The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Dslljrene Weekly. No Sundir KllUoa.
Fublbtad at Scnnton, P, by The Tribune Pub-
lWilnc Company.
Hew York Office: Tribune BuUdlac, Frank a
Gray, Manafer.
I. . KINO.SBURV, efcie, e Oca'l
C. H. RIPPLC, Bo' Taua.
W. W. DAVIS, Business Kuun.
W. W. VOUN0.S, An. Mm'
nrriBBD At thi posromos at bobaito. as
"Prtm.ia' Ink" (ha neogalnd Journal rbr adver
Itoera, nice Thb Hcbamtok Tbiblus s the tw
sdv.rtl.ln- medium In North taucra Pennsylva
nia. rnuir uia-
t u'inri v TmTtiuirK. lamed Brenr Baturdar.
nulna Hatubnm. Pane, with an Abun
dance at Sm, Fktloa. aud Well-Billed Mlsoel-
laiijr. or Tncee who uuwot hi uu"
Thibuhc, the Weekly la Keeommended a th
Heal narsain uous muysie seer, w aynum
Tax Taurota Is tor Bale Sally at the D., L. and W.
button al uoooiun.
The congressman from this district
ought to feel proud of himself now that
he has descended to frequenting secret
caucuses in order to bark at his bene
factor. "No Seat, No Fare."
Street cars are proverbially crowded
In all large cities at certain hours in
the day, no matter how large the cars
or the number running. It follows that
frequently passengers are compelled to
stand, there not being seats enough to
accommodate all who crowd into a car.
In Philadelphia and some other cities
the cry of "no seat no fare," is heard
at this trme. It Is suggested that pas
sengers refuse to pay fare until -they
are provided with seats. It is always
easy to raise a cry against a street car
company, or, in fact, against almost
any other corporation supposed to be
In existence for the convenience of the
public. Now to us it seems that there
is very little sense In this cry of "no
Beat no fare." Circumstances, which
a street car company cannot forseo or
provide against, frequently double and
quadruple travel on their lines. A
street car will teat a certain number of
people. If a person is unwilling to
stand he should not enter a street car
whose seating capacity is already occu
pied. Surely no reasonable man ex
pects a eompany to carry free all who
voluntarily crowd into It knowing that
there are ho seats for them.
As a rule companies run as many
cars as they And .profitable, and they
cannot be expected to run more. Doubt
loss some companies exercise inade
quate Judgment in their management
They should run more cars at certain
periods of the day than at others. Some
companies give the publlo inadequate
service and wretched accommodation,
but there is no sense In raising a hue
and cry against a company because in
the morning or in the evening there is
a rush and the cars are so crowded that
some of the passengers must stand.
When people enter a car that is already
full they should either uncomplainingly
stand up or leave that car and tako
their chances on the next one.
Mr. Davles la mistaken when he in
timates ,that the only places In which
he was cut last fall were the "Yankee
wards." The returns show that .he was
,also cut badly In Hyde Park.
The' Third Term Bee. ;
' One week ago, in a dispatch to the
Chicago Times-Herald, "Walter Well
tnan, the- Washington correspondent,
declared in most emphatic terms and
"upon the highest authority" that Mr.
Cleveland not only did not want put
would Hot accept a fourth nomination.
Re now prefaces a long dispatch with
these Interesting words of recantation:
"It aa if an organised effort
la to be made by the Cleveland wing
of the party to thrust a fourth nomina
tion and third term upon their ideal
This effort Is to be started and direct
ed from the cabinet, and with the
knowledge and apparently with the ap
proval of the president Doubtless
every federal officeholder In the count
try will be expected to do his share
of the work. The third term experi
ment ls-now on, aure enough,
"In one week there has been a change
of base en the part of the administra
tion, amounting to revolution. Before
the election the members of the cabinet,
almost without exception, believed and
said the president did not want a third
term, that he did not believe in a third
term as a matter of principle, and that
In case circumstances seemed to require
It he would make publlo announcement
of his views and of his refusal to run
again. Now It Is a different story. The
Hay after the election the' members of
the administration began talking of a
fourth nomination. They said the pres
ident in view of the result of the elec
tions, was the only man who could lift
the Democratic party out of Its slough
of defeat and despondency. The vol
ume of this sort of talk has visibly' in
creased for some days. It broke out
with great force after Friday's cabinet
meeting, at which It is known the presi
dent and his official advisers spent
nearly two hours talking over the polit
ical situation, if it is fair to Infer the
motives and plana of an official family
by what the members of it have to say,
then a movement for a third term was
virtually decided upon at that meeting
of the cabinet and may now be consid
ered afoot'- -
It would b entirely In line with Mr.
Cleveland's ostentatious ; record of
"consecration" to duty if he should,
aa la herein Intimated, regard the
cleaning out of all possible Democratic
rivals as a kind of Inspired. Invitation
to head the fight once more himself.
This view would coincide with his
colossal egotism and make due recog
nition of the curious element of luck
which has so many times played In hie
favor. If we belonged to the Democrat
ic party we should favor Mr. Cleve
land's renomlnatlon, If for no other rea
eon than that It would give the party
the benefit of the Inexplicable yet very
palpable prestige associated with hie
With CtereUad as theeeeadU
date, the Democracy could make at
least an appearance of fighting; with
any other Democrat aa the standard
bearer the campaign woul4 scarcely
become Interesting.
The country will await with curiosity
the working out of this problem.
Choosing a time when the men he
would abuse are absent in a distant
state, Mr. Joseph A. Scranton has made
another of his characteristic exhibi
tions of backbiting. It is to the credit
of the gentlemen who met on Monday
evening to prepare an "antt-Connell"
slate for next spring's city election that
most of them took no atock in Mr.
Scranton'a remarks on that occasion.
There probably wore in that secret
caucus several men who were sincere
in their beliefs. However far they may
be from the truth, they are not hypo
crites; they are candid In their error.
It can readily be believed that to these
men the blatant talk of Mr. Scranton,
with Its overflowing suggestion of baf
fled malice, consummate selfishness and
rank ingratitude, was grossly distaste
ful. One of those who were present
doubtless voiced the general feeling
when, after the meeting was over, he
called the ingrate down by asking him
to whom he owed his present seat in
Aa Excited Pastor Rebuked.
There was both courtesy and grace
in the manner in which Rev. Dr. Mc
Leod, of this city, albeit a Presbyterian,
replied in the New York Observer to the
attack of Rev. H. R. Hawels, a Broad
church Anglican clergyman, upon, the
brethren In his own ministry. Mr. Ha
wels, in the Contemporary Review, had
uttered a scathing Indictment of , the
Episcopal clergy, both in England and
the United States, saying among other
things that Its "social and Intellectual
decline" was "an Incontestable fact,"
which "the bishops freely admit and be
wail," but cannot prevent, and which,
as he asserts, is "growing worse every
"This accuser of his brethren," re
marks Dr. McLeod, "throws aside, the
amenities and the proprieties which a
clergyman, above all others, should
never forget, and he allows his unruly
member to run riot. He hurls at his
brethren such choice epithets as 'un
scrupulous hypocrites' and 'dullards'
whom 'the laity despise' and upon
whom they look, not exactly as 'liars'
or 'idiots,' but as a mixture of both. To
an outsider it would seem that after
graduating at Oxford, the Rev. Mr.
Hawels must have taken a post-gradu
ate course at Billingsgate."
We shall not follow the doctor
through his masterly refutation of
these broad charges, although to do so
would be a pleasure. To Americans,
familiar with the high grade of scholar
ship and character and the rare devo
tion to duty which characterize the
clergy of the Protestant Episcopal
church, the fiery accusations of the
Rev. Mr. Hawels reply to themselves.
But It may be noted as a delicate in
stance of growing sectarian liberality
that the first reply to these unworthy
assertions should come, not from one
within the attacked circle, but from
the pastor of a separate and In certain
respects perhaps we may Bay a rival
There is reason to believe that the
Reed boom is on the mend In the south
these days.
The Investigation Mania.
The unanimous adoption by the Pitts
burg Chamber of Commerce of a reso
lution calling for all independent in
quiry into municipal affairs In that city
Is a passing indication of the agitation
which is prevalent In municipalities
generally. Much -of this unrest la
doubtless without sufficient cause, and
it is possible .that the multiplication of
Independent Inquiries, each following
Its own ideas but all having the event
ual effect of unsettling publlo confi
dence, will do more harm than good.
But this seems under our prevalent
system of government to be about the
only way in which the public's curios
ity as to the transaction of its official
business can be satisfied. There are
epidemics of investigation as well as of
measles and scarlet fever; and the peo
ple of the closing decade of the nine
teenth century are manifestly in the
midst of such an epidemic. It Is char
acteristic of epidemics that they give
more or less pain while they last; but it
is also characteristic of them that they
leave the body politic in a fair degree
of health and strength.
We do not know anything about the
local political conditions in Pittsburg.
It la probable that there is provocation
for an investigation. In few cities la
there not Corporate control of councils,
the enrichment of favorite men or com
panies at the expense of the general
taxpaylng public, these and allied evils
are common to all cites, varying from
city to city in degree more than in prin
ciple. The people, of course, are them
selves at fault, and In the strict ethics
of the case should punish themselves
even more severely than they occa
sionally punish the revealed chief of
fenders like Tweed and his ilk. But
they do not see that, and there ia noth
ing to do but to let them gain the
knowledge of their duty in the costly
school of experience,
The Philadelphia "Lexow" investi
gation Is certainly proceeding slowly.
Let us hope it is also, progressing
Penny and Two-Cent Newspaper!.
The Chicago Times-Herald has re
duced its price to one cent per copy, but
promises to make no reduction in the
quantity or the quality of its contents.
It waa forced to do this by business
competition, but we cannot see that it
Is a result to crow over. The Times
Herald is probably the most expensive
American newspaper. At a rough guess
we should estimate that Its weekly ex
penditure ia fully (10,000; it may reach
115,000 or even 120,000. It la the best
illustrated, the best printed and the
best edited paper In the west and Its
pre-eminence costs money. It is not
well supported by the advertisers of
Chicago, although its advertising pat
ronage Is growing. Ite circulation la
not 70,000 dally, and at 1 cent per copy,
for twelve and sixteen pages such aa it
prints, the more copies It circulates the
more money it will lose.
Under these circumstances it ama
fair to remark that the business oondl
ties' U to be deplored whloh forces this,
excellent paper to sell its wares below
the cost of production. It is well worth
two cents a copy. It would be cheap at
ten cents. To sell It for a cent means
that Mr. ICohlsaat, the alert proprietor
of the Times-Herald, will have to draw
on his personal bank account to cover
the discrepancy between the paper's
income and its outlay. It happens in
this particular case that the propri
etor's personal aooount la sufficiently
ample to sustain any probable demands
of this character; but none the loss the
condition la anomalous and should not
continue. The newspaper business la
pre-eminently a cosuneroial business,
subject to tho samo laws that govern
other branches of trade. Tho primary
idea behind It is to secure a reasonable
profit on the time, capital and anxiety
invested in It Other purposes are In'
cluental and subsidiary, as they should
be. No public should expect a good
thing for less than a fair price. When
it is encouraged to expect such a thing
for leas it la encouraged in a line of
thinking the logical end of which is
A newspaper not worth two cents is
not worth having.
Some years ago the Century Maga
zine published anonymously a novel
which became famous. It was "The
Breadwinners." For years the maga
zine-reading publlo has been cudgeling
its brain to guess w&o Its author was,
Suspicion long attached to Colonel John
Hay, and it took years for him to re
move It Another man who had often
to protest against the embarrassment of
a false credit was the late Colonel
Harris, of Cleveland. Now, however,
comes the Cleveland World with strong
proof that the real author,, after all,
was the late Rev. Dr. J. W. Menden
hall, for many years editor of the Mis
sionary Review. Dr. Mendenhall was
well known to many Scran tonlano; if he
wrote "The Breadwinners" It must
have been by an inspiration which had
no parallel In his career.
The Harrlsburg Patriot adds fuel to
the anti-Harrity flame by refusing to
believe the national chairman's denial
that he had anything to do with the
election of Judge Smith or the defeat
of the latter's colleagues on the Demo
cratic ticket. The Patriot, In Its eager
ness to fan a religious conflagration
among the ruins of the Pennsylvania
Democracy, is exhibiting a seal really
worthy of a more creditable under
Colonel Trumbo, who will probably be
one of Utah's first BenatorB, says that
the free silver Republicans of the west
are willing to accept defeat when It
comes to them In a fair flpht; but they
don't want to be pronounced dead be
fore the contest commences. Colonel
Trumbo is not the only man who sus
pects that more will yet be heard of the
so-called silver Issue.
Mr. Whitney's daughter has married
an Englishman; but unlike many of
the winners of dowerlcd American
brides young Paget la a gentleman
and the union la one of hearts,
Russell Sage may bo for McKinUy for
president, but wo haven't yet soon hid
cheek mcntlonad in the Hat of donations
to the cause. -
In view of the fact that even the Eng
lish papers are moved to denounoo him,
Dunraven must be an ass indoodl
The Kentucky Republican who wants
to lucoeod Blackburn had better begin
to Dtook up his barl.
England has ofnolally declared war
on Ashanteo, John Bull shrewdly takos
a foe ho can handle. , ,
From the Chicago Timea-Horald,
Atlanta, Nov. 10. Perfoetly understood
by every true oltlion, and rot peculiar in
itself, is the homaio ana rivoreaoo wnlcli
Is paid to the oia Liberty Bell by tiia
maMos or tht poopio. Under tn white
poruoo of the Pennsylvania building, ear
roundea toy heavy railings and guardod
by blue-ooatoa officers, the Llborty Hall la
a constant tsiagaet, and there arejtew vis
itors at the fair who tall to lee this rello
of revolutionary times at some Urns dur
ing their stay at .the exposition. Yet
among those who oome and stood before
tho old bell, It is amusing; anil at the earns
Urao saddening to see how few really
know Ita history or reoosniio its impor.
tanoei When the dlrootors of the exposi
tion wore dlieuaslng the advisability of
having the Liberty Well brought here, the
?ueition of oxpenss came up, and it waa
ound that It would mean a large outlay
if the boll was transferred temporarily
from Philadelphia te Atlanta, One of the
dlrootors, after hearing the arguments,
fro and con, took the floor, and insisted
hat to Mm tho Idea appeared absurd tht
paying out of no muoh money to have that
ben brought down to Atiaata from Phila
delphia. TWfay," said he, "I saw It at
Chicago two or fares tlmoi, and tht eld
thing is cracked. If you are going to
spend ao muoh money any way, why not
f et a new bell that would bo worth some
blng, and bt done with It J" Fortunately,
he waa tho sole member of the directory
who lookod upon tho rello in that light.
i Pennsylvania, of 'ail the states repre
sented at tht exposition, msdt tho largest
appropriation, 38,00Q, whloh hoi boon
about equally divided In tho creation of
the state building and tho different ex
hibits of tht state. The 'building Itself la
a low struoturo, finished in pure white,
with a broad tllod veranda and a doublo
portleo extending forward from each end
of the building, under one of which I tho
temporary reetlng place of the Liberty
Bell. Having made suoh a munificent ap
propriation, tho Keystone state received
What is considered the choicest location
of any of tht state buildings, it being on
tho bluff immediately to tht south of the
Piedmont clubhouse, suroundod by largo
water oab treos and overlooking the
plaza. Innumerable flags float from tho
cornice above Its fiat roof, and tht word
"Pennsylvania," in raised gold lotters evor
the doorway, Is studdod with eleotrlc
lights.'' A bat relief adorns the entrance,
showing tht butt of Benjamin Franklin
tnclroled by a laural wreath, htld by two
ehtrubs; upon the right tht Liberty Bell;
upon the left tht declaration of independ
ence. Many takt this to bo tht state arms
of Pennsylvania, but It Is merely a pleas
ing conception of tht artlet.
A larga rtceptlon room occupies tht en
tire front oortion of tho tmlldfne. finished
In tan color, tht columns in lighter shades
and the vaulted celling of light drab. Tho
windows are suriainea in Diut ana wnitt,
the matting, rugs and cushions, as well an
many nieces of the wicker furniture.
showing the same combination of color.
a Dow in srepiace mrw tngravta tne
names of the Pennsylvania commission,
of whloh Governor D. H. Hastings Is
president; Lieutenant Governor Walter
Lvon. vlce-nrtsldtnt! State Treasure a.
M. Jackson, trtaturtr, and T. J. Kttnan,
jr., of tht Pitttburg Prtsa, storttary. The
txeeutlve committee eentitti of J. Henry
Cochran. Alexander Dempster, William T.
Hareneui, wiiuam connell ana Harvey H.
Hvtbtrt A malt figure of herolo list In
baa rtllef above the fireplace It tht most
striking feature of the reception rooms.
With an olive branch in one liana, la the
plifted right hand It bears the torch of
liberty, or tnllthttnmtat, whichever may
have been tht conception of the artist A
fine picture of William Ptnn In ell wan
copied from the original painting In tht
coeaeseton of Robert Henry Allan, of
Blackweil Hall, County Durham, England.
Among the Inttrert'tng documents dis
played is the original Indenture or quit
mow wmmwjw win wwii ymemg, par
nearly all ef tht signatures, save teat of
Janes, nave feed te as to bt scarcely
dawn Tn tbi iwn, wim or xorjr
and Albany, to William Peon, Aug. V. isa.
Tht scaoll work udob tht Indenture i
discornlble. This document, preslous to
Pennsylvania!!!, was brought from tbe
state library at Harrlaburg. The letter
which Preeldont Urant wrote in 1875 to
General Harry White, chairman of tht
Republican central committee of Penn
sylvania, in which he discuBsen tne possi
bility ot the third term for a president. Is
read bv nearly vprv ono who vlalts the
Pennsylvania -building'. The admirers of
freeiueni neveinno gain great consola
tion from some of the statements made by
General Grant. A typical Goorela
"cracker" and his wife paused before this
presidential letter. "What Is that?" aeked
the head of the house, putting on her
classes and scanning It closely. The ma
tron replied: "It seems to be a tatter of
acceptance which President Grant wrote
to tne president or the uepuoucan party."
"limn: is mat allr sum tne -:racicer,"
and they moved oa perfectly saiuneu.
From the Cleveland Leader.
When Ell Perkins urns aokod last even
ing about the prospects of the Republican
party in Now York he said:,-
"I'm a Democrat, you know, and rnly
Iteep truck of our prosperous Democratic
party. The Democratic party Is doing
"In what resneet?" asked the reporter.
"Why, we have made a deficit of $300,
000,000 since Grover got In and borrowed
the money to pay It. we are enjoying our
elves, and we ara sroine to let the Re
publicans do the walking later on. The
Republicans paid $2,000,000,000 on the na
tional debt, and I guess they can pay this
littlo three hundred million deficit."
"But what has becomo of tho $1S2,000,000
in (told which you borrowed? wns asketl.
"Well, we out it with the S8i.000.000 which
we had in the treasury, making 206,000.000
In frold, ar.d we have spent it all but $91,
0?La O to pay running expenses. Instead
oi 7 klug In enough money at the custom
t.y sco to pay for running the government
we hired gold from the English at 4 per
osnt. Oh, we Democrats are smart, we
"We Democrats don't pay greenbacks
and silver to American farmers for wool,"
continued Ell, "but we send $81,000,000 in
goia a year to Thibet ami Australia.
"What are yo.u Democrats doing with
the (treat Industries?" asked the reporter.
"Why. we are knocking them out. We've
killed the Yankee lace factory at Wilkes-P-arre,
and are buying ship load of win
dow curtains In Nottintrhnm. Wo have
snut up a third or the woollen rnctories In
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and
the Hrltlsh steamers come loaded with
woolen cloth from Bradford. Why, last
year we shipped 85 nur cent, more woolen
(roods from Knirlnnd than we did under
McKlnley in IK We Democrats are keep
ing the woolen mills In Deeds and Man
chester going day and night. And see
wnat we are ilolna; tor our sheep at home.
The slauKhter houses of Kansas City and
Omaha are killing millions of sheep from
New Mexico and Wvominor dallv. And
wooll Did not our grasping? farmers use
to get aa cents ror it under McKlnley, nna
now we are sending; gold to Australia
and buying Swan River and Van Dieman's
iana wool l&r 10 and K cents. I tell you,
we Democrats are running- thlnes wild.
We have to, for we know you Republicans
are coming witn tne Keciey cure in m
From the Chicago Times-Herald.
What constltutea a vleoroua forele-n
policy? Opinions vary, but we are bound
to say there never was a policy more
vigorous and Invigorating than that of
the French minister at Constantinople. A
rumor came from Armenia that French
residents had been butchered. Whereupon
ine amoBsiauor s messenger tnunuerea at
the door at Glldls In the middle of the
night and the "shadow of God" read this
note: "if Frenchmen have been murdered
In Armenia I shall demand the head of the
governor of the province." There's vigor.
Probably if the same course had been fol
lowed a year ago European boureex would
not now be in a panic over the Turkish
Advertise Now.
There are wonderful things we are going
to do,
Borne other day;
And harbors we hope to drift Into,
Some other day.
With folded hands the oars that trail
We watch, and wait for a favorite gale
To Mil the folds ot an idle sail
Some other day.
Trade Magazine.
Inexhaustlblo Supply.
From the Boston Standard.
It costs 11,000,000 a day to run the gov
ernment, but this Is not very much for a
man who can borrow as freely as the
secretary of the treasury.
No Ont Thinks of Them.
From the Washington Star.
Have not the English young women
some rights which these American-marrying
nobles ought to rospect?
A Simple Transfer,
From the Detroit Journal.
The duke's haul will not bo Included In
this month's deficit.
Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajaeohns, Tht
Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabt cast: 118 a. m for Wednes
day, Nov. 13, 1895.
A child born on this day will no douftt
often realize that the 13th of any month
Is an unlucky date for one's initial bleat.
If the infant, upon arriving at years of
supposed understanding, keeps out of
pontics and poker games ho will probably
never want In cose he succeds In marry
ing a plumber's daughter.
It has now been several days since the
friends of Wade Finn have Insisted upon
his acceptance of a nomination In advance.
AJaoehus' Advlct.
Do not txpect to Inhale ottar of roses
from an election cigar. -
Do not look for gratitude when past
favors are considered. Modern gratitude
Is an advance article altogether.
Do not Imagine that the world Is totally
depraved. There are, a few ot us left yet.
Large Stock to Select From.
To close a Tew patterns we have
made toe following redactions :
1 6-plece Suit reduced from 1285 to $227.
1 S-plece Suit from $110 to $95.
1 I-plece Suit from $210 to $175.
1 S-pleee Suit from $200 to $150. '
1 4-plect Suit from $58 to $35.
1 l-plece Suit from $198 to $175.
1 S-plece Suit from $145 to $100.
1 4-plece Suit from $150 to $100.
1 4-plece Rug Suit from $115 to $50.
1 S-plece Rug Suit from $112.60 to $50.
1 Mahogany Chair from $22 to $18.50.
1 Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.60.
I Mahogany Chair from $20 to $15.25.
1 Mahogany Chair from $22 to $16.30.
S Mahogany Chairs from $18 to $13.25.
I Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.60.
1 Mahogany Chair from $20 to $14.75.
Co tify. 2t thsct we tzihllt
Hill & Connell
Part ol the charm of buying Silks here is that you not only find what you
want, but don't find what you don't want. You select from a selected stock.
Come and see the wide range of Novelties that we are showing at prices that
are bound to catch your loose dollars.
At 57 Cents
We are now offering several patterns and colorings in changeable stripes and
figures and chameleon effects, the usual 75c. kind.
At 79 Cents
Some of the handsomest heavy Groi? de Londres
covered with sprays, flowers and dainty figures,
At 98 Cents
Nearly all of our
to make the Silk
&Our line of Black Brocaded Satin Duchesse at 98 cents, for width
and quality were never equalled.
Silk Shades,
Fancy Globes.
Our Line Is Complete.
. We are now showing the
largest line of Decorated Din
ner Sets ever seen in Scran
ton. Our leader,
100 PIECES, $6.98.
Also Big Stock 0!
222 Wyoming Ave, '
305 Lackawanna Avanua.
Tsm Is bma dr Si lb WEBER
fh snfl sits th . n nfl
JJJj Flaaoa w asn takaati asaaaa
, I LaU.I L..JI lA'J. WjST at
ale of Sis
$1.25 Silks have been marked
Counter an interesting spot for
Blank Books,
Office Supplies.
And krapsltts.
lEiii copper pine nn
Stationers and Engraves,
To Iosptot Our OomplsM Lin of
For Osnts' wear, Ths Patrat Lsstksr Show
triad by this eonesrn sr far tnpsrlor to aor
similar lino on tho market, Tboss who bar
worn them far th past two rears will bear
at out in this statement
It y on hve irregular feet we can nuke shoes
toyonr spicial measure aad suersatee rou
perfect satisfaction.
The Lackawanna Store Association,
523 Spruce St., Scranton.
e We are Beads Barters far Oietete end
are hanillBartn
Celebrated Duek livers,
I.vnn Hana Vmrm
Mill Pondcs aleo Shrews
River Cows, vVewtera
Shores and Giua Points.
Hr-We make a apetaUiwef deUverlaf
Mae FetotowfcwaUehea to. eeewtere.
and Satin Duchesse grounds,
the usual $1.00 quality.
down to that figure in order
the next few days.
Spcclillj Adapted lor Head!, and Sevlnfi.
Coniumts three (8) feet of gat pet
hoar and Rivet an efficiency of sixty
(00) candles.
Saving at least 83) per cent, over tht
ordinary Tip Burners.
QUI and See It.
Manufacturers' Agents.
sunrn or
Ofllest 329 Washington Avenue.
Works: WayAag. B. 4 W. V. B. R.
General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pet
GlToa from I a. a. to I p. sa. at the )
Oreen Ridge Sanitarium,,
720 Marion St., Green Ridge.
For Ladles Snfferia from Names Diseases. -MtSrfhel
and ItkeaaiaUo Oostplaiats speoUl
a'ttMttoa ilTea.
(Oraanate of the Boston Hospital TraiatasT
School for Nurses), Superintendent
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
Qaa ana" Water Co. Building,
OFFICE HOURS from T.te a .to t p. to,
0 hoar lntsnaloskm for eUtnsr and sapper.)
Particular Attentita Gireato Collwtlou
Prompt tetdosaoat Oaareateed,
Telephone No. ISA
C-aL .
out toToaspoetanaasetaWaMsoTBMro tasi
OPS tfarS ware Is aot eoM by aeTkoep- set OB,
Tea sw Ite, total aadaoV te eaUeer
kite of Bardsrare bettor thea sapeae else
aad yea eiast aet S0adlf we hen sseehat'
apea the eatjeee, Cum. aee aeesW weeeeelf
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