The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 01, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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'Stocks AXD BONDS.'
New York. Oct 51. The stock market
presented a firmer front today and this,
too, in the (ace r important declines
In British consols. Near the close a
foreign house came in the market aa
sellers of Louisville and Nashville and
the stock dropped 1 to 68. The gen
eral list ran off a per cent. In sym
pathy. Total salea .were 231.000 shares.
The range of today's prices for the ac
tive stacks of the New York slock mar
ket are given below. Ths quotations are
furnished The Tribune by Q. du M. Dlnj
mlck. manager for William Linn. Allen
Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street,
Bcranton, ' ,
Op'n- High- Low- Clos.
. .V.' . .' in, est. est. in.
Am. Tobacco Co Ml J
Am. Cot. Oil 21 24
Am. Suaar Re's Co.llKV. M 10-4 IMS
Atch.. To. ft 8. Fo... Mi Mi Mi JH
Cn. eoiUh.j.. ........ M K UH W
Chesx. Ohio 1H M4 Mi J'4
Chicago Gas ... 67 68 7 ST
Chic" N. W." 105 103& 101 iori4
Chic, B. A Q. ........ WP4 Mi 86V4 S3i
C. C. C. ft St. I 414 4P4 41"4 41
Chic. Mil. ft St. P... 71 TM W, 75
Chic. K. I. ft P... 75 75 70 75H
Pel. ft Hudson 1314 131 Mm M'H
r.. v. w na ib-'i iH icr6i
Diet, ft C. P..... 22. 23 22 224
Gen. Electric 30 31 30 31
111. Cent 8 W'.i "
Louis, ft Nash E7i K 56i Bfi4
If. K. ft Texas 1MV4 1M 151 151
Manhattan Ele ..106 108 ltmt van
Mo. Pacific 30 31 30 30
Nat. Cordage 7 7 7 7
Nat. Lead 31 31 31 31
N. J. Central 109 109 109 W
N. T. Central ....in0. 00 100 100i
N. T. ft N. E M 53 52 52
N. T., I,. E. ft W.. 12 12 12 12
N. T., S. ft W 18 12 12 12
N. Y.. S. ft W Pr.. 34 34 34 S4
Nor. Paclflc. B 5 4 4H
Nor. Pacific, Pr 1f. 17 lfi 10
Ont. A West 17 17 17 17
Pac. Mall..., 80 30 30 30
Phil, ft React 14 14 14 14
Southern R. R 1! 12 11 11
Tenn.. C. ft 1 30 37 3fi 37
Tex. Pnclllc 9 9
T'nlon Pacific 12 12 11 11
'Wabash '.: 9 '..
Wabash. Pr 20 20 20 20
Wert. Union 90 91 90 90
W. L 13H 13 13 13
TT. 8. Leather 13 13 13 13
V. S. Leather. Pr.... 71 72v 71 71
Open- Hluh- Low- Clos-
W1TEAT. Inir. et et. In.
December 58 60 58 00
May 83 64 62 64
December 1R IS 18 18
Mey 20 20 20 20
December 27 28 27 28
May 29 2D 29 29
January 5.67 B.fiT B.fi7 5.67
May 5.87 8.87 8.87 8.87
Jnnuary 9.05 9.17 9.05 9.15
May 9.17 9.45 9.35 9.45
Seranton Board of Trndo Exchango Ono
tntlons-AII Quotations Bosad on Par
of 100.
Name. Bid. AskM.
Green Ridge Lumber Co 110
Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 130
Bcranton Lace Cur. Co.... 50
Nat. Boring ft Drilling Co SO
First National Bank 600
Thuron Coal Land Co 'JO
Bcranton Jar ft Stopper Co 25
Bcranton Olass Co .- 65
Lackawanna Lumber Co 310
Spring Brook Water Co 0H
P.lmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Bcranton Axlo Works 80
Third National Bank 35
Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... 1G0
Bcranton Packing Co 115
Bcranton Savings Bank 209
Lacka. Iron & Steel Co 150
Weston Mill Co 250
Traders' National Bank IL'0
Bonta Plate Glass Co 22 50
Bcranton Olass Co 100
Economy Bteam Heat & I
Power Co 100
Bcranton Pass. Railway first
mortgage, due 1918 110
Bcranton Traction Co tJ
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage, due 191S 110
Bcranton ft Plttston Trac Co. ... SO
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage, due 1920 110 ...
Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first
mortgage, due 1926 . 100
Dickson Manufacturing Co.... ' ,.. 100
Lacka. Township School 6 102
City of Seranton Street Imp 67 ... 103
Now York Produce Mnrkot.
New York, Oct. 31. Flour Firm. Wheat
Dull, Arm; No. 2 red store and elevator,
. 70c.i afloat, 71c; February, 71c; No. 1
northern, 67a67e.i options closed firm,
higher; January, 68'ic; March, 70c;
May,, 70c; June, 70c; December, 67c.
Corn Quiet, steady; No. 2, 37c; elevator,
88c; afloat; options firmer; November,
300. j December, 85c: May, 36c. Oats
Active firmer; options higher; November,
23c; December, 2lc; May, 25c; No. 2,
white, October, 24c; November, 25c;
spot prices. No. 2, 24c; No. 2 white, 25c;
No, 2 Chicago, 25c; No. 3, 23c; No. 3
white, 25c; mixed western, 24a26c: white
1o. and white state, 25a29c. Provisions
Dull, steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet,
firm. Butter Steady; state dairy, 12a21c;
do. croamery, 20a23c; western dairy, 10
a15c; do. creamery, 14a23c; do. June, 15
a21c; do, factory, 9al4c; Elglns, 23c; Imi
tation creamery, 12al7c. Cheese Firm,
steady, unchanged. Eggs Quiet, steady;
rtate and Pennsylvania, 20a22c; western
fresh, 18a20c,
Tolodn Grain Market.
Toledo, O., Oct. 31. Close Wheat Re
ceipts, 15,000 bushels; shipments, 5,000
bushels; market firmer; No. 2 red, cash,
67c ; .December. 68c; May, 69c; No. 2
red, fash, 64c. Corn Receipts, 1,000 bush
els; shipments, 17,000 bushels; market
steady; No. 2 mixed, cesh, 82c; No. 3 do.,
81c. No. 8 white, 31c; No. 8 yellow, 32c.
Oats Receipts, 18,000 bushels; shipments,
8.000 bushels: market dull: No. 3 mixed,
cash, 18c Cioverseed Receipts, 446 bags;
Shipments, 80 bags; market Arm: prime
cash and November, 84.85; March, $4.47.
Oil Market.
Pittsburg. Pa., Oct. 81. Oil opened and
lowest, $1.28; highest and closed,. 81.30;
Btandard's price unchanged.
Oil City. Pa., Oct. 31 Oil opened $1.28;
.highest, $130; lowest, $1.28; closed, $.129.
Buffalo Llvs Stoek.
Buffalo, N. Y Oct. 31. Cattle Receipts,
1,500 head; on sale, 80 head; market dull;
light Michigan stockers, $2.10a2.3O; com
mon to good fat butchers' stock, $2.60a3.15;
Veal calves, steady at former prices, $5.50
S6.50; light and fair, I3.25a5.25; heavy fed
calves, $2.75a4. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head;
on sale, 5,700 head; market easy; Yorkers,
good to choice, $3.65a3.90; mixed packers,
f3.90a3.9Si good mediums, $3.90a3.95; choice
heavy, $3.95a4; pigs, $3.85a3.90; rough, fair
to good ends, $8.85aS.90; roughs, $3.25a3.40;
stags, ' $2.56a3. Sheep and Lambs Re
ceipts, 4,500 head; on sale, 8,000 head; mar
ket steady; Canada lambs, J3.83a4.10; good
to choice fat mixed sheep, $2.15a2.50; com
mon to fair, $1.85a2; culls. Hal. 75; choice
lambs, 83.90a4; fair to good, $3.35a3.75; cull
to light butchers lambs, 82.60a8.26; export
beep, very dull at $8.25a3.40.
i m i
Chicago Llvs Stock.
Chicago, Oct. 81. Cattle Receipts, 11,500
head; market firm and 10 cents higher;
common to extra steers, $3.20a5.25; stock
srs and feeders, 82.30a8.50; cows and bulls,
A warm bath with
CUticura Soap,
; a single application of
Cuttcufa (ointment),
rett skirl curt, followed by mild
doses if CUticura Resolvent (the
fttw blood purifier), will afford, Instant
reiierrritt reit and sleep, and point to
a speedy cure In every form of torturing, ,
elljfijuttof stlabjJniott1. ; ",, . :
I .
a tin
i i .. .
81.25a3.65; calves. $150a8.15; Texans, i2.70
a3.3u; western rangurs. t2.25a4.10. Hogs
Receipts, 3,0ik hesdi sjtarkat ywyi heavy
packing and sliitplii tots. 8345a8.70; com
mon to choice mixed. $J.50aJ.72W: choice
assorted, 83.50a3.65; light, t3.Soo3.70; pigs,
$2u3.60. Sheep Receipts. 12.000 bead; in
ferior to choice, Il.50i3.50; lambs. $3a4.40.
Philadelphia Tallow Market.
Philadelphia,' Oct. SI. Tallow Is weak
and dull. We quote: City prime, In hhds,
4a4c. country prime. In bbls, 4a4c;
country dark.- .in bbls, 3a3c; cakes,
lc; grease, 3a3c. .
It was rumored huro last evening that a
cumber of the Pennsylvania and Hcauing
railroaders were ulschamed at phliuUet
phla yesterday presumably because they
are members of the Brotherhood of Train
men. Engineers Kox and Cornelius Kehoe,
the laiter being an extra engineer at Port
Richmond, are suid to be among the num
ber discharged. The Brotherhood has
been increasing in membership at a rapid
rate at Port Richmond and Third and
Berks strets, Philadelphia, lately, and the
discharges aro no doubt as a warning to
the men that the company is not only op
posed to the organisation, but will start
on a crusade to destroy It. The men were
not told why they were Uischarijed. Potts
vllle Chornlcle.
II II ii '
Frederick Olcott, chairman of the re-or-gunisation
committee of the Philadelphia
and Heading Railroad, said: "The Read
ing reorganisation plan is nearly ready, to
be Issued. There have been deposited with
our committee JS,000,ouo out of the $44,
000,000 of general mortgage bonds. These
bonds do not Include those controlled by
J. P. Morgan Ac Company. I think I can
say there Is no tloubt that the foreign In
terests will promptly Join In the plan. It
cannot yet be definitely stated how the
Income bonds will be treated, nor what
the assessment on the stock will be. The
trip to Europe of Frederick V. Whitridge,
counsel to the reorganisation committee.
Is rot on leading matters but for his
The Railroad report for last year, which
lingered so long In the hands of the dtute
Printer, Is out at last. -The total capital
stock outstanding in 1834 was $44,U7u,8ii3.
64; In 1803. $025,133,5110.38. The bonded In
debtedness In 1804 was $982,551,341.93, mak
ing the increase for live years $101,901,832.
21. The total capitalization In 1890 whs
$1,681,989,636.44; In 1894, $1,927,222,235.57. The
total current liabilities are reported at
$114,829,317.71; the total of bonded Indebt
edness and current liabilities amount to
$2,042,051,553.28. The railway interests of
Pennsylvania are of great
prlslng one-fifth the railway Interests ot
the entire country. The amount expended
last year In the Improvement of roads and
construction was $10,359,004.76. The total
cost of roads and equipment Is $1,533,501,
235.29. The number of locomotives In use
last, year was 7.78U; the number of cars in
passenger service 6,670; the number of
freight cars 309,756. The total number of
all cars of all kinds In the public service
was 341,756. There were last year 176.223
railway employes In this state; the Penn
sylvania railroad employed 49,001; the
Philadelphia and Reading 16,390; the Lake
Shore and Michigan Southern, 13,385; the
New York, Lake IOrle unci Western, 14,
910; the Lehigh Valley. 15,713. The total
amount paid employes aggregated $99,183,
991.55, a per capita average of $jt5.65.
There was last year a passenger train
mileage of 61,808,014 miles. The tgtal num
ber of passengers carried last year was
134,798.580. The number of tons of freight
carried was 233,250,687; the receipts from
this tonnage were $161,958,216.70. The pas
senger earnings last year were $07,815,918.
04; other earnings, $3,510,307.67; the num
ber of passengers killed was 37; the In
jured were 703; one passenger was killed
out of every 3,643,203, and one injured out
of every 191,747; 156 operating roads are
now In the hands of receivers. The num
ber of street railway companies in 1894
was 376; in 1893 it was 327; the capital
stock was $05,316,638; funded and floating
debt, $32,605,431.15; cost of road and equip
ment, $44,841,190.47; length of roads in
miles, 1,093.19; number of citrs In. use, 3,
185; number of horses aTiTT mules, 6,034;
number of electric cars. 1,617; number of
cable cars, 3S9; number of passengers car
ried, 302,334,449; total receipts from pas
sengers, $13,740,528.98; total expenses, $9;
117,206.69; value of real estate owned by the
companies, $2,335,539.80; killed last year,
84: injured, 624. The number of telegraph
and telephone companies reporting was
26; capital stock, $112,290,616; the funded
lines and equipment, $5,726,721.18; length of
lines In miles. 191,290: receipts of entire
and floating debt, $17,005,971.12; cost of
linos, $27,140,278.10; recef.pts In this state,
$1,912,282.56: expenses for entire line. $20,
413,640.54; expenses for this state, $989,040.
88. Canal and navigation companies, 9;
capital stock, 858.147.207; -funded and float
ing debt, $40,398,210.45; cost of canals and
fixtures, $30,501,767.19; gross tonnage, 1,
794,538: gross recelpts,$2,G89,189.54; expenses,
The mlllllonalro New York merchant,
Charles Broadway Rouse, Is of the opin
ion that If some means were devised by
which the rich man could be assured of
the proper disposition of his gifts the
amount expended In charity would be
doubled by public-spirited citizens of New
York. He says it Is a mistaken Idea that
the man of wealth Is exempt fijm the
anxieties, cares, frlals and tribulations to
which one of the persons of limited means
are subjected; that life to him Is an un
ceasing round of pleasure; that no obli
gations rest upon him except by his own
volition, and that his sole mission In life
Is to distribute his possessions among those
who allege a necessity for them. If this
estimate of the rich man were correct,
how enviable would be his condition; what
avenues of uninterrupted enjoyment
would be opened to him, and how free he
would be to dispose of time and money
as his tastes and Inclinations prompted.
In point of fact, however, the rich man In
some respects, Is more to be commiser
ated than envied. He Is the prey of that
horde of harpies who toll not, yet who
claim 4hat the world owes them a living.
These begars are the constant, untiring
and unscrupulous destroyers of the rich
man's peace and comfort. They exhaust
human ingenuity In devising schemes to
deplete his purse. They make specious
and moving appeals to the softer elements
of his nature. They draw such piteous
pictures of suffering and want as to In
duce mistaken and undeserved charity.
They are pertinacious In their demands
and importune him at all hours of the day
and night. They are devoid of all sense
of delicacy and decency, and do not hesi
tate to violate the snnctltly of his home
circle. In the multiplicity of appeals
made to him the rich man is liable to er
rors of judgment In responding. In his
desire to assist the deserving he . some
times unwittingly gives to the unworthy,
and these charitable mistakes always urgo
the latter to more active executions In
their .pursuit of 'prey. The rich man has a
delicate and difficult role In his life, and,
suffering from the perplexities that al
ways suround him, Is It to be wondered
at that he Is In doubt at times whether
his wealth Is a burden or a blessing?
From the Florida Citizen.
The world is demanding sober men In
all lines of life. Some of the secret orders
will not admit drinking men or bartend
ers Into their ranks. Insurance compa
nies will not take risks on men who drink
to excess.. Express companies and other
corporations employing men in responsi
ble positions carefully exclude from thalr
lists those who habitually drink. The
same precautions are exercised in all
branches of private business, and no man
who has a reputation as a drinker can
easily secure employment of any kind.
Hut In some Instances the voters of the
country give evidence that they do not
regard sobriety as an essential In public
life. They elect to Important offices men
who would not be admitted to any of the
great secret orders and who would not be
given a responsible position In any re
spectable mercantile house. If cool, clear
heads are essential to, effective service In
all branches of commerce, manufacture
and transportation, they are quite as
much so to the comprehension of the Intri
cate science of .government, and the peo-
S le as a political body should demand so
rlety on the part of their official servants.
Until they shall do this they need not ex
pect' to receive efflclont service In their
government affairs.
ir ' Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved In sis hours by the "New South
American Kidney Cure. Th!s new rem
edy Is a great surprise on acount of Its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part
of the urinary passage. In male or fe
male. It relieves retention of water and
pain In passing it almost Immediately. If
you want .quick relief and cure this !s
your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug
(lit, 125 Penn avsnue, Bcranton, Pa.
"Tins '' ntovTL and 1 toe deep
BOA" Read The Trlfeuna early in No
V . 'i '1,
Valuable Real Estais
SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1393.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Expon
as, Issued out of the court of common
picas of Lackawanna county, to me di
rected, I will expose to public sale by ven
due or outcry, to the highest and best bid
ders, for cash, at the court house. In the
city of Seranton. Lackawanna county, on
VEMBER. A. D. 1895. at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, all the Tight,
title and Interest of the defendants In and
to the following described lots, pieces or
parcels of land, viz:
No. 1. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Charles F. Avery, In and to
all that certain lot of land with the Im
provements thereon situate In the city
of Carbondale, county of Lackawanna,
state of Pennsylvania, bounded easterly
by Belmont street, southerly by lands of
Catherine Avary. and westerly and north
erly lands formerly of Alfred Darte. Being
twenty-five feet and nine inches (25 9-12)
wide in front on Belmont street, about thir
ty (30) feet In rear and one hundred and fif
ty (150) feet in depth, being same preml les
conveyed by Catherine Avary to Charles
F. Avary by deed dated 8ept. 14. 1887, re
corded at Seranton In Deed Book No. 97,
page 1. All Improved with a one and one
half story frame dwelling house and out
buildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Henry Sahms vs. Charles V. Avary.
Debt, $800.00 Judgment No. 306, Novem
ber T, lbJ5, ti. fa. to November T, 1895.
No. 2. All the right, title and Interest
of the defendant. John A. Walker, In and
to all the following piece of land situate
In the Ninth ward, city of Seranton,
county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as follows:
Being the southwesterly portion of lot 15,
in block 67, aa designated upon Lacka
wanna Iron and Coal company's plot of
Seranton Intended to be duly recorded,
commencing at a point on the westerly
side of a public alley called Lee alley,
forty-eight and one-half (18'A) feet from
the southeasterly corner of said lot;
thence running in a southwesterly direc
tion along line of sold alley forty-eight
and one-half (4.8) feet to a corner; thence
In a northwesterly direction along line of
a public alley twenty-five (25) feet wide
thirty-four (34) feet to a corner of lot 13,
in said block 67, thence along line of
said lot 13 In a northeasterly direction
forty-eight and one-half (484) feet to a
corner, thence thirty-four (34) feet to the
place of beginning. Being a part of the
land conveyed to John A. Walker, the
defendant herein, from the Lackawanna
Iron and Coal company by deed dated
24th March, 1886, and duly recorded In
Deed Book 32, at page 567, etc. Coal and
minerals reserved to the legal owners
thereof by sufficient terms In the law. All
Improved with a two story frame dwell
ing house and blacksmith shop thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of J. F. Taylor, assigned to John Kim
ball vs. John A. Walker. Debt, $100.00.
Judgement, No. 450. January T, 1S92, fl. fa.
to November T, 1895.
No. 3. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, John T. Glhbons, in and
to all that certain piece or parcel of land
situate In the First ward, city of Seran
ton, Lackawanna county. Pa., and bound
ed and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin
ning in the northeasterly lino of Belmont
Terrace, at a point distant 334 5-10 feet
on a course of north 52 degrees and 30
minutes west from the northerly line of
Holllster avenue, thence by said line of
Belmont Terrace north 52 degrees 30 min
utes, west 50 feet to a corner, thence at
right angles to Belmont Terrace along
the southerly line of Farvlew place north
37 degrees and 30 minutes, east 135 feet to
an alley 12 feet In width, thenee along said
alley parallel with Belmont Terrace south
52 degrees and 30 minutes, cast 50 feet to
a corner and thence at right angles to Bel
mont Terrace, south 37 degrees and 30
minutes, west 135 feet to the place of be
ginning, being 50 feet In width front and
rear and 135 feet In depth and containing
6,750 square feet of land, together with the
appurtenances, all Improved with a two
story and attic frame dwelling house, with
two outbuildings used for cooking and
washing purposes situate thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of C. S. Weston vs. John T. Gibbons.
Debt. $700.09. Judgment, No. 993, May T,
lev. fa, to November T, 1895.
No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Michael Rock, In and to all
that certain lot of land, with the Improve
ments thereon, situate In the borough of
Dickson City, county of Lackawanna and
state of Pennsylvania, bounded easterly
and southeasterly by the public road lead
ing from Prlceburg to Brown Hollour,
westerly by the old turnpike road north
erly or northwesterly by lands of the
William Miles estate. All Improved with
one two story frame dwelling house with
brick and stone basement, ono frame
barn and other outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of assigned to Ooodman and Weiss vs.
Michael Rock. Debt, 885.50. Judgment
No. 686, March T, 1S94, fl. fa. to Novem
ber T, 1S95. 8CRAGG, Atty.
No. 5. All the right, title and interest of
the defendant, Margaret J. Thomas, in
and to all those certain lots, pieces or
parcels of land situate In the township
of Old Forge, Lackawanna county, Penn
sylvania, butted, bounded ond described
as follows, to-wlt: Being lots Nos. 20, 21
and 22, on draft of upper lots of estate of
Thomas Smltl , deseased, and being at
a corner on Grace street, at a corner of
lot No. 11, sold to Patrick Fallon, and by
said Grace, street to Lawrence street and
by said Lawrence Btreet to land of the
Pennsylvania Coal company, and by said
reserved lnnd to corner of lot No. 9,
and by said lot No. 9, 10 and 11 to corner,
place of beginning, containing 24,800 square
feet of land more or less.
All Improved with one two-story frame
dwelling end hotel building, about 35 feet
by 45 feet; one single one-story frame
dwelling house, about 16 feet by 12 feet;
one other single one-story frame dwelling
house; one single one-story frame barn;
one large frame closet and outhouse; one
coal house and other outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
of Safety Investment and Loan company,
of Syracuse, New York, vs. Margaret J.
Thomas. Debt, $1,857.16. Judgment, No.
1391, September T, 1895, lev. fa. to Novem
ber T, 1895. Also at the suit of Lazarus
Moyer vs. Margaret J. Thomas. Debt,
$108.31. Judgment, No. 29, January Term,
1835, vend. ex. to November T, 1895.
No. 6. all the right, title and Interest of
the defendant William Blake, administra
tor, and William Blake, term tenant, In
and to all that certain lot of land situate
In the First ward of the city of Carbondale,
county of Lackawanna, Pa., and bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt: Bel.ig
In Burket's addition to tho city of Carbon
dale Pa., and being 60 feet In front on
street No. 37, as deslsnated on map of
lots of the Delaware and Hudson Canal
company, and 60 feet In rear, and 135 feet
In depth. Bounded on the east by lands
of Joseph Burket, on the west by lands
of William S. Boyd and estate of M.
Godding, and on the north by other lands
ot said Burket, and on the south by said
street No. 37, contninglng 67,500 Square
feet of land, all Improved with a two
story frame dwelling house and outbuild
ings thereon.
Belied and taken In execution at ths suit
of Daniel Scurry vs. William Blake, ad
ministrator, and William Blake terre ten
ant. Debt, 31,275.00. Judgment, No. 1,203,
September T, 1895, lev.' fa.' to November
T, 1895. - BUTLER, Atty.
No. 7.-A11 the right, title aha Interest of
the defendants, Augustus Seamon and
Sophia Seamon, In and to all that lot,
Slece or parcel of land In the city of
cranton, In the county of Lackawanna,
and stata of Pennsylvania.
Being part of lot No. thirty (30) n
William Bwetland's plot of 'lots as laid
out In said city. Beginning at a point
eighty-two and one-half( 88Vi) feet north
west from the westerly cornor of the In
tersection of Hyde Park avenue with
Swetland street (late North a'.reet) In the
southwest line of said flwet.and street,
thence along said Swetland street eighty
two and one-half (82ft) tt be the same
more or less, to alley, thence In a south
westerly direction along said alley sixty
six (tit) feet, be the same more or less, to
Swctland's plot, thenee in a louthweatei.s
direction along lot numbor thirty-one 31
eighty-two and one-half (82Vi) feet, bo the
same more or less, to a corner, thence at
right angles with raid last line In a north
easterly direction sixty-six (60) feet, be the
seme more or less, to the place ot begin
ning. It being the rear half of said lot
number thirty (30) on eald Swetiand's plot
of lots. All coal and mineral reserved.
Being tho same premises conveyed to
Sophia Seamon, one of the parlies of
the first part hereto, from William Het
zelroth, by deed dated the fourteenth day
of November, A. D. 1883, and recorded in
the office for recording of deeds etc., in
and for the county of Lackawanna, In
Deed Book No. 50, page 428, etc., which by
reference thereto will more fully and at
large appear. All improved with two two
story frame dwelling houses and outbuild
ings, fruit trees, etc., thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit
of the West Side Building and Loan Asso
ciation vs. Augustus Seamon and Sophia
Seamon. Debt. $256.41. Judgment, No. 373,
November T, 1695, fl. fa. to November T.
1S95. Also at the suit of West Side Build
ing and Loan association vs. Augustur
Soamon and Sophia Seamon. Debt, $373.39.
Judgment, No. 374. November T, 1895, fl.
fa. to November T. 1895.
No. 8.-A11 the right, title and Interest of
the defendunt, Charles Katsinger, in ond
to all that certain piece or lot ot land situ
ate In that part of the city of Seranton,
Lackawanna county. Pa., known as A. U.
Sllkman's addition, as. shown on tho city
atlas, and In the Tenth ward, It being part
of a larger tract conveyed by C. Albert
Sandt, trustee, to Elizabeth SUkman by
deed dated January 31. 1887, and recorded
In the recorder's ofllce of Lackawanna
county, Pa., In Deed Book No. 43, page
353, etc., It being In Block Three and
bounded as follows: Commencing at a
corner and stake in line of the Pennsyl
vania Coal company's land, at a point two
hundred, nineteen and eight-tenths (219
8-10) feet north, forty-nine (49) degrees,
fifty (50) minutes west from Third street,
thence north forty-nine (19) degrees titty
(50) minutes, west along said company's
lino about ono hundred and seventy 0"0)
feet, more or less to within twenty-five (25)
feet of the Pennsylvania Coal company's
railroad, about eighty-eight (88) feet to a
stake and corner of James H. Masters,
near a chestnut tree, and recently pur
chased of Mrs. La Fronts, thence south
forty-nine (49) degrees, llfty (50) minutes
east, about one hundred and fifty (150) feet,
more or less to a stake corner that Is in
right angle to the first named point, thence
north forty (40) degrees, ten (10) minutes
east, about eighty-six (80) feet, more or
less to ths place of beginning. Coal and
other minerals reserved, and being the
same piece of land conveyed by Maryarth
Schorcn to Charles Katzlnger, Improved
with a story tenement home, also a two
story single dwelling and outhouses.
Seized and token In execution at the
suit of German Building Association No.
6, vs. Charles Katzlnger. Debt, $400.
Judgment, No. 321, January T., U.C5, fl. fa.
to November T 1895.
No. 9. All the following described lot
or parcel of lnnd sltuato In the city of
Seranton, county of Lackawanna, and
state of Pennsylvania, as follows, viz:
Beginning on the easterly side of Prospect
avenue at a point ninety (90) feet norther
ly from Willow street building line, and
running thence north forty-seven degrees
and forty-five minutes, cast thirty (30)
feet, thence south forty-two degrees and
fifteen minutes, east one hundred and
thirty-five (135) feet, to a sixteen feet wide
alley for public use, thence south forty
seven degrees and forty-five minutes, west
thirty (30) feet, thence north forty-two
degrees and fifteen minutes, one hundred
and thirty-five (135) feet to tho place of be
ginning. Improved with a two-story
frnme dwelling house, frame barn and out
buildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Louise Spruks, assignee to Spruks
Brothers, vs. Earnest Schmidt and Caro
line Schmidt, administrators of Emll
Schmidt, decensed. Debt, $2,250.00. Judg
ment, No. 801, September T., 1895, fl. fa. to
November T., 1895.
No. 10. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Thomas Maloney, In and to
all that certain lot of land, with the Im
provements thereon, situate, lying and be
ing In tho Twentieth ward of the city of
Bcranton, Lackawanna county, Pennsyl
vania, and bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: Being lot No. 31, In square
or block No. 39, and situate upon street
called and known as corner of Vale (now
called Irving avenue) and Cherry streets,
upon the town plot of the city of Seran
ton, Intended to bo duly registered and
recorded, said lot being 40 feet In front
and rear nnd 140 feet in depth, with the
privilege of using 10 feet In front of said
lot additional on Vala street, and 10 feet
on the side of said lot on Cherry street, for
yard, vault, porch, piazza and bay win
dow, but for no other purpose. Coal and
mlnorals reserved.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Isabella C, Fisher, executrix of
the estate of George Fisher, deceased, vs.
Thomas Mnloney. Debt, $474.16. Judg
ment. No. 388, November T 1895, fl. fa. to
November T., 1895.
No. 11. -All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Ellen R. Morton, in and to
all that certain lot or piece of ground situ
ate In the Thirteenth ward of the city of
Seranton, In the county of Lackawanna,
and State of Pennsylvania and described
according to a survey made thereof by A.
B. Dunning, surveyor, as beginning at n
fiolnt on the southeasterly side of Wash
ngton avenue, at the distance of three
hundred and twenty (320) feet south
westerly from the southwesterly side of
New York street, containing In front or
breadth on the said Washington avenue
forty (40) feet and extending In longth or
depth southeasterly two hundred and one
(201) feet and sixty-eight one hundredth
(68-100) of a foot; the measurement of the
depth beginning ten (10) feet In front of
the sidewalk with the right to enclose
ten (10) feet In front of said lot for cellar
way, pornh, stops, vault or shrubbery but
nottheright to erect any building thereon.
Being lot number one (1) In square or
block number three hundred and twelve
(312) upon the plot of Mcylerf s addition to
the said city of Seranton. Being the same
premises which Charles H. Wells and wlff
et al. by deed bearing date the 12th day of
March, .A. D. 1885, recorded In the ofllci
for recording deeds In and for said county
of Lackawanna, In Deed Book No. 2S,
page 160, etc., granted and conveyed untc
the sold Ellen R. Morton In fee. Coal and
minerals beneath the surface of said lot
excepted and reserved some as In above
recited deed. Improved with one frame
store and double dwelling over said store,
said double dwelling part being two storle?
and with a French roof; one frame one
story and basement dwelling ; one two
story double frame dwelling, with French
roof and double brick basement this
building Is almost completed; one two
story frame double dwelling, and one
frame barn on roar of said lot, togethei
with outbuildings, etc.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Megargel & Connell vs. Ellen R
Morton. Debt, $457.25. Judgment No. 1000
Sept. Term., 1892, fl. fa. to Nov. Term, 1895.
WATSON A DIEHL, Attys for Pitts.
No. 12. All the following described
piece or parcel M land, sltuato In Lacka
wanna township, Lackawanna county.
State of Pennsylvania, known as lot No. 8
In block No. 1, upon the map of the Penn
sylvanla Anthracite Coal Company's lots,
and being more particularly described at
follows: Beginning at a stake In the
western line of Vipond avenue and distant
eighty-five feet from the corner of Phln
ncy street and running thence north forty
three degrees end twelve minutes west,
two hundred and nlnety-ono and three
tenths feet or thereabouts, to the line o'
lands now or formerly between Abran:
Nesblt et al., trustees, etc., and William
Connell and company; thence north
seventy degrees forty-two minutes east,
or along the line of land of William Con
nell and others, sixty feet to a cornor,
thence south forty-three degrees twelv
minutes east, two hundred slxty-slx anl
seven-tenths feet or thereabouts, to a cor.
ner upon Vipond avenue, and thence soutl
forty-six degrees and forty-eight minute;
west, fifty-five feet to the place of begin
ning. Containing fifteen thousand, thrci
hundred and forty-five square feet ot
land. Being same premises Abram Nesblt
et al., trustees, etc., by deed dated the Btl
day of December, A. D. 1888, recorded Ir
the office for recording deeds, etc, Ii
la county, In Deed Book No
67. oace 401. etc.. granted and convevnr
unto Mlohael Harrison. Excepting anc'
reserving from and out of said premises
alll coal and minerals beneath the sur
face with the sole' right to mine and re
move same, as set forth In the deed Im
mediately above recited. Upon said prem
ises are a frame dwelling house, with out
buildings and other Improvements'.
Seized and taken. In execution at th
suit of 8. W. Beemer vs. Michael Harrison.
Debt, $125.73. Judgment No. 868, Marc!
Term, 1884, fl. fa. to Nov. Term, 1895.
TRACY, Atty.
All of which will be sold for cash only.
Sheriff's efflce, Bcranton, Pa,,
veh k, uns, - , ....
Sizes and Styles
Sizes and Styles
have arranged with the following firms to sell their
W. G. 1)0U & CO., 500 Lackawanna Avenue.
F00TE & SHEAR CO., 119 N. Washington Ave.
R. J. HUGHES, 124 South Main Avenue.
Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lt
isrso oonnty, Pa., and t Wil
mington, Doles are,
General Agent for the Wyoming District.
118 WYOMING AVE, Seranton, Pa
Third National Bank Building.
AexvciKs t
TBOB. FOBD. MtUton, Pa.
JoHN B. SMITH HON, Plymouth, Pa,
B. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes Berre, Pa.
Agents for the Repauno Chemical Un
ear's High Ssploslvea,
Stocks, Bonds
and Grain
Bought and sold on New York
Exchange and Chicago Board
cf Trade, cither for cash or oil
412 Sprue Street
Telephone 5002.
Are ths Leading Whobialo Agents In
Smokeless Powder
L C Smith's and Remington
Gang, Clay Pigeons and
' Pigeon Traps.
Tclcphono 3733. Open Evening).
313M Bprooa Street, between Penn and Wyo
ming AvenuMi .
,311 laek. At. ad Stewart' Art Store. .
Pnoto Engrtrini for Circulars, Boob, CiU-, HiWiptpta
' ' Hetf-TonM and Une Wot
. MM'
gsgsgg?ga3?3gr ?gg3S5asSfc fegrs
lit ' 63Etppt5?L 111 "
Monal Bank ot Seranton.
CAPITAL 250,000
SUKFLUS, $10,000
BAUtnSti TTINK3, President
W. W. WATSON, Vice-President
A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Samuel nines, James M. Evertiart, Irr
Ins A. Finch, Pierce B. Klnley, Joneph J.
Jermyn, M. S. Komorer. Charles P. Mat
thews. John T. Porter. W. W. Watson,
If iJlUsllUbi IW
Tim bank Invites the patronage of bus
men ana firms roneraiy.
Usnnfactuiers of the Colebratea
100,000 Barrels per Annum
PXITEB IDOI CO., Ioe'p. CrKsl, 1,000,06
"A dmUmr mamtd it a dollar Mnuri." .
TMslssllet' Bellil French Doagola Kid Bet
tea Beat deliver! free any for. la the U.S-oe
(in iseriptoKteb, Money Order,
r or rurau not icr siw.
' Kqnal. rry wsy the boots
eold in all null stone for We nike tale boat
amine, therefore we fear
anm uejw, mm ass wror.
and if sny one w not tsnsflM
,' will nfttod the mtmf
Mod soother pair. Vftn
os er uomnoa um
widths O, I. K, B
,aHM 1 to I eno mm
milljU sea.
AjsMtsI feme teTua&m.
1 ,J
L in Si
wteTwnierxoeJllfotyroofiot euiss,
CaeH1t..eree. HteewWatMnan
Sizes and Styles
Sizes and Styles
end 5 cent for p-mole packed.
Faultless Chemical Company, Baitl-
mors, Md.
Atlantic Refining Go
Uannfaetoren and Dealer! ta
Unseed Oil, Kepthas and Oaaa
lines of all grades. Axle Ore Me,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com.
pound; also a large line of Fat
afflne Wax Candles.
We also handle the Famous CROWN 1
ACMB OIL, tho only family safety
burning oil In tho market.
Wm. Mason, Mansga.
Ofllce: Coal Exchagne, Wyoming- Ave,
Works at Pine Brook.
"etrsr RE VIVO
Well Man
of Me.
SOth i
nrotlam the abors results ta30 days. Uecw
powerfully sod quickly. Cores whoa ell othen tsll.
Yosagmea will nests their lost aahood.sadskl
nee will reoonr their yontbt ul nsor by astsg
RBTITO. It oulcklr sod sural? naMn Karnns
ness. IVosi Vitality. Imsoteaey, Mlghtly Bsalsslose,
Last Power, railing Unaory, WaatlM Plsissss.esd
ell egeets of self-ebuse er osesseasd tadieentlea,
whlea tmdts eae lor study, heslnsss er ewtest.
set only suns by starting et the sees et dlesess, sod
teegnet aerew eoale end blood beikder, bttsg
leg bask the stab glow to Male eheehasedn
storing the are f youth, ftwsrd. eg Basalts
sad Consumption. Insist ea hsis inw as
ether. 11 sea ea canted ta vest
a wves MOW, mmw nswsBss,
U for M0, with a sal
sbee be own) ea awnad
140 set Beeksne, er els for , J
4TO written
the ni easy. OCnaletftes.
0Yal aUOtCMa CO. II titer ft CNtCA. ILU'
Vwfl eaM tv WaUheej Sews. Ptl