. '2,ooo Stoves will be offered
at foundry prices for the next thirty
days, r We want to keep our shop
running this winter, as usual, and
must sell the goods now on hand.
NO, 2,
Coitalns all that tail made Hammond Work
famous, ant NEW, NOVEL and LdoiFUL lm
proTtmants. "Hammond Work the Criterion
"f Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Sales
th Criterion of Hammond Popularity. " Ham
moBd 0. fc "The Perfect Typewriter. Ex
amine it and be convinced. Philadelphia
branch of Tbo Hammond Typewriter Co., 110
a, Sixth btreet
F. A. & A. J. Bit AND A,
414 Spruce St., Scrantoft Rtpritintitlvit.
tfsaataetarsl at the Wapwallopea Mills, Lo
serse eoaaty, Pa., aad at Wil-
. mutton, Delaware,
General Agent for the Wyoming Distriet.
til WYOMING AVE, 8cnmton, Pa
Talrt National Bant BaUdtog.
Bpi. VOBlQntstam. Fa.
' JoHX B. Baimi BON, Plruoatk. Ps
ft. WV MULLIGAN, Wilkea Barre, Pa.
i feata lor toe Repasno Coaanleal Uosa
sear's Bit k BspkaiTss.
M.'W. COLUNS, M'ffr,
on a Dxaiirr.mntl!
mm. MoarfeajefojB- M wate(l
n)l says iw . ii tM tu
". . e e ewe e rnip4 If esweav.aoej
ai iaiiioirilasfrrrriiiasTMi
Tor rJto by JOHN H. PHSLPt, bra j
t ii'sT sv, aad sprues street.
Sotkof you aneTiued!
iKOtls. arodeeuit weak.
pteMobe, Ceeeuluuoa,
ill HI
Tt "n 1 ' 1 it 11 1 1 r 1 iiraif f irTl 1 . v?isR J
R. J.
Uanafactnrers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
Onr Stock In Trade
Mainly Consists of
Waters, Clocks,
Fine Jewelry, '?..
Sterling SUvervara,
Sterling Silver Novelties,
Silver Plated Ware,
Fine Cnt Glass,'
Art Porcelains,
Fine Leather Goods,
' Banquet Lamps.
We carry the largest variety In all of thras
lines. No concern nearer than the great cities
can show each a variety. Onr word (soar
bond. Nearly tbltty years of successful busi
ness should be proof enough that onr poods
and prices are right, and always have boon
-A seJtar mm It doUmr eanwd.".
This Lail tee' MM Viwaek DoaajolaKId Bat.
nee aai wiane m w w
or Foetal not far .
K inula every war the boMs
sold Is sll retail i
$l.M. We awke ten
pee. uiaeatere we
(m the JIJ, sftnto ass wtat.
sad If say oa fa sot SMaM
we will rofeM iae swaty
endsaotherpair. VP"
Tee ar OoaaaMa Basse,
wMtae v, p, m, m m
1 le ass saai
Haas, am-t
l I KOIWl STai
Sue, 1 , ti i 4, t- s BB laoetk
I 'II Will Xel
a vai-.
Have arranged with the follow
ing city dealers to sell our Stoves
at foundry prices. No stoves sold
at retail at foundry:
320-322 Perm Avenne.
W. G. DOUD & CO.,
509 Lackawanna Arenne.
119 North Washington Are.
121 South Main Arenac
Sanrl S cant) for s"mtls paoJtaa.
Feultloss Chemical Company, Baitl
moro, Md.
Special Attention Gifen to .Business
and Personal Accounts.
"srac REVIVO
oil Mat
of Ma.;
so ealy eares by otertts at ttaieesj
taatrsel aenataale mi bleeS I
mA BaalUaa. Sites
1st boat the Bias glow to 'hears e4r
rlat the SreW yweih. Pjferss etl. it
4 OsBSSBptlom. IseisloahaviMBmnvw.
Hker. It eta be carried te vest yeeaat. ir -
oajej see lasssse, ev e " ' ' w "
Uve wftttss) swaraaeeo bo osjsw os sm
be saeeiey. Ofieeiertiee. iMnas
0YM. RIBJCIH M- M tlvor It. mZM, Kl
-i:.' 1 IT AM HAI
Uls llslsViV'T V Iff
DM aatAT ' loth Daft
hues the above remits la
irrally ana eelokly. ostes when all
aea wiurajmia their lest SMSoosase4
will tseever their yewtarai vise y sates
riVsh, II mini. a4 avail reatoref Sena as
seas. Lest tltaUty, tepoteaer. KlfbUr MsMa
WMaS a. . a mtmAm a n
.'. . T .t , ' 1
'" .'
1 "W.