Tin? FCRANTOIT TKlJilJNR B'ONDAT MOUNlN'f SfOV J5M.HEU 4. 18"J. a WILKES-BARRE. TRUE BILLS RETURNED. The Work of th Grand Jury Computed on Saturday. The grand Jury made Its usual report last Saturday, and left the court bouse question untouched. An attempt was tnsuje to bring uj the queationv but it waa opposed by other cUlaens, and the Jory asked Cor Inatruotioraa. Judne Woodward aaJd they could xeeommand whatever thwy taw ftt. Atthoutrh they snaAe no report on the subject, at waa aid that -uhey took a vote and the land ibuyiinK aoheme was defeated by vote of 16 to 7. The ecfteme for erecting a bridge over the ftala, to Kingston, was rejeoted, h Jury not (thinking1 it fanportant enough to vote on. With regard to the Jail they said Mia it waa in "good condition, -but whWe It is somewhat crowded, the efficiency of the manage ment and good discipline .maintain) by the warden and his au.bordlna.tos liaa largely made up for the lack- of em trident room, at 'times, when the prison Is overtaxed, by enforced at tendance. We found everywhere evi dences of cleanliness, good discipline, painstaking supervision and faithful observance of the laws and rules pre scribed for the government of the pris on. True Bill. (Murder Frank Koona et al. (Robbery James Lynott; Frank Van Loon et al. Burglary John KaUspeavia. Charles CSlUCTO. Abortion A. R. Hoover and Peter Yost,. Dmbetzlement Gomer D. Lewis. A. O. Fetterbolf, John Vltonoilts. Silas E. Trout. Bigamy Mena Wester, two bills. Larceny Job Badser, James W. Ev an, two bills; Manillas Rs sines: Ja cob Lttchman, two bills: Thomas Coyle, Jaok King-bach, Harvey Surgeon, James Orr et al., John Jordan, A. D. Peranto, Frank .Rowe, WJlllam Zan kofsky. Joseph Putka. Felonious wounding Joseph Buzl, Jdhn C. Kink, Bruee Wolf, John Work, Albert Newman, Fred Chapman, An drew Hudock et al. A. and B. to Rape Meshack Reese, Edfar (Houok. Adultry Dydla IWalton, Walter fugh, A. R. Hoover, (Mena Woster, two tUls. Pwjury JoSmi Bagenk, Hugh Farrell, John Miller, Silas E. Trout, Wallet Hughes. Forgery Silas E. Trout. Seduction Mlrros Simon son. Fornication 'Louis Sbnanlck. Malolous mischief Martin Klrvlello Wici. False pretense "Frances Cooney, two bills. . Nuisance Plymouth borough, WUkes-tBarre city, three bills: Central Railroad of New Jersey; Lehigh Valley Railroad company. Aggravated Assault and Cattery R. K. Bensoote?, Sylvester Kominskl, Mlahael Tbomas, Jr., John Bedger, Joel L1nn, Martin Shllmeky, Cornelius Drls coll, John Bevan et al., John W. Koch, Andrew Dollnskl, Alexander Maxwell, Daniel Dwyer, William Kern, Michael Mts, Wiltlaim J. MaLaug-hlln, Lizzie Kovacb, Jos-hue Jones, Emory D. Shel ly, James MaCaddern John FoiwlerV Peter Lankanvicz, John J. Boyle, Re terx LaeuLa, Mrs. Robert Jones. Selling) Adulterated Butter Russell UW. Tippling House Mike Heroka, Mike Oublnskl. William Walsh. (Libel A. Warnargarls. Extortion Samuel Powell. Resisting Public Offlcer Owen Q' Boyle. Maiding False Entry Silas E. Trout. Escape R. E. Bennett. uader 124-126 Wyoming Ave. THE Offer the Following Extraordinary Values for Saturday, Monday and tbe Best ot tbe Week: 125 Beaver Jacket!, large sleeves, Rip ple back, and well made LEADER'S PRICK. $1.25. 16 Blaok Voney Fur Capes, good qual ity and satin lined LEADER'S PRICE, 85.96. 60 Child's Reefer Jaokvti, site 6 to 14 years LEADER'S PRICE, ll.it. t0 Fine Chlnahllla Jackets, Mr. Corln aloaed out a manufaoturer at half- prios, worth $10.00 LEADER'S PRICK, 16.98. This is the greatest bargain of the sea ton, sea window display. DRESSGOODS. Two Specials that you can't afford to miss; K pieces all-wool assorted double fold checks, stripes and plain dress goods, worth 17 to 60c LEADER'S PRICE, 19c. ff pieces extra suallty fancy weaves, plaids, stripes and plain dress fab- . ties, worth te, TO and 81.00 LEADER'S) PRICE, 29c. v ' ' I pieces Cloaklnga,' 54 Inch wide, extra heavy, worth 81.50 LEADER'S PRICE, (Sc. Trteisd and Untrimmad Millinery. Pee ths bis; reductions we have made In Trimmed Hats. All hats trimmed In the la 'eat style at 25 cents for trim ming;, Bee the stylish Trimmed Hats we are showing at f 1.26, $1.60, i00 and $2.60. 100 Rob Roys, newest shape , .a , w LEADERS PRICE, 160. K Plaid Rob Roys LEADER'S PRICE, lie. 150 extra quality Rob Roys In rough plaids and plain . LEADER'S PRICE, 4o. Here are some items .that ynii tnust rot fall - to see, as we- offer them at about 60 cents on the dollar. (0 pleees Black 811k and. Jst Dress Trimmings, all colors.... LEADER'S PRICE, So. 100 yards fine Jst snd Silk Dress Trim mings, bobs In tbe lot worth less than 50c., eholoe of any LEADERS PRICE, lie. Largs Bed Comforts, well made and .- fair quality LEADER'S PRICE, 49o. IW yards Fan ay Silks, all pure silk, for waists, worth 80$, LEADSR'8 PRICE, 38a. S50 yards Brocaded Silk Velvets, In Blacks aad colors: was 81. 60 LEADER'S PRICE, He. Ladles' and Children's fast black - seamless bees LEADER'S PRICE, te. Ladles' Natural Wool, also searlet vests, wars $1.00 LBADBTO'S PRICE, 40. eM Lacs Bdge Haaskerahtefs....7.7.. - LEADER'S PRICE, We. dents' Waal lesunles seoks, worth Mo. LBADBH'S PRICE, lie. ' Te prove to ths public that we give ex cellent value for the money wa will cheer fully refund puree ass Money when so de sired. - .eaaaBMeaaSBaaaSswa- . I LE DECK & CO R I N Compounding Felony iR. E. Bennett and cl4jiiuel JojAi. . . Riot Peter Lacuta et al. . llltgaj Flshiwg Curtain Roberts. CVijepxacy O. W. Waoson, K. A. Zimmerman and H. G. Perrego. MYSTEMIUUS UKAIH. ' Joba Wcinhsn, of Stroudsburg. D.e from a iini ci n ounJ. About t o'clock on Saturday morning Patrolman Thomas found a man in a very weak condition near Hit .....u street toll house. The man was very weak and said he had just come from Stroudsburg, and the officer saw that his forehead had been severely cut. The patrol wagon waa called and the man taken to the hospital. Officer Thomas meanwhile made In quiries at the Wllkes-Barre and East ern depot and found that he had ar rived in this city on the 5:30 passenger train, the trainmen having picked him up at Stroudsburg. whore they had found him in a partially helpless con dition, lie told the trainmen that he had fallen oil a bridge at Stroudsburg. Ills appearance substantiated this statement, as he had an ugly wound on the middle of his forehead, the result, he said, of the fall. On his arrival in the city he got off the train unassisted and lay down by a tree. Tae trainmen advised him to get up and go to the hospital and he started across tue bridge. Dr. Prevost examined htm at the hos pital and found to his surprise that the man was not only severely cut on the head, but that he had a bullet wound just over his heart Just before he died the man gave hla name as John Wein hart. of Stroudsburg. He spoke with a German accent. The following dispatch caine from Stroudsburg: Stroudsburg. Nov. 2. John Wyckoff. whore home Is In Wllkes-Barre. fell on a bridge a mile below town last Sunday night. He pulled himself to a watch man's shanty and laid undiscovered un til last night without food or drink. He said he was working on a iikes-Barre sewer. He Is a Polander by birth. We know nothing of the shooting. O. C. Hughes, r The man was put aboard the Wllkes Barre and Eastern fain by Trackmas ter Corcoran and one of the poor direc tors of Monroe county, who paid his fare to this city. He said nothing to them about the bullet wound in his breast. A post mortem was held, but the re sult was not to be given out until after the coroner's lnauest He was 6 feet, 8 Inches in height, and weighed 140 pounds, apparentlyy about 40 years of age, and had a sandy mustache and a gray beard of several days' growth. There was nothing found In his pockets except a pipe, some tobacco and a purse containing two cents. An effort will be made to dlsoover the man's Identity and the cause of the mysterious bullet wound. HURT IN AN EXPLOSION. Three Men Seriously Injured by Oaa et the Pcttohone. Three men were badly hurt on Sat urday by an explosion of gas In the Pettehone mine. They were Fred. Rud gar, laborer, burned on the face and hands; Daniel Ferry, miner. Brewery Hill, burned on face and hands. He Is thirty-six years old and married; and Arthur Abbot, laborer, burned on face and hands. He Is a slnu- -.an.twenty-11 vi years of age. They had been . examining an old working when they encountered gas In such quantities thnt It was Ignited by ltAlt lamna anA th, avnlnalnn fnllnwprl. All wore taken to the hospital, where they are under treatment. There is every hope of their recovery. Brld e to Be Built. The grand Jury made the following recommendations for bridges to be built by Luierne county In the order named, and allowed the stated amounts for them: Bridge across Staghorn creek In Huntington, 1150. Across Pine creek In Huntington, I'M, Across Little Pine creek in New Co lumbus, 1500. Across outlet of Cummlng's pond In Franklin, 1400. . Over futon's creek In Franklin town ship, $660. Over Middle branch of Hunlock's creek In Hunlock township, 1200. Over Middle branch of Hunlock's creek In Hunlock township, $200. Over Hunlock's creek In Hunlock township, $200. Over West Branch of Hunlock's creek, In Hunlock township, $200. Over Spring Run creek In Farvtew, $500. Over Pond creek In Foster township, $600. Over Sandy Run In Foster township, $900. Over Bear Creek In Bear Creek town ship, $1,000. over Mann creek in Ross township, $300. Over Coolbaugh creek In Jackson town ship, $200. Over Drake's creek In Jackson town ship, $200. Over Warner's creek in Salem, $ZuO, Over Jameson's Run in Salem town ship, $200. Over Hill's Run in Salem township. $225. Over Hill s creek In Salem township, $260. Over Shlrkshlnny creek In union townshtn. $200. Over Toby's creek In Kingston town ship, $400. Over Munson Creek In Kingston township, $400. - . over Wapwallopen creek In Wright township, $1,000. Over Spring Run In Lake township, $175: Over Bear Hollow creek In Lake townshlo, $175. Over North Branch of w ishing creek In Ross township, $250. All of the foregoing are stone arch bridges. An Iron bridge ever Solomon's creek In Hanover, at Buttonwood. $1,500. An Iron bridge ovr Huntington's creek, in Huntington. $800. A stone arch brldre across oreen Mountain creek In White Haven, $1,000. TUNKHANNOCK. W. 8. DeWItt has moved his family to Scranton, where he has an Interest In a planing mill with his brother-in-law. Invitation cards are out for the wed ding of Miss Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Brown, of Lemon, to Nelson W. 'Jackson. The event taxes place on Wednesday, November 20, at high noon. The marlage of Miss Grace Wood house, formerly of Black Walnut, but recently of Hackettstown, N. J., to Mr. O, A. Beatty, occurred at Camden, N. J., a few days since. The bride has many friends here who will congratu late her. i Mrs. F; H. Jarvls, of Meshoppen, was a guest of Miss Ida Bell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kresky have re moved to Scranton.' The former will assist his son in the store of E, H. Kres ky 4V Co. The long drawn-out Judicial contest Is practically at an end. At the session of the court at Laporte last week the vote of the entire district was recounted after all illegal votes bad been rejected, which resulted in a majority of 177 for Edward M. Dunham, a gain of 15$ votes over the original count The entire vote in the First ward ef Tunkhannock borough' was thrown out because the polling plaee was changed without an order from sourt. In Windham town ship, Wyoming oounty.and Colley town ship, Sullivan eeunty, tue same state of an airs existed, but as one precinct gave a majority for Dunham and the other for Slttser, It was called a stand-off and the votes' were not rejected. It but re mains rot the costs to be disposed of, whWh will be done at the next session, commencing December II. In the mean time, the (court orders that all-bills of .costs far flUssses shall be filed, so that the whole thing can be summed up. No estimate of the amount of the cost can be made at this time, but it is safe to say that the district will have to bear them. he Warren street hotel property was sold at auction on Saturday and bid off by Mrs. M. J. Lull, a sister of the de ceased owner, for $2,516. W. F. Race, one of the proprietors of Berwick's new weekly paper. The Ad vertiser, was In town on business Sat urday. It is requested that all witnesses in this county subpoenaed for the judl . clal contest send statement, previous to ! December 12, of the number of davs ' they were In attendance and number of 1 miles traveled, to the attorneys who I conducted the esse. Those who were ! subnoenaed for Dunham should report I to E. J. Jorden, and those on the onno ' site side to James W. Pintt. Failure to j do this may result In failure to get any pay- i Montrose engine. No. I. the Asa Pack ; er, has been sent to the shop for re i pairs. It Is one of the "old resldcnt ; ers." halng reen service ever since the road was built Samuel KUnck was the name of a prisoner arraigned before Justice Kuts Saturday upon the charge of stealing a road cart from Raker TCvans. lum bermen, of Faton township. The ve hicle disappeared from the premises of the plaintiffs on the night of Octo ber 18. and finally suspecting Kllck. they obtained a search warrant and it was found in his possesion. The pris oner was released upon payment of corts and promising to restore stolen property. Keystone Academy foot ball kickers and the home team tried titles on the Brunges farm Saturday. Tt resulted In a tie. each side making four scores. The return game will be played at an early date. The vote In the First ward having been declared an lllep-el one last fall, on account of the polling place being changed, the question arises as to what shall be done to make It legal this fan. Judge Dunhsm has been urged to come over and hold a ahort session of court so that ar-nllcatlon may be made and order obtained to change the polling place. Unless he does this to-day. which Is very Improbable, the polls will li.ely be changed back to their original location on Bridge street. The- dun culty of doing this Is increased by the fact that tbe building In which the booths were formerly erected has since been remodeled and is now occupied as a dwelling. The Laceyvllle cornet band seems to be non est. Among those who are home to cwst their vote at to-morrow's eloctlon are C. M. Klenatieh. or Humour, ana W. N. Reynolds, Jr., of Lafayette col lege. AVOCA. .4.nn.v x. t WAiioman. of 9cran- mi,u,.uw - . --. -- , ton. was omclaJliy engaged in uwa oufrh eaturway. -nnii.inM TB,.iAa -v,r 4vaa been A t- Y 1. 1 LIU 111 i'O I ILO, ' tending edhwl at Bingha.rn.ton, re turned to mis mcme in wiw day. The 1-yeair-old eon of Mir. and Mrs. John Murray, la dangerously ill with memDnaneous croup. , , . t-u- ji vinMi iuat went of this bor ough, owned by John Maxey, will be turned Into a skaiMrtg park this winter. Dhe wter In the pond Is shallow ana Uhere Willi t no aangar. mn " afford a (healthy amusement for the young people during the winter. Wiliwm otwi nr of random dale, are visiting relatives) on Railroad treet. - . Workmen on the Ontario awl West ern treetUng at . Richmond le Is pro gressing rapidly, and soon the switch to the New Buffalo .breaker wllJ be comiplete. ' j , m. neoree May was a Carbondale visitor Saturday. A dosen or more Italians rrom nown the valley bare been In Forest City . - M.&b. .ikjfi tn tvwies. rairs. bottles, etc. They are as wortiiy look ing repreaentn'tives or ne prrr-ai -waeihed as ever struck tills section. rvanui iRm'fln was in uaroonoaie on business Saturday.. C. 8. Alexander, of carbonaale. a . , )...-,. man A? thf bafOUfTh. called on tola friends here Saturday. CLARK'S QEEN, c- T k UnT-enn. of Wllllamsport, Is visiting her brother, George A. Davis. Miss Clara Smith has availed herself of the opportunity of becoming an ex pert milliner, which will oe highly ap preciated by the community. Miss Llsslo Frace was brought home on Wednesday lest seriously 111. Miss Nellie Lutsey nas Been cennneu to her home by sickness. Mr. and Mrs. welcn, or wicnoison, visited friends here this week. W. P. Ltppencott. or Fhiiaueipnia, spent a short time with A. A. Davis, on Thursday. Bertha Beatty has recovered irom ner recent Illness. The Hallowe'en party at the home or William Swallows, as woll as the church social at the Methodist church, was seriously Interfered with by the storm on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lutsey were confined to their home by epidemic colds. Mrs. A. A. Davis and Mrs. J. A. Mc Lean spent a few days with friends In Scranton. Rev. A. E. Douglass and wife re turned home on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Btone, of Wa- verly, called ' on friends here on Wednesday last. The Clark's Green Cemetery associa tion are beautifying their recent pur chase. Several of our townspeople as well as teachers attended the Institute and were delighted. George White, of Tunkhannock. called on friends here this week. . . THROOP, The Sandenson Serenade hand- win give a basket social on Monday night, Nov. 18, In Borough hall, to be followed by a free ball. The band boys wish to apologize for disappointing the people Who were present at their entertain ment and beg to announce that they have secured the service of Miss Nellie Ke&rns, the accomplished pianist, for the oomlng event All are cordially In vited. AVOID PNEUMONIA, diphtheria and typhoid fever, by keeping the b'ood pure, tbe appetite good and the boitl'y hsslth vigorous by the use of Hood's Barsa parllla. HOOD'S PILLS hare won high praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy ac tion. t ockholdere' Kiesting, OntenorntiTpmm srsrar fii wATo.or i tsisa odstv t TBI ANNUAL MEE I ING I FTH 8 TO K-bolder-of tbla company 11 b- h-ld at the oSoe f lb as -retary, ro ra 1U Con aim wiwJth Bnildi s, is tbe i-ltr or M"raDcn.nn To day. the in day o' Nore nV-r, l-V at ? VI p. m., tr th elxotlon of dire i era and be tiauaaotlor. b'ialnm HCAC E. H 1 ND, ereUry. OTICE b REREBT OlT v T l TH1 atinaal mtlua f tb- atockh ddars f b 1 id ' Tornplk- Company fur t.i act o f d rectors ana 'he tranaotloo of haulm a. will be h ilrt at tb office of the roagpaay. K : 4 Coininenwealtli Kitldla '.ha Ii a. Fa . n Iteodiy. Nov 4. IWS. at o'clock t. in. BORACK I. HAND. ecr-tary. taeeut ra Natiea- ,bTATl OF ( HAbLKfF.il. TilH.LATI I j mt the Hty of Brian ton, Laekawaana osaty, Pa.. de--ssid. - Letters t etaaentary op a the ak veaa -tats 'aria b n grast d te tbe and-; igasd. al; Bweoi havl ig alaieseer d masse a osttbes Id estate win preet heaitor ntyBMat aad the s Icde feted to ere to wi I tin a eiake ImnMdiata DSyiaeBt to CBAELKH C Uk .TBt , Uxseet wAlllx inrr, Atawaera for Estate. - A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WhtS PAID F R IN AD VANCE. WHKN A POOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHARGR WIM. l'E LKS3 THAN !S P;VT9. TIMS RULB AP PUKS TO SVM.L WANT APS., KX CET T-OCAI "'Tl'ATJCVg ANr v WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Helo V.anted-F.1ale MTN TO 8E' L A SPE IAili T" I Kroner v tniile. r t' u y inT,l"'n,rn expe'l no- ui'e"ewirT: 'TIS m'tnhly ml r nJ exiwns r Mi. I' oirir-tiii i-nirv i ' a' unoe ith partl-ul-rs con;.rnlng y.iurjeif, V. . Cb m a IV orKS, Chii sgo. M EN TO T K OH.-FRH IN 1 VERY town and o fv: no dellrarinv; g o'l m; I ay rki :'n mp'tal: t- dy work GLEN l.K 8.. I o -Better. N. Y AG KIT'H A SN'Af FOR YOU, S.V0O wrnky: S5,oii ye-rljrs no X'mm-I no D'- aa:irjr: flln' Iib-his ibl"! ur a -hems a t ew nn: di t mi ll ( ee. Address t. O. B x 9A I outdo. M.' us. W.'NTED- AO NT IN EVF.R ' HFC tioo orann i: '4 no 'i 80 ia ilar male: S'Ms st l rh ; ' ma t sll tnpl U d todeal -ra; beet all am T "0 a mo th: ml ary nr lar- oi raimon male; xp rieni--iiiim-c a y. C ftu ..cap aud Uauutactnr ing Co., ('l ie nriHti, O. AGF.XT8-M N WANTED, ALREADY trawling, lo crr lulirl at dk nllsssa sle lln -. MANU ACTUKEHrf' ulL CO., I leveUnd, O T ANTED WE' L-KNOWN MAN I-V 1 er rr tnwn to lHt stne'e subscrip tion: a mnnorolv: Ms money lor as -tits: no ci: ltl reqn red. tmvAtiu . r.oa i ord.'ti Blui-k, ( 'htco ra 111. i CO., Helo Wanted Females. antfdTanTxper7e maker; nn ottinr" ii'fd apt.ly. pply to 8., 1 ribu e oOIoj ocrntn, Pa. WANTED IMMEDIATl LY-TWO ENER i t o omen to rep nt u. Onartntmd J6 a dy wltbont Irt rfi-ri. ir with othrrdntlui. Mfa'thf 1 occupation. Writ for particulars, Inclosing stamp, Man(o Cbem iral Company, No 72 John atn-et. Kew Yor. rnts Wanted. AGE ;TR WANTED EVE Y'' HKRE-TO canvnu f.r onr New llolld'T Juv nU Bonks, fur Christtvaa Be.ntie: xtill at siicut; linoral t rm. Ari.l- h SI'lICIALTY, Sub tliatlon No 2. Phl ad Iphla. Pa, AOFNTM WANTED TO HELL CIOABS; 175 pr month aalary and exiiens-s paid. AddrH with two-otnt stamp. FIGARO CI UA CO I hlca-o. . 1 1. V . 1 .11 . . . r. 1 T T (1 1 1 tl a PTin A T gold, sliver, oirk-l and corpr alrctro pi tors: rr re trom M upwa 1; salary a'nl nx peaiixs pi d: o nflt trve. A d ens, with stamp. JlICFIGA.V MFU CO., CMnafn. AGENTS TOHEI.L CIGARS TO DEALERS; lit weeklv ami expauiint; einerlenoa i n ncewry. OS :SOLIIA'i'ED liFG. Co., 48 Van Burei St.. Ch caa CALFBMAN To CARRY SIDE LINE: 45 n pr teat, eommni-lon; sample book mail, d tre. Address L, N. CO., btatlou U New York. AT ' CF AGE I ' 8 APPOINTED TO sell now i in ilnir mWn taU cloth.mos qnito an I honae fly liquid at 1U c ns an 15 re ts a bo tie. K miM tre . BolUIaNO M'F'G Co.. Balt'mre. Md. AOENTB-IIINDE'M PATENT UNIVE ' sal Hair ( ml-r snrt V fyi-is fua I wit'i onthrat), rnl "Pyr roln'1"Mair Pina. i.lb ral commiFilons Free nmpln and full par ticular. Adilr- P ' . Bol New Vor. Drug-lit V anted. WANTED A ' KOlHTEi:ID PHAKMA rt of nod cbra ter. Apply at ouco to'OUCi'ixir rinnne. WAN'i'EH 8AL'HVK' T PEI.L HTA la irnnrla t home o- travd: 1 liet al sal- t m-fvnnl en 'imieil n: wh ae d limn on ppili'it'O'i: eiy x'inniTetor uury. auuh r. u. Box ll'-i, ni'w lore uy. For Rent Bt CONTAINI'G II r rorra lath ani d fnrni.c Apply It t.ffayer estr et; al-o alx-rooTi honan. TIOR R"NT FOUR NICE KOOM8. Mn'-T I ly f urn sbed. for lisbt bouaekeeping. 10.M Larayeite street. PfiHREST FURNISHED FRONT RO'M, r enltabl- for one or two DersoLs: ess. heat and ba-b. 7i ( live aireet. noR RE.NT-ON CAP' U-i AVENUE. I4 room bon-; lateet ImprovcnieuU. AP' p y UTS Cap une avenue. rpWOFFICE8 CLO-ET, RTFAM HEAT' rsnnl' e water, decorations front, en' eplcuous; SIC w GIBbON JUNKS, 3U Bpruco iVINIBr BACHELOR PA HTM f NTS IN X' rlt.-I st-arn Beat: nandsnme aultei all comf r'sand ohoTful: s cure it quick. w. uiun 'M jiiai,-, an epiuce street-. OUPE IOB H UHE T LET MADISON O ayntie Besnreto not di'k clnr this before ren'ng. Also tionae on jfjitfrs'Ui. W. OlB-iON JO ES. 311 rprace street. UOR RENT ONE-HALF HOUSE, NO. 20711 r Nor h Main ava na: II rooms, ill water. furnicesnd batb room and la-n. Inquire at Andeno rs Kows tiooma. t-royioence rqiian nnn ftnvT-FriTTfiTrEDltb' M. wit" f or w tbnti board, suitable lor two per sona lis Adams ave. F-OB RENT SIX ROOM HOCBE ON WE8T Lackawanna avenun Addron 1 H MA8 E, FVAKft, arar 1183 Lnscrna, Hyde Par. F'OBP.ENT-NK'1 LY FURMHllEfi HALL suiubl Yor kidce roc ma. JOHN JE.t- HYK, IIS Wyoinl' u uyenu. I'OB RgMT-THK PR 5'IMF.S RECENTLY ' oo nplfd by TheKorant n 'I rlh ne. mown as tlie 1 see- BuiidinT, c T i-r or Hi ruce -t. a-'il n aye. Po-el in i.-lyn 1 nnje Mato r. Tbe preml es rot-let "f til" b I 1irg h renro' the builnini on the corner i f a ,rnc tract a d 1 enn eynae. tore hir v t'i lb basement, and leo the entl e lovrth flxrof the rirner bntl tin? ' ne eievat r ix um -inir teThe t'rili ne PiM a'lldrCo. will bo oil to the l. sa e OB reaeimalde terms. Fo ysrtlcu Inrs Inqulie on t'i prei'oe, f Itn.lolpli Rloes r, or at thi qfflce o( Tbe r cranton Tnq for Sale -vVit El HOUSE F"R 8AL". N AC t eoantnfotuir batlneu O- x Tfll, Bing- hemt n, N. Y. ?OB FAL'-FAU'I, BT CK AND T, - ra'm DI nie'lMO. I'lil'lire oi , , rmj,r FITL' ,711 Heranion etr et. ,i ran O' P i. Pub io Sa e T1UBLIC8AL -I 1LL i FFFB FO 8LE ! o Tmrdar Nov. 7. at ll) lirka m n the D""mN"a, al tie letS'iold ata a ft.rm fit vmpi ce.atd I'V lllaa from U G ' bo nmaki-r to r bur F otnlngli m nd anra rro Uli jrh m. d-t d Jnn- ls. tl w i" 1 by re", I elnir loi N mber A () I HI' ck o. W. on Wynmln t aynO". In tie cl-r I Vrai.tons h-ln t'f't '" f'"it aid 1 7f-e n de 'th. 1, t v kno tb as The Arcad . ' Trrau will be ma ' ki -wn o' day of ni di RLE- H. WELLfcS. Here CI oping. IF YOU WA N'T A NEAT J B CALL S!4 Kr l - Omrt. teeciS I. otietv NOTICE -ON ND AFTEB MAY I, wllma.e a monthly tonr o the 'oil . inir places lyln2 (r e Pn air adr rtlaln ei Cltlooe wl h b al roup ten: laylorybl' Hyde ar, Prov deac. lUckso olyphant. l'.ekyill" Arriibad, Jirmyn. Exbibitiou ilren n Vedn. a:ay ai.d fiiday of e.o vyeek dm ins tbe inoith. tie rate for adyer ila are jln per n-ontb. Ad .rea B. b It. Tfibnne offlo-, e tr. " HE fOIDIERIN OUR CIVIL A 1 Yon want thl relic, ontelns all of Frank Leslie's t. moot old War Pictar.-a.ehow Bg tiiefoiee a aetn Hattlaaket led on th St Two yolnat'C Ut plctaraa, eld 'asy Bteathly pevsoeots Dellyered by ex rees ootot let, elf v ar as Jirrpald. Addrea P O. 'Oi DY, m A'aaia Ave., ttrrsBton, Pa jiliAKK IOC KB, P.MPBLrTa. MAOa Ll staea ttsn Boynd or raboaad at Tas Taratma etaoa Wuick work. Measooabi.- (onnollp 0u3:cni3rs Tell Us We Have CONNOLLY & Situations Wanted. wlTUAT ON WAN I ED BY DRnKSUA- k rtoaew lv thu w ek: b" h id seven yoant' ixpcri. nee. Apply at ill! South Re be ca av uun. U'ASHINOS W NTED - FAMILY CR "eutlem jn'a to take bo ne. luiU Writ LscUawai na avenue. tTUAriO' WANTED BY A BOY AO "D k IU years: work of any kind. Address 138 Kranklln venue, city. CITUAI ION WANTED -BY A MAN So AS l. clxrk in whuli ade. retail dry aoods or Eneerv storo; bus I ad txperiouce. Ad ircea J. K., Tribun - offiuo. CITUATION W NTED-TO GO OUT BY O tlio rt v whs i iu: wishlnsi taken bo"e. also Call or a.ldraas L. R, 33 N. Suu.ner ate ne Hyde Prk. wlfUATION WANTED -BY AN tll.D i oountrv irrintn uhj nn-leratanda birB work and borj"e; onn be well riOumiueuded. Address lc, Tr buns office. SlfUATIO WA ED -BY A YOUNO nan in hi teller n-i i-ia. wt'h two a a' expert' nee; b ref-r-nce a d b Bl lur- nia ea. it required, r, u., I r nans utuce. WITUATIO.H WAN ED-BY A YOUNO O man a third band l'--r or any ki dot work or trade. A .d 615 Stone avenue. . 1TUAT10. WANTED -BY A YOUNO laly office ittrl or chrk: lias had some knowlod f of bootkeeplax Addrest L. Bi, , i ritiuneoinci. YOUNO ADY W( ULD LIKE POSITIO aatteno nnh r aud typewriter: also to a-l' I loo k.piug; hat rial experience and can sivu tbe lie t o' re er -BOiV dureas I tiiiii uoca dix 1 1, city. WAN FD-P ISITION AH Ht'USKKE "P er In e na 1 f imllv. or a n'ire i. Address MR8. J. 8. WI..LI MS, m Adams aven ia U' AN IkD-A P 'Hll'IONBY A MIDDLE- thl' gh-re be o m lie useful a .o find a home poorest iii"' . i no n- o i cc Money to Loan. It OMP LOANS N R'''AL K8T TE E runty. H. W. CKUaEK, 4UI Lackawaa na avenue. Clairvoyant. MRS. FENT" N, CHlkVY.NT AND niirannlo U. Arnotit IL nad 42A Lacka wanna av nu . tit a we"k only PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. OOlce, 8:5 Washington avenue. C. C. LAITDACH. SUROEON DENTIST. ye. vri Wyoming avenue. R. M. STUATTON, OFFICE COAh Ex change. Physician! and Surgeons. Dn. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court HouseJSquareJ DR. KAY, 2w PKNN AVE.: 1 to 3 P. if: call 22. Dls. of women, obstretrlca and and all dls. of chll. Dn. W. E. ALLEN. 612 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office. 122 Wyoming ave. Resl denceKO Vine street! DR. L. M. OATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Oflloe hours, R to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATEOON. TUESTAYS AND Fridays, at 603 Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and CounrMlon at Low. Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. . JESSUrS HAND, ATTORVEYS AND Conneellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington evro W. H. J39TTP, HORACW tr M.WD, W. H. JE3SUP, JR. PATTEmON WILCOX. ATTOR reya snrl Cotin""ors t lw; ofces ( and 8 T.'brv bolldlng. 8rn"ton. Pa. ROPKWELL H PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLI .M 3. HAND, AMn'ncye end Covmo'1c.-. Cnr"oon wealth bnl'dlrs'. Rooms 19. 20 snd 21. FRANK T. OK"LT ATTORNEY-AT-Lew. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton. Pa. at-T.sw, rrowi 63, 64 and 6J, Common wealth building. 8 MT'FL W. FTaR. ATTRVTY-AT-Law. Office. SH Snmce t.. Pneion. Pa. L A. WATTES. ATTOnvev.iT-'W. 42 'Ucler"M ve.. S"-"-ton. Pa. I7.R'E TOWNREND, ATTORv"Y-AT-T-w. D'me Pi"k fol'dtncr. S-nton. Morey to loan In Inrge sums at 6 per cent f. r pTTr-rtfl-Ti jireevir.lT. tew. CommonwesH'' building. Scranton, Pa. H C. FMYTTTF.. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 400I,eckswsnp svenue. C. COMEOTS. 351 SPRtTCr: STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOAN nerottsted on real estate security. 4OT Spruce e'reet. .. n7v7 KTLLA M. ATT OR VHY- T-LA W, JAfl. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-Isw, 43 Cor-monwe'ti b'd. S:ranton. T M. C. HAWK, ne wvomvt1 AVE. Clairvoyant, PHRENOLOO'ST ANT CI.t'RVOYANT B'l Merlilsn Btreet, Park Hill. Wire Srcens. JOB. KUETTBL, BEAR Bll LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufao turer of Wire Screens. Medical. That our line of Cloakings is the most complete and lowest priced in the city. Astrachans, Persian Cloths, Boucled Effects, Kerseys, Clay Diagonals, and Novelty Mixtures in great vari ety from the most reliable makers. WALLACE, m TRY US. 632-604 UCXL AVE, COS. ID111 Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa, prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest Opens September . REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUKLL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adams avenue, ovens Sept. 9. Klndegarten 110 per term. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 23 and 26, Commonwealth building. Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce at., cor. Waah. ave., Scranton. BROWN A MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on ealer terms and psy you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callander, Dime Bank building. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nureerymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1330 North Main ave nue; store telephone 732. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbsrt's muelc store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE snle dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth.720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THll ELK CAFE. 125 and 117 FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIQLER, Proprietor. 8CRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvine Place, New York. Rates, 13.50 per day and upwarda. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor, RAILROAD TIME-TABLES sasvVVVVareaaMeaeeekferAsAssAsAsehsAs Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used excluslve.y, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE . 1898. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 1.20, 9.15, 11.30 a.m., 1.23, 2.00, 3.05, E.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For At'antlc City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8 20 (express) a. m., 1.23 (express with Ruf fet par'or car), 3.06 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.21 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New York 4 41 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 1 23, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Siirday. 2.16 p. For Long Dranch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a.m., 1.23 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.23, 6.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.16 P. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m., 1.23 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (exprees) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 430 (exprere with Buffet parlor ear) p. m. Sunday, 4.80 a. m. Leave rhl'ade'phla. Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m.. 2.00 and 4.10 p. m. Sunday 6.27 ''Through tickets to all points at lowest rates mey be had on application In ad vace to the ticket spent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAU8EN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND .cld'- RAIL ROAD. 'ommwielng Monday. . . - u all iMln. will V T'n 'rrrve.r new -Lack.-M i m wanna avenue station 9' r ss follows: Trains will leave Scran ton ata Hon for Csrbondsle arid Interme diate points st t.M, B.. . 'fie a. m.,2.00. ISO. 1.56. I W. UFof'Farrlew, WaymaH end Hbnesdale at 7 00. 1.16 and 10.10 a. m., 12 00. 2.20 and 6.U PFor Albany. Ssrstoga, the Adlrondaoks and Montreal at 6.46 a. m. and S. p. m. n U'iiLaaba. . si n J Intarmtnul P Dirts at 7.46. 1.45. 9 38 and 10.41 .a. m.,12.94, 20. S 88. 4.09. 6.19, 6.0s. t.11 ' an 1138 p. m. Trains win a mre l ecrwimD iii from Carbondale and Intarsaedlate points at 7.40. 8.49, 9.84 and 10 40 a .m., 1106; 1.17, 184 i eO, 4.D4. 1.86. 7.4 111 Bad 11.88 D. m. Front HoneedeJs. Wavrnart and Far ylew at .34 a. n,, 1180, LIT. 140, 6.66 and 1 46 p. in. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc, at 4.64 and"ll.8fl p, m. From Wllfcee-Baire IBd. Interwedlate rolnt nt 116,194. 105 snd ll 56 a. m., 1.16, 11 lit. lit. lot, T.20. 101 aad 11.11 p. to. I Wallace pSon-r" UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, ': . ' . RenoYate Feathers, ' Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds,. Make Fine Mattresses, May 12, 1896. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R. at 7.41 a. m., 12.05, 1.20. 2.8? and 11.88 p. m., via D.. L. ft W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. and Lie p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes Barre, via D., L. ft W. R. R., 6.00, .0S, 11.20 a. m., 8.S0, 6.07, 8.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha xleton. Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Madow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. R., 6.40 a. m., via IV H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m.. 1105. 1.20. 2 88, 4.00 P. m., via D., L. ft W. R. R. 9.00. 108. U.SO s, in.. 1.30. 3 50 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaaton, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate; points, via D. ft H. R. R.. 7:45 a. m., 13.06, I. 20. 2.38. 4.00 11.38 p. m.. via D.. U a W. K. K., s.oo, i.os, n. an a. m., i si p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R . 8.4S a. m., 12.06 snd 11.35 p. m., via D L. ft W. R. R., 8.08, 9.55 a. m 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west via D. ft H. R. R., 8.45 a. m. 12.05, 9.15, 11.88 p. m., via D., L. A W. R. R, and Plttston Junction, 8.09, 9.55 a. m., 1.30, 8.50 p. m., via E. ft W. V. R. R., 8.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. ft H. R. R., 8.45 a.m. 12.03. 6.05 p.m., via D.. L. ft W. R. R.. 8.08. 9.55 a. m.. 1.80. and 6 07 p. m. Pullman parlor. and sleeping or it . chali' cars on all trains between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suapenaloa Bridge. ROLLTN H. WILBUR. Gen. Bupt. CHAS. B. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt..Phlla.,Pa. A. W. NONVEMACHER. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows: FJx presa for New York and all points Eaat. 1.40, 150. 6.15, 100 and 9.55 a, m.; 12.55 and 'Express for Eaaton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 100 and 166 a. m., 12.55 and 2.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 166 p. m. Tobvhanna accommodation, 1 10 p., nu Express for Binrhamton, Oswego, Kl mlra. Coming. Bath, Dansvllle, Mount r l. ..J T3..faln 11 111 lit tn nflll aiUi riS Hill , . ll .1 mv, , v, m. vm M , 7 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Iturraio to an points in mi neat, wu west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, U.S7 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. ana 6.10 p. m. m Blnghamton aad Elmlra Express. 6.01 P-E?press for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego Utlca and Richfield Spring, 135 a .m. and ' nhacal's a and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttsiton, Wllkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections atNortb umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg. Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9.56 a. m. and 1.30 and 4.07 p.m. Namtlooks and Intermediate Jt,J 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate atatlona. 1.40 and 8.62 p. m. . Pullman parlor and aloeplng coaches oa V?PdtUlTnformatlon pockM time tablea. etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, S?8 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office " Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7 00 a. m. and 3.24 p, m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and local points at 7 00. 9.40 a. m. and 8.24 p. m. All the above are through trains te aad Trainseavefor Wllkes-Barre at 139 m. and 145 p. m. amaTon invisioiti r, : la T.Uvrt September 33si, IStS.1 ' tttvriwf (S-iftfitf waiH Hmsbb "KI3 toil ItOt f l ' Lit el ,UU0M WA i '.- -li- 1 i- ,7 Arrive Laavw 95,11. Y. Franklin Mtl tiS west ie street).. Arrive Lsavel oeaawaen i 1 15iB anorak JauoUoni ...IK Hancock meriwat Frestga Park COBIO Poyntelle Belmont ' Ple.aaut Ml Unlerdsle -Forset liy CarboBda e White Bridge llayBekt Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Pccknlle . Olv baut Dickson Throop ProvMeDee Park P see ... IS 1 ... 18 ei ... 1191 .... itij .... tS'l liirM vll 0 8 tl 91 ft46riid 6 181 .. 41itl te,ii i ItJlH ii it on 11 OS ii ii 611 Jlffll tie iWttl. b or ant oa '4 BLrave Arrlw ID trsJnsnraoally except euafay. t aucstkMUaiBSStcfieBSuiasl tor Sa cure rates vu Ontario 4) 4et4M bsfrrtt Sirehaalag a kete SMI save ssoaey. Day aasl IBtT.pteMtott9 Vf ' -io ABnVreisi, t)ew.pejs At 7 4 ...J v l 'm .... 9 I 8 89 ... 8 41 W .... 9 41 .. .... 8W .mw .... 684 ... J f .... I a x it Toil Je m r rati nt 8 m TH 849 fa 3M 7 ft 8 M . THS 404 .m 784 4 Of . 798 4M ..M tS9 4H 7 4114 17 ..M 749 4 ..m i IF '.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers