The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 02, 1895, Page 7, Image 7
THE SCllANTON t TRIBUNE- AT J 11 DAY- MORNING, MJVJ5MBEB, 2, ; 18JI.J. ;! 7 n f -AT- LUGE BROS.' Per Bushel. Delivered to any part of the city. Get your orders in early. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Enthualastlo Meeting of tbo Hcpitbllcon Organisations of this Part of tha Clty-Othor Paragraphs of Nona. A rousinjr Joint moptlns of tlie two West Side Republican crpanlza tlonn was held Inst ovontnir In tho rooms of the West Side Republican club as puosts. Joseph D. Lewis pre sided. Much enthusiasm was created by the speakers. Politics wn the pro gramme and It was a successful enter tainment Messrs. Hartl and Loiiffstroct. Itepub llcan candidates, were the principal rocakers. Others who made brief ad dresses were: Claylord Thomas, A. H. Holmes, Alfred CiodKlmll, nr., E. E. Hobathan and John Fern. The meeting was tho first held on tho West Side dur ing the present campaign. Was a ritnnv Session; The Deestrek Skule held Its first ses sion lost evening In the Plymouth Con irrpjjfatlonal church. The pupils wero members and others connected with the church. The burlesque was en Joyed by a lanre audience. Those who participated were: Delia P. ICvaris, Afr nes Joseph, Margaret Evans. Margaret It. Davis, Grace Evone, Lulu Jnmen, Lizzie Price, Nellie Morgan. Lizzie A. Evans, Jennie Daniels, Lizzie Mar chant; Charles E. Danleln. Richard Phillips, Gomer Reese, John L. Will iams, Pryee Thomns, Charles Cadunan, Walter Wl'lklns, A. U .Kyrion, Tallie Evans, John Hopkins, Ellas li Evnns, and D. E. Huphes, and Mesdatnes John Davis and J. T. Edwards. Miss Snnndcr Kntortnins. Those present at Miss Clara Saun ders' social assemblage held on Thurs day night were: Misses Margaret Hill, Daisy Poole, Mame Whetstone, Ella Saunders, May Keen, Nellie Jones, Jessie Long, Clara. Saunders, Kate Pa vis, Jennie Staples. LibMo Saunders, Bessie. Wlnpns. find Will Hun-ill. George Waters, I'ubert Hall. Allan Se enre, - Walter Pnvls, Horace Keen, Prank Thornton, Hubert Waters, Wel ter Bevan, Georare Kcwm.-Ooorffe Psiin lrs. John WlUlnma. Ales Pender, Charles Ostrander, Art Morse. An en joyable time was spent, . , Nona Notes and Personal.. The recently org-ar.'zed Cambrlin Glee club will Klve a concert In St. David's hall In December for.the bene fit of St. David's church. Henry-Morjran, a. 2-yearold pan of Odr. and Mrs. Thomas Marfan, of Jack son stretSt, died yesterday afternnn. The funeral will be 'held Sunday at 2.30. Intermente w-'.U be mads In Wash-tin-n afreet cemetery. The Mlsfes Annie. Gertrude and Alllc Jones and Maud Saunders, of Hamp ton street, and Mersra. Art Xfulburn. rtinrlfs WMbuir, Oeorare F-orter and TVed. Watson attended a party at FIKtvn Thursday evenlntr. Lilian Lnhmiii, of WIlke.'-'Harre,- Is the -truest r,t Miss Louise Fehrhj, of Sixth street. The E-llte Danclnff class met last eve ning. At th's evenlrg'a meeting of tho Welsh Philopophlcal society, Wllllnm J. Brace will read a panpr on "The Electrical Power of tihe City of Seran on." WllVa.m Vinton will speak nn "Oareu." Eoth efforts will be In Eng lish. Rev. Samufl Lewis, of Espx county, N. T., who Is staying with his nephew. Rev. David Jonrs, will preach at the First ConfrregraHonal chiM-eh next Sun day momlnir. The service will bs In English. The partcr will, at the sums hour, prwrih at Olyphant. and will be ihome In the evening. The dedicatory services of Miner's Congrerottlonal rtiur"h will he hoH next Saturday, Sunday and 'Monday. Rev. D. Jonea, of the First Oanereca tlonal church. Is t preachthere Sat urday evening. ' Our $1.00 Kid Glove lead the town. lEveTy pair guaranteed. Mears Ha3en. (Rachel, the bright S-yenr-rld daugh ter of Ben Huyhes. of Nflii Sumner avenue, was 'burled yesterday after noon In War hbiirn treet cemetery. Mrs. 'Edwin O. Reese, of -Lee Mines. Is vlettlng Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Rey nolds, or Hampton street, Wost Sldo Dnaineas Directory. TAILOR Bulls made to order. $18.00 and up; overcoats, I1G and up.. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repair work a specialty. Frank Ollbortl. 1U3S W. Lackawanna avenue, near Main avenue. - GET THE MAJESTIC OIL BTOVH. Grand Pa'lor, Mystic, Easter and Pock ash Ranges. 20 per cent, saved. R. J. Hughes, agent,-124 South Main avenue. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, .tools sharpened, saws tiled, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. L. flteenbark, dealer in Guns, Fishing Tackle, under West Bide Bank. .- PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, It.M per dozen. Their are Just .lovely. Con vince yourrelt-by calling -at Starner'e Photo Parlors. Wl and 101 South Mala avnue. BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done ' In a flrst-clasa manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld a Hotel CROOERiEB Revere Standard Java 9? u unexcelled. The leading coffee or the day. For sale only at V. W. Ma son Co. Fins Groceries, 1U South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITtmECASH for anything you have to sell. Furnl tore. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call anil see the stock of J. c. King., 1084 and 10f! Jackson street. t .- ... PLUMI31NG-William t. Grifflthi. ' 111 North Main avenue, doe .flrst-aloss Plumbing, Steam Heat and Oka Fitting, atisfacqoa la atrtctly guaranteed. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. On June 80 last the accident fund composed of employes of the Green wood Coal company held Its annual pic nic, and about 11 o'clock at night a fight started In which the principals were George McCloskey and Alex Lecofskl, two Polish Don Juans. Their quarrel arose over the smiles bestowed upon McCloskey by Miss Louisa. Y&nkovskl. These latter two had that very morn tea; baan-together to .tha clerk ot the eourta ofHee and- had been granted a, marriage licehi-e. Prior to that time sorno months, Lecofskl had been the favored suitor. - ' ' The outcome of the quarrel at tne picnic was that McCloskey was found the next morning alongside, the read near the erove. with a fractured skull and in an unconscious condition. Lef- co'skl was arrested and lodged In Jail. and Alexander Klsler was committed as an accessory to the crime. Event ually McCloskey recovered, but when J he returned home his affection for Miss ( Ynnkofskl had tied. In due season Ler cofskt and Klsler go out of Jail, and yesterday the hitter and MIss.Yankof skl appeared nt the court house, pro cured a license to wed. and will be mar ried tomorrow if nothing unforeseen happens. , . . Will Work Sotnrd.iv Mehts, Orders have been given to run the South steel mill on Saturday, nights until different notice Is posted. The mill has not operated on Raturdny flight for over two years, and the return to this schedule is actfeptPd as a sign that the prospect of work Is very bright, .Sustained a JSmkcn Leg. . John Xealis. 19 years of age. a young man living on Stone avenue, and em ployed loading rail nt the South steel mill, was seriously Injured at work yes terday nfternoon. A rail fell on his rlpht thigh n ml fractured It. He was taken to the Moses Tayltfr hospital. . '( ' ' .-; ! ',.- :' t Shortor I'nrogrophs of Mows. . . Mrs. M. Robinson. -and sons. .Philip. Edmund and Robert, are In New York city Inspecting machinery to equip their brewery with' for the manufacture of ale and porter. . . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neuls, of Willow street, have a child who is very serious ly III. Very necessary repairs have been made at the- quarters of the Century Mcse company. A few days ago the lloor collapsed and let the wagon down a font or two to sold. earth. A meeting of the congregation of the Evangelical church of I'eace, of which the pnstor is Rev. August Lange, will meet this evening for the purpose of re ceiving bids for the erection of a house of worship. It will be SHxRl and will seat over 100 persons. The basement will be fitted up for Sunday school pur poses. ' A ChautauqiW circle 1tns been organ ized at the Young Women's Christian association, and wnl be under the direc tion of Alias Sarah Clark. The sessions will be hold on Tuesday evenings. , Our 11.00 Kid Gloves lead the town. Every pair guaranteed.- Mears & Hagen. NORTII END. David Sanders, who was recently In jured at the Von Storch mine, la rapid ly Improving. At the meeting of the Home and For elKn Missionary societies of the Provi dence Presbyterian church, which was held yesterday afternfoon. some very Interesting papers were read by Mrs. D. R. Atherton, Mrs. J. R. Peck, Miss Mnry Oakley and Miss Nellie Morgan. Two excellent duets were also rendered by Mrs. George Wilder. Mrs. B. H. Ath erton and Miss Catherine and Miss Lli zin Gabriel, Following the exercises tra was served to about seventy-five la dies, i . The Welsh Haptlnt Sunday nchool will meet today to rehearse some nlualc for their Christmas entertnnment. The services In the Providence Pres byterian church will convene tomor row as usual. .In the evening . Rev. George E. Guild will preach on "Heze klnh." ' The third In the seWes of popular ser mons on tfii hook of Ruth will be deliv ered tomorrow evening In tho North Slain Avenue - Baptist Church by tho "astor, Rev. W. O. Watktns. The or dinance of baptism and communion will be administered In the morning. H. IT. Fnton nnd wife, formerly of this city, arrived yesterday from Beth 'ehem. their present home, bringing with them the corpsp of their little son who died of crdun. Six weeks atto they wer" here on a slmMnr errand, burying their bnhy. . The children were laid st rest In the Dunmore cemetery, Rev. W. O. Watklrs officiating. The Noth End Indoor Rose Pall clnh play aaalnst tho Central City club this evening at the Thirteenth regi ment armory. . In tho Providence Methodist Episco pal church tomorrow morning Rev. Mr. Edgar win rrench on-"Spiritual Addi tion." In the evening he will speak on "An Inevitable Journey." The Ep wnrth leseiio wl'l meet at M5 p. m, and will be led by Miss Margaret Williams. Gold and fountain pens SOo. to $1 Pratt's Book Store. DUNMORE A valuable horse owned by Butcher ,T. B. Hobday, of Brook street, died T Jiurfday jrlrfit. r. "'' Rev. Mr. Welsley, of Avora, will ex change pulpits with tRev. J. W. Wil liams tomorrow both morning and eve ning. iMlrses Alice Walsh and Kittle Bar rett, of Peckvllle, ' are visiting Miss Theresa v MeDonough,- ..of Chestnut street. . )';'' . . . . Dr. Fraik-'iWin.trrs' lfl '.'quite- 111 of pneumonia.' at, Ms horns, on Blakely street. . . '.. ,', ' ... . . .. Mr Jacob rCh-rlst.;bf. Dudley street, returned ho-me -yesterday, after, spend ing several weeks wlbh trlenda and rel atives clt TunkJiah nock. DavSd- Barfoni, son,.of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Birlou, la tIahgerou'!y 111 a the hoimeof hLataj-en ts, on .Dudley street. On aoconn-t of the. Inclement .weather on Thursday e.Vehlns. , Diamonds and Toadi.i." wlM be repeated next week. :Ml?sfS Marie A dele Williams. -and Mattle IlftTtK '.of-; Carbondale, ale guests of frleh'ds In Jhla place. - . ' The noolal that 18 4o tie given by, the La dies' Aid eoclcty on ' Tuesday eve ning, Nov.'. fl. Will be 'held at the resi dence of WHlHm Teeter, Elm street. This cCianre Is imade on account -if sickncea ait Mrs.. Barton's. All -wilt, bp made wc-loome. , i . Photo albihns,' Bibles and Testaments below cost. Pratt's Book Store. ( - For Slngera itnd Publle Speakers. I'se' Arint Itachail'e Elecampane and Hnrehound;. It Is known that clear white rock candy is the tnost ttoallng of all sub stance!, and borehound and elecampane the very throat remedies: combined we have llorehound, Elecampane, Grape Juice and Roek Candy, one of the berft pulmonary remedied kuown. Singers and' public speakers should carry a bottle In their pocket. For saie by drugglats. Price 23 cents and ?S cents.. ' ;. , ms'wiiiia. .aswi.w ' III El). BENDER Ott ji,. Roy F. Bender, Sgcd 8 years and t months; residence rear of East Market street. " funeral Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment In the Washington Avenue cemetery. BtRKE-At tho home of his parents, 815 Cnpouse avenue, Willie'' Burke, aged 7 years pad Smooth. , Funeral Sunday-at t pm. Interment la Hyde Park Catho lic cemetery;' ' . .. LAZARfS-rin Scraiiton, Nor. i, 1805, Mrs. Charlofto T. Lazarus, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Crimmlns, 333 South Main avenue, aged 11 years.. Fu neral private, LEWIS In Mooslc, Nov. 1, Mrs. Margaret Iewlt, formerly'tif Wllkcs-Barre, aged l70 years. Funeraf announcement later. MIULLODY-Oct. Si, 1895, Patrick, son or Mr. and Mrs. .Michael ,Mellody, of 814 ' Monroe avenue, aged fj yaarj Funeral at t o'clock this afternoon (Saturday.) .Interment in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.-. -' " - ' WATKINSln her Bflth year, on Nov. 1. Mrs. Mary Watktnn; . of t37 Putnam street Funeral Sunday at a p. m. In- ' teribeat'ln Waahburit Street cemetery. TOW UAOHJIAH ,;, WUEltE ABB -WE At iM ? ; Sherirra Sale or Sorunton r.ano Ball Franchise and Othor Property IH)t poned t'otil Monday-I'oirUk I'owcpt, President of t he League, Come to Town Pat Powers, president of the Eastern league was In Scraiiton yesterday. The sfeeiiil's sale yesterday of tne Boranton franchise and property waa postponed until Monday; these two factB are the principle features of tho base ball mud die which has been a scries or liga tions'' since the association went into amicable Insolvency. ..' i . Mr. Powers arrived from Now iora city on tho Lackawanna noon train and was accompanied by a Mr. Curry, whose only ' exeute for being hero Is that ho Is Mr. Powers' friend. Previous to the president's coming the dlrector creoilora of the association secured a postponement of the sheriffs ale until 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. Soon af ter Mr. Powers' arrival h had an hour's talk with Preaident Bctts, of the Scranton association; In the Wyoming House, and afterward visited the otTlce of Harry P. Simpuon, where a confer ence was held until late In the after noon. After supper Mr, Powers went to Wilkes-Barre, but returned nt mid night and left In a few hours for New York. . .. Matter for Speculation. 'What was meant hy the postpone ment of the sale and the two Interviews Is mere speculation. It IB supposed that the creditors were not assured how President Powers end the Eastern league directorate would view the sale. A clause In the national agreenient provides that a sale or transfer of a franchise must be ratified by a league. .Without Securing the sanction of the league, sellers and buyers alike would have had to take chances, and tho sale was postponfed in order to meanwhile secure the approval of President Powers, wh6, while not comprising the league directorate, cer tainly voices tho sentiment of that body. w One thing The Tribune can state with emphasis: The Eastern league fran chise will not go outside Scranton un less present plans miscarry. President Poweru' wishes on this point have been misquoted. Personally, he . wants Scranton In the Eastern league and be lieves financial success la assured here. Trouble might be occasioned if Mill ionaire Msrlile. who Is back of the State league, or his representatives, bid In the property, but In such an event tho Eastern league directors would dis countenance the sal" and some one wnuld bo mixed with a pretty kettle of fish. F.nstcrn League Club Will Star. In substance, indications tire that if earth and air hold together until 4 o'clock Monday afternoon the Eastern league will be saved to Scranton. '. P. Jordan and Edward Coleman, two of the uirector-credltors, were ot the base ball park yesterday at the hour advertised for the sale. W. A. St. John and Martin Swift., a stockholder and the mannser of the Scranton club In the State league, were also on the ground. President Power3, usually uncom municative while being Interviewed, conversed with a Tribune reporter on his return from Wllkes-Barre at mid night and was emphatic In bis denial of reports that wanted Scranton's East ern league franchise to go out of this cfty. He said: "I assure you Scranton will possess an Eastern league club next season. - This Is our territory and neither the State league nor any other organization or an Individual can take it from us. it is not probable that any attempt wll be rrade ' at Monday'!) sale to interfere with the Intention of keeping thoTren' chlse here. ' If State league people at tempt any ifharp practices or If any lo oal norsons succeed In buying the fraa chlse with the Intention of Juggling with It, a new Eastern league franchise will be locnted hero within twentw-four hours. We have legal organization rights in this matter. On this point you may quote me in as strong lan guage as you wisn. ' ' Does Not favor C1n A Idcn. Mr. Powers said further that there Is no wish on the par' of the Eastern league directors to see Scranton omit ted. Of the probability that Toronto might be dropped he did not speak Jen nltely, but said that Arthur Irwin, late manager of the Phlladelnnlas, had se curer. control of the Toronto franchise to bp used as a lever In furthering his efforts to become manager of the New Yorks. He did not seem to favor the proposl tlon tuat the Eastern league clubs be placed In class A, which would cost each club 1600, or SO per cent, additional This he thought would detract from the advantage that might bo gained through receiving $1,000 Instead of $500 for a drafted player. : ' That the Wilkes-Raj-re association Is justltled in pretesting the signing of Shannon by Rochester, seemed to be Mr. Powers' opinion, but he Indented I'lini tittj uiouig iiiu-jr ue UIIUCUDiy Set tied. . ' He said that the suspension of Pitcher jacn ijuoy ny ine auranton club Is op erstlve, and thnt Luby cannot play with a club under the national agree ment If a Scranton contrnct is present ed to him for his signature In the spring; Luby's reservation , by 8crauton, he saiu, is oiuciai. . ; . Relief in Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dUrnsM relieved In six hours by' the "M gni,ih American Kidney Cure.. This new rem edy !a a great surprise on aeount of its exceeding promptness in relieving pa'.n In the bladder, kidneys, basic, and every part of tho urinary passages. In mole or fe male. It relieves retention of water ami pain In passing It almost Immediately. If vnn wnnt ou ok reMef- end pm V '' . your remedy. Sold by C.'.M. Harris, Drug, Ui renn avenue, auiuuiun, i u. r LETTERS FROM' THE PEOPLE. (Under thli heading short letters ot In lureat will be published when aceomn nled, for publication, by llio writer' nume. The Tribune will not be hold re sponsible for opinions hero expressed.) ELECTRICITY IX THE MINES. Editor of The Tribune. Sir; In an article In your Issue of Thurs day morning, this week, entitled "Mine Mule Superseded," you make a few state ments which we beg leave to correct. You Ktntu that "the electric locomotive recent ly Installed at the Bellevue mine Is the brsl pne to prove succcisiui, not tnat the system -la detective, or nnytning UKe that, but wherever these machines have been Introduced some mien or anoiner appear, to have attended the test, necessitating a re-shlpplng of them back to the ractory for overhauling" We 'wish to state that prior to the In stallation of tho Beilovuo plant we have equipped three different mines In 'this region with electric locomotives, which have proven entirely eatlafactory from the vory ptart; In fact, we have exceeded our guarantee In every case by hauling larger trips than our contract called for. We Installed at the mines of O. 8. John son, Oreen Ridge, an electric locomotive which has been-runnng continue 'y for eight months snd has been giving entire satisfaction. This locomotive In worklnp on one of the most crooked gangways In this section and Is alsc, hauling loaded cars out of a 7 per cent. dip. It would re quire thirteen taulee and eleven drlvf boys and runnors to equal the output of this locomotive. At the Ontario tunnel of tho New York and Jlcrsnton Cpa.1 company. In Peckvllle the locomotive which we Installed ll February has hot lost fifteen minute slsae It, was.iatarted. ; At -this mine .! would require nine fnttles -arid six boys' equal the outnut of the locomotive. An ti'htr Idnctnotlve, at the Sturges shaft of the New York' and Scrsnton Coal com pany, , at PeckvlVle, has ben In suecens ful operation for a few we;ks, and ha not only replaced number f mules and boys, but will enabls tha eotnaany to la- v Lrlta iSia- 'id correct the fale Idea cxirusi In a portion of your article uiiil to impress It upon the public that electric mine haulage is. not in its infancy, but is an stnbUhed, reliable und efflclohf sys tem of hauling coal on our underground roads. Scranton Electric Conntructlon Co.. Frederick J, Piatt, Manager, Soranton, Nov. 1. . . . "THE : DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA" Read The Tribune early In No vember. , O'NEILL IN VIRGINIUS. Several Times called llcforo tho Curtrln nt thii Fmt til nullum Lnst Mht. Sheridan Knowles' tragedy, "Vlr glnlus," was produced by James O'Neill and company at the Prothlns'liam last nln-ht befute a highly pleased audi ence. Mr. O'Neill's Interpretation of the role of the Roman father who killed his only daughter rather than see her become the property Claudius was excellent In conception and execution and he was several times called befono the curtain. 1 A very competent company assists Mr. O'Neill. Tonight he will be seen In the role In which he has won his greatest fan-e, thnt of Edmund Dantes In "Monti) Crlsto." . 08 Saved out of Ten Who Suffered from Kidney Disease and Gravel. And that one, T. N. ArnolJ, of 149 West avjnuc, Rochester. N. Y.,.was !he orriy one wtio usoj Dr. Kennedy's Fa vorite Remedy. Tils' remarkaLlo rlatement was In vestigated ar.d put'll&'hed' Tooeritly In the Rooivcrtcr Dtaiociat and Chronicle. Mr. Arr.oid said: "Some years 050 I was taken sick, which ran along until 1U!9 before I found out the real cause. Tr.iere Wrrc ton of us, friends, all sick In the city of Rixlhustcr at the same time with kMney disease or pravel in the bladder nine died. The doctors ex ercised their utmost f klll on -those nine men twt cau'.d r.ot pave one cf them. I picked up a fcook one day on Dr. David Kennedy's FavorMe Remedy, and saw my case d-cscrlbed exactly, and I re solved to try It. I commenced its uso, nred ihow a'li aJl I -xiprers my gratltuUe, for It rnved my life. The rin I have puffcred no mortal man can describe. I have lain on my ibaek with my feet agElnrt the wall to try and get In a position 'to caee the pain. After I had taken three doses of Favorite Remedy, I commenced t feel better; of course he pain and swelling continued until the a'tona was all d'lsaolved. From the time I went to "bed and commenced to use DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY until I was all rlgbt again,, was just four ar.'J a half month?. I have recom mondtU this rorr.t'iy to a groat many pecple, for nobody knows .'how highly I value it.' " Many other Instances of the kind are widely talked of 'hero In Rochester, where Dr. David. Kennedy' Favorite Remedy has effected cures after phy sicians had given up hope. It restores the liver to a hsalt'hy condition, and cures the wrirtt cas of eoristlpatlon. Jt :1s a certain cure for all diseases peculiar to females, and affords great protection from attacks 'that originate In ,chan.e of life. It cures scrofula, nart rheum, rheumatism, dyspepsia, all kidney, hla'.lder and urinary diseases, e-ra.vf I. diabetes and -Bright's disease. In this la Ft disease It has cored where all . else failed. -'" lit OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Easiness and Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID OH TIME DEPOSITS. A '98 Wllliclm, List $100, Price $55 a so Eonarcn, List 89, frice du A '92 Colombia, 33 A '92 Cleveland, condition fair, 28 The test birmirs iver offcrrd yea. Oar prii ou eportiuv uooai sro siwsys rues, ooi torn. i A. W. JURISCH Spru 43S co Mrcot CALL VP 8682. BUD 1 HDD UWiM GO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OPFIOE AND WAREHOU38, Ml TO 181 MERIDIAN STRB3T M. W. COLLIN 8. : M'aTK , .A permanent relief to long ufforlna women I tpeciflo fo 11 female wesknenos; one- ot a tore's own remddles: It hot In jdrlont to the moit ddllcSte eon. stl.otlon. Why iaffjrT Prkw. 91 p r b (tie Per Sstf JOHN H, Mils AS Auul. sA Roj's , Restorla . Compound PnTADDII M&Vrera may obtain Valdabie bHIAnnn pamphlet by ndo.tnittainp to ColouiM kbemleat ('., waBinton, U a Me car, m par. Thia eoncaro la reliable . Out 0 ACADEMY OF MUSIC, nm Big nep-icai en SATUR JAY, NOV. 2. Flrtt rrewntation in This City. Eoyt's Greatest langh Prodncer, ABlack5heep Fns?nted with novel ecnle elferts sad itrmi't CJt ever ore ,u:a.d, ititiodunue newest mu'c. luti-nt dan es, pre! lest if.rls VcHt stiirti iiv vaudeville f aatariu aoJ tbre buu' ' la sht-r i ri - a -iuc. fiOo., TSo. and 91.U0 Sal of sea's opens Tuut sJay. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Now. 4- Entlr WeoK. Rutarn of the FoTcrltes, the MILTOH flBORN OPERA COMPANY BsauiiTal Seemrii Magnilicenl Cotlsnics. Monday Said Pasha Tuesday Boccaccio We.lii'sd y Tar and Tartar Wednesday Matinee Q3hsmian Girl Tiumdny Chimes of Normansy Frldity : Marltana Siiturdny Matinee., H Ship Ahoy Saturday ....Masoot PRICES i Gallery 10 Cents Balcony : 20 and 30 Cents First' Floor .. 30 Cents Parlor Chairs ; 80 Cents Flsht diagrams open Friday morn eg at I THE FR0THINGAAM, Wagner Kcis, Lessee and .Munngor. UO NIGHTS, NO J. I AND 1 America's Oroatost Trapedl in, jam1s O'NEILL Slara .-emnnt of Wm. F. Connor, In the 'lnii I'roductiuiM ot the 8uk-.ou, vimusLRefrsto Two BnmptubnsKcsnlo Produotbni. bpeci:.l Cakt. prices. Balo of teats opens Oct to, at 0 u. m. IH3ND&Y AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, NOV. 4 AND 5. SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY C. B. Jtflcrien, Klaw k rrlangtr't Enormeuity Suceeiilul Production, PALMER COX'S BROWNIES BIGGER, BETTER AND BRIGHTER THAN EVER. THE WORLD'S GREATEST SPECTACLE. Bale of Beats opens Thursday, Oct. 31, at I) a. m. alurp. DAVIS' THEATER '. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, - Nov. 4, 5 and 6. ' Special Fngagement of Sam T. Jack's FAMOUS CREOLE COMPANY Direct from Sam T. Jack' Cpo: a Houee, l blcagu, 11L - f I1EI.I.F.S OF THE BAVOU gZf OU NVMPI1S OF THE MLK OU Swo t Hablo Sonifatresses. tellrhtrul tel- eartla-i 1 mic-n. 'ibe uuly Orluli al Oreole or .amsati'iu unuer cue exclusive amuagu lou. t ot Sain T. Jack. Admission, 10, 0 or 3a Cents. JTWe Do No! Advertise In the Elmlra Telegram. CHRYSANTHEMUM - SHOW Under tbe Direction of O. R. CLARK A CO., at tbs Frolhlngham, Not. 7, 8, 9, II, 12. Tbo most boaatlfal and rxtsnftlre exhibition entr glron in the state. Over OO.nui Uliry an thetniims alone. Magnificent, Cooiprebcnsivi aud Unlquo. 4DM,S5I01, 25 CENTS, CHILD1EN 15 CENTS Open from 9 a. m. till 11 p. m. THE NEW NO, 2, Containi all tbnt baa made Hammond Work fiiirona, and NEW, NOVEL and I 8KFUL im prorementa.. "Han monil Work the C'rlteilun of Hammond Superiority." "Enmmond Bale tbe t rlterlon of Hammond Popularity." Ham mond No. ft "Tbo Perfect Typi- rltor. Ex am ne It and be convinced. Fhtladclpbia branch of Til - Hummond Typewriter Oa, UP S, tlx h blreet. . F. A. & A. J. BilANDA, . 414 Cpruct St., f eranloil RetirtiinltUvai. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest Id tho City. ; ' The lateat improved (uraln loC and opparatoa for keeplo meat, butter and tRt. . ' . . : . aas wyomiriB Av ', MeJeTft. mi ymmf . ADVERf I8RMENTS HEADED SITUATIONS ' WANTED" ARE frRlEUl IN TttIM PAPER. ' .Re - Quality wth as is always the first consideration; this secured ro Hammer ths Prices Down to make thsm acceptable to all. INI, At no time in the historv of Scranton has there been offered such values as these. Mijsss Jacket, From U to 13 years, assorted color, same as electrotype; your choice $1.08 Beat It If Yon Can-S1.9 Ladies' Double Beaver Capa, Satine trimmed; never sold lor Icjs than five dollars. $2.98-For a Few Daja-SiOS. Ladies' Jackets, A line to close out; prices ranging from live to filteen dollars, Your Choke, $3.98. CLOAK DEPART CI 00 WITT lil! V A F,nS French Felt Hat. In anv color, worth HILL DU1 fully $1.75. No chromo thrown in. ! s9 OR WIT T HTTY A Vc,vct ,lat or Bonnet, nicely trimmed; -..'O 11 IIAj li U 1 Kold by exclusive houses for $5.00, with an additional offering to captivate the unwary. 3 OS Lackawanna Avenne, Scranton, Pa. THE LACKAWANNA Trust and Safe Deposit Co. NO, 404 Lackawanna Avenue, Capital, - - - -Surplus and Undivided Profits, OFFICERS i WILLIAM T. SMITH, Pre i dont, IIENRY J. ANDERSON, ' Vice Preaident JOHN W. FOWLER, Treasurer. Business and personal acsotintu received. Savings deposits received and interest paid on stuns of $1 upwards. Tlii.4 Company acts as Trustee, Executor. Utmrdiun, etc., under appointment by the courts, corporations or individuals. Designated Legal Depository for the State ot Pennsylvania and the Courts of Lackawanna County. Sains of desirable sizes in Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults for Kent from $5 to $40 perannnm, and convenient Storage for Valuables for the summer months. OLD WHITE PINE TIMBER For Heavy Structural Work, ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth BId.. Scranton, Pa. Tetephona 422. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rii ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Slip plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, OTTOBEIDER SCRANTON, PA. WHY SUFFER When too can bat toot ti adantlfloally Tutad Froo hv tho now method. tVThero lira hnnUreda of people it tboy knew tola, would to mil to hare their eintnlti. DON'T WAIT. PrT-Whon yon irot lenora. or g'ataft, at' many people call them, (let the Beat, aa they won't noat too any more to an poorer one Do not trust your valuable tight to pad d er.ThoACRO-CRYSTALUENSE3 will eorreot in vision and (top all pain in tha head. Placed Id ibt Finest Ui Gold Fram?s for 9 TU oa Leaaet an aold on'y by De WITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELS ri Cppcalto Bonnton Honaa, SOS Laokawanna Ave., scilANTOJC, PA. BotTMDAttv: , I to U a. m., lUland7 totp. at. . BLANK BOOKS Or hit klndii, maitabctored at thort sotkav it t lie Trlbsne Cfice, . 1 Fasnsosi $250,000 $95,000 DIRECTORSi HENRY BELIN, Ja CON KaD BCHKOKUER. P. J . HO. (AN. It. T. BLA K. HEN'KV J. ANDERSOW. KDWAHU B. KTUKOES. J. BEM DIM MICK. WM. T, SMITH. OEORGK SANDERSON. wlLLIAM (X NELL. T. I'. SN'OVElt CHAULESH, WELLES, Our Stock In Trade Mainly Consists of Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Silverware, Sterling Silver Koveltles, Silver Plated Ware, Fine Cot Glass, Art Porcelains, . Fine Leather Goods, Banquet Lamps. Wo carry tho largest variety In all of thceo llnea. No concern nearo than the (treat elite I oan ahow eai-b a variety. Oar word Hour bond. Nearly thii ty years ot iuceeraful bnai- nraa ahould be proof enough tliat our uooda and prioea are right, and klwaya bare been right ' ' k.K.,;WKl lOUf W Milt ; , h of fooac aha uktuia. oA mem auo mathen. That airlu at treatmont. rilKora. tirodiin wmb mwriii,fiMiifvnirrnn;t. hna, rrnao IMwityi HtgM j RmlMlac Cqswrnpuoo. IiuonltT, Kihautaia inaiSaand koliwrM the Oea- enUTa urttroa ociiuinff one ror naay, eo.inn aud la eufcit lym renby Dr. HbJ ririMi ft i sralaa. noraoioniycarapTmruMUtMi cuniW baia ua klak rUw otuif tbi PlUet.rYkl tit to" taa puiwih . i.v.' per do or a lim mmuM IV nr. WW rn tr a4ilisrvH--r v, for JOHN 11 flat, Wyoming a ve. and Bpraeo ttrwet,1 ft -GO.. 9 MERCEREAU S.CQNMELL 1 aaTlaa.iaa"jriril- T loaa '!