'v :-r ...... THE FCBANTOU rTRIBITKBBAUDAT MoniTOrc NOVEMBEB i 2. 1893. WILKES-BARRE. M'ALL MISSION. The Report-ofihe Trea-iiref-A Healthy .. . Condition. The McAlF-mlsslon met yesterday and heard the report of the treasurer, which was read as fnllowa: vi pwiaheteritin church- .cos- I leoted by Miss Fuller..-. 2? 00 Collected by Miss Benner. .. v;''20 00 .Collected bv Miss Reynolds. J 19 00 S ' Total .....l....il......v 00 Memorinl Presbyterian church..! IS 60 St. Rterhen's Enlsconal church. collected hy Miss. Parish 30 00 Collected by Miss Rocltafellow... 12 00 Collected bv Miss Conyncham... -10 00 Total - 1 52 00 Franklin Street Methodist Epis copal -church .. I 69 00 Too lute for the donation tn 1893: Mrs. Snyder .'.$ 1 50 Miss YVadhams 1 00 Total collection ............ ...:199 00 Check to Katharine Nicholson, treasurer of McAll mission.... $200 00 Five subscription to McAll Record 1 25 Total Collections Balance in bank Interest .' Subscriptions to McAll Record, ..$11)9 00 .. 10 17 .. 15 .. '1 25 Total ......"1n " TlRburseinents $201 2" Ualnnce In bank ..$ 9 32 January 6. 1895. ' . After henrlno; the report of the treas urer'Mlss Ellon Wndbams was appoint' ed vice president from the Central Methodist Episcopal church, and Mlsa Bessie Lovelorn of Kingston, treas urer, for the ensuing year. The secre tary. Miss Warthams. read an account of the mission boat, which Is called ithe Hon Messer-eer, and the corresponding secretary. Miss Phelps, read ah account of a visit to the Salle Royale at Paris, after which - tti jtdiourneu. . A FAIAL ACCIDENT. - A Coupling Break and Kills One Man and Injure Another. About noon yesterday, a coupling In tho slope of 'the Whlppoorwlll colliery of the Red Asih Coal company broke, and the result was death to one man and a. very-i serious Injury to another. Two loaded cars were coming up the elope .t the time the coupling broke md the car which was released, started at terrific pace for the bottom of the elope. Assistant. Foreman David Jones anfl Inside Superintendent Daniel Thomas were inspecting rails half way down the slope. They heard the car com tng, but could not eet out of the road il time. Mr. Jones, w.ie truck by the car and Instanitly killed: Mr. Thomas had gotten partly off from the track, md did nnt receilve the full force of the blow. Jones re'!des on South Meade Htrert, this city, and fct survived by a wife and one chilld. He was Inrtantly KilHeij. . Mr Thomas . Injuries, aJt'Boagb severe, will not result totally. ' : ALL SAINTS' DAY. Observed Yesterday in tho Various Churches. . '. ( . , ' ; All Saint's Day was observed yester day in. St. Stephen's Episcopal, St. Mary's' Roman Catholic', and 'St. Nich las' German Catholic churches, with appropriate ceremonies. In St. Steph ens' the services wrre conducted by the pastor, Rev. Dr. ti. L. Jonvs. Aside from the customary prayers the special ee-nCcee coriilnted of the reading of the seven to chap.er of the iiook of Offer the Following Extraordinary . Values for Saturday, Monday and the Rest of tbe Week f . ' ' 125 Beaver Jackets, Jacge sleeves, Rlpt , pie back, and well made.......,: ' LEADER'S PRICE, $1.23. 15 Black Coney Eur Capes,', good qaal- Ity and satin lined "LEADER'S PRICE, .35.95. ' GO Child's Reefer Jackets, size 6 to 14 yea ' LEADER'S 'PRICE,' lUO. 200 Fine Chinchilla Jackets, Mr. Corln closed out a manufacturer at half- ' price, worth $10.00. LEADER'S PRICE, 16.98. This Is the greatest bargain of the sea eon, see window display. i. . t ! DRESSGOppS. 'Two Specials that "you caut afford to miss: - . . ., .; ... ( 50 pieces all-wool assorted double fold checks, striped and plain dress goods, worth 27 to DOc .LEADER'S PRICE, 193. 75 pieces extra quality fancy weaves, plaids, stripes and plain dress fab- ' rics,i worth CO, 70 and 31.00 4 . . LEADER'S PRICE, 29e. S pieces Cloaking, 64 inch-wide, extra heavy, worth JI-.50.....: LEADER'S PRICE, C9c. Trimmed and Unttimmad Millinery. Fee the big reductions veliave mode In Trimmed Hats. All hats trimmed in the la'est style at 25 cents for trim minir, 8ee the stylish Trimmed. Hats we are showing at $1.25, $1.60. .(2.00 and $2 50. 100 Rob Roys, newest shape. t i LEADER'S PRICE, 15c. 26 Plaid Rob Roys '.v LEADER'S PRICE, 19c. 150 extra quality Rob Roys In rough plaids and plain LEADER'S PRICE, , 49e. '. . 1..'. ' ' ': Here are some items that you-must not fall In see, as -we offer them at about 60 cents on the dollar. SO pieces Black 811k .and- Jet Trlmmlnas, all colore DieSi LEADER'S 1 PRICE, 6c. 100 yards fine Jet and Silk Drfees Trlmr. mlngs, none In the lot worth less than ' 60c., choice of any LEADER'S PRICE, 14c. Large Bed Comforts, well made and . fair quality... 1 LEADER'S PRICE, 4C. K0 yards Fancy Silks, all pure silk, for , - waists, worth 60c; LEADER'S PRICE, 89c. SO yards Brocaded Bilk Velvets, . in. .. ' Blacks and colors: was 11.50 LEADER'S PRICE, 88c. Ladles' and Children's fast black - seamless hose LEADER'S PRICB.ie.' Ladles' Natural Wool, also i scarlet vests, were 11.00. ., - - -i LEADER'S PRICE, 49c. 160 Lace Hags Handkerchiefs. . . .r.tVu- i V , LEADER'S PRICE. te.' Oents' Wool Seamless sacks, worth 24c. ' LEADER'S PRICK. Me. To prove to the public that we give ex cellent value for the money we will cheer fully refund purchase mosey when so da? .y: , to , LE D ECK A. COR I N 124-126 Wyoming Ave. p"utioaikl, the fifth, 'chapter W Bt. IHatthew.- ,, : t , ' , ' H -. J ?- ft. uday's.marses, wtre olitfritftd at 6,30, 8 una o'clock. 'the last Mn"a hlgh-'-masaj wMh Father JOOtoifrke, as celebrant.. After the clebrAtUm, he de livered .an tetoquent sermon, gtv lng-ti brief history 'of the feast ;of All Saints ahd'exijortli'it the faithful to strive tn emulate the life and de-eds of Saints 'of tihe church. In HI. Nicholas' also three masses were celebrated. The Bret at 7. the second at 9ul5aud the lasUr-a high mass was CDlebr'd by Father Bldll'ng rcoyer, who spoke briefly of the Import ance of tihe day In the church.' This is a -holy day of obligation in the Roman Catholic church. Today will be AH Soute' Day in the Catholic church. Although It is not a holy day of obllaitlon, masses are read for the dead and tbe followers of the CatlhoKc fal-t'h attend services almost the same as if it were a holy day. Mayor Nicholson Nulnnnccs. - Mayor Nichols has Issued a proclama tion In which h3 calls attention to the violation of various ordinances bearing on nuisances and In which he sta.tes that they will be enforced to.the letter. ! would be' well for those who tave made a practice of piling barrels and lxxes within- ttolrty fet.it of any build ing; those who obstruct the sidewalks wi:h boxes and barrels; those who sell articles from nxigons and booths in the streets; those who 'have sridewalks out of repair; those who empty sweepings frcm- their f;oivs tin the street, and l.ioie whoi deposit ashes, oyster or clam fhx'ils, .paper or rubbish on the sidewalk, ditch or gutter to have care In the" futher' or they may be called upon to pay a fine as provided by the ordinances. The matter lias been neg lected more or less in the past, but .lcreafwr the mayor proposes paying particular attention to It. -. . Mairl co a rniln.c. The papers in the aulit for divorce of Ka.nford M. W'llllamson against . his wife, Rora WiHIampon, were filed yes. terday by Attorney S. S. Herring. The .-.ubpoena. was: awarded In this case sev-n-al wetks ago. The parties were mar fled In Waverly.vN. Y., on Auit. 25, lSfiB, a'nd i'ved' topetihcr at.' Dallas as hustiahd and, wife Until Oct. 1.0.1M3, a li!-:ie over a month and a half. The ijuscana charses the wife wtth aduKery and names Robert Space and George nam.jion as c3-re3pondcnts. A Pcenlinr Fire. Yesterday afternoon a fire occurred in Martin's jewelry store, on Public bquare, which mlRht have been a most perious affair. The room was suddenly mien witn smoKe, and for a while Its cause could nut be discovered. Sudden ly a mree burst of flame came from a desk of drawers, and several palls of water were -required to extinguish it. Matches were kept In one of the draw ers and It Is tliouprht that the fire ori ginated from them. The damage Is kjiirII. Tho ' flames were extinguished without ringing the fire alarm. A Driver Hurt. Thomas Hill, a 17-year-old driver In No. 2 shaft at Nantlcoke. was run over by a trip of cars yesterday morning and quite badly hurt. His lle-nt went out as he was passing through No. 10 tunnel and he was run over by the cars before he could get put of the way. One leg and one arm were crushed and his re covery is doubtful. M.ir: led by Squire Itrlslln. William P. Reed and Anna Rogers, both of PIKst'on.wcremarrOadyasterday morning In the office of Attorney P. A. O'Boyle by Deputy Register BrHln. The ceremony ' was wltnesse-d . by the ruTOPts 'of ithe panties, and a. few friends. The oouple are very young, the jjroom being 17 years of age and the bride only 16. A New Law Student: ; Themas Tcmpleton. of Plymouth." k student in the ofllceof J. A. Odd. of that place, yewerday parsed Ms preliminary examination and was admitted to read law with Me. Opp. . BRIEF NOTES. Thomas H. Soley, who has been fore man painter for .the car shops of the Lehigh Valley Railroad company here, has been made foreman painter of the whole Valley syRtem. Mr. 8oley is one of tho best painters In the state. Lewis Thomus, of Muhanoy City, was taken to Jail yesterday with a violent case of delirium tremens. On Thursday last Rev. T. F. Klernan, pastor of St. Domlnlck's church at Par sons, was presented -'h a handsome cane by the men employed in painting the cliurch. The barn of Ahram Hoyt, at Kings ton, burned yesterday morning, and thre valuable horses were lost. A. Barnacalrtz. a miner, was- badly hurt In No. S--shaft at Nantlcoke yes terdav by a fall of coal. John Kehle. of Plttston. stabbed his cousin, John- White, -on Thursday, in flicting a serious but not fatal wound. No arrests were made. w. L; Parsons was yesterday aD- pointed judge of election of the "Seventh wsrd of Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Chnrlen P. Hunt hoi iad on InVltatlon- to the Daughters of the Revolution to 'an informal social on Monday next from 4 to 6 o'clock. A pleasant programme was siven at the florosls- entertainment at the high school last evening. Walter N. Booth, acting secretary of the Commercial Travelers' association, will address the Wyoming Valley asso ciation in Loomls' hall this evening. A divorce was granted to Bessie Radge yesterday-fronvTVed Rudgo, on the ground of ill treatment. The Inmates of the Home of the! Friendless Children were given en old fashioned H(illow6'en party last Thurs day jilght. ' . ' ' The Oratorio society , met .last even--ing and completed arrangements for their concert In the Grand next week. - Miss Bertha Webb, a member of the Swedish Qdartette Concert cefmpany, spnt a few, days this week with her friend, Miss Venus Perry, tn this city. The engagement of Miss Anna Par rish and Colonel ...am C. Price has been announced. 'v ' ' A Father's and Dunghter's Praise of a Helpful Rctne'dtrA Popular Prescrip tion of Eminent Nose and Thrift Speelailsrs.' . "A happy day." Rev. Geo.' Schocrb, pastor of St. Peter's Protestant church, on Urnpe street, Buffa lo, considers It a hnopy day when he first tried Dr. Agrtew's Catarrhal Powder, and he does not heUatv to praise It as a royal remedy for catarrhal colds. It cured him; and a daughter, suffering with an aggra vating sere throat, tried It with equally astonishing results? No ..other-remedy H S' o generally used snd'so warmly endortod r so unhesltatlnjj)ypreRcrlbd by nose and throat specialists as a-real cure for catarrh, hny fever, cold In the head, sore throat, Influenza, deafness, hesdnche and tonsnitls.'- Dr. Aenew's Catarrhal Powder Is hot only a highly agreeable remedy, easy and pleasant' to use, ' but It really cures aod'the first thing It doe Is to give delightful relief on the Instant 80 cts. at 0nrl Lorenx and ell druggists. Sample, with b'ower sent by R. G. Detehon, 477 K. fieneca St.. unalo,,NY.i for 10 cts. in stamps or Sliver. ' ' OLYPMANt - Miss Maggie Mcintosh Rave a delght ful evening party to a number of ber friends at her home on Lackawanna street . - Thursday evening. , Several hours were .pleasantly spent m games and, -.music. "Those..- present .'were: Misses Rachel Evans, Edith Mason, Annie Prober Ella, Patten,. Jennie Pen man,' Jessie 'Pettlgrew -1 and Hattie Hharpleas, of Dickson; Messrs. William Matthews, Johnnie .Williams, Andrew Patten, John Davis, Willie Parry and George Mason. ' ' ' ;llss Mary Jane. McHale entertained s few friends at a Hallowent)art.y, at ber home, on Hudson, street Thursday' Ilev. Ch E. Jackson, bf Auburn,' N, Y '.";'..' .."'.'' -' ! - : . ' 1W ' '' - ... i . . . 1 ,' .v - j CHILLED TO THE HEART. Pneumonia, (inflammation of tbe Lungs), Is caused by rriowa:'f ex posure to cold and fatigue. . OUTDOORS Becoming numb by a long cold drive-remaining In wet clothes, or lying on damp ground alter lootball or tennis. INDOORS Sewing all day in a cold room sltlinx in tn office, churc'i or . ublic hall, that is not heated, sends a chill to the heart, paralyzas the deep circulation, and Pneumonia or Grippe result. In spite of these dangers, If you car ry a bottle of "77" in your pocket, an occasional dose will prevent you taking cold. "77" cures Colds, Grippe, Influen z i, Catarrh, Pa ns a d Soreness in ha Head and Chest, Cough, Sore fhroat, General Prostration and fever. ' '77" will "break up' cold that "hangs on." a stubborn Dr. nnmrhrcya Jint9 tin a Spoc'IOc for every (liBfuau. Tu y urn defer. bad iu uis Jlanui.l, whic i issui.t irv-e. niuuil boti ! of t leasa-it pellets- flt.your vest p H-k. tl will by d iigglsKs. or sent on re u. l.t of pi ion. io. ; r It vu lor si. Uuiuulir y' luUiuiuu Co, 111 sud 1U WLlUin sireut, Mew Vorlt H-U-M-P-H-R-E-Y-S-f-. will preach in the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening. Miss Dora McLane, of Scranton, is the guest of Mrs. J. P, Cummltlgs, on Hudson Btreet. B. F. Maxey, of Forest City, visited his Tandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Maxey, at this place yesterday. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Powell, David Pow ell, Mrs. J. McNIcol, Mrs. R. W. Taylor. Mrs. Rese Powell and Miss Ltbbie'Pow ell attended the funeral of Mrs. Edward Jones, of Archbald, yesterday. .' One of tho largest audiences of tho season witnessed "The Fast Mall," which was produoed in an excellent manner at the Father Mathew opera house last evening. Miss Annie Wlddowfield left yester day for a visit with relatives at Ro chester and Buffalo, N. Y. ;. AVOCA, .Miss -Llztte' Graham;, ttf 'tlie North Rnd, attendsd a parity at Wilkes-Barre on Thursday eveolhs.vV. ".- lt'W3e3 at St.' Mary's chur'dh to mor row wtll be at 8 o'clock an a 9.45 a." m. In order to fflve'thof-e who wleh an op portunity to attaad the blPESlnsc rtf Rev. J. J. Cujran's church at the Five Polnta. ....., QeorRe MeDOhald,-. An enterprising eoal dealer of Scr'an-foti, was a visitor In town yesterday .' ' ' r Mr. and Mrs. Ju fries Tlastle, Jr., of the North Kr.d. entertained a party k frlciids at their (home on Thursday eve The following clfln-of our towD wIJl eerve as Juror for the coming ses sion: Djtvld I. -Javis, mine foreman at the Lanttcllffe,'. John aeorge, cler( at the Lanjrcllffe 'oollicry, and John Campbell, miner. A pleasar.lt 'IToIldwe'en party wfi tendered Mr. and Mrs. P. Barret, of the North End, "on' Thursday nlg-ht. Va rlous ft.m'uscmenU and frames were In dulged in. Refreshments were served. Many people from out of town were present. ; Vote for the "llphts""at the election on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Mrs. E. C. KeJlum. of Lincoln Hllf. 'has returned 'home after a plesant visit with friends In Husquehanna county.-' M-.i-ster William Meadoi who was se verely ecalded by 'the JupettLhK' .of a kettle of boll In a; .'water-a, few. dttys aax, Is recovering; rapidly, but Is Still confined to bed.. . , , . , ; CATARRH Is a constitutional disease and cannot bo cured by local application. Hood's Barsaparllla Is a constitutional remedy; It cures catarrh because It puri fies the blood. A- !" -. .. I ' (l ' HOOD'S PILLS are purely Vegetable and do not purge.paln er gripe. Sold by all driiBnlsts. ; Literature. AN IMPORTANT I'VFNT IN THE WcRLD of letters Is tit publication of .the BH.U History, prnjectod and ditArl by Dr. Loiira-r. with an Introductory chapter by Mr. Glad stone . , . A moil tr the snth'-r are Pro'-n-irn fsyre. Beet. Cnrt s and Oresnrr, and D s Cpn. Omi'snlus, Pentt'cont, .M"Aitlini-, Hurt, Oil non. Il:il" -(ad Can' on Farmr. eto i ..- . Thatext a llluf t"id with two hnndred reproductions fro thn old mostera of fainous Ihiir afe' Hixlori's i tht Blh'e. tint this volume is the onlr B hit) H sturv a, wo-It in- t'-rpr-tinf and mavlof clnar In tb liitht of Ntn te n h Century scholaitulp tha entire Hrr'p'nres This THluaWe pnhlleitlnn will be arH for Paxil, or on the routei of nnr deliverlits on eny monthly p yments BolHtors -f e lucatlon and nbllity will he -n;rln-(.( n thp sale, ('i ll or ad 'res THE TH'ISiP.tON P BI.IBH1XO CO., Nn tti South Hlxth 8'.. PhlKd -lp- la. - f 1 1 ' '! '. 1 1-it j- t Horse CI oaiiif, V ' r r YrlrAxrjTE atTiTbcaLlat z:f nr mi" uonrr. - y VVVAVAiVAVVwVAAVVVVVNAAAA IOST-ON PENS AV NU". B: TWB"S J 8nrui- and L1nd n streets, a r-ddjah brown pnre: reward fb-ret. Return to 81 SE sBF.KOER. ZJ Pinn ave'iuo D-easm king. DKE HEVELEGAaTLY FITTED i AKDt iimortnwnt of rlrli s irnpl" from the leadfre eiv xorK nnui: aui- an, aicuree'y. Mearn Pros. Hiltoi. Huirhi o Rraaoi.able ebiirK-s. SO-i Wyomlnir av. n i9. Real Cetata. fSflOO WILL BUY MtOOM HINOLK bouse: nvidera; aui blix-k. WiiHter. bvh. T-reiseis . M.EL H.II.OiT& ' 0 0 WILL BUY S'B'V: DOUBLE! House, roll lot. auu n oox, uuinrr n re. j -. M. H. UWLGIATE. ; J .m W If,L BUY A LAROK- BEAUTI- iiii nnme on JHeron avenue, ror particulars call at offlot. M. H HOLOATE. m WILL BUY LOT '6N COtUDBIA avt-Due, wlta so reel rrontave. . M. H. UOLGATE 12,0110 WILL BUY r-TORH! PBOPERTY o Lackawanna av' D'u, in wnoiw tie flittrlat. M. II. Ho; GATE. . f3.IO0 WILL BUY DOl'BLE H UhB II fluff or trout. noj s-sij per ir. ,- ... , H. 8oLO. ttt- S3.2BD WlLf. BUY DOUBLE HOUSE, run lot, ivhi DiocK, i nuronr'ei; rent tiX) per year; location !? htlr. ' ' M. H. H(l OATJt. . 41 WILL BUY SINGLE HOUHR. Khttia IftW bloek, Ls Vae streeM at swoar year. m.tuMViM at K. ILB& ve ' uLA bel. SS fi Tiiii Mvaaia una and JUYA R,ROOM BINS LB m pot i Mhtlat'! Hiimmlt and Clark street: irrpjii jnw ravn,.e4 H uceoaeasirtwraM. M. H HwwA'iti Oomtaoaweaitli Boildlnf, Cm.';- 'i, A WORD. ' WANTS OFALLVK!iibs COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHES A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO I'll A BOB WILL BE LK33 THAN K CRNT3. THIS KtTLE AP PttES TO 'SMALL WANT AOS., EX CEPT LOCAL STTt'ATiry8 ANti HET," WANTED. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. . ,;.- i ' .., , ., . , . w Help Wanted-Male. to Bi'JS ner week. .Send forpHHifB I .ust est m1 r in i-xlitenue. LYON b F. B. & U U. ( O , Ootlien, Iud. CAI.KSkliKlTHADH B ote ANI DK- piirtinoqt t alio for m -r -antll' pre. ininiu trades: biir r 1: um-env ma mia 111 'ttestyent .a H- C 7 K. lOtbst.. ft fli. fttUB 'At, vvts.' .WANTED- 8ELL- v a lnn new a tirli a to di alurs: ( xcluilvo tcr rltory. n eon.pftition.no capital requ'red: ,i w .w p.'r ci)t. nri'iii t.oaiiauia v.i.-uiv.'ui Co. iHirn tit.. Ckioago, 111. AOtNr.H - A SNAP FOB YOU,: SWS.OII wenkiy; . fii,nw yeirly; uo x-nri -no iiwemary ; failure imiw ibli: ur hi'm a i bw nn: p ii fpnlar f ce. Address i'. O. Box Ki, l oitton. Mast. : VVaS'tEdIT AU JJT1I EVEItFtiKt" V tiun tocanvas: ri (X) to ft 0 io ilay male; s-llsnt lh: alsn i wa 'tn s"ll nuiil-ilj d. todralTs; best nil' His 7IO a uio til I sul ary or Ihth- inn miHtioii niaile; i sp-neiic- uuai'Ci'ua y. c irtun roup ana oiiiuuiaciar IligCo., Cim- nint), O,, , AGENTa-M TI -WANTKD, ALREADY trnvellng. 1e eart- InliH at'ng oils as a sde lin. MAN V :- ACTUKEKS' UlL CO., tbroland, O . ,, U 'ANTED - WElTL-irNf?WN MAN J er ry t-wn to 'Nill"lt stock nuluicrlp tier: a mnoiolyi his money lor aa-nu; no eapit.il rr-quired. EDW' AKD ii, FiSH A CO, lordi-n Rlnvk, t'hieajo. III. Helo Wanted Females. I I -ANTED- maker: AN KXPEItlEXCr-D DRKKB ii' othi-iN mud aptly. Apply to 8., 1 rlbu e ottlae rsntnn, P. TANTKD IMMEDlATKLY-tTW" EN Kit uet'o 's eswoiifen to rep-'-s nt Guaranteed fU a d;iy without ii.t --rferiiu' with oilier duties.. HiatUt 1 nceupution. Writu for particulars, incloiitie sianiii, Miwo Churn leal OomjmnV. No 73 .lohii Mrwt. Nfcw Y.ir'f. gents Wanted. AGENT8 WANTED' EVERYWHERE TO canraxs for our New Holld-iv Juv nil" Books, four CuriattniiR no.iutio: anil at Flctit; liliernl ti mm. AiIiI'vuh SI'ECIALTV, Hub Hiatlun No. 2. Phi:d Ipliin. Pa. AOFNTK WAXTED-TO SELL Ci(f ARM: f'i per month wilurr and cxoons-s p:ild. AildreKs with two-out stamp. FIUAKQ CI OA CO, liic:iKO. .. AOJi.N'IS-TO HELL OUR PHACT1CAL S gold, silver, nii-ki-l and coruer eli-ctro S.M,rs: rri- from 3 npwa-d; salary ami ex lenv't nn d: ouiflt free. Ai'd nt, with stamp, ilICHIOAN MFO CO., Chlratro. A OENTS TQSEIX CiO AR8 TO DEALERS; ,t'i' neeklr anil exiioiis'm: i-xiim lcnco un necesRary. I O.VSOLrDATED MFO. CJ., tH Van Rureu St., t hii-a. CAI.F.8MAN TO CAKIlY HIDE LISE: 2". C i'-r i-e.it. cnnimisuon: snniulo .'. Iionk huiilul free. Address L, N. CO., Btatioa L, New York. AT f. CE-AOE 'TS APPOINTED TO sell hew lUiuoini ifllinu tntil-i cUitli.mos- hnltoand hou fly liquid at 10 ei-nis ami -'D Hxniiilo froo. UOLOIANO re "t a bo tlK M'F'G Co;, Bultimore, Sid. A OENTS-niNDE'!! PATENT DNIVKH. j sul Hnir ('arlr ami Wnvwrs (tis -d with out boat), anil "I'yr Polntr-d"! Wir Pin Lib eral romniiKHion. Free sinpl and full par llrulim. Address P. Box 4fiil. Now York. . Druggist . Wanted. WANTED A I EOltSTEUED PHAUMA C'tt of 4tihm1 cIiht.v tor,. .AppW.at once J6.AI pi rave of .Tribune. , TiVrTUv i1J:: i"M. fwi! L,"-- Jal.,o .". t 2..M .l.sfra.n. Wanted. ANTEo" 8ALE8JifeV;To!A!l ', tie coods it homo or travel; htmral sal ary or (root (nimmlad Ii: wu d samp e on aiipitt-ntion: eiV'x -lmlvetrrltory. Addreas r. u. . & Hie, Now York City. " "' for: Rent ' 'OR RENT HOI BK CONTAI.MVO 11 reoaiH. tatn and' rura-ii-e.' Arnly um Lafayette strvot ; aim ilx-room bouan. "POR RPNt-FOTHt NICE ROOMH. MOST J lv fumahed. for liaht nousekoopini, 1034 Lafaytte.atr't. -... - . DOR ItKNT KTEVE'"fSON FRUIT FARM. V ''C'larVy drwn, fof a trra of years. Ap- tdv to GEORflE B, DAVIDfc'ON, Attorney, biznprnceetrevt. 70R REST TtTRS'RITEn FRONT ROOM. V' ' hilfnbl" for owe or two psrsons; gas, bout sod bath. i7lfl OHve stroot. ' noR REN TrdNCAPc V'. AVeSuE,".T J rniini 1-oiie: lntrt improretpeuta. Ap n'y 1S7H Cap-lino avenue. rpWO OF?lCES. CLOSET, STEAM J1EA 1 11 rttnnlnt water, dorntlcns front, eo eon. spteubus; f if. aWtt. w " I- W. GIBSON JO .N EH. 81 1 Spruce FINKS 1" BACHELOR PAIiMI NT8 IN eit-; Mf-nm brat;- hamldnmo suite; all coraf.'rin and dieTlut: s enr it qnlnk. W. GIHS-)H J( IN Es, ail.Sprnci strool.. 'UPE IOK H- USE -T I.FT MADISON venue . lie sure to . not m'si a-vmi lhis before reniinir. Alio nonni on ucu 'ra uL W. GIBSON JO E8 0U pruce street, 1"o. RBS-SALPPOl-s'RNd mit ' . Nor h Miilh ave ifo; II ri 01ns, eas wumr, fnmt and bath room and I arn. Inquire at Andorrati'a Noire Room. Providenv) j-qnnr'-. FOR" BE'T-Fl'Risi'ED RO M. WJTI ",orw!tbnn buarlL.auiiatila lor tw, ur sons. Ifti Ailyns ave. , ,' . , .. . y .. F'Olt RENTBIX RGOJo HOCSK ON WEST Lackawanna avenn" A'Wr" '1 H IVIA3 E FVAN8, aear IIWLTiterne, Hrd PAr). ' Fi"BENTNirl-LY IURNIHED HAI,L suitable for lodie looms. JOHN JE.i MYN, lltl Wyoinli u ovenui. fj'bRltETTHrTpRtfsl:8 tiF.CENTt.Y JT 01.01 by Tim Serant n T.rih. no. known rtic aotnfrhullillnBi. The elcvat- r belon -inir toTbTrlb-'n Piibl s'tlnCo. will bssnll lo the Ii-"- oa fosntial)lM jtrins. Iu- rnrticn jnrsj ISqali enk thn piymiies, f Rudolph BDiei ' fct rjiT.oJHeeol The Seranton Triu- -f or Sale OYS E HOUSE Pit HALU "V AC count of otUnr .bufholu. .Box Till, Binir bamton, N. Y. T ' 1?dR KA'LP,-FARM, T rS AND f fa-m ng- ntensll iquirt of J. M. P f ,L , 1 11 1 uj( 1 1 1 3 - 1 1 1 1 it 1 , u ... . ... 1 -1. .... - FfFI, ',71 Scran'on sfr t.',!-i rn 01 P. ctir-i.'. Pub 1 IS' Sale. IJCBLI08AL .'-IWBt CFFEB FO- SALE J 0:1 Thnr dar Noy. ,7. at 10 o rlock a m.. en the pi-emlwe, al t'ie leu.nold -nturi. n-.il ti-rm nf year cr.ated by lse from U G. Ki-booMmakor to Arihar F i'thina-h m nd Laura Froibtnsb tr, dnf- d Jmi I, ls. now owne l 'liyinH l efnglotN mbor (8) I Block No.' till on WeOBil avenue, In the city of Bcranton; VID04 ifeet in front and l'.7fi-et in (fsMli. L t.il known aa "The Arcad't." Terms will be saa-le known on day of al. . ' CHARLES H. WELLES. ' ' . " ; - teeclai Hotlcs. TVJOTICK-ON J AND AFTER MAY I, I il wl I make a monthly tour 0' the follow Ine plafces rlTlnq fr eopjn air adv-rtll!iif ex hibitions wi b he st'Toopilu m: Taylorvill's Hyde 1 ark, Proy deme. Dlckton Olynliaiit, Pekvllif,' Arelibad, J.rmyn. Exlubitiout siven in Wedmalay and Pi May ul ejcU week ouilnrthe month, tbe rates for adver tU na are ,k Jer, .month.. Address K. H, CVUi-nribSae oftlb' Aty. 45. - itrpBE tfu,i niKB i mm nr; ' 1 Von waht thU relle. on tains all of Frank Leslie's fmouiold War Pictarvs.ahow tnr She foreea n actnol battle, sketched on the spot Two volumes, 2,(M) plrtnrM. eold on tear mmtuiy,-ivawwt j4euwB iiy . aseomplftteJI W.?!t prepaid j 4tdre AMK KJfTKS. PMlPIlLTTS. SaOa iliub eaeoi tfund or rebound St TBS liMwTeUoSWtticli work. Beasoaabie nstberifesBvlJintUiiti!!', fi 4-v-ror 8irue m-lil 1 1 live. Poosui m kW -a r-rtij-e lia'oly, t fL.irinils eotist of tbe h t'diiiif Ip. hi? MrM tkuXiiflilhli. on tile e' titerf l Biiru.ce trwr 5 d I enn evi-niie, tore h r -with -in1 hniamrrtt. anrl-.1qn tho raiti-e tnbrth fl,toof - - .' v - I Cuslogners Tell Os 'Hr SES , - ..- priced in the city. v . Astrachans, Persian Cloths; Boucted VViP rTaRl Effects, Kerseys, Clay Diagonals, 4. y and NoVelty Mixtures in great vari- ety from the- most reliable makers. CONOIIiiY & Situation Wanted.' . TmMT ti.N WaN TtD-lff V drkss'ma- kir tosowr- by this wek; h"s had sotcb years' i sp.-rii am. ' Apply at 110 South Re lic ca ar uui-. ITA8HIK('8 WANTED -FAMILY OR ' i'Piitli.min'a. to take bo no. lu:SJ Wt-at i.ackawui.na nvonuo. QITtJATIOS' WANTED BY A BOY AG IO ? Ill years; work of any kind. Addi-eas 1118 Franklin . vunue, city. CITUATION WANTED-BY A MAN 85A8 C rlvrk In wholvs-ile, rtnil dry finoils or uropory etoro; tins I ad txpurienco, Aduresa M- J. K., Tribuu oftlca. SITUATION W NT ED-Tf GO OUT BY tho if ijr wce'iliuc wishing taken home, also. Call or aililrsas L B., 3W N. buiunar nvonne Hyde Park. WlTUATLUN WANTED - BY AN OLD 0 oonntry irroom v hi un'lerstand brn ork anil liorw-s: can bo well rcouiniueadvd. Addirsa Mo., Tr.bnue ofllro. C iTtJATIOM VA 'I ED BY A YOUNG O innn In butcher bn-dnrsa, with two pa s' .xpri-nr: b pft'iw ad boul tur niaiied, if nq-ilrod. F. C, Tribune otllue. C IT ti ATIO V W A N ME D-B Y A YOU NO O man an third h:md hukpr or any ltb d of work or trado. Addi o ill.) Htono aveni:o. VJi rUATKlN WANTED - BY A YOUNG laly aa office airl or clirk: lias had some knowlpil of bojj kuepln f .. Adilroat L. M., Tribune iittice. YOUNG ADY WOULD I.IKE POSITIO aaatonoiri-ph-r and lynewrlter: a I no to aa-iit In hooltku.'iiinit: has lial exueriouc. unit ran ftlvo tho lnt of roer--ace. ddrena i EKSO.N AU Lock B ix 1M. eity Wan ed-p'i isrn6NA "h)Useke1;:r er in mnn:l f unily, or a nuran. Address MR!,, J-S. WILLI MS, Hi! Adarai avonuo. UjANTrD-A ptmrrioN by A'-middli si'd old country u--ntU in'itl .t any tiling n il to he c m liu imefnl and Hud a homo. Adili-PiM MnM. Trill mo oitli'i". Money to Loan. IJROMPI LOANS ON RKAL EST TE "K curity. 11. W. CRUSEli, 40J Lackawan na avenue, ' ... Clairvoyant AlB!?. FENTOl:, CLAIRVOYANT AND j'I pllronoio fst.-Arnrnit Hot wanna avvnu". ttii wo k only PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentist. PK. WILLIAM A, TAFT. PORCELA1V. HrldKe and Crown work. Office, i-5 Washington avenue. ' C. C. LAUHACII. SUnOEON, DENTIST. No. 115 Wyo m I njf n y f-n u e. R. M. STHATTON, OFFICE COAL EX chanftq. . ' Physician 4 and Surgeons. DIt. O. EDGAIt DEAN HAS REMOVED to 610 Spruce street, Seranton, Pa, (Just opposite Court House Square) DM. KAY, ?M TENN AVE.: 1 to 3 P. M.: call 2"ni DIs. of women, obstrctrlcs and and all dis. of cfcll. - ' ' . DIt. W. E. ALLEN, 512 North Washington avenue, DR. C. L. FRKY, PIIACTICE LIMITED, diseases of . the Eye, Ear, Nose ami Throat; olPpe, 122 Wyoming ave. Ileal dence, 629 Vine street. DR. L. M.-OATES, 12S WASHINGTON avenue. Oflleo- hours. S to 9 a. m.. 1.30 to i and 7 to 8 p. m, Residence 309 Madi son avenue. . . DR; ,T. C. HATMON.. Tt'ESOAYS AND Fridays, at Linden street. Office houru 1 to 4 p. m. - ' . . LttM'j'cr5. WARRF..Y & KNArP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Repiib'lcan biilldlnp, Washington avenue, Seran ton, Pa. .j - v ' "" JESSUrS7'- JIANp;' ATTORNEYS AND , Counsellors: at ' Lfiw, Commonwealth 'building:, Washington avenue. ' ..i .T.' -W. H, JKST'P, " '.'.. .. - ... -.HORACK f,. HANT),, ' ...w-i; . " . W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTEirSfit' "' WILCOX.' r,ATTOTt- neys and CovnsllorS et Law; offlcea 6 and 8 HhrnvvhiilldlnB.-Scrnrtori. Pa. ' ' - . . : ROSEWKLI. H PATTERSON, i ! . , WILLT-Ut A. WILCOX. .. . ALPRED' MAKD, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys, and . Counselors,. Common wealth bulld.lr.cr, nooms 10. 20 and 21. ; FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Lnw, Room S, Coal Exchange, Seran ton, Fa. JAMES W, OAKFriTtn. TTrV'v. at-Lnw, rooms C3, M and 65,. Commbri . wealth htilldlnir- ' SAMUET, W. KDOAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Iaw. Office, 317 Sorties st., Seranton. Pa. L. A. WATERS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, VR Iickawnrna ave., Seranton. Pn. . t'RIE TOWN SEND, ATTORNEY-AT-, I-aw, Dime i Bank Pnl'illnir, Seranton, , Money to loan In large sums at S per ' cent. ' - C. R. PITCfTER. ATTORrEY-AT-lnw Commonwealth building, Seranton, Pa. . " . H C. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. . CCOMEOY8. 821; SPRI'CE STREET. D. B. ItEPLOGLEr ATTORNEY TiOANS negotiated n Bpruee stree' negotiated of real estate security. 409 eel. , . B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -120 Wynmln ave.. Qranton. Po. ' JA9. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth blil'g. Bcranton. J. M. C...RANCK. IM .WYOMING AVE. ., Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT 616 Meridian Btreet. Park Hill. -Wire Si'eens. JOB. i ICUETTELy REAR Bit LACKA wanna avenue,- Scran ton, Pa., manutac. turer of Wire Berrcns. .. .' Si :. ,. I, ' to' WALLACE. TRY US. 602-604 L1CX1 AVE., COH ftDlfflS. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Bcranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BTJELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN nnd School, 412 Adams avenue, opens -SbP !9-K Irujogarten 1 0 per tertn. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and W, Commonwealth bullillng. Bcranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICK rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce st.t cor. Wash. ave,. Seranton. BHOWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS Price building, 12tJ Washington avenue, Seranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINOS AND Ixmn Asaociatlon will loan you money ' on easier terms and pay you better on -Investment than any other association. Cnll on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank , bulldlnr. ... Seeds. O. U. CLARK & CO., EKDSMKN. AND . Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; stoi-e telephone 782. .' Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms nildress R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, ' over Hulbert's music store, ' . . M EGA HQ EE BROTHERS, PRINTERS7 supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse 130 Washington ave.. Scran- ton, Pa. ' . - , FRAN K P. BROWN A CO., WHOLE snle denlers In Wooilwsre, Cordage and Oll Cloth.720 West Lackawanna ave.- THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 arid 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Bex Fire. Extinguisher Hotels nnd Restaurants. THU. ELK CAFE. 125 and 127. FRANK,- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor. BCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & W. pnssenKor depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTM1N8TER HOTEL,.- Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Bates, 1.1.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N, AN ABLE, Proprietor... PA'lROfiD TIME-TAB1 FR Central KuilroaU ot New JcrijyV (I.phlsii and Susquehanna-Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusive., insur ing cleanliness and comfort, TIME TAHLE IN EFFECT JUNtt 2, ISfG. Trains leave St-ranton for Plttston, Wilkes-Barre; etc., at 8.20, (.13, U IO a.m.; 1.23, 2.00. 3.06, 6.00. -7.10. p.- tn. Sundays .0 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. ...,..-. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. hi. . T', For New York, Newark and Elizabeth; 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.2.1 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving L23 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia.' Reading Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and Now York 6.43 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allcntown, Bethle hem, Eaaton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 1.23, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m, Sunday, 2.15 p. m. .,. For Long Branch, Oceaa Grove, etc,, at 8.20 a.m., 1.23 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburar, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.-23. 6.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 8.20 a. m., 1.13 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 8.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express With Buffet parlor ear) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 e. tn. Leavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m.. 2.01) and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 a. m. . .. . ,1 , . Through tickets to all points at' lowest rates may be had on application In ad vace to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent .. J. II. OLIIAUSEN, Gen. Supt. , , DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. ;, ComnHmelng ' Monday sTI'ltAf.. July 30, ail trams wu mm Mmn arrive at new Lacka mm J ., wanna avenue statlo MW r . - .as follows: . r - Traim win leave H.ra i.n .i.iui, a rniwinnl and interm dlate points st 20. 6.4B, 7.00, 8.25 altd 10. a. m., iz.w, z.zu, s.oa, e.io, 1.10, i.o - H.zo p. tn... t .1 2 Va. ITn rvl.w WavmHrl and HdnCSd at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m 1100, 120 ahd PFor Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondacj ana Montreal at 0.45 a. m. wo i.-u v- For Wilkes-Barre and Intcrmed ; te points at 7.45, 8.43, 38 and 1045 a. m..lf05, 1.20, Z.H, 6.10, B.Uo, .u ana u.oe v. Train, mill ffrrlv fli Bcr&nton Stfl. frtim Csrbbndale and Intermediate pofm, at 7.40, 8.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a ,m.. i.M, i,t7- Lit, S.1V, S.DO, T.D. I.ll Jia 1J.M Vmm ft rniMikiJa. Wavfmirt am vlow at 8.34 a. m., lioo, l.Hi 140, . From "Montreal," Sarstojra. Albany, ete., at 54 ana 11. p. m. -. -From Wilkes-Barre -and Interm nnlnH at I 111 a 04 10 OS and 11 a. i.14, 8.39, 1.10, 1.08. 7.10. 3.01 and 11.16 1, i . ; .- 209 Washington Aventte, Opp. Court House. . UPHOLSTER FDRUITURE. , Clean CarpetSj i f v Rcnkte. Featfterl ilv l?J Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 12, 1898. Train leaves Seranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R. at 7.41 a. m., 12.05, 1.20. 2.1S nnd 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.03. 11.20 a. m., and 1.30 p. m. Leave Seranton for Plttston and Wilkes. Barro, via D., L. A W. R. R., 6.00, i.08, 11.29 a, m 8.50, 6.07, 8.52 p. m. Leave Bcranton for White Haven, Ha ileton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Mesijow and Pottsvllle branches, via K. W. V. R. R 8.40 a. m via T. A H. It. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.30, 2 3S, 4 00 p. m., via D., L. & W. R. R. 6.00, 8.08,. 11.20 a, ni.. 1.30. 3 50 p. m. Leave Sim n ton for Bethlehem, Kaston, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points, via D. A H. R. n., 7:45 a. m., 12.05, I. 20, 2.38. 4.00 11.38 p. m., via D L. W. R. It., 6.00, 8.08. 11.30 a. m 1.80 p. m. Lenve Seranton for Tunkhannock, To wan.la, Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. A H. R. R., 8.43 a. m., 11.05 and 11.85 p. m via D., L. & W. R. R., 8.08, 9.55 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Seranton for Rochester; Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit-, Chicago ond nil points west via D. & H. R. R.. 8.4u a. m. 12.00, 9.15, 11.38 p. m.. via D., L. & W. R. It. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a. m., 1.30, 8.50 p. m., via E. & XV. V. R. R., 3.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west. via Sulumanea, via D. & H. R. R.. 8.4&a.m.- 12.05, 6.05 p.m.', via D., L. A V. B. ii., 8.08, 9.56 a. m., 1,30, and "7p,.m, . . , .. .-i--j- Pullman parlor , .and sleeping or" Li V, chair ears on all 'trains between L, As B. Junction or Wllkes'Barre and New7 Yok; Philadelphia,. Buffalo,; and Suspension Bridge. , t . . i.- r - . ii . RQLLIN H. . WILBUR, Oefi. Saph ) CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt..Phlla.,Pa A. . W. NONNEMACHKR,. Asst, .aen( Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. ' :, Del., Lack, and Western. EfffCt Mondiy. Juno 24, 189V "" Trains leave Seranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points Cast, 1.40, 2.60, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.63 a. m.; 12.55 and 8.34 p. m. , v - Express for Easton, Trenton, PhltadeU phla and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. to., 12.55 and 2.SI p. m. Washington and wa.y stations, 8.55 p. m. 4 ' Tohyhnnna accommodation, 6. 10 p, m. 5' Express , for Btr.shamton, Oswego, E11 mlra. Coming, Bath, Dansvllle, Mout)t Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 135 a. m., ajft 1,21 p. tn., making close connections-Kt Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. . ' Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. ' Blnghamton and way stations, Ij3t7 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 H, m. and 6.10 p. m. X . Blnghamton and Elmlra Exrress, 6.05 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego Utlra nnd Richfield Springs, 2.x a'.m. and 1.24 p. tn. F Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath 9 n. m. knd 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Pinion, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, ' Bloomsb",rB and Dan ville, making cIorb connections nt North, nmberland for Wllllamnporj, Harrlsbnro;, Baltimore, Washington an li the South.. Northumberland nnd IniJ-rmetllate sta tions, 6.00, 9.65 s. m. and l.'lo and 6.07 p. m. Nantleoke nnd Intermeillnte stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 3.40 anA g.fiz p. m. rullmnn parlor and sjceping coaches on express trains. For detailed Inform stlon. pocket time tnhics. etc.. annly toM. L. Smith;' city ticket offlee, 8C8 Lacljfawanna avenue, . or depot ticket office. , Eric ahd Wv)bnilng Valley. 'Trains leave Sernton. for etv York end Intermediate Holms on the Erie rail road at' 7.00 a. m. and 3 24 p. m: Alao for Hpnesdale,' Haw4y and . local - plnt: at 7.00, 8.40 a. m. anl j;24 p. m.' - All the above Are through trains to and from Hencsnaiej .s ., . Trains leavo q0r Wilkes-Barre at,AJ9. m and 3.45 P. n KAITA?V niVMIft!. In 1'ffert Hrptcnber 39n4 -- M. 1 (el Kounit. iMMMk.Nnt f 3 tOll " TlTOT 301 fl (TrMna Dally, Ex-j r aiArrlve leavei 7 25 N. Y. Franklin -nt. T. 7 101 West 4rd' streetj ... 'iia' :-wwrai -.l.' r a'srnve utmm Tifi;Uncoek Jnnctloni 1 cut nancner . . tt Starlight 9 Preston rrk 8 4d lorao Pqrntelie ' Belment rie.sant Mi Unlnndala Forset City . C bonds e -White Rrldge ' WajnVld. Jermvn Archibald Vinton Peckvilte Olvihant - Dickson Tbroop rmvidenae nvi If 14 i9 ( a Until r II 4 a II 91 (6 filial II Ml II l KflMSl Mill 111 1 1071 11 on 11 oi 11 cm Wlfl.fl Park P ace 10 10 561 . nettaati ectantoB tJL 'A.l.Te Arrlvel AUtraint ttia tJiily exoeet fandajVi t ttSBt tBat ualnaaVVP oa (lM eoure rates Via Ontario a Western twfora firehasmgUi-ketiaad save atoney. Day and UUJt M -press MJUe est. - T. ruteron, sir, lata, Anaeraiuoa, ra. 'a v .... 8 t .. .... 9 8a ... 9 31 S 41 .. .... 8S ..m .... t.W ... 6 ! .... ..... am ..M a n i ... 704 44 T 7f8M ... 1 1 i W .... 714 (45j .... ltd IU .... 7i3.SJ 717 ... it 4 0U ..m t8l 41 .... 7 86 4 101 . ... T39 1 .... 741 II 17 .... T45 4i ft Ml . f T 1 1 T 1 .! ' .:t:'...... ..:-:'.