The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 12, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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u n v o n s
Gives tha PeopU tha Means of
r Curing the Most Stubborn Diseases
i- Without the Expanse of a Doctor.
One Remedy for Each Disease.
professor Munyon's system of curing
diseases is now recognized everywhere.
Catarrh. Rheumatism. Dyspepsia. Ner
vousness, Female Complaints, Debility
and every . form of disease coured
promptly and iermanently by Mun
yon's Improved Homoeopathic Reme
dies, mostly 25 cents a bottle, to be had
from any druggist, who will Rive you a
copy of Munyon's Guide to Health free.
Personal letters to Professor Munyon
1505 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa.,
answered with free) medical advice for
any disease. '
The Company Is Ob! Iced to 'issue a
" Although the want of water has nev
fer been, felt In Carbondale. we iiro
likely to appreciate it more and value
it more highly during the winter if we
do not economize now. This scarcity
of water has at last forced the Crystal
Lake Water company to try and have
people be more economical In the use
of tha water. To this purpose they
have Issued a circular for presentation
to their customers, and would be great
ly obliged if 'the public would try and
obey it. TheCircular reads as fallows:
"On account of the extremely dry
weather our water Bupply is becom
ing quite limited, and it Is necessary
that the strictest economy in the use
of water be observed. All leaks must
be stopped and under no circumstances
must water be left running when not
in use. Any persona refusing to com
ply with this request will be liable to
have their supply cut off entirely. Even
with a change in the weather these re
strictions will remain the same, as it
will take a long time to have our sup
ply reservoir tilled. Attention is called
to the fact that faucets are often left
running in cold weather to prevent
freezing,, but for this winter, at least,
the pipes must be protected and water
must not' be left running at nlirht.
J. B. Van Bergan, president.
Michael Monnohan . Badly Hurt.. Yester
day. While at Work in the Mine.
Yesterday morning: while attending
ms usual, duties in the Delaware and
Hudson Wilson Creek mines, Michael
Monnohan, of Farvlew street, was bad
ly hurt. Mr. Monnohan was engaged
in loading- a car at the time and was
putting a very large piece of coal In
when It broke In several pieces and one
of them fell upon hia wrist, cutting a
deep gush from which the blood spurted
in large -streams.
It was apparent to all that an artery
had been cut and his fellow-workmen
tried in vain to check the flow. Theli
efforts were without avail and It looked
as if the young man would bleed to
death before help could arrive. How
ever, the blood was stopped after a
great deal of difficulty and the injured
man was taken to the office of Dr. Flta
slmmons, where the ends of the artery
wer tied and the wound sewed up. Mr.
Monnohan was quite weak from the
amount of blood lost, but is resting
quite easily at present.
Nearly Ends fatally for a Little Italian
On Dundaff street Saturday afternoon
Rosa Gennero, a little Italian girl, was
kicked and nearly killed by a passing
A team driven by a farmer was com
ing down the street when a little child,
which had been playing on the side
walk, ran out in front of the approach
ing horses. The animals were some
what scared by the sudden appearance
of the little etIH and started to one
side. , The forewheel of the wagon
struck her, though, and threw her to
the pavement. Before the horses could
be stopped, the rear wheel had passed
over .the child, rendering her uncon
scious. People rushed to her assistance
and she was carried into her home and
a doctor sent for.
The child was found to be suffering
a great deal, of pain and it Is feared
that she Is hurt Internally. There were
no bones broken, though the body Is
badly bruised.
. The farmer who drove the wagon is
not blamed In any way for the acci
dent, as it was through no fault of his
that it occurred.
' T
Commltteea AUot.
?The final arrangements for the Mitch
ell Hose company fair, have been com
pleted and big preparations have been
made. The different committees ap
pointed reported everything as pro
gressing in the most satisfactory man
ner. Nearly all. the business men In the
elty have been visited by the soliciting
Committee, who are loud In the praise
of the genroslty which they have met
on all sides. , The decorating commit
tee commenced Its work last evening
and It will be all finished by Thursday
night, when the fair begins.
' Lectors Postponed.
Word has been received by Rev. E
J. Balsley, secretary of the Masonic
Temple letcure course committee, from
Hon. John Temple Graves, the famous
lecturer,- who was to lecture here this
evening on the "Reign of me Dema
gogue," that he could not be here on
the date agreed upon, but could give
them either the 26th or 27th of this
month If agreeable to the committee.
It was at once wired back that the 2Ctn
would be the best and he said that he
would be here on that date,
Mlssi Lottie Hart.- of PIttston, has
returned home after a few days' visit
with friends on Cottage street.
'Messrs. Grant and Qelsner. of Dun
more, called on friends on the South
Side Sunday.
The Lestenator children, who have
. ' TERMS-llrfctly CASH During This tile.
i r-r ; ;
leums, Draperies. Window
Shades, and Wall Paper, :
Wo bave decided on a Sweeping Bedno.
tlon rather tatn cover tp oar goods dar
ing; onr extensive improrsment and
have marked down erarrtblng in tip
Store at cost' sad less. See our Window
Dbplay, which will safastsntUte what we
Htirals Cirsett fro lie. (e ftOe.. Worth I Bo. Is Tee.
Brain Csrseej, 40s. is 50o Worth lOo. Is 0o.
WaH Fsssr 8s., Wertk tOe., .
. .. '-And everything else in proportion.
- r . -.- '
. ..' ? -i i ""- s -r
been suffering from scarlet fever, are
The little JchlKl of Robert Nelmeyer,
who Is IH with typhoid fever, was bet
ter yesterday. - , ,
Joseph Murphy, Mabel Coggins and
W. Kelly called on friends In Jermyu
Sunday. -
Mrs. James Lee, of Washington
street. Is seriously ill with erysipelas.
James McLaughlin, of Priceburg,
called on friends in town yesterday.
Patrick Coggins. of Clinton, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
Mrs. Edward McDonough is seriously
111 at her home, on Falrvlew street
Mrs. Lydia Couch and children and
Miss Carrie Jay. of Washington street,
spent 'Sunday, with friends at Clark
Thomas Maloney, of Susquehanna, Is
visiting friends on Battle avenue.
Louis G. Ay res. of South Main street,
haa resigned his position as carpen
ter at - the Delaware and Hudson car
shops, and has accented a place as
solicitor for the Star steam dye works.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oves. of Scran
ton, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Callander, of Church
A coat of ralnt is being spread on
Moon's wagon shop, at Beimont Btreet
and Canaan avenue.
W. W. Callender, of the Star steam
dye .works, this morning received a
new extractor which will at once be
set up In his shop, on Park Pplace.
Charlos Lewsley and family have re
moved from Eighth avenue to South
Terrace street.
Frank Walsh visited friends In Way
mart Sunday.
Mrs. Stillman Hadcock. of Hancock,
Is spending a few days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. i. B. Vannan, of
Belmont street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shea and daugh
ter, Elizabeth, and Miss Guigan. of
Scranton, and Thomas Troy, of Forest
City, were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick Carden, on Dundaff
street, yesterday. .
F. C. Farnhani. of Honesdale, was a
visitor at Rev. B. H. Abbott's yester
day. Lewis Bunnell, of Scranton, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lloyd,
of South Church street, Sunday.
Miss Mary Morrison, of Falrvlew
street, Is erlously 111 with typhoid fever.
- Martin Loftus, of Vine street. Is con
fined to his home by illness.
Frank D. L. Collins has accepted a
permanent position with the Electric
Light company.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P., A. Tlngley are
entertaining Mrs. Fassett and daugh
ter. Vera, of Foster.
Robert Holland, of Belmont street,
was 68 years old Saturday. A num
ber of his friends tendered him a sur
prise party In honor of the event. A
very pleasant evening was spent In
conversation and music, and a still
further surprise "was had when Alder
man Bunnell, In behalf of those pres
'ent, presented the host with a hand
some reed-rocking chair. An oyster
supper was also served. Among the
guests were: 'Mesdames L. I. Bunnell,
E. A. Dilts, Joseph Wallace and Minnie
and Raymond Wallace, John States,
William White, J. Perry and Joseph
Perry, Miss. Sarah Edwards, Joseph
Holland, John Foster and Frank Ball.
. The venerable D. Webster Coxe, D. D.,
of the Scranton Archdeaconry.preached
at St. Peter's Episcopal church last
Mrs. Samuel Sperry and son, Willie,
of Say re, were In town yesterday, en
route for a visit among Dimrock relatives.-
November term of court opened yes
terday, and the usual crowd attendant
upon such occasions thronged the
hotels and street corners.
With potatoes at 16 cents per bushel
and buckwheat flour ft $1.25 per hun
dred weight, the farmer feels as if he
were entitled to commiseration.
Special services will be held at the
Episcopal church at 10.30 a. m. Thanks
giving day, conducted by the rector,
Rev. William Coney.
Dealers in bogus butter up the river
are walking In thorny paths since Dairy
and Food CommlHBlone: Wills has got
ten after them. Two hotel men at To
wanda paid a fine of $100 each for having
disposed of some of the stuff, and an
other offender' gave ball for appearance
at court. By the time he is through
with it he will probably conclude It
would have been cheaper to have plain
ly marked as an imitation and paid the
tax upon It.
Squtds of hunters from Wilkc-s-Barrs
and other points down below daily In
vade the woods and brush patches up
around Lake Carey in search of pheas
ants and rabbits. A two-bushel sack Is
usually sufficient to hold the game, but
they have dead loads of fun.
Mrs. C. M. Lee is visiting friends at
Chester. Pa.
A local business man has discovered
that silver dollars dated 1889 have, al
most without exception, a bright, new
appearance. Whether they are all
counterfeits, or whether the issue of
thut-date is Just getting out Into circu
lation, seems to. be an unsettled prob
lem. The steam saw mill at Jennlngsvllle
has been abandoned and the boiler and
engine hauled to Mehoopany to furnish
power for the gristmill of John B. Jen
nings. This, coupled with the rumor
that the Jennlngsvllle tannery will shut
down permanently in the spring, is
likely to.ecllpse the prospects of a
bridge across the Susquehanna at Me
hoopany. .
Dr. and Mrs. Bardwell spent Sunday
at Meshoppen.
Saturday next will be pay day on this
section of the Lehigh Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Streeter vis
ited their son. S. Dana Streeter, at
Cornell university, Ithaca, over Sun
day. Robert Maybee. one of the men
thrown out of employment by the tan
nery shut-down, has gone to Old Forge
to work In the lumber woods.
The glass factory has Increased Its
force by an additional cutter.
Tunkhannock lodge, No. 254, Knights
of Pythias, will send their team to
PIttston tonight to do some amplified
work In the third degree. This team is
in excellent practice and Is getting a
reputation outside their own lodge for
the clever way in which they handle
their parts. They will go to Montrose
Nov. 28 on a similar mission.
"Plncher," the venerable little canine
In the.famlly of Hon. F. H. Piatt, was
assisted over the, srreat divide a dav or
two since by the liberal use of chloro
form. He had passed the days of use
fulness and gotten into the sere and
yellow leaf. .
Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Marry, of Al
toona.'are visiting; the former's mother.
Mrs. Mary Marcy.
The recent rains have raised' the rvor
somewhat, and farmers can no longer
go out and harvest fish with a horse
rake. "
.. .. t ...
Mr. and Mrs. William Maynard are
visiting friends and relatives In One
onta. t
The Young People's 8ocloty of Chris
tian Endeavor, of the Presbyterian
church are to hold a dime social at
the hoirie of Miss Lettie Orwald on
Thursday evenin.
The Woman's' Christian Temperance
union will meet on Thursdav after
noon at the home of Mrs. -G. W. Ward
A donation will be held at the Pres
byterian parsonage the 22d of this
Miss Florence Waterman visited her
friend. Miss Grace Waterman, at Hick
ory Grove, on Sunday.
The teachers' meeting will be held at
the church Tuesday evening.
,,. If ijis Baby la Catting Tooth.
Mrs. Wlnilow's Soothing Syrup has been
used I for over F'-fty Years .by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Buccese. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Qumt, Allays all Pains
Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In every
part of the' world. Be sure and ask for
'Mrs. 'WlnHow's Soothing rrup," and
Ukene other fci-a. 'Twjptjr.flvs Of nja a
' tThe PIttston office of the Scranton
Tribune is located at No. S William street,
where all advertisements, orders for Job
work and Items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention.. Office open truss
I a. m. to 10 p. m. J .
James Birmingham, the well-known
baritone singer, and M. W. Crogan. of
Wilkes-Barre, were calling In this city
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Kear
ney, mother of School Controller Kear
ney, will take place from her late home,
on Mill street, this ' morning, where a
mass of requiem will be sung at
o'clock. ; -
Fire was discovered tn the engine
house of the Newton breaker Satur
day afternoon, but was discovered be
fore any serious damage was done.
Mrs. Andrew Fltzsimmons uted at
her home, in Inkerman, Sunday night,
at 12 o'clock. She Is survived by her
husband and three children.: Funeral
announcement later.
A Sodality was organised at St.
Mary's German Catholic church Sun
day, and the following officers were
elected: President, Miss Lizzie Bachus;
first assistant. Miss Endres; second as
sistant. Miss Annie Swartz. They will
hold their first meeting on next
PIttston Business Director?.
on Wright & Co., 9? South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange; also
second-hand household goods, bought or
After a long and painful illness Mrs.
John Meddler died yesterday morning
at about T o'clock. Of a kind, social
and charitable disposing she Was held
In the highest esteem by those who had
the pleasure of her acquaintance. She
was aged about 34 years and Is survived
by a husband. Her funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ser
vices will be conducted at the house
whence the remains will be taken
to the Forest Home cemetery, where in
terment will be made.
Mrs. James E. Morris is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. John Francis, Jr., at
The Taylor, Pyrie and Holden mines
will be repaid today. This pay will be
one of the best the employes of the
mines have received In many months.
W. L. Van Busktrk left yesterday
morning for Philadelphia, where he will
be assistant demonstrator at the Phil
adelphia Dental college.
Pride of Lackawanna lodge, Ladles'
American Protestant association, ten
derd a "welcome home" reception to
a number of Its members, who have
been visiting In Wales for the past few
montns, at Llewellyn a hall, last night.
Bible Day was observed ' Sunday at
the First Baptist church. A special
programme arranged by Rev. Robert
F. Y. Pierce, entitled "Our Bible Day,"
being carried out In the morning ser
vice. It consisted of choruses, recita
tions, dialogues and scripture readings.
Pastor M. J. Watkins spoke briefly on
the subject "Spreading of the Gospel
Light." In the evening the regular ser
vices took place. ' ,
Allle Van Fleet has accepted a posi
tion as telegraph operator at South
ford, Conn.
Allle Reynolds and sister. May-Fidelia,
will leave for Florida the last of this
month, where they will look after their
father's orange grove and spend the
Miss Bertha Reynolds spent Sunday
with friends at Scranton. ,
Mrs. Bertha Foley, of Dunmore, spent
Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Seamans, of this place.
Quite a number from this place at
tended the chrysantnemum show at
Scranton Saturday.
Our neighbors, Daniel Langataff and
wife, have left their summer residence
at this place to take up their winter
abode In Scranton. Henry Michell and
wife will reside at Mr. Langstaft's sum
mer home during his absence and care
for the house and grounds.
Cards have been issued announcing
the marriage of John Dean, of Dalton,
to Miss Lena Gunder, of Tunkhannock,
to tak place on November 20.
Will Bo Held Tonight by Members of
V. W. C. A.
The members of the Young Women's
Christian association are anticipating
A firathprinir nf firroat Infnraat 1. 1 ....
Ing In the quarterly members' meeting ich'ihium wnicn win De nelu Tor
all members and friends of the Central
association and South Side branch.
From the 2-mlnute reports to be given
by committee chairmen a good idea
may De gamed or the last three months'
work, and In a few words the secreta
ries will present ideas for future devel
opment. .
Miss Dunn, the state secretary, will
be present to speak of the coming con
vention at HlonmBburg, Nov. 15-18.
Bloomsbiirg delegates are expected to
report, that all arrangements may be
completed for the convention trip. The
number of delegates Is not restricted
and. although twenty have already ap
plied for credentials, more will be wel
comed Into the Scranton delegation,
which promises to be one of the strong
est at the convention. Business Is not
to occupy the entlrcevonlng.but old and
new members will have an opportunity
to bcome acquainted, and members of
the Central association to compare
notes with workers from the branch on
Cedar avenue.
It will be a home-gathering of the as
sociation to which every one Interested
In the work will be most cordially wel
But One of the Old-Fashloned, Tender
Hearted Forgiving Onos.
Charles Boyer, who was arrested
twice Sunday for beating his wife, was
discharged yesterday at the request of
his victim. During the hearing before
Alderman Millar In police court yester
day morning Mrs. Boyer and her little
daughter stood beside the erring hus
band, and although he had shamefully
abused then both, they pleaded with
the magistrate to let him go.
Scrofula Broke Out
On our boy when a baby,- We give blm
much treatment without avalL ' Noticing
In the papers Hood's BarsaparUla wss tea.
ommended for scrofula tod Mood diseases
we gave It a trial. . We soon saw achango
for the better. He has taken feurbottles
Hood's GarQQparilla
and Is now entirely well, hearty sad free
from all serolnloss -symptoms. have
also taken three bottlte for nervous head
ache and catarrh. It gave me great relief.
Mas. T. M. Smith. Bather Oftn, Vs.
Highest of all ia Letain fovtr. Litest U.S. Gov't Report ' '
Owlne to the fact that the. laws fall
to nrescribe a uunlshment for wife
beaters other than fine or imprisonment
and as this punishment la In the ma
jority of cases visited indirectly on the
wife and children. Alderman Miliar ae
clded to let Boyer go with a lecture.
If he fined him the wife stood ready
to pay hia fine. If he imprisoned hhrt
the wife and children would be left
without any means of support. Taking
these facts into consideration the Al
derman felt satisfied that he was deal
ing out Justice if not law in discharging
Boyer. i
Programme of the Concert to De Uivort
Next Monday F.vcning.
Following Is the programme of the
concert to be given Nov. 18 at Young
Men's Christian Association hall:
part 1.
Symphonle, No. 13 Haydn
Violincello Solo. .
(a.) Nocturne, op. 9 .....cnopin
(h i Snlnnliiff Snnir.... PoDDer
Aria, "Casta Dira," (Norma)...'.. ...Bellini
Mls Qrenelli.
Violin Solo, "Fantaigleet Uolero". Leonard
Quartette, "Variations," S minor.
Two violins, viola and violincello.
Flute Solo,
(a.) Aria, "Happy Spirits In Elysium
d'Orphee" Cluck
(b.) Allegro Brllliante Terschack
Traumerei (by request) Schumann
L'Espagnole Cowen
Double Bass Solo, "Variations,'' op. 18,
Songs, .
(a.) Dor Hidalgo Schumann
(b.) "He Loves Me Loves Me Not,''
Miss Grenelll. .
Two Hungarian Dances ...Brahms
Tickets for sale at Powell's and Sender
son's. Diagram opens Thursday. Nov. 14,
at Young Men's Christian association,
Mrs. Whitback is visiting at D. R.
Lathrop's. on South Main street.' '
About twenty-five members of Four
Brothers' post, gathered at the home of
O. G. Spencer, on Mill street, Saturday
evening, to bid him farewell before his
departure for Philadelphia. In behalf
of the post. Judge Searle, In an elo
quent and feeling speech, presented Mr.
Spencer with a beautiful gold-headed
cane, the stick being of ebony.
Mrs. Rachel Mulford, of Lakeside,
spent Friday in Montrose, the guest of
Facts tell the - story not wiud. Here are the
facts: Our partnership, must shortly expire by
limitation. The balance of our stock must
Any hour of the day,' any time you please, you will
find our staff of polite and attentive salespeople ready
to please, ready to serve, and you save big money on
every article you buy. ' -
IF 111
Intend to purchase . either Carpets, Rugs, Mattings,
Linoleums,Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades or
: Upholstery Goods of every , description, our Dissolu
tion Sale provides' a splendid opportunity for all who
The stock is entirely hew and has been marked down
to first cost, mahy, goods even below cost.
$2 At our Branch Store, Church street, Carbondale,
in addition to our Carpet arid Upholstery stock, we carry a
large line of Furniture. -
lae rsrenarupsBouie Beans. uyeawuiuuoaM,!
Dr. Pocl'o Pennyroyal Pills
Tier an proapt, sale ass eertsta la ressH. ths teaalno (Or. FMl'i) oertr flap.
Doi.t. Scat urwkMi. ti.00. Addreai Psu. U aouias Ce.. OsTehmd, 0.
For sale by JOHN H. PHELP&,
Spruce Street, Scrantsn P , .
Greatest Sale of the Soason in Underwear
i ' i i 1 .i i .
'.!..;' '
Tha overproduction of our Mills; and the accumulation 6f Odds and
Ends, during the busy days, compelled us, to mark down Prices in
Underwear at lower points tbau ever. - We are known throughout the
county that we are only the one houte that keers exclusively a full line
of Underwear, and we cut the prion for the mouth of November in half,
, for instance. ) 1 '.
A Shirt that w Sold for $1, ws only ask you 50 Cents.
Men's Underwear Natural Gray Camel's1 kalr or Scarlet,
, , Your Choice 35 Cents, Former Price 75s.
150 dot Natural Grey, in all wool, '.' ! ' ! '
. Any Site for 49 cents. Former Price $1.09.
800 doz. of Heavy Jersey Overshlrls, '!.!.',
Never sold any; )esa than 60 cents; sale price 39c.
400 doz. of Child Grey and White, good Tajue, to shop worn goods, but strictly
i fresh stock, dally productions of the mill, 1 ,
V- r - . . At 13 cants; former price 25 oenti.
! ' We offer you an all. wool shaWi, eleWnt ootors at $3.99. You can't
i '" -,tV duplicate thMmbwl for tAOO.
"' ' ... l 1 i: r
- .,: v.t 'Trr. .;. .
. A very pleasant hon was held on Fri
day evening at Village hall, under the
patronage or Professor Schenck.
Lucius Blrchard completed his 85th
birthday on Saturday. His son. An
son Blrchard, and family, from Elmlra,
spent me aay with him. A reception
was held In the evening. The Odd Fel
lows,' of which Mr. Birchard was for
many ears a member, attended in a
body. F. I. Lott, In the name of the
lodge, presented Mr. Birchard with a
beautiful oak rocker, and In behalf of
the campers, with a purse of 130:
On Saturday evening a blind colored
man. Tommy Johnson, by name, was
killed on the railroad between Mon
rose and Alford. Dr. Taylor, from
Hopbottom, decided It was not neces
sary to hold' an Inquest.
Court la in session this week. A
large attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mason gave a
reception at their home, -In Blakely,
on Saturday evening in honor of the
thirtieth anniversary of their marriage.
About fifty guests were present. Their
residence had been elaborately decor
ated with evergreens and potted plants.
An excellent supper was served about
10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Mason re
ceived a number of useful and beauti
ful presents, among tnem a handsome
dinner Set. ' Among those from out of
town were: Mr. and Mrs. John Brent,
of Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Hodg
son and Miss Mame Hodgson, of Scran
ton. Miss Mame Shultz and Miss Annie
Joseph', 'of Scranton, were the guests of
Miss Marie Jones over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wescott, of
Green Ridge, spent Saturday with rela
tives at this place.
Joseph- Gilhool, of Carbondale, was a
visitor in town Sunday.
Hclief in Six Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new. remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
Sages In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy.
Sold by C. M. Harris, druggist, 125
Pcnn avenue, Scranton, Pa.
fl SALE.
iSMsaetdiatelliblt, aentklr, nrnUUsf BMdIelas. Only Ii.wbIqm $ai
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenu and
to our patrons:
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many eats
rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are)
of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako
no risks, and will allow, the new wheat fully threw
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling haa
.placed Wtshburn-Crosby Co.'a flour far above othc
. .....
Moosic Powder Co
Rooms 1 and 2 Commoiealtti Bld'&
LalRIa A Rand Powder Co.a
Orange Gun Powdoff
Electric Batteries, Pnso for exploding-
blasts, Safety Fuse and
EepaanoCbemical Co.'s HighEiplosl.a
Coal of the best quality for dotneatlt
tse, and of. all slses, delivered ia any
I'urt of the qlty at lowest price.
Orders leTt at my ORloe .
no. iia Wyoming aVenue,
dear room, first floor,' Third National
Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the
Mine, will receive prompt attention.
apeelal contracts will be made for the
tale sad delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of .
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
......... fttt lUi JiS
Of good size,
rot togetlier,
, nst slender
inougQ to secure
both style
and service.
Tne frames
are finished,
some in Pink,
White and Bine
and all with
Gold Decoration,
while the
Hush Seats '
are finished in
Solid Gold -
A fitting
for the
of the best
rooms in
So fine a
w new was
flffflrart In
Hnorso in
a price.
Uf A f ui
Roofing Co,,
326 Washington Arenas,;
scranton, Pa,
Ebonite Varnish,
Gravel Roofing,
Pipe Cowing,
Building Felts,
Sheathing Papers,
All kinds of rooflns work dona All kinds of
gravel or slag roofs made.
All done awav with bv tha nu r niRK.
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, Whloh consist
of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be
applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron
roofs, also to brick dwellng. which will
firevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
ng or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many years,
and It's cost does not exceed one-nfth that
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the J ok
i or pound. Contracts taken by
We can't
Ours is not t
waiting policy.
commsot Is
Sonntning very
can be bought
t:r 15.00.
It yon
want ti pay
we dei't care.
Onr price U
This "Chair
was in
tended for
a holiday
of them
came a-
expected, ll
If you wish
to make
a holiday
bay new.