TUB SOBANl'ON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 183. i iLJ Iff iU Only rounded spoonfuls are required not heaping spoonfuls. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES AT COST AT THE COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE 'Washington Avenue. .ETURNS Prompt Ri and ROMPT IllGHT. ACKAWANNA . THE LAUNDRY. 808 1'cnnAvo. A. II. WAR MAN. When Looking FOR Do Not Fail to See Our Fall Styles. 127 WYOMING AVENUL N. B. Prices Guaranteed. CITY som. A supper will be served by the Ladles' Aid society of Kim Puik church tonight from 6 to 8 o'clock. The monthly meeting of the Hebrew La dies' Relief society will be held this after noon at 3.SO o'clock. The Ladles Aid snclet.v. of Kim Park church will sorve their reular furtiilphtly Bur.pef tonight from (I to 8 o'clock' p. m. Colonel Falrmnn, of New York city, will lecture tonight In Grand Army hall on "A Nation Saved by Transfusion of Blood." The employes of tho von Storch and Dickson collieries were paid yesterday. Ths employes of Storr'B colliery will be paid today. Judge Ounster yesterday approved the bond of C. J. Thomas, recently appointed tax collector of the borough of halton. It Is for KJ.DuO, and the sureties are Thomas Woodbrldge and William K. l'ltteniier. In the arbitration room yesterday a hearing took place In the matter of a ion. I In Jefferson township. Attorney John V. Scragg appeared for the viewers and At torney C. XI. Gardner for the exceptants. The recital by Miss Kdlth Norton as sisted by Miss Augusta YamHk, soprano, of New York, at Young Men's Christian Association hall this evening, will be one of the most pleasing entertainments of the week. Judge Archbald yesterday appointed David W. Dale, Jr., of Covington; Jesse H. Snyder, of Hoarlng Krook, anil County , . Surveyor A. H. Uunnlng viewers to lay out and review a road in Spring Brook township. In the case of Prank Peretosky, charged hy his cousin, Paul Peretosky, with steal ing a watch, $15 and a revolver, Alderman Millar last night decided that there was not sufficient proof of guilt and discharged the defendant. On "A Nation Saved by Transfusion of 'Hlood" Col. Kalrman will lecture tonight at the Grand Army Republic hall for the benefit of the Woman's Relief Corps, No. CO and Grltlin Post, No. Good music Will bo added. The argument In tho Injunction prnyed for by Attorney John V. Conoly, of De troit, aftalnst Asher M. Fell, at Wllkes Barre, both executors of the estate of John M. Fell, late of Waverly borough, this county, is continued until Jan. 8, is;). The personal, property of the Church Coal company, of the North End, was sold yesterday by the sheriff. Attorney GeorKe 8. Horn, representing the execution credi tors, bought it In for RJS.7.V The real es - tate will bo exposed ut publio sale next Saturday. Tho will of George Hahn, late of the South Side, was probated yesterday, and letters testamentary were granted to Charlotte Hahn, the widow, and John Hahn. The will of 'Harriet Harvert. lato of Carbomlule, was probated, and Sarah A. Kase was granted letters testamentary. Mlko Gikle, a Green Hklge Polander, 22 years of nge, was ' Injured In the Green Ridge shaft yesterday by a fall of roof, He was taken to tho Lackawanna ho pltnl. His right leg Is fractured, his left sirtklo broken, there Is a serious wound on tho pelvis bone, and his head Is a mass of wounds. He has injuries enough to kill two men, but the doctors say he will re cover, A mooting: of stockholders of the People's Street Railway company was held yes terday afternoon at tho office of Horace E. Hand and a board of directors was elected which then erfected an organization. The board Is as follows: J. P. lllsley, of Phila delphia, president; Frank Billlman, Jr., vice-president; Horace K. Hand, secretary and treasurer; C. Ford Stevens, assistant secretary and treasurer;. C. M. Clark, of Philadelphia; J .Alton Davis ond Timothy Burke. The Florence Crittenden mission man agers wish to acknowledge donations from the following persons: W. W. Lathrop, Mrs. G. 13. Dean, Huntingdon's bakery, Zeldter's bakery. Airs. N. C. 8., Montrose; .' Cash, M: Cash, $3; Mrs. J. G. MeAsklo, ; John Armbrust, Mrs. John Faurot, Miss A. K. Sanderson, Mrs. C. H. Matthews, Christian Kndeavor of First Presbyterian church; William Adams, Chinchilla; People s market, City Branch of Needle JVomans Guild of America, Mrs. Mayer, .A'."?. ""hool. Mrs. W. B.iDlohl, jMrs. W, W. Patterson, Mrs. Howarth. v y A Short Story. ' W are a-lvtaff special, attention to cor- lets, underwear and hosiery. A visit to, , these departments will repny you. , . MBAKS HAGEN. I will sell StHuU & Co.'a store, No 121 North Washington ave at publio auction commencing at i- o'clock p. m. Frldny, Nov. 8th. 20 shares Scranton Glass Com- S iany sw:h, two iois m North Pnrk and lull A Co. Interest In thif j.,qua ns premine ran uccupiea oy them, vls.i Ul fUl II. MBUItlftlUII live. T,. " ' . . J. L. H Hull, 'Assignee. ' The eream of Hull A Co.'a parlor furnl j v lure will bo aoldUoday at auction, Tse tonio effect of Monsoon Tea in mar Jelous, Trjr it. .. J: , iS: T'flHR III PAPER, v LACE GURTHINS 01 FIUHS, I IS i MOT "I'urc and Sure." IT WAS A SLAUGHTER Haywood Curried tk County by Over Pour Thousand. JUDGE KULAK!) LED THEM ALL Went About Fifteen Hundred Votes Ahead or Ilia Tlckot-Loncstrect'a Great Showlng-UartI litis Ovor Ono Thousand Votes to Sparc With the complete returns at hand victory Is too tame a word to charac terize the result of Tuesday's battle. Slaughter is more In keeplnp. The olllcial figures ns secured from the re turn shoots and printed In a complete tuble on the sixth page of to-day's Ihsuo surprise even the most sanguine of tho Republican leaders. When Republican headquarters closed at 1 o'clock yesterday morning the candidates and others went home in high Klee at the very decisive vic tory width the fulriv complete returns indicated. None, however, It Is safe to say, counted on Mich a sweep as Is shown by the complete totals. Here Is tho story In brief: STATU TREASURER. Haywood, R SWl Meyers ,D 4225 Berry, 1 Haywood's plurality 4109 Sl'PKRIOR COURT. Tlenvcr. R Wlllnrd. R hU0 Wickham, R Rice. R . Keeder, R Si. ' Orlndy, R '741 Yerkes, 1 2Sfc5 Moorchend, D Noyes, 1) 27! Smith. D 7710 Rechtel, D 27.TT Magee, D 2719 Campbell, P U7 Lathrope, P 81 Sterrett, P -l Vail, P W H ufTer, P 6U Btevetis, P 63J CORONER. I.ongstreet, R W'l Kellcy. D..... !88 liuteson, 1'. 13 Longstreet's" plurality 27ti3 SURVEYOR. rtartl, R 8l.r,7 Dunning, D 7W Mitchell, 1" KW Bartl's plurality 1072 Haywood's 1Kb Plurality. That Haywood more than doubled Myers must be the greatest cause of surprise to a person who has watched this county wavering between the Re publican and Democratic columns al most from the very beglnnlm? of Its existence. Another feature of the re turns is the great vote cast for Judge W'lllnrd In his home county and city. It Is strange to relate but true never theless that at 6 o'clock last evening Mr. Dunning refused to concede Mr. Hartl's election. He admitted that Haiti was apparently ahead, but did not give up all hope. At midnight, Judge Smith on the strength of private telegrams received from nearly ever portion of the state claimed his election by 4000 plurality over Judge Yerkes, In special dis patches to The Tribune the Philadel phia Press and Times claim Smith's election. The Inquirer believes Yer kes to be the successful one. There w " no apologies offered for their defeat by the Democratic leaders yesterday. It was a square, clean knock-out and they were frank enough to admit It without arguments. Com-. Ing right on the heels of their recent desperate family quarrel the crushing defeat has had a most depressing ef fect on the rank and file of the party and it will take some time for organiz ation to recover sufficient strength to have a fighting chance of winning in this county. Leather dining chairs at auction today at Hull & Co.'a. RITE OF CONFIRMATION. A Clilncso Woman Among Thoso Con firmed hy lilshop Nicholson. Hlshop Nicholson, of Philadelphia, admliistered the rite of confirmation to fourteen candidates nt the Grace He formed church, Wyoming avenue, Inst evening, hileven others were received Into membership In the church by Jet tor. ' Special choral music and congrega tional singing appropriate to the occa sion were features of the ceremony.. After an opening hymn Bishop Nichol son gave a learned, eloquent and tnter estlug discourse In which his general theme was the second coming of Christ, which Is one of the distinctive char acteristics of this church. He argued that Ood In his covenant with Noah assured him that there would never again be nn Interruption In the work ings of the laws of nature. There will be a fiery visitation, but It will not re sult In total destruction. It can be only a partial destruction. There will be no failure of day and night, no suspen sion of the seasons. Whnt Astronomers Snld. In 1866 a star In the northern crown took lire and burned for two days. So Intense wns the heat that astronomers averred that If it was a sun and was surrounded by planets that the whole system must have been consumed. Tho late Proctor, an astronomer whose authority no one can doubt, said that In 1897, or at the most a few years later, our own sun will break out with the same fiery intensity. "We know not," continued Rlshop Nicholson, "whether or not this Is to be. It may be so. If it Is to bo so that in 1897 our sun. Is to take on that enormous In crease of heat, I for one shall say Hal lelujah! Kven so come Lord Jesus!" At the conclusion of the confirmation ceremony Bishop Nicholson delivered a short charge In which he urged the regular and studious reading of the Bible, tho frequenting of the church services and also private -prayer and devotions. Chinese Woman Confirmed. Among the number' confirmed Was Mrs, Boo Hoo Doo, wife of the well known Chinese merchant She wore her native costume and was accom panied by her husband who, holding their infant child In his arms, stood by her side at the chancel rail and Inter preted the questions and answers pre scribed in the ritual. She Is the first Chinese woman to become a church member In this city. ACCIDENT AT MOOSIC. ' It Resulted In the Heath of Foreman , Wesley Tnbln A very cad accident happened at Mooslo Monday evening, wl ere v the Scranton and Plttston Traction com pany's tunnel Is In course of cSnirtntc tlon under thu Delaware and Hudson Canal railroad. Wesley TnMn, the foreman, who had charge c the Job, was directing a force of men, who were 'tearing down some heavy timbering in the tunnel. One of tho beams fell without warning and struck Mr. Tobln on the head. He died at .an early hour yesterday morning. The home of the deceased Is in Union Spring, N. Y. His wife, mother and sister were telegraphed for and reached his 'bedside before the end came. He was a young man, and had a promis ing future. The remains were taken to 'his late home yesterday, and were accompanied by Messrs. Leonard, Con way, Neary, Heap, Sheehan and Gro gan, of the Avoca Catholio Mutual Benefit association. SUITS AM) CROSS SUITS. Urotlicrs-ln-Law, Sisters-in-Law, Con stables of the Law and Othors Are at Law. There Is bother at Callahan's corners. An Hungarian living on Twenty-second street, in the vicinity of the corners, who for the sake of popularity adopted the name of Mike Regan struck an other Hungarian some time ago and for doing this a warrant was sworn out for his arrest. The warrant was given to Deputy Constable Burns, and when he went to serve It was, bo he claims assaulted by Regan. Thereupon Burns 'had a warrant sworn out for Regan's arrest and en gaged Constable Murphy of the same bailiwick to serve it. He was also thrown out and as a result of his visit Julia Dova, a young sister-in-law of Regan has Murphy arrested for force ful familiarity. James Callahan, a young man who was nigh at the time and who, as he alleges, went in to save the girl from the constable's designs, received a gash on the head. Now he Is to be arrested for interfering with an officer In the discharge of his duty and he In turn Is going to have the constable Will lluvo Constable Arrested, arrested for assault and battery. His brother, George Callahan says he will today have the constable arrested for perjury which, he claims, to be able to prove that the constable goes regularly to court and swears that there are no unlicensed liquor cellers In the Twenty lirst ward where he knows by actual count that there are seventy-four and that one of them Is kept by his own mother-in-law. Further, he will try to show that It Is because of the Hun garian's failure to pay his whisky bill ut the mother-in-law's shop that all this trouble resulted. This highly edifying condition of af fnirs was made public at a hearing in Aldermnn Millar's office last night, when Constable Murphy was arraigned for the alleged assault on the Hungar ian girl. The alderman allowed Murphy to go on his own recognizance until 7 o'clock this evening when tie will be re quired to furnish $500 ball or go to Jail. When tho hearing was over Constable Murphy and his deputy Constable Burns produced two warrants charging assault and battery, one against Regan and another against the girl. The al derman .would not allow the processes to be served in his otilce so the two limbs of the law took stations outside the door and waited the exit of their prey. But the prey had a foxy legal adviser In the person of Jack Tierney and they refused to exit. I'lnyed a Waiting Game. When the waiting game bectfme irksome to the alderman he called Con stable Murphy and warned him that in view of the fact that he was a prisoner paroled in his own custody he would be guilty of questionable conduct in serving a warrant. The two constables decided to bide their time and tne litigants went their various ways, while the Interested spec tators wondered where the thing would end. K1VLER AND LEWIS WIN. Result of tho Third Night ot Champion Jerome K. Kcogh's Tournament. At the pool tournament last night at Jerome R. Keogh's rooms the first game was won by Charles Klvler, of Wilkes P.arre; his competitor was Will Jo-nes, of Pittston. This Is Kivler's first vic tory; he was defeated Monday night by Joe Thorpe, of this city. .Jones has lost the two goimes he played. The score between Klvler and Jones last night was: Klvler 0, 6, 1,1. 1, 13, 11. 11, 9, 11, 11, 12, 6, 1100. Sera'tches, 3. Jones 15, 9, 2, 14, 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 3, 9, 1 73 Scratches, 4. The second game was between John Davis and John Lewis, both of this city. The latter won, and this makes his second game won. The contest was a close one. The score Is as follows: Lewis 7, 7, 3, fi, 13, 9, 7, 6, 8, 4, 10, 15, 6, 4100. Scratches, 4. Davis 8. 8, 12, 10. 2, 6, 8, 9, 7, 11, S, 9, 0, 090. Scratches, 6. Tonight Thorpe, of this city, will play Jlelstand, of Wllkes-Rarre, and the sec ond game will be 'played by Jones, of nttston, and Harris, of Scranton. ABORN COMPANY'S RUN. Tho Opera, Chimes of Normandy, Will Be Presented Tonight. At the Academy of Music last night "Tar and Tartar" was well sung and acted by Milton Aborn and his oper atic company. Mr. Aborn as Huley Hassen gave an excellent Interpreta tion of the shipwrecked tar. The house wns comfortably filled. The company continues at the Acad emy throughout the week. To-night will be presented "Chimes of Nor mandy;" to-morrow night, "Marl tana;" Saturday night, "Mascot;" Sat urday matinee, "Whip Ahoy." Do you know Hull & Co.'s stock of furniture is being closed out at auction today? A Card to the Public. The clothing store formally occupied by Martin & Delany will be known here after as the. Coal Exchange Clothers and the creditors of the firm of Martin A De lany of whom M. Kali & Son were the the largest creditors, will continue to close out their entire stock of which there is from ten to twelve thousand dollars left. We have still a laTge assortment of men's and boys' suits on our CO cents on the dol lar counter which are tho best bargains ever given In Scranton. The overcoat and ulster stock for men's, boys' and children's wear Is without doubt the handsomest and best fitting line ever shown In Scranton- and on which we will give you 25 cemts off on every dollar of your purchase. We will give to the little boys who wear knee pants a large assortment to snlect from at prices never before hard of. Knee pants at 10 cents, 2G, 30, 40 and AO cents, the best bargains to be had anywhere. Come In and look these goods over before pur chasing elsewhere for we can save you money anil time as there are no btter bar gains In Scranton than these are. Remem ber the place formally MARTIN A DELANY, . Coal Exchange building, 130 and 132 Wy TTilng avenue. Mies llardenbergh's Pianoforte. A thoroughly high grade and progres sive school for the study of the pianoforte, musical theory and Interpretation. Special Instruction In child music edu cation and In training of teachers, est Madson avenue. ' -Auction sale of parlor seta today St Hull A Co.. . . . BEHIND ALTOONA BARS Harrlnq & McSwceney Have Dclirered . Up Their Mysterious I'risoncr. HE IS IN BLAIK COUNTY JAIL Final Hearing In tho Habeas Corpus Pro ceedings Carao t'p Us fore Jndgo Archbald Yesterday and the ' Rule Was Discharged. Before Judge Archbald In chambers yesterday afternoon the final hearing took place in the habeas corpus pro ceedings In the case of Frank Wilson, the man who was so mysteriously guarded and bound o prisoner In the olllce of Barring & McSwceney, in the Commonwealth building, and of whom the detectives refused to be interviewed until Wll?on succeeded In letting the outside world knov of htmaerf through the agency of a note thrown out of the window. It is alreidy public for what he was wanted an 1 also concerning tho steps taken by Attorney George M. Watson to Bcsjre Wilson's release on a writ of habea corpus. Judge Archibald al lowed Ban ing ft McSweeney, who were represented at the hearing by Joseph O'Brien, o rt-tnin the custody of the prisoner, as they had a warrant: but the court Insisted that they should de liver Wlhon to th authorities of Ulair county, where he Is accused of having ccmmittcl a foul and brutal murder. Judge Archibald appointed yesterday as the date of the Dual -hearing. At torney O'Brien appeared for the de tective agency, end Attorney Watson represented the absent prisoner. Mr. O'Brien produced a certified copy of the record of the mayor's court at Altoona. llo Was Given n Hearing. The transcript was duly attested by Mayor S. M. Hoyer, and it set forth that in Hie case of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania ngninst Frank Wilson, James Fj rrcll and William Doran. one of the defendants was duly arraigned at a hearing In Altoona before Mayor Hoyer on Monday, Nov. 4, an-d upon being asked as to his guilt or innocence, appealed for a continuance on the gruund that 'he was not ready for a hearing. Wilson's request was allowed nnd he was forthwith remanded to the custody of the sheriff of Blair county. This was sufficient for Judge Arch bald, aa it i-'hovvs that Barring & lie Sweeney nad compHed with the re quvremen'ts of the order of court, and delivered the prisoner to the proper authoiHies. That ended the purpose of the flnal hearing, and thereupon the rule wus discharged. Wilson will be tried fur the murder of Henry Hon neke, an ated German, whose dead body was found April 7 hast In his little home on the outskirts of Altoona. He -had been struck and ragged. Rob bery is presumed to Siave been the motive of the murder. Arrested at Strondshurg, Wilson and two companions, James Farrell and William Doran, ara sus pected of the crime. The first named wa-s arrested Monday, Oct. 28. on a railroad train at Stroudfburg. Ho was brought to Scranton by tihe detectives and takon to Llarrlng & McSweeney's office, where he was kept a prisoner until Monday, Not. 2. Wilson was told when arrested that it was for lar ceny of a gold -watch. He professed, while In Scranton to 'be entirely Ignor ant of the murder of old Bonneke. District Attorney Hammond, of Blair county, fea's onfldent that a com plete case will be made out against WUson. His two pals, Doran and Far rell, are yet at large. ORGAN RECITALS. Mr. Pennington Wilt Give tho Second of the Sciks on Saturday. In England, the organ ns a concert Instrument plays a most Important part. All the large cities such as Lon don, L-eds. Llerpool and Birmingham have concert halls of giant dimensions, each containing a magnificent organ, and, In the majority of cases, the or ganists are known as "city organists," being elected and paid by the city council. Following the admirable F.ngllsh plan, Mr. Carnegie has had built by the Farand and Votty company (the build ers of the organ In Kim Pnrk church, this city,) a magnificent organ and placed in the new library building which he presented Tuesday evening to the city of Pltnburg with appropri ate ceremonies. He did not stop here, but has engaged ono of the finest con cert organists In this country at a salary of four thousand a year to give semi-weekly recitals. We refer to Frederick Archer. In the matter of opportunity to hear the organ as a concert Instrument Scranton Is also highly favored. The Elm Park church organ la one of the finest Instruments In this country and Mr. Pennington has already given In disputable evidences of bis being a scholarly concert orgnnlst. His second recital occurs on Saturday afternoon next at four o'clock, when he will be assisted by Miss Winifred Sullivan, soprano, and Miss Julia C. Allen, vio linist. The piece de resistance will be the grand sonata in C minor by Alex. Gull mant of Paris, with whom Mr. Penn ington studied the sonata from the printer's proof sheets this spring. MEETING OF CARPENTERS. Will He Addressed by a Well-Known Labor Lender. The following notice of interest to carpenters and other mechanics re garding a proposed public meeting has been Issued: "Local Uiirilons, Nos. 484 and Stl" United BriMier'hood Carpenters ind Joiners of America, will hold a public meeting nt the Armory, Adams avenue, on Thursday, Nov. 14, 1S95, when P. J. MoCluiro, secretary-treasurer of the United Brot'herhood Carpenters and Joiners of America, and Vice President of the American Federation of Labor, will deliver an address. His suJiJect will be Trades Unions In America and Europe.' There Is not a man In Amer ica today who Is in -better shape to handle the above subject than Mr. MeOulre, he having Just returned from a European tour, and It Is a well known fact that tie Is the best posted mam we have on trades unions in gen eral." FOR CITV TREASURER. Daniel Williams, of the Fourth Ward. Is a Candidate. iD&nlel Williams, of 'tihe Fourth ward, has announced Ms candidacy for city treasurer, subject to the division of the Ripublican city convention. Mr. WHKanrs Is on of the best known Welsh-American reri-derrts of Hyde Park. He ha never held public office, o-tiher than a membership of the poor aard. H Is a bro'Mier f Hon. Morgan B. WIHiair., of Wllkes-Banre, and In btifiness Is a contractor. Mr. Williams' candiidacy Is supported by many influential friends on the West Side. Old Rnbe Tanner at Pevls". John J. Black In "Old Rube Tanner," suported by an excellent company of singers and dancers, and their well known band and classic orchestra will be the at traction at the Davis for the rest of the week. Concerts at I and 7.16 p. m. daily, In front of theatre. The World's Rest Quality Is what we claim for the Garland beating stoves. They are made from Iron mixed with aluminum, and will not crack. They are ntckle-plated on copper and have the revolving Are pot. Call and see them at Thos. F, Leonard's, : 60S Lack ave. Office furniture at auction today at Hull a Co. 'a. ., MI8II1LMH. EASY TO DYE W ITU THE FAST BLACK, DIAMOND DYES. Clothing of all Kinds Readily Modo Rica. Full Black-Three Special Fast Illacks, for Wool, for silk and Feathers, for Cotton and .Mixed Goods. Until reently it was thought impos sible to dye goods black without crock ing and fading, but the three Bpeclal Fast Black Diamond Dyes are easy to use and will make colors mat never fade or wash out. Mrs. Lou Chamberlain of St. Louis, In a recent letter, writes: "I have used the Fast Black Diamond Dyes with good success, dyeing a coat and vest for my husband that previously had been dyed at tho dye house but had faded out. Two packages of the Black Diamond Dye gave a rich, full black and the coat and vest look to-dny as good as new and have not faded tho lotist bit, although they have been worn Blx months in sun and rain." Mrs. A.E. Hartley.an Eastern woman, in telling of her first experience with Diamond Dyes, writes: "Being a novice In dyeing, I may safely say that the plain directions on the Diamond Dye packages will enable any Intelligent person to use them with good results. I dyed a faded spring overcoat of my husband's with a pneknge of Fast Black Diamond Dye. and It looks like new. The dyer would have charged me $2.50. but I did It for ten cents and got a per fectly satisfactory color." Be sure that you got Diamond Dyes when you want to dye suits, gowns, cloaks, rlbobns, stockings, shawls, etc., and then you will have colors that are unfading and true to name. IT WILL BE HARD FOUGHT. Seranton Foot Hull Club and Wyoming Seminary Team to Meet Saturday. The Scranton Bicycle club nnd the Wjoivilng Seminary play the second game of the series between these two teams at the Base Ball park Saturday, and a great battle Is expected, as Wyo ming still feels the sting of defeat, re ceived last Wednesday, a:ul the Hlcycle boys are determined that no team shall score against them again this year. The team will practice to-day and to morrow, and, owing to the number of men that are Just now laid tin for re pairs, at least three new faces will be found on the eleven In Saturday's game. Zang. Gelbert, Thayer and per haps Connery will not be able to play Saturday, though as to the latter. It Is expected he will be In conuitlon by that time. Zang's old place at right guard has become a source of anxiety to the man agement, as there is little prospects of finding a man who will bo able to fill his place. The prospects of having two of the large universities here again this year, are very bright Indeed. Penn sylvania and perhaps Princeton will play against the Bicycle eleven ere tne season is over. GLEASON'S ARM AMPUTATED. Found at Clark's Summit with .Member llndly Lacerated. James Gleason, a man appearing to be forty years of age, was taken to this city on the milk train at 5 o'clock yes terday afternoon. He had been found lying alongside the Delaware, Lacka wanna and "Vestern railroad tracks at Clark's Summit, with his right arm completely lacerated from the wrist to the shoulder. The LacKawanna hospital ambulance was In waiting at the station and he was taken to the hospital. The sur geons found It impossible to save the arm and performed amputation at the shoulder Joint. It Is not known where he lives; there are no evidences that he Is a tramp or was stealing a ride. He was consid erably under the Influence of liquor when brought to the hospital. DEATH OF MRS. DE WITT. Had Keen Suffering for n Short Time from Lung Trouble. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Jennie DeWItt, wife of Photographer M. M. DeWItt, died at their home on Capouse avenue. The deceased hns suffered for several months from a dis ease of the lungs. Mrs. DeWItt was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Thomas, of the West Side, and had a large circle of friends in this city. Her death was a surprise. The funeral win be held at 2:.10 o'clock Friday afternoon, interment in Forest Hill cemetery. Meals and Cold Lunches. Meals nnd cold lunches served at all hours at Lohmann's, Bpruce street, itegu lar dinner 40 cents. Imported and domes tic wines, cigars and liquors. Auction sale of parlor furniture at Hull & Co.'s today. Foot Ball Challenge. The Green Ridge foot ball team chal lenge any team under 16 years of ago. Would Ilk to hear from No. 14 school team. Please answer through the Tribune. J. Koch, Captain. Brass nnd Iron beds at auction today at Hull & Co.'s. I1KI. BAIRD In Scranton, Nov. 8, 1895, 'Mrs. Ralrd, at her home, -122 Adams avenue, at 4.30 p. m. Funeral announcement later. CAVKLL In Scranton, Nov. 6. 1H95, Ed- . win H. Cavell, aged r9 years, at his resi dence, 933 Green Ridge street. Notice of funeral hereafter. DAVIS In Scranton, Nov. 0, IKK, Mrs. Ann Davis, of liill Kynon street. Fu neral Friday nt 2 o'clock. Interment in Washburn Street cemetery. DEWITT In Scranton, Nov. 6, 18S, Mrs. M. M. DeWitt at her home, 1315 Capouse avenue. Funeral -Saturday at 2 p. m. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery. LITTLE In Scranton, Nov. 1, 1S9.". Helen and Margaret, children of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Little, of Jackson street. M'CANN In Scranton, Nov. 6, 1893, Mrs. Bridget McCann ot her home on Irving avenue aged fi years. Funeral Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. WILLIAMSON In Dunmore. Nov. B, 1KB, David Williamson. Funeral today from his late residence on Grove street Thurs day afternoon at 2 p. m. Services in tho Dunmore Presbyterian church. 0lR DISPLAY OF I Is Unquestionably the Largest and Most Elaborate to be seen under any oue roof in the State. Every thing in up to date Head wear for Ladies', Miaiea' and Children, and at prices below what the samo High-Class Mil linery can be bought for else where. Place your orders with ns and the styles will be right HASLACHER'S : MILLINERY - a LM6FEL0, SUCCESSOR. 224li:rr:Aa CHRISTMAS Do Not Will be here in a very short time. Now is the Time to Select Your Gifts. Don't forget to look at Berry's beautiful stock of Novelties. All new and right up to Date. BERRY, THE JEWELER 417 Lackawanna Ave. Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Love. Cloogh & Warren, Carpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELLE, 303 SPRUCE STREET. LIILEY'S Today. ft WASHINGTON AVE. 1 here is no glass made in the world which com mands ad miration mora than tho Yenetian Glassware It etsndsun rivalled and only the r tints of Venice are shle to produce such exqnislte and unique designs Willi the col or.'d effects bout them. Pass by and see exhibit in our show window. Louis - Rupprecht. Successor to Eugene Kleberr- ' 231 Penn Ave., Opp. Baptist Church BEST SEIS Of TEETH ,'JS.M . laelndlar the pajiihw eatreeslag ef teeth by an enUrely new preessa, S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., Grade Your marketing -III 1 111 Fail to Get One Of i Our American Lynx Fur Capes 30 inches long and 3 yards sweep. We are selling them for $8.98 4.S8 wiH buy a very fine Kersey Jacket, the very newest styles. 1 INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Of our line of high class gar ments, superior productions of novelties in Collarettes, Capes and Jackets. As re gards quality and workman, ship, and made under our personal supervision. 138 Wyoming Avenue. Thi Only Practical Furrier In the City. Bargains In Pianos If that is what you want, they can be had every day At Powell's Music Store, 326-230 Wyoming Ave. SPECIALTIES: Chickering, Gildemeester & Kroeger, Ivers & Pond, Sterling. Winter Will Soon B? fi?r? Anil to bo prepared to meet fun cold woatlicr you wunt a seasonable Suit ol an Ovcrooat-or liotu AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING G003 IN MERCHANT TAILORING IS 11 406 Lackawanna Ave. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest stock to select from. Trim ming Always of tho Rent, Latent Styles in Cutting, and mado up on tbe promise by Expert Workmen. tVKothinR allowed to leave theostab liahmeut nnlM satisfactory to tbe cus tomer, and tbe lowest prices conaistont with Good Merchant Tailoring. Economical Underwear Costs more than cheap stuff but worth it keeps you well, strong and happy. A full line to select from. CHRISTIAN OUTFITTER 412 Spruce, 205 Lack. PIAXOS tie el Pmaat tba Meat rmolar as henm 1st liaaiuf Arum Wareream OppeaiM CMumbas Ifeaamat, has w.hsffes Ay Bgj Bl HATS AT BOLZ, Dunn's 1 .
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