The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 12, 1895, Image 1

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- J 77
It has never happened
before so early in the
season, hi i our experi
ence, r
. .
Valine Lot
Special Price,
on this lot only,
. , ...
Unpleasant Pacts Pointed Out by
General Miles.
Principal Cities Ipon the Atlantis and
Pacirie Coasts Would Bm at the
Moray of Strong Naval
Power in Time of War.
Washington. Nov. 11. The report of
Major General Miles, commanding the
United States Army, which was made
public today, differs In many material
respects from statements In regard to
Its contents previously published.
General Miles believes that the peace
able condition now existing among the
various Indian trlbns Is largely attrib
utable to the presence of troops at
suitable points, and to the admirable
conduct of the experienced army of
clals, who have been placed In charge
of the principal agencies. While it is
economical and desirable to have the
reserve forces of the army near the
great centers of communication. Gen
eral Miles urgently contends that these
points should be selected only for their
strategic value, and that the tendency
towards concentration should not be
carried to the point of depriving the
western settlements of proper protec
tion. Under the head of coast defence.
General Miles states that the condition
of these defences Is such as to require
decided and Immediate action fur their
Some 'progress has been made to
ward defending San Francisco and a
few modern guns and rifles have been
placed.. These, however, are but a
sma.. part of what is needed for the tie
fence of the harboif while San Diego Is
in the same condition as Pus-ct Sound,
entirely at the mercy of a strong naval
power, which could blockade every im
portant port on the Pacific coast within
ninety days. While the railroads might
transport a million brave men to the
coast they would be useless without ap
pliances to cope with the modern en
gines of war, and with all our Intelli
gence, pride, inventive genius and en
terprise we are as far behind In the
modern appliances of war as China or
Japan. Such were the conditions, says
General Miles, as stated by him In his
report six years ago, and such are the
conditions today, 'with the exception of
slight progress made at San Francisco.
Atlantio Coast Unprotected.
The entire gulf coast and all the groat
cities of the Atlantic coast northward
to Philadelphia are entirely without
modern guns. With one exception the
cities north of New York are in a sim
ilar condition to those south of it. Some
guns and mortars have been construct
ed and some shipped to their destina
tion, carriages for them are under con
struction, and emplacements have been
made to a limited extent. He shows
that torpedo plants are useless without
protective batteries, and that the water
In our principal harbors Is so deep that
light draft war vessels might pass
over torpedo mines without danger.
He assorts that the recent manoeuvres
in England have shown that even the
powerful British navy is unable to de
fend the British coast against a for
eign fleet. Therefore he argues that
the main reliance must be upon coast
He strongly recommends the con
struction of all the high power guns and
systems of defenses called for in the
general plan of the board of ordnance
and fortifications, and to meet In part
the expense of this costly undertaking
he suggests the application of the funds
that might be derived from the sale of
abandoned military reservations. He
approves the use of bicycles and motor
wagons In the army and recommends
that a force of twelve companies be
equipped with these devices.
General Miles argues for an Increase
In the strength of the army, saying that
there Is no reason why It should become
crystallized and Kept at one Btrength as
it has been for years. It should In
crease with the growth of the country
and be determined by the census at a
minimum of one soldier for every 2,000
population and a maximum of one in
Will Pnrvls. a Condemned White Cop, Is
Hustled Out of Jail by His Friends.
Purvis. Ml Mn n mi... i.
this place was broken open last night
j a niuu ana win rurvis, tne now
thorougnly celebrated white cap, was
released.. Ahnnt tni.jniirt. a ...........i
one hundred or more men armed with
uicncBiers roue coldly into the town
and surrounded the court house and
jail. A number of e-imriln wnA it,
They were covered by guns and threat-
1 il u aln 11 lney tave an "'arm.
While the guards were held at bay by
a portion of the mob, others broke In
the heavily barred doors and unlocked
the cell In which Purvis was confined,
with keys previously provided. How
they got them is not known. Purvis
was rushed out and into a buggy that
was In readiness and which was rapidly
driven out of town. -
Will Purvis, )s for the second time
under death sentence. A year or more
ago he was sentenced to hang for the
murder of a white cap, who had told
on ' the Bang, and mounted the scaf
fold to pay the death penalty before
hundreds of people. The trap was
sprung and Purvis fell heavily to the
ground unharmed, the rope having
come untied. On Monday last the Su
preme court sentenced him to hang
again on the 12th of December, but his
Z H??.. a,nneiKnbor" and those ho
witnessed the former attempt to exo-
"ha.veaeclareJ he should never
ciptu"d e wU1 never u Te
Foot Ball Plajera Are Resting at the
Delaware Water Gap.
Delaware Water Gap, Pa.. Nov. 11 The
f?n,J.Pt,KncSrt?.1! T.oot ?a" team '' "top
ping at the Hlttallnny hotel here. Today
the team Indulged In light practice, and
the men appear to be all In good condition.
if TuV jr5S.,.r?'n&alrof. tho mount"!""
of the gap that the Pennsylvania team re
covered its stamina i last fall, and going la
Trentoh directly from her swept the
Tiger, away Wore the dash and spirit of
their play.
With such an object le.son of the bene
flelal effects of mountain air upon laded
men, the Princeton boys have come here
to get Into condition for their game with
Yale. ...
' Big Train Robbery. '
' Colorado springs, Colo., Ntv. 11. 11.45 p.
m. The Well-Fargo express office was
held up at It p. m. It Is reported that the
loss Is $20,000. . .....
Will Serve Ninety Days for Libelling
... Boron Fava.
' Washington, Nov. ll.-Celeo Caesar Mo
reno, who was convcted In the criminal
court of tho District a few days age on
a charge of criminal libel upon baron
Fava, the Italian ambassador to the Uniu
id States, was this afternoon sentenced
iy Judge Col tq serve ninety days In the
sU of the District,
i aforaae figured as u "afKator" in Ha
waii and various other parts of the world.
He has per-lntently attacked Baron Fava
through tho press for many years past.
His prosecution was finally ordered, by
the United Stales government. (
DA :d walks with 'DATS:"
IVmonm with an V.yo to tho Supreme
Court Vacancy Hi I nit It Significant.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 11. When
Senator Hill, of New York, accompa
nied by his colleague. Senator Murphy,
walked over to the war department to
day and held a long chat with Secre
tary Dan I.amont In his Innermost
chamber, rumors became rife that some
Important movement was on foot.
These expectations were increased
when it became known that Senator
Hill an-i Secretary Lamont. arm in
arm, hbu gone over to the department
of Justice and had held another long
consultation v.ith Attorney .General
The impression Immediately found
favor thnt a New York name satisfac
tory to the president and to the New
York senators had been agreed upon
to be submitted to the senate when It
meets next month for the vacant posi
tion of associate Justice of the Supreme
court of the United States. Senator
Hill, when spoken to subsequently, dis
tinctly disclaimed having discussed
anything but "some legal business"
with the secretary of war, and the at
torney general.
It Is known that the president lias
openly expressed a determination not
to send In another nomination for the
Supreme court until he had assurances
that the nomination would be con
firmed. It Is shrewdly suspected that
to-day's Interviews may have given a
reasonable assurance from the chief
authors of the onpositon which previ
ously proved effective would not seek
to delay or antagonize the confirma
tion of a New York candidate other
than those previously objected to.
Kemarkblo Case of Mrs. Drolct in a Mon
trcul Hospital.
Montreal, Nov. 11. After a sleep of
thirteen days Mrs. G. Drolet, an Inmate
of the Notre Dame hospital, awoke
Thursday night. She hud been In a cat
aleptic condition, oblivious of all trans
piring around her, partaking of no
nourishment and to all appearances
dond, save for a slight respiration.
Hopeated attempts were made to
awaken her. Pins and nedles were
thrust Into her body without producing
any effect. The action of the heart and
pulse was scarcely perceptible, while
her body assumed a death-like odor. On
Thursday night Mrs. Drolet surprised
her atendants by suddenly rising from
her bed and asking whero she was. She
seemed quite surprised when acquaint
ed with the details of her long sleep.
This Is not the first tlmo that Mrs.
Drolet has enjoyed exceptional slum
bers. In August. 1S94, she had a simlar
experience, sleeping for fourteen days.
The case Is an extraordinary one, and
has been the subject of Interesting;
study by medical attaches of the hospi
Michigan i'omlly Journeying to Florida
with Home Comfort.
Greensburg, Ind., Nov. 11. Quite a
peculiar traveling outfit is in camp in
the northern part of this county to
day. It is a well furnished 10x15 feet
cottage, drawn by four large horses,
and bound from Coldwater, Mich., to
Wlldbrook. Fla., the driver being
Charles W. Coreless. a wealthy farm
er of Coldwater, and ex-auditor of his
county. His wife and 2-year-old daugh
ter accompany him.
Mrs. Coreless has been ill In bed for
several days, but thlH does not dolav
the Journey. The structure contains a
bed Is carpeted a dresser, wardrobe,
cook stove and utensils. Mr. Core
less expects to cover the 1,400 miles by
Christinas. If he likes Florida he will
remain there.
Costs a Populist Ballot by Mistake and Is
Dying of Grief.
Vanceburg, Ky., Nov. 11. On election,
day Wesley Mines, a Republican, at
Kinney preclnct.lost his vote by placing;
the mark under the Populist device,
not knowing that tho Republican, device
hau been changed to a log cnbln. When
he discovered his mistake, alter depos
iting his ballot, he pleaded to have the
ballot back.
When informed that this was Impos
sible he began weeplnpr hysterically.
He went home and took to his boil,
where he has laid moaning ever since.
He refuses nourishment, and it is
thought that hia mind Is permanently
impaired. His health has been very
poor for a long time.
Boston and Albany Railroad Defeats
George R. Lyman.
Boston. Nov. 11. The Doston and Al
bany railroad, defendant In a suit
brought by George ii. Lyman, adminis
trator of the estate of the late H. C.
Ives, of 'Chicago, to recover a penalty
f Jr Injuries susUilnc-1 by Mr. Lyman In
the Chester accident, won a victory In
the United States circuit court.
Mr. Lyman was riding on a pass at
the time of the accident, and this fact
and the claim that the court had no
jurisdiction to enforce a oenalty cre
ated by the state of Massachusetts
formed the substance of a demurrer
which was sustained by Judge Car
Minister In a Minnesota Iron Town Is
Threatened by White Caps.
Duluth, Nov. II. The law and order
people and the criminal element at Vir
ginia, a small town on the Mesaba iron
range, are likely to have trouble at any
Rev. O. J. Gary, the Methodist clergy
man, has been attacking: the wicked
ness of the city, and In consequence the
men whose feelings have been hurt are
threatening to kill ...m. The clergy
man has been notified by white caps to
leave the town at once on pain of death
If he. remains, but the plucky Clergy
man will make a fight.
Overwork Causes a Disastrous Wreck on
the C. and E. I. Road.
Veedersburg, Ind., Nov. 11. The Chi
cago and Eastern .Illinois had a big
head end collision Just south of here
this morning by two freight trains com
ing together. It was caused by the en
gineer going to sleep from overwork
and letting his train pass a meeting
One engineer was seriously hurt and
both very badly Injured.
Citizen of Portsmouth tho Victim of m
Singular Accident.
Portsmouth.Ohlo.Nov. 11. Will Scott,
a young man, was the victim of a sin
gular accident. to-day. He Was struck
In the face by a small bullet shot from
a sling by a boy.
The missile tore a hole through his
cheek and Imbedded Itself In the roof
of his mouth. . The physician has not
yet been able to extract It, Scott suf
ftrg Intense agony.
Steps Looking to the Preservation of
American Life.
Two Vessels Will Be Within a Short
Distance from Scenes of Disorder.
An English Mission Near Jeru
salem Attacked by a Mob.
Washington, Nov. 11. An additional
step looking to the preservation of
American life and interest in Turkey
was. taken by the navy department to
day. At a late hour this afternoon Sec
retary Herbert ordered the San Fran
cisco, which Is now at Marseilles, to
Alexantlretta. Admiral Selfriage was
telegraphed at Havre today to proceed
at once to Marseilles and fly his Hag
over the San Francisco, relieving Ad
mlrnl Ktrkland, who will return to the
United States. The Marblehead is al
ready at Mercine, which Is only a few
hours' sail from Alexandretta.
The two vessels will doubtless be
sufficient to represent the American
government In Turkish waters, but if
more are needed they can be quickly
difipatchcl there. r
Constantinople, Nov. 11. The Eng
lilis mission near Jerusalem has been
attacked by a riotous mob. The mis
sionaries escaped, but some of the ser
vants of the mission were killed. No
further details have reached here.
Uo Drops Before Mubcr In tho first
Kound-Corbett Makes a Speech and
Also Congratulates tho Winner.
Athletic Club. Maspeth. N. Y Nov.
11. The meeting of Maher and Steve
O'Donnell In the arena of the Empire
Athletic Club at Maspeth, L. I., cre
ated an immense amount of interest
amongst tho sporting fraternity. As
early as 8 o'clock there were verv few
vacant seats in the club house and out
side a long string of sports pushed and
struggled in their frantic efforts to get
at the box ofilce. There were a lot of
out of town sporting men, present from
Philadelphia and Boston and even from
Pittsburg and Cincinnati. It was the
largest crowd ever seen at the Empire
Athletic Club. Maher was the favorite
in the betting, his manager, J. J. Quinn,
laying odds of E to 2 whenever he could
find takers. O'Donnell was not without
friends, and a good deal of money
changed hands.
Corbett responded to calls for "Cor
betl" and stepping into the ring, said:
"All I've got to say, gentlemen, is that
If I'd been in England or Australia and
had acted as Fitzsimmons did I'd be
chased out of the country."
O'Donnell was the first to appear at
9.35 o'clock. He was well received, but
Maher, who stepped Into the ring about
a minute after got a great ovation.
Maher knocked O'Donnell out in the
first round, after one minute and three
Round 1 Maher led with his right
and landed on the Jaw, knocking
O'Donnell down. The moment the Aus
tralian got up .Maher repented, nnd
against O'Donnell went down. He rose
on the ninth count, and, after sparring
for a second Maher knocked him down
and out with a left swing on the jaw.
Time, one minute and three seconds.
O'Donnell had to be carried to his cor
ner, but recovered and was assisted to
the dressing room. The crowd went
wild, and poured Into the ring amid
a scene of the wildest enthusiasm.
O'Donnell did not seem to realize
what he was up against and did not
make the slightest effort to defend his
Jaw. . He got up only to be felled like
a sheep. Corbett, who had a chair
near the ring, got up and looked at
O'Donnell with a smile on his face. He
Jumped into the ring and shook Matter's
hand cordially, being one of the first
to congratulate the Irishman.
The William Hales Is Run Down by tho
- Niagara-Five .Men Drowned.
H.1cali M IT XT., 11 - T 1. . , ' 1 1 i
...... UH.H, ... iwv. j. iic i-uiumuii
between the steamer Nlorrara and the
AiiiL-iicKii uarif v iiimm i ies occurred
In T.n. QQ I. T ....... ? ,n .. a m.
... .4Mb. uu livilll, t. 19 Wt'81. I lie
Niagara was uteaming slowly and blow
ing her fog whistles constantly. The
iw.jiwu 13 omv ji uuiiru Hunting until
fh.',V WAfn nlno. it .... . , V. 1 ..... 1 . 1 1
tain Crocker and the second mate of
mu ivmi;uru were on me uriuge. The
hplm una nut tia. nrw.. nn.l . t.
" Ham , ix 11 1 , en
gines reversed, but It was too late. The
tiiaaaia sum-n ine uuriv amiasnips
and cut deep Into her. The bark sank
In four minutes. Four of her crew
climbed on board the Niagara, while
the vessels were together.
FiVA mutt U'hn ttrafo 1., .!,....
drowned. The bark carried a cargo of
uiu iron, which causea ner to sink be-
fnrA ttlO tiAn nr. ii 1 .1 ..... r. .1 m i
. ..ul.. wii i nuy
were: Second Mate Coleman, Reynard,
jiarnea, ino siewaru; KranK Nevis and
... - u.. . v . . it iiv.1.1. hi. iiura an: jiui
kpown. Seven of tho bark's crew were
UVafl TIia., ...i. f n . . . 1 .-. .
Klmmitee, the mate nnd seaman Bulp.r,
Nellsen. Dorian, Nllson and Bonen
duck. Captain Coombs sank with his
vessel, but rose to tho surface and was
picked up. He and two others saved
were picked up by the Niagara's boats.
The Niagara Is not Injured. The sur-
Vtviiro nt .Via Wllltnw. IT a In ...III . .
...v.uw. mo iiimuiiiuii' iiiii nurm
to-morrow by the steamer Santiago.
A Crush or Wealth and and Bcanty at
Madlaon Sonars Garden.
New York, Nov. 11. Society and the
horse show opened their annual joint func
tion at Madison Square Garden today.
During the daylight hours the horse had
the best of it, and all eyes wore on the
tan bark ring. In the evening, however,
when the electric lights were on and the
boxes Were filled with handsome women
brilliantly clad and radiantly Jewelled, and
well groomed men in evening dress, the
tan bark was the dullest part of the spec
tacle. - In the eleven years of the National
Home Show association, no such gorgeous
opening has been recorded. For weeks In
advance tho boxes and most desirable
eeats have been bespoken and such seuts
as fell Into speculators hands brought
fancy prices.
The general public had 3,600 balcony and
gallery etats unreserved and they were
all filled early. The promenade was a
main of humanity all the evening. Tho
promenade seemed more Interested In
the array of fine looking women and gor-
eous gowns In the boxes than In the
ornea In the ring. The ladles wore more
brilliant colors and more showy gowns
than ever before, and tho great amphi
theatre never presented a more dasxllng
appearance than between the hours of 9
and 11, when the crush was the greatest.
A Patent Djoltlort Wkloh Throw Two
' ' System Open to the Public
Washington, Nov. 11. The Supreme
court of the United States today In
an opinion read by Justice Brown, sus
tained, the Edison Incandescent Light
patent against the claim of the Con
solidated Electric Light company us
ing the Sawyer-Mann system, of which
it was claimed that the Edison system
waa an Infringement. The court said
that the claims made for the Sawyer
Mann patent were too broad to ausUln
the patent. The case came from the
ITnlted States court for the western
district of Pennsylvania, which gavo
judgment in favor of the Edison com
pany, that Judgment being affirmed.
The result of this decision, it Is said,
is to throw open both systems to the
public. The Sawyer-Mann patent Is
invalid, and the Edison patent expired,
by a coincidence, just a year ago today,
under the decision in the Bate Refrig
erating patent cose.
The Insinuation That Ho Waa Disloyal to
Ills Party Is Met with Considerable
Warmth Did Not Lead a Movement in
Favor of Judge Smith.
Philadelphia, Nov. 11. ExTSecretary
of the Commonwealth and Chairman of
the Democratic National Committee W.
F: Harrlty, when spoken to today con
cerning the rumor that he had helped
to direct or lead a movement in Phila
delphia and elsewhere In Pennsylvania,
In which Catholics and members of
Irish societies voted for Hon. P. P.
Smith only for Superior court judge,
thus cutting down the total vote of
Judge Smith's collogues upon the Dem
ocratic ticket by several thousand, Mr.
Harrlty replied with some warmth: .
"The statement that 1 aided Judge
Smith or any of the Democratic can
didates for the Superior court, to the
prejudice of any of the other candidates
Is absolutely and unqualifiedly false. I
never urged, advised, suggested or Inti
mated to any person whatsoever, either
directly or Indirectly, that Democrats
individually or collectively should es
pecially aid any candidate upon the
ticket; on the contray, I urged the
propriety and wisdom of Democrats
supporting the whole and entire Dem
ocratic ticket.
"I challenge successful contradic
tion of my statement, and declare that
it is not within the power of any liv
ing man to produce a single scintilla
of evidence In contradiction of It. I
particularly challenge those newspa
pers which have Invented or given cir
culation to the venomous falsehood;
and especially those In whose columns
there hns never appeared a single word
of condemnation or disapproval of the
organizations or individuals whose op
position to political candidates has
been avowedly based upon race preju
dice and religious bigotry.
"The Democratic party In Pennsylva
nia and In Philadelphia has been In
tho habit of nominating . candidates
who were worthy of the sunport of
every Democrat, and I always cheer
fully voted for and supported them.
This yenr, the Democratic state ticket
was made up of rentlemen of unex
ceptionable character and ability, and
every one of them was entitled to the
vote of every Democrat. I have been
the subject of a good deal of severe
criticism and abuse, but I have never
been charged with party disloyalty un
til now, when It Is done rather by in
uendo and Insinuation, and by those
who think that under tho present cir
cumstances they can successfully ap
peal to race and religious prejudices. I
have no fear that these falsehoods will
be believed by those who know me,
but feel that I should state the truth
for the information of those who do
Thursday, Nov. 28, Recommended as
Thanksgiving Diiy in Pennsylvania.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 11. The gov
ernor Issued the following proclama
tion before he loft for Atlanta this af
ternoon. In the name and by authority of the
commonwealth of Pennsylvania-executive
department :
The people of the commonwealth, recog
n Uing the constant forbearance, loving
KlndneHH anil Pmplnil. hanJ Alti..
iimm Ul -(-Vl 1 1 1 1 K 11 L V
Clod during the past year, are called upon.
... v.bu..ualli.c wiiu me custom or tne ra
Ulers, and In pursuance of the proclama
tion of the president of the United States
la set apart one day for praise and thanks
giving. Now, therefore, I. Daniel H. Hastings
i , . ..wiuiiiuiiwiraiin oi renn-
Kyl-anla, uo recommend Thursday, tho .1.... n . i. . - ..
.....isiiiu May vi iuveinuer. or tile
present year, as a day of thanksgiving and
On that day let us give up the occupa
tion and cares of every day life. Let us
asemble In our usual places of worship to
offer thanksgiving and praise to Ood. Let
1IH HI far 11 a nna.11.1. ...... 1 . . I. , . .
, ' : " i.-. ui, icmiim uib lurui iy
circle and strengthen the ties of home and
us nn Kreauui ne?arts ac
knowledge Him who hns spared our lives.
VhniD I .111 1 1. ' . . (i a m ..... , V. .......
-. . .... . ...... 1 1. mi; year jiiusper-
ous, whose hand has stayed pestilence.
wnune men-? nun nmue us nappy and con
tented. Let us Invoke His blessing upon the
years to come, to the end that His protect
ing hand shall be always with us; that we
may continue In the ways of peace and
prosperity; that we may be Inclined to
that rectitude of life, as Individuals and
as a people, which shall obtain His con
tinued favor; that our loVe for home and
...,.; ...uj !-- vuii.iiiiiaiij' mi fiiKiiieilUU j
that, as a testimony of our gratitude, let
n.l.t. .!,.... lr..l l. .. .. l .
" .uuuiiiiiiji iifiiiu remumoer ine
poor, the needy and the unfortunate who
dwell In our midst.
Given under my hand and the great seal
of state, at the city of Harrlsburg, this
tieveimi uny ui ;iuiTmuer, in ine vear or
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-five, and of the commonwealth the
nna ti l.nrl no.! on.l ,..--ll.U
Daniel H. Hastings.
By the governor.
Frank Heeder, Secretary of Common
Shocking Crime of an Insane Woman
Living at Allentown.
Allentown, Pa., Nov. 11. Mrs. Ellas
Olldner, who is of unsound mind, this
morning strangled her 3-week-old babe
In bed. Ellas Glldner, father of the
dead babe, works at night In a foundry
and was away from home all night. The
child was well and asleep when he left
home. He was summoned home this
morning by a messenger with the In
formation that the child was dead.
Mrs. Oildner had carried out her
threats to kill the child. She smothered
It In the bed clothes and marks on the
body showed rough treatment.
Tho coroner's Jury put the blame for
the child's death on the mother and
recommended her confinement In an
asylum. The woman has been mental
ly unsound for several years and she
became worse since, her G-year-old boy
was killed on the railroad while play
ing several weeks ago.
Tho Troy Murderer Will sit In tho
Klcotrlcnl Ohnir.
Troy, N. Y.. Nov. ll.-"Bat" Shea, who
was convicted of murdering Ttobert Ross
at the polls here at the spring election
of 1894, end whose case wr.s finally decid
ed adversely to him by the court of ap
peals, was brought hnve this aftornoon.
He wan re-sentenced'by Justice Edwards
to be electrocuted at Clinton prlson during
the week commencing Dec. 23, 1895.
Fourth Class Officials Appointed for
j - Lackawanna County. .
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
' Washington. D. C, Nov. 11. Follow
ing fourth-class postmaBtera were ap
pointed In Lackawanna connty today:
Albert Perry, Nay Aug; Mra. Emma
Emery, Wltnmera, .
Committee Appointed by State Senate
Begins Operations.
The Work Dcforo the Body Is Outlined by
Attorney Ancclo T. Frccdlcy Agent
Addis Is tho Flrat Witness
Called for Examination.
Philadelphia, Nov. 11. The commit
tee appointed by the late state senate
upon a petition of the Citizens' Munici
pal Association of Philadelphia to "in
vestigate the municipal affairs of this
city, formally began Its work this after
noon in the Hotel Metropole. The com
mittee was to meet at 1 o'clock, but
owing to an executive session it was
fifty minutes beyond that hour when
Chairman Andrews called the meeting
to order and announced that Silas W.
1'etlt, president of the Union League
club, of Philadelphia, and Angelo T.
Freedley, attorney for the Citrons'
Municipal association, had been select
ed as the committee's counsel. Mr.
Petlit was absent, and his law partner,
Harry B. Oill, represented him. All of
the members of the committee were
present with the exception of Speaker
Pro Tern, of the Senate. Thomas, an
ex-omclo member, who started today
for Atlanta with the Pennsylvania
The other committeemen are: Chair
man Andrews, of Crawford county, and
Senators Hardenbergh, of Wayne;
Kennedy, Allegheny; Grady, Philadel
phia, and McCarrell, Dauphin.
District Attorney Detweller, of Dau
phin county, was also present.
Lawyer Freedley outlined the pros
pective work of the committee at
length, and Impressed upon the com
mittee that its work was in the na
ture of a rigid inquiry. As a result of
such Inquiry Mr. Freedley continued.
It will be the duty of the committee to
report to the next legislature what
remedial legislation shall be needed.
Mr. Freedley specified the committee's
general field as Inquiry into munici
pal contracts.
The lawyer detailed the system of
contract letting by the city of Phila
delphia, and declared that a certain
class of contracts have been notorious
ly violated. After Mr. Freedlev had
concluded, Agent Addis, of the Citizens'
Municipal association, was the first
witness called, but before he had given
any material testimony the committee
adjourned until tomorrow.
Baseless Humor on tho Finding of an
Old Circular.
Wti y h I n ii"(nn Mnv 11 .
1 - -.'- MLIIII, BlIDH-
tlon has been attracted In the east to
a. newspaper sory tnat senator Quay
had come out as a candidate for pres
ident. The basis of the tale was the
discovery by sofpe one bf a pamphlet
containing the senator's portlfalt and
a eulogy of his career and character.
The inference was that Mr. 3uay had
set out for the presidential nomina
tion, and to further his ambition had
started up a literary bureau.
It turns . out, however, that the
pamphlet In question waa published
several years ago, when Mr. Quay was
making his canvass for re-election to
the senate. President Harrison had
made war on Quay as chairman of the
Till t Ifin H 1 Pnmihllnan .r.w.l..
... i...Ui. winiiiiiicC, HI1U
attempted to depose him from that
"iiiutr. vjuny uiifrwara resigned, and
on going before his peoDle for re-election
issued the pamphlet In defense of
the Imputations east upon him by Har
rison and his lieutenants. Mr. Quay is
not a candidate for the presidency.
Governor Hastings and Cabinet Leave
for Atlaata Ipon a Special Train.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. ll.-The splendid
special train of Pullmans rolled out of tho
Union station at 4.30 this afternoon with
Governor Hastings and party on board
bound for the Atlanta exposition.- A large
streamer along the aide of the train bore
the legend, "Pennsylvania," and will con
voy to the south as the flyer proceeds
toward Atlanta, the ourDese of th Inva
sion. There were of the party besides the
governor ana .vim. Hastings, tne mem
bers of the cabinet and their ladles, eiuo-
eltlon. commission and the ladles' auxili
ary, members of the Supreme court, gov
ernor's (tart and other military officials
and a score or more Invited guests.
tne puny win De anseni one wtteg, re
turning to Philadelphia next Sunday. A
day will be spent on the battlefield of
Chtckamauga. Thursday will be Pennsyl
vania day at tho exposition, when there
will be special ceremonies. Goveraor
Hastings will make an address.
November Returns Show the Biggest Yield
on Record.
Washington, Nov, 11. The November
returns to the department . of agricul
ture make the corn crop te largest in
volume of record. With a rate of yield,
however, somewhat less, than that in
dicated by the returns tor October be
ing 26.2 bushels per dare. This must
be regarded as preliminary and not
final estimate of the yield.
The rates of yiokl of the principal
corn states are as follows: New York,
35.6; Pennsylvania, 33.5; Wisconsin, 81.8;
Minnesota, 31.2; Iowa, 35.1; Missouri,
36; Kansas, 24.3; Nebraska, 16. L
Couple Travols from Iowa City to Atlanta,
1.100 Miles Away.
Atlanta, Oa.. Nov. 11. Mr. and Mra.
C. H. Balr reached Macon to-night, hav
ing journeyed in a wagron all the way
from Iowa City, Iowa, a distance of 1,
100 miles.
They were five weeks and three days
making the trip stopping occasionally
to examine farming lands with a view
to purchasing. Mrs.' Bair's father and
mother. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. King, live
in Mncon, and, after reaching Georgia
without being suKed, they decided to
complete the journey to this city.
Uer Mother Lost Both llands Trying to
- Save Iter.
Townmla, Pa., Nov. 11. The particu
lars of an awful accident that occurred
In Orwell township were received to
day. Agnes Maynard, 18 years of age,
was working about a wood stove when
her clothing caught fire.
Her mother attempted to strip the
burning garments off her, but her ef
forts proved futile. The girl was burn
ed to death and the mother will Iobb
both hands.
Molina Man Wanted Hie Friends to
. stamp on Ills Grave.
Mollne. III.. Nov. 11. Joseph Camp
bell committed suicide by taking mor
phine to-day. . -
He left a will reouestlng, among other
things, that ha burled tn a rough bog,
that a band should play at his funeral,
and that hla friends shou'd stamp the
dirt over hlsgraVe. Uta age was fifty
Great Specials
Uoderwear .
Two Cases of Men's
Heavy Natural Wool
Shirts and Drawers at
97 cents a suit
1 Case Ladles Heavy
Egyptian Fleeced Un-
dearweai at
75 cents a suit
These are the greatest
bargains of the season.
Full lines of the Stutt
garter Sanitary Under
wear for Ladies, Gentle
men and Children
510 and 512
Always Buisy.
Every Foot
In the Family
Properly Fitted,
18 Salespeople Busy Every1
Day and Evening-.
114 AMD 111 WTOMflf ATA
Open ETealags Until Jea V
A beautiful lino of
Banquet Lamps and
Bric-a-BraC yeOf
suitable for a
Call and see them?
W. J. WEICIEL, Jeweler
A Engineer Fatally Injnred.
Ithaca, N. T.. Nor. 11. The passenger
train on the Auburn division of the Lehigh
Valley railroad, which leaves Auburn at
11.06 a. m., met with a mishap at noon to
day at Levanna. The engine ran Into a
landslide and the engine was thrown from
the track. Engineer Charles True waa
fatally injured.
Nabar Pasha Has Resigned.
London, Nov. 11. A dispatch from Cairo
to a news agency here aays that Nubar
Pasha has resigned the presidency of the
Egyptian council of ministers. The ra-
son for this retirement la said to be his ao
vanced age.
The Oold Reserve.
Washington. Nov. ll.-The treasury go!,
reserve today stood at 192.866,368 at the
close of business, subject to a reduction
of tl.0ua,0UO taken today for export te Ku- '
rope. .
The Ciariaa In Oood Condition.
Berlin, Nov. It. The Cologne Oaietto '
announces that It has authority for tho
statement that the adverse reports regard
Ing the condition of the Curiae are abe i
lutely unfounded.
For Eastern Pennsyhraaia. generally
(air, nerthely winds.
: " .... -V l