THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MOITNTNGr. XOVJ3MBER 1, 1S!)5. CAflDONDALE. THE FIRST REHEARSAL. A Large Nnicbar Were Present at the Meeting of Lyceum Opera Company The' first rehearsal of the Lyceum Opera company was a most decided sue ecu. an unusual number of people turn Ing out. About fifty young people were prestmt, tut there were many others who were unable to attend. They have signified their willingness to become manners of the company, however, and the prospects of a large chorus are good. All the vocalists will De or tne best that cam be found In the city and with the experience had In the former pera this one will eclipse an past at tempts. lilndsay was not present, but will toe on hand Monday evening, when a full attendance is desired. This will commence the real rehearsals and they will 'be continued through Novem ber and December. The cast will be given out on l.Monday. Those who. have already decided to take part In the opera are Mrs. J. w. Kowlion. Cora Avery. Mary Qerrlty, Bridget Gt.rlns, Elizabeth Davis, Sarah CMlton. Mamc 'Bryscn, Mame Cannon, Sadie Timlin, Annie Keller, Emma fiwarts. Susie iBanks, Emma Udy, Isa bel .Maxwell. Mame Daley, Eunice Bry- eon, Sadie Lewis, Sarah Davis, Grace Vannan, Eula Carey, Mettle uurdicK, Ella Purdy, Lizzie Wyllle, .Minnie Uowan, Maggie (Duffy, Reg'lna MoCabe. D. J. Movies, Thomas K Irk wood, K. J. Boylan. J. li. Rowlson, Melvln Tappen, Isaac Hollewbeck, W, iL. Leonard, John Bone, Will Stephens. C. P. O'Connor, Harry Rettew, 'Dwight Crane, D. YaiTlngton, tA. Nlesen, Patrick Klrk wooid, John "O'Rourke, Joseph Birs, Charles Brldgett, A. R. Jones. Charles Jdunn, Dr. H. c. Wheeler, w. v. Evans. ' SERIOUS TROUBLES Experienced by Mr, llnbart, of Clifford A Man from kurul Districts. A man from the rural districts passed through town Wednesday, and on his way home had a lively time with his wagon. At .May Held Mr. Hobart met two old ladles who asked him for a ride. The request was granted and they got in. Mr. Hobart s load was already a heavy one, and with the aJdltlonal load the strain-was very great upon the wagon, which had a defective axle. Mr. HObart did not think of this, however, and proceeded on his way. Things were all right until he reached the Couth Side. Here the wagon lilt a large rock and the front axle gave way. With the help of several young men temporary repairs were made and he was able to go on. 'He passed through town at 8 o clock, but In front ot Hotel HarrlBon his wagon once more gave way. a urge crowd soon gathered bout the unfortunate man, who had ought relief In the foaming beverage, mother .wagon was finally secured and Hoaart proceeded on his way rejoicing. TERRIBLY SQUEEZED. William fJrodlcy Caught Between a Car andl'lllnr. William Bradley, Jr., son of Con stable Bradley, of Carbondale town ship, met with a distressing accident yestarcvay morning. Mr. Ura'dley Is emDloved at the Pow. derly mines, on the South Side, and la a laborer. The young main had stepped to one . side to allow a trip of cars which were approaching to pass. Just before they reached him, however, the first car Jumped the track and ran against Bradly. The place was so narrow that he could r.ot avoid the car and wa3 caught between It and a pillar. Min ers nearby heard his cries for help and hurried to his assistance and he soon was rescued from his painful "position. He was taken to the hospital and is resting quite comfortably at present. , Dl7tll'l)l IT IVC ITTCVTInV A Rally Will De Held in tho Sixth Ward on Monday. On next Monday, Nov. 4, the Republi can club will hold a rally of the Sixth ward citizens at the rooms of the Sixth Ward Republican club. The rally promises to be very enthusiastic as several prominent speakers have been secured, who will give addresses. Be sides there will be speeches by local men. All those who desire to hear the com ing campaign discussed should be pres ent, as It will be free to. all. The Re publicans' of the Sixth ward expect to make things lively then and are start ing good and early. , I.ayman-Rutan Nuptlnls. A quiet wedding was celebrated at the Bereah Baptist parsonage Wednes day evening. The contracting parties were Frederick Layman and Miss Mar garet Rutan, both of this city. The groom Is a. well-known young man of Harlem avenue. The 'bride, until re cently, resided at Auburn, Pa., but two months ago became a member of tho household of Mr. 'Layman. The weddng was very quiet. The cere--nony was performed by Rev. T, E. Jepson. 1 If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Yeaj-s by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain: Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. S. 0. Kerr Will Not Retire. It has been rumored that fl. O. Kerr, the well-known carpet merchant of the firm of Keri Slebeoker & Co., contem plated retirement. On 'being inter- DRESSES ELEGANTLY FITTED ' " ' And made in the very latest style. A large assortment of rleh samples from the lead ing New York houses: Alt. man, AlcCreery, Stearn Bros; ' Hilton, Hughes it Co. Reas. onable charges. sea WYOMING AVE. TERM8 llrtclty BMH During Thlt Sa'e. CARPETS. OIL, CLOTHS. LINO, leu ins, Draperies, ' Window Shades, and Wall Paper, ' '4l9UCMWAnNUVEUF GREAT ALTERATION SALE. We have decided on a Sweeping Reduc tion rather than cover ap our goods dor iiitt Our extensive improvements, and have marked down everything- in tho ' . store tt cose and less. See our Window Display, which will substantiate what we ' keyi fey Ciratti free) lie. to Me.. Worth tic. to 7$o. mtMli Ctreett, 40c. to SOe., Worts 60c to 0e. was rt,t., Wert hX, . i . Aad every thing else, la proportion. . J. SCOTT ING LIS CARPETS 119. WILL PAPERS, 1 :r4UC!UtoiaVErJIIL V vlewad he said that he had heard auch rumors himself, exit that there we no foundation for 'them, whatever. 'He expects to May in business us long as health and strength will allow him to dj so. Mr. Kerr aibo said that he hail rented the new Burke tmlldlng on Sixth avenue and about Jan. 1 he expected to open a tine - assortment of furniture, carpet, rugs, mattings, draperies, etc., in fact, the came class of goods that Is now kept in their Church street store. The new store will bs conducted und?r the firm name of 8. G. Ktrr & Son, and will be a credit to our city. Mr. Kerr has had much experience in the lkie of business and knows how to plc3e and the kind of goods required by the buyer. - New Officers of the Lotus Club. The reml-annual election of oftlcers occurred Wednesday night at the Lo:us club rooms and the meeting was attend ed by a large portion of the members. The number of aspirants for the dif ferent ofllces were many and the elec tion, though spirited, was a friendly one. The following oftlcers were elect ed: John iB. Bergan. president; Peter Anderson, vice-president; C. P. O'Con nor, recording secretary; M. F. 'Neary, financial secretary; Stanley (Maxwell, treasurer; Dan T. Gilmartln a.nd P. Byrne, librarians; P. A. Duffy, Richard Malone and 'Lawrence O'Grady were elected trufUes. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Rehearsals have been commenced by the young folks who intend presenting "Pause" in this city this winter. Tins company will be entirely home talent. B. L. 'Singer Is the musical director. Miss Urace Vannan returned home Wednesday from Hancock, where she had teen visiting her sister, Mrs. Stll man Hancock. 'Edward Mealy, of DundalT street, and John Price, of Hallbrook street, have purchased the South Main street res taurant, which P. H. Murray has been conducting for the past few months. Miss Genevieve Drake entertained a number of her friends at her home, on Terrace street. Wednesday evening. Games,, amusemwits of various kinds and dancing filled up the hours. At midnight refreshments were nerved. Those present were: Nellie luffy, An nie Duggan, Kate Devlne, Maggla May, Mary Cavanaugh, Mary Paddtn, Annie Klllen, T. McDonough, Edward Kins, Thomas King. Will Watertield, Frank Franev. Thomas HICRins. John May. - . F. E. Dennis Is spending a few days with his parents, In Port Jervis. E. F. Ely Is visiting friends in this city. Miss Grace Hathaway entertained the Fortnightly club at a Hallowe'en party at her home, on Salem avenue, last evening; Mrs, Job Hawkins and Mrs. John Booth and children spent yesterday as the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. William Phillips, of No. 0. Miss Anna'J. Gilmartln and May Car den called on friends In Scranton yes tei'Jay. The monthly tea at the Berean Bap tist church Wednesday evening was well attended and a large addition to the treasury was the result. Miss Mary Watt has gone to W'llkes- Barre for a week s visit with relatives. Miss Lulu Grlswold, of Aldenvllle, Is visiting Mrs. Howard Olver, on Mitchell avenue. Miss Sadie Wisely entertained a few friends pleasantly at her home, on DundatT street, Wednesday evening. Mrs, C. R. 'Evans and children left yestcrJay for a visit at "the home of Mrs. Evans' parents, in Plymouth. The Salem avenue improvements are very marked from Main street and add much to the general appearance of the city. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Uurke, or South Church street, were called to Honpsdale yesterday by the death of Michael Spel man, a young mam 22 years ol'd. The Misses Jul. a Collins, Emma and Annie Coogan are visiting friends in Scranton. Alderman 8. S. Jones and Julius Moses attended the funeral of Warren Walker, of Mayfleld, yesterday after neon. A. I Gumey has resigned his posl' tlon as. solicitor for .the Star Steam Dye works and will now devote his en tire time to Falling a. O. O. alve. The demand for this article has become so great that IMr. Gumey found it neces sary to do so. Miss Josle Myers, of Mount Calm Wayne county, who has 'been visiting ntr brother, Arthur 'Myers, of Chestnut avenue, for the past few weeks, will return home today. J. J. Powderly, of Scranton. Is visiting at the home of his parents, on Terrace street. The Columbia's new 'delivery wagon In charge of Driver Smith was placed on the road yesterday. Mrs.. Thomas Gilmartln, of Dundafr street, underwent a surgical operation Wednesday. C. P. O Malley was In town yester day. Mrs. Weller. of Mount demons, Mich., Is visiting Mrs. James Thompson, of Church street. Alderman 8. S. Jones drove to South Gibson on 'business Wednesday after noon. 'B. J. Murphy, of Washington. D. C. called otn the trade on Wednesday. Edith, the little 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ridhols, of Chestnut avenus, Is lying very ill of catarrhal fever. Mrs. George Dlmmock. of Chestnut avenue, left yesterday for ft few days with Archbald friends. ARCHIBALD At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the funeral of the late Mrs. Isabella Jones, took place from the residence, on South Main street. For several hours pre vious to the time fixed for the funeral the house was thronged with friends of the deceased, who had came to look upon her face for the last time. Many of these 'bore floral tokens, which were placed on tne bier of the departed. A.mong the offerings were a very beau tiful cross from E. 8. Jones and sisters. of Olyphant, and a basket of roses from tho brothers and sisters of the de ceased. (Besides these there were others from relatives and acquaintances. The services were conducted by Rev. V. A. Bet'cher, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The choir of the church sang appropriate selections, and Rev. Mr. Beecher preached from the text, "Blessed are the dead, who die In the Lord." The cortege moved to the Protestant cemetery, where Rev. Mr. Beecher ajaln offered prayer and the body was then consigned to the grave. The pall-bearers were: John Llnder- man, John J. Langan, T. P. Moran, W. J. Gllroy, John O'Rourke and John J. Brogan. The flower-bearers were: C. A. Battenberg and Arthur Clarkson. Mrs. Jones was a member of Rebekah Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, and out of respect for her that society, as well as Archbald lodge, at tended the funeral in a 'body. Despite the bad weather the funeral was very Urge. HAUSTEAD. Charles Read, formerly clerk at tho Mitchell House, but now manager of a hotel at Cape Vincent, N. Y., Is call ing on friends In town. Mrs. F. D. Lamb was visiting friends and relatives in Blnghamton on Thurs day. F.i M. Benjamin has Just completed a hew road on Mount Montrose. It is 1C feet wide and 170 rods long. Work will begin at once on tne new Tingley building. The ground floor will be used for store purposes. The High School Literary union will hold a meeting on. Friday afternoon. Miss Mary Bcotten is to open a dress making establishment in connection with her millinery business. Captain R. C. Du Bols returned to Washington on Thursday. Hon. James L. Du Bols will return on Friday. The Novelty company's building, for merly oocupled by D. C. Hamlin, is to be used u wagon factory. PITTSTON. (The Plttston ofllco of the 8crantoa Tribune '.a located at No. i W.illaiu slreet, where all advertisements, order for job work and '.terns for publication will le :( p'nnMit Mtmtion. Office open fro.u t a. m. to 10 p. m ) A number of young people gathered at the hcuse cf the Mtees Rowan, of Bread street, last evening, and spent a very enjoyable evening. Games and vocal and instrumental music formed the featuio of amusement until capper was served. Thotx- present from out of town were: 'Pete Rowan. Fred Moon, of Miners' Mills; M. J. McLaughlin, of Wllkes-iBarre, and W. F. Loftus, of Carbondale. The Hollo a-e'en social given by the Entls Social club last evening was a brilliant affair. . The funeral of Richard Letter took plajj from his home, on Stark street, yesterday afternoon. The JIarmonia and St. Joseph societies attended In large bodies. The ?all-beareri were: Jacob Gahane, Joseoh Hurst, John Wacks, Mat Schllllnger, .William Ad rian, Joseph Frederick. -M. iL,!chman'3 little girl was slightly InjureJ by belnjr run Into by a bi cycle ridden by Charles Hornell. Yesterday was the second annivers ary of the Plttston hospital. Mrs. Ethel Tucker and her company gave a production, '"Retribution," to a large nouse last evening. Plttston Uuslness Directory. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on vv right & Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also seeond-haud household goods, bought or soiu, AVOCM. A plosant surprise party was ten dtied Miss Mary Kearney last' even lng at her hime, on Grove street. The oscasion being a Halloween gainer lng, many superstitious games and practices were Indulged- in, which, no doubt, will cause great anxiety in tho minds cf some people until materialized. Refreshments were served ar.i an en joyable time was realized by all pres; ent. Mrs. N. E. Hosklfis and May Sanders, of Lincoln Hill., attended a reception at the home of Mrs. Hopgood, Jn West Plttston. last evc.nlnjr. Madame Celeste, a gifted elocutionist, entertained a large audience r.t tne high school last evening. Miss Sarah Taylor spent festerdr.y with friends In Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas English have begun housekeeping In their ftandsom-3 residence, on William street. Plttston Delegates N. W. Sweeney, of Plym outh, and M. F. Moon, of Avoca, repre senting the county Ancient Order of Hi bernians, Board of Enln, will go to Scranton tomcrrow to extend an Invi tation to the Lackawanna county An cient Order of Hibernians to partici pate in the parade in Plymouth on March 17 next. The Richmond Social club conducted a sociable at O'Malley's hall last even tag. Miss Jennie Newlln attended a party at the home of the -Miss Neurfcr, at Du pont, last evening. Mrs. Thomas Burke, of the West Side, is lying dangerously ill. All citizens interested in the Improve ments of 'the town should vote for the "Lights" at the coming election, Nov. 5. A lairze audience greeted the well- known temperance advocate at the Primitive Methodist church on Wednes day evening. His manner of oratory captlvateU his audience. He related many touching incidents and d nounced the liquor traffic in scathing terms. The speaker was loudly ap plauded. MOOSIC. C. L. Crelllon, of Wllkes-Barr, was a visitor In town yesterday on busi ness. E. J. Foulks has gone on a busl n3 strip and expects to be absent about one week. The Ladles' Missionary society, of the Presbyterian church expect to hold a Thanksgiving dinner In the basement of the church. Mrs. Abel Storm Is Improving stead lly at Dr. Pierce's private hospital, Philadelphia. She expects to return home In one week. Eipworth league at the Methodist Episcopal church on Saturday at 7.30 p. m. Cottage prayer meetlns will be held at the house of Benjamin Harris, of spike Island. 'Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robertson were visiting friends In Dunmore on Wednesday. E. J. Price was In Wllkes-Barre on Wednesday, on business connected with the 'Spring Brook L. company. James Butler, of South Main street, was a caller In Scranton on business yesterda;.. James Graham, the MoosIc barber, has moved over H. T. Copp's, where he has very commodious quarters. John Grier, one of Mooslc's oldest residents, is confined to the house by an attack of Illness. - PRICEBURQ. Thomas Lognn Is recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism. A very, pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jones Wednesday evening. Charles Northup was a visitor, In town yesterday. William McLaughlin, late proprietor of the Ablngton hotel. In Carbondale, will make his future desklence here. William Smith returned last evening after a few days' visit In New York. Tho oyster supper held at the home of Dr. W. P. Kennedy wnB a success socially and financially. The congrega tion realized a neat sum for tho benefit of their parsonage. Messrs Bcrten Eley, John 'Hawk, George Mumford, Morllc Barrett and Morlie Hawk- attended a Hallowe'en party given at the Price parlors last evening. W. C. Grlflln, Charles Eley and George Gelatt have started on a fish ing and hunting expedition. The gen tlemen intend going an .far as the southern part of New Xork state. hat Ton want of a modlclne Is that it shall do you good purify and enrich your blood, throw off that tired feeling, and give you health, strength, courigo and ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla b tho only trne blood r-urlfler prominently in tho publio oyo today, and it meets these requirements perfectly. Tab b proved by the testimony of thou sands ot people Ilood'i Sarsaparilla Builds up the norves by feeding them on pure blood, crcitos aa eppetlte by toning tho digestive organs, overcomes That Tired Feeling by giving vitality to the blood, tnd gives sweet refreshing sleep. Yon may realize that Hood's BaraiparUla Does this I If giving it a fair trial. Insist opoa Hood's and only Uood'a. vlilxfor8. Hriod's PHb drW! MISTER! YOU VE IRfiiRCE ft DROPP PLUG A GREAT BIG PIECE FOR lO CENTS According to announcement already made, we com mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our two large stores. The goods have all beeu marked down to first cost, many goods even below cost. I E Mil If you have any present or prospective need of relia ble goods be sure you come while this sale lasts. But the earlier you come the better for you. We mention below but a very few of the 1 The stock is entirely new and includes the latest ideas in design, texture and manufacture in the line of Carpets, Rngs, Mattings, Linolenms, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades and Upholstery Goods of Every Description. tfcIf you intend to buy, now is the time. Our Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the lowest prices ever quoted in Scranton. KERR, SIEfUER 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA, AVENUE. EVERY WOtViAN 8omct2isneilsafellibl', BeBthlr,risu!tlns medlelne. Only Mraleia ttd Utepuntdiiigaabeuld beoesd. If jea veal the beii, gol Or. Po-al's Pcmroyafl PiiEs Ther art vwmpt, u'e vA certain la Ktelt. Tt rtaaine (Dr. Pwl'i) dctct dlisp. twiut. Qcut aarwbara, (1.03. Adsrew McDittxa Ce., Clortl.nd, 0. Forsa'.a by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist est. Wyoming Avonu and Cpriico Strjji, Soranrtj.i Pj. THE ONLY HOUSE That Has a Full and Complete DRY GOODS COMPANY, 51 6 WE HAVE , Ualmverir for liren, Women and Children, any price and different ) Bradm. You can ihid with im Natural Orcys, Camel's Hair, Flcm-d ' Lined Red, Grey Merino. They aro Imiight fur spot cash at times when . coodg were at tho lowest figures. TliU was iu April, 18'Jo. and the only huycr in Underwear that understands quality is Mr. Henry Goodman ' - Manager of tho Cut Price Store, ... , , LOOK CUT FOR OUR NEXT WEEK'S SALE I a Underwear. Jersey OvershtrU any prices, but we are willing to prices elsewhere u. ' We Are Also Direct Agents - For the Superior II) plena Underwear Compaiy Non Bbrinkable, the best for bealtb. - We guarantee them to be equal to the nues you pay $5.00. . Our price on them, for Shirts $1.60, or i50 for the Suit. Come and ace them, ' Largest assortment of Wool H wiery, Swiatew, Cardigan Jacket. t ' IIEIY GOODIE 1MB 516 WAVE ED YOUR 3 l4 f? li IN SCRANTON Una of Underwear Is the EMPIRE Lackawanna Avenus, In different styles. Wo will not quoto take off 25 per cent.' straight than usual ....... ..i. . GO TO our patrons: V-Vshburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pate rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling Sl'RICILY OtD WHEAT ui?Ul lC,SSJ la fully cured. New wheat Is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that It fs already cured, and in proper cond tlon for mil tig. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take) no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threa months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa E laced Vtshburn-Crosby Co.'g flour far above other rands. I jmal Mm m. a j. n fl Itm lm r. Wholesale sic Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 Commovealtu Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co. Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Puses for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and HepannoCliemical Cc.'s High Explosives riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domestU tse, and of all sixes, delivered In any art of tho city at lowest price. Orderg left at my Oftlce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, lirat floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will bo mnde for the tale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. 1 Clothing ON EASY AN UNRIVALLED In Quality, Fit I CLOTHIERS, I10AU FURNISHERS, a5-7 1 f . , ......... , , AT t 9 aeSaBa'irB CONNELL Agents. THE. Pennsylvania Roofing Co., 226 Washington A.ennj, scranton, Pi TELEPHONE 535. i Ebonite Yarnisli, Gravel Roofing, Pipe Covering, Building Felts, Sheathing Papen IS t t All kinds of roofing work ioax All kinds of Bravel or elag roofs mnde. ROOF TUUIING AND SOLDERING AO done awav with bv the uaa r fTAfl MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which constat of ingredients well-known to all. It can be ! applied to tin, galvanized tin, shoet Iron i roofs, also to brick dwellnpi, which will firevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ng or breaking of the brick. It will out last unnins or any Kina ty many years, and It's cost does not excoeu one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is Hold by tho )ok or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO UAKTMAKN. 627 Birch St. aaVSNNe WW aaraaVi TERMS OF ASSORTMENT OF and Price. Wyoming Ava. ' .li Ml v. -a.' v HI. r. A. Ruiidlnv t v t a a . 1 Mt. all laa ' J.i 'i