The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 02, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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'11113 SCll ANTON TiiiiJtTNJd-bAT.UHDAV MOUNftftJ; XOVEMlJJjIt !!,'. 1.SJ.1.
. .
1 I
1 L
v .1
' Pure
.BAKING PIbwder;
Each ingredient is tested before compounding, and
it must be found of the highest standard. The baking
powder itself is tested. That's why each spopnful does
perfect work.
Norrman & Moon
120 Wyoming Ave.
Washington Avenue;
JJS and
SCB Pcnn Ave. A. It. WAKMW.
!l 1
Do Not Fail to See
Onr Fall Styles.
N. B. Prices Guarantee.!.
Martin O'Eoyle Tas Injured about the
eiilno at the North works yesterday. Ji
larne pulley fell on him.
Marrlairo license!! were yesterday Krant
ed to Willis S. MIMer, of Now Vork, and
toien J. urwin, 01 tnis city.' .
Tho first Jlpndoy of January ha been
fixed a ihe lime for ursutlni; the. Uosehlno
-fire'l)iffoie-tTie stlrerii court.
'. " Arthur) I.. Raitdenbush entertained
number of his friends Tuesday evening at
jus nonie, iva aiuiucrry street.
A new mall by direct pouch was put on
Between mis city ami rrinooi'rg yesier
day. It closes at 8 o'clock a. m.
The central city Indoor base ball team
will not play thu I'rovldence team at the
Thirteenth reBiment armory tonlKltl,
The Delaware, Laekawnnn nnd Western
company paid Its employes at the Areh-
bald, Continental and Hydo Park collieries
There will bo no commonwealth .costs
" Jiald until Thursduy, Nov. 8, by order of
tho county eommisHlonerii. The business
of preparing for election Is the reason for
Samuel W. KeMum has resigned his po
sition as train dltputeher for the IJela
waro, l.nekawiinn.1 and Western com
pany, and hns been succeeded by hlfl
brother, W. M. Kellum.
The flnance committee of tho board of
control met lasit r.lnht and decided tu
award tho new SIO.OOU Issuo of high school
bonds to N. W. Harris & Co., of New
lorn, wnoae niu was su.iii.
Fire was discovered yesterday morning
in the house at Albright avenue ami Ala.
rlon street, owned by Attorney I. 11,
Burns. It was extinguished sfter damage
to the amount of I'D was done.
'- Herbert B. Cox, lieutenant of Company
A, has been appointed Innpertor of rifle
practice or the Thirteenth regiment. I.leu
tonunt Cox will make an excellent inspee
tor, and his appointment gives general
' Charles Lydon, of Mlnooka, under In-
dletment for burglarizing the saloon of
John Burber, or . onnellton, was surreti
dered by his bondsman yesterday on a
ball piece, and Constable Thornton, of the
Twennetn warn, lougeu mm tn tho coun
ty Jail last night.
John Thomas Haines nnd John Vlsh
nlski were taken tn the Eastern nenihm
. tlary yesterday. Tho former will rpend
two years there and the latter seven,
. Deputy Sheriff Ward, T. J. Matthews, of
Bprlng Brook, and Hobert J. Haag con-
eyed the men to tno penitentiary.
, : Thfl November grand Jury will meet
Monday morning. There have so far been
only NX) transcripts received by Clerk of
theCourts John H. Thornus, and the prob
ability Is that the Jury will not be called
upon to pass on any more man zw cares,
The public ' market commltteo of the
'board of trado at a meeting yesterday af
ternoon held a discussion preliminary to
ways and means of securing Information
in include In Its report to the board Nov.
18. The committee was appointed with
out definite Instructions, hut to Investigate
the possibility and advisability of a public
market for this city.
The Delaware and Hudson company,
through Its rondmaster. R. W. Kellow
. yesterday . notified Street Commissioner
Kinsley that In pursuance to his sugges
tion the flooring of the I'enn avenue
bridge will bo covered with tin In order
. to prevent water nnd cinders from falling
upon tne street below, uates win aiso to
put up at Throop street.
,,. Miss Jennie Kelly's neat little Court
House cafe was formnlly opened last
evening with a dinner given to the news
papermen, at which representatives of
nearly an the city papers were present.
A very pleasant and profitable hour whs
Kpent, after which the guests departed
thoroughly Impressed with the excellence
of Miss Kelly's cuisine.
John AfnHfilft tVia .MnB(ahla i.t tlrn
.eighteenth ward, 'was held under IJOO
aii ty Ainerman Millar yesterday to on
- wer at court , for assault and battery
upon the person of Katie Itlnk. Tho
( prosecutrix Is an Inmate of No. IS I.nrkn-
., wanna avenue. Bhe says that McHtle
came Into the place drunk nnd beat her
Jinmerolftilly, knocking her down, Jumri-
'In upoh her and kicking her in the face.
Bhe exhibited a black eye as some evi
dence of the truth of her statements. ..
1 a T. "?. 0' Asher M. Pell was yes
trrday filed. He Is tho executor of the
state of his father. John M. Fell, whom
: the other executor. Attorney John, V.
Coneiy. of Detroit, frays the court to re-
strain from using any more of the revo
, nues of the state until thero shall be a
' proper accounting. The answer Is a de-
rilftl or the charges mede by Attorney
c?.ne:jr; Tn,e hef"r hi the Injunction
' Will take next Wednesday, Nov. .
Being asked yesterday If he would call
e special meeting of common cmincll to
. consider his eto of the conllscstton reso-
Jut ion before- It became a law b limits-
tton,- Mayor fonncll said: "It would be
superfluous and unnecessary tv do any.
thing father In thnt matter. The resolu.
tlon is Illegal and can not be made opcr i-
i!lJ,tJir,tiUon or b Waning It.
That tb aaseiMrl may keep their furni
When Loosing. ..
tlr wm.
ill PAPER,
. 1 is
lllb LUIIU 1.11
and Sure." .
ture If they so desire, you can rest as
sured. This afternoon at the nate Hr.ll park
the S3-nintori Ulcyolo Kool Hall'ii
will meet the stronc reserve oicven of the
ljthigh university, unci It Is prolNtble that
0 line same will result. The team will
line up 111 follows: iliKht end, Decker;
right tackle. Alien; rlsht guird, Xang;
cei ter. Cli veinnd; left guard Connety; left
tackle, CoTjiins: left ml. owenc; quarter
bark. Wiilr.h; right half back, I'osner;
lift ball' back. CJclbeit; full back, Curr;
suhytltutts, Eteele, Shvehun, Foster and
Messrs. r.rlght and Love, of r.rlght's al
ley fi'.mc, had 1 rynTerence yesterday af
ternoon with .Mayor Council and City So
licitor Torrty with 11 view of nmleab'y
settling their claim fur damages result
ing from the building of lha I'rovldunco
Kcivtr, The meeting was of nn Informal
nature. An hour or so was spent In talk
ing ovi r ir.e mailer, and the outcrmn was
that Messrs. l!il;ht and I.ove olTeied to
rcre; t Sl,r,i a reuttymert of tho :imaio
they sustained. The mayor nid sullcilof
thoucht this a fair and eu.ultr.blc propn
tlon, nnd will recommend to councils that
they bo authorlxpd to accept f.10 offer.
Have You Scon
Our medium priced Drc floods. A Tin?
nsrortment of all-wool Chevlota In new
letters at S3 cents; Navy and Ulack St;.'",
45 Inches wide, on y S.Vrents; etyll 'h go id",
r.oiieles, fancy Cheviot'-', etc., t3 eu'::s;
alo Cceman Black floods (it verv low
prices. Meeis & Hagen.
UesDliltIo.13 Thnt erj AJop:cd at the
l.nst Scss!in.
The county teacheta' Institute cloned
yesterday at mum. Dr. Oordy vna thu
In'iit K!lc,i!:t r nnd bl:i wubjei t was ri;e;!i
oiy. lie strove to iinprcsH upon the
teachers thnt thin In the one e.-Mentinl
meaim nceosBary for nttniniiiR' knowl
ctlKe. lJrr.cKsor Pprtnkel gavo a nhort
talk on music. Dr. I'hllllps lectured on
vacation gllinpties of Kuropean tnhools.
Tturon (K ()Hliorne, of Greenwood.
clialiTiiaM of the eoinnilttee on resolu
tions, read the report of the committee.
Alter expressing in niipiopiintivlan
KUage tho regard of tiio teachers to tho
Irisl 1 actors, Comity 'Superintendent
Tuylor, Deputy (State (Superintendent
lloueii, nnd others who contrlbultd to
the uuccpna of the liu;tltuto, tho icboIu
tlons lead as follow:;:
r.eso'.ved, 'i'hat we commend tho recent
ly enacted euai-Uiiorv education law; a;i-
pruve- of tho bill introduced nt the Inst
tension ot tno lt;;l.lutuio ir.nKiug a ii;;e
tlal upprcpriutioii In aid of high Hchools,
and uige our members to exert their inllti
tuv.o arid cast their votes tor this meas
ure. Aitio, that wo commend thu energy
and perseverance of our county tupuriii
Undent In his eli'orts t,o further the adop
tion of a uniform course of study, which,
If piopfily tarried out, mutU add great. y
in ilu. fftlelf.nev of tne schools.
Kcsolvcd, That In the death of Professor
W. Oeorge i'owcil, willed oecurteii iiunn ;
the past year, the teaching profession has
laid ono of Its bilghtet-t lights und most
promising member,-!; that although proper
ly belcn(,iirx to the city grhools at the
time of his death, his previous connection
with the county schools when elty and
county institute management were one,
makes his loss deeply to be regretted, not
only in regard to his general ability and
character as an educator, but by reason
of his personal friendship and profession
al ns.iociatlon; that we, treasuring his
memory, hereby lay a Mower of love and
esteem upon his grave In beautiful Vush
biirn Street cemetery, where ho sleeps be
nath the evergreons he so much loved.
Superintendent Ilouck made a plea
for contributions for the erection of a
monument for Thomas II. Burroughs,
who was Btate superintendent In 1S61-
03, nnd whose grave Is unmnrited.
County Superintendent Taylor made
the following tlnnnoln! report of the
Hlxtenth annual Institute: Balance nn
hand, $l'7.ri5: contributed by teachers,
ftSlit; received from county treasurer,
$:!00; received from city teachers, 10;
received from Bale of tickets, $M; re
ceived from city superintendent, $'.0;
tntnl StTT.1 f.r. Thu it vttonril t nrna were
shown to be Jfi(12.28, leaving a balance
on hand of $69.27.
Mr. Taylor was ordered to donate $20
from the Institute fund to the fund for
the Burroughs' monument. Mr. Tay
lor announced that Ptnte Superinten
dent Schaefi'er has nupolnted on tho
committee for permanent certificates
the following: II. J. Hoekenberry, of
Cnrbondale; Carrie A. Kenyon, of
Tilnkely, and W. J. I.loyd, of Dickson.
Deputy Superintendent Ilouck made
the closing" address.
liar Skull Contains tho Mullet Fired by
Her llushnnd. N
'Mrs. Funnlo Roach, who several
weeks ago was ehot In the head by her
husband, who comnvittcd suicide, was
dlEcCiarjtci yenterday from the Lacka
wanna .hospital. The tullet which al
mnrt tn.'.iscd a mut'der la uMH Imbed
ded In tme woman's skull.
She has been furnlf hed transporta
tion by the r.oor board to New York
city, where the has a S'leicr. bAit night
she was housed by II rs. Dufccraa, tho
asi02ta,:ca twarttits agent.
Doesn't Mean Doing Without Them.
Nor'floes it mean buying chenu clothlnr.
The butter grade you get tho mors eco
nomical it Is in the long run. Good cloth
ing coy;s little ir only you buy at tho rlsht
store. Wo mean to nell more clothing
than any or.o else hereabouts. That
means low prices. Jt means, too, that
clothing will be the very latest stvle and
of the best material. It means l-.conomy
to you big businefs for us cash or credit,
get what you want, pay ns you can, nt
1 ne I'.eonomy. Z18 Wyoming nve.. Y. M.
C. A. Building, Dome Furnishing Depart
ment, 223 and 227 Wyoming avc.
It's not what we unv that makes the
Cloak Etnro of Francis Fllzglbbon the
proper piaco to traue. it s what the peo
ple find there. Blylo, quality and mod ir
ate ptlccs.
The fflrfWt lltin nf ttlllAi tlrrnfn Mn n -. .1
Athel llnilnra In thn ltv nf T n,,'
(Spruce street. K. Itoblnson's, Mllwaukso
and Felgenspan's beers on draught.
Tlio Winter Is Coming!
Don't you want one of the new stvles nf
sleighs? They are simply elegant tor the
coming season. "n11 mi i
designs and place your orders at
liiume s carringe Keposltory,
.622 and 621 Spruce st.
R.illirftfiv Iaa b -.1. -. . l
.... ..... Hi, ,ujf Ul HIR lUl.tK
Store of I'rancls Fltrglbbon. SliO new gar
ments Just received will be spread out
for inspection; all at his usual low prices.
Miss llordcnbcrgh's Pianoforte'
A thnrnlltrhtv fclo-h ,- ,! .
, ....... r,.u'.. uim Ifiufiira
nnwlcnl theory ond Interpretation.
oiie-,iui uisiruriiun in ciiiiu music edu
cation .and in training of teachers. CJ3
Madson avenue.
Very easy to select a rlnnfc at r-.nnni.
Fllzglbbon's. Why? Rtor
styles correct, workmanship perfect.
Prices low. ...
Everything In the store will h
sacrificed turtll Oct. 1,'. on account of re
moval to Williams building, Linden street
ami Washington avenue. I'ratt's llook
Store. '
n. r m
Ratnrdav will bft Ilarcntn r1.11 at tia'
Clonk Store of Frr.nrls FPbbon. !7.ri0
and JIH.50 jneitets, in slzas 62. at and 81 will
be sold at $15.
lifnr,; nnn Ten nf vrnnYA.rt.l
great strength and purity, exquislto fra
(trance. ;
Chsrjc Made Against Mr. Mist!
Mr. Clbbjr.s
:i bv
After Cnuslnc t I.lvoly liisctissinn Actlan
Willi l;e;'t!rd to It Was DcfencJ
Until the Next J'.cctina-lltf-ports
of tho Officcri.
' Ilct words passed between Directors
John Gibrons and Thomas li'K.Uon at
the n:ietl!.s of tl,e pocr teatd yester
!aw n'.ti 1 tloor.. Tin; fe.incr cLitrireiJ
the littler with lr.i:iniii,t!i:p; en nunro
than one occasion cn.l ent.-i talniri; pie
mciiitaudly thai the director from the
fjnuth Side Is not al.-nya an anient ad
vocate of the truth.
"I have proof that you erit:rtnln tb!3
opinion rf me," nald Mr. iibbo;ia.
Chairman Langi-.taif rapped the ravel
vigorously to restore the erti!!iii:i of
the m ctir.g. The ple'sutttry bad Its
bctrir.nli.g while tlj!! cyae of Constant
Terlon was t'p for cojisideratlo:5. Th!:t
niatier wos l.el'oie tne pievimui meet
ing. Terlon Sp an age V rer.ehr.'.r.n who
went over to JTermandy tv:o years ago
and brought bia niece, I.Uity Terlon,
back to 1 ep house for Mm. ITe lias no valuable property la the
North Knd.
A short while ff:n the nkeo, who Is
yet in her teens and will l e fcr nur,y a
day, left r tinele, nl'c p::.:r trut he
threpte-.cir to drive her out .If ?h" te
i'tiFed to become hl3 rnlKtrres. Although
she has ret been married, a child was
born to her. ard me applied to the
board for, linfolilirrf the
nbov facts. I.dicct"r Riiotten was en
trus'tr.l to look tii the nirtt.r.
Terlon appeared before tho beard yes
terday and ban two letters, one from
Ambrose. Miilley nnd the i.ther from the
Morrcll brothers, Iotiln and Bcu r. who
nre In the l.oi tleultui al btislni-ps ir. thu
Nnilh Kr.d, and by vi'om 't erlon Is e:u
I loyed. 1 bry gave hlr:i a dean Mil of
health, Focially. Mr. ?.iitlly's!ve
went on to vourb fi r Uie honesty und
upilaht character of t!ie old r.?an.
.Mr. (libl-oiis t hnmpion i Icrlon'a Cntisc.
Director n!bboi:s took the floor at tV,!3
jur.ctt'ie ntul declared. In altiv-1 t:nr.r,
thnt the case of the nirl ought to be ili:--lnlssf-d.
Mr. Mulie;.. ere 0? the i.iost
liromlnei.t r.nd respected 1..011 of the
city, at.d ti.e Jlorrell brothers, well
known business men. raid Mr. (liliboas,
have tcftllled to the old man's charac
ter, winch. Is ai'i-aiied b" a younrf wo
man, who, piihoinrh netr marrkd. Is
the m"t!.er of p. child, tier lnoie moral
ei!.irneti.T, be tl:o:i:rl,t. vould Justify
t!v? siiptiosltlcn that ! h- van helylnrr the
old man. The fart that she is his til-.-ee
ought to be a circumstance suffici,-r,t to
believe him innocent nut ie gve bet
ter proofs of his guilt than her cwn un
supported testimony.
J!r. Ehot ten war. r.o::t on the pm
prairme. 3 io ndvocated a eontlnt:ar,ce
of the r-n-Q until the next meeting, and
Mr. flibbors in answer reirindeu hltn be had been tle'erated to look uji
the mntttr and should have It nil ixcl
for ytsterday'n meeting. At this stajre
Mr. CHibons Informed Mr. Khotten of
tin- poor opinion Shotten has or flib
bons, as regords voracity. Chairman
Langstaff said gri'diy, "I rnp it, gentle
men, drop It," nnd that put a uulctus on
the matter. The cai;o then went over
to the next meeting.
Messrs. Gibbons nnd Shotten locked
horns again In c'lscusslng the npr Men
tion of Mr. nnd Mrs. -Thomas M. Jones,
of the Twelfth word, for outdoor relief.
The old man is nearly blind. He has
been in these parts over fifty vpnvs. IBs
wife goes or t wnshinij-, though she is 65
years of age, and nil they want from
tho bosrd Is enough to pay the rent.
Mr, Gibbons. Enid Mr. Photten would
want to break up their little home end
pack them off to the poor house. Thin
sentiment was denounced by Mr. Shot
ten. Tho Mother of Nineteen Children.
Mrs. Ann Toner, of Fifth nventie, a
widow well nlonr; In years, wanted re
lief. Kho has one little boy, who In sick
ly. Pome of the directors told hi r sh
ought to go out and work. "Well, I am
the mother of nineteen children," was
her answer. " Where are the other
enghtern?" asked Secretary I.ynott
"They are In heaven, I hope," she re
sponded. "Well. I hope so," fervently
uttered tho secretary. Bho will get re
lief. Mr. Clbbons stated that a woman
named Mrs. Noonnn came to his house
Thursday aftei nocn. Her home Is -i
i'Htston, but she has not been long
enough there to be a chnego on that
district. They moved to riUstnn last
April, which renders the f.-imllv mil!
a thurgo on this district. The husband
Is In Luzerne enmity prison for shoot
ing a msn nt Blttston. Mr. fllbbons
will Investigate and uae I1I3 Judgment
In the matter.
Mrs. Maria Walsh, ft Cherry street.
was the first applicant for relief. This
woman a little over a year ngo married
Kiehnrd Walsh, who Is old enoughto be
her grar.iifather. With her first hus
band she h:id four children; a little
boy brlgiiccned their home two months
ago, but Klehnrd has grown to
supporting hlH step-children, and has
left home entirely and gone to live
with his niece, f.trs. vValsh's firrt hus
band, James McITuie, wns found (lend
In bed one morning. DM AValsn, who
rented a house to her, led her to tho al
tar a year after. Ho Is employed nt the
rate of ft1) cents per day. Mr. Cihbnnn
will prevnil upon him to return to the
bosom of his family and sunport. them,
or elf-e become defendant In court for
lloport of Mr. Ilccmer.
The report of Ceorpro W. Eeemer. ru
perlntendent of the farm and alms
house, was to the effect thnt the num
ber In the homo at the lct report was
1G0, tho number admitted during tho
month wis thirteen; there was oT'e
bom, ten dltchcrped nnd there now re
mains 16!.
The report of nesdflrnt Physician Ben
F. Kvann was that there are now 117
patients, In the asylum, there were Kl
at the beginning of October, seven were
aumittcd and one discharged. Dr. 'W.
A. Palr.e, outdoor physician, reported
that one death occurred In bis district,
sixteen patients were visited and ono
patient was examined for Insanity.
Tho Greet Sale Still Continues.
Tho creditors of the Martin & Dclany
site will offer a large lino of all wool fiiIIs
which have been sold at 1U, 512. ?II, $bi,
fl!i, HU ot J i.'t A tin farmer price tS. $,
$7, tH. to, 410 all next wet-It. This Is a
first-class opportunity for the people of
Scrnnton and surroundings to supply
themselves for the winter In suits of
clothing. This Is without doubt the best'
nr.d cheapest bargain that will be offered
in Scranton In muny a day tn come. We
will guamntee every one cf thn.10 suits to
be strictly nil wool and froa from shoddy.
Our overcoat end ulstar department Is
without doubt the most complcto ono ever
shown In Berantop. It comprises the best
of makes in Meltons, Kerseys, Froese,
Chinchilla and Worsted ever rhown, nnd
all nwly mido for this winter's wear, nf
which wo will give you 2r, cant on every
dollar of what you huy. Ti get the choice
of these bargains you will hove to come
rarly, as they nre selllrg very fat. Don't
forget the place. Martin & Deluny's old
It's the little things In life, Ilk the fly
In tho butter, that bother romo flks the
most. Bo, clso. It Is tho llttH things a
curve he"-e, R reinforcement there In the
mnke Of the garments off"rcd nt tho Cloak
Store of Francis Flitctlbfaon that makes
them deservedly populur.
Traps! Tho mopt popu't" vehicle for
Fall and Bprlng Use Is a nice e'.yl!h trap.'
Wo have a choice selection of tho finest
Btvles that are made, and will close thera
out at greatly reduced prlees. Just glance
over our stock. Wmr r.lume & Son,
' , , " . - 622 and C24 Spruet t.
Holldey books In sets and single vol
umes at half price.. Pratt's B 10k Store. !
. Huy tho Weber,
and get ths best At Querns? Bros. . .
Ii lilTOTlilES
list tm M Mm to tli
l' -
5 - :.;;W:i-vrr:v
What excutto Is thrro for not r'-dtiiig
FtroT'tv and v -11? 'nine's celt ry com
potliid, tin: world's greatest remedy
for neivoiis v.' .lUr.-.t -.n, can be obtained
f.t a!;; lri.ii fr.lst'r. la ni,y eily or in ur.y
count 1 y town, tme can get e. hearljer,
hcalthbr i'PI't!te, purify the blond
and increase Its pov.'er f feeUiiiff the
perves ti'id ti.-tsut.-s by Ukins l'ulnj'u
celeiy coinoo j;, l.
It Is the srentert Invlrrriratr In ex
lst ime Coi.vir.eo yourself of tho fact.
Try It.
Testimonials for publication are
taken at rar.dom by the prjisent pio
pri' torn of tbin greet remedy.
The letters aiv i.cver "doctored."
TitU-J :4re never pladfd h.'fore the
mimes of untitled people. Holiest but
oli-cure ti;?n are novec rr. Id to be "hon
nrables." Kveryday kind of inert who
luive been i.isile v.. 11 by Cairo's celery
con:pn:;ad ore never pnr.ided bef.)re tu
public as "Tho Crept .Mr. So-and-Ho,"
or TV.f Wonderfully S5uecesiful Mr.
This-and-Th.'it." Cases of ordinary
sickne.' R are never elnborated into hid
eous. Impossible dlreases.
When It happens thnt the mall lirlr.rri
a heart!" It 1-tter f;oi - such a man as
Stat? Treasurer Colvln, of Xew York,
or Mr. C.-'i-llnle's p,-ivate secretary, or
1'dnuird Kus?di, or Mayer Mi-Shane, e
Montreal, or Rev. Fr. o'ucllct, or ("m
mndore llowt!). tr Mi). (Illlam, .of
Judge, or Ida Lewis, or ex-Mlnlster to
Hoard or lloalih After Clergymen and
.... .... . .. . . .. . .. . .
Others Who Ho Not Make HepoifJ,
T:'ie brar.l of hiailh has deteparlned
t,) t.'.ke a dc:k:lve t) f.if.jrce the
rule r-!qui!rli!sr rpirts of deaths, births,
mai'.'ii.Tf lanil !r"e::r.iinl..t fioni clert.y
m;.i, pliyslti'ns, ) and lerjuliid '.: mi:tke such reports.
1 It's niitiltrr has neca freipi-.'atly tcach
e.l urm at til a b.oard's meetings
and tne l'.:.:y cud ntce.-i.-.lly of ebeyins
the law has been uigcd upin t.i.-s-.t
I artle.t. but many of them ron'.wUh
r 1 idling remai.i heedki-.-,. Nov,' the
Ixai'.l In'iend.-; t supply I'm .n with
l.tati'nJ fer CiM't-lfyfey; returns, a.nd if
f.-'llurt? to ohty the law o:-:ur here
ft"r, l':e .pri srlbt'J neralty vvll! be
Indicted. The pt n!::;imo.n for such
RCgllRcrce !a a fine r.oi to exceed $1(;0,
b,nd not th.ii:i t'i.
The wire sercens on R?Inl house
wleidows, which have I. con the subject
of much c-imphint, wHl ! linked after
by the board. Dr. Paine t-Uled that
he .has -receive! nn ' c 'mpla.ints
from toachc.-s who c'lrn that the
r.-rrens ?!3 very Injurious to the eyes
and cause inci'atu: hca-lae'.n..
Secretary Bilg:rs repirud that dur
ing I'.ie month of October thtra w-.-ro
12S C:tt:bs, 121 bin h.s ar..l 110 m'irrVi-r -a
rrperlad t.i the otlice. .Fool Ir'pecter
l;-mas rtnortcJ thait hs had conds
coud eigh ty firur.'s of adulU rated milk
In a Wc-st Tilde der. -t. Tae milk was
F.upp-t'I by a Melniukoe former wiCi
a no Ici'i'" 'i'atir3ii'':'i.f..l in.ime thtn
Wll.'.'im T:ie .tifpctor nlr.'.i
reportc.l having mad-- E91 visits during
the month.
The crt.jtr.ntry, arcnrdlnj to Super
lnttiid.ot L-iftus' report, di-.'royel
1.434 laivt'ls f -yartasre. frmr dovrs and
thrc-a cn'.s. tihte.2n 101:3 cf coal were
rtjul;cd to do I,hl3 work. -
A flood Mnnv I'toplo Coitsiderlt n Crime
to buy wearing apparel on credit, but If
they were u.-krd why, tiiey could not give
e.ti ii'i.v.t-r thnt would .erinlt of nn or-li'umi-iit,
Mvery mereantilc hue-:-: i,i the
world sIU goods on -credit. The- ditt-'i--f-nje
la that the nvjoilty seiln to the
wealthy clans only, wherois "The B-o-noniy"
soils to anybody that Is honest.
No mr.tler how poor you nre, your hoast
Intention Is all tl'iit Is rcuulred to get
credit from us, "Buy goods to your lik
ing" and pay as you can.
211 Wyoming nve., T. M. C. A. building,
Home fiirnl.'-hing de;.artment, 223 and
127 Wyoming ave.
Iho Stiriiuton r.nsincss flollcgc.
Among others who will Join tlia school
on .Monday nre two from, on,:
from Uaii.'oni, cue from Chinchilla and
ore from i'UUIu.
A number of teaeh::fs who were attend
ing Institute vi:tit-d tho college and Wtira
surprtscd to llnJ so large and inte.llgjnt
clnfs of students.
Anotner appllcstlon for a flrst-clnss
bookkeeper end stenorra,ihcr came this
week. A competent rnan baa been recom
mended. ...
Mr. T. F. Kr'egcr completed his rxiiml
nnllom lnit week nnd returned to IjcwIs
lon. V,f. Vte.. to ketp br.nlts for tho lVcl
BiHIt Coal Co. Mr. K-leger nt.nln m.iry
friends during his sley in Cio -;ty, and,
being s young m m of coisMe'able push,
will doublless make bis mule In the world.
Another student came this week bearing
a loiter nf Introduction fr.m nn attorney.
A handsome T-pnge "Booklet" has lust
come from prc3. Smd a postal card ro
quest for one. .
Wanted Did tielghs fo rl't and re-palr.-Wft'are
ridtv. making special prepara
tlons foi our sleigh repair trade, and can
make your old Sleigh look-as good as new
at little cost.. All work Buarautecd. Call
up 'phono 40J1.
Wi. WlltM V Son,
, 'I (8S and E2i Spruce st,
' Tsite your Utile oris' to the cloak Store
of Frfnrls fltsglhbori ai;'f fit them out
with tlte proper garment fof tills season,
Twill coat you but very llttlu.
- i , v r - ,.
: I.ndlcs and Ccntlcmon.
For "the latest styles and lowest prlees
In fine shoes try the Commonwealth shoe
store, Washington avenue,
p si A n
n txmv o
eipyn People;
.'.' -'.... .
Austria John M. Francis, or any other
v.'l'l; ly known man or woman who ex
pressly wishes others to l.o belli dited by
his or her c.':pei ieiicc, the i roiifietors of
l'alne's celery compound f;ladiy give
surh unsolicited tc&limunUiIa to the
public press.
But one person's litalth is r.n valuable
i s another's, and in pul lirhlntr the tes
tl.'ii.itdais of people whom this Rtcit
reni.'dy has made will and strong-, r.o
particular rinphaids is put upon such
person's official standing;.
The world Is made up of what Abra
ham Lincoln called "the plain people."
It Is they who Baltic's celery compound
has most benefUed.
Here is a Ltter (vr-rbrtim) just re
ceived from Lou!i:e Fierce, of Melettc,
Konth Dakota:
"I used I-nlne's ctlery compound first
for rheumatism, and found that it
helped me very much. I have since
used It for nervousners and kidney
trouble, and have received very much
benefit from Its use, and ci-naiilur It oil?
of the best of remodks. Mr. A. Cady's
pet pi" use It nnd think they can hard
ly get along without it In the house. I
know cf several others that have used
It thnt I am not. acojualnt"d with, but
ere other lady; Mrs. Ondell, used it for
nervousness, and it made her well."
Th"ie Is the testimony of thousands.
Fable's cehry compound makes people
They Were Sent Yesterday to St. Joseph
I rIln,li;n. II..-. ..
Fondling Hume
The fo!!ow!::;r d,inatinii3 were re
ceived a-t Ht. J iatph'a Foundling home
ytstei J.iy;
T. F. Leonard, $-'"; Mrs. J. w. Barrett,
$.'; Mrs. J, J. Jordan, $:.; .,is. Hugh
CallaE'ier, $2 a fi.end, $2; a friend, 2;
Mrs. I'orclval J. Mn-r!.-:, ?2; Mrs.
Frank- Becker; Jl; itluha.rd O'Brien,
rr.O; Dr. J,hn O'.Malley, $10; Mrs. 1'. J.
C.dscy, $10; Mrs. F. W. (Jui'- ter, S3; Mrs.
B. K. Locivir1, ftf); Mrs. Brown, I)un
r.ore, $2; J.ihn Buike, $5; Miss Jennie
B. Kinney, $.1; a lrlend. $1,; friend, 525;
Mrs. If. O'NUil, $!.; Mrj. T. J. Kelley,
$0; Mrs. J. N;dan. .r,; M:.-i. Oliver
Bvclte, I'.'ttr ton, ?6; Mrs. P. ( 'M alley, $1;
XI iti. F. J. MtdJ.mld, $2; Mrs. V. C,m
:iy, $l.r,li; Mrs. B. A. Hobm, jr.; Jlirs
Nellie Kelly, $1; LewK Hc.llly & Davles,
$.'.; K. 'II. B.'ppb'. ?10; Mrs. Cwratl
!?,hr3fd. r, $10; cash, $123; ToMl. $-:ir,.f,0.
T. J. Kelly & Co., one barrel Hour,
one box calves; VouU Hitiiprccht,
dishes; W. T. O'Hrien, one barrel po
taloes, Jelly; JIchac! O'XTalley, one bar
nl i..-;!.i(oi.s, tne barrtl apples; Mrs.
J. B. Carney, one barrel (lour, coffee;
JI.- E. .'.kiRonald, suarr; 'A. Uusiunyer
and Geiiiie llelford, cakes, crackekrs
r.nd best;-.; Mm. James L.jirsan, one
box cakes; Cwiamlit-gs Brc-tht r,.i, case
wine; X'is. O'H.ira, Dunmtre,
J. J. O'Hoyle, Venn avenue, one case
tomatoes; J. R. Herts, two barrtl ap
ples; Mrs., one ham; n?v.
P. J. 'McM inus, c-tjl; Ceorg;? II. Mc
Cirihy, one barrel flour, one art of
Ifc'twheat; Klla Mr"Cnrtuy, one barrel
cprlen; lletr?el f: Olllr.s, one barrel
r-: ackers; .Mrs. William Kr'.ley, one
ham, .'r-u-ya-r an 1 falmra.I; Xlm. J. J.
Fahey, ono .box oan; M. M. Buddy,
nnD barrtl Hour. F. J. M:dlir,aM, fruit;
X1r. Carey, fruit; Mr. B?rry. fruit;
Simon Bice, pr-verlcs: CV'nivtd Srfaroert-'
er, en birrej fl air; O. IJ. T'.urke, one
rack fliur; .Frank Becker, two bushels
potS'l'-es; C. "W. MoKlni'ey. one pl'-ee
of ca'ton fl.inel: -Mrs. Jordan, eoitee;
Ml.'s Xorai'.i Monraw, purrar; Xlra. N.
M Gtiw, Ilea; M:i. Reap, crackers:
-vis. jl'. j. tiDtan, one barrel flour.
Are You 1-owSpIiltsd?
Tukc llorsford's Acid Phosphate.
Worry Is v.-orre i'nsn work makes a
man lick quicker. Worry comes la -gely
from nrrvni:mess. Hereford's Atdd T'hos
pha'.e clears the brain and strengthens the
K our Eicsnnt Miiliniry will be sold
for a few days at reduced prices.
Chilton's Taa O'SIitnlcrs-
Quills, all colors ,
Laiies Trlmm&d Sailors
Black Prlnca or Wales Pliini3S......49s
Trlmmad Hats, $1.25, $1.49, $1.98,
$2.49, $2.83, $3.49. ; ,
-' f 7 324 Uckawaana Ave.
'19 1
vcrtiscmcat tells yon
Yvliere to find original
novelties in Sterling Sil
ver, moderate in price,
extensive in variety.
no ma mm
417 L;otar,2ia Aw,
Malcolm Im.
Clongh & Warren,
And Lower Grados a!
Very Low Prices.
' f i Vitr
1 hero is
i o it I ft s H
in n d o in
I lie vorltl
which cotn
niands nd
miration more than
It stii' dsun
rivnIU'd u,i
cnlv fin nr
t's;s of Vouleo
nrp bio to
proittieo stidi
'X(liiilt ond
l h the ml
ttd (foots
nbolit tlitm.
Piis ly nnd
o eilelilt in
onr h o w
K t bf
vr , ' ,t
Loui3 - Rupprecht.
Hue ( ti Kuioiii! Klaborir.
231 Pjnn Avo , Opp. Baptlit Churoh
- Inelndioi th anlnless extracUn
tusth by u outiroly nsw prooset.
E iWl
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
ii lira,
Scllinrr line of Ladies'
and Misses' Furs and
Cloth Garments in Scran
ton. Our established
reputation is a guarantee
of merit.
Were the best in '94 and
will be better than the
best in '95 and '96. We
carry a large line of.
Children's and Infants'
Coats and Capes in all
the newest styles and
For one week we will
sell, $3.00 hats for $1.25.
133 Wyoming Avenue.
The Only Practical Furrier In (ha City.
Winfer Will
Soon H?r?
And to bo prepared to moet tho eold
went her you want a seasouablo Suit or
au Overcontor both
1:1 vazmi TAILORING
408 Lackawanna Ays.
Tho largest stock to soloot from. Trlra
ininu Always of tlio Host, Latest Styb'S
in Cutting, and mndj upcu tho preuiiaoi
by Export Workmeu,
f-Notliinff allotyed tolcavo theostab
lisliinout unl ns satialaotory to tho cus
tomer, und tho lowest prices consistent
' with Uuod Morehant Tailoring.
Costs more than cheap
stuff but worth it
keeps you well, strong
and happy. A full line
to select from.
412 Sprnce, 205 Lack.
In Pianos
If that is what you want, they
can be had every day
336-230 Wyoming Ave.
Giidemeester & Kroeger,
Ivers & Pond,
tv ftt Prefent tli" W M ropnlftt ud rrftrrt bf
LcJliir AriMt
W&rartomi! Opposite Columbw Monumtnt,