The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 06, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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where the young man halls from. The
- rr - - i.'
doctor bappene to be in town yester
day when he heard 'of the man's im
prtsonraent He at once went to see
him and had a talk with mm. He at
4 Important Meeting Bald with Maeh
Business Transacted.
AH tha member of the achool board
were present at the usual meeting- of
that body. A great deal of business
was considered and discussed.
Treasurer McMullen asked the atten
tion of the board to a matter which It
was his duty to perrorm, lui on wmcn
he wished the sanction of the board. He
had received several letters from the
United States Furnishing; company in
rerard to signing a contract for desks.
Mr. McMullen does not want to sign the
contract as they have already violated
one which he had made. In this the
company agreed to pay 110 for teachers
desks and $2.10 for seats. However,
when the bill was presented It was too
large and it was found that $13 had
been charged for the de3ks and $3 for
the seats. ,
Several bills were presented and or
dered paid by the board. The bill of A.
AV. Reynolds for books and supplies
was not paid. It amounted to nearly
$700 and as Boon as the secretary has
found It to be correct will be paid.
A bid was sent In by Sylvester Scars
for hauling coal from the Delaware and
Hudson chutes to the central building
for 20 cents per ton. As arrangements
had already been made with a cartman
thin was not considered.
The school house In the annexed dis
trict has been used as a polling place
end considerable talk was indulged
upon by the board In regard to this
subject. Heretofore two rooms have
been used, one 'for the voting and the
other by the loafers as-a place to con
srregate. This has been a very objec
tionable feature and all the rooms ex
cept tho one In which the voting took
Jilnce were ordered locked. The board
does not like to have the school used as
polling place, but there is no other
place In the district. A petition for the
erection of a polling booth was circu
lated, but the situation of the booth
could not be decided upon so it foil
through. A resolution was panned that
the court bo petitioned to havo the poll
ing place removed from the school prop
erty. The state appropriation was nlso re
ported received. It Is the same amount
ma last year.
The Renin Ins of John P-'dlor Interred
with Appropriate S.-rviecs.
Yesterday afternoon, from his late
homo on Foundry street, the body of
John Pedler, who died at his home Sun
day of typhoid fever, was laid nt rest.
An unusual number of people gath
ered at tho house of the deceased, where
Impressive and appropriate services
were conducted by the Rev. 01. A. Place,
rh.n., of tho Methodist church. A few
words full of sympathy and carrying
much comfort to the hearts of the
mourners were spoken by Mr. Place,
after which tho remains were taken to
Maplewood cemetery, where they were
Interred. Tho Junior Order United
American Mechanics, of which society
the deceased was a most prominent
and valued momber.attonded the funeral
In ft body. The employes of the Dela
ware and Hudson round house, whore
the young man worked, were also pres
ent in a body.
Many friends sent flowers as a token
of respect and esteem, some of which
were very beautiful. They were carried
by D. Jones and Edward Pruner.
The pall-hearers were Harry flrlffiths,
Joseph Craig, J. .Hawkey, William
Pmlth, George Burdlck and Freeman
Ono of Cnrtiondalo's Old and Rcspcotod
Kcsidonts Passes Avrav.
Tn the death of Thomas Langan, of
Fnllbrook street, Carbondale loses one
of her oldest and most respected cltl
sens. His death was probably due tn
old ago, as Mr. Langan was quite ad
vanced In years and had been unable tn
do any kind of work for several years.
Mr. Langan was horn In Ireland
Rlxty-elght years ago. At the ago of
28 he came to America and took up his
residence In this city, where he has
lived ever Blnce.
The deceased was a man of peculiar
ana winning disposition and during his
residence here he has not failed to make
many warm friends who will greatly
miss hlra He Is survived by one son.
John Langan, of Fallbrook street, and
one daughter, Mrs. Mary Murphy, of
Greenfield road. The death Is made
more severe as It Is the second one In
the family within a week, Patrick, an
other son, having died at his home on
Fnllbrook street.
The funeral will be held this after
noon at 8 o'clock from the late home.
Services will be held at St. Rose church
and Interment will be made In St. Hose
inrt of tho Cast of the Chimes of
Xormnndy Selected;
'Tuesday nlght'B rehearsal of the
"Chimes of Normandy" showed that
Rood progress had been made by the
company In the chorus work and the
vplume and harmony of the voices wap
sufficient to warrant a fine production
this winter. Professor Lindsay did
not arrive In the city til! too late to
meet with tho singers, but hopes to
be here early to-night, when the next
rehearsal will bo given. Nothing has
been attempted with the solo parts and
the selection of tho full oast is not yet
completed. Tuesday night the follow
ing parts were assigned:
Serpolette Mamie Daley
Gertrude....'. Saila Timlin, Jermyr
Busanne Sarah Chlllon
Marquis D. J. Moylo-
Gasnard A. R. Jone
g"'11 J. Gadwood
Notary r. L. Crnnr
Assessor rr. h. C. Wheeler
Registrar j. b. Rowlson
If the Baby Is Cutting Teotli.
Mrs. Window's Boothlng Syrup hns been
tised for over Fifty Tears by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect . Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures W'nd Colic, and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every
part of the world. Be aura and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlng Syrup," and
take no ether kind. Twenty-five cents a
fioorge Berry Rotensod.
George Berry, the, man who stole an
overcoat fron the Hotel Harrison, and
Who was soon afterward arrested, has
been released and the charge with
drawn. His release was due namely to the ef
forts of Dr. Nlles, of Mt. Pleasant,
mm-llrldlyCMH During This Sale,
J Icuma, Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper, . .
We have decided en a Swooping Redao
tlon rather tbaa cover up onr goods dnr
' lag onr extensive Improvements, and
. have marked down everything la the
tore it ooet and Bee onr Window
' Display, which will abtuntlate what we
;' ' Brunei! bretts, 40c te Mt., Wertfa fOe. tt 90s.
Ml'aHM, Ma, , ;
i i.i.vK And everything alu la proportion.
terward went to Proprietor Monahan.
where he had the charge withdrawn
upon the "payment of the costs. Dr.
Nlles says the young man possesses a
good reputation In Mt Pleasant, and
that it was white drunk that he stole
the coat
Maeh Business la Transacted-Mlnntes
of the Meeting.
Those who were present at the meet
ing of the select council were Messrs.
Spencer, McAnulty, Dllts, Gtlhool and
Thomas. Several bills presented to the
body were ordered paid.
A letter was read from Secretary
Alexander, of the park commissioners,
asking for authority to buy some fertil
izer for the grounds around the city
building. The authority was granted.
The resolution respecting the paying
of $25 to J. A. Stanton for Injuries to
his horse wa received from the com
mon council. It was ordered paid and
the city solicitor was requested that he
see that the city be released from all
obligation upon its payment.
'The bids for hauling coal to the city
buildings were opened. They were as
follows: John Booth, twenty cents per
ton; J. L. Snyder, twenty cents per ton;
Columbia hose - company, twenty-five
cents per ton. Mr. Booth's bid was the
only one received by the first of No
vember as requested in the advertise
ment,, hence the contract was awarded
to hlmV . -
Painfully Injured.
While at his chutes at the Hendrlck
Manufacturing company's works, Ed
ward. Kelly, a machinist, met with a
most painful accident which will pre
vent him from attending his usual work
for some time. At the time he was en
gaged In placing a large casting on a
planer, when his thumb became wedged
between the casting and the planer and
was badly crushed. The Injured hand
was dressed by Dr. Wheeler.
C. A. Morgan, of 142 Salem avenue,
la er.i-ta'tai'.r lng -hi cteter.
Rev. IB. E. O'Byme wja a vlal'tor
ait tihe taTO'.-'hlal rtisidewoe yesterday.
W. J. Haimlilon and W. G. Scurry
t.Uve 're'tuirned from a taw tihrou&h, the
eouiihton fiat.1, whiten, included tCic
Altrawta exposition. '
Mra. M. H. iKointtr. of Riverside
pCaee, la omfln-ed to 'her home wttSt a
severe atta'ck of rheumatism.
M'ra Tele Brenman, Who has been
spending h paist .w?ek wMih frknd.s
in 'Poyntefc, returned liictme Tuesi4ay.
Sho was acci.tmpa.n'ed by Miss Annie
Carolyn, of iti'.ut pJase.
Miss DcCsy KUnls, of Otcgo, N. T.,
who 'has baen tt guest of her ulster,
Mirs. J. P. Reynolds, returned hcanc
r A number of tte ca.'it ankl chorus of
the "Ol-.Cmes f NormvMidy" will wlt
nt3 the. pTc':luict jj-n of hat opera . In by t'h:e Abjrn Opera company
ThUmJiy evening.
Fj'.ink Tallmiaii, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
D. & TaJlm'an. 104 IBrcok avenue, Is
sick wrh dSpih'thcrta.
Mrs. W. L. Yawlngton la visiting
frf'ends In New York cli!y.
Mifu Atfce Benson, of Ssrunton, Kpont
Fto&ay w!:i!i 'bur parents, en Gilbert
Mr K. D. Iot.brope in vi!s!t!ng her
fci.Cwr, IF. E. Lc'ein-is, esq., of Scran
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ivau'Is GsTdella have
s'ine to New York for a sluy of ten
Among thcise Who tftw 'Cm Brownies
3t Rnranton were: Mm. E. 8kcpls..Mn.
if. M Harii'jon. F. E. Dennis, GcirtrudJ
Dflnnls und Hem-arid Potter.
iTi'.ie W. W. Walt funnily ieft for t'he
South yesterday.
Ai:i;tiet tif Wayn'? street, who
been Ul w'jICi lyphoid fewr, is lm
prjvln'j. John AJ3cy, cf Djximmond avenue.
in 111 with :p'h,i:h?rla.
Abe Sahm Is iceoiCderlng -trie a;dvtea
bilety of establ.L'Ji.lnisr a. stcce at Wata-r-lown,
N. Y.
George W. Do we, iCie n?w euperln
tendt cf the Jefferton division, ir
making his temporary home at th'
Heittl AnlkTiofte. Llike ihls prfdeepp
ors. Mi-ara. Van Kwren and Emrith
MSt. Dowe Is a e.-r-f-made man, fcavln:
w.rked up the C'.iddcr frf m tihe bottoir
i'.und. (He Us afi'aKe and courteous ti?
cvcrybcely, and has already becom
'apular wO:.h the employe under hlr
Mr. ar i Mrs. Charles Hawe-nbuoh anr1
"n, P.iuS. are i:he jniesta of Mrs. Wll
fjrm Clark, of B-roofe street.
D. S. (Lsrkln and fumlly are opendlnr
few d'jya with frleinda down th'
Cfcarle'a Fanlag la seriously 111 at h!
'xi ne on JefT'.-ey ttrest. It Is fearer1
Ci. opppndlrtlls.
Hwn. T. V. Pawderly, of Stanton
'.'iled i ft'.ler.'Jw in town Tuesday.
Eiva aril Lavid Jones, of Clark ave
r.ue, are Ml wl:ih di.p.hither:'ju
- Election day here and In Wayne cour
y passed off very quietly. A very smnl.
vota was cast and but little I r, teres t ws
fpken In the election.
Mrs. Thomas Marlesworth, of Scran
'on, spent yesterday In town.
Miles Rowland, of Rowlands, was r.
visitor here yesterday.
J. Kirk Rope, W. O. Blaknev, W. F
Cook, Dr. R. W. Brady, O. M. Spettlgii'
md many others availed themselves r?
the holiday yesterday and went gun
nlng for birds.
On Friday Mart Klmble.Wllllam Klm
Me, George McOenung and W.O. Rlack
npy CXneet t leavo fnr thn u-llda nf
kKounty to hunt deer and bear
They will mako their headquarters at
Mpse Westbrooke's, near Blooming
Hrove Park. They will be Joined at
Hawley by William' A. Qulnney. On
Monday or Tuesday of next week some
more of our local sportsmen will Join
Mrs. Dr. Laekay, of Scranton, Is visit
ing her mother here.
Invitations are out for a thimble tec
to be given by Miss C. Louise Harden.
bergh on Thursday afternoon.
J. E. Whltbeck and family, of Scran
ton, but formerly of this place, have
again located here. He now occupies
the rooms dvtr J. M. Carpenter's.
Christopher Reynolds, while unload
ing a load of stone yesterday, slipped
and had the misfortune to break his
The postomce was broken open Sat
urday night The prlncloal things
taken were confectionery, stationery,
cigars and dime novels. It looks like
the work of amateurs.
Dr, E. 8. Wheeler and George Snv-
der started Monday morning: for Vir
ginia for a doer hunt.
Rev. 8. D. Waterbury, pastor of tho
Presbyterian church. Is vlsltlns- hla
mother at Whltlaw, N. Y. .
Miss Hattle Bacon has returned home
after an absence of several months.
A. C. Bond has purchased a new
horse. It Is a Kentucklan.
Mrs. Crlstlne Forkel died at S a. m.
yesterday morning. She is survived by
a large family. The funeral will take
place Thursday, Interment In Archbald
German cemtery.
Herbert Smith has sold his property on
Main street to Oscar Maine. Mr. Smith
has .bought a property on Second
street and will move his family there
at once. -, - '
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Morcomb
was largely attended yesterday. Rev.
F. Ocndall. of the M. E. church, outd
ated. .:-!., .
C. W. Stanton hi putting down a curb
and stoae walk In front of his Main
treet property.
Hn.' jdtin Phillips, of Bcott, was a
Jormyn Visitor yesterday.
The Plttston office of the Scranton
Tribune Is located at No. I William street.
where all advertfeements. orders for Job
work and items ror publication win re
ceive prompt attention. Office open from
It. m. to iv p. m. j . .
The election 4a hla utty wtis very
trulot during the day. bu't toward eve
ning it waa tniK!i Jlvetler as those
crowded around the polls be-fore being
closed. A vtiry targe wte was polled
the different wards throug-hout the
A you.r.i3r s'n ci Mn. C. S. Slark
was ti-:ou5ly Injured on i(he West Side
Tut-rday everA-. by being run over by
a buoesy. He received a deep cult over
the ey and a-aa injured internally
but to w..-at extent was not known at
j:ie time. ' Later eaporU from his bed-
slas oy ihe U rei'Ilng very comTortaDiy,
On Tuesday John . Lunga.n, 9 years
of ae, wa.3 'taken i tihe hospital, euf
forlng from being bitten by a vicious
M'Rj. B. M'anley, of !ProvlJer-ce, was
coMing on Ml Hannah Flynn, cif Ore
gon, yesteraay.
Plttston Duslncss Plrcctory.
on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchnnKc; also
second-hand household goods, bought or
R M. Piatt 4ras irt'tume i fitim Wat
oar-town, wht'.-e ha ihas been irJiking
an ex-U'nuta v5Jt c.-nong re.'afives.
"Kio ww raslden'oe of Peter Ace, on
Brije s'tfaeit. Is belm aaipldly encioscd.
I t on'ite am ummrnilnff etructure.
PreireistCir F. S. S- tebblna, prln'eCta.1 of
llhe toiiei'Uiii jhocCa i thorouwn m ns
work, sjii many of tfha i.t'eiol.irs aTO
aatust at tihe end ot the monthly ex-anjiriii-jerna
t find hait tlhey have nrA
passed. Tho reauit ia often d'uppolnt
lng, tot St moans 'better reauila than
amy tu;3y-goJng mnethod.j'. '
The fniteiil'ail'n.mer.'t by the Atuiph Con
cvt occn-pany ait 'Uhe BaptCnit eihureih
Mvjrxlay ovanlnig was highly tattofac
I'eiry :t tihe audtence. Ttie .trou'po, which
ia a afored cn.3,iis ma'de up of excellent
vclcts, acvd "Xve'.e mflO'ilfs eire not s
kbtcd 'frecn the iM cif eld familiar
curkty it'uina tt.'at have ibeen eung until
tiviryone Is I'ainrMlar with t'hem, buit
wetw fj-eeh. E'houlo t:hey come uhi'.a way
aK-oCn t'hey wcuiJd doubtless be greeted
by a 'bettor houae ithan on iMor.Jay
night. TOi-sy yafttlng In the balance
i tihii week a.l Mdhcaip-any, MAshoppen,
Temunda and ctiher towns up ha river.
WWAo Wilkes-Baiire, Montrose and
G-tfuir towns neiair iby have besn growl
ir.ij ubeU't tlhe quaiity dr lack of water
pi-ipply tihls ecasnvn, Tun khan nock has
no wirrrCaimta to make In that line.
Wml'sr ha.i been abundant in quantity
and excailemt in quality oiM summer.
Few to:i.ui!ijes are-teo highly favored in
that resptot, a im'aitteir that people
'Ih'uid imake note oif when looking
sibout fyr ellh'cr permanent reisldencc
cr cummer toandlng pl.vo?.
llhe Firf.o-al prierty of Jesse Hunt,
of FflJls townff.-.vp, ha.s fallen ir.'to the
haiDls of 'the Eiherlff, and will bo dis
posed Cf the h'euimer Monday,
N'ov. 11.
M'rs. (Bv-rnaird Tiwtg and two chlOdrer.
at Ssrain'ton. weira in town ywieday.
n tvroie to L:n-.on to vlsJt her mvthr
M :u. Jhn COz.rk, whotoa rece ntly been
afill-Jted wCt'h ihe?miei;i:lhage of the lungs.
Yeislsr'.'ay was pay day on the 'Vopt, and 'i'he lucire was duibursed by
vx P. Elakrlea, jpasaewge:
n.enit cif the rca.d.
Vm Jn-jarense quanetttes cf tfabbnge
V'eilng kaiJikl In 'the Lehiigh VaSley yard
here Ir.Coatf s 'l-hat llhe c;:par and tauer
'raut iop will be all right this wln
'e.r. Eilward WIAmer, -eteirlnary surgeon
A-ho m-.ovt'd there from Plttston las'
.Mlntcr, .has reituimed to ithut place.
I'm tannery pupeplntendenta ih'ave re--!(.'.Ved
-notie-e from the Union Tannin?
i inpany to iihu't down wcirk for a sew
in, cons.qceinlJy no new hides are be
n.? put (into the ijUv and as soon
h-cac olrcw.'y In oan be wvirked off
iho f'.ar't will ctoss. No Intiimatton I
?'iV(.'n wlhen 'the wcirks will p'.art ui
' S'2f.'n: It n-ay be two months, or It '
U winter. The rlhut-down wi!
vork conidpraM ihardshlp ito th
:Jti?e, as !:t throws from forty to lift:
nen ont cf emp-'oyment, imost of whon
'-.ave Cairr.illf s dspendenit upon 'them.
Tftve lannoun'ceiment thait Willla F
TaitT and 'Mlrs NMIb Otlffln have sr
ured a ma'rrt'age I lee nea In iJcranton
ndlcatca 'llWait a wedding its soon t
-fj'.ov, and calls fair congratula.t'.Ionr
"he groom U a eon of cur itownsmar
'eter A. iMtileir, and a ibrlgiht, inttlll
-cnt youns man. APter gfadualln
it the h.ime school and Lafayette eo!
i?re, ho took up the ttudy of law, flna'
v loe'i:Unfe In New Yonk city, where, n r
ordln.g 'to reponits, he 'Is meelin.T wit'
Tr-ititerlng wu'Vl.Mr 'MI'i? G.::;flln I
''-o Aiturhtfr tif Sirs. .M. M. Grlfflr
O fonnfU'.Jy ormc'iuoted a milliner'
i 'jKl'tihimemt here, and is well-know;
i (tits county. She ia a very prettj
.fined young taly, wnA llhe twain hav
of Ci'lenda who will extend eon
A car famine on the Lcibtph 'Vallc
idcxce prrtty wd'.l tihe enormous ira'
"Irs ttait 'tt.iat we ll-eqCpped itwd Is er
ytr?r l''!s fall. T!h emmimt of throufr'
'irieli.rWt and o2il corip:'.inly passln;
ix-er llhe line Is almo::; InicredlbJe.
'R';v. George Hlne, raflt'-ir of the Bar
'M o'Turah, 'h an cci ihurtaintlc workf
;mong the yonrijr peorue. He Is prer'
lent of itih Young Pemple'a Baptl;
"iton, taf '19 Wyomi'ng arsieJatlov
T'd went dnarn to Pittjiton last evr
ring to conduct a mealing of tine tv
!ety. . .
Yest'eit'eluy baling a good day for farm
t to work, there was a gen oral fall
n?T off cif the v.n: 'tihiroughout th
ounty. It 'Is tfMmatcd to be not ovr
. -"VM-ity-flva pi-r cent, of that of la."'
i1l. at legist, and m'ay run conv!leraM?
'!is;h:ter etlll. As near as could be forr
n.-it'f.'i nt itlhe c.lvwlng of tho polls, th'
TteputHlran talfe ittokt will receive
-'ime't.hlnig like 100 majority. The can
Jidatcs on he munty ticket have don-
good deal of hustiilng wit'Mn the pas1
hree cir four days, and the 'result If
ntlrely a mai.'ter of conjecture. .
"nrge portion of the county being out
f he reiach of wtre oomimunl cation
'Jhere l but Kiltie data to a'erk from
In making up an etitimiite eaoh year.
nntW ltow.vr'd noon on :ilh day follow
ing tltotCon, '
Know Hood's Cured
Because It Made Pure Blood.
"I was all ran down and could not sleep
t Bight on acconnt Of the continuous
and severe pains
through my body.
I had also stom
Boh troubles and
oattrrh. "After
taking Hood's
Barsaparllla a
short time I oom
msnoed to im-
provi, and after
nsmg three hot
tlof in all, my
complaint en
tirely left me. I now hive an appetite,
loop well md am frei from all stomach
trouble. I know Hood 'l Qartiparllut his
eared me, and I cheerfully recommend ita
use by all woman who are ran dowa and
need a boildlnj ap medlclae." Mua
auu wbat, w. eriageiratar, n,. ,
Hood'o Oaroaparilla
ta tha .only Trua Blood Partner promK
aantly In tha public eye" today. .
Unnrl'o Dlllo "rriairot.kel
Mylaiaest, llwaia,
tr;a . i iv a
mm of rr sEEMDQUALrry.n3
a Great Big Piece
Facts, tell tlie story , not wiud. Hera are tlie
facts: Our partnership miist shortly expire b
limitation. The balance of our stock must
jD and go quick.
Any hour of the day, any time you please, you wil'
find our,;stafF of polite and attentive, salespeople read
to please, ready to setve, and you save big money cm
every article you buyi .
Intend to purchase - either Carpets, Rugs, Matting.0
Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades o:
Upholstery Goods of .every description, our Dissolu
tiou Sale provides a splendid opportunity for all wh(
The stock is entirely nev and has been marked dowi
to first cost, many goods even below cost.
, At our Branch Store,
n addition to our Carpet and
irge line of Furniture.
BMBettsi1 1"1 ""Vlft tstultUii nsdielBi. Only h.malMi nzi
Um (.umt drup iixaia M UM, Uasatthektmat
Dr. Poai'c Pcnnroal Pills
Tin an atetiet, sale ire erUla la retaU, 1h tndne (Or. Pesl'i) strer iUap.
noitit. St aayabws, tl.OO. Asateu Paii Usaieuia C CtaTtland, 0.
For sale by JOHN H. PHELP3.
SpruooStraet, Scranton P
That Has a Full and Complete Una of Underwear Is tha EMPIRE
DRY GOODS COMPANY, 616 Lackawanna Avenue.
We have ; V .
Underwear for Men, Wotteti and Children, any price and different
frades. You can find with us Natural Greys, Camel's Huir, Flerccd
lined Red, Grey Merino. Tbay are bought for spot cash at times when
goods warn at the lowest figures. ' Thla waa In April, 1305. and the only
buyer In Underwear that understands quality is Mr. Henry Goodman
Manager of the Cut Prloe Store;
In Underwear, Jersey OvarsblrU In diflereut styles. We will not quote
any prices, but we are willing to take off 25 per cent straight than usual
prices elsewhere. v.V.yy--".",.;,
We Are Also Direct Jntk.ii.:r--.i
For tbe Superior Hjglena thder
Non abrinkable, tha beat for health, We gnarantae them to be equal to
the ones you pay 15.00. Out price on them, for Bhirts 91.50, or $2.60 for
the Butt Come and see them, liorgtst waortment of Wool Hosiery,
Bweatera, Cardigan Jacketa. ' . ,
' . A- f r . ...
fl SALE.
Church street, Carbondale
Upholstery stock, we carry :
Pharmaclat cor. Wyomlna Avenua and
vrtir tompany
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pats
rona thut they will thta year hold to their usual custom
ol milling S1R1CTLY ptp WHEAT until the new croS
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the exccsslyelv dry weather many millers aro
of the opinion that It fs already cured, and in crooer
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threat
months to mature before grinding.
-,'lhI5 Cwe!ui o"ention to every detail of mllUng ha
placed WuhburnCrosby Co.'s flour tar above othe
brands.. . 1
Wholesale Agents.
ie Powder Go,
Lafflln ft Rand .Powdsr Co.'s)
Orange Gun Powder
Electrlo Eottcrins, Prises for explod
ing blasts, Safety Fuse and
RcpaunoChcmicil Co.'s High Explosives
Coal of the best quality for domistli, and of aU slsea, dollvered in ani
.art of the city at lowest price.
Orders left at 01 Office
Hear room, lnsi floor. Third National
'lank, er sent bjt ir.all or teluphono to the
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Bpeclal oon tracts will be made for the
laie aad delivery of Buckwheat Coal. ,
SCRANTON AND WILKES-8ARREf PA., Manufacturers of .,v ,
Locoinotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PAe .
For Fine Furniture is becoming well es
tablished you have demanded we have
obeyed aud it's not alone for you, Mr.
Banker or- Mr. Millionaire it's for the
Masses "The Economy" has always
catered to the masses, and its ever liberal
Equitable Credit System enables the masses to indulge in
the luxury of a grand. furnished home There is no reason;
for wanting as good a furnished home as your employer
Mn Laborer or. Mr. Mechanic The Economy is with you t
aud for you Express your desires our space is over 20,
000 square feet of show room covered with a complete line
of Home Furnishings from cellar to garret is at your com
mandProspective housekeepsrs we want your attention
in person. We can give you wholesome advice -it's free
and may be appreciated It's about furnishing homes Our,
experience is great in this respect. : '
Oh, yes! That clothing department only, eight weeks
old-is doing the business of a concern as many years old
It's no surprise to us The way we sell goods is bound
to gain your appreciation, and naturally the support wot Id
follow. We remain, yours with thanks,
.sT T ...... ,-.
CWTHIERi; ;V Y. M. C A. Building . I.J-, '
HOMI FURNISHERS, 335017 Wyoming Ave. 30 ? maT
Roofing Co.,
326 Washington kwi
Scranton, Pa.
Ebonite Yarnisb,
Gravel Roofing, ,f
Pipe Covering, I
Building Felts,
Sheathing Papers.
All kinds of rooflng work dona All kind at
gravel or slag roofs made.
AU done awav with bv tha uwm nt nisHi
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists)
of Ingredients well-known to all It can ba
applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron
, roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which will
invent absolutely any crumbling, crack
ng or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many years,
and It's cost does not exceed one-nfth that
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the jok
1 or pound. Contracts taken By .
. V,--