The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 09, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
0 rin& bcrastox tiubunb s atubdat moilniito, ttovembeb o; is93. Ti LftfER 124-126 Wyoming Are. .Will place on sale today and all of next week the following special Bargains: II liilll 65 fine quality Chinchilla Jackets In all sizes with very large sleeves, halt lined with silk, large velvet collar, ' made In the very latest style, worth $9.00. Leader's Price, $4.93 CO Ladles' Black Beaver Jackets with large sleeves, all sizes, worth 4.50, Lauder's Price, $1.98 15 Ladles' Black and Blue Beaver Jack ets with law melon sleeves, ripple Back, ail sizes, worth 18.00. Le . ..nice, $5.98 6 Ladles' Tan Covert Cloth Jackets I With velvet collar, large sleeves, all I Biles, worth 37.60, ...aer's Price, $4.75 t CO Ladles' Double Beaver Capes, with braid and fur trlmmlnir. worth $0.00, Leader's Price, $3.98 X Iofof Rob Roys, Leader's Price, 15c lot of fine woven Tarn O'Shanters, worth 69c, Leader's Price; 39c Special offer In Ladles' Trimmed Hats, at $1.00. $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 each, worth fully double. DRESS GOODS DID SILK DEPT. I lot of Fancy Black Dress Goods, Leader's Price, 42c 1 lot of Fancy Novelty Dress Goods, Leader's Price, 47c 1 lot of Wool Dress Goods, Leader's Price, 19c. and 29c We are showing a magnificent line of Cloaklngs In all the latest novelties, Also a full line of the newest designs in Bilks, comprising Persians, Dres dens and all the evening'. Bhades. 1 special lot of Double Width Cloaking,, . , 64 Inches wide, worth $1.35, 1 Leader's Price, 49c . MS Fi Men's Heavy Merino Shirts and Drawers, in white and natural, all I sixes, Leader's Price, 48c SMen's better quality In Merino Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, in white and 1 natural. Leader's Price, 75c Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers, In white, natural, scarlet and camel's I half, in all sizes, : Leader's Price, 96c Setter qualities, all wool, both single , and double breasted, In white, na- I tural and scarlet, At $1.25, $1.48 -and $1.98 special lot of Men's Merino Shirts and : Drawers on center counter, Loader's Price 85a. each, or 3 for $1.00, II Vlos. of Men's Launflrled Colored . Shirts, wltb separable collars and new ' link cuffs; also white with colored bosoms and with the new link cuff, L In the newest patterns, Leader's Price, 98c Full line of Men's Fall and Winter , Neckwear in all the new shapes and , latest oolorings, at always lowest prices. F5 dos. of the newest designs and pat . terns of Men's De Joinvilles hand I, spmert goods shown, Leader's Price, 47c tadles Kayser patent finger tipped black Cashmere Gloves, at 25c, 38c and 48a Every pair warranted. iAlso are showing a complete line of lined and unllned gloves and mittens for ladles, men, misses and children. 10 pieces of unbleached Canton Flannel, was 6c, Leader's Prite, 3Jc 1 lot of Curtain Nets, worth 36c a yard, Leader's Price, 12jC 1,000 -doten fins Dress Buttons worth I5e a dozen, - , ' Leader's Price, tfc 1 lot of Bilk Fringe for fancy work, worth ISo, , Leader's Price, 12c 1 lot of Crash, worth. Bo a yard, - Leader's Price, 2Jc I lot of fall Prints, best make,' ' ' Leader's Price, 3Jc I lot of bleached and unbleached Table Linen, worth 30c, Leader's Price, 28c M dosen Gingham Aprons made of best . material and full size, worth 25c, Leader's Pries, 14c S , AVILKES-BARRE. A LINE IS PAINTED. Major Nichols Keeps the Merchants In ;' Motion. ' : The order of the Mayor to merchants doing business In Public Square, to keep their goods exhibited on the sidewalks back of the city sidewalk line, was suit talked 'about yesterday, and the Mayor showed the merchants that, if they want to keep up with the parade, they've got to hustle. Yesterday morn ing two men were sent out with a brush and bucket of white paint to draw a line on the pavement, outsldo of which the merchants must not set their, goods. They painted the line on the enst side of the Square from East Market to North Main and had begun the work on the north side, but when they got as far as Jonas Long's Sons tney ran agalnBt a snag, for that firm objected to the painting of a line in front of their place, and the men quit. Then they tackled the west sido and suc ceeded In getting the line through from West Market to South Main. They encountered more trouble on the south side, for Marx Long and the Con stines', marketmcn, positively refused to remove their goods so that the line might be drawn. The painters haggled awhile over the matter and then packed up their kit and carried it to the Cltv Hall. Most of the other merchants around the Square objected, but let the line go down. Mr. Myers, of the Excelsior, let the line be painted, and then got a new brush and some hot water and cleaned It off. The merchants call it the "dead line." Billy McLaughlin's place had a stripe of white paint an Inch wide in front of it. Bo, Hilly went and got a painter, who marked In red paint "No files oh this line." Billy then got an army musket and patrolled the line most of the morning, to the great am usement of the passersby. The Mayor Is Inclined to go still further In his crusade, and call In all signs on the pavement. The merchants are pretty hot already and If they get much warmer something will happen. A BARN BURNED. It Has Been tho Source of Considerable Litigation. Early yesterday QiSteraioo'n' a Are was discovered ait the (bairn, of Thomas Cul ver, cm Che-tout and ftir.'gle iweet, Kingston, iMr. Culver saw th Are Mm seif, ami ewe .the erm, 'but it was too Mte to aatve It, nd t'he ftemen found i't Necessary ito destroy a few out building to cave Mr. Culver's, ihouse. The bairn a large one, bu t quite old. It l.s valued at $600, tout there was aioout 32,000 wemtfv of crops Jmaide which wera destroyed, l'houh ifhere was an Insur ance on them of $800. Tho Iwrni was owned by the Prtavgle estate. Tine property on whucih it rt,m Jiaij. lately aiUi'acted ecime aVMn.tkm from the fuicit 'thu-t .the borough of Klngstoni 1ms Ion? desired to run ia street through It wnd the matter (haa bex im-aiie Uhia subject of considerable lHte'i'ltani In ifhe courts It is 't'hougWt fhait tho fire was of n centKary ortgtn, os, about the time it wj Uiscoverd:ll -two men were seen runnflng away from .the born as fast aa possible. KILLED AT WYOMING. Thomas Partington, a Popular Young Man Sustains Fatal Injures: Yesterday morning about 8 o'clock Thomas iKarrlngton, aged 21 years, and a. resident of Forty Fort, sustained in jures at Simpson & Wattolns' amine, from w.hJch foe died about noon. The young man was employed as a. foot tender, and had ipushed o, trip of oars to the foot of tho slope, and stood in front of the first car. . A trip of empties was on lt- way down the incline and one of the cars became uncoupled and came down at a .terrific rate, catching Karrington 'between, 'it and the car In front of which he was standing. His left leg was .badly mangled and he was severely crushed about the abdomen. He was taken home and Dr. Faulds at tended him. Ieclding that ithe injured leg wouJd have to come 'off he palled Drs. Singer and Kn&pp to assist. They 'began the operation, tout before finish ing it Farrlngton died. He is survived toy his widowed moth er, three 'brothers, Michael, Patrick and Anthony, and one ulster, Mrs, James Morris, of PIttston. Tho Charabor Concert. Next Friday evening the postponed Chamber concert of the Concordia will take place at Concordia hall. The per formers will be Jaraslaw Ziellnskl, pianist; Miss Imogene Aria, soprano; and a quartette composed of C. It. Krebs and F. W. Innes, violins; Adolph Hansen, viola; and J. I. Alexander, cello.. The programme will be as fol lows: Quartet op. 75. No. 2 Haydn Aiicgro. Andante. r, . i . ii C.) Mlnuetto. ' S ' fu.) Vlvaco. Fifiuo solo...', , .,.. (a.) Nocturne, pp. 62, No. 1, J. rancois cnopin (b.) -Mazurka, op. 33, No. 4, Frannnls Phonfn Soprano solo, "For All Eternity," Angelo Macherooe .Carl Krebs Violin Ob lsato. Quartette (a.) Andante Schubert Quartette (u.) fichergo Schubert Piano solo (a.) Bonnree wltb alternato, Jaraslaw DeZlcllnskl (b.) "At the Spring," Jaraslaw DeZlellnskl Cello solo, "Wclgenlled" Hauser Soprano solo (u.) "Aleauow sweet," John H?att Brewer b.) "JiLove and the World is Mine," Clayton P. Johns Piano solo, Ballade, Comtantine Palumbo Suits for Damages. Jojhn MoCarrfok and Jacob Rhlniard, rock contractors, .have .begun suit for $2,538.25 against t'h 'Delaware and Hud son Canal company. This amount, tihey claims ia due ithwn for work done (n driving a- rock tunnel in the mines of the said company, known as No. 2 Red Ash. The .plaintiffs are represent ed iln their suit toy John T. Lenahan and E. A. Lynch. Margaret Sherman, widow of Adam Sherman, ha entered a suit against tho Xiehlgh Valley Coal company and awkft for (10,000 damages for the death of iher husband, who was injured while in the employ of said company. The widow alleges that toy the explosion of a defective boiler 'her husband was Injured and that 'he died next day from fo'Ls .injuries. James X,. and John T. Lenahan represent the plaintiff. ' - t A Bad Lot. Teffterd'ay ' Jerry Rymer, (his wife, their children, John and Grace, all of Carey avenue, were arrested on a charge of stealing clothes from the house of Patrick Lynch, then of But ionwood. The robbery was oommltt ted eome time ago, and the oae placed in Offloer Thomae' hands. He worked 4t up very cairefulllyand onbelngfullycon-, vlncvd that the Rymers were the .guilty parries, searched the house and found the mJsslng goods. Then fte arrestedU fhMn nnrl triok thfmi before 'Hnuirel 'iiomoe, rwho adjourned their bearing until 7 oolock this evening. Offioors Kleetod ' 'At iiie annual meeting of the Curling club, at -ttieir rooms, on West Market street, larf evening, the following were elected officers dor the ensuing year: President, Ja'wea. waoaeii; vice presi dent, W. J. Harvey; secretary, B; B. BrtMiitaro; ireasu'rer. Alexander Dlok: " ihouse committee, E . Doud, J. C.l , Williams and T. E. Jones; Chaplain, I ; Wanted to Goto Jct Yesterday morning an old Siva giving M name as John Hay, who Va ter ribly out and ferutoed, appeared before the mayor and asked to be ptaoert (n JU. Ut said that 0 to laborer w WHAT AILS THE PEOPLE? The True Cons of Most Physical Troubles Made Perfectly Clear. "What are the principal ailments Of the American people?" This question was recently put by a reporter to Dr. Kphralm Cutler, whose name stands foremost in the ranks of the medical profession. His answer was: "Brlght's disease." "The great increase of this fearful malady Is attracting universal atten tion. Everyone is anxious to know how it is brought on. "What causes It, Doctor?" The physician paused for a few min utes before replying, and then said: "I ran best explain that by very simple Illustration. Anyone who eats beef steak knows what is fat and what Is lean. Now, if tho muscle of the steak Is partially changed to fat. It is called fatty degenratlon.' In the same way with the human body, if the kidney substance changes Into fat, it is oalled 'Blight's disease.' Brlght's disease Is fatty degeneration and not ono person In twelve is free from some form of kidney or liver disease." "May I auk if there Is any cure of these complaints?" the reporter In quired. "Yes," replied the doctor, "there la, if people will only take the right rem edy at the right time. As a rule, it is only when thev break down, lose ap petite, And their complexions sallow, a constant white coating on the tongue, and Inflamed eyes that they suspect anything is wrong. American genius has found it possible to arrest diseases of the liver and kidneys and to posi tively cure Blight's disease. The dis covery of Warner's Safe Cure has been a God-send to the world. There are thousands of men and women who are alive to-day and are kept In health en tirely through its use. This fact is now known and admitted by physicians In every portion of the globe." The words of the doctor are true and they demand the serious consideration of everyone who reads these lines. Brlght's disease Is, undoubtedly, the most alarming of all our modern dis eases. It often comes without warn ing, has few symptoms of Its own, but shows the signs of almost all other complaints. Any man or woman who Is at all "out of sorts," should not hesi tate for it is a well-known truth that "delays are dangerous." formerly worked 'here. He had "two large cuts on the back of his head, cuts over each eye, and on his face and also had a toad Mack eye. He could not tell .how !he was "beaten but said his wounds "were dressed in a hospital at Taylor. The mayor sent him up for 'thirty days and the man seemed very gtad of the Invitation to spend a month- wrtn warden Poland's wcu-fed county 'boarders. Hurt In tho Mines. Joseph Schwerhart, a laborer, em ploed In No. 1 shaft, of the Susquehanna Coal company, at Nantlcoke, had his back badly hurt by a fall of top coal yesterday morning. Ho was taken to his home and his Injuries treated, where it was found that his spine was badly Injured. He is twenty-five years of age and Is unmarried. brief'notes. A' handsome crayon portrait ef the late Dr. Beds Davis is now On exhibition in Carpenter's window. : It was exe cuted, by. Walter S. Carpenter and will decorate . the rooms of the - Medical society. The - members of . tho Wllkes-Barre lodge, 158, Sons of Benjamin, celebrated their second anniversary last Thursuay evening with an entertainment and a banquet in Loom I a hall. The Knights of Pythias celebrated their twentieth anniversary at Con cordia hall last Thursday evening. A largo number of members were present and Bome excellent addresses iwcre made. A pleasant Informal reception was held at he 'Hostonlcal society rooms last evening. A man giving his name as WtlHam Jones was put in Ja'il yesterday suffer ing with a mild form of delirum tre mens. He is very quiet and agreeable, but bis fancies are decidedly strance and original. WIN TON. The many friends of Annie ThfcAn drews tendered her a surprise paTty Inst Monday evening in. honor of her sixteenth 'birthday. Oames and singing were Indulged in until a late hour, when refreshments were served. Mrs. JeHiflej", of BHnghamton, rs turned home Wednesday after spend ing a week with friends here. William Morgan' spent Sunday with his parents at Hyde Park. . .Kdilth Dando s quite 411. Niok Mlokle 4s slowly recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. N'lgM school opened last Thursday evening with George Tayor as teacher. Ilev. mowells, of Jermym, will preach In the fichool house every Friday eve ning until further notice. Pierce Conners, of ithts ipTaoe, and Miss Lettle Schueur, of Hatibl, were married at the home of the toi'lde's par ents last Thursday at 1 p. m. Im mediately oifter the ceremony they left for Philadelphia. 'L. N. iBoyle, of Manshwood, Is act ing as temporarily welh -master at the 'Mount Jess up, In the absence of rierce vonncrs. PECKVIUUE, Rev. Mr. Raymond,, who bas been assisting Rev. C. S. Slmpklns in his re vival services this week, returned to his home at Hemlock Hollow, yester day. Tho Ladles Aid society of the Presby terian church, will sorve a chicken supper in the church parlors next Wed nesday evening, commencing at . 6 o'clock. The publlo are cordially In vited. A Warning. r Ladles who fain would titles wed' And to high stations mount, 1 To woman's voting should object. They know they never can expeot To get an honest count. Judge. Real Eotate, $1,503 WILL BUY 0-ROOM filNTOf.E House, mouoru, boo hioek. Wotwter ava.; terms enay. M. H. HOLQATE. I3S.O0O Wlr,L BUY FEET ON WASH- mvton KVeniie: property won rented. For particulars calf at officii. If. H. HOLGATE. t7 W0 WILL BUY DOUBLE HOUSE ON nnenreec Detwe-n wasuinvtnn ana Adams rauta; sgood renting prop M. H. HOLGATE. erty. IIO.WI WILL BUY DOUBLE HOUSE on WMbington arenue, imidiqck. . It. H. HOLOA1 E ' $2,200 WILL BUY LOT 10x11 SINGLE noose, iriiaerne treot ruc uwpir year. M. H. HOLGATE. t.lfli WILL BUY NEW DOUBLE Douse, 8U0 blork. Jeffanon sronue. M. H. HOLGATE. Commonwealth Building. Socclal Notices. w OTIC&-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I will make a monthly tour or the follow ing plMM firing tree upon Mr dTrtlslnu ex Viibiuoni with the stereopticoo: TftTlorvlllo, .Hyde I'trk, Providence; Dickson Olypbant, coitiub, Aronoaia, wennyn. cxniuiuons iven on Wednesday snd Friday of e.iob reek dnrlns the month, the rates for sdrer Islng Ira $10 per month, Adfirss K II. l(Cli, Tribune office, city. THE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." Von thla ralle. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Plctnr,how J ,L. t A ln 1. , 1 .Vtf.kul KM . 1. . U spot. Two volnmos, S.0U) pictures, Bold on prasa coraplett, all o'.arues pnpald. Address P.ftMQODY.aa Adsms Ave., Bcranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA stnaa, eto., bound or reboand at Tas Vmsdss olooe. Qaiek wort. HtmauM A WORD. . WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AI VANCB. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAKGE WILL P.K L.ES3 1 2S CKNTS. THIS HULB AK PLIK3 TO flMAI.r. WANT ADS.. EX CRPT IjOCAL SITUATIONS AND HKT.P WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED riiijs. Help Wanted Male. XJ mad n $4 first day: $27 flnt wk: in one mrnthtll7 i.lut'ijc wt-h, jewelry, tab owan-, with gol .silvnr, nirkalaud wh:to uirtal : gt my p ,r f Gray & Co.. Dept. a, Coiuuibiis. O. Th ari n-lUbln do th Dint ing and teach their agents; others nn do iu0 nnnip. j.DunA. A GEXTK - A SNAP FOR YOCT, fUS.OO as. wi't'iiy; 9;),imii ynriy; no fipfrr'nc. nacensnry fiillurx lmpns-.iblo: nr scheme s new tine: p-rticulars fiee. Address P. O, Box 6.W.S, F os ton. Moks. VfEN TO TAKf. ORDERS IN EVERY ha town and city: no ilellTerine; Rod wages; pay weeklv: noonpital; steady work. GLEN lilit 8., Uocncater.N. Y W' ANTED A BRIGHT BrY TO LE RN the printing businoss. Address Pnnt .-r, Tribune oftioe. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED PALES man in our Gent's Furnishing Dupart tnent. Only thoao having hnd tliorotiah knowloaire need apply. LEBECK & CORlH, 1-t ana 128 Wyoming nvenu... WANTED N AG I NT IN EVERY 8EC tion tocanvas: ? .t0 to $ 5 0J day made: S'llg at sischt; alsna ma I to wll staple Goods to dealers; best side lino ;?..() a muiitii; ul. ary or inrsa I'ommisMon made; experionca unnecessn-y. Cll f ton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cluolnnati, O. AGKNTS-MEN WANTED, ALREADY traveling, to carrv lnhrluittng oils as a sulo lino. MAN U t ACTUKER6' OIL CO., Cleveland, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evtry town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money fur agents; no csnltol required. EDWARD O. FISH CO., Borden Block, Chicago. HI. ' Helo Wanted Females, atdTaTxpeieced'mess makor; no othern nocd Apply to 8., Tribune office. Scranton, I'a. Wanted immediately-two f.ner getlo Mleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed $6 a day without interfering with oilier duties. Hralthful occupation. Write tor particulars, Inclcning stamp, Mango Chom ial Company, Na 72 John street. New York. sent Wanted. C" ENEltAL AOENTi WANTED-HELL-I ing new articles to dealers: exclusive ter capital rnqulred: SIX) to ; per cent. proUt. Columbia Ctoomical Co., S3 Dearborn st., Chicago, III. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS; $75 per month salary and exrcnueo paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI GAR CO., Chicago, AGENTS-TO HELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper elrntro platers: price from f3 upward; salary and ex penses paid; outfit free. Addiest, with stamp, M ICH 1G AN W FG CO., Chicago. AGENTS TOSELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; $i weekly and expensos; exnn'ienco un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 48 Van Buren St., Chicago. CALEBMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 2j O per ceat. commission; sample book mailed free. Address L, N. CO., bUtlon U New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell now lixlitnini; K1ling tnblo clotb. mos quito and house fly liquid at lu cents and 15 rents a bo tie. Snmplo free. UOLGIANU U'F'G Co., Baltimore, Md. G EN Trt HIN DE'S PATENT UNIVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (nsd with out heat), and "Pyr I'ointed"Hir Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Aildress P. (). Box W Now York. Salesmen WsnteJ. WANTED-SALF.SMEN TO SELL RTA pis goods at homo or travel; Lheral sal ary er good commisitl n: we se id samp on sppllcation: givexclusivo territory. Address F. O. Bot llffit. New York City. For. Rent. HOUSE FOB RENT, NORTH BLAKF.LY treet, Dunmoro. A. JENKINS. 340 But ler stroet. I7IOR RENT STEVENSON FRUIT FARM. 1 Clark's Orcon. for a trm of years. An- to GEORGE B. DAVIDSON, Attorney, 512 Spruce street. FOR RENT-FOUR NICE ROOMS, MOKT ly furnished, for light housekeeping. 1038 Lafayette street. IOR RENT-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for one or two persons; goo, beat and bath. 7IU Olivo strost. FOR RENT-ON CAPoUSE AVENUE, room .honao;.)atest improvements. Ap ply 1S73 Cflpouso arenue. TWO OFFICES. CLOSET, STEAM HEAT, runolnir water, decorations, front, con spicuous; SIC. W. GIBSON JONES, 311 Spruce street. 1 FINEST BACHELOR APARTMENTS IN ' cltr; at-srn heat; handsome suite; all comforts and cheerful: s-enra it quick. W. GIBSON JONEX, 311 Spruce street. Supei ior house to let madison avenue. Be stirs to not misi seeing this before renting. Also bouse on Jefferson. W. GIBSON JO 'E3. 311 fcpruce street. IOR RENT ONE-HALF HOUSE, NO. 2079. North Main aveiuo; 11 rooms, gas, water, furnace and bathroom and fcarn. Inquire at Anderson's News Rooms, Providence Vquare. TOR BENT-FUR ISHED ROOM, WITH I1 or without board, suitable for two per sons. 1X2 Auams ave. I70R RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST i Lackawanna avenue. Address TIIOMAS E. EVANS, gear HSgLurorne, Hyde Park i UOB RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL F suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEU- MYN. 11V Wyoming ovenue. F OR RENT THE PRKMISE9 RECENTLY nccnnlod bv The Scranton Trib no. known as the Bl tser Building, corner of Srrtice St. and ) enn ave. Possession given immediately. consist of tho b tiding in tho rear of the building on the corner of snrnce street and I'enn avenue, together with the naxmont, and also tnn entire lonrtn floor or tit,. ..r. n n V111 i I ( n n, IT.,- nn"Mt,lMM. 4 ,.,.. 1 on the premises, f Rudolph Bluoser, or at the office of The cranton Tribune. For Sal. FOR SALE-FARM, STOCK AND ALL (arming ntohsiU Inquire of J. M. SHEF FIELD, 711 Scranton street. rYranton, Pa. Coal Lands for Sals. VALUABLE GOAL LANDi FOR SALE. i to close an estate. Si hall ft Bannau trncts, Trcmont Township, Schuylkill county. Pi.- ' - No. 1. containing 400 acres; No. 2, ISO acre 8A 4 10 perch is. together forming parallelo gram iii miles long, with the trend of the mensiirus, and H mllo wido from north to Suutli, every fi ot wlth'n the cast measures, having both tba north and South dins, and Mamnotb, B'a k H.atb, Priraroee and other coal veins, adjofnlng Jllackwo d Colliery on the es", operated 1 y the Lel.lgh Valley Coal Co.. and extending westward to within H mile of Tretnont; with Swatara Creek running lMigtbwiao over the traot, and quantities of timber and other materials for mining and other improveients. . This property is ton mllos from Pottavilie, Sear Pennsylvania Bail ronrt. Rea.'ing, Railroad' and U high VaUey Railroad. Vircuiia land, but adjoining proper ties sufllol utW developed tJ establliih tbe existence of all the principal veins of o al In thatrsot,. Coi;ldnred the bes-. body of roai laud now .for sale In Abe Southern basin. Pur chasers may apply directly to Francis B. Baoean. attorney in fact for belra Pottsvllle, Pa., or to Arthur M. Burton, attor ny for estate of John SchalL deoeased, t04 kValnat street, Philadelphia, FAl - !aW pWW 1UTI U7HSVTS. aTSBViatstsst eavvsswifi Btm.. Hilton. BuirUM Ca AwMoiiabl r Dressmaking. lAJUtri-njrj .r.nj'j'ij jijtrrjsj iiirTiirirpr-ir reraisinn rsfeTsTinr-g-i TVRES8E8 ' EIBANTLr FITTED ANTJ XJ mads i the very latest style. ' A l.rga assortment or rloh lamAles from the leading to v u ku..ri 1 1 nfrisi sf wlaoAer Goon IF YOU WANT I WE ARE SURE TO SUIT YOU, BOTH IN Style, Quality and Price. connolly Situations Wanted. w 'ANTED POSITION AS CLE. K OH AT office work. Addresi T, Tribune otnoe. SITUATION WANTED-POSITION AS salesman or shipping cleric by experi enced, man. Address . L. this office. SITUATION WANTED-BV A YOUNO O man as barteudor. References if re quired. Address E. W in care of Tribune. SITUATION WANTED AS GE ERAL O housekeeper in family nr chambermaid in hoteL Address Mrs. Ueo. Hood, Taylor, Pa. S1TUA1ION WANTED -AS DRESS maker: willing to work ontslda of city Ad dress Mrs. Geo. Hood, Taylor, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG iJ lady a position for bookkeepln short hand and tvpe writiug. Address R, N. O.. care Trlbui e. , SITUATION WANTED -TO GO OUT BY O the day washing. Washlnrs taken homo also. Call or nddrcss L. B. Sii N. Uutnner avonne, Hyde Park. SITUATION WANTED BY A DRF.B8MA O kertosew by the week; has had seven yean' experience. Apply at 119 South Bs Lerca avenue. TASHINOS WANTED - FAMILY OR V gentlemen's, to take home, 10Z) West Lackawanna avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A MAN 33 AS cl'.rlc in wlinlesulo, retail dry goods or grocurv store; has l ad experience. Address M. J. K., Tribune otll ie. SITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT BY tho day washing; wnahings taken borne, also. Call or address L. B,, U3i N. Sumner svenne HydnPark. Money to loin. 1JROMPT LOANS ON RKAL KST.'TE E curlty. U. W. CliUSEIt, 4M Lackawan na avenue, $100 CRAYON PR0TRAIT hy WOMAN cannot teach to uruiv a CRAYON PR0TRAIT hy onr p.itent method in three lessons. We pay our pupils $10 to $18 per week to worc for us at homo, evenings or spare time. Send for work and particulars Hirmsnn t Seymour. 213 S. 6th St. Phils., Ps. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. Ofllce, K5 Washington avenue. C. C. LATTDACH, 8URGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, ficrnnton. Of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Dn. O. EDO A II DEAN HAS REMOVED to 61G Spruco street. Scranton, Ps. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, V! PENN AVE"; 1 to i P. M.i call W.2. DIs. of women, obstretrics and "ndji'IA'3' of chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 612 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. PREY, PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: ofllce, 122 Wyoming ave, Itesl dence, R29 Vine street. DR. L. M. OATE8. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Oltlce hours, t to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 80 Mad 1 son avenue. DR ,T. C. BATESON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at 505 Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN ft KNAPP, ATTORNEY8 and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa JESSUP8 HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSIIP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESHUf, JK. PATTERSON ft WILCOX. ATTOR neys snd Counsellors at Law; offices 6 and 8 Library building. Scranton, Pa, ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealthbulldlng. Itms 19, SWandJtL FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, ra. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTHRNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and SS, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-, Law. Ofllce. 817 Spruce St., Bci-anton. Pa. L. A. WATERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Ijeckawanna ave., Scranton. Pa. urTe-TOWNREND. ATTORNEY-AT-Low, Dime Rank Building, Scranton, Money to loan In large sums at ( per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. , H. C SMYTHR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. COMEGT8. 821 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 40S Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming s t... pcraninn. rs. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT. law, 45 Commonwealth hlrl'g. Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK, 13 WYOMING AVE. Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT (18 Meridian Street, Park Hill. Wire Sreens. J08. KUETTEL, REAR 811 LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer ef Wire Screens. - - MsdlesL ' akiettsfV&tji1 rWJ f sniicsi L a r. &' i R GAPE Sir Wf. 'Wallace 3Rf Cloth, Immm r Pup & Wallace, TRY US. 602-604 LftCKA. 1VE, COR. ADAMS. Schools. BCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., .prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. WIS3 WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN gond School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Klndegarten 10 per term. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24. ZS and 38, Commonwealth building. Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 600 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, KSR'"cjt.,cor.jyaa!aye.LBcranton. BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS' Price bullJlng, 12 Washington avenue, Scranton, Loans. THE REPUBLIC 8AVINOS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank bulldl n g. Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone 732. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R, J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEOAROEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, U0 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sole dealers In Wood ware, Cerdage and Oil Cloth. 730 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms U snd 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflae. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. r iab. THE ELK CAFE. 125 and FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reosonabv P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR t., L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEU Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad ot New Jersey. (Lehiirh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite cool used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNB S. 1895. Trains leave Scranton for PIttston, Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 1.10. 9.16. 11. Jo a.m., 1.29, 2.00, S.05, 5.00, 7.19 p. m. Sundays 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, (J!0 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.23 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 1.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.16 p. m. Train leaving 1.13 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 0.21 p. m. and New York 9.45 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 1.20 a. In., 1.23, 8.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, S.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean (trove, etc., st g.20 a.m.. 1 23p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 1.20 a. jn., 1.23, 5.00 p. m. Sunday, 3.15 p. m. For Pottsvlllt, 1.20 a. m., 1.21 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10. 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday f.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in ad vace to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. J. H. OLHAU8EN, G&?i5t A"nt DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday. vairs Ju,y n tr"j wiu mm MM0 arrive at new Lacka W W O m wanna avenue station Fir r as follows: r ' Trains will leaT BoraB- ton station for Carbondale and Interme diate points at lR 1.45. T.W. I Md I0.M a. m.. 12.00, 120, 1.66, Lli, 9.16, 7.38, 1.19 and 11.10 p. m. . . For Fanriew, Waymart ar4 Hetda e at 7.00, 1.26 and 10.10 a. m., U .09, ISO and 6.15 P For Albany, Saratoga, the A(rod'ao'k and Montreul at (.46 a. m. an t.20 p. m.. For WllV-s-Borre and Inunnedtata points at 7.45, 146, 9.23 and 19.41 a. m.,13.0 LtO, 2.2S, 4.00. 6.10. 105, 9.16 and 1LU p. m. - Trains -will arrive el Scraates atatleA from Carbondale and Intemwdlata potnte it 7.40. t.409.34 and 19.40 a It, l it, KM, 1.40, 4.5V 5.. 1M, 9.11 and 1U3 n. m. ' From 'Honeedate, Warmart nd FarV view at 9.64 a. m.. UOoTVlt, 140, 6.5 an From Montreal Barstsfes. Alkssy. ete st 4.54 and ll. t vm. . .' , . . From Wllkes-Barrf and tetitisAykU polnU at lit, lot, J0.SJ and 1LM a. .. tlj r 3-.-r r Largest and Best Line la . the City. 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. DPfiOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets. -;; Renovate Feathers, f Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses, May 12, 1895. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. ft H. R. R. at 7.4 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38 and 11.3S p. m via D.. L. & W. R. H.. COO, 8.0S, 11.20 a. m., and 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for PIttston and Wilkes. Barre, via D L. & W. R. R., 6.00, i.08, H.3) a. m S.00, 6.07, 8.53 p. m. Leave Bcranton for White Haven, Ha lleton. Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. R., 9.40 a. m.. via D. ft H. R. R. at 7.46 a. m., 12 03, 1.20, 2 38. 4.00 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R. R. 6.00, 6.08, 11.20 a. nr. 1.30, 3.50 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points, via D. ft H. R, R., 7:45 a. m., 12 05, 1 20, 3.38. 4.00 11.38 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R. IX.. 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m. I-eave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R., 8 45 a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m., via D., LAW. R. R., 8.08. 9.55 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, BufTalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and nil points west via D. ft H. R. R., 8.4J a. m. 12., 9.16, 11.39 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R. It. and PIttston Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a. m., I SO, I. 50 p. m., via K. ft W. V. R. R.. 9.41 p. m. For Klmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R,, 8.45 a.m. 12.05, 6.05 p.m., via r.. L. A W. R. R 8.03, 1.S5 a. m., l.M, and 6.07 p. m, Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between LAB. Junction or Wllken-Harre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLTN H. WILBUR. Oen. Supt. CHAS. 8. LEE. Ocn. Pass. Agt..Phtla.,PS. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. E.TkI Monday, June 24, 1805. Trains leave Bcranton as follows: Ex rress for New York and all points East, 40, 2.50. 5.15, 8.00 and .&5 a. xn.; 12.65 and 1.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m., 12.55 and 3.31 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6. 10 p. m. Express for Binghamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a, m.. and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest, Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.37 p.nv Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. and (.10 p. m. . Binghamton and Elmlra Express, (.OS p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego Utica and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a ,m. and Ithaca. 3.35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, PIttston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Hloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nnntlcoke and Intermediate stations, 1.03 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. ., For detailed Information, poelff' tables, etc.. apply to M. L. ticket office. 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. AUo for HorTesdale, Hawley and local points at 1 00 9 40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. All the.above are through trains to and fr$ja".01etv.'fbr Wllkes-Barre st I a. m. and 3.45 p. m. arHANTON D1VISIOW. In BUect Sgptarabar 9ga 180Se an. Stations sins Dsny. Cx. cept snnaay.) rrlve - Leave) T Mi west Bd streel ted wethawkea h MiAmr Ltavej . i tarnjht is 4d Prestos Part come - POMMl Belmont Pie. son t Nt Unlondale Pot-net City CsrbMjdaie White Bridfs Jiayieu ermyn Archibald WlntonT . Peckvtlle Olnhaat Dickson Throop ProvldAno Park Piaos 4 ir M 11 ft f i'ttl IU t4sntai iSUtJ S fII 9 eerSBtoa mJax Leave Arrive tSShfi'; cHf ratat Ms Mario western sieM. Mreharts SwtM as sat mootr. Pay sial lUuTtBtpressteUM west. . . JO. i Ddcrtoa, Tm kfi. HriS n kHih Ilaa4 iOtl4l nos toil" e am H 'Oft' . eeil ! S (! 763 .. ....9101.. 0O...JB...i .... " 9fl i .... fss .Ma .... f 89 '.Ma .... fLf .... it A M 311 -M. 70 9 aj tJo(1 '.'.' 73 6M .. T9T M 7 M 4 04 ..m 794 4 It? ..M 789 419 ..M 78 414 ..m T t f 17 ..m tat 4 Si .. U mp m