THE SCTAtfTOlT TBIBtlNE TIIUBSDAT ifOHlttNGr. aOVJSAlBISli 7, 185. G COMPLETE ELECTION RETURNS OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY. STATE TREASURER. . COUKTT SURVEYOR. JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR COVBT.' ' CORONER. DISTRICTS, i I I i ARE THE BEST. 0 i . I I I a ft" STOVES Archhnld, First ward. First district... First ward. Second district Second ward Third ward Blakely, First ward Second ward..., Third ward . Henton township .' Carbontlale township, N. W. district.. N. K. district C&rbomlalo city. First ward. First dlst First ward. Third district Second ward. First district Second ward. Second district Second ward. Third district Third ward. First district Third ward. Second district Third ward. Third district , Third ward. Fourth district Fourth ward. First district Fourth ward. Second district Fourth wa.'d. Third district Fifth ward. First district Fifth ward. Second district Sixth ward. First district Sixth ward. Second district Clifton township Covington township Dalton Imrouprh Dickson City, First ward Second ward Third ward Duimioro, First ward, First district.... First ward, Second district Second ward. First district Second ward. Second district Third ward. First district Third ward. Second district Third ward. Third district Fourth ward Fifth ward Sixth ward, First district Sixth ward, Second district Elmhurst Fell township. First district Second district Third district Olenburn Oouldshoro Greenfield township Jefferson township Jcrtnyn, First ward Second ward Third ward Lackawanna township, South district.. West district Northeast district Southwest district I-a Plume Lehigh township Madison township. Wayfteld Newton township Norih Afolntrton township Old Forpo township, First district Second district Fourth district Olyphant, First ward Second ward Third ward Hansom township Itoarlnsr Urook township Scott township Bcranton, First ward, First district First ward, Second district First ward. Third district Second ward. Fir" district Second ward, Second district Second ward. Third district Second ward, Fourth district Second ward, Fifth district Third ward, First district... Third ward, Second district Fourth ward. First district Fourth ward. Second district Fourth ward. Third district Fourth ward. Fourth district Fifth ward, First district Fifth ward, Second district Fifth ward, Third district Fifth wurd, Fourth district Sixth ward. First district Sixth ward. Second district Sixth ward, Third district Seventh ward, First district Seventh ward, Second district Seventh ward, Third district Eighth ward, First district Eighth ward. Second district Ninth ward. First district Ninth ward. Second district Ninth ward, Third district Tenth ward Eleventh ward, First district F.h-venth ward, Second district Eleventh ward, Third district Twelfth ward, First district Twelfth ward. Second district Thirteenth ward, First district Thirteenth ward. Second district... Thirteenth ward, Third district Fourteenth ward. First district Fourteenth ward, Second district... Fifteenth ward, First district Fifteenth ward, Second district Sixteenth ward, First district Sixteenth ward. Second district Seventeenth ward, First district.... Seventeenth ward. Second district.. Eighteenth ward Nineteenth ward, First district Nineteenth ward, Second district... Nineteenth ward. Third district.... Nineteenth ward, Fourth district.. Twentieth ward. First district Twentieth ward. Second district.... Twentieth ward. Third district Twenty-flint ward, First district... Tvenly-flirst ward, Second district. Fftulh Ablngton Spring Hrook township Taylor, First ward Second ward Third ward Fourth ward Fift'h ward ; . Throop borough Waverly Win ton, First district Second district , West Ablngton , 00 371 21 89; U'7 6' Gl 6 1!0 3: 61 0 13 TO: 'SI 5 13ll uai J iiii 43! :ni I5 4. 61 27! 10) 23 Ml 41 12 H W 6!1 41 27; (14 CI M) 9 73 26, til 28 Ifi 93 rr! ') 34 14 7 B3 41 .15 Sfi, 10 S2 l!i 4 97 112 til lSli; 91 lir. 73 ?, 19 5 6 11S Hi 128 156 us! io; no 9 125 35' I'll 112 143 134 MS io; 105 75! 40; 121 3 S2 15K 70; Sfii ' 7 lfifll 102! 127 111 171 23fi 42 K4 40 C7 43 3li 29 21 24 41 123, 4S r,i r.r 24 21 S.l 19 19 29 2G 72 41 i j l 31 r,i) l 2G IS 49 ll 3S 321 so 4! 17; !3i io!l ...II 58 37 20i 39 9(1 132 66 75) ."I 68! 36j 3.X ill 95 1391 1271 63; 311 51 1:1 Mil 65 641 lOj 621 74j 61 721 is; 3 8l i:!l. 17: l&i 1'J.' it! 33 i" 48'. 2S1 ic: 3di 1:1 11 26 13 35; 13 391 2l 4 8 8; 25 14 11 41! r. 13, Ml 23! 51. 1?! 35 25 1H 11. lot 60j. nil. 2! 22 14 21 .11 31 "4;! 101 CI 13I 3i 1 14! 5: ...I 44 10 i 4 40 10 30 131 nr.! CO1 64l 62! 171 32 1 32i 24 32 IB T1 43 51 i 42 25 65 4fi; 431 a a 55 . 41 48 89 40 no 27 28 M 351 35! 36 49: 301 40 62 48 53 3I 30, 39i 8S 55i 45! 38 221 II -.16 7 3 7; T is! 41 101 71 117 41 ril 7"i 40! 31. 44 45 51 31 18 2S 60 1 4 5 1 51 70 431 24 63i 6I( 491 9! 721 241 63, 58 28, 17 98 55; 4 33 14 76; 57 47 33 38 13 81 78 79 21 . 19 5 99 148! 60 1S2 98 Ml 78 34 C 5 G' 3i 1201 61 112 Rl 135 61 1551 119 r,2i 7l 41: 3Ul 44j 60 211 SI 381 65 r.11 17 181, g! 41 26; 84; G"! 5! 9 69 311 62 64 36; 34 92 65 24 31 14 86 64 43 36 14 78 147 99 42 19 7 99 150 61 194 1 95 117 79 36 34 29 33 102 106 118 116 Totals Pluralities J81694I 422F J 4469 ... 10 30 141 3 3' 1 1 1 11 15 31 II, 2 8 21 615 1351 157! 120! 1041 110 113 120 15 52 7 12 136 801 6 132 221 li 2(i Ml 901 130 1 148 14." 157 991 112 111 78; 44 .14 3 SG 1601 71 94 99 1G9 107 130 119 177 242' 4s' 84 38 71 45 27 23 41 126' 48 54 S5 55 56 20 1G 75 23 21 29 8738 131 175 167 176 12 89 52; 19 10 101 174 74 95 129! 162 105 150 143 is: 261 59 !()(! 79 86 55 63 54 29 ' 70 43 129 48! col 861 54 ' 54 21 32 82 24 29 301 10040 67 37 18! 391 90 67 93 5 11 208 205 205 341 49' 331 6G 58 59 79 -4! 28 1 3.'j 71 Hi 61 1 621 13! eo h ! 711 171 l 4 8, HI,! 130 12S 128 10i 115! 116 221 4 8! 8 381 45 42 4 1 29 19 25i 58 40 4 50 65 40 24 63 CS 48 70 20 63 58 28 II 9G 351 22 33 14 76 55; 46 23j 37 13 81 78: 78 22i 19! 4 97 144 58 1S6 92 138 771 33 21 7 4 93 117 112 131 153 112 105 llOj 13 6 131 21 "27 9: 116 141 142 145 1001 112 75 41 13 3 84 155 08! 89 95 167 105 128 113, 176 238! 43 83 37 69 43 26 33 25 40! 129 48 53 83 54 55 24 16 72 22 20 29 39 20 O.l 15 14 78! 5 49 33 43 1G 87 98 S7 27 19 4 99 155' 62 19(1 1 99 142 78! 35 21! 17 14 1051 125 117 137 156 122 104 117 38 8 130 25 108 124 1G5 163 169 103 114 80 46 15, 84 171 71 08 110 17G 107! l;il 130! 1861 261 60 91 no 81 47 M, 42 16 4S! 41 133 47 50 87 56 nr. 24 32 82 ' 25 21 30 19 4 97 1461 nsi 1771 92! 136 77 1 34 19 6, 6! 100 1181 111 136! 150 114 108 112 13 6 129 20 1 29 8!l 117 145 139 149! 97 1 110 75 43 13 3 8: 150 67 90 103 168 105 133 119 170 239 43 82! 37 70 49 24 34 21 21 40 125 48 53 86 51 52 21 1G 73 21 20 29 86291 94518595 571 371 19 4li 91 1 131! go: 75 61 37 5 tit 132 66 till G 111 11 209 2071 281 381 64 6:i 651 61 1 9 12! C0 Hit; S3 1 76! 4i l 711 7I 181 1 1 4 3 3 133 129! 7 8 118 115 61 4! Si 8 Efl 53 74 1 75 43 SO 44 52 9 35 22 33 63: 49 3 4 54 82 42 24 63 62: 50 8! 71' 20: 64 58 Sil or 94 us 19 33 551 22 37. 12' 33 3Sl 28 38 29 1 44 461 r 19' 28. 57, 4l) 4! 90 128! 6G 77j 66 111 199; 14 40i 431 GU 61 621 18j 111 221 58! 211 761 24j 6 1S 70l 10 1S 20 5i 181 -I 25l 1251 71 7l 42 116 S 4' 15 8 12 511 15 72i 17 3S 1S 27 71 44! l 391 1G 9, Sltl 21! 181 171 21 22! ....... 35 35 27 2S 7 71 2 3 3! 3 59 59 26 26 81 81 16! 15 44! 43 l 7 171 17 21 i 23 2ll 21! 22 25 18! 18 10! 19 17 25! 101 43 Si is! 16 16; 18 61 .51 52. 65i 42; 2i G.-.i 60 1 49, 9 71 21 G2 57 ail 8! 23, 11 4 45i 23 60 12i 40 34 251 12 60 1 22 59 49 0 70 20 GOj r 10; 161 4 81 29 15 12! 36 27 171 c! 91 ll 15: Si S 21 21 131 13 211 15 10 11 3 2 i.l 15; 9 34 12 19 22 3 8 8 23 14 89 39 37 23 i'il 71. 50 45 7! 15; 61 71 16 22 211 36 6! IT l i 13 33 11 871 30! 1 17J 51 71 17i 24 n 11 30 27 81 75 75 21 1.9 4 97 141 58; 107 90 135: 73 32 21.1 8 42 21 15 25 M ll 33! 4l! "I 11 29 1 39 211 24 4 23;' sei 97; 118 113 1.30 311 6 14 28! 2S l: 19 29; 1 27 8 20 10 29 3' eil 31 6 1G 27 20 150I 26 110 27 lllif 12 lOSl 17 111 20 7 .18 126 14 20) 34 1 31 17 31 11 29 38! 22! 31 8 16 27 22 .23' 23 20 20 13 13 161 17 20 "27 81 1.09 131 124 146 100, 1091 73; 3s: 13 1 7G 152 6(1 8r, 89 1.64 97 125 110 ico! 230 33! 83! 34 65 42 21 32 23 21 38 126 4S 52 85 51 54 23i 16 70 77 20 29 30! 19 25 20 1 24 22 1 3i 1S 421 44! 36 36 42! 30 34 28 23; 43 4.1 24 35 33 37 27! 25 47 38 32 22 23 15 31, 23 11 25 21 10 23 IS 29 i 29 18 17 24 26 19 i 20 11 28 17! 29, 37 3U 34 54 32 42! 41 36! 30 2S 28 19i 211 23 37 1 30 461 21 29 32 19 8 4 9 19 4 in, 61 8744"?955l?G6Sl27S9i 81 34 1 12 22' 21 3 8 10 2 14 111 11; 35 36 66 II 171! 83j 1.01 18 III 40 55 33 2G 84 43 41 59 43 17 55 65! 58 1-1 55, 10 39j 13 24, 711 S 14! S0 Gil 1361 98l 36 36, 43 32 4I 49, 35j 25 66 37 5 8 81 26 231 1.2 64 123 S9 33, 83 6! 8 24 89 23 11 86 6 13 124 73 54 23! 56 22 35 271 8 1 2 1 31 57i 5S 2G; 38 37 81 9' 15 M 23, 23 21 23) 20! 10 23 l 15 la 12 12; 2 1 12 34! 261 8 421. 81 161 121 . 18 16 l.S 1S. 61 l 18 71 21 13 151 81 10! 10 2 3; 151 14 10 34! 12! 13 23 24 U SI 121 12 1 1 8! 8 3 3 5i.;. 21... 13 13 1 li 20; 20: io, "sj "sr's, 1! li li li 11 12 1 111 8! 9 ...I... I 3 31 51 6j 21 2, ::?::! 201 21 1 il 10 6! 7; ......' 4 4 21 1 4; 8 9 21.1 4 81 9 6 18 91 9i 27. 26 14! 151 111 11 36 37 251 16 9 15 61 71 1G 21 22 11 3D 2i 29 36 51 15, l . 71 23 "I 31 2 8 40 4 11 G 121 11 31 2 1 1 15! 15 4 1 1 4 4 5 5 2! 2; ..I. 211 20! it;, 14 3i 3 451 4." 3 4 111 12 1 I 24 15! . 18) 8 86! S7j 37 26 80 1 117 129 113 20! 39 541 48 441 6lj 29; 45 133 95 1 271 67 52 148 106, 83 69; 87j 40 4 76! 55! 76 13S 77 91 56 56 95! 90) 62 44; G4 97 67 74 140 89 102 77 49 83 156 . 7 731 65 191 0 32 18 31 12 6 53 34 12 147 6 24, 15 19 32' 21 2 31, 311 19 17i 28! 261 9: 9 29 1 291. 38 36 . 23! 23 15 91 7! 7 4"r 2 2! 4 1 1 41 4 5 6 2! 6 6! 7 7: 81 9; I 11 l! Gi 5 51 HI "I "I 151 15 51 5 5! 21 0 i")i in 3 3j 441 44 1 31 4! 10 12' II Hi 2 3 Si 2 2, 15 15 3 3 3 3 7! 7! 7! 7, 6 5 61 6; 19! is 3j 3 8 8 81 11 5! 7 15 15 27 21 21 20 M 17i 21 18! 1 18: 22 18 31 16, 24 21 23 11 24! 13l 1.71 31 30 34! 161. 24: 20 . 23 15 36 31 32 44 31.1 28 21! 21 36 481 201 301 28 4! 'A 61 I 61 'Sj 51 6! 5 6: 8 6 10! 91 3 1! 1 II II 1 26 2(1 1 20! 21 1 17 l!l 41j 42i 32 301. 20l 2"! 24 201. 22 2l IS 30! 24! 81 24 .15 2 10! 7 '18! 6 31 9 151 2o 6! 1.3 . 3 1 1 10 1.1 I I- 7710 2737127191 627' .1 .;..!.. ,...... 71 1 4 18 11 5 2 4 ...I... H 1 101 9! 311 31 19 1.1 6 G! 31 4 5; 5, 6 6 7i 7 91 9i Jl 1 1 1 H 1 10 io! 32! 32 141 12 4! 31 3i 4' 2 2 31 3 4 4 1 13 31 ll 1i 8 1 21 24 1 1 21 31 3! 4! 4 4 11 21 4! 5!! 7! I 2 ..I .11 1! II 1 1 131 13! 3 31 1 11 9! 64 3 1 37 87 13; 64 89 6 111 32 206 64 'l! 13 19 5.8 461 39!... 42! 3 811 4S: 3 4 42 75 12 20 50 51 64 21 53 117 23 19 I 5i) 14 37 13 18 114 4 8 54 111 74 17! 6 351 3: 311 10 45 50 13 21 62 2 641 1! 115 2 19! 77...i 2G 59 3! 56 49 11 49 7 291 5 SI... I 211... I 26 3 33 8 33 7i 31 31 1 231 31::: 28 1! 3...i 7... 81 41 21 26 14! 691 26; 6: 56 2G! 15 87 38 20 34 "I 14 12 64! 3 9S 79! 31 71 71 31 80! 171 41; 481 75 31 61 i 20) 12' 361 9 29 79! 15 80 80 80 28 20! t 97 142 60 186 3 13 8' 104 63! 49 22 iF 21 56 4 70 961 26 120! 59 80 1 20 34 1 69 io; 111 6 117 41 102 106i 14 124 .24 1191 46 143, 35 155 35 116 63 101 1 29 112 37 10 117 13 73 125 IS 29 59 3 48 52! 108 114 75 13". I 52 155 63 163 48 155 24 138! 15 1441 481 96 3S 501 GI I 13 125 90 1G9 74 106 131 15! 68 77 37 40 711 63 1GR 49! 1031 42 14S 411 1331 G5 177 37 247 54 1 511 1231 99 69...l 681 701... I 76 58...l 53 38 2 311 58 21 38! 134 2, 18! 8'... 441 47 41 1 61 1411 9 48 6 46! 261 891 8 63 29 511 11 25 4 30 34! 75 24 211 .. 231 129 2 29 61 2 826 62i;C03;ClljC3S 90516288613 ....... 2763!.. 66 36 18 41 88 128 57 72 6 11 208 42 63 CO 14 62 831 42; 67 1 128 63 12 12 12 50 47 32 18! 64! 16 43 34 35 8 71 34 IS 18 114 115 2 34 14 311 47 33 20 7 -52 8 12 571 34 29 65 49 8 44 20 171 56 3S 35 14 41 55 48! 89 69 61 43 44 411 39 10 '19 13 9 37 1 441 61! 54 19 571 25 21 63 49, 27 .8 8 14 331 35 21 63 691 791 261 31 23 1 60 31 "I 88 66 42 11 74 11 20 90 61 30 43 19 241 3 Ml 79 41 10l)i 86 37i 25 112 142 116 28 24 42 851 12 461 52 121 815717085 5 10731 33 13 13 1 13 1 11 3 3 14 1 26 '8 1 5 10 16 7 14 5 3 36 3 9 1 2- 1 14 1 3 7 A BISMARCK STOKY How tho Old Chancellor Did tho Honor for a Friend. A new Dlsmarck story Is told In a Swedish paper bv the old lady who when, as a young woman, Dhe was sent to Home with her governess, and was directed to stop on way to Berlin, where she had a German counln, a stu dent, whom she had never seen. He met her at the station and greeted her affectionately; hb was tall, with a heavy mustache ana peculiarly spar kling eya and for three days they did the town thoroughly, visiting at the nights and having a good time. He could speak no Swedish and she no German, so they talked French, which he spoke very well. As she was about to go away he said: "My dear cousin, see hero. I must tell you that I am not your cousin. My friend, your German cousin, the real one, is busy preparing for his examination. and asked me to take his place and fulfill your father's wishes. My name Is Otto von Elsmarck." That was the end of the adventure. Many years after, when she wan an old married woman, and Prince Bis marck was chancellor, she again vis ited Berlin, and sent him her enrd with I a few words written on It. Blsmarck'l at once Invited her to the palace, where j they talked over old times, and the chuncellor . thanked her for onablinr him to visit the Berlin museums, which he never had a chance to do afterward. SHE CALLED HIM GKOVER. j Colonel Will Vlsseher'a Anoedote of Ills j 'Sister's Pony. ', Colonel Will Tj. Vlwscher Is still' en joying himself at tho home of (hla met her at Montgomery, Ala. The col onel says his principal amusement. Is driving about 'tho country, but that oc casionally this Is varied by a drive around town with fol sister, who drives a small, fat, pudgy horse, evidently a iamUljr pet Th animal appears to un derstand "that ;he can do just aa he pleases, and Cie looks as If those who drove. him are well aware that they might- as well let him have his own way a to try and urge him to any oth er course. Me would Jog along at an easy gait until he would meet another rorse, and when alongside would suJ denly Mop. Of course this was a habit acquired from 4he social tendencies of the ' ytelnity, where everybody always stops to talk wRh anyone they meet. The colonel noticed that he did not readily ' tart again after the stops, and his sister would speak coaxlngly and chirp encouragingly for some time liefore he.jvould take a notion to move. It was "Get up, Grover; g'lang Grover," and after a shake of the reins Grover would possi'My be persuaded to start. "I say, sis," said the colonel, ''why do you call that horse Grover?" "Oh, 'because he Is so fat and so hard to drive." was the rcply Stocks, Bonds and Grain . Bought and sold on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, cither for cash or oo margin. WM. LINN ALLEN & CO., . . 412 Sprue Street . LOCAL T0CKS I SPECIALTY. ':' " ',' , Telephone 6002. Atlantic Refining Go Uannfaotnrtiri and Deal en la 01 feS BLANK BOOKS ' Of all kinds, manufactured at short ootict, at Tito Trlbnae CCc& Unseed Oil, Kapthas and Oarto. lines of all grades. Axle Graose, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound; also a large line of Pal afBne Wax Candles. We also hnnHIa rimim. mnnm ACHE) OIL, the only family safety burning oil In the market.. Wm. Mason, Manager, Office: Coal Exchagno, Wyoming Ave. orks at Pine Brook. DR. LOBb'S BOOK FREE Ta nil snfTorors of F.RROK9 OF YOU I II, LOST VIGOR, and BISKASES OV MEN -AND WOMEN. 208 tiara; cloth botind; steurely toalifl and ma :1m frae. Treatment b niaf trktlr eonndcntlal, and a tosltlra qnlcK core (ua an!"!. No matter bow lnaf ataadlng. t will (oiitlyaly eure jott. .Write or oall. ti , yean' oobiIbmu praote DU FONT'S j MINING, BUSTING AND SPORTIRQ POWDEB UannfnctnreJ at the Wapwallnttm Mttle, Lb serns oonnty. Pa., and f WU- . micgtuD, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wjomlnf Dlatrkt. 110 WYOMING AVE Soranton. Pa Third KaUon.1 Bank Building. TH08. rOBnllttaton. Pat JoBN B. SMITH BON, Plytaoetk, P K. W. MDLLIOAM, WUkea barre, Pa. Agrata for the Repeuno Cbemloel ge keaya High EsploelToa, iaaaaMaaaa.a.,,aaa4ae AYLESWORTHS MEAT MARKET The Finest In the CUT. The latest Improred furaUfi Inga and apparatus lor ktcpiaj meat, butter and tggL ' 22 Wyemlne) Avi, V:x 150 OF CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles OF STEEL RANGES ft ll 100 Sizes andStyles OF PARLOR STOVES 50 Sizes and Styles HtAlllili STOVES THE SCRAN STOVE WORKS have arranged with the following firms to sell tteir STOVES AT FOUNDRY PRICES: STltOXU'S FURNISI11KO HOUSE, 320-322 Pcnn Avenue. 1 W. 0. D0UD & CO., 509 Lackawanna Avenue. FOOTE & SlIEAIt CO., 119 N. Washington Arc. . J. HUGHES, m South Main Avenue. THIS i i r nL! Ml m LAGER WITNESS THAT II. D. SWAKTZ & CO. i Are th9 Leading Wholoaale Agon tain Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. HEADQUARTERS FOR. L C. Smith's and Remington Gnns, (lay Piscons and rigeon Traps. tclephono 2723. Open Evening!. lUM Bpruca Street, botweon Poaa soil Wyo Ding Areouea. THE NEW NO, 2, Contalne all that has made Hammond Work fanwua, ani NEW, NOVEL and L'BEFUL 1m provementa. "Banmonil Work the Criterion (if Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Saloa the Criterion of Hammond Popnlarity." Ham mond No. 1 "The Perron Typewriter. Ex am.'ne it and be convinced. Fhlladolpbia branch of Tt Hammond Typewriter Co., 110 t, Bisth Btroet. F. A. & A. J. UllANDA, 414 Spruce St., Scun!on RtpriMntalhtt. CALL UP 8682. BREWERY. Usanfactm-ers of the Colobrato) PILSNER LAGER BEER CAPACITVf 100,000 Barrels per Annum Our Stock In Trade Mainly Consists of Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling SUverwara, Sterling Silver Novelties, Silver Plated Vare, Fine Cut Glass, Art Porcelains, Fine Leather Goods, Banqnet Lamps. Wo carry the largost variety in all of th'ao line. No coneoru nuart than tho great citiea can show snnh a variety. Our word la our bond. Nearly thli ty y eara of auccoasf ul busi ness ahonld be proof unough that our woods and prices are right, end always bavaboea right. KIERCEREAU & CONNELL 307 LftCK&WSNNA AVE. BmiB linoi CO., Im'p. CayKcl, i,(M,eTO. tOSST e)l.M HHOR IN THIS WOIUJDi. "AieliartaridUadotUwtonni." , TbletaMltM' Hollil Prancfa DoaotoKld Vat sea Poo t dallveiad fiee anywhm la the U.S.,oa near via oi umd, aioeay urocr. or I'oatal Note far (10. Eqnala erary way tke biola sold is all tttall ators for 1W. W make tkla boat ounelyes, thanrfors we pwjr pnic. uiv jm, HVH una vrat' and if any one fa eo euullai WO Will niBH IH BBOMF' oreandanothwpalr. Opava xoe or common momh UL01T 1 Ll UflCTili. . a CO. ; 'oils. t VINEGAR AND - CIDER. CftoOK AND WAREHOUSE. ...... ,141 TO li MERIDIAN 8TRE3T m w iaw aa ritt-av wMthaO, IVE,kB. hem l to a aaa naai iua. Etna your mi Clta legae FRCiC 3 FEDERAL ST., Rend H cents for ?mol pockap Faultless Chemical Company. Bait! mora, Md. in l OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Cans Shoe Co Have roe BoraThroal, pimples, Oopper-Colofee Spots, Aebea. Old Sore., Uloeri In Month. IVlliitl Write Ceek Baaaeey Cas, MOV Ma aaaileTemsleleavraJllnforproofaofenrea. oakprau wwuamww. rauaniacarsa iim oTHrViF si let Dar AW SOta bay. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Mat Utb Day. I of M. HI 'f aT ' TNI GREAT predoese the above retalte la SO days. II sew powarf till and quickly. Curee whea all other fall, tonne maawlU regain thalr loet auBbood,ea4ala nan will teeovar their yonthfot Tlaor by sains BHVITO. It ealeairwd sorely naterasllanous .sat, IiWl TIMIItv, Impouncy, Klktly Baaiadsea, Lest Power, Failing Memory, Wartla Ounasts. and ill effects of self-abas or eaesis and IndlMietien, ahlehenntaonaforatady.bnsineasor marrlat. It no only core, by starting at ths .eat ef disss, bnl las gnat aervwaeole and blood builder, arts. lag baoh the pink (low to Dale ebeek end ra luring ths flrw of youth, ft ward, off jMeatty nd Oensmnptloa. Insist ea having REVrvOi a. thr. It eaa be eerrid la vast vovkrt. By Ball, M0 per pack ate, or all for e)5.oO, with a posli ive written gnarutee to ear ea salaam .hsawaay. Olnmlsrfrsa. Addrass 0Tl MCOIOINB CO., IS "ler It. CHIMM. IU tat tkrVt p atettbawe area. SfffsHw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers