The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 31, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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tnosl obstinate cases. Rheumatism cured
in from 1 to 8 day. Dyspepsia and all
atomach troubles quietly relieved. Catanh
positive! cured. Headache cured In 8
minutes. Kervoiis diseases promptly cured.
Kidney troubles, Tiles, NeuralK'a, Asthma
nd all Female Complaints quickly cured.
Munyon'a Vitalirer Imparts new life and
Yljor to weok and debilitated men. Ask
your drnujxist for a 25-cent Tial of one cl
Jlunvon'a Cures, and if you are not bene
fited'your money will bj refunded. This
Company puts up '
A'ouro for every disease
Edward Wnlsh and Tcsslo Fee, Two Well
Known Young People, Are United.
Yesterday afternoon, at 6.30 o'clock,
In St. Rose's church, occurred the wed
ding of tMlss Tessle- Fee, daughter vl
Sirs, .Margaret Fee, of Sand street, and
Ed ward F. Valsh, one of the prominent
young men of Simpson. Tlvs cere
mony was performed 'by the pastor of
thechureh. Rev. Thomas F. Coffey. The
lrld .wore a handsome pwni of white
ellk, with slippers to match, an'i carried
e. bouquet of bridal roses. She was at
tended iby her couFln, Miss Tessio Kelly,
of Scranton.. who was dretsed In pink
ellk. The groomsman was Thomas
Lynady, of Simpson.
Immediately after the ceremony the
bridal party were driven to the home
of friends In Providence, returning in
tmie to 'be present at a reception given
toy the 'bride's 'mother, on Sand street,
far which 135 llnvltations had been is
sued. 'Among the out-of-town people
who attended the wedding were: John
Kelly, (Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Burns,
Will Hums. Mam'le Terrell, Julia Kelly,
Tessie Mullen and Will Mullen, of
Scranton, and Will Finnerty, of Pitts
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh will go to
housekeeping at once on Sand street,
and the many presents given to the
bride will 'be, very useful in her new
A Prominent fltlicn Expires from the
Effects of Asthmas
James Pope, a most prominent and
respected resident of Simpson, passed
away at his home at 9 o'clock Tues
day nlgUt. His death was due to
osthma, from which he had been Buf
fering for the past year.
Mr. Pope was a man of most genial
and pleasing deposition. He was born
in Ireland In 1S30. When yet young
Jie came -to this country and Bettleu in
Luzerne toorough. He soon afterward
moved to this nlnce. and took up his
residence In Simpson, where he has
lived for forty years. He is survived
by a wife, two sons and six daughters.
They are: Thomas, Willim, Mesdames
William iRdblnson, Thomas Kennedy,
George Cool and Miss Hassle Pope,
of this city, and Mesdames John Crowl
and Andrew Qullty, of Montana.
The funeral will take place tomor
row .morning at 8 o'clock. A requiem
mass will be celebrated at St. Kose'3
church, and Interment will be made in
St. Rose's cemetery.
A Broken Shoulder the Result of Foreman
Tappcn's I'lungc.
For some time past men have been
engaged In retimberlng No. 3 shaft.
The men who are doing the work are
in charge of Foreman Warren Tappen,
who met with a very painful asctdent
and which will prevent-his doing any
work for some time. Mr. Tappen
had stepped into the engine room for
a minute, and coming back stepped
upon the scaffolding In the shaft.
. iHe missed. his footing In some man
ner and was thrown Into the shaft.
The shaft had tieen completely covered
some distance 'below or Mr. Tappen
would have been Instantly killed. As
it was he received very bad injuries,
having sustained a broken shoulder.
Tho Arlington House Purchased by V. D.
'. Howard, of M oymnrt.
W. T). 'Howard, of Waymart, has pur
chased of William M'rfjaughlln the Ar
lington House, on Dundaft' street.
Thedeal was completed last week and
yesterday Mr. McLaughlin was mov
ing his 'household poods to 'Prlceburg,
where he lived ibefore comlnff to this
city. His departure from this city will
e much regretted by the many friend
ships he has contracted during his stay
Mr. Howard formerly conducted the
Waymart House and has 'had consflJ
erable experience In the line. He will
probably take possession Monday.
Sold ills Restaurant.
Edward' Healey, of Dundaff street,
and John Price, of Fallbrook street,
have purchased the .South Main street
restaurant "which P. H. Murray has
been conducting , for the past few
months. They will talce possession at
once and undoubtedly will .make a suc
cess of the venture as both young men
are well-known and possess a host of
friends. Mr. 'Hurry will retire from
aetrvo business for a while.
f uneral of Warren Wnlkor.
The funeral of Warren Walker, the
little son of " Superintendent and Mr?.
Walker, who was killed at Mayfleld
Tuesday, will be held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the residence. In
terment will be made In St, Rose's
cemetery this city,
Taken Suddenly III.
Mrs. Horace Daley, of Salem avenue,
has Just returned from a visit at Phil
adelphia. ' She had 'been In the city for
bout two weeks when she was taken
seriously 111, but It was thought best
that ho be removed to her home in
this city. -
. Tho Ilolmont Street nve.
Testcrday morning W. A. Park, pres
ident of the Park Paving company, of
Buffalo and Pittsburg, arrived In this
city to consult with the city counsels
yesterday. He said he was- still wlll-
TEHM Strlcthr OSH During This 6'e.
v leumH, Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
w6 hare dtctded on a Sweeping Rod no
... .. - '. -u . Hp ww. nuiiu. uur
lag our extensive improvement and
hare narked down everything in th?
' ' ' store at cost and less. Bee our Window
. , Display, which will substantiate what we
. yi ,
Jwtta CitatU (remise, to BOe.. Wrth 2 5a. te 7Sc.
ninth) Carpels, 40o. to I0e Worts aoc. to 9e
Pipers, Be., Worth 10c., -. ,A , ... .
. , And everything eWe la proportion.
. CifiPETS aid Wallpapers,
mn. . W'th' 'AavIVI tit TXf
mont street in the spring, in accord
ance with the contract executed by
him in the summer. The work will b
commenced as toon as r.ossioie, anu
will be pushed along rapidly.
Another Runaway.
Yesterday morning as Meat Dealer
Samuel Sly was making his rounds he
left his standing on LMcKson
hill while he went into a house fur a
moment. The noraes are spirited ani
mals and becoming restless started off.
TSe soon come in contact with a board
fence and stopped. Some damage was
done to the fence and more to the
ivagnn, although neither was injured
More Improvements.
. As the weather has been so fine the
past few days, the work accomplished
by the street department has been un
usually large. Iloek street. .in the First
ward, was worked yesterday, ana to.
moiTow the force wHl do the work on
Second street, provided for by the reso
lution that was passed over the mayor.
Miss Lena Gates, of Rochester, N. Y.,
and Mrs. Guy Turrell, of Thompson,
have been visiting Mrs. L. I. f.unne.i.
Mrs. Turrell returned home yesterday.
Miss Gates, who is a niece of Mrs.
Ttnnnpn'a. will remain for some time.
This is th'e first visit she has paid to
this city in fourteen years.
George Dennis, who had his eye op
crated upon Tuesday, is being further
afflicted. Cerebral meningitis is now
endangering his life.
Dr. J. S. Niles Is the proud possessor
of a handsome parrot, which came from
Mexico. The bird Is a great talker, but
has had but little to say as yet.
W. W. Callendvr, proprietor of the
Star Steam Dye works, visited friends
in Wilkes-Ham; Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kllborn, who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Rose, have returned to their Brooklyn
A. L. Van Gordor, city agent for the
Grand Union Tea company. Is quite ill
Miss Flo Allen, of Forest City, Is the
guest of Miss Charlotte Giles, of Lin
coln avenue.
J. H. Kelly, of Olyphnnt, called on
friends in this city yesterday.
Miss Kate Kerns, of W'oodlnwn ave
nue, who has been visiting friends in
Dunmore for the past week, returned
home Tuesday.
Jeweller Snell, of Canaan avenue and
IJelmont street, is quite ill with quinsy.
Miss Johanna Murphy, who it a stu
dent at Stroudsburg State Normal
school, is home on a brief visit.
Miss May Weston, who has been the
guest of. Mrs. C. T, Meaker for several
days, will return to her home in Hones
dale today.'
Mrj and Mrs. William Mahady enter
tained a company of friends at their
pleasant home on DundnfT street.
Improvements are being mads upon
tho residence of S. A. McMullen, on
Garfield avenue, which will make It
one of the handsomest residences in
the city when completed.
Jomes Jones, a plumber in the employ
of R. M. Vannan, Is suffering from a
badly bruised foot, the result of letting
a piece of Iron pipe fall upon It.
Thomas Orchard is very HI at his
home on John street.
John Proctor, of No. 2, is quite ill of
typhoid fever.
Thomas Fanel In having marked lm
provements made on his residence on
Tenth avenue.
Jonathan Parry, who has been calling
on Carbondale friends, returned to his
home at West Plttston yesterday.
Mrs. John Maxwell Is dangerously ill
at her home on Pars, street and her re
covery Is doubtful.
Miss Slav Ulmer Is spending a few
days with friends in Waymart.
Miss Mildred Greene, of Waverly, Pa.,
Is the guest of Miss Louise Slocum on
Church street.
Miss Agnes Tu thill. Miss Goodcnough,
Frank Stevenson and Charles Inch, of
Waymart, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Ulmer, of Wyoming street.
John A'arrell, of Cottage street, left
yesterday for a ten days' visit with
relatives In Canada.
Miss Mary T. Nealon, of South Main
street, spent TueBday in ay mart.
Misses Nellie and Rose O'Rourko arc
spending the week with relatives in
Wllkea-Uarre. ,
Thomas McCarthy, of the West Side,
!a ppenJlng a few weeks with friends
in Philadelphia.
James Campbell, of the West Side,
Is convalescent after a severe attack
of typhoid fever. Celeste, a talented elocu
tionist, will deliver some choice selec
tions at the h'sh school this evening.
Other forms of entertainment will be
The mome Dramatic company will
present a three-act drama entitled
Tried and True," at CMalley'9 Opera
house, on Thanksgiving afternoon and
evening, for the 'benefit of the Avoca
Hose company.
At St. Mary's church yesterday after
noon two very pretty wedding cere
monies were iwrformed by Rev. M. F.
Crane. The first was .Miss Ella Foy
of the North End, to James Maloney, of
York avenue. The bride wore ecrue
ellk, with laice trimmings, and her at
tendant, Miss Ella MoOowan, was sim
ilarly attired. Patrick 'McNulty acted
as groomrman. The marriage cere
mony was followed 'by aA'eceptlon at
the home of the bride. Air. and Mrs.
Maloney will at once ibegln housekeep
ing in a neatly furnished home in the
North End. The next ceremony was tha t
of Miss Mame Clark and O. T. Hasklns.
Miss Clark was prettily attired In dove
color silk with Jewel trimmings, and
her maid, AIIfs MoHale, of Plttston,
wore cream slik, and lace trimmings.
Anthony MoGowan acted as grooms
man. An elaborate wedding was served
at the home of the bride to a large
number of invited guests. Many hand
some presents were received. Mr. and
Mrs. Hasklna will begin housekeeping
In a prettily furnished home In tht
North End.
;Mrs. William Ilrcwn and daughter,
Nellie, of Jermyn, are rpendlng a few
days with friends In town.
A special train will be run over the
Jersey Central read on Sunday morn
ing at 9 o'clock to enable those who
w!.h to attend the blessing of Rev. J
J. Curran's church at the Five Points.
Burglars broke Into the Delaware ond
Hudson rotation at this place some time
during Tuesday night, fey breaking the
glars In the upper eash of the oflico win
dow. They secured tome hats and caps
and a fow .hams.
Our teachers are attending Institute
at Scranton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Tower, of New York
state, are visiting Mr. Tower's mother,
Mrs. Smith, or Hill street.
P. 'F. Kilker was in the Electric City
last nlg'ht.
Harry Kennedy was a Scranton vis
itor Tuesday.
iMIre Alollle MoKenna, of Dunmore,
was a May field visitor the first of the
(Rev. J. B.-Sonner, of Nantlcoke, if
visiting his daughters here.
Miss Harriet Russell leaves for on Monjv, wpp
will take course of instruction In
stencgraphy at Mio Commercial
Mrs. Kd. anlth is visiting friends
While wa&lntf down street from the
school house yesterday Walter Whit
ney eUyped and fell breaking his right
aile Clara. Torrey gave a dinner
party to 'her numerous friend at her
home on Tuesday..
Mts, Benjamin Gardner ' pasted
Wednesday wlta Port Jerri friends.
The Plttston office of tho Scranton
Tribune located at No. 5 W.lKam street,
where all advertisements, orders for Job
work and items for publ'eatlon w.ll re
ceive prompt attention. Office open from
I a. m. to 10 p. m.
Po!ondcrCau3ht at lluffalo Not Gushln
ski. but Anthony ciolnmbiic.
lAdvhxa received from Buffalo last are to the effect that the Po-
lander iarres:ed there Tues'Jay on a
telegram Bent out from this place vy
William Smith, a Polish detective, is
not Joseph Kushklnskl, who Is wanted
for the murder of Ignatz Simonosvlcz,
but Anthony Golurabus. of Exeter
Golumibus, with a ' fellow-Polander,
wri'e entaeed In retail mercantile tmsi
r.cssat SturmervMle. Last Thursday the
nartner left town, going to the Schuyl
kill region. Then tht'.r creditors came
down upon the store, which was casea.
Columbus left town slyly Tuesday
morning, and when It was learned that
he wa3 captured at Buffalo, Information
waa lodged againrt him for having em
d'ueed a young Pollrh woman under
promise of marriage. County Detective
Kckcit telegraphed the Buffalo au-
thoiit-ios to release Columbus.
The .M:?Sc-'3 Tiattle gave a grand re
ception nt Kagle hall last .evening in
honor of their guest, 'Miss Derek, of
Pottsvllle. The dance was a brilliant
rfrt' TiKn 1.-1,1',', a wnro I'k-iran't
dreff'e's, and the gentlemen were out
In full force.
Alderman Loftus was a visitor to the
county tvat yesterday.
ML3 Teresa Rowan, who has been
visiting friends In Wllks-Barre the
last week, returned home yesterday
afternoon. (
Plttston Uuslncss Directory.
on Wright & Co., 97 South Mnin street.
second-hand household foods, bought or
The subject for the debate Saturday
evening has been changed to "Resolved,
that modern Invention 1s useful to the
working vlusses."
Men from New York city were in
town the first of the week with a view
of establishing a wagon factory and a
foundry here. , ,
A meeting of the Historical society
was hei'J' in the office of Charles L.
Crook on .Monday evening and the fol
lowing were elected: President,
Captain R. C. Du Wols; vice-presidents,
Rufus Smith, W. T. Estabrook, James
T. Du 'Hols, Vincent Reckhow, C. J.
Lankley, Michael Hays.'C. C. Simmons;
Korotary, ,M. . Cargill; registrar, Pro
fessor, c. E. .Moxley; treasurer, C. N
Valines. . .
Burt Road had the misfortune to have
a finger crushed, Friday, while coupling
cars. . , , .
Remember the Hallowe'en social at
the home of Miss Gertrude Read.
Work Is being done upon the reservoir
which supplies the town with water,
cleaning and flooding. It was found
that the seed pojs from the maple
trees, growing near, blowing in the
water imparted a disagreeable cdor
and taste. , ,
Mrs. Charles Van Wormrr will leave
Montrose for .Baltimore, Thursday.
D. D. Laihrope. residing on South
Main Btrcet, Is quite sick.
The little of Mr. Duane died on
Turrday, after a short illness.
Miss Eva Rogers has returned from
.Montclalr, N. J., after a protracted
visit with her Flster, Mrs. Harris.
Mr. Thomas, Who has accepted a oUU
from the Baptist church, has already
rained the esteem of the people of
Montrose. . , ,
The grand Jury meets here this week.
eexatobIhlis frankness.
lis Doesn't Mince Matters When Talklni
toXcwspopcr Mcn-An Instance of Hh
Lack of Reserve.
Senator Hill has the reputation at
Washington of being the frankest man
In tho senate. In fact his frankness
to newspaper reporters at times is al
most brutal. "1 recall on one occa
sion Just before the Peckham vote,
says a senator to the Chicago Tlmc-s-Uerald
reporter, "standing in the
marble room near enough to overheat
Hill's talk with the correspondent ol
x Chicago paper. You must excuse me
from any charge of eavesdropping;
Hill was talking loud enough for any
body In the room to hear him.
" 'What's to be the upcome of th-.t
Peckham business?' asked the corre
spondent. Van he be confirmed?'
"T think not,' replied Hill. Tf sen
ators vote as they talk he's gone. Still,
the White House is doing all It can;
playing every card. Cleveland though i
iilmself sure on illornblower and dldn':
make much of a battle; didn't deem I.
necessary. Hornblowcr's defeat ha.
opened his eye; he's making a hard
fight for Peckham.
" 'There's one card the White Hourr
plays,' continued Hill, 'which I can';
neet. I'll lose one vote there.'
" 'What's that?' asked the corre
" 'Mrs. Cleveland,' replied Hill, 'Ii
the Hornblower fight I had Faulknc;
with me. Ule voted loyally for th'
?cr.n'ie agu'jnot the white house aim'
ilood against Hornblower like a rorl
Cleveland's utmost. Influence couldn'
nove him. It beat on Faulkner like :
torm, but he voted "no" to Horn
" iBut since the 'Hornblower busl
ness, unfortunately for me, Faulkner'i
;ot married. And haven't you notice'
A'ithin the last two weeks how Mr.
Cleveland has taken polite yet amlabl
vossesslon of 'Mrs. Faulkner; had he
vrr 'io 'the white 'house 'three timer
and made her the fashion cverywhen
ft has fetched Faulkner, too. He's th
r.ost Peckham man 4n the set.
ite; flattered and won by smooth a!
tontlons to his wife.
Worn Out Women
Should read this letter. It shows th
wonderful building-up powers of IIond
Sarsaparillt,, U
great blood puriflc. '
"I y.-lsh I cou:
stand In somo pul
lie place asd cry i
sllalllnjt human!:,
'Hear this, ye pet
pie, what wondc.
fal thin;i Hood
Sirsaparilla he
done for moaud ti
family.' I canm
er press what I sn
tred. Only one of my sex knows what
woain can mffcr in my condition. Iwi
proftrste with nervousness and weskner
The least nolto would drive m frant!
I decided to take Hood's StnapsriUa. '
m overjoyed to My that I am now wtu
hearty, rosy end plump.. . .
Hood's Sarsapariltr
is the Best medicine for those sufforici r. 1
I hate'iuffered." Man. C C. KtnitPATnirc
Grove, Poan. ; six for?
Highest of all ia Leavening Pow
'Vvi.l, cji.tir.usd Hill, with a hard
though cheerful smile, 'of course, I
can't meet that sort of warfare. I've
r.o wile; r.'? wiiite hours. In tfccea two
particulars Cleveland has entirely the
best of me. However,' and here Hill's
face tock on a look of bright resolu
tion, although he threw a dash of ban
ter' Into his tones, 'I may not always
be to poor. The day may come when
I can boast at least one of those ele
ments of sreat rtrcrgth.'
"I lit'tcned eagerly to hear If pos
sible which k was, whether a wife
or the white house, to the For'f-ion
of which Hill looked forward. But he
stopped short and sharp and never
threw a ray of light on that point."
Not Ono Chinaman in the Ten Thousand
Knows That There Is Such a Country as
tlio I lilted States.
From the Chicago Record.
It Is n curious fact thr.t r.o Chinese
oftlclnl or newspaper or any other de
fender of the race has attempted to
justify or excuse the persecution and
massacre of the missionaries or the ex
clusion of .foreigners from tho interior
as proper retaliation for the treatment
their fellow countrymen have received
In the United States. In all of the
discussion of the recent missionary
troubles there has never been an allu
sion to the Rock Creek massacre in
Wyoming or the nntl-Chlnese riots in
San Francisco, and, although in a long
Interview a short time ago LI Huns
Chang gavei every other possible rea
son In Justification of the policy of the
Chinese K-overnment In preventing a
commercial and Industrial Invasion, he
did not once allude to the laws passed
by our congress prohibiting the immi
gration of his countrymen into the
United States.
This Is explained very readily by old
residents, who say, In tho first place,
htat nearly all at least 99 per cent,
of the Chinese residents In the Unit
ed States are frum tho province of
Kwang Tung, and from the city of
Canton or its immediate vicinity. This
Is tho southernmost province of the
Chinese empire. Its Inhabitants speak
,a different language from that used In
the other provlces, their customs and
habits are very dissimilar, they have
no mutual interests and on sympathy
(2r U SsV 3tf Z ua U CI vf fa U is O ULI3
According to announcement already made, we com
mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our
two large stores. The goods have all been marked down to
hrst cost, many goods even below cost.
E ililllf
If you have auy present or prospective need of relia
ble goods be sure you
the earlier you come the better for you. We mention
below but a very few of the
The stock is entirelv new and includes the latest
ideas in design, texture
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums,
)il Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades and
JpMstery Goods of Every Description.
$SpIf you intend to
Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the
owest prices ever quoted in Scranton.
Ltf When In rtnuM what
Sesine Till. Praini
trmiltln rciilt faiallv.
Keeult la 4 weeks.
evtrv i.rdM e
Eiitub."'. .f rtt4 TsT-'-'ifcii
For cato by JOHN M. PHELPS, Pharmacist, car. Wyomlro Avenue
-pruco Stro j;, Scranton Pj.
That Has a Full and Comets Una of Underwear Is the EMPIRE
DRY GOODS COMPANY, 516 Lackawanna Avenua.
Unrl . iwror for Men, Women anl Children, nnv price and different
. crutlfp. - Yom can Hurt with v.a Natural Greys, Casual' 1 lair, Pierced
Lined lied, Grey Merino. They r bought for spot wish nt times wIipii
cootla wem nt Use lowest figure. This wus In April, ISitj. and the only
lusycr In Underwear that understands quality is Mr. Henry GooJusun
Manager of the Cut Price Store, .
In Underwear, Jersey OvershirU In difl'ereut styles. We will not quote
any friees, but wo are willing to take olf3 per bent, straight than usual
prices elsewhere. ..
Yc Arc Also Direct Agents .
or the Superior Helena Unaerwcar Companj
' i ' Xoti fslirlnkable, tho hest for health. We guarantee them to he equal to
tho ones you pay $5.00..- Otir price on them, for Shirts Sl.fiO, or $i60 for
. the Suit. Come aud sco them, Largest assortment of Wool Hoiiory,
, Kwcate, Cardigan Jackets. . .
iptt mm. 516 mu, m
Lute U.S. Gov't Report
with each other. If the province of
Kwnng Tung were attacked by a for
eign power it would bo difficult to se
cure nny assistance from the neighbor
ing viceroys, ar. J during tihe recent war
with Japan the viceroy nt Canton ab
solutely refused to furnsh al I or reln
forcsments to the provinces of the Yel
low ten, who were carrying on the
Therefore tho authorities at Pekln
and people generally throughout the
empire do not rare what treatment
t'hc Cantonese, who are the emigrating
class, receive in the United States, and
certainly will not retaliate for their
protection under any circumstances.
And particularly Just now, when the
Jealousy between the northern and
southern provinces is greater than it
hns rv:r been. This applies to th-?
officials. So far as the common people
are concerned, not ono In ten thousand
of them knows that there Is such a
place as tho United States. This
knowledge is limited to such as have
come In contact with the Christian
A Just Itctrlbutlon.
The man upon the bicycle,
The man upon his feet.
Collide, and quickly both of them
Lie dead upon tho street.
The man upon his feet has gone
l'n;o a rest eternal;
Tho nmn who scorrhed Is scorching yet
In the regions called Infernal.
Detroit Tribune.
Frozen Out.
"Farewell! Farewell!" Still at the gate
They loiter, though tho hour be late.
If no rolcl wave were on tho wing.
No doubt they'd say "farewell" till spring,
Washington Star,
If tho Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mr?. Winslow's Soothing Svrun has hunn
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children wh'le Teething,
with Perfect Success. It Soothes th
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wirfd Col'c, and Is th best remedy
lor Diarrhoea. Sold by Drucs sts in everv
part of tho world. He sure nntl ask for
"Mrs. wmsiows aoothing Syrup. " and
take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
come while this sale lasts! But
and manufacture in the line of
buy, now is the time. Our
to uif for Nrvou DcMIItr. of Setuil Power fin either
Ken, lintH.tsiuy, Atrophy, Vficotcle an4 other weaknevttt. from nr caute. um
iticckcrl ami full vigor quickly restored. If neirlecteti, tilth
Mailed niiviirre. acalect. for lin i 6 Imh for .ou. With
rjve a letril guarantee tu cure w refund the money. AdJiesa
, Cleveland, Oliio.
Vuhhburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pate
rons that wH8"1" hold to their usual custom
of milling S1RIC1LY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat Is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers ar
of the opinion that It fj already cured, and in proper
condition for null ng. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tak
no risks, and will iillow the new wheat fully threa
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling haa
placed Wnshburn-Crosby Co.'s flour tar above. otbc
Wholesale Agents.
ic Powder Go
Rooms 1 and 2 CommoweaJtli Bli'g,
Lafnin & Rand Powdor Caa
Orange Gun Powde?
Electric ISattcrlrs, Funei for exnlod
Iuk blasts, Safety Fuse and
Repanno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives
Coal ef the hast quality for doraitt
one, anil of all sixes, delivered lu amy
(art of tho city at lon-ent price.
Orders left t my Otrlf
Rear room, first floor. Third National
Uank. or sent by mail or telephone to tha
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will to mado for tb
lala and delivery of buckwheat Coal.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
. V
at the time," ut a slight advance, and nuro are tne consents.
PARLOR $55.00.
1 Brussels C :rp:t,
1 Tab!?, fane;,
R?c pllon Chilr,
Wall Chair,
Rcckcr, Spring,
Arm Cliiir,
1 Parlor Lamp,
i Picto,
1 Pair Lac3 Curtains,
1 hlo and Fringes, '
BEDROOM $35.00.
B.dsteid, 1 Dresser,
VasDstand, 1 Pair of Pil'.ow3,
Coilon Top Hallos, 1 Rock:r, Can?,
Ciiair, Can:', 1 Ingrain Cirpit,
CSTAbovc Outfit will be sold
this out for comparison.
each, or 5 for $1.00, worth 25c. and 50c.
Roofing Co.,
S26 Washington Avenia,
scranton, ri
Ebonite Yarnisi,
Gravel Roofing,
Pipe Covering,
Building Felts,
Sheathing Papers.
i i
I 9 I
All kinds of roofing work dons. All klndi ot
gravel or slag roof mudr. ,
AH done away with by the us of HART
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consult
of Ingredients well-known to all. It can bo
applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron
roofs, also to brick dwollngi. which will
prevent absolutely any crumbling;, crack
Ins; or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tlnntnR of any kind by many years,
and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Jol
or pound, Contracts taken by
HpciitlH sno4 of her time nt homt1.
"i ou're there a Rood deal, too. There'a
no use living wlthiu bare walls when It
You to furnish four rooms complete
1'nrlor, liedtoum, Dining Kooin and
1 Kitchen,
And you liavo the
privilege to pay aa
nl.i.ian ' liltlfl
1 6 foot Exti n;ion Table, , .
4 Chairs, Can?, Blgfi Bk!t,
1 100-Piece Dinner SJt,
1 Sid:b)ard,
i Pic'.are,
1 Ingrain CirpoL
KITCHEN $18.00.
1 R). 7 Ring.',
2 Joints of Pips, 1 Elbow,
1 Kl!cb30 Table,
1 fqjare Oil Cioiti,
2 Ciiairs.
in separate rooms, if desired. Cut
Dot! SUM.
Y. M.C. A.BulldloZ; .