The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 07, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Per Bushel.
1 Delivered to any part of the
city. Get your orders in
early. .
Death of Another of the Children of .Mr.
and Mre. I.lttle-Tho rourth
Within Three Months.
Of the live rlilltlron, Jiffpa varyinff
between seven ypnin ami sown months,
who Hint- weeks ngo livisliteneil the
Jackson Htrivt homo -of .Mr. ami Mrs.
Richard Utile, only one is left, four
having nueeumbed to sonrlet fever.
Three weeks nRo.Arthur, a seven-year-old
ehllil, died und was burled In Wash
burn street cemetery. On Montlny Inst
Gene, five years old, breathed his last
and at 2 o'clock yesterday tnorniiiff ine
prnttl of 'in Infant. Helen, was hushed
forever. The two little ones were
buried yesterday by the Bide, of the
Last evening the fourth child, Mar
garet, two years of aire, died, leaving
but one child remaining. This child
has not -fully recovered from the dis
ease and may die.
Joseph Zlmmcrlt Pcnd.
Joseph Klmmerll. the well known
South Main avenue hotel keeper, died at
4 o'clock yesterday morning, after sev
eral months' Illness. The -death was
not unexpected and was due to lung
trouble. Mr. Zimmerll has been in
the hotel business for about fourteen
years. He has conducted Zlmmerll's
hotel at the same stand, continually
for ten years. A wife and two Hinull
children survive him. The two latter
are at the present time ill at the South
Main avenue home. Deceased was
82 years of age and was born in Ger
many. He was' a member of Navajo
tribe, Ancient Order of Hed Men, the
Turn Verin and the Herman Choral
Boalety of tho South Side.
Will Not Affect the Surface.
Land owners whose properties
form the surface of the two new veins
thnt are being opened from the Dia
mond mine are fearful that the un
derground excavation will damage
. their homes. The company olliclals
claim that, owing to the material in the
veins settlings are not likely. There
Is considerable dirt mixed with the con!
and by the -practice; of ,';gobblng,"
miners ndy, that ithe. surgace. can be
supported, ithus preventing damage
So close irthe upper vein to the surface
thattblastlng will be plainly heard.
There is no' remedy for this as several
other sections of the city now suffer
from this disturbance.
News Notes and Personals.
The "Dostreek Skule" will be re
peated this evening In the Plymouth
Congregational church. .
Tipstaff Thomas Kvans and wife
have returned, from a Ftay at Carbon
county. , ";' .
, The Rellevi'.e choir met last night nt
Wic Welsh' C'alvlntrtir. Methodist
church ami organized. The choir will
enter the Taylor and Ilellevuo eistedd
fods an a competitor on the chief
jirlzerl. - ;
Undertaker Fred Heynohla han re
ceived a handsome henrso from an
eastern stnle firm. -
Classes 8 and 11 of the First Welsh
JlaptiHt fUinday firliool will give- an
Entertainment and ennundrum tea this
evening at .tho church. . TlcVt:i 19
cents. . '-'
MlM llono P.obrvlF, who hns been
Visiting Mid. J. J. Huberts, of North
Main avenue,- has retui .-led to her homo
Jn Middle Granville.
' Mr. and Mr?. John McNnlr, tho well
known htwlnosa man, are about to r.ull
for Scotland. Thev were tendered a
farewell reception Tuesday night.
Mrn. Ann Davln died yesterday morn
ing at her home. 1211 ICynon street.
Bho, was born Iri Wales, but has lived
fn- tho West KIde for a number of
years.. Two children mirvivtf her. The
fUiieral will occur Friday. Interment
Bt Washburn ptreet cemetery. -
The funeral of the lnu. Joseph VA'.n
Tnorll will be held Friday at 2 o'clock.
Interment w-lll, bo made at Forest Hill
cemetery.- . 1 '
Jomes Smith, a fifteen-y'nr-old lnd,
was r ndered iincnnnelous Tuesday by
a kick from q mine mule. He wns
taken to his r mu at IfiOSt Lafayette
Street. ,
Thp Deestreek Skule" a-m be re ?t the Plymouth Congregational
church at 8 o'clock this evening.
Vest Sid j Hn!ncs filreolory.. '
' TAILOIt Baits mndo to order, 18.00 and
. up; overcoats, Jin and up. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Repair work specialty.
'Frank Oilbertl, 103S W. Lackawanna
avenue, near Main avenue.
Grand Parlor, Mytic, Easter and Dock
anh Ranges. 20 per cent, saved. R. J.
Hughos. agent, 124 South Main avenue.
BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground,
tools sharpened, saws (lied, keys fitted,
machines rvairefl by W. I. Steenback.
dealer In Ginis. Fishing Tackle, under
West Side Bank.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, .
per dozen. They are just lovely. Con
. vlnce yourrelf by calling at Starner'e
r Photo Parlors, Ml and 103 Bouth Malo
' avnue. '
BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done
In a flrst-rlnss manner at John H. Roy-
nolrt'e Barber 8hop, at Falrchlld a. JIoteL
P.OOERjRR flcvero'' Btandaril ' Java
Coffee Is unexcelled. Th ledrff ooffee
M th tfhy. For sale -only at F. W.' Ma
on & Co. Fine Orocerlee. 113 'South
Main avenue.- . , '
w for anything you- have to; sell. Furni
ture, Stove. Tools, etc. 'Call and see
the stock of J, C. Kin, '1024 and X02
Jackson rtrect. ' ' '
pLUMBINa-WllIhim ! ' Ortfflth. . HI
North Main avenue, doe flrst-clasa
Plumbing, Oteam Heat and Gas fitting.
'., aUXatton U strictly cuarcntetd, . .y
'X V ; Dl'XMORE. j '' ' '' '
''The fanerol of Davfd tvil1fiimiHn,'' who
died on Tueeday, will tuke place this
.. .lornoOn at 2 o'clock from his late home
- on reve street Interment will tie made
In iunmore cemetery. . ,
v' Ladles' Aid noeletr of the Presby
' Parian church will meet at the borne- of
Mas. Frank-flwarta, on Shoemaker ave-
u, this afternoon. .. . , .
-Mr. W. T.Ioveland and Mrs.. Black
rethe ruesti of friende In I Hit on.
' W.'J. Hall Has been nuking extensive
fmprovemente on- bis wagon works.
TWO week from tonight the Bptseopall
t f-nm ivl the Preebyterlai . v4ll serve
,1 cMiWrlnf uppers, whlki tin Bpwortb
of It?
league of the Methodist church will have
a dinner on that day.
Prayer meeting will -be held In the Meth
odist church tonight. -
The contract for carrying the mall be
tween this place and Scrunton has been
awarded to E. H. Kruuee, who will run a
UaKKnge wagon in connection with It.
- Improvement are being made around
the residence of U. W. Jones, on Brook
Miss Clara Conger, who has been the
guest of friends In this place for the past
week, returned home yesterday.
What Ho Looks Like, What Kind of
Clothes lie Wears and How Ho Acts.
Ills Visit to tho German Emperor.
Megargeo in Philadelphia Times.
Tile greatest man-In this country
yes, the greatest In the world has been
rpemliniT a few days In. Philadelphia.
I le will return next Thursday to attend
thediiHier of the 'Cipver cluo. His name
la Thomas A. Mdison. The world'in the
tra:i of lis prugrefs has known the
(luMcni of patriarchal Age, tho Silver
or voluptuous Abo, tho iironze.or war
like! Age, the -Heroic or renalisan-t Ago,
nnd Kie modern iAge of Iron. But suc
cef dinn penerations will refer to this
Iieriud of time as the (Electric Age, nnd
It will owe that appellation to the mar
velous discoveries of ' the 'Wizard of
Menlo Park. Franklin occupies a prom
inent miohe In the Temple Of Fame
largely because, his kite.: Ilylnr .above
where lUie.l'hlladelphla (Post office now
stands, drew iightning from the clouds,
IOdison lhas not only harnessed the elec
trical' current, 'but he has'ma'Je It' per
form marvels almost beyond belief. Yet
the only rnonument to his fame which I
have eeen Is a email .bust, In the en
traneeway .-to . 'Hie Edison company's
building, on Sarisom ' Etfeet, ' above
Nin'th.and which Is nightly illuminated
by the ray or tine incandescent, i.pyr
which bears ihls name, Jlut this, rr
haps,' It filiriuld hp, and certainly
as he would like It. He 'Is still alive and
public adulation Is not of his seeking.
When ho Is .-jfone or transferred or
transmigrated -whatever the process
may be the future will do credit to the
Tho Most Democratic of Men.
The famous wlzartf, greater than king
or potentate, is tine -most democratic of
men. Picture to yourself a gray-haired
ma.n with a "boy's face, round, rubicund,
beardless, rarely unrippled toy a smile;
sturdy of figure, with a 7 hat pressed
down on a broad forehead, wl'th cloth
ing loosely-fitting, taggy, an appear
ance about it, no-t of age, but of never
having been new; With a peant necktie
and an uncovered expanse of shirt fron t
liberally besprinkled .with tobacco
Thnt la Thomas A. -Edison.
A long-listening ear to the delicate
vibrations of the phonograph has
brought him near to Incurable' deaf
ness. As he bends his head to what
you hnve to say his right hand acts as
a receiver for his dulled tympanum, his
face, for the time being, displaying
that blank expression peculiar to the
deaf, but brightening Into acute lnlelli
penee as the meaning of the words
reaches him. If it Is a witticism his
countennnce breaks Into a tumult of
laughter, his body bends and he slaps
his thigh vehemently. There never was
a more enjoyable companion; never a
more natural man; a boy wtin gray
hair and the record of his birth a
rldlciilmia falsehood. Think of this
picture nnd then of the incandescent
Hc-ht. the teleuhone. the phonograph,
the klnetoscope and hundreds of minor
electrical wxiiuler.s.
Ills Stnrt In Life.
Dr. Norvin Oreen, the long-time pres
ident of the Weetf . Union Telegraph
company, claims "vgave Edison
the em ploy r- ft k the begin
ning of h V which.
as is v
of the
... . yrr.
vices un-.y-K-
Into the oltwij as im
possible to obta.wawwrmmieation be
tween New York and Albany, and the
Sf-at of the dllliculty could not be lo
cated. He was bnnteringly invited to
remedy the trouble. He said he could
do so in two hours. Ho was laughed
at and given two days for the task. His
process was very simple, He tele
graphed to the best operator In Pitts
burg, and Instructed him to telegraph
to the best operator In Albany. The
latter telegraphed down his New York
line as far as he could, feeling his way
from point to point, and sending the re
sults to tho Pittsburg man, who for
warded them to Kdison. In less than
one hour Kdison paid to the anxious of
fUrials: "The break is two miles from
I'ouebkcepsio." Thnt simple method
Insured his status with the Western
Union people, and won for him a hear
ing In all his schemes.
Visits Fmpcrnr Wlllinm.
T!y Orace of thp Holy Roman Em
pire Thonras A. Rdlson bears the rank
r? rflitn't. Cut this distinction by tho
Italia!'. Eknpero-r means little to him.
In fact he has. a box full of emblems
of royal favor whlcTi are treasured only
by his wife, and rarely gazed upon
experience ho had with the present
Oct man emperor.
While In iHeiiln he received an In
vitation to visit William the Warrior
In h!a pala?e, and on tlhe appointed day
a state cairriaso, igwrgeous in golden
ornaments, drawn by six horses and
with cjitrldoM, called for him. This
dlppl.ty al oFlicd tho modest-minded In
ventor a-nd Jio suld that he iwould rcarti
the lmiperla.1 pntace In his own way. He
walked. When ?in reached the deslg
na'U'd place, tihe flunkeys In charge de
clined to take his card to the ropal
preyonoe, hils huimible appearance mak
ing It seen Impossible to them that he
was to have audlenco with their august
master. Kdison, no iwlse disappointed,
returned to his "hotel, -where, Shortly,
ho was iw-attpd upon by a court official
convoying WWliaim's n-grets for the
mistake, and a request that ihe iwould
vblt the palace nert day, and bring
with him one of .his (phonographs. He
did zq. The emperor took him Into his
private cabinet, no one else being pres
ent, carofully closed all the doors and
then besrmght him to take the marvel
ous Invention apart and explain to him
ft11 Its workings. This was done, and
tlhe- Inventor was Invited to attend a
court reception next day, and to bring
the. phonograph -With him.' Upon- tnl"
occasion the great Atnerliean found the
emperor surrounded- with a brilliant
th-rong of no-bles, each one decorated
with the Insignia, of his rank Edison,
I tlhlnk, calls tihem "(tog collars." When
ihe produced his mysterious Invention,
th emperor, took It in hand, eyed it
crltloaHy, as though -he bad never seen
It bofore; then took It apart and ex
plained to 'the amazed courtiers ex
actly how it performed Its wonders.
He -never raid a. word -about his In
struction of the day before.
I 'haive heard It mflilspereu that be
neatlh.his breath Edison whispered of
the Genman, Kaiser, "An unmitigated
fraud.'-' ' And perhaps there was a
"damn" somewhere la the expression.
Take No. Substitute-
Gail Borden
Eaglb Brand'
Hi- etwey etne4 TIX8T fat thi ettltM
tloti.of the American J'tnplt. Jto .other
. "jiutMiooi" BestlaUBtleoi., .
Joho.J, Ruddy Had Ills Arm Dislocated
While Indulging In a Wres
tling Bout.
Tuesday nls'ltt after the polls closed,
and the result of the election was quite
generally known, a coterie of Twon
tiv'Uh iward polStlkjlans1 assembled on
Pi't-tstoni avenue and Interchanged
opinions. "Later on 'they Snterchangcd
blows. John ilianpfleld and John J.
Kuddy ,t'he latter .the well-known and
aotlve party worker, of Cedar avenue,
Indu'lR-ed in a wrestling bout, and ol
t'houish Air. Hudidy succeeded In land
ing :hs competitor on the ground, still
he emerged from the ifeat with a dis
located elbow, and 'had .to have the
aKendanoe ot iDr. Man ley yesterday.
Aifter the bout iwas over some one In
the crowd undertook to pull Mr.
Iludly's am 'Into .place, and used too
niuc-'a t trcngth, strailrVng the i:aments
very pnlni'ully. It iwlll be a week or
Civo before Mr. Ituddy will be able to
Death of Mrs. Ilridgct MeCann.
Mrs. Bi ld'gct iMcCann, cf Irving ave-nu-3,
aged 65 years, died; yesterday. She
had been a resident of the Twelfth
ward for over 40 years, and is ur
vived iby Itwo dauishiters, Mrs. Pat
rick drier,, w'lfe of ex-Mailearrleir Pat
rick Grier, and Mary, wW3. of John
Cloary. The funeral iwlll be held to
morrow morning at 9 o'clock with a
'liJgli mass of requiem at St. Peter's
fathedral. Inlenmen't will be made In
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Itonrd of Trade Meeting. .
The November monthly meeting of
(he Souiih Sldo board of itrade will
ba held tvimorrcav rvcniing at Storrs'
hull, provld'lng a quorum Is present.
Acting under dtrertlons given at tho
' luft meeting, 'the officers will present a
report Tecoimmenidln's t-he reducitlon of
the monthly dues onehailf. and -the
abolition at the $1 Inltla'tlon fee. This
it la 'thought, will bring many new
members to 'the board, and re-establish
Kb pci.vcr wf usefulness.
Shorter Paragraphs of Xows.
Mr. and Mrs. August Snyder, of
Pittston avenue, are rejoicing over tho
arrival of a young son.
Mr. and iMrs. 'Martin Joyce, of Ml
nooka, aro h..Tr'py over 'the advent of
a little daughter.
The marriage of Charles Weber, of
Pro.",)cct avenue, and 'Mips Mary
Muntz, of Plt'tstun avenue, was solem
nized laft evewlng cit M'Ulln Avenue
Oerman KvangeHcal Zion chimin by
theipastor, ltev. P. F. Zlzclman. After
the ceremony the many friends of t'he
couple assembled a't ithe home of the
bride's parents and enjoyed a wedding
fa&'t. Mr. and Mrs. Weber are popu
lar young- folks, and t'hey begin life to
gether with it'he 'be?'t wlt'hes of a host
of friends.
A'lderman C C. Donovan received one
vote in The Twelfth ward for Judge of
li'.ie Superior court, and Daniel Hayes
received one for the office of oroner.
T'ho muFilc pupils of St. Jdlin's con
vene will give, their annual recital on
Nov. 22.
MCfs Marian Caffrey, of Wllllams
port, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
R. J. Cillery, of Hlrney avenue.
The Olympic Social club will hold Its
first annual mn-.squ'erade ball at Ger
manla 'ha'll on Nov. 26.
'Miss H. M-cAndrew, of Archibald, is
vlsdtlng friends on Cherry street.
Delaware & Hudson engine No. 340
one of the large locomotives which
were built for passenger service be
tween Ulnghamton and Albany is being
tested tn this division.
Director Hums, of the . American
Railway Union says In regard to tho
situation of the Great Northern rail
road, that grievances of the men are
numerous and Include the discharge of
men with cause and a reduction of
wages. He declares the men feel that
there Is a movement among railroad
managers, to wipe out organized labor.
He says the committee of the board of
mediation wns refused by an audience
by an ofllclnl or the Great Northern.
He belleves a strike to be certain, un
less the road receives and treats with
men, with regnrd to the probability of
n siriKc Doing ordered in Chicago. In
case of one occuring on t'he Great
Northern, Burns said: "It Is expected
that tho members of the American
Hallway Union will stand together."
Ho believes the railroad, managers
want to crush out orgunized labor, so
that in the event of a lack of freight
receipts, they will bo enabled to reduce
Secretary Latla Is teaching de
linquent railroad corporations operat
ing In Pennsylvania a Jesson which
they will not soon forget. He has al
ready Imposed a penalty of $S,000 on
three railway companies for neglect to
file a report of their operations during
t'he fiscal year ended June 30. There
are fifty-four more of these-companies
thnt are delinquent. Many of them
exist only on paper nnd were incorpor
ated for speculative purposes. Secre
tary Latta will certify the entl-! list
to Attorney General McCormlck for tho
infliction of tho ?3,000 penalty pre
scribed by law. The companies which
do not operato will be stricken from
the list.
Speaking of Senator John P. Jones, of
Nevada, Megargee, In the Philadelphia
Times, Bays: "His devotion to the cause
of high protection approaches madness.
Hut he has a wonderful fertility of anec
dote which enables him to illustrate his
views with aptness. At a private dinner
In this city, , jirhen confronted with the
statement of a revenue reformer that the
average tariff proposed by the Wilson bill
was in excess of that 'arranged by the
McKlnley measure, he narrated. In reply,
the alleged experleneo of a traveler who
was having a meal- in on Arizona eating
house. The traveler's countenance Indi
cated dissatisfaction with the food which
hnd been placed before him. When asked,
with the sternness which appertains to
the demeanor of tho far western res
taurateur, If he had anything to complain
of ho' answered sadly: 'Nor, I don't sup
poso that I have any right to object. The
average is all right. The coffee is weak,
but the butter Is strong, and as long as the
average is maintained It would be unrea
sonable to complain.' "
SEA" Read The Tribuno for early de
velopments. ;
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved In six hours by the "New South
American Kidney Cure. This new rem
edy is a great surprise on acount of Its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part
of the urinary passages, in male or fe
male. It relieves retention of water and
pain In passing It almost immediately. If
you want quirk relief and cure this is
your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Drug
gist, 125 Penn avenue. Scran ton, pa,
Chicago 1.1 vo Stock.
Union Stock Yards, 111., Nov. .-Cattle-Receipts,
17,000 head; market steady) com
mon to extra steers, HaS.10; Blockers and
feeder,. I2.50a2.70; cows and bulls, $1.25
a3.50; calves, I2.50a3; Texaas, S1.75all5;
western rangers, $2.2oa3.!. Hogs Re
ceipts, 45.000 head; market Arm and C10
cents higher; heavy packing and hipping
lots, $3.50a3.7G; common to choice mixed,
Mn.iX75; choice assorted, ta.60a3.7r; light,
i&.n3.70pplgV t2.10a3.fi5. Sheep Receipts,
20,000 head; market weak and luslS cents
lower; Inferior to choice, ll.60ai.26; lambs,
I3O4.10. a-
Oil Market. .
Oil City, re. Nov. (.Oil opened sad
lowest, 11.92: highest and cloied, $1.40. -
Pittsburg. Pa., Nov. C Oil opened end
lowest, il.II; highest sod cosed. II to;
Standard's price, IU8.
New York, Nov. 6. Stocks opened
higher, the state elections having been
favorably Interpreted In certain quarters.
The stength of the market was short
lived, however, and before the expiration
of the first hour of business the market
was on the down grade once more, ana
from the time referred to right to the close
liquidations were the order of the day,
with the selling most pronounced In tho
cases of the Industrials, the grangers and
Western Union. The decline In prices
ranged from 1 to 6 per cent.. Tennessee
Coal and Iron fell from S to 31V4; Sugar
2'4 to Mi,; Distilling ITi to 1,; Cotton till
2-H to 19; Chicago (las Vi to K5H: Lacka
wanna 34 to lili: Jersey Central H4 to 10;
Western Union 2V4 to i8'; MlssourlPaclllc,
i to 2S'i and the remainder of the active
list alfc per cent. Speculation left off
weak In tone with prices about aj per
cent above the lowst of the day.
Tho range of toiny s prices for the ac
tive stocks of the New York stock mnr
ket are given below. The quotations nre
f iirnlslintl Thn Tribune hir (1. rill 11. Dlm-
mick, manager for William L,lnn, Allen &
Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street,
Scranton. .
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
lutr. est. est. lng.
Am. Tobacco Co M' s.V4 t"'4
Am. Cot. Oil 21 21 19 20
Am. Bwrar Re'g Co.K'2 102 Wf
A ten., To. & 8. Ke... W K l"s 1's
Can. South wv
f'hou X. eililn lif'4 19'4 19 19'i
Chicago aGs W)i W Wi ..',
Chle. & N. W lOli 10H4 1W4 101
Chle., II. & Q 8S'. KtV4
r, v.. c. & St. I, 4014 401.4 40 40
Chic, Mil. & St. P... 74 744 73 74J4
Chic, It. I. & P... 73T4 74', 7314 73.
Del. & Hudson 12!t?4 i-Jfi 12 i-J
ll L. & W lt'w 165 105 l(w
ru a r v 22 22 19'4 20
Uen. Electric 314 31-H 3014 S014
iJiko Shore 147i 147 1I7V4 147',i
l.ouls. & Nash Bl'.i M'd Ki',4 01
SI. K. & Texas 15 15 15 15
Monhntlnn Kle ltHili 100W IflS'i HWi
Mo. Pacific 29', 2'i 2S'4 iti
Nat. Cordage 7.7 1 I
Nat. Lead 31V 31 '4 30 30
M .t Cnlrnl 107 107"4 10(1 11W
N. Y. Central 9974 W W 99T4
N. Y., I,, li. & VV.. 11 n-s io-? i"'t
N. Y 8. A W 10'i 1014 10'i 10V4
N. Y., S. & W l'r... 31 31--4 2S'4 29'H
Nor. Pnclllc 4H 41, 4?i i
Nor. Paelllc. Pr Wi 16 1 1
tint. West 1TA MVi 1514 lVi
Pac. Mail 2(H4 21! 2(!' 2H
Phil, ft ltead .124 Vi'i ll's 1-'
Southern R. R 11 11 114
Tenn.. C. I Sti 884 31 tl
Tex. Pocltle 9 S4 S
Union Pacific 14 1014 1'4
Wabash 7 7 (1
Wabash, Pr 194 19 18 18
West. Union 90tt jo-ts 88 R
W. lj 13"4 13 13 13
U. S. Leather 12V4 l-' l'4 H
IT. S. Leader. IT.... 71 71 R7 67T4
Open- High- Low- Clos
WHEAT. lng. est. est. lng.
December 6814 5S 58 58
May 03 63 02 03
December 18 181 184 184
Mny 20 20 20 20
December 274 27 27 27-v4
May 29 29 29 29
January 5.CT B.72 5.(17 fi.70
May 5.87 5.90 S.87 5.90
January 9.20 9.30 9.20 9 27
Muy 9.55 9.00 9.55 9.00
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Ouo
tations-AII Quotations Based on Par
of mo.
Name. Bid. Asked.
Green Ridge Lumber Co 110
Dime Dep. & Ills. Bank 130
Scranton Lare Cur. Co M
Nat. Korlng Sr Drilling Co 60
F:rst National Hank i00 ...
Thuron Coal Land Co HO
Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 25
Scranton Glass Co 65
Lackawanna Lumber Co 110
Spring ilrook Water Co 101)
Elmhtirst Roulevard Co . 100
Scranton Axle Works 80
Third National Hank 35J
Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... 100
Scranton Packing Co 100
Scranton savings unnK 209
Lacka. Iron & Steel Co 150
Weston Mill Co 250
Traders' National Rank 120
lionta Plate Glass Co...-. ... 22 50
Scranton Glass Co 100
Hronomy steam Heat &
Power Co 100
Scranton Pass. Knllway first
mortgage, due 1918 110
Scranton Traction Co f3
I'eople s street Hallway, first
mortgage due 1918 110 ,
Scranton & Pittston Trae. Co. ... 90
Peoples Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage, due 1920 110 ...
Lacka. Valley Trno. Co., first
mortgage, due 1925 100
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. Township School 5 102
City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 102
Toledo Grain Market.
Toledo. O.. Nov. 6. Close: Wheat Re
ceipts, 24,414 'bushels; shipments, 30,500
bushels; market easy; No. 2 red, cosh,
tXi'ic; Decern Iwr, 67e. ; May, 68Uc.; No. 3
reu, casn, rac. i.orn tteceipts, Mi.t.'n
bushels; shipments, 60,800 bushels; market
dull; No. 2 mixed, earn, 30c; No. 3 do.,
2e.j No. 3 yellow, 3oc; No. 3 white,
28c. Oats Receipts, 3,380 bushels; ship
ments, 2.831 bushels; market quiet; 'No. 2
white, cash, 21c; No. 3 do., 19c. Rye
Dull; No. 2, cash. 41c; No. 3 do., 38c.
Cloverseed Receipts, 810 bags; shipments,
88 bags; market steady; prime cash, 11.30;
February, 4.37a4.40; March, $4.42.
New York Produce Market.
New York, Nov. 8. Flour Quiet, barely
steady. Wheat Dull lower; No. 2 red
store and elevator, G8c; afloat, C9c;
f. o. b., 69c; options closed steady at
c. decline, with a very light trade; No.
2 red, January, ftjc ; Mny, 68',c; July,
68?,c; November, 4c; December, 65r'ie.
Corn Dull, steady; No. 2 at 36c; eleva
tor, 37c; a riant; options closed firm nt
c. advance; November, 86c; December,
B5c; January, 3ic; Mny, 85c. Oats
Dull, steady; options steady, dull; Novem
ber, 23o.; December, 23ic; May, 25'4c;
fpot prices. No. 2, at 23c; No. 2 while,
24c; No. 2 Chicago, 24c: No , at 23c;
No. i white, 23c.; mixed western, 24n25c;
white do., 2na2sc; whlto state, 25u28e.
Provisions Steady, dull, unchanged. Lard
Firmer, quiet; western steam, III; city,
$5.!0r5.85; ovember, $0; market nominal;
refined, dull; continent, $i.S5; South Amer
ica, $.i0; ccMiipoutid, 4a4c Pork Dull,
steady; mess, J9.75n10.25. Butter Firm,
qulot; state dHlry, 12a21c; do. creamery,
20a23c; western dairy, 1oal5c; do. cream
ery, 14a23c: June, 15a2l'..c; do. fnctory,
9a.l4c: Ulgins, 23c; Imitation creamery,
2a17c Cheese Quiet, firm; state large,
7al0c; fnncy, loa10c; do. small, 7
allc; part skims, 3a7c; full skims,
23c Kggs Firm, good demand; state
and Pennsylvania, 22n23c.; Ice house, it)
al7c; do. per case, $3a3.25; western fresh.
18a21c; limed,. Kial6o..
Buffalo Live Stock.
Buffalo, N. Y.,'Nov. 8. Cattle Receipts,
1,100 head; on sale, 40 head; market (lull
old to good fnt cows, $1.80n2; -better cows,
S2.25u2.50. VealsJ-8trong; good to choice.
$l.25nC.".'l light : to fair1,' $lnil. Hogs Re!
celpts, 0,720 head; on sale, 6.800 head; mar
ket opened fairly active and 10 to 15 cents
higher for good hogB of oil kinds; early
quotations, Yorkers, good to choice heavy,
$..85a3.90; fair to ' good ends. J3.50n3.75;
roughs, $3.23a3.40; stags, $2.75n3; market
closed active and strong, with all late
sales at $3.85n3.t0. Sheep and Lambs Re.
ceipts, 7,000 heed; on sole, 8,400 head, In
cluding hold-overs; market opened fairly
active, with lambs lOair, cents higher, and
all sheep but export grades strong to a
shade higher; market closed strong, all
sold; good mixed sheep, $2.35a2.40; choice
$2.Ma2.tlO; prime handy wethers, $2.75a3;
culls and Common eheap, ll.25o2.15; export
Sheep, $3.253.60; light to good, $3.25a3.60;
culls and common, $2.75a3; Canada lambs
were quoted early, mainly at $4a4.25, with
a few extra at $4.30a4.3."; one load of heavy
export Canada lambs sold late at $4 40, but
for others the market closed ail of 10al6
cents lower than early sales.
weak mu
Victims sf Lost Hsabood should send at
trace lor s nook
that explains how
full tnaoljr lmt
is eastly, quickly
sod permsnentlr
restored. Mo man
Suffering from
WMkaess can af
ford to Ignore this
timely odvlee.
Book Salle k
prooia (Maled) frn to any man on appOoatioa.
laMmiU mA MnMM t
the way you feel when
your liver tails to do
its work orooerlv: in
-.consequence you suf-
ter trout inuigestton,
biliousness, and dys
pepsia. Yeu have a "don't
out "feeling, and everything
I 1 tires vou.
I I II To set the liver in sction,
I I purify and enrich the blood,
1 I 'land to strengthen and vitalize
I the whole system, take Dr.
I Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
,1 covery. Having a peculiar
tonic effect upon the lining
membrane of the stomach and bowels, it
makes a lasting cure of oil stomach, liver
and bowel disorders. By increasing the
blood supply, as well as enriching it, all the
organs of the body arc strengthened, and the
nerves are fed on pure, rich blood.
Neuralgia is the " cry of the starved nerves
for food " ; nervous debility and exhaustion,
sleeplessness aud nervous prostration arc in
most instances the direct result of a starved
condition of the blood. The true .way to
cure these ailments permanently is to take
the "Golden Medical Discovery," which
was discovered and prescribed by an emi
nent physician, Dr. K. V. Pierce, at present
chief consulting physician and specialist to
the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
lluflalo, N. Y. If you waut a medical opin
ion on your case, write liiui. It will cost you
A Book of 136 pages on " Diseases of the
Digestive Organs," wilt be mailed to any
address on receipt of postage, six cents. It
contains names, addresses and reproduced
photographs of a vast number of people
who have been cured of dyspepsia, liver
complaint," chronic diarrhea, and kindred
ailments by the use of "Golueu Medical
Cliiunx, Knlninazoo Co., Mich.
DR. R. V. PlEncE, Buffalo, N. Y.:
DmrSir A few of my synqitoins were heart
burn and fullness after eating; sometimes pain
in my bowels nnd bad tnste in my mouth; some
times I was feverish, with hot flushes over skin.
Alter taking yonr " Golden Medical Discovery"
I was relieved of all these symptoms aud I fed
perfectly well. Yours truly,
wywwwko DOCTOR swmmWi
will stop cough In a night, check a cold
In a day, and cureconiumption if taken
in time. If the little ones have Croup nr
nnnoptng fouf n,
uit 11 promptly.
iroup is a very
fatal disease.
Fully one
half of
those at
tacked die.
The great
danger is
in dellv.
The disease progreiwt so rapidly that
the loss of stew hours in treatment is
often fatal. Acker's English Rise
nv will cure Croup, and ft should 1
trays he kept in the bouno tor
emcrgeneir. A 15 cent bottle may
save your child's life.
Three attest Site, AOs, II. All Dratgiito
70 fc zS Cbtmben St. New York.
The best (3.00 Men's Shoes on the
Made from tannery calfskin, dongola
tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather
oles with Lewis' Cork Filled Soles.
Unequaled for beauty, fine workman
(hip, and wearing qualities. Tour choice
of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten.
Every pair contains a pald-ap Acci
dent Insurance Policy for 9100, good for
00 days.
Wear Lewis' Accident Insurant;
Shoes, and go Insured free.
Globe Shoe Store
A '95 Wilhelm, List $100, Price $53
a '96 Monarch, List 85, Price 60
A '92 Colnmbia, fi2Sftg$ - 30
A '92 CleTeland, condition fair, 25
Tho best bargains ever offered yen. Oar
jirkes oa bporiing Goods are always rock bat-
43 9
Spruce Mrjet
Under the Direction of a. R. CLABK
CO., st the
Frotblngbain, Not. 7, 8, 0, 11, 12.
The most beautiful andextenniT exhibition
ever given In tho itato. Over 60,iro Chryvan
themums alone. MajnIOcent, Cojiprehcnslm
and Unlqao.
Open from 0 a. m. till 11 p. m.
til Lask. At. end Me art's Alt Store.
Pboto Eogravlog for Circular. Books, Cm-
legnes, II tapiptrt '
Kaif-Tonee ana Unm Wark.
n CktoaMteVi BaeU.k
I -a 1 J
MM ws:
-V llllt A
lTK ear. ti mim, ueice f
V Wi feS m4 aJi MuHkVl W
T IMni.nMHitlk.rttM. TaSaV
iav tiMe. tf." in, .im wifn )
The -:
With few Exceptions those who have Money to spend wish it to
go as far as possible.
UMOHnvBES' si cmiDREirs jus mnm
Prices that will Interest every prospective purchaser. Every Garment
new this Season. Every garment faultless in shape and stjle.
An Elegant Boucla Jacket, sizes 33 to 40, Mandolin sleeves, ripple back, foul
button box front, eight inch lap storm collar, worth $ 13.00.
For $7.98, $7.98, $7.98, $7.98. Special
Ladies' Double Breasted Capes In Plain, Beaver or Boucla with Velvet Collar,
nicely trimmed, worth $10,00. Your UlOll'e $5J)0.
At one of the recent great trades ale3
GuoUh. Tho goods are all of the
be sold fully twenty-flvo per cent,
25 pieces changeable effects, cost of manufacture 55c
10 pieces changeable effects, cost of manufacture 65c
10 pieces Boucla effects, cost of manfacturc J1.25.
Black Goods at same proportion, 69, 75, 89, 98c and 51.25 per yard. First
Cost of Manufacture, 75c, Ji.oo, 51.25, 51.35, 51.60.
Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Trust and Safe Deposit Co,
NO, 404 Lackawanna Avenue.
Surplus and Undivided Profits,
Vice President
Business and personal accounts received.
Savings deposits received and interest paid on sums of $1 upwards.
Thin Company acts as Trustee, Executor. Gtiardiun, etc., under
appointment hy the courts, corporations or individuals.
Designated Legal Depository for the State of Pennsylvania and the
Courts of Lackawanna County.
Safes of desirable sizes in Fire nnd Burglar Proof . Vaults for Kent
from $5 to $40 per annnni, and convenient Storage for Valuables for
the summer months.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Comnianweattb Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Telapta 422.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc,
Nov. 4- Entire Week.
Retnrn of the Favorites, tho
Btauttful SetMry, MignHlctnt Costtimit.
Thursday; Chimes of Normandy
Friday Maritana
Saturday MaUne v Ship Ahoy
t""-dr Mascot
PRICES i-6'l 7. tOc: Balcony. 20c an
30c; First Floor, 30c; Parlor Chairs, SOc.
We'lnsd:iv and flutnrila MatinM fhiMrn
admittwl to any part of the house for 10:.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Nov. 7, B and 9.
and Superb Company In
Old Rube Tanner,
With Great Btreet Parade, IClogant Band and
Clastic Orchestra.
Old Babe's Fanny Dane.
The Trlok Pony, "Yona Bube."
The Vriwt 8U Bernard dot, "Tanner."
A Company of Singer, Dancera
and Acting People., 10, 20 or 30 Cents,
CSTWe Do KoUdTcrtlseln me
Elmlra Telegram.
we wore Largo Purchasers of Dress
better quality, and at priors bought can
below manufacturers' prices.
Sale Price 43c.
Sale Price 49c.
Sale Price 9Sc
.THE FROTfllNGflflM,
tVagncr& Re Is, Lessees and Mnnnecrs.
Special Matinee Saturday.
Delia Fox
Presenting the Now Comic Opora,
By J. Cbeerer Good win and Wm. Fan,
Management of H at Both,
of TO
rim ant middle
na women. The
affotl men aod women.
awrulcffKUnf YOUTH
Bemlte of treatment. .E
ness. Mcrmis
InauiItT, EiluuMUnE dnlnaand Ion of power ot the Oeep
ueninty, mrntl
itly Emlnlons. CoDmmptloa.
eraure unui nuuiur one ror nauT, warn
i. nnfltttm one for stndr, Mriniei and law
Br. RedrtmeiBMaba N.rre
wreiae. tdoi
ehetke aad leMortntc tho FIRE r tTll tlt to' the
f eienf Bf tl, l.eo pw boi or 0 fnr with mrtu
TorjuavyjOHtl H. PHELPS. Draf
r ave, aad Isruoe atreett
1 S(L
Snmraatcei Gere nt
and all attendta aflnwnta
both of Ton