6 THIS ' SCI? AN TON THUS V NB SATUll DAY MOUNT ' 'NOVE MBEB 2, 18JKV KENS OF RUS . WORLD Horse Kace to be Contacted for the Benefit of a Church. MEETINGS OP CITY MINISTERS Members of the Young Womn'i Christian Asaoeistions to View the Chryssnthe IM In the Boles Coussrvstorjr. ; Sander Services la Churches. Does horse racing have a place In church charity? Is a question that can properly be disoinsed, now that a Throop minister has frlven Jila approval of races to be trotted at the Scranton Drivlna- nark this afternoon for the fceneflt of Ihis church. Whether the reverend gentleman will himself ho.d the reins over the back of a horse and wttoop "g'lang" as the field swings Into the homestretch Is a problem of too staggering a nature to be handled toy the laity. (Let the ministers settle It, If there are two sWes to the argument. The facts of the case are these: The Throop minister needed funds for bis csiurch and asked C. D. Sanderson and Mr. Bellman, of the Pancoast Coal company, for a contribution. The coal men suggested some kind of an en tertainment atnd the proposition was accepted. Mr. Saniderson and Mr. Bell man are enthusiastic members of the Gentlemen's Iwiving club of this city and had no difficulty tn securing entries for a free-for-all, a 2.20 and a 2.S3 trot which were announced for Thursday afternoon, but the rain caused a post ponement until today. A public an nouncement was made that the races would be for sweet charity, but there was no mention of tine Throop minister or his church, excepting among the par ticipants and dub officers. Whether the promoters of the trot wore ashamed, whether the minister wus ashamed or whether all parties were conscience trlcken te mere conjecture. The Tribune gives the facts merely because the case Is unusual and leaves the discussion feature open. Three Ministers' Meetings. Ministers of three denominations held separate meetings Monday. The Pres byterian cleric held Its annual meeting in Dr. Logan's study. Oillcers were elected ns follows: President, Rev. O. E. Guild; vice-president, Kev. N. IF. etahl; secretary, Kev. Dr. 8. C. Logan: treasurer, Rev. Dir. C. E. Robinson. A discussion regarding the mission work among the Slavs In this region was then taken up. Systematized talks on this subject will he continued at the next meeting. TheiMethodlst ministers held their regular Monday morning meet ing In Elm Park Church. Those pres ent were: Dr. Pearce, Revs. O. T. Price, E. L. Santee, F. P. Doty, A. F. Chaffee, John Davy. McOee and iRd gar. Mr. Santee read a thoughtful pa per on "Law," treating the relation of natural law In the splrftual realm. The next meeting Willi be 1a union one at the Toung Men's Christian Association toulMing on Monday. The Baptist pas tor's conference was held in the par lors of the .Penn Avenue church. Rev. (Dr. H. H. Harris was elected president for the ensuing year. The following pastors were present: Revs. Harris, 0''Neal, 'Embrey, Orow, Walking, Ford, Williams. Rev. D. J. Williams, of Jer tnyn, read an excellent paper on "Criti cism, Its 'Laws, and the Qualifications of the Critic." The next conference wlU tie held on the second Monday In November. Of Interest to Y. W. C. A. Members. The practicability of the Young Wo men's Christian association has been apparent during this week, the rooms being thronged by young women and teachers attending the County Teach ers' Institute In the court house. The members of the association have been Invited by Colonel and Mrs. H. M. Boles to view a chrysanthemum and floral display at their residence, on Clay avenue, near Olive street, Monday from 2 to 6, and from 7 to 10 o'clock. Colonel and Mrs. Boles will be assisted In entertaining by the association's board of managers. The lunch committee and board of managers of xne association met yesterday ana com pleted arrangements for the Harvest Home dinner to be given Tuesday In the association rooms from 11.30 to 2 o'clock p. tn., and a supper from 5.30 to I p. m, The gospel meeting on Sun day will be led by Mrs. E. D. Fellows. Attention will 'be turned to the country of South America and Its needs, and several will take part In the pro gramme. The class In free hand draw ing, already announced, will be organ ised next week under R. A. Lyons In It he John Raymond Institute. Appli cations are now being received 'at 20S Washington avenue, where information in regard to the course may be ob tained from the secretary. Honor to Dr. Pearee and Scranton. Scranton has been doubly honored re cently by the calls extended. Rev. Dr. W. H. Pearce to become pastor of the (Hamlin Methodist Episcopal church, of Washington, D. C, and the First Meth odist church, of Duluth. The honor Is no less Scranton's than the minister's as rt It In this city that Dr. Pearce has largely aided In bringing Elm Park church and Its congregation to the po sition it occupies In the front rank of Methodist churches in the United States. His labor Is appreciated here, and that his attainments are known abroad la shown by the calls from two such prominent churches. The Hamlin church possesses the wealthiest and most Influential Methodist congrega tion In Washington, and the Duluth church bears a similar relation to the northwest. - Each call was delivered, and Dr. (Pearce will, in the spring, go to the Franklin street church, In Wllkes-Barre; he will not leave the Wyoming conference until shown that he can do a greater work elsewhere. From the Yonng Lntheran. The current number of the Young Lu theran contains the following from the pen of its editor, Rev. E. L. Miller, who is pastor of the Holy Trinity Lu theran church: The pastor of Trinity takes pleasure In thus publicly commending the ex emplary religious fervor and enterprise cf a colony of Hungarian Lutherans In Peckvllle and vicinity. Without a reg ular spiritual adviser, they have effect ed an organization, purchased a de sirable lot, procured a charter, and laid the foundation of a church build ing, and nave paid all debts thus In curred. . And yet these people were listed, presumably, with savages by a religious body whose teal outruns Its knowledge, and which accordingly set .bout doing missionary work among them. Before the facta were brought to IN THE WORLD OS BEAUTS 13 OUPRERIE cVotonh-lsH tfMBMSt effec Nine sad bsMtlryisf soap la s It tMMrest, sweetest, sad in lav ww, " " I nostrsfmhlnr (or touot, bun, sad summy. ft strikes at the ssstMM eossnlextcw, fatuag hair, ana t-MOM) bi bhsmhhst, VtS.1 THS CUMOKS, . i iwM lUt PSSHi IHi 1 hhe "attention of the writer sossePW rhevsi people were induced. by-the pro selyters to contribute their Influence and about 800 hard-earned dollars to an organisation which declared there was no difference between the creed of Lutherans and that which they taught. It la even said that coercive threats were made to etop the Lutheran work. Efforts are now belnff made to win the chldren fiom the filth of their fathers through the kindergarten; system. There is great need of sending Luther an erlijtual guides among these peo ple throuehout the Lackawanna vol- ley, and the whole matter will be brought to the attention of conference at the next meeting. The Young Men's Christian assocla tlon gospel service on Sunday at 3.45 p. m. will be aldreyatd by Rev. George E. Guild, of the providence Presbyter- Ian' church. The Younjr Men's Chris tian a-isoojatlon Glee club, which has recently been strengthened by the ad dition of new voices, will conduct tne sea? BcrvIcM, led by Tallle Morgan, ar.il acsompar.ilfxl by J. M. Chance. Kev. William Edtar, pastor of the ProvldeneeJlcthodlst Episcopal church, will speak at the Rescue Miff Ion thl.1 everng. Sunday services at the Res cua Moslem will be at 4 in the after noon and 8 o'clock in the evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Scranton Factors' union will be held In the parlors of the Young Men's Chris Kan association building Monday, Nov. 4. at 10.30 a, m. Rev. H. M. Cole, ko'.iaror for the National Keeley kas'Ue, will give an address on "Scien tific Temperance." Rev. Foster If. Gift, of Grace Ltrther ea cCiurcii, wlH begin the series of sermons on the "Commandments," on Sunday evening at the Young Men's Christian association hall at 7.30. Littlo Notes of the Churches. The temporary church of the Holy Savior In Wllkes-Barre; Rev. J. J. Cur ran, pastor, will be blessed and opened for worship Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock. The new congregation formed a portion of St. Mary's parish which was recently divided by Bishop O'Hara and a new parish formed. . " At St. Luke's church, All Saint's Day, (yesterday) was observed by the cele bration of the Holy Communion at t a. m.. and 10 a. m. Persons who de sired to remember departed loved ones sent flowers Thursday afternoon for the decoration of the altar and chanc?l. These flowers were pent after the ser vices to the sick and afflicted. Under the auspices of the Mite so ciety of St. Luke's church, Mrs. Emma Shaw Colclough on Monday night lee turned In the Young Men's Christian association hall on "Through Hawaii with a Kodak." The lecture was illus trated by a stereoptlcon. The weekly entertainment for Young Women's Christian association mem bers and their friends was given Tues day night by Miss Nellie De Graw. so prano; Miss Margaret Vipond, con tralto: Miss Bertha Conger, pianist; Miss Cora Grlflln, elocutionist, and the Qneen Ridge Wheelmen quartette. Rev. J. T. Morris has returned from a visit with friends in Ohio.' He will preach his usual Sunday sermons at the Bcllcvue Calvlnistlc Methodist church. Rev. H. H. Harris, of Taylor, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, will preach at the Jackson Street Baptist church on Sunday, Nov. 10. Mr. Harls Is well known In elsteddfodlc circles as an able adjudicator on elocutionary competitions. His church at Taylor Is in a flourlshlg condition and has grown considerably under the reverend gen tleman's careful attention. Rev. W. K. Moffat, who has accepted the Invitation to become pastor of the Washburn Stret Presbyterian church, will preach his Initial sermon tn his new charge on Nov. 10. Much Interest Is being taken In Mr. Moffnt's coming. The annual ' Thanksgiving sunrise meeting will be held' this' year at the Jackson Street.Bnpthtt. church. Rer. Wllllam'Orlniths will preach to morrow In the Sumner Avenue Pres byterian church. At the Tabernacle church, Rev. D. P. Jones, the pastor, will preach at the usual hours. ....... . First Welsh Baptist Church Services as usual at 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. Rev. W. 8. Jones, pastor. Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. P.P. Doty, pastor, will preach at 10.30 In the morning and 7.30 in the evening. All are Invited. At the South Side Young Women's Christian association on Sunday after noon at 3.45 the Rev. Mr. Race will have charge of tho Gospel meeting and will take as his subject. "The Sinner's Friend." All are cordially invited to be present. Companies A and B, who are now engaged In the membership con test, met with their captains last even ing at the association rooms. They are making good progress. At present Company A leads with ten new mem bers. . ' .? ... K ... . . TOMORROW'S SERVICES. Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church W. H. Pearce, pastor,, win preach morning and evening; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Ep worth league at 6 P- m- . . . Grace Lutneran cnurcn itev. rum U.tGlft, pastor. Services on Sunday at the Young Men's Christian association at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Bunaay school at .30 a. m.; Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Evening sermon on First Commandment. At the Slmnson Methodist Episcopal church Preaching morning and even ing by the pastor,. Dr. U C. Flood. Strangers welcome. ' First Presbyterian cnurcn Kev. James McLeod, pastor. Services, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Evening theme, "Tho Second of the Ten Words." Green Ridge Baptist church Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. The Lord's supper will be celebrated at the close of the morning sermon. In the even ing there will be a Gospel temperance meeting addressed by well-known tem perance workers. -, " ; Howard- Place African Methodist Episcopal church Preaching by the pastor. Rev. C. A. McUee, 10.30 a. m. and 8 p. m. : - Grace Reformed Episcopal church- Wyoming avenue, above Linden stieet. Divine worship morning and evening. Preaching by 'the pastor. Subjects, 10.30 a. m., "ReBt," Matt, 11, xxvlll; 7.30. p. m "Walking In the Light," John, 12, xxxv;; Sabbath school, 12 m.; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6.30 'p. m.: communion at the morning service. Seats aU free. Strangers cordially welcome. Bt . David's church Corner Jackson street and Bromley avenue. Rev. M. H. Mill, rector.. Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. Morning prayer and ser mon at 7.30 p m. Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. Seats free. - Green Ridge Presbyterian church Sacrament of the Lord's supper at the morning service at 10.30 a. m. Ser mon by the pastor, at the evening ser vice at 7.30 p. nv Bible school at 12 o'clock; Christian Endeavor meet ing at 6.30 p. m. ' Saint Luke's church Rev. Rogers Is rael, rector. Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. 7.30 a. m., holy communion; 10.30 a, m.. service, - holy communion and sermon; 7.30 a. m evening prayer and sermon; 9.30 a. m., Sunday school. St1 Mark's Mission Rev. A. R. Ur ban in charge. . 10.30 a. m., service and ermon; 8 p. tn., Sunday school; ',7.30 p.- m.. evening prayer and sermon, i, Court Street . Methodist Episcopal church Preaching by the 'pastor at 10.30 a. m., subject, "The Law of Chris tian Growth;" "at T.80 p. ni., subject. "The Glory of Young Men." Baptism and reception of members at the morn ing service. Fifteen minutes praise service In the otentnfr t i?,- ; Oospel Tabetnacls-tAdaais avenue: Oreen Ridge. Mpeciar revtvaj services 1 tomorrow, prayer meeting at ISO a. m.; preaching at 10.80 a.m. and S p. m.; 7.20 p. m. Bible reading on Sunday school lesson this evening. The revival ser vices will continue through th week, raAYEBWTfOBR BLOOD. YOUR BLOOD TRAVELS THROUGH YOUR BODY IN TWO CON TINUOUS 5TREAMS. It Starts from Your Heart and Pastes Through Your Kidneys What Is tho Kidneys' Hart, and How They Perform It What Theso Two Streams Have to Do with Health and ! ' Sickness, Blood Is made by your digestive or gans. I Your heart pumps it all over your body. , It contains food, heat and nourish ment, which it gives out as it goes along. This Is the first stream. It is rich, red, bright, and runs through blooU vesaeU called "arter.ej." ' Whan It has given out all Its food and life, it takes up In return all the waste matter It can collect, and utarta 'uack to where It came from. This is the second stream. It is dark colored, unhealthy, poison ous. It runs through blocd vessels called "veins." It takes the shortest cut to your kid neys, for your kidneys are waiting- to filter It. . When, It reaches them they filter out all poisonous matter and expel the poi son from your body. Then the blood goes on to ths liver and lungs, to get fresh food and heat, after which It begins Its journey all over again. BUT: When the Kidneys don't filler the blood, It passes on Just the same, and then, instead of leaving fooU and life wherever it passes, It leaves behind It poUon and disease. This Is what makes us sick. Impure blood. This Is what makes Impure blood; Sick kidneys; Eo long as the kidneys are well, they will (liter the blood. When they are sick, they can't, and that is the long and short of it. tio that, when your kidneys are sick, or when you have 'Rheumatism, Oout, Anaemia, Chlorosis, Neuralgia, Nerv ousness, Loss of Ambition, Tiredness, Depression, Sleeplessness, Backache, etc., you may easily get well by curing your kidneys. iForall those symptoms are symptoms of blood diseases. All of them are caused by the kidneys not properly fil tering your blocd. All of them can 4e cured by taking Dr. Hobo's tiparagus Kidney Pills. If you have eaten Asparagus, and of course you have, you must know tho action It had on your kidneys. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills are made principally from Asparagus, but the active principle of the root has been obtained 'by a special process, which makes one dose of the pills equal to ten or more dishes of ths vegetable. Dr. Hobb's Kidney Pills cure all kid ney diseases and' all Injuries to the -kidneys. They also cure all 'blood diseases, and this when "blooU purifiers" have no ef fect. They renew the kidneys, and the kedneys give you pure clean blood. You feel the effect at once. In a sensa tion of new life and strength, fresh energy, cleared complexion and freedom from pains and aches. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills are for sale by all druggists, or will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price, 60 cents per box. i Write fo.- valuable pamphlet "A Filter for Your Blood," free on application to Hobb's Medicine. Co., Chicago or San Francisco. conducted by Rev. Walter Russell and wife, of Canada, All are cordially In vited. Second Presbyterian church Rev. Charles E. Robinson, D. D pastor. Service, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Tho pastor will preach In the evening on "One of the Twelve, but Judas." All seats free at night. All welcome at all services. Hampton Street Methodist' Episcopal Church F. P. Doty, pastor. Preaching at 10.80 a. m. and 7.1S p. m. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Epworth league at 6.30 o'clock. Good music at every ser vice. All seats free. Strangers and all others cordially welcome. Scranton Street Baptist Church Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7. p. m. by Rev. S. F. Mathews, of Groton; N. Y. Covenant meeting after morning ser mon. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Bap tist Young People's union at 6 p. m. Providence Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. William Edgar, pastor. The usual services will be held. Morn ing subject, "Spiritual Addition." Evening subject, "An Inevitable Jour ney." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Hp worth league at 6.45 p. m., led by Miss M. Williams. Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Albert H. Smith, of Berwick, Pa., will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Communion service will be observed after the morning sermon. Bible school at 2 o'clock. Young People's 8oclety of Christian Endeavor meeting at 6.30. A cordial welcome to all services. Trinity Lutheran Church .Adama avenue, corner Mulberry street. Morn ing service 10.30, vespers 7.30. Preach ing by the pastor, Rev. Edwin Lunn Miller. The pews are all free and all are welcome. Se. Mark's Lutheran church Four teenth and Washburn street.- Rev. A. S. Ramer, Ph. D., pastor.. Divine sor vices, 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Luther league meeting at 6 p. m. All welcome. Calvary Reformed church Corner Monroe avenue and Gibson street. Rev. W. H. Stubbleblnp, pastor' Preaching, at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by Rev. A. S. Bromer, pastor ' Grace- Reformed church, Philadelphia. Sunday school, 11.45; Yqung. Peoplels . Christian En deavor, 6.30. Strangers cordially wel come. ; ' - NEWS OF OUbInMISTMES. Happenings of Intersil to tin Stapla ',' Trades and Particularly to ths Trada In Iron, steel and Anthrsalta Coal. '. The Lehigh Valley Railroad company Is experiencing an unusually busy sea son. The freight business Is good, over a thousand cars a day being received at Coxton yard from the northern divi sion, while the boom In the coal busi ness Is giving them more soal traffic than can be readily handled. There Is a scarcity of cars for coal, and now In order to supply tho demand all of .the stock cars that can be spared for regu lar service are being boarded up and used temporarily In the coal depart ment Announcement has been made at the Heldleberg No. 2 colliery jsf the Le high Valley Coal company, Smlthvllle, that the rate for mining coal will here after be 90 cents a car. which will be an Increase of 10 cents a car. This Is tho. I colliery where the miners went on ttrlke- a few weens ago, oemanaing si.ua a car. The men went back to work at the old rate, and the new rate comes In tne nature of a compromise. . . . , Notwithstanding the fact that the production of pig Iron now aggregates, over xuu.uuu tons a weex, reports con tinue .to come from all parts of the country of furnaces resuming work and of Idla stacks preparing; to blow In. .It J Is quite possible mat when the returns are received for October they will show a weekly capacity of about. 115,000 tons flguret unparalleled In the history of the Industry In this or any other coun try,!. . . ' M I ORLDIF BUSINESS STOCKS AND DOM'S. Nw York, Nov. 1. It was a narrow aad professional -market at the stock exchange today. The approaching elec-,-onfr and the holiday In London added to the dullest, and commission houses ae a rule were complaining of the utter lock of demand. The big bears. It is thought, took advantage of the break hero earlier In the week, caused by tne Flump In the European markets, and the break in electric ttocks tn Phlta djIhCa, tu.: the small operators have fMll '. caver. fc'ugar was heavy throughout -rsA rold dawn fiom lOi'.i to 100al00. Reulntd has been re duced He, su.J tte rcflnerlts are to bo clo4-?d for a couple of days, according to Treacutar Searles, who stated that 'the rhut dawn -is uuil at tills time of the year for the purpose cf making repc'Iia. Pacific Mail wis ar.Xhcr weak li.ork, tceaklc-.g fr;m S0I4 to 27. Sub sequently a tally to 2$a2854 oak place. Loui'svllle and Nachvlle tl one time Laid town to on the decrease In Its September stocks, however, held very fl:.m and improved anywhere from Vi, to 1 r-ir one, the latter In Lacka war.no. The m.-rket c'.ced firm, and gtneri'.ly a fraction lilr'her on ihe day. E'ugar loat 1 and Pajlfic Mall 2V4 per ceii;. t Scranton Board of Trajj Exshaagi Quo tntlons-All Quotations las.-d oil Par of 1 00. Name. 1 Bid. Ask. Oreen Ridge Lumber Co 110 Dime Dep. & Din. Bank 130 . ... Scranton Lace Our. Co Nat. Boring & Drilling Co S" F rat National Bank SuO Thuron Coal Land Co W Scranton Jar & Stopper Co K Scranton Glass Co (ii Lackawanna I.nmbcr Co 710 Spring ilruok Water Co 1'"' Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100 Berantnn Axle Works ... 80 Third National Hank 3) Laeka. TruHt and 8afo Dep. Co ... 10 Scranton Packing Co 100 Scranton Savins" Bank Larka. Iron A Steel Co '180 Weston Mill Co !5il Traders' National Bank Vjn Bonta Plate Glass Co 22 50 BONDS. Scrnnton Glass Co 100 Economy Steam Heat & Power Co 100 Scrnnton Pass. Railway first mortgage, due 1UI8 110 Scranton Traction Co M People's Street Hallway, first mortgage, due 1918 110 ... Scranton A PIttston Trac. Co. ... W People's Street KailWHy, Sec ond mortgage, due 19L'0 110 ... Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage, duo 192u 1(10 D rkKon Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 5 i ow elty of Scranton Street Imp ?i ... 102 New York I'rodiico Market. New York, Nov. 1. Flour Quiet, prices, unchanged. Wheat Spot mar ket dull; lower; No. 2 red store and ele vator, 69c.i alloat, 70e.;-f. o. b., 70'c; No. 1 northern, 6Ga; options closed easy at ac. below yesterday; No. 2 red, March, 6Mc; May, 6i)'4c; November, Xic.; December, 6tic. Corn Spots easy, moderately active; No. 2, 37c. elevator; 3Kc. alloat; options closed steady at 4aM;C. below yester day; November, 36Vc.; December, 35M,c; January, 34c; May. 3Sc. Oats Spots dull, steady; options moderate ly active, easier; November, 32c; De cember, 23T4c; May, 25c.; No. 2 white, November, 237c; spot prices, No. 2, 24c; No. 2 white, 2Gc.; No. 2 Chicago, 2r,c; No. 3. 23V4c; No. 3 white, 23c; mixed western, 24a2Gc; white, 25a2Uc; white state, 25a29c. Provisions Steady, unchanged. . Lard Quiet, unsettled; western steam closed at 25.95; city, 15.(10; October, $5.92, nominal; refined, dull; continent, 16.35; South America, JG.70; compound, 4Ma4TsC Pork Quiet, steady; mess,-. 9.75al0.25. Butter Steady, moderately nctlve, prices un changed. Cheese Firm, fancy In light supply; Btate, large, 74alOo.; do. fancy, lOalOV&c.; do. smnll, Tallc; part skims, 3'ia7Hc; full skims, 24a3c. Kggs Scarce and firm; state and Penn sylvania, 20a22c. , . Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., Nov. 1. Wheat Receipts, 64,847 bushels; shipments, 22,000 bush els; market easy; No. 2 red, cash, Cfityc; December, 67c; May, G84c; No. 3 red, cash, SSc. Corn Receipts, 13,304 bushels; shipments, 7,200 bUBhcls; mar ket dull; No. 2 mixed, cash, 32c; No. 2 white, 32c; No. 2 yellow, 33c. Oats Receipts, 6,300 bushels; shipments, none; market nominal; No. 2 mixed, cash, 20c; No. 2 white, 22c. Rye Mar ket dull; No. 2 cash, 41c. Clover Seed Receipts, 270 bags; shipments, 04 bags; market quiet; cash, I4.27V&! March, 14.3714. Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, III., Nov. 1. Cat tle Receipts, 4,500 head; market firm; common to extra steers, 13.20a5.2r-; stockers- and feeders, I2.30a3.85; cowo and bulls. $1.2fa3.65; calves, $2.50a6.15; Texas, tl.7iia3.30-, western rangers, $2.25 a4.10. Hogs Receipts, 27,000 bead; market firm and 10c. higher; Jieavy packing and shipping lots, $.1.5t)a3.85; common to choice mixed, $3.4Ca3.80; choice asHorted, I3.rua3.75; light, 3.40a 3.75; plga. I2.10a3.6n. Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head; market quiet and steady; in ferior to choice, Jl.Ma3.40; lambs, !3a 4.40. ' Oil .Market. nttsnurg, Nov. 1. Oil clbccd, 1.30, the only quotation today. Oil City, Nov. 1. Oil opened and low est, 130; highest. 130H; closed. 130. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Nov. 1. TaJtow Is dull ond unchanged. We quote: , City, prime, In hhds, 4a4c.i country, prime. In bbls, 4atc; do. dark, In bids, Za 3c; cakes, lc; grease,' 3V4a3c. -- III Alt Her Life Happy Relcaio st Lest . of Mlis Alice Young-, Who Re- , sid? s al 292 Alexander Street, Rochester, N.; Y. ' (From the Rochester Democrat and Chron icle.) Our" representative was received very pleasantly at 392 Alexander street, by Miss Alico Young, who told how since childhood she had been held In the bondage of pain from her back, never remembering the tlmo that she had not suffered pain or aches In the region of the kidneys. Many were the means aha used to find relief, but there seemed no remedy for hor case and she remained a captive; then along comes these little enemies to backache, Doan's Kidney Pills, and a half box. releases the bonds, as one by one the aches and pains disappear, she finds herself a slave to pain no more, by their continued use. She says: "I was entirely relieved of all my suffering and now I am perfectly strong, healthy and well." "How did you take this remedy?" Miss Young was asked by our representative. She replied that sho followed directions explicitly. Miss Young then told how th malady affected her, saying her symptoms were: "Stooping,- bending over, walking or standing any length of time always gave me a pain In the small of my back. I had a pain In the kidneys all the tlmo and If I caught cold It would always settle there; the pain I suffered was of a very ex hausting nature; at night I could only lie flat on my back, any other position caus ing pain and suffering; the nerves passing up my back were affected and this brought with It severe headaches, but as I said be-' fore, Doan's Kidney, Pills have, .removed all pSIn and suffering entirely and I never feK better and healthier in my life." Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers, price M cents, mailed by Foster-' Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., wis Agents for tts United Utes. - - HELD BONDAGE 7-! I RAILROAD KOTEfc ' The grand International convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers will be held In Ottawa, Canada, in May. Superintendent Luther C. Smith, of tho Jefferson division of the Krle. who recently resigned the position he has he-Id Ftnce laot winter, has been suc ceeded by George W. Dowe. trainmas ter of the eastern division of that road. Work on the hew construction work at Fostorla,- on the middle division, Pennsylvania railroad, about six miles east of Altoona, has been resumed after nlmort three years. The roadbed will be entirely changed at two different points, rutting out two curves consider ntly and reducing ths grade to a ctrcat extent. Nlckrames. as a rule, when applied to the human farrily. r.rc looked upon with an evil eye. but when It comes to railroads, the name that can be ut tete1 in one mouthful la often more sat isfactory than the one that is longer, oven though more correct. Take to Instance the Plttsburr Cincinnati. Chi cago and St. Louis railway. In its In ordinate length u is too cumbrous for dally business, so It Is shortened to "Panhandle," and ns the "Panhandle" everybody who haa business relations with it knows the road, whl'e few could tell Ita correct r.ame ns set down In the inaex of a railroad guide without stop ping to think or to hunt It un. The nickname crime to this road from Its passage through the West Virginia "Panhondle" that narrow strip of land between Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. Another rond leading out of Pittsburg which gained mctrlally by the use of a nickname la the "Pemlcky." once the Pittsburg. McKeesport and Youghiofhcry. now a part of the Pitts burg and Lake Krle system. "Pem lcky" was created for the occrslon from tho initials of the longer name. Or. perhaps, It Is better to say that the word evolved. Rallrnad men are quick to grasp anything that Is a pronounce able name and ave syllables. In the Fame manner the Louisville and Nash ville became the L. nnd N., which by constant repetition ultimately worked up to the name of "Fllen N." tho name rest known among those who patronize the road or who as employes handle lt3 cars. F.ngllsh t opltul for American Invest, tnents. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A lUt containing the names and addresses of 2rJ) successful promoters who have placed over 100.000,000 sterling tn forelen Invest ments within the lost six years, and over 18.000,003 for tho seven months of 18M. Prlco fu or 125, payable by postal order to the London and Universal Iiureau of Investors, 20, Cheapside, London, E. C. Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to ret-elvo either personal or letters of Introduction to any of theso successful promoters. This list Is first class In every respect, and every man or firm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placln? tho following It will be found In valuable Ponds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD C. ROSS. HON. WALTER C. I'EPYS. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. ' Copyright. A Friendly Disposition. "I can count on your sympathy In this campaign, can't 1?" suid the candidate. "Y-yes." "That means, of course, that you will vote for me?" "N no. I don't go so fur ex that. I won't do no more'n Jus' promise sym pathy; an' I'm boun' ter say 1 think yer goln' tor need It." I li?f apt He&Itb j l SENT FREE If It li s nutttr of vrt Importance to mothers. 9 The msnuficturers of 1h fJAIL BORDEN 1ft Etuw UKarau wunut3bU MILK SK $ Issue a pamphlet, entitled "INFANTHEALTH." S ivi which should t-In every home. Address, NEW $ X YCSK CONDENSED MILK CO.. 71 Hudson 2 Ji street. New York. .5 3FT OS 150 Sizes and Styles OF CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles OF STEEL RANGES SCRAHTON-MADE THE SGRANTOH STOVE have arranged with the foKowing firms to sell their ' STOVES AT FOUNDRY PRICES I k'v sm ss er ivj s-v en si 1 ss . i v ' r 4s eSS-W m w tv m , w VA1 MJ A VI . . w w w V VlWV A r U U A WW W. G. 1)0U1) & CO., 509 Lackawanna Ayenuc. ! s : F00TE & SHEAR CO., 119 N. Washington Ato. E. J. HUGHES, 124 South Main AYcnra. MCmrCN'a, Rhenmatlgm Cure nevet fails to relievo in thrco hours end cere ut three day. MUXYOX'8 Dystcpsla Ccro Ii fjesr. ttntccd to correct con:li;iatlcn tr.cl c:::- 1 f.irma cf i::liccsliuu anil stoiuach inmbie. WCXY0:r3 Catarrh Curo taoCxn end heals the tU.ct' d tana and restores them to health. No failure; n curo pn:irniilccil. MUWYOX'3 KUury Cure icctfily tu: pains In the liacT, lulus' or groins ond all lUrttis of kidr.t-y disease. MUSYoX'3 ii'orro Curo cures nervous ness juid builds tip Iho system. MUXYOS'tt Viiulitcr imparts new li.'c, reHtorcj lust iov-rs to wcalc and debiiitu '.cd tiu-n. I'rico $1.00. No mutter what lite di?caso is or hov? many doctors lisvo Ij led to cuio you, ask your drusyfot lor a I'.Vcent vial of one ol Munymi a Cures, end if yon are not bene fited yuur t;omy v.ill bo ruiuuded. DOCTOR ssKsoMsasssesS for Ccnuha. Cnf.fs. cfl Consumption is beyond question t!te greatest of a!l modern muiic.ini.-s. It will step a Cough in one night, check a cold in a dy, prsvent Croup, relieve Asthma, and curt Consumption if taken in time. " You can't afford to be with out it." A 25c bottle may save your life! Ask your druggist for it. Ser.d for pamphlet If the little ones have Crouo or XVhoovina Couth use it promptly. rs sun to cure Tares Sins sjc, 50c sad l. All Dra:;lstt. , ,itf, v tffrv. ft, All Dra:;ts. S DINE CO., I ) St., X. Y. I A VKHK MEDICINE 10 r is vimmocTB General end Nervous Debility. Weakness of Body and Hind, Effects of flrrors or Excesses la Old or Yonng. Itobutit, Noblo Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlargo and Strengthen Weak. Un developed Portions of Body. Aboolntely nn f al II ng TIouiu Treatmou t. Benefits in a. duv. fen teatlw from KO Htjitets nnrl Pnrntirn Countrlos, Bend for Descriptive Book, ex planation uu pi-oois, nuuwu (jouiouj ireo. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. CklelMttol'a Enalleh Diamond Xlnni. ENNYROYAL PILLS ungual u4 Only Omitlsie, a Ft, It reliable. LADit k f UroMlrt fttr CkUkuttrt MniflUk U i iyfliA Brand ti KeJ ud Hold DiMlllA Vf hAst. loi wlrfe bltiv rlMxni. Tke riru mnd tmUtUoiu. Ai llrwtffisn. er svnrl 4e, In iump fur t:trt leal art, li-sf.moDlals m "Itrllcf for l.allff.M t Utttr, hv rftnrii 1 '' T-Million iaw. AiB t'utitr i.kHaf'SstmlleTWllusllu.. SL.U. - SoU ttf ul UvsM DrucgitU. i'hllu.. fs ADVERTISEMENTS HEADED "SITUATIONS WANTOD" ARE FREE IN THIS PAPER. Oitassssiissrs rrrs xt -1 ARE THE BEST. si 'J am ' . ss a ssss .k r. r. ss m h ALWAYS ITAJfHgCOIjg " "VI1UJ UlUdU OLJ IUU BjktiUt the greatest valuo of any $3.00 Mon'a bnocs on tho continent. Best calfskin, dongola tops, ' solid IcaJicr soles, with all tho popular toes, ,18 m4, fastccings, and Lewis Cork tilled Eolcs. - ; . Each pair contains a paid-op Aecl. dent Insurance I'ol-cy for 100, good for W days, 0 Wear Lewis' Accident Insurance Shoes once and yen will never chnnso. Tho ' Insurance ROos for ' full measure." Tall: with your dealer who sella Lowitt Euocs. FOR SALE AT Globe Siioe Store 127 LtCXJL Vit, SCR&NT0.1, PA. EVAUU POWELL, Prop'ri THB TRADERS Eatlonal Bank of Scranton. OOANIZED ICJO, CAPITAL 250,000 bUKi'LUS, $fO,00(S BAMTTETi HINE9, President W. W. WA'l'SON. Vice-President A. & WILLIAUS. Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel Hlncs, James M. Everhart, Iit Intj A. Finch, Pierce B. Flnley, Joseph J. Jermyn, M. S. Kemerer, Charles P. Mat thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. and LIBERAL. Tuts tank Invlten the patronao of biu uva tAAiu iirrw roneraiy. DUPONTS RIINING, BLASTING UNO SPORTING J I! I Uanofnctnred at the Wspwnllopen Mills, Ls) senw county, Ps., and lit Wd mlugtuu, Delswai-e, HENRY BELIN, Jr. G snort Agent for tho Wyoming District, tta WYOMING AVE, Scranton, Pft . , Third Rational Bank Building. A0BSCU8! TH08. FORD, I Ittston. Pa. JolIS B. HMITH ft HON. Plymouth, Ps. E. W. MULLIUAN. Wilkim llarr. Sdwi tor liio nepanno inoBucal (amy's High Eaplusivos, 100 Sizes and Styles OF PARLOR STOVES 50 m m Sizes and Styles I OF HEATINQ STOVES a . . prompt. liiK uni WOR S