7 -AT- LUGE BROS.' Per Bushel. Delivered to any part of the city. Get your orders in early, WEST SIDE EVENTS. Mtiis Annie Jeremiah Wedded to William Wrieht-ThoMi Who Were Present to Witness the Ceremony. The wtddlns of Miss Annie Jeremiah to William Wright Wednesday night, mention of which was made in yester daya Tribune, . was witnessed by a large concourse of people. The cos-, twine of the bride was of cream col ored silk, trimmed with ribbon and lac of a similar hue. Misa Jennie Law rence, the .bridesmaid, was attired In a lemon colored silk drees. Both ladles carried ; roses. 'liessle Hughes was flower girl. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. II. II. Harris, -of Cal vary Uajitlst church, Taylor, assisted by Rev. L. C. Floyd, of the Simpson 'Methodist church. Mendellsohn's wed ding march was played by Mrs. Wil liam N. Chase. Those who attended the reception, hold afterward at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Sirs. William Jeremiah, of Lafayette, utreet, were: .Mr. and Mrs. William Jeremiah, '.Mr. and Airs. Frank Jere miah, Mr. and Mrs. Pearsali, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. HuRhea, Mr. arid Mrs. WI1-; 11am Chace, .Mr. and .Mrs'.. George 1 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John pvvena, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. . M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kynon, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Taffuo, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen. Mr. ana .virs. jonn Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Easterly. Mr. and 'Mrs. Kvans. Mr. and Mrs. Moser, Mr and Mr. .Richard Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorj?e Woulbaugh, Mr. and Mr. John Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank jiutcmtv mn. Mr. and Mrs. Georee Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Paff. Mr. and Mrs. Schlatter. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. iT.-O. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Heck, 'Mr. and Mrs. George Crane and Norma Williams. Jennie Lawrence, LUzl Lawrenm Jennie and Oertle Woolbaugh, Molllo Jfutchlnson. Carrla Ske enaer. Amy Bkelleneer, Margaret Julia and Anna Burns, of Taylor; Alamo Kelllyv Nellie Eeals, Margaret Hushes, Margaret 'Hughes, Hattle fel lows, Mary Harwln, Nell iSeward. Ilan ;nah and Margaret Harris, Gertrude Wrlht . and- Joseph fferemlRfh, John Kd wards, ' Wallace Moser, William H. lloland, Thomas lieals, Bert Richmond. John Harris, George Griffiths, Will Griffiths, George Schoen, Will Hughes, Hamuli Hughes, Johni OV Walrrl, C. Boland. Kvaa Williams. Rev. Mr. L. C. Floyd. - The array of wedding gifts was one of the finest ever seen here. SeVtral hundred gifts were received. Crushod L'ndero Wagon, Wheel. The death of Bert Shively, a 7-year- ild boy, miyresurt from his being run Wet" by'Vi'wason at I o'clock yester day!; The lad was on his way to school and had reached the Jackson street and Main vemue coraer when the acci dent: happened. Upon crossing tli9 road he was knocked down .by a run ning horse and the wagon wheels passed over his head. He was carried ,, into Morgan's drug store, where every thing possible .was done to relieve the pain he suffered. P.'ood rushed from the lad's mouth and nostrils. The boy recovered sufficiently to be carried to the home of his. parents, Mrt and Mrs. Stewart B. Shively, of 405 North Main avenue. 'WMn a reporter called last evening the little fellow was sleeping .' peacefully. The doctors In attendance are uncertain of the result. The driv er, after the accident, hastily whipped up his horse and escaped. His 35 identity yet remains unknown. l',,." Atarrlod In New York State. ', JUIss Minnie Flanaghan, of Luzerne street, was married Wednesday at Marathon, N. Y., to P. F. McGovern, also of this city. Both bride and groom are well known and have a host of friends. Rev. C. V. McOuire, of Mara thon, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. McGovern are now enjoying a wedding tour. -. . j News Notes and Personals. Ezra, a 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ueorge Jenkins of North Brom ley avenue, recently fractured his arm by falling from a porch. fl Mr. and Mrs.-William Walters, for finerly of North Rebecca avenue, have removed to Clark's Summit ror a per manent residence. A farewell party was recently tendered them by the fol lowing friends: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Edwards,' Mr. and Mrs. E litis Williams, Mrs. Sarah Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Wlll ' lam Williams, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. arm vwrs. uomer iteese, Mrs. John, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Mills. Joseph T. Phillips, Mrs. Robert Evans and daughter Catherine, Mrs. Lot Lake. Mrs. Barrett, Mrs.', Daniel Phillips. Misses Cora Reese, Safari Mor gan, i Viola Evans, Agnes Williams, Emma J lies, Lizzie Lake, Margaret Ed' wards, Mary Waters, Jennie Jones, Messrs. Will Thomas. Will Davhr, John Edwards. Robert Price, John Herger hoff, Andrew Bergerhoff and John Mor ran. A. T. Heiser, f the grocery -firm of Kelsier &''Varnke, has- returned home after a sojourn In Germany. Mn Hl8er enjoyed the trip very-much. '.": This evening at th Scranton Street Baptist church a free lecture will be de ' llvered by Sajiro Tateish, a native Jap, Who has scent mntiv vm fattim. .toT'of the. Japanese language and cus toms. Thereports given out say1 that the gentleman has perfectly mastered the English language and can talk flu ,. ently on his favorite subject, 'Japan, Its People and Clvflisatlon." Trie d- fllionivti im IU SMI.' 11 JW1I1 PB , worth attending. ' At-the' commoaious Jactcson' street , home of. Mr. and Mrs. Willlairi Fowler ,.lt evening a pie social was enjoyed 7 by "the friends and members' of .the ABeranton Street Baptist-church-.- The affair "was eld under the direction of ' 4pls of young Sadies taught byrMro. fowler at the church Sunday sohonl., ,; ... lpah assembly, degree .of . blftoml, t Order of Mystlo Chain, celebrated Its first birthday anniversary last evening ,-at Co-operative hall on Northl"Maln Vehue. Supper ras served from fi jin tU 19 p. Jn. .and. an enjoyable tin ,'was fi"nl by all present .. . Belerf InenlUrrlet tun- of. fb?: Stibiirbs, ; v : ney and Celia Connor conducted a .chrysanthemum social last evening in T " m U a U'Da Inrau lit ( I n imii. a lit mmiwinv .. ana tne young people aanoeu uiim iier midnight The tielcouth Social club will open their season 'tonight. At the funeral of the late Charles Stewart held yesterday afternoon from his son's residence on Chestnut street, many of the friends of the deceased at tended. Rev. 1 C. Floyd preached the funeral sermon. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Reiber, Albro, Donnegan, Sibley, Crawford and Hughes. Inter ment was effected at Forest Hill ceme tery. A chrysanthemum social was held Wednesday evening at the North Mf'" avenue home of Mr. and Mrs. David Elsinger under the auspices of St Da vid's church. Miss Annie Williams was surprised last evening by her friends at her home on West Lackawanna avenue. Those .present were: Ada Bright) Alice Bon field, Emily Hawley, Viola' Evans. Ag nes Williams, Annie Starner, William Thomas. Reese Lewis, Harry Dnvls, Roy Williams, David Glbbs, Robert Owens, Peter Lewis and. Herbert Stainesi Friends of Miss Clara Saunders en joyed a party at her Hampton street home last evening. 1 . John Thomas,, of Washburn street, was surprised last . evening by his friends. A social time .was spent. Tnos present'were: Clara.' Jones, Mar garet Muldow, Lillian Morris, Sadie Ed warfl" Jennie. Thomas, Brownie Rich ards, Mary DavK-Jennie Beddoe, Ida Thomas Harry Sproats John Thomas, Oeorsre Foster, ntls Meyers,1 Emerson Joseph, Luther Thomas. Josenh Rellly, Kiwne Thronp and Karl Parker. MIfs Mav Davis, of Eynon street, was the recipient of a party laBt evening frrm her scoualntances. . ' Rev. J. T. Morris has returned from Ohio. Miss Myrtle Fraunfelter entertained a," few friends last evenlng.-Those pres ent. were: Mattle Davis, Oertrude Wil liams, Bertha Whettling, Jennie Davis, Kthcl pinker, Harry Peck, Arthur Davis, John Thomas, Bert Harrington and Tom Heals and Edgar Meredith Miss Gertrude Lloyd, of North Main avenue, gave a party to a few acquaint ances last evening.. iellie and Oertrude Jones have re turned from Carbondale. Mrs. Peter Vandermark and son are circulating among West Side friends. West 'Sido nitslncs Mrcotorr, TAILOI5 Suits made to order. $18.00 and up; overcoats, fill and up. Satisfaction . guaranteed. Repair work a specialty. Frank Oliherll, 1038 V. Lackawanna avenue, near Muln avenue. GKT THHJ MAJESTIC OIL STOVE. Cirand Parlor, Mystic, Easter and Dock nsh Ranges. - 20 per cent, saved. R. J. Hughes, agent, 124 South Main avenue. DICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, machines reDalred by W. L. Steenbark, dealer In Guns, Fishing Tackle, under West Hide uank. PHUTOORAI'HEU-Cablnet Photos, 11.41 per doien. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourrelf by calling at Starner's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avnuo. BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done In a flrst-cliss manner at John H. Key nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld s Hotel. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Coffee la unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Fine Groceries, 113 South Main avenue. SICCOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 102 Jackson street. PLljMUlNa-Willlam D. Griffiths, 111 North Main avenue, doen tirst-clasi Plumbing, Steam Heat and Has Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. SOUTH SIDE. John Malta, of Waymart, Is visiting South Side friends. Georse Ryan, of Irving avenue, has gone to Chlcaito on a visit. He will be absent three weeks. . John P. Durkln, of New York, is the guest of friends on River street. Patrolmun Martin Flaherty Is home from a visit to Dallas, Luzerne county. . Miss Janet Jones, of Plttston avenue, In indisposed. Peter Aust, of Willtes-Barre, yesterday broke ground on a lot at the corner of I'lttston avenue nnd llrook street for a large dwelling which will be devoted to business purposes, Tho funeral of George Hahn, of Birch streot, took place yesterday afternoon from his luto home. Ilurlul services were conducted at the Hickory Street Presby terlnn church and Interment was made in I'lttston Avenuo cemetery. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends of the decensert. .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kneller have re turned from their honeymoon and are re siding 'on Birch street. Mrs. Patrick Ruddy, of Cedar avenue, is able to be around again after her recent injuries. NOKT1I END. . Miss Jennings has been engaged as a bookkeeper In Gillespie's store on West Market street. Miss Mary Oakley, of Oak street, ex pects to go to Philadelphia soon, where she will spend the winter. ' Following the praise service of the mis sionary societies In the Providence Pres byterian church this afternoon, light re freshments will be served, Mrs. Byron VVInton and Mrs. C. Joe Gillespie will pre side at the coffee table. The refreshments will be served froe, and all ladles are in vited to be present. Miss Katie Hill, of School street, has recently been presented with a very fine piano by her father. George W. Davis, the druggist, and his wife, who have been spending a few days In New York city, returned last evening to their home. Panooka lodge, Nov 303, Knights of Pythias, will give a "pink tea" this even ing In their hull In honor of the Scranton division. No. 60. .. Louis Rockwell, of North Main avenue, In visiting some of his old schoolmates st Wyoming seminary, Kingston. Henry Protheroe, a clerk In Osterhout's store, Is seriously sick at his home on Throop street. " 'Head, find all diseases of Impure Blood, are caused by sick kidneys.. '.,J. - Sick kidneys kcan be cured, strengthened, re vitalized by . ,' D?Hobbs eyPills purify the bloody cii'e alt diseases of which sick kid neys are the ettunci At alt druggists, for 0c. per box, or mailed postrSoirf on re ceipt ot price. ::y HfW's tfkmciqfc co., CHttsGP,. SAlf 1MAXCMCO. 1 Pains I H S--3 31 DUMMORK Misses Mary and Nora Raught enter tained a numoer of their frlenas at their pleasant home on North Htakely street last evening. Despite tne -Inclement weather a good slsed audience gathered In Manley's hall to witness tne presentation of an oper etta entitled "Diamonds and Toads." by a company of young people. Before the rendition or tne operetta a series ol tun leaux were given which proved to be very entertalnlnc. Violin solos were pleasing ly executed by Misses Gussie Plnkney and May Murphy, while the accomuam- ment of Miss Ruby Yost was a most en joyable feature. All of the parts we're weii laaen, anu tne auuience was greany pleased with the evening's entertainment. Yesterday afternoon at . the funeral of Mrs. John Klce took place from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Web ber, at the corner of Center and Apple streets, anu was quite largely altenueu, a goodly number being present from out of town. The services were conducted bv Rov. J. C. Leacock, pastor of the Method ist Kpisoopal church, of which the ue ceased had been an active member for a great many years. George , Okell, of Scran ten, acted as usher. A few short and appropriate remarks were made by Rev. Mr, Leacock, and several selections were rendered by a quartette composed of Rev. Leacock, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Al ton Swarts and Miss Ruby Yost. Many floral tributes gave evidence of the es teem and love' In which the deceased was held In this place. The remains were car ried to their last resting place in Dun more cemetery by Christopher Vlckus, Charles Chamberlain, Peter Plnkney, Ed ward Anguln, sr., Stephen Richards and Kicnaru weODer. PERMITS Of THE MONTH. They Were Issued by Building Inspector John Nelson. During the month of October Building Inspector Joihn Nelson issued permits for the e reo t Ion of new buildings and the repair of old ones, 'the cost of which will be 1122,800. Those to whom per mils were granted were: Casey & Kelly . Brewing company, breW ery, brick; Remington avenue, Eleventh ward. Carter A Kennedy, stores, brick; Spruce street, mntn ward. O. A. Fuller, alterations, extentlons; Lnckawahna avenue, Eight ward. Trustees German Presbyterian church, single dwelling, wood; Prospect, avenue, Nineteenth ward. F. J. Mack and P. L. Kaufleld, double dwelling and stores, wood; Prospect ave nue. Nineteenth ward. Sophia Pramer, single dwelling, wood; Union street, Tenth ward. Henry Bellman, single dwelling, wood; Ash street, Seventh ward. Mrs. C. Clapp, single dwelling, wood; Lincoln avenue. Fourth ward. C- R. Kinsley, extension to barn, wood; i'onn avenue, rnirteentn ward. J. A. Lansing, extension to barn, wood; Qulncy avenue, Seventeenth ward. . Louis Christ, single dwelling, wood; Re becca avenue, Fourth ward. Andrew Ureber, extension to dwelling, wood; Meadow avenue. Nineteenth ward. Michael Moflltt,. extension to dwelling, wood; Railroad avenue, Sixth ward. II. H. Ilurschell, double dwelling, wood; Elm street. Fifteenth ward. Michael O'Malley, single dwelling, wood; Marlon street, Thirteenth ward. C. J. Burcher, workshop, wood; Vine street, Beonteentn ward. R. Waybufg, double dwelling, wood; Railroad avenue, Eighteenth ward, Kdward Hawley, single dwelling, wood; Wheeler avenue. Seventeenth ward. Mrs. H. Tyrell, single dwelling, wood; Washburn street, Fifth ward. J. 3. Jones, single dwelling, wood; Hill street. First ward. John J. Kelley, single dwelling, wood; Wyoming avenue, Thirteenth ward. George Flrestlne, double dwelling, wood; Luzerne street, Fifteenth ward. Mrs. Kate Kelley, Bingle dwelling, wood; Irving avenue, Twentieth ward. J. Bolts, extension to dwelling, wood; Marlon street, Thirteenth ward. J. Bolz, barn, wood; Marion street, Thir teenth ward. E. Finn ft Sons, block, four dwellings, brick veneered; Olive street, Ninth ward. B. H. Levi, store and double dwelling, wood; Capouse avenue. Seventh ward. M. H. Holgate, alterations; Vine street. Second ward. R. M. Zimmerman, double dwelling, wood; Lloyd street. Second ward. Richard Busteed, .private residence, wood; Clay avenue, Tenth ward. H. A, Kaufhold, two single dwellings, wood; Prescott avenue, Tenth ward. Board of Control, No. 13 school, brick veneered; Archbald street. Fifteenth ward. Anthony GravlnskV, single dwelling, wood; Stone avenue; Nineteenth ward. R. filfofsky, double tenement, wood; Brook street, Twentieth ward. Chrlstia Camln, double tenement, wood; Irving avenue, Tenth ward. William F. Kehren, extension to dwell Ing, wood; Monroe avenuo. Ninth ward. John Perwln, single dwelling, wood; Sassafras street, Fifteenth ward. Miss Mary Brown, single dwelling, wood; Stone avenue, Twelfth ward, August Dleslng, single dwelling, wood; Prospect avenue. Nineteenth ward, ' Charles 8chlager, single dwelling, wood; Prescott avenue. Tenth ward. Charles Schlager, store and double dwelling, wood; Prescott avenue, Tenth ward. Simon Dorflnan, workshop, wood; Penn avenue. Sixteenth ward. David H. Thomas, double dwelling, wood; Sassafras avenue, Fifteenth ward. B. F. Dunn, single dwelling, wood; Richmond Park, First ward. John Taylor, single dwelling, wood; Wy oming avenue, Thirteenth ward. Moses Taylor hospital, extension, brick; Qulncy avenue, Ninth ward. Cost. 122.0O, Guns and Ammunition Foot Ball Goods, Sportsmen's Supplies, Hand-Loaded Shells a Specialty ' Gun and Locksmith, V A, W, JURIS G il, 435 SPRUCE STREET. ' CALL UP S8IX HD Oil 11 MRU CO. OILS., VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO ll MERIDIAN 8TRE3T M, W. COLLINS, M'ffr. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Fittest In the City. ' The ItitMt luprtred (urolith logs and apptrattti for kMflag UIWriMiM AMk . warn for mm Brilliant Record of the Nat the Re j abticans 1'ut Forward. KILL MAKE A GOOD OFFICIAL Ills Name Is Or. S. P. Longstreer Some thing About the History of the Next Coroner Of Jcka wanna Count. Dr. Samuel P. Long-street, of this city, will come before the voters of Lacka wanna county on Tuesday, Nov. (, for their suffrages for the office of coroner. This Is an olflce, the functions of which require the attention of one ot recog- DR. S. P. LONGSTREET. nlzed ability as a physician and sur greon, combined with ' uprightness of character and acknowledged rectitude, With the growth of the county and its rapid Increase in population the neces sity of a coroner who will answer all these requirements, is apparent to ev ery taxpayer. The coroner has a temp tatlon thrown in his way to subordi nate his office to' selfish purposes and profit bf It when sometimes no duty Is performed, which subserves a public Kood. It is an easy matter for him to hold an inquest in a case that the cauBe of death la already well known and the finding of the jury throws no further lig-ht on the mystery. Dr. Lonirstreet was born In Hawley. Wayne county, March 2. 1862. He passed through the public schools of hla native town and went to Mansfield State Normal school, graduating from there with honors. He entered the New York University Medical college and In 1HS6 received the degree of M. p. As a student of medicine his course was marked by many honors and distinc tions. Opened an Offloo In Scranton. . Leaving college he came to Scranton and became associated with Dr. D. B. Hand, with whom b" co-labored three years. For the past six years Dr. Longstreet has practiced medicine and surgery on his own responsibility and has forged his way to the front rank in his profession, attaining a reputation which has commanded admiration, and has been the means or bringing him for ward as the candidate of the Republi can party for the office of coroner, with out any solicitation on his part for the nomination. There is not much doubt as to the re sult of the election. The citizens of Lackawanna county will register their choice in Dr. Longstreet forcoroner that will be represented In a larger majority than any that has been the lot of past victorious candidates for this office. Along with his special fitness, his popu larity in the social world has been such as to attract to him friends wherever he found an acaualntance. It can truthfully be said about Dr. Longstreet that he was not anxious for the nomination; his practice yields him more than he can expect from the emol uments of the enronership. His time needs be largely devoted to the require ments of the office and that will entail a sacrifice of his practice; therefore he waa not anxious to assume the honor which his party workers desired him to undertake, but responsive to the call of duty Hue a true Republican he came forward and accepted tho burden laid upon him. Ills Word as Good as Ills Bond. A true criterion by which any man can be judged in this age ot comnet Itive rivalry In all professions and com mercial pursuits Is the opinion men have of him, who are dally caned Into communication with him. They have an opportunity or seeing him as a man according to the motives that rule men. - Without an exception In this city and throughout the county, the physicians and surgeons hold ror Dr. Longstreet only the highest respect and esteem, not only on account or his worth as a cltl sen, but also for his talents and genius as a physician. His word is as good as his bond, and his reputation among the people stands out la doiu reiier. The investigation of deaths by vio lence demands that the coroner shall fearlessly and Impartially discover ev ery detail that the ends of justice de mand. A physician whose standing guarantees that these matters will be faithfully attended to Is Dr. Longstreet. Thee will be no unnecessary Inquests and no consequent bills of expense on the taxpayers. THE NEW NO, 2, Contains til (list hs mads Hammond Work nmntis, and NEW, NOVEL and I SEFUL Im irotements. "Han. mend Work I ha Criterion f Hammond Bueerioritr." "Hsmmoud Bales the rrlterlon of Hsmmond PopuUritr." Ham mood No. t, "The Perfect Typi-vrlter. Ex am Be It nd b convinced. Philadelphia branoh of To Hammond Typewriter Co., IM 8, tlx b btreot F. . A. & A. J. BRAN DA, . ' 414 Spruce It., I era Mm RtsrtitsiiuVM. Frencb Injection Compound gaaros poaHITeljr, qolfkty. (not merely ebecta.) tUMsnUM or money refunded. A Told dangerous iwimiMm. frlfvaeeesusiwr bottle, aim Btwif lea (will oare strerwl case) aant prapald. eeeure froaa bearrailas. with only adenilftcsuy aaada ayrlata. to any aUdma (or H. do. DR. LOBB'i BOOK FREE Co 11 loffarers at ' FURORS OF YOUTH. IT VIGOR tad DISIUiES OP MEN ANU I.OAT VltiOH WOMEN. KM I ttaffi n: vieas oonna; saesrwr It, Trustmeat by mail , mat iieeitlreqalek cure Ted aid naiad free, tetetiy caoMentlel, ma aatod. . saati ; Stubborn; .(, Ulcers due to disease, of an impov. erished condition of the blood, are a source of annoyance to the medical fraternity. While con tinually growing deeper and larger the circle of diseased flesh surrounding them is all the time extending, closing up the ducts through which replenishment of tissue should come. For such troubles physicians everywhere are praising the results obtained by the use of Bovinine In the first place the system needs re-invigorating, new flesh tissue should be formed, new and pure blood created, in fact, a new and well nourished body where room for disease does not exist. Food is the thing, and Bovinine, that greatest concen tration of the vitalizing elements of lean beef, is the most fitting nourishment of all for speedy results. Then applied externally it nourishes by absorption, where the disease is most appar ent, thus striking the enemy on all sides. Ask any Druggist AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, The Big Theatrical Event SATURDAY, NOV. 2. First Presentation in This City. Hoyt's Greatest Laagh Producer, A BLACK SHEEP. Printed with novel saenle effects and atrnnsert east erer orgHnlsed, Introducing neweat mualo, lataat dan ea, pret leat girls. Most atarthnr vaudeville features and tbrea bonra' la fhtar - I'ric a 2&R.. 60a, Tfio. and S1.0O Bait of teats V MM!,, Ttmradi lay. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, X ; Nov. 4-Entlre Waak. Return of the Favorites, the MILTON flBORN OPERA COMPANY Beautiful Sctntrf, stejnlflcint CettuiMt. Monday Said Pasha Tueaday Boccaccio wodneadiy Tar and Tartar Wednesday Matinee Bohemian Qlrl Thursday Chlmee of Normandy Friday Marltana Saturday Matinee i 8hlD Ahoy Saturday Maecot PRICES i Gallery 10 Cents Balcony 20 and 30 Cents First Floor...... ......... 30 Cents Parlor Chairs ..60 Cents Eight diagrams open Friday morning st t THE FROTHINGHflM, Wagntr A Kelt, Ltstets and Mansgara. TWO NIGHTS, ROV. I MO 2 Ameiica't Oreateat Tragedian, j&O'NEILL Maoatemant of fa F. Connor, In the Two Prodnctiona ot tbt Beaton, viita'MusMoXo Two Sumptoont Sotnlo Productions, tfpacial Cast. Regular prices. Bale of stats open Oct 30, at m. 3ND1Y MO TUESDAY EVENINGS, . NOV. 4 AND 6. SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY C. I. JtffirMS, Kite a f rlMftr'i Eatratuil, Itcetnttl Pntfuctlts, PALMER COX'S BROWNIES BIGGER, BETTER AND BRIGHTER THAN EVER. THE WORLD'S GREATEST SPECTACLE. Bait of teats optat Thursday, Oct. 31, at a. m. anarp. DAVIS1 THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct 31, Nov. 1 and 2. Al Reeves AND BIS Big Show 20 - STAR ARTISTS - jo, BEADED BT II, I HiSH'Oe Admission, 10, JO or 30 Cents. tsnve Do Not AdFertlgelH the Elmlra Telegram. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW . Vndtr tbt Direction of O. & CLARK CO., st tho FrothlBgham, Nor. 1, 8, 0, 11, It Tbt moat beautiful sad tttoatly tihlbitlos tear siren la tbt ttate. Orer 60,000 Cbry an thMnumt aleoe. Mafnlf.ewnt, CoaprtntnalTt aaaCalaatv ... ICSIJSIOI. lSCEITi CklLOXdll CENTS Qpta trooi l a, at, till 11 ps i.:, 1 I. II ne -- Quality with us Is always the first conatderatloni this secured w Hammer the Prices Down to make them acceptable to all CLOAK DEPARTlillL t ' At no time in the history of Scranton has there been offered such values as these. MIssas' Jacket, From 6 to 12 years, assorted color, same as electrotype; your choice $1.98-Beat It If Ton Can $1.98 Ladies' Double Beaver Caps, Satine trimmed; nevef sold for lese than five dollars, 12.98-For a Few Days -$2. 98. Ladiej' Jackets, ". A line to. close out; prices llteen ranaina irom nve to doll liars, Your Choice, t J.98. 1 AA WIT T PTTV A Fine French Felt Hat, in anv color, worth $1.UV IT ILL DU I. fully $1.75. No chromo thrown in. C9Q8 WITT PTTV A Velvet Hat or Bonnet, nicely trimmed; JO IT ILL Dll gold by exclusive houses for $5.00, with an additional offering to captivate the unwary. Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa, THE LACKAWANNA Trust and Safe Deposit Co. NO, 404 Lackawanna Ave nut. Capital, . -Surplus and Undivided Profits, , OFFICERS i W1LUAM T. SMITH, Pftaldtnt, HENBY J. ANDERSON, YlctPrtald'tnt JOHN W. FOWLEB, . Trttturer. Business and personal accounts received. Savings deposits received and Interest paid on sums of $1 upwards. This Company acts as Trustee, Executor. Guardian, etc., under appointment by tne courts, corporations or individuals. Designated Legal Depository for the State of Pennsylvania and the Courts of Lackawanna County. Safes of desirable sizes in Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults for Rent from $5 to $40 peranunm, and convenient Storage for Valuables tor the summer months. OLD WHITE For Heavy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AMD UP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Telephona 422. IRON ANE) STEEL fcolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rl ts, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOn" - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES. And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheel, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEBEilB SCRANTON, PA. WHY SUFFER Whan yen aaa bar jroqr Tt tclaitlfioaUlr Tetttd Fr bjr tht ntW mathotl. . . . rerbart .ra baiidrfda of p pit if bJ katw tin, weali go tolkt to htt Utir txattlnee. DOIT Alt. HfWhao yen mi lenip. or taa. aa' many peopu call thtm, tht lb Rati, aa thay won't nntt you any mt-e taanpo-.rar eaa. Do net trust year valuable sight to p4 tllara. The ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will eerreet the vision and stop all fain in the head, lucd lo tot Float 8 Id old FrtA I for f3 Th. ts Ltsttt art told onty by . DeWTT EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER pp tltt Bcrtntoa Ranat, 0S Lttkswanna Avt., SCkAMTOM, PA. - Ror at Diiit: - - to U a. ., I to I a f to . m. OLAIJK BOOKS (rf lii kinds, kiiktrf at &tt tkA .t fiafrttssirtste. : Fcisl-ior $250,000 $95,000 DIRECTORS! HENBY BELIN, Ja CONRAD SCHROEOfiB, P.J. HO.AN. R.T. BLAI K. HENRY J. ANDEK90W. EDWARD B. HTUROES, J. BEN DIM MICK. WM.T. BMITH. GEORGE HANDERSON. WILLIAM CO NNKLU T. I'.BNOVEB. CHARLES H. WELLES. PINE Til Oar Slock In Trade Mainly Consists of Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Sllveri are, Sterling Silver lofelties, Silver Plated Ware, Fine Cnt Glass, Irt Porcelains, Fine Leather Goods, Banqnet Lamps. Wa tarry tbt largwt rarlaty in all of tbtt llnaa. No concern near than tht grtat oltlaa can abow tneb a arlty. Oar word It our bond. Nearly thlity yeart ot aocctatfol baat Brtt tbould bo proof aneugh that our vooda ana prloot art right and alwayt barabtta Mfbi ,207 UCMWAIIJIUVE. mA JLlt2? JUS"? MaSfcrrau !VlAtintetBoEa6aMn TtJt by JOHM H. PHKLM. pnaflf Ja. wyomia avt. ud Spruoe ttroat 1 CO.. MERCEDEAU & CONHELL tCSSSJL