The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 04, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Mora Troable I Brought tpoa the City
v Through the Tractloa Company.
The 'city's troubles incident to the
granting of right of way to the Car
bondule Traction company continue to
Increase. Nine suits, aggregating 4o.
000 In damages, have been commenced
and the city is colled upon to pay a por
tion of this amount. The right of way
was granted without a cent of compen
sation. The city has had to defend al
ready a considerable sum in defending
Itself from tho many actions brought
by reason of their acts.
Attorneys I. H. Burns and M. J.
Donahoe, of Scranton. Friday brought
nine trespass suits In the office of
Prothonotary Pryor. asking for $5,000
damages In each case. The plaintiffs
are Sarah Barley, Michael Lynch,
lames Ktlleen. Patrick Donnelly, Nich
olas Dovlno, Patrick J. McAndrews and
Mary Pace. There are three defend
ants, tho city of Carbondale, the Car
bondale Traction company and the
Lackawanna Valley Hapld Transit
company. The declarations filed states
that the plaintiffs live and own prop
erty on Cottage street, Carbondale.
The street railway company between
Oct. 12, 1S91, and Oct. 12, 1S2. construct
ed tracks along this street and put
the street In some places two feet and
In other places six feet. Then, too. the
tracks wer lnld close to the houses
of the plaintiffs and the water pipes In
the street were dug up and changed.
It further states that the work was
done at the Instance of the Carbondale
Traction company, and when It was
finished the Lackawanna Valley Tran
sit company leased the road. The city
la a defendant for reason that the
councils passed an ordinance permit
ting the laying of the tracks. It la
the Intention of the plaintiffs' attorneys
to have the case heard before a board of
Bereavement of Rev. and Mrs. Wooes.
The home of Rev., and Mrs. Rocca, on
Hospital street, was Maddened Friday
afternoon by the death of their 2-year-old
daughter, Jemima. Death was
caused by convulsions. Mr. Rocco Is
the Italian Presbyterian missionary1
and he has not been In this city very
long. About a week ago his wife and
children arrived from Italy and they
Just settled In their new house, on Hos
pital street. The funeral took place
from the house Saturday afternoon at
8.30 o'clock. .The Rev. Mr. Lee, of the
First Presbyterian church, officiated.
Interment was made in Maplewood
Work on the Now Depot
Work on the new Delaware and Hud
son depot Is progressing rapidly; All
the roof boards have been put In place
and th work of plating the roof was
begun Saturday. The building Is to be
heated throughout by Sperl heaters
and tho heating apparatus was set up
Saturday. The finishing work on the
Interior was started Friday. Contrac
tor Schroeder's masons are putting In a
wainscot of dark brown glazed brick,
which will be six feet In height. The
,vrork Is being pushed as rapiuiy as pos
sible ond may be finished by January
lirakomnn Hurt.
Brakernan McCRrty. of the Ontario
and Western, met with a painful nccl
dent Frluay evening. Ho was standing
on the top of a box car when a sudden
movement of the train threw him to the
ground. He threw out both arms to
break the shook of the fall and thus
struck first on his hands. When he re
covered he came to this city and Dr. A.
Nlles investigated his , Injuries. He
found that McCarty had suffered a frac
ture of all the bones In the right wrist.
Thfc thumb on 'the left hand had been
dislocated and both members badly
bruised, '
Good Opera Coming.
The lovers of musio In this cltv will
be given a number of treats In the near
future. The MacKay. Opera company.
numbering twenty people, will be at the
urana during Christmas week. They
will sing all the late operas and at pop
ular prices. The management has been
negotiating for some months to secure
the Whitney Opera company In their
Mivuittimu. .x ntj .r em:iim iuuh
ter." The contract has now been made
and will be her on Jan. 2.
The Proposed Y. M. C. A.
A letter has been received by Chair
man T. C. Robinson from F. W. Pear
sall, president of the Scranton Railroad
T. M. C. A in regard to the proposed
branch here. Mr. Pearsall attended the
state convention and brought the mat
ter before the state committee for con
sideration. He.-was expected to visit
Mr. Robinson oh Saturday, but the re
sult of his labors In the Interest of the
proposed branch Isnot yet known.
Jnrnes Maxwell to Retire.
James Maxwell has for some months
been contemplating a change of busi
ness and- it is stated that Saturday he
disposed of the Caledonian restaurant
to Messrs. Litts arid Flanaghan, late of
the Anthracite. The lease will Include
the entire building on Salem avenue.
II r. Maxwell's well-known musical tal
ents may lead him to take up that busi
ness. Injured by a Vlelous Horse.
A little child playing on Tenth ave
nue had a narrow escape from being
trampled on by a horse running wild.
He picked .ihfichlld up In his teeth,
shook him considerably and then dropp
ed him, when he was rescued by a
arger boy and taken home. He was
considerably frightened, but' his Injur
ies are not considered serious.
V To Kesnme Work Today. -
.The work of re-tlmbering the Dela
ware, and Hudson No. 3 shaft was fin
ished Saturday and the employes -will
resume work to-day after being Idle a
little over a week. It was thought that
the men would be Idle for several weeks,
but a large force of men were employed
and the work pushed as rapidly as pos
Miss Cortnna Chapman entertained a
number of her tittle friends Friday after-
Soon irom s tin s o ciock at ner nome on
rinth avenue, it being her eighth birth
day. Pleasure reigned all too afternoon.
and at 4 o'clbck all sat down to an elabor
ate supper prepared for the occasion. Ice
cream was served and all enjoyed them
selves. A number of useful and very
Jretty presents were given the little lion
ess. T;h following little folks were pres
ent: Helen Couch, Helen Watklns. Mil
dred IftKar, Kowena Boyd, Blod Davla,
Clara Spall, Lillian deary. Alberta Lee,
v TEMIt-ilHctlyCMH Purine This
J leutns, Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
We have decided 6a a Sweeping feeduo,
, tloa father thaa cover up our goods dor
.lot ou extensive improvements, and
bars marked down everything in tht
store st cost sad Its. Bee our Window
' ' DUpUy, which will substantiate what we
. . ssyt
Nnb) Cartels ft 13. to tOt.. Wtrtti 2e. to tic
rviMH carpels, 40. ts fOi,, Worts I Bo. It Me.
Was Ftpttt, U., Werth 10c,
- And everything else la proportion.
Emma May, Flora and Hattle Weldaw,
Flossie Turner, Lela Kimble, Gladys Rice,
Howard Starkweather, Elwood Reining,
Fred Couch, Alfred and Roland Frank and
Rexford H. Chapman.
Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Mies will leave today
for New York city, where the doctor will
continue his nractclce of making special
studies at this time. The doctor expects
to be In New York about three monme,
and will stop at the St. Denis hotel Mrs.
Nlles will be In New York a week and
then spend the remaining two weeks with
her mother at Collegevllle. Dr. Nlles
studies will be confined to diseases of wo
men and children and physical dlaunosls.
He has made special arrangements for
private Instruction under the specialist,
L. Emmett Holt, and will be with him
during that time In practical work. .
D. C Kenyon. of the Orange. Crystal
Lnke, was a visitor In this city Saturday.
Mrs. Burllngame. of Utlca. N. Y., is
visiting a( the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clin
ton Morgan, on eaiem avenue.
The foot ball team of the Kingston Ath
lAtln olnh nlavcil th Alumni team of this
city at Alumni park on Saturday. The
gam resulted In a victory for the Kings
ton team oy a score or z to .
A lotl.r received tiv D. K. Lee from his
son. Harry, states that the latter reached
Cleveland safely, and on arriving In Cleve
land cave Mr. Lee's Drotner, wno nsa nui
seen Harry in ten years, a complete sur
MISS IOUISO SlOCUm piCBamiuy ruisi-
talned a number of her young friends at
her pretty South Church street home on
Friday evening. Those present were the
Misses Helen snieius. ttaun nuney.
ths Slnc-or Rr-aalo Toots. Elizabeth OU-
maer, Grace Munn, Mantle Marcy, Nellie
Gttlluuhy, Isabella Watt, Mildred Greene
and Misccs Dawson and Horton, of Port
Jervls, N Y. Refreshments were served
and the guests were well pleased with
the reception Riven them toy tneir nosiess.
Ml us Leonora. Senberg. of Scranton. and
Miss Ina' Dopew, of Moscow, who wore
visiting Mrs. David Wilson, of Eighth
venue, have returned' home.
Select Councilman O. E. Hlsted, Will
iam Hlsted and Stephen Hlsted, who Is
engineer on the Gravity railroad at No. 17
englno, who have been visiting a Dromsr
In Kansas for the last three weeks, have
Architect Purdv. of New York city, who
designed the new Delaware and Hudson
station, was in town Saturday and ex
pressed himself as favorably Impressed
with the progress wnicn is Deing maue.
Mrs. R. D, Stuart, who has been visit
ing har nsrents. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Y. C.
Smith, of West Plttston. for a week, has
returned to the city.
Miss Jennie Dllts. or Kcimoni street, is
lying very 111 (it her home.
Miss Janet Bryden has been the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. O. P. Miller, In Provi
dence, during the past week.
Miss Rena Daley ha returnea nome ni
ter a few days' visit with friends In
Harry Woolsey, of J. B. Woolsey ft Co..
of Scranton, was In town Saturday rela
tive to the silk mill.
A. P. Trautweln and H. H. Hlller were
In Scranton Saturday attending a meet
ing of the Los Angeles Ice and Cold Stor
age company, of which they are directors.
Misses Vina Llndsey and Ollle Yarrlng
ton are spending a few days with their
cousins, the Misses Secor, ot West street,
Miss Mav Oauehan is dangerously in
at her home on Seventh avenue.
Legrand Hunter and the Bona ismuy,
of Belmont street, will loave in a few
weeks to spend the winter In Providence.
They expect to return In May.
Edward, the Httlo son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. T. Corby, of Belmont street, Is 111 with
diphtheria. His condition as yet is not
considered dangerous, although he Is de
lirious at times.
A case of dlnhtheria has been reported
from the home of F. Farny, on Canaan
Miss Mary Campbell, of Canaan street.
spent Frldny with friends In Vandllng.
Warren Toppen, who was painfully in
jured the other day, Is able to be out
Miss Nellie cortrlgnt is spending a rew
weeks with relatives in South Canaan.
Ray Reigeluth, of Salem avenue, Is en
tertaining his friend. Luie Fuller, of Wav-
erly. N. Y.
Mrs. Burt Brownell and daughter, Bes
sie, of Seventh avenue, called on friends in
Beranton Saturday.
Mrs. Viola Simpson, of Jersey City, Is
mending a few days at the home of
James Llndsey, on Archbald street.
Will Kugar, or Providence, called on
friends in town Saturday.
William Hull Is confined to his home on
Pnring tftreet with a sprained ankle,
which he sustained at the pume of foot
ball at Alumni park last Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. J. B. Klrby, of Plttston, Is the
guest of friends here.
Miss Jennie Harding Is visiting her sis
ter In Plttston.
Mrs. Charles Hall returned to her home
In Elmlra Saturday after a brief visit
with her mother, Mrs. H. Ulster.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wolfe, of Lincoln
avenue, ar staying with Mrs. Wolfe's
mother, Mrs. Penwarden, at No. 16, since
the death or her son, Edward Fenwaruen.
The Misses Horton and Dawson, of Port
Jervls, N. Y., are the guests of Miss Ger
trude Gumner, of Hotel Anthracite.
Mrs. William Snalth and Grace Hum
phrey spent Saturday In Archbald.
Miss Florence Van Gorder. of Terrace
street, spent Wednesday as the guest of
MIbs Emily Edgar, at providence.
liauls Hartung, the youngest son of
August Hartung, committed sullcide by
shooting 'himself behtad the right ear
Friday ivlglfot at 11.30. Death did not
occur until 6 oclock Saturday mora
ing. Nothing unusual In his actions
wa3 noticed. For several weeks past
he has been suffering with quick con
sumption, and the doctors had told
'him he tjad but a Bhort time to live.
This knowledge of his dreadful disease
undoubtedly brought on a melancholia,
whl'ah led him to take his own life. His
farther Is owner of the Irving Cllft
Brewery and well-known in this coun,
ty. He Is survived by a wife and ev
eral children.
Paul W. and Benjamin C. Gardner
are In Mew Yoirk on business this week.
-There dines not seemi ito 'be very
much political agination in Wayne
ooumty. - Both parties, however, are
conducting a spirited campaign on tho
The shirt factory-of Wooden & Blak
ncy has more work on hand than they
can turn out. They have not enough
women servilng to Seep pace with their
oraers. 5: ..
- '
The funeral of the late Jaraos Mu
lally was largely attended from his
home on. lower Main street, the well
filled house attesting the high esteem
in which Mr. Mulally was held by his
neighbors. His death occurred last
Wednesday and was due to diabetes.
Mr. Mulally was about 40 years of age,
and Is survived by a wife and five chil
dren. A high mass of reaulcm was cele
brated In St.Agnes Church.from whence
the remains were taken to Canaan
township, Wayne county, for burial.
To-morrow is election day, and every
Republican should make It a point to
turn out ana cast nis oauot.
Bert Howard, of Forest City, was a
caller In town Thursday evening.
Subscribe for the Tribune and receive
the latest local, as well as general hap
penings. It will be delivered to your
home before Dreanrast.
Thomas. D. Bryden will open a gro
cery and general merchandise store In
the Yaeger building about the middle
of this month.
Nell Clark Is having Ms well bored.
George Mover has finished his well
H. N. Patrick (has finished threshing
nis rye wiin steam power.
Fred Walker has moved in his neijv
Charles Smith has moved In Mrs.
Freeman s house, on Summit Plark.
Miss Vine Jus'ton Is visiting relatives
in Hnodifora county.
Mrs. Uxsle Brlster, of Laeeyville, has
returned tiome after visiting relatives
Mrs. Charles Dally la visiting her par
ents m ciast L.emon.
If tho Baby Is Cnttlnk Teeth
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over Fifty Yearsby Millions of
Mothers for their Chlldrerf while Teething,
who roneci success..
Soothes th
Child, Boftens the
Cures W'.nd Colic.
Allays all Pain;
the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Sold I
rugglsts In vrr
part or th world.
r'Mr. Wlnslow's I
take no other glad
ura and uk tnr
bthlng Syrup." and
Twnty-avs cnts a
rTha Plttston office " of th Scranton
Tribune Is located at No. 6 William street,
where all advertisements, orders for job
work and Items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. Office open from
I a. m. to 10 p. m.
The funeral of the late John Langan
will take place from ttiJs late home, on
Pine street, 'thla morning with a mass
of requiem at St. John's church.
The remains of Mrs. Mary Keiwy were
interred in tihe Market otreet cemetery
yesterday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
John Collier. M. E. Collier, John Grady.
Patrick Walsh, Thomas GiUbons ana
Edward Gibbons were pail-bearers.
The PRtston foot ball team defeated
the Berwtok team on the West Pltts
ton erouripda Saturday afternoon by a
soore of 22 to 0.
The delightful weather ct yesterday.
brought many vLsI'uors to this city,
among them being Miss Tessle McHale
of Dunmoiv; Miss Nellie Donmlly,
William and Loe Coyne, J-aok Collins,
Frank 'McAnrtrew and J. J. Gordon, of
Soranton, and John H. Gorman, Frank
Murphy, Will Crogan, Hugh Sharps,
John Bolton, of W'ilkes-Barro.
The Mioses Ella and KaMe Donahoe,
Patrtck Coyne and Martin Donahoe, of
South Scranton, were the guests of
M.'.3 Margaret Kearney, of Pine, yes
Antonio Borberetl, of Nor;h Main
street, was arraigned before Alderman
Lortus sa:urday on a Charge of big
amy. He came to this city two years
ago, and was engaged ait tihe mines of
the Pennsylvania Coal company. At
Poland ihe lha'd a iwlfe and two very
pretty children, and a ihandsara female
cousin. A year ago he sent money for
this cousin to come to th'Is country.
When she came here he was married
to her. land a boy was born to tJiem.
Three weeks ago Wis first wife arrived
here, and, upon ascertaining the true
state of affairs, efhe had her husband
arretted on the aforesaid, charge. In
default of $1,000 ball he was sent to
Plttston Business Directory.
on Wright A Co.. VI South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange; also
second-hand household goods, bought or
W. H. Daniels, of Blossburg, has re
moved his family to this town. Mr.
Daniels has accepted a position with
the Langcllffe Coal company.
Miss Sweeney, of Dunmore, spent
yesterday with Miss Vina Gibbons, of
Main street .
A. K. Bailey, of Franklin, Pa., will
remove his family to the Jennings'
property, on Main street, ' some time
this week.
A valuable dog owned by Lazarus
Williams was killed by the electric
cars yesterday.
A number of ladles from this town
will And occupation In the new knit
ting mill at Mooslc.
The employes of the silk mill were
paid on Saturday.
A large number of people from this
town attended the blessing of Hev. J.
J. Curran's church yesterday. The
Mooslc band participated in the pa
rade, B. Casken will remove Ills family
Into Frank Devers' new residence this
Mrs. Ella O'Malley spent yesterday
with friends In Scranton.
W. J. Williams gratefully acknowl
edges the kindness of his townspeople
who contributed so munificently to
ward a fund far his relief, and who
made it possible for him to leave this
section in search of health.
new society known as the C. L. S.
C. has recently been organized in con
nection with the Methodist Episcopal
church. The following are the officers:
President, Mrs. J. R. Wagner vice-president,
Mrs. Fannie Mucklow; secre
tary, Mrs. J. W, Gay; treasurer,
Charles Keith.
James Bothwick was a visitor in
Plttston on Saturday.
Rev. J. B. McCabe is attending the
Forty Hours' Devotion at Plains yes
terday and today.
The Daughters of St. George are
making extensive preparations for a
supper and entertainment in O'Mal
ley's hall on New Year's eve.
Miss Annie Deeble spent Saturday
witn menus in Plttston.
Ackerly Bros, have dissolved part
nership, Frank Ackerly retiring.
George Ackerly will continue the busi
ness. Their branch store in Great
Bend was closed on Saturday even
ing and the goods will be brought to
the grocery store on Main Btreet, this
B. F. Bernstein, manager of the Silk
mill, in a conversation with The Trlb
line correspondent on Saturday, denied
the report that the mill had been leased
by New York capitalists. He said that
the Hallstead Textile company operat
ed It now as before.
Mrs. Mason, of Blnghamton, formerly
Miss Llbble Green, of this place, died
at her home there on Thursday.
George Bailey, of Walton, N. T Is
tne new clerk at J. R. Dousglass' gro
eery store.
The Delaware. Lackawanna and
Western carpenter gang leave Monday
to erect new coal chutes at Nicholson.
Brick work was completed Saturday
on ine i inany diock.
A Aanclnir class has been succMafullv
formed here ty iProfssor Schanck, of f
BlnK'tuuniton, numberlnir al'xmt sixty
mholars. He has ngag-ed Village hall
tor t'hs season.
Will Stottaxd's progreteAve eohure. on
las Wednesday evening proved a 'dc
llghtful affair. This -wias the first party
of the kind this fall 'With more to fal
low. v
William (Lush and family will spend
the winter In. Philadelphia.
A welcomed rain last Thursday
nlgi'At helped fill up the -cisterns of those
who are not fortunate enough to have
the city water. Many cistern were
dry, and the situation was becoming
very serious. .
Augustus KnoH and. Mrs. Knoll are
spending a few days with the former's
parents, on South Main street.
Scrofula in the Eyes
As well as In every other form, is perma
nently cured by Hood'i Barcaparilla.
"I fcadscrofuln
in my eye and
tried several phy
sicians but found
no cure. My wife
persuaded me to
try Hood's Bant
pirilla. I bad
choking ienia
tton, was troubled
with night sweato,
and hed dyspep
sia In very severe
form. After tak
ing Hood'i Sana-
parllla two weeks the choking spells and
dyspepsia troubled me less. I have now
taken several bottles of Hood's Earsapa
rilla and find that I am entirely cured."
William L. Paths, BerryvUle, Virginia.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
b the only Use Blood purifier Promi
nently In the pnblio eye. II six for $5.
Prepared only by 0. I. Hood A Co,
Lowell, Mass., O. 8. A.
UnnH'e Dill u "owly iri
ewws a iso
1 Hood's tsrasemiai
A 4T A
According to announcement already made, we com
mence Oct. 14 to dispose of'the entire stock contained in our
two large stores. The goods have all been marked down .to
first cost, many goods even below cost.
I 11
If you have any present or prospective need of relia
ble goods be sure you cofue while this sale lasts. But
the earlier you come the better for you. We mention
below but a very few of the
rain isi
The stock is entirely new and includes the latest
ideas in design, texture
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums,
Oil Clotbs, Draperies, Window Shades and
Upholstery Goods of Every Description.
E?SMf you intend to buy, now is the time. Our
Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the
lowest prices ever quoted
losMt!siiSBMilsatlUlt.sisatklr,TCalaUiif nsdMae. Only km
. UMpsitstdrutssheaUseeMS. lfjMwaalthebwmsl
Dr. Poal'o
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
SprucoStroat, Scrantan Pa.
That Has a Full and Complete
Underwear far Men, Women and Children, any price and different
EBdes. You can llnd with us Natural Greys, Camel's Hair, Fleeced
Ined Red, Grey Merino. They are bought for pot cash at times when
goods were at tne lowest figure, this was iu April, iouo. aim me amy
buyer in Underwear that understands quality is Mr. Henry Goodman .
Manager of tho Cut Price Store, ,
In Underwear,' Jersey OvershirU
any prices, but we are willing to toKe ou zd per cent, siroignt uian uiusi
prices elsewhere, i .... ,
We Are Also Direct Agents . ' f 4
For the SnDcrior lfrclenu Undertresr Company
Nou Bhrinkable, the best for health. We guarantee them to be equal to
the ones you pay $5.00. - Our price on them, for Shirts $1.50, or $2.60 for
inetsuit. uomeanasee mem,
Sweaters, Cardigan Jackets .
and manufacture in the line of
in Scranton. -
On 1 7 ksrnless tad
Pennyroyal Pillo
Pharmaolati eor. Wyoming Avenu and
Una of Underwear Is the EMPIRE
Lackawanna Avenue.
iii different styles. We will not quote
Aiargesi swonmeue ui ttuim nwmi
TO our
..v., , Kniut wicir msar Vmm
rons that they will this year hold to their usual custont
of milling STRICTLY OI.Ii Viruv at u" !Z.
....un until me IKT UUP
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
ow ing to the excessively dry weather many millers arc
o! the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed WwhburnCrosby Co.'s flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Moosic Powder Go,
Booms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld't
Lafflln ft Band Powder Ca'B
Orange Gun Powdef
Electric Batteries, Fusts for explod
ing blasts. Safety Fuse and
ttepaunoCuemical Co.'s HighEiploslYCJ
Coal of the best quality for domestN
sse, and of all sizes, delivered in any
(art of the city at lowest price.
Orders left at my Office
Rear room, Iti-ut floor. Third National
Dank, er sent by mall or telephono to the
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Bpeclal contracts will be made for the
tale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
I Clothing I
In Quality,
"Ill 111!,"'
1 IS II,"
CLOTHIERS, i .1 v Y. M. C. A." Building .1 -. -idla.'.
MOM FURNISHERS. aa$-7 Wyoming AvM 7?
Roofing Co.,
326 Washington Arenas,
scranton, pi
Ebonite Varnisli.
Gravel Roofing,
Pipe taring,
Building Felts,
Sheathing Papers.
All klr.ds of roofing work tfonj. All kinds ot
Snivel or slag roof mad. ,
AH done away with by the use of HAMV
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consist
ot Ingredients well-known to all. It can be
applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron
roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which will
prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
Ina or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many years,
and It's cost docs not exceed one-fifth that
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Job
or pound. Contracts taken by
Fit and Price.