THE SCKANTOtf TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 5, 18D&. 3 THE CUL6F BUMPS Of Scranton City, Illustrated with Descriptions Of What Is Expected Can He Done by Electricity from Culm - Ill the' November Issue of . Cassier's Marine, 25 Cents. November Mousey, November Century Received Yesterday. Wc Have All the Periodicals Now for November. Sec them 1 Subscriptions received at Publishers' Kates, at M. NORTON'S, 322 UCMWiNNHYE. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE Y TO THE TRADE BY The Weston fll Co. TKitSONAL. V. A. Carroll, of Carbondale, was here yesterday. , , Attorney P. V. Flcitz has returned from New York city. W. P. Rncp, of tht Berwick Advertiser, was In this city yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Frank K. Ryan la very ill at his home In this city. , Mrs. Bert Brownell and daughter, of Carbondale, are visiting Scranton friends. General Manager Hilllman, of the Soran t'ort Traction company, was In New York city yesterday. , Rev. P. F. Qulnn, Inte of St. Thomas' college, has been made tlrst assistant to Very Uev. John Flnnen, of I'lttston. Profersor J. M. Chnnce, Instructor of Instrumental music of the Young Men's Christian association, heard I'aderewski in New York city last night. . Vote for Dr. Lnnjrstreet for coroner tun J get a grood official. , tGKO MELOUY AT DAVIS. Som T. Jack's Creoles Aro tho Enter tainers. Vpprro melody and blnek-fnce com edy are tho attractions nt Davis' thea ter. Sam T, Jack's Creole company are tho entertainers, and a Inrge audi ence witnessed tho first performance yesterday. The chorus slnglnff is melodious and the specialties are Rood. CoKKlns and Davis are clever athletes and a Cuban nightingale sings in a Bweet voice. All of the old plantation melodies were given ns only a darkey can slntr them. A female Impersonator san i.'. In soprano voice, "Tho Last Rose ot Summer." and the audience was completely deceived. No disclosure wns made and a ma jority of those present left tho house thinking that the sinner .was a female. The performance will be repeated today and tomorrow with regular evening performances. Prices Sent to tho County Jail. John and Walter Price, arrested for insulting ladles on, Linden street bridge were fined S7.F.0 nnlece by Alderman Millar in police court yesterday morn ing.;. In default thereof they were com mitted to the county Jail. Postponed I'ntll Tomorrow. Tho .People's Street Railway company stockholders' meeting advertised to take- place today has been postponed until tomorrow and will tnke place' in the office of Horace E. Hand In Uie Commonwealth building. 1 "How to euro All Skin DIscoco." .Simply apply "Swayno's O'ntment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the fn;'o, hands, nose, etc., leaving tho skin clear, white nnd healthy. Its great healing and Curative powers are possessed by no other remedyi Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. Ta lorD Now Index Map of Scranton and Dunmora For sale at Taylor's Directory office, 13 Tribune building, or given with an order for the Scranton Directory 1896. . ,. EWBE V ... $4.00. Rich. lustrous Kid, with tips of name of of Putcnt Leather; Half Scotch Edfles; Regulation Military Heels; Mccd or Buttoned. An ideal "20th Century" Street Shoe. Extreme Needle Toes, English Derby ;Tocs, both graceful and comfortable. All Women's and Ypung Girls' Sizes, 2 to 8, AH to EE, i. THE PRICE IS $4M III , U llUUIIIiUllJ r vi;i3 f; S . i THEY WILL BE EDUCATED :J Conrt Directs the Executors of .lm!(;c Hamlky to Carry Out His Wishes. THE OKDCK 01' JUDGE GUXSTEK It Specifics tho Amount to ilo Paid as School Expenses for tho Young l'coplo tho t.ato JuJgo Wns -. Having lUucntcJ. In thi lat John Hcndley'e will there Is a paragraph directing the execu tors to continue paying the expenses of ench boy and girl that the deceased hnd been keeping anil supporting at school or college, until such time as eneh of the saui persons shall graduate, uiiu when Bueii oholnis shall have fin ished and graduated, the executors were ordered tn pay each graduate the sum ot $500 out of the Income of the es tate. Under this provision of the will. Miss Eva lirvurly, of Winchester. W. Va.; Miss Katie A. Foot j, of Archoald; Miss M. Kstella l.iiomls and lllss Kliza Warn, of this oily, and Oieorge F. Wiil den, also of this city, were bum 11' in rles. At the time of Judge Hundley's death the tuition of eneh of the above named persons wns being piuu for by him:.vhen the executors of the etulo entered upon their functions the allow ances were suspe-niie-d and trie ilulm nuts were required to piovo th-.-ir lifht to expect money from the estate. 1'e-titions were llled in court praying for nn order to Issue compelling the ex ecutors to fullill toward each of the five persons above-named the terms of tin- will bearing upon the Interests of eneh. The live petition!! were not Tiled in concert, nor at the same time, but ,on different occasions. Where I hey. Attended School. MJss. Ih-ynrly ja a .resident of Win chester. Y Vn., and hns been attending an Episcopal institution there for three years; she will graduate In another year. Miss Footo resides at Arclibitld and. attends fjt. Cecilia's academy in this city; Miss Looinis belong ti Scran ton. but Is attending a school nt Fort I'lains, N. Y. ; Miss Ward lived In Judge Handley's household since she was a nn re child nnd now (Ives with her aunt, who wn:t the deceased's housekeeper and to whom bus be-un left the use of the residence and furniture during her life. Miss Ward was educated in St. Cecilia's academy nnd at llloomsburg Stat" Normal school; she was prepar ing to enter tho Huston Conservatory of Musde when Judge Hundley died. George F. Waldi-n is a son of the late Dr. J. H. Vnldi-ti. nnd is a student at the School of the Lackawanna. The petitioners fuliy convinced the court that they were entitled to benefit under the provision of the will, nnd the executors did not elisput" tills. The executors simply did their duty; they made tho petitioners show upon what grounds they claimed an interest In the estate. Judge (.mister handed down an order nnd made It sun in any modulations that may in future arise on the part of the executors, bene ficiaries, ns well ns any person or per sons otherwise interested. The order after directing tlint the costs of the pror eo-Jinga be pnid out cf the IIa!idl?y estate read as follows: ' O.-Jcr Mndo by Judge finustcr. "Te executors are directed to expend '.he's-iim rf JlOO !: paying the expenses of the raid Eva liryarly while at school ur.-.l she graduates. To expend t'.ie sum cf Jir.O or ri much thereof as may be new sf.iry to pay the balance of the 'expenses of the fa-'d Katie A. -Fc-JIe while mt SI. CeelKa's Academy for the school year ending June 2, isti:, annually thereafter to "xprnd the sum of $:!()0 or to muca thereof as may 'lie necessary to ay ner expenses at said Academy until she shall have graduated and finished her four yearn, 'beginning with January 3, ISUii, education. "To expend annunlly for a period of four years, beginning with January 3, ISflS, the sum of $4in), or so much thereof as may be neecFsary to pay the ex penses of the said George F .Walibn whvlo attending the School of Hie Ivaek u",vai;.r.a. or some similar school, and thereafter to expend annually such sum 'or.'sums as trxiy le a))iroved of by this court, nnd as shall be necessary to pay his expenses at college or some other In stitution of learning uirtll he shall have Ui-aduated and finlf hed his education. "To expend the sum of t'M or so much thereof as may be necessary to l ay file balance of the expenses of the said M. Kstelle Tiomis while a't school at Fort Plain, New York, for the scheiol year ending June 23.1SU."., and annually there after to expend the sgm of $i;00 or ?o much thereof ns may be necessary to pay at raid school or some similar hchool unMI Khe shall have graduated and finished her cdueallon. "To expend annually, beginning with the 15th day of February, 1S93, the sum of $1,000 cr much tHereof as may be necessary 1o pay 'the ej;penses of the ra.Id Eliza, Ward while at St. Cecilia's Academy and the New Engianl (on rervatr.ry of Music, or ro:no other simi lar Ins t'.tullon, until ho shall havp giaduateJ and finished her education." The Republican coun'ty ticket Is a good thing to push to victory today, WAS AN UNHEALTHY MKKT. Twenty Cases of Contagious Diseases Kc ported Last Week, Twenty cases of contagious diseases were reporte.l to the Hoard of Health last .week. This number is greatly In excess of any previous week of ctbls or any former year Jdnce reports have been regularly recorded. Nino of those eases wore typhoid fever, a like number were diphtheria and two were scarlet fever. There wns one death from ly fever, one from scarlet fever, four from ;;pht"it-r:.a and one from con sumption, making seven in all. The total number cf deaths for the week wns t'h'.rty-tlx. which Is very high. The Hoard of Health Is felicitating H ??lf upon the receipt of 'the following letter: Office Slate 'Board of Health. Philadelphia, Oct. 2S. 'flli. President Board of Health, Scranton, IJa, Dear Sir: 1 desire to express 'the great Fallsfac t'.nn whleh 1 f.el 'in the valuable work wh'jj'i 'the health oIIIccts of your county aro entering upon, ami as I sakl at 4he oonve-pLlo.i. I trust that the fcjcample will noon be followed by every county in the pta'te. I have been looking over the vital rtatv3t!cs of your board for lif t nwr.'Mi and tim much pleased with rhelr general arrangement. I may say that It Is more systematic than that of the board of health of Philadelphia. Please convey my kind regards to the .other gen'letnen whom I met. Yours very truly, ' 'Benjamin le, Secretary. THE BROWNIES MATINEE.. Tho B'g Spectacle to Ilo Seen at the Froth . Ingham This Afternoon. Palmer Cox's "Brownies," the mag nificent peotacle which delighted a croweled houseat the Frothlngham last evening, will be repeated at the maM nee. performance at 2:15 o'clock this afternoon. The doors of the theater will be opened at 1:30 o'clock. "The Hrowntes" 'In 4'ts entirety wlll he plven at the marttnee. The production VllI e Ment'leally the same as at the Evening performances. S , THE! WINTON TERROR. Ilo Is Given Snmmary Treatment at the liBnuim inv i.uh Lewis Thomas, the Wlnton terror, who' tried -to throw- Joseph Dundaff down a 35-dcgree mine slope, was com mitted to the county Jail yesterday morning by Alderman Fuller, In de fault of $100 ball. In the afternoon his case went before the grand Jury and a true bill was found against him. He is a big, raw-honed, savage-look ins fellow and when In hlsj cups goes around III;" a Comanche Indian with hia war paint on, looktng fer gore. The people of Wlnton will hall w'tW delight the announcement thnt be will not ter rorise anybody for some time to come. Vote for Dr. Lonestreet for coroner and get a good official. THE CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW inhibition Will ltj 0110 of tho l.urgo-.t Ever Seen in the State. Are you going to the chrysanthemum show? is one of .h? commonest tpies rlor.s hvjrd these 3ay3. The Interest takeu la the i Ivct.v is wlde'Kiu ead, reaching to all ror.A and condI:Ioias of IH.T-ple, boi.'It a'l, 'h:..Ti3 and abriad. will tatt'nd the show this ytr. as It bl'l.i fair to be something 'tin of the common. 'Large parties will -ome from Hones-da!.-. CiCb-r.daK. Pitts.ton, Wilkes Lkirro, t.nd 'Vtn Hloxnsburg and HIiig!iarr.tjn. The entries for the com-ptiVi-ns come fivim widely cepai-atc-d IM'jr. :a, osi'3 a large number of Scran tonlans, wcll-knw.a bith in the so cial and btti'Inr worlds, will ent.c the chc'Itii; treasurt.i of iiulr greenhouses f-T ex-h!'Ji;Ci:'n, and for the prlsds. All Scon r. ton v. ill take pride In the ta: t that no such Eh;nv has ever been hidd in ':f-.Ii t'.ato, e..r r.ardly In thkt.coumtry. The tl.-rl.--t J nmnals of tile country will all Lave ihc'.r 1 epn.rjHtaitives at the i.hnv, an the display is nln.ent of na tional 'I'jnp.Mtance from the llorleultur irt's paint of vleiv. A visit to he iiow will be quite en educatl.m in Itself. Few of us appre ciate the ex'U ut of Mower culture .In :'.int!in. Wluil we Hiir.k that one 1 ) llrm al.'ir.e M exhibit over fifty thousand chrysarsthi nuims. It opens rnr eyes t:i the magnitude of the liusi nv;f, ami of tlie cult in our midst. Tho love eif he e hi ys ir.tlie muma Is not a l"i:;l. It Is a n al .:-;a!tny sentiment In favor of ia Ix.iutlful llawcr that nt ta.'.as t) '..V fiilliuss ci lis gl.iry when all 'liiie i h', flower are laid low by King Jack F:- 1 1. Vt gkriiics the ly ing year, and pr.sci-t tu-.'h nil. rful c'.ir 1. r: -.:', Ilr.ming rt.l, gedtiLn yellow and whim f a.nio.-1 vlazzlins Iwiglif ik'ss, i .'orMe'.m ln!in variety of shad ings, hu-.-i, I I. n!.-i an 1 f h.ipt 3. As the I'i.ow will last live 6iyi, plenty of time -ii.t be taken, m m.t vis-It-jrfl Willi ce:r.. find r.xain and drink in 'the ln'.iL.'y nr. l nr.'agnMlcenca of the scene. 'i;o:.l tweste w'il wlj to the gene ral charm, and g. id order and gi,v.d poeplj will make the enjoyment complete. Veto a homo Ind jwment to Lackawanna's distinguished state candidate, Judge Wlllard. THE FLORAL RECEPTION. Given hy Colonel and .Mrs. II. M. Itoio ftr Y. V. c. A. Members Ycslcrdoy. Yosterday nfte-nno'i nnd evining the beautiful clnysai tiien; 1111 display in the. ceinsui vatoi les of '.'oloi d H. M. lioioa wns witnessed by se')ra:i -f mem bers of the You.ur Women's ChrlUi.iii asseielation and not a few of their friends. The vlsitois were reoelve-d by Colonel nnd Mrs. Boies, assist 'd by Mrs. K. H. Jtlpple, president of the nff soelatlem. The splendid home nnd hospitality of Colonel nnd Mrs. Holes given an added beauty and warmth by the fragrance and color eif the conservato ries which are now fllle-d with magnifi cent diirysanthemums of many spe cie's. They were found to b In the helghtli and glory of their bloeun and with ferns, palms and many rare plants and blossoms nttractcd the admiration of every visitor. These chrysanthemum receptions have be-en given nnnually for many years to the association members, nnd eaeh time bus cuusod much Jileasure and delight. MISS KETCH UM'S RECITAL. Piogrnmmo Hint Will Ilo leenjered Tonight nt Powell's. Miss Xellle Ketchum will give a pia no recital tonight at Powell's ware reioms, on Wyomlnrr avenue. Alius Ketchum will be ussisted by Miss Ellza be'th Smith, seiprnno, nnd K. E. South worth will be dlre-eteir. The following programme hns been prepared: 1. (a) Prelude nnel Fuge Ttach (b) Sonata, op. 31, No. 2. Beethoven Ale-gro Adugo Allegretto. 2. Vocal Solo, "With Verdure ' Clad" .Haydn (a) Mazurka, (b) Prelude, (C) Valr.e, Chopin ...Liszt 4. (a) Lc Ttosslgnol, Alableff "The Nightingale." (b) Cunzonette ..Nicode (Uomance.) 5, Vocal Seilo (a) "Synnoves Song" KJerulf (t) "Call Mo Hack" Denza 8. Hondo (,'aprlecioso Mendehmohn DENIES BEING A TRAM I. Ono of the Chain (Jaiig Goes Out on a Strike. "When Fiire man George Pe-rigo, of the S'trei-t c:.tiir.:.(s:-'ner's derai lment, took out th' six 'members of the chain gang yes IV : Jay, and lined them up a t the ttc:;iJ crusher, on South Washington avenue, hi f :.ur.;l one of them, John Greener, refused to work, saying that he was no tramp, and did not desire t.h elesradatJun of being compelled to weirk on the streets in chains. He wa rent bai?k to lha station house and locked up. In his cell ho t lUite d to a Tribune reporter that he Is :i blacksmith's helper, and worked at the Dieksan works up to last Thursday. 'Hi ibccami ilr.t.ixlcated Friday; and was on a nprco unit 11 Sunday night, when he was picked up at the blast, whe h? went to sleep. The po'Kss claim ti'vut he is a tramp, not withstanding h!3 assertluns. A roiuslng Itepuiillcan vote In Lacka wanna today will be a big start toward victory next year. NEW BOARD OFI)lRLCTORS. Elected by the Stockholders of the Nidge Turnpike Compnny. A stockholders' meeting of tho Ridge Turnpike company wns held yesterday nfternemn In the eiillce of . Horace jj. Hand in the Commonwealth building and the following board of directors wns fleeted: . I. H. Page, J. Alton Davis. Ileirace E. Hand. Frank Sillimnn, Jr., Robert F. Fox, W. J. Hand, C. M. Clark, J. D. Houston nnd P. W. Gallager. The bom el organized ns follows: Mr. flllll man, presl-lent; Mr. Davis, vice-president, and ileirace E. Hand, secretary and treasurer. English Capital for American Invest litems. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A" list containing the name-s and addresses of 2j0 successful promoters who have placed over 1(10.000,0(10 sterling In foreign Invest ments within tho last six years, and over UH,im,n for the seven months of 1VS Price IS or $a, payable by postal order to the London and 1'nlversal Ilureau of Investors, 20. Cheapslde, London, E. c. Subscribers will he entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introduction to any of these succesnful promoters. This list Is first class In every ' respect, and every man or llrm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found In valuableBonds or Bhares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concern. Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD P. ROSS. HON. WALTER C. PEPY3. ' CAPT. ARTHUR HTIFFE. Copyright - Fine writing paper lie. per lb. Pratt'i Book Store. i ILLEGAL LIQUOR SOLD Constables Testify to the Law-Abid-imj Spirit Now Prevailing.. GKAXD Jl'KY AXI) EQl'ITY C0LKT Jud;ie Gnnstcr Charges Jury-Caso of Borough of Blakcly Against 1. et II. Two Sentences Iinposcd-Jamcs llarrctt a Free Man. The November grand Jury began Its wt:k yesterday morning after being charged by Judge Gunster, who ap pointed Cok F.. K. Khathah. of the county r,immljiI'ni-r'i' eiiliee. foreman of jury. The list of indictments (hie tesai will be rather small. '1 mu.-der casa aair.s-t Criucvnzo Mere'.o will corns betore the Jury tomorrow morning. Tiu;i will V- no court to d'iy, it being a legal hoiiday. in T:.H;-."S'Jay pttliions 'fei-r brkljes In the fallowing places will be heard by the Jury: In Cliftoiv township, nnd Covington towT.s'hip ov-r 'Hie Roaring l-.'c-It; in North Ahlng'ton township ovc.' Kenne'dy's Creek; in Madlson.ovcr the lloar.'na l:ic-jk; In Newteui town-s-I'Ip. over Gardiu-.-'s Cieek; In Fill towr.Jaip, ever a fi.rei..-n that empties Into river, en J In Old Forgt, over the Laekfiivanna river. The reiieut cf, the constables would have been very mormtonous but for the ciint c!er.'Uu.i guurdian of tihe place from th TwtQl'M ward. He rtated that the olJ t.iwnshlp roa-d Is in viry t j I shape, and- needs attention at once; with reference.- tv the unlicensed sale of liquer In h'.s ward -he spoke as fol lows: "I cannot secure evidence that would cor.viet any who are selling without a llee-nse." Judge Gunstr heard this statement and he mads -no attempt to conceal -.lie luok eif supreme disgust oa his face. He 'Informed Mr. M ilan that It wenild bo within his reach to-procure evidence ngailnt the -holes In the wall if 'i:? made half an effort to d.i fo, and he to go out and lo..k for evi dence rather than come Into court term aft Jr tei m with the s-ame tale of woe on his Hps. TJhe count lectured Con s.Valile Murphy, eif the Twenty-first ward, ifor making reiport similar to the one of the functionary from the TwelftH. Gnmhlini: nt Wuvcrly. Caiiftabl. Oeoige A. Sherman, of Waverly borough. Informed the court tha.; Clwrlc.4 K. Lee ket'i;s a gambling house; Djt-trlct Attorney Jones will in ve.'tlgat'th!j accusation against Ieo. When the grand Jury iretlrtd and the conrtablea" -reports we re over with, the ca --eof the lorough of ltlakely against the Delaware and Hudson Canal and , Railroad company, was taken up in Kiiuity court. Attorneys I. H. Hums and J. J. Man ning reprsented the plaintiffs and ox-Judge W. H. Jessiip, the defendant. Tl'.fa aetCvim Is te re-strain the company fr.-.m previ-ntlng the? borough from wMrnlng the r..-adway under the rail-iva-l bridge t the lower end of Peck vllle. A number of witnesses we're sworn and tl'.ieir testimony was taken by Ceiutt Stenographer Willis D. Cos-Inn. Th. Fubstauee of what they tent llled to was that the railroad company en ci.oii.ohed upon ths roadway m It used to be fifty years ago before the rail read had lxvn built. Dr. It. H. Throop w-n.t one of the witnesses. Testimony of witnesses for the defendant com pany will be ihrard toilay. Clerk of tho Courts Jean H. Thoma3 yesterday re-ceivr.l crtlflcates from W-atdc-n Cassldy, of the Rastern pen !tenL!..iry setting forth that William M'.'mey a.nd Jamrs Lynch sent down for larcjnyl. had served their -term and are again free. He Killed Tun Men. J'tnes Haorett, the TJunmire oripple, who killed George and Gi.iclnto More-Ill, two Italla'n broChers, In the early part of 1SS7, was also liberated. Rar relit was Bcntenced to ten years In iris em, live years -a red a fine of j:,oo for eaeh life. The 'double murder was attend ed with justifiable circumstances, and the commonwealth wan rat.lstled to ac cept the prisoner's plea of guilty of voluntary manslaughter. The Morelll breKhera came ta retf's house one Sunday evening early 1.1 1KS7, and bwr was purchased from a ti.-irby saloon. One of the Italians made Improper advances toward Mrs. HaT-rott and was repulsed. A free fight stsrtc l nilth l:ae lecherous visitors ar rayel apa'ir.-,t Parrelit and his wife. The Datlu-ns wer? ejected, 'hut not be fj:o they had Inflicted serious knife wounds on lloirrett's head, and they proceeded to batter In the door with stones. Harrett had a, doubles-barrel rhot gun and ho fired out at them twice; his ai.m was true, and iboth men fell dead. He was arretted nwd when the case came ta trial, plead uulliy. He Is old a-r.-d cnipple d. Chat-Id. Lydon, of Minooka, was lib erated on ball. He was surrendered hy his bondsman last Frlduy. His father, Timothy Lydan, who had gone half his bail be fere, nullified In the full amount yesterday. The charge against Lydon Is burglary and the amount of ball is $1,000. Syntcnccd for Ono Year. Jorcph Kazlanekus and Joseph Kc tur!,-'h, wiho faliled to appear hereto fore when they were wanted for sen-te.-.'.-e, were .taken be-fore court yes terday ar.'J Keturlsh was given a year in -the county Jail; Kazlanekus was (i 1)L 4 ines Can you afford to pay quality than we ask? 1- : MEARS & HAGEN, . 415 UCKAWAKXA AYEKUL ; sentenced to a month' in jail. Ketur lsh murderously assaulted Charles Dlack -wi;a a .beer glass; Kazlanekus was an accessary. The Republican county ticket Is a &eod thing to push to victory today. WH1TTEMORE FUNERAL. Services at tho House and the Penn Avcnuo Hnptlst Church. The funeral of Edwin F. Whltterneire, who waj killed Thursday in Lynn, Mas?., while at work In the electrical facteiry of Hiiitcn & West, took place . tt-nKiy af:ernoon in the family, SJS Jefferson avenue, and In the Pur.n Avenue llapt'.t Church, of which '.he young man was a member. At 2 o'clock besftn a brief and elmpU services at the iiout, and a half-hour later the Eervloa was held in tha church a.r.ij was cemdue:e J by the Rev. J. W. Ford, of the Green Uidge Baptist Church, assisted by Attorney A. V. Bower. Tuae pall-lcarer9 were: J. XV. Rrown ing, esej.. H. iM. Btrceter, ese., A. L. Col lins, D. J. Thomas. W. II. Pierce and F. M. Kohler. The flowor bearers were: Charles D:r-am. S.M. Wiihets.Charlea Horn', William -Hr.ll, who are young men connected with the church. Interment was made in Forest Hill cemetery. Among the many floral tributes was a pillow Incrilud "Cla3s of '4, S. H. from the deiasru's hlh sehoel clssn:ate-3 and Profs. J. C. Lange, W. George Howell and Ml.a Eliza Chase. Water colors, etchings and Dhotaznintis with or without frumcj, half prleo. Pratt's liook Store. , S30 I-cct Hishcr than Scranton Is Srhelhel's hotel nt the ei'l of the new Klmhursl boulevienl roml. You can get the bent of men Is at all hours, also refreshments of oil kinds. Inks 3,'c. per qt., I0e. per ptni, writing paper, envelopes anil tablets at half price for a few days. Pratt's ltook Store. Wall paper at your own price. Pratt's Book Store. Plllshury's flour mills have a capacity of 17,500 barrels a day. ADVKRTI8KMENT8 HEADED "SITCATIONS WANTED" ARE FREE IN THIS PAPER. REXFORD'S. SHORT STORY Lamp mnniifiictin-or littlo short of ennli; Lnnu-H now Imro and iimiill prices tho rulo. lljre ua aauipio; CUPID LAMPS GOLD PLATED Vast burner. S) inches high, com l-l.-te, with tl iuch all silk skude. $2.90 Onyx nnd gold finish, S4, $5 and up. Xo such values ever shown hereabouts iu Lamps. All ready today. P 21 0, Lacka. 1.3 tar au Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippc, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELMEN DORF, Elmira, N. Y and for sale by the trade generally. MEQARQEL & CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi ID 1 1111 We Are Showing Newest and Nicest Stock of Ladies' R ID At prices that attract the at tention of every lady wlio exam- them. others more for the same Hi I And other choice French mukes. Our assortment is now very large, having just opened several direct importa tions containing all the latest novelties. China Hall YEIGHEL & MILLAR, 134 WYOMINS AVEKUE. Wnlk in and look around. Is Now at His New Store with a FULL LINE OF HATS -AND- Sole Agent for Knox Hats. Come aud Sec Me. 205 WVOiHING AVENUE. In Cerpetings M Draperiss Fop Uari?fy, Style And Solid Ualtie Uisif Th? N?J Sfor? of p. mm & co 128 WYOMING AVZNuZ. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest Ashing and hunting grounds in tho world. Descriptive books on application. Tickots to all points in ilaino, (Jauadi and Miiritimo Provinces, Minneapolis, Kt Paul. Canadian and Unitod States North wests, Vancouver, Seattle, Tacouia, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Tourist can fully fitted with bedding, curtains and sp o islly adapted to wants of fumilios may be hvl with second-class tickuts. Hates always loss than via ottior linos, For full information, time tables, etc., oa application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A. 353 BIIOSDWAY, NEW YORK. THE RECEIVERS 1. p. wum lUIUIKJIIIIlUUff BMTIN & DELAHY'S CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to 5o per cent, below cost. These Goods Must And if you want bargains come and get them at once. MARTIN i DR. E. GREWER, Tho Philadelphia Specialist, and his ass, clatutl start of Kngllsh and German physicians, are now perma nently located at Old Postofflce Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street The doctor is a graduate of the Unlver. sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the' Med;eo-ClilrurgIeal college of Phlladel pnla. His specialties are Chronic, Nerv. ous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dls eases. DISEASES OF THE NERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dlxslness, lack of coiillijenee, sexuul weakness In men and women, ball rising In throat, spots before tho eyes, loss of memory, unable to conceutrato the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which untlis tln-m for performing the actual du ties of life, making happuioks impossible, distressing the uotlon of the heart, caus- ... uu.u vi iitui, ucprusn.on or spirits, evu fore-boilings, cowardice, fear, dreams, mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired ill the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, consti pation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us Immediately and bo restoied to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy slcian call upon tho dot-tor and bo exam ined, Hu cures the worst eases of Nerv ous, Debility, Scrofula, old Soros, Catarrh, piles. Female Weakness, Afflic tions of the l-lye. Ear, Noso and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred nnd confidential. Offlce hours dally from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Knelose five. 2-cent stHmps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In gotit to anyone whom I cannot euro of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS OK FITS. . DR. R. GREWER. Old Post Office Building, corner Penoj avenue and Spruce, street. SCRANTON, PA, N. A. WERT'S i I) WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH I BACK STULTZ 1 BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS BU5ICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. We Will See What Bicycles We Have on Hand At a price which will save the buyer money. Victorias, Gendrons, Relays, in Men's Wheels. Victorias and Gendrons In Ladies' Wheels. We have some second-hand Wheels at your own price. Baby Carriages at a bargain J.D, i 314 LACKA. AVE., SCRANTON, PA. TJtlrX OH DC ant your eyos will I Hlt Unlit tko care of yno. If nr vnlln rum you are troubled with OF YOUR EYES headache or nervous. Ur IUUII LII.VI nea go to Pit. SIII.H Ill UCS and have your eyns examined free. Wo bvo reduced prices and aro the lowest in the city. Nickel spectacles from 81 to ti; gold from S4 to SB. 305 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. OF Bo Sold mum RECEIVERS, Vyoioln in