THE SCBANTOX THIBUNBTnURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 189.1. Neute P -AT- Per Bushel. Delivered to any part of the city. Get your orders ill early. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Friends Entertained at tho Homo of Mr. and Mrs. William 11. Ortcu. Other Local Happenings. Friends of Emerson D. Owen assem bled Tuesday evening at the home of 'his parents, Mr. and .lira. William H. Owen, of Oak street, Taylor, for a so cial observance of a few hours. Those present wore: Mioses Lotiiso Deppon, May Uelle B.veetzer, Myrtle l-'raunfelt-er, Nell St'.vard. Alary Worth, Jennie Price, '.Mary Harris. Winifred Harris, "Winnie Ktevans. Jessie Owen, Urace IDoucl, 'Mary Owens, Annie -Matthias and lavld Owens, Joseph Jeremiah, D. J. Davis, Will Keynolils, Frederick O. I'etera. JKn Evans, Will J. Davis, Sam uel York. Walter Jones, W. A. Price, Harry Francis and O. A. Williams. Miss May Davis, of Koland avenue, entertained friends last evening. The party was in the form of a surprise to Robert Owens, foreman at Uelle vue jTdr.e. The youna; eop!e passed a leasant evening. Games added to the pleasure. Refreshments were served at a Jato hour to the guests. . Numerous parties and balls will bo held this evening to celebrate All Hal lowe'en. A crysanthemuim social will tie conducted by a few young ladies at Beer's hall, on North Main avenue. Invitations have been sent out to many of our prominent young people. A pie social will be ht Id at the home of Mrs. William Fowler, of Jackson street arrd Lincoln avenue. The deli cacies will be enjoyed by a Inrg? num ber of ipeople. The affair will be man aged by Mrs. Fowler's Sunday school class, of the Scranton Street Baptist church. Miss Myrtle Fraunfelter will enter tain this evening. Tomorrow evening the "Deestreck Skule" will be given at the "Plymouth Congregational church by members of the Young People's so ciety, connected with that body". The recent similar entertainment of a cen tral city band of young people, at MeaiTa' ihall. for the benefit of the WasJiburn Street Presbyterian church was well attended. The Plymouth church young a are confident of their ability to present a good piece of school burlesque. Tickets sell for 10 cents. Farewell Reception on Fynon Street. The young people and friends of Harry Sexton made him a surprise party at his hnardinir nlnce. Mrs. A. M. Dershimer's, 1002 Eynon strept, Tuesday evening, to snow tneir esteem for his friendship and to wish him a success ful voyage across the ocean. The event was a complete surprise ana an eniov. able time was Indulged In by all pres ent. The evening was spent in playing games, after which fruit was served. Then the guests gathored around the organ and very appropriately sang ioa ae wun i s Till Wo Meet Again." Mr. Sexton came from England about three years ago and during his short stay here has won many friends by his manly and courteous disposition. He left Scranton on the 1.43 a. m. train that evening: for New York, where he sailed on the- St. Paul for England. Among the many friends present were: Misses t. Agnes Gritman, Annie Bennet, Stella Btubblebine, Minnie Carpenter, Clara Boyd, Alice and Minnie Jones, Bessie Williams, Sarah and Rose Phillips, Mary and Lizzls Baylens. Annie Tay lor, Margaret Evans Annie Dagger, Mary James, Mary A. Harris, Jnnle Price, and Thomas Davey, William Morgan, It. U. Capwell, Fred Neice, Al vln and David Evans, Harry Davies William Phillips. J. U. Gritman. J. R. Bisher, Thomas Bayllss, Roscoe Hatch, Usorge Beagle, Thomas James, Jona than Harris, Martin Simons and Chris tie Hess. Fooled tho Officers. With lanterns lit and iplstols In a ready condition our West Side police- Oil 1 VERGE Of Giving Up the FightAn El. mira Citizen's Last Resource Proves a Success. From the Elmlra Gazette. Do yot know Mr. J. S. Boddfr, of 214 Eouth Main street? He hns been a business man and permanent resident of Elmlra for over twenty years. A man whose state ment cannot be disputed. Well, Mr. Dod der's case In a nutshell Is that he has been a sufferer from kidney disorders, but doesn't suffer any more. Wo will let him tell what has brought about tho change. ; Here is how ho spoke of his case to our representative: "I have never been well since tho closing of the war, where. In the service of mv coun try, I contracted kidney and bladder dis orders. The complaint has gradually been growing on me. I had sharp pains In the small of my Lack, Just back of the hips, and when they left it only to be followed by a dull, heavy pain whieh remained continually. I could lie In but one or two positions in bed or the pain would be almost unbearable. . I was always very sore over the kidneys, and the urine emitted a strong odor' At times I felt existence a task. I tried this, that and tho other thing, to no avail, end was on the verge of giving up entirely when I saw Doan'a Kidney Pills advertised. I thought as a last resort I would jrive them a trial; they were Blgnijr rvuiuiunnwu, BHQ 1 WOUld US, Just this one more remedy. I began taking them, and I am very glad Indeed to give my statement, that suffering humanity may receive the tame benefit I have. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills satisfied me they were helping me. Now. the pain is all gone, and I am en tlrely well this, after years of sickness. Uy sleep at nlnht Is good and refreshing, t do not feel any more that tired feeling I used to on rising, all thanks due to Doan's Kidney Pills." : Doan'a Kidney Pills are for sate by all dealers. Price, 80 cents per box- six boxes for 2.0. By mail on receipt , of fries by Foster-Mllburn company, Buf Ulo, X. T lot MenU for United Itatts. 1 1 LUCE BROS.' of fh? Siibtii bs. men visited the Round Woods yester day morning, two hours after midnight. In search of tramps. An oflicer had furnished Information that the woods was literally full of tramps. A big Are wan 'burning In the he-art of the for est and the light cast 'in the darkness carried out the report. The alarm wa9 given and preparation made. On hands ai.d knees the blue coats searched 1 he bushes as they made their way toward th Are. After many min utes dodging and careful scrambling owr burnt or decayed stumps the in vaders arrived at theecene of the blare. When they reached the Are a lone, soli tary figure, with a Dutch brogue, arose ar.'l rubbed 'his eyes. He was an out cast from Chicago and had used fence boards for a flrv. It was a mournful lot of men who waltzed the German to 'the West Side police elation. Scratches yet remain to remind the limbs of the law of the limbs of the wood. That Drowning Cup The WeUih liaptlrt Church Young Peorle's society has disbanded, accord ing to the statement of several of Its former members. It is tarn mat mo so ciety will Immediately confer with Mr, Browning and place the cup In his hands. IMr. Browning will then present the cup to the Hyide Park Literary and Debating poelety in accordance with this society's claim upon It. In the se ries of debates now Hieing arranged be tween the Hyde Park society and the Vesper society of tihe central city, the two committees appointed to look after the meetings will perhaps use the cup as a m'ize. Should this action be taken a series of exciting contests will be the result. The Hyde Park toclety's com mltu-e will meet Friday evening In their rooms for the purpose of completing the amtmrernent of the deoates. All mem bers are earnestly requested to attend, News Notes and Personals. T'.ie funeral of Peter Gray, late of 426 Railroad avenue, will take place today Interment will be made in Hyde Park CatimXc cemetery. , Police . Officer Tom Lewis Is on a hun'ting trip. iMrs. P. V. Coons, of Division street, Is reeoverlne from an Illness. William Young Is seriously ill at Wis home, on Ninth etreet. The funeral of Charles Stewart, late rif Chestnut street, will take place to day. Interment will be made In Forest Hill cemetery. The funeral of Rav. the chlM of Mr, and Mr. B. G. Hughes, of GUI North Sumner avenue, -will take place this nftprnnnn. Annie Jeremiah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jeremiah, of Lafayette street, was married last evening to Wl'liam Wright, of Jackson street. The ceremony took plnce , at the bride's home nnd was performed by Rev. H. H. Harris, of Taylor. Elmer Hughes wns best mnn and Miss Jennie Law rence bridesmaid. West SUo Business Directory. TAILOR Suits made to order, $18.00 and up: overcoats. and up. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repair work a specialty Frank Gilbert!, 10S3 W. Lackawanna avenue, near Main avenue. GET THE MAJESTIC OIL STOVE. Grand Pallor, Mystic, Easter and Dock nsh Rnnses. 20 per cent, saved. It. J. Hughes, agent, 1114 South Main avenue. DICYC1.E8 repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. L. Steenbaek. dealer In Guns, Fishing Tackle, under West Side Bank. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, Jt.40 per dozen. Tiicy are Just lovely. Con vince yourfelf by calling ot Starner's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avnue. BA RBER. Hnlr cutting and shaving done In a first-class manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld s Hotel. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Fine Groceries, 113 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 102 Jackson street. PLUMBINO-Wllllam D. Griffiths. Ill North Main avenue, does llrst-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. 6atisfuotion is strictly guaranteed. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Movement to Be Instituted with a View to Securing Better Streets for This Part of City. A number of prominent citizens, amonr them C. O. (Roland, D. P. Mur ray, Undertaker Michael Miller, John Schauer, Jr., M. P. Judge, H. J. Spruks, Christian Storr and many .others are considering the matter of issuing a call for a public meeting to take steps re garding the attainment of a necessity on the South 'Side, namely, better streets. What they propose to agitate is the paving of at least South Wash ington, Cedar and Flttaton avenues, these being the three leading thorough fares of the South Slide. By calling the property owners to gether In public meeting, where each man s views can be heard, these gen tlemen believe that a movement can be started that will outlast any other means fl'lopttu toward eecuring better roads. Three or four speakers will be Invited to attend who are qualified to tpcak on this question. l oir of St. Mary's Church. Rev. Peter C. Christ, pastor of St (Mary's German Catholic church, has arranged for a fair to be held the week between Christmas and New Year's. The parochial hall will be used for the purpose, and will be luted up most at tractively. The committees that will have charge of the work will be an nounced later, as well as the arrange ment for contests. The proceeds are to be devoted to the fund for church pur poses. ; Shorter Paragraphs of News. The funeral of George Hahn, of Birch street, will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held at the Hickory St-.-eet Presbyterian church, and interment will be made In Plttston Ave nuo cemetery. James F, Ledger, of Frcpland. Is visit ing Joseph Suhtinvicher, of Birch street. Miss Carrie Hillmer, of Haxleton, is calling on friends on this side. Klrhnrd MauRhan. of Bel evue. and Miss Emily Bernasco, of Stafford avenue, were married Tuesday afternoon at St. Mary's church on River street. A meeting of Comet Iodae. Knlchts of Pythias, will be held tomorrow night in Fruehan's hall. The petition In circulation praying for the reappointment of John Gibbons as poor director for three years more, Is re ceiving signatures of all citizens without reirard to party politics. He has comnnrt- ed himself as poor guardian In a manner that has given complete' satisfaction, and tho desire to see Judge Arohbald reappoint aim IB uiiuiimiuua. We represent tho leading carrlaore mnnu- facturers In tho country, and can furnish you with high grade work at better prices than at New York or Philadelphia. A large assortment of first-class vehicles al ways on- hand. Call and see us before going elsewhere.' All work guaranteed. Wm. Rlume A Son, , 622 and 624 Spruco St. NORTH END. Mrs. Williams, of Montrose, spent yea fenlc.y calling on some of her North Knd friends. . A. J. Phalln Is biilldlng' a new house on Summit avenue. ,. . Miss Watklns Is seriously til at her home pn Putnam street. - . Ambrose Mutley, of North Main avenue. Is in New York city. , . ' The business men of the North End are complaining about the olefins; up of West Market street between Church and Wayne avenues. The street has been blocked now for about two weeks owing to the laying of the sewer. L. L. Bright Is spending a few days who menus at u ravel pond. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock the woman's Home and Foreign Missionary socioty of the Providence Presbyterian tun re ii win nom a praise meeting, Wfllco will be followed by a social. Miss P. D. Relph, of Waverly, who Is aueniimg me leacners- institute In tnis city, is being entertained by Mrs. Juhn Huff, of Ferdinand street. Miss Minnie Widger, of Carbondale, is visiting some of her North End friends. DU.WMOKE John Wert returned yesterday afternoon from a visit with friends at Peckvlilo. Manley's hall should be crowded tonight to witness the presentation of "Diamonds and Toads" by a company of young ladies. The entertainment is for the benefit of St. Agnes' guild, of St. Mark's mission. A tea will be held at the home of Mr. and airs. D. E. Barton, on Dudley street, Tuesday evening, Nov. 6, under the aus pices of the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church. The Lawrence or chestra will furnish musio during the evening. G. W. B. Allen attended the Osborn Mlddleton nuptials at Wilkes-Barre last evening. The funeral of Mrs. John Rice will take place from her late residence, corner of Center nnd Apple streets, this afternoon at 2.30, and Interment will be mado in Dunmore cemetery. A large number of the young friends of Charles Webber gathered at his home on Ulukely street last night and tendered him a surprise party. Those present were tho Misses Eva Hess, Eva Montgomery, Me llnda Cole, Snrah Hughes, Huttle Bishop, Susie Dodge, Ida Edun, Edith and Emma Cronk, Ethel Jackson, Florence Donnelly, Lizzio Wetherlll, Jennie Wetherlll, Mrs. Alton Swartz and Messrs. Fred Dodge, George Ellis, Edward Mitteer, Elmer Jackson, Walter Nelmeyer, Bruce Mil liard, Lawrence Brink, Alton Swartz, Richard Anguln, Frank Hallock, George Allen, John Dreyer. Miss Clara Hess has accepted a position with Miss Minnie Bingham. MINOOKA. A delegation of the Young Men's Insti tute, No. 184, will attend the social of the Columbus council at Scranton tonight. Tha Rushers Foot Ball club will jour ney to Pine Brook Nov. 8 and line up against the Crescents of that place. Mrs. Marie Mulherln, of Main street, is dangerously ill. The sporting fraternity Is endeavoring to arrange a shoctlng match between Con Fallon nnd Thomas Murray. One of the most daring burglaries ever perpetrated In this place occurred last Monday, when some unknown miscreants entered the residence of Thomas Sullivan, of Church Hill. The thieves ransacked the house from the cellar to the garret, eecuring two valuable watches, XI In small change and other articles. There is no clue to the perpetrators. A Hnllowc'en party will be tendered Davy Jones, of Greenwood, this evening. NEW .METHOD OF DELIVERY. Tricycle lias Been Put in t'so for That Purpose. Not a little curiosity and Interest has been awakened w,lthln the last two days by the appearance on the business streets of a tricycle support ing a brightly painted box-like com partment, and ridden by a uniformed young man. The outfit Is owned and used in a purely practical way by the Lackawanna Laundry. While the vehicle and its r der attract much notice and serve as an advertise ment of the laundry, the outfit Is not for advertising purposes. It is merely an evidence or a new era of the wheel steed, which has for several months been noticed in New York city, where messengers are equipped with a aim liar vehicle, and use It for the de livery of packages. The Scranton tri cycle nas pnucmaclc t res. a brake am! wheels, frame, ball-bearings and other pans wntcn are almost identical with tnose or a bicycle. The on v real fllf. ference is that the new machine has three wheels, and supports a box for noiuinv ounajes. It is seared ma that u is propeuea with ease. THOUGHT THEM SMUGGLERS. And Chief Simpson Is Not Altogether satisfied mat They Are Not. at vu.-c-i OJ.HIIJBUI1- us lnvesiifranna' a supposed case of smuggling which was orougnc to nis attention vestenlnv. In a Uttle shanty which occupies the site or ineoia gas works across the miirnoH irom r incn s foundry 1 ves a crowd nt pack peddlers. Yesterday twelve trunks were unloaded at this place and xne unusual occurrence attracted the attention of residents of that neighbor hood, who communicated their observ ations to tne ponce. The chief and a squad of o Ulcers vis ited the house yesterday and found the trunks as stated and also discovered them to be packed with dress goods and tne like, cut there was nothing to be token whether or not they were im ported. The peddlers stated that the goods had been purchased In New York. but as their quantity and quality were enougn to arouse suspicion the chief de cided to make Inquiries to rrove the truth or falsity of the peddlers' story. OLCOTT AS IRISH ARTIST. Pleased a Large Andlenco at tho Academy of Mnsia Last Night. Chauncey oicott and his company produced "The Irish Artist" at the Academy of Music last evening before an audience that crowded the house to the doors. It was an enthusiastic au dience and it applauded the various numbers sung by-Mr. Oicott In a way that proven conclusively now thor ougtuy they were enjoyed. Mr. Olcott's voice was heard to splendid advantage last nignt. The Irish Artist" Is not an Ideal drama of life in he Qrecn Isle because constructed on false premises, but It was well interpreted by Mr. Oicott and nis company ana tne regret of the au dience was that the nlaywrlte did not display the same honesty and conscien tiousness in constructing the drama as the actors did in delineating it. HE WILL NOT RETIRE. 8. G. Kerr Denies a Rumor Afloat Con cernlna Him. Within the last tew days rumors have been currren't to the effect that S. O Kerr Intended to retire from the car pet trade In wh'ich he has been engaged for years. In reference to these rumors Mr. Kerr said yesterday to a Tribune reporter. "They are positively without founda tion for I have no intention whatever of retiring from business. Health ami strength permitting, I propose to re main in the harness as long as I live," BIG FOUR ROUTE. The Popular Line to the Atlanta Exposition. Trains leave Buffalo 6.40 a. m. dally for Columbus, Springfield, Dayton and Cin cinnati; 9.45 a. m. or Indianapolis, Peoria and St. Louis. Southwestern Limited finest train In America leaves Buffalo at 11.60 p. m. dally with combination cafe and library car, elegant Wagner sleeping cars and day coaches on all trains, which make close connection In Union depots at Cincinnati and St. Louis, for all points west, south and southwest. For further Information, call on local agents or address C. S. Black man, general eastern agent, No. 40 Ex change St., Buffalo, N. Y. . Piles! Plies! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; - intense itching and stinging; most af night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be coming very sore. Swnyne's Ointment stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, ana In most cases icmoves the tumors. At druggists, or by ,rta!l, for M cents. Dr. wayne ft Son, Pnliadelpnh "NEW XO.16 BUILDINGS i . Contract for Its Erection Executed Yea. tcrday with Peter Silpp. The contract for new No. 16 school was yesterday executed with Peter Stlpp, the contractor. The building will be located on Chestnut street in the Fourteenth ward and will cost $33, 65. The heating and ventilating ap partus will cost $3,725 more. The land cost $14,500. The dimensions of the building are 102x128. The height Is 60 feet from the ground to the top of the ridge. It will be built of buff brick with Nicholson blue stone and Indlnna lime stone trimmings. It will be the largest of the twelve-room buildings. When com pleted the building will be one of the handsomest in the city and will be a credit to Controller Jennings and the ward. WEDDED AT CATHEDRAL. Miss Nellie Hopkins .Married to John J. Cuinmlnss. In St. Peter's cathedral at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon .Miss Nellie Hop kins, of Franklin avenue, was married to John Cuinmings, of Franklin avenue, by Rev. J. J. B. Feeley. The bride was charmingly attired and was attended by MIe Ellen Rafter. William Cough lln was groomsman. After the cereipony the wedding par ty was idrlven to the home of the bride's mother, on Franklin avenue, where the wedding festivities were held. They were attended by a large number of the young friends of the bride and groom. Air. an5 Mr Cuminlngs will reside on Franklin avenue. Traps are the best fall and spring ve hicle. Wo have nn elegant line of the very latest styles in all grades, and will sell at reduced prices In order to make room tor our winter stock, (.all and see oui display. Blume's Carriage ReDosItorv. IK2 and B24 Spruce st, GAIL BORDEN fcAGLE Brand -CONDENSED MUX. Has No Equal SOLD EVERYWHERE Guns and Ammunition Foot Ball Goods, Sportsmen's Supplies, Hand-Loaded Shells a Specialty Gun and Locksmith, Typewriters Repairei A. W. JURISGH 435 SPRUCE STREET. Dw Signals Mort Iban half Ibe victims of consump tion do not know they have it. Here is a list of symptoms by which consumption can certainly be detected: Cough, one or two slight efforts on rising, occurring during the day and fre quently during the niht. Short breathing after exertion. Tightness of tie chest. Quick pulse, especially noticeable in the evening and alter a full meal. Chilliness in the evening, followed by Slight fever. Perspiration toward morning and Tale face and languid in the morninj. Loss of vitality. If you have these symptoms, or any of them, do not delay. There are many preparations which claim to be cures, but Dr. Hckcr'iCaglKk Rtmcdjfor Consumption has the highest endorsements, and has jtood the test of years. It will arrest con sumption In its earlier stages, and drive away the symptoms named. It is manu factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16 and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold by all reputable druggists. MANLY VIGOR f)NCB MORE In harmony w with the world, 2000 completely cured men aro singing nappy praises for mo greatest, grand est and most sue ce?3ful enre for box pal weakness aod lmt vigor known to medical science. An nccountof thisuvm. dcrui dlMorerti In book form, with rof. erenccs and proofs, will 5 fering men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor permanently restored. Failure impossible ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. THE DOCTOR'S COLUMN. H. M. G., Baltimore. My face Is badly broken out and I have been troubled with eczema for some time. What Is advis able? Take three drops of Thyroldine, ex tract of the Thyroid Gland, on the tongue, three times daily. Apply Ecze- micure to affectcUi parts as directed, and twice a week take a dose of Natro llthlc Salts. Ada Q. McM.. New York. I suffer w th lung trouble and em weak and nervous. F'sse state a remedy. Take Pulmollne as dlredted. Three times daily takeiflve drops of Cere.Wne. extract of .the brain, on the tongue. H. c. k., Fittsmirg. wnat can I take for functional weakness? Testlne, in five-drop doses, tihree times dtty. on the tongue. Avoid to bacco, afcolhiol land spipss. Regulable the bowels with Na.trolllhlo Saks. B. X. F.. Plttnburg. Send name and address. Will send advice for wife by mall. C. Brown. A. M.. M. D.. Med. Dept., Col. Chem. Co.. Washington, D. C. All letters or Inquiry answered rree. THE ANIMAL EXTRACTS. CEREBRINE. From tho Brain. ME0ULUNE, From tha f plnal Cere. CAR0lNc, From lh Heart. TES. PINE, OVARIMg, THYHOiniNF.NB. HOLMH1C SALTS, lor t'onstlDatlnii GASTRINS, fur Dyspepsia. CATARRHINE, ECZEM'CUitE, and oth-r special ties o' tm . ' COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO., Now at all druggists. Send for Literature. Bold by Matthews Bros., 820 Lack a ave. CfckfeMtM Enllllk Dfemai tnl rENNYROYAL PILLS Orlatul mm Oil. Omla. SAfE, AlWKJTI rtlltbl. LADtKS Ilk uruuin lor vnwuntrw mttu Ifi nudBnnd In Had ud OuU anulllo' t mranH in KM ud tfuM Imin, mM with bl rlhhnn. Tmkm MMratM tHMfUM. U4WWIW. ill . At DrafflMi, .r m 1. Mu,M jwruralwt, MliaMtel. .PariTifseee UMIt xi. iiseee iviiu. snssj tsiHiispMw N as BE. (S,.lH in i w HI mtlm amusements: ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday an J Friday. "The secrets of a draaaUe generation. New York Herald. JAMES A. KERNE'S ImutlM Mai, Shore-:Acres Presented with entire new snenery. original uicuamc 'i um ana proper Uoe. Under tun direction of HENRY C MINER. ITS RECORD: 237 Rights In New York City. m Nlt-hts in Boston. RegaUr prices. EaU of scats opjns Tues- t WW " VM ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tha Big Theatrical Event SATUROAY. NOV. 2. First Presentation in This City. Eoyt's Greatest Laagh Producer, A BLACK SHEEP. Presented With navel scnnln nnd strnngo-t cist ever organized, introducing rou'o. mien nsu cs, pret lest ON, lloit startlnir vaudeville fuaturos and turea hours' la ghti-r I'll.: s. io. 50c.. TSa. and t rfl R-.l. nf uuwos iuursaoy. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, nov. -tntira wee. Return of tha Favorites, th MILTON flBORN OPERA COMPANY Beautiful Setntrr, Magnillcint Coilumei. "ony Said Pasha u,!8dy Boccaccio MoJnesd ,y Tar and Tartar Wodnesday Matinee Bohemian Girl inursday Chimes of Normandy frldy Marltana bsturdity Matluee H Ship Ahoy Httt"dr Mascot PRICES i Gallery 10 Cents Balcony 20 and 30 Cunts First Floor 30 Cents Parlor Chairs 80 Cents Eight diagrams open Friday morning at 9 THE FROTMGHflM, Wagner & Rcls, Lessees and Managers. TWO NIGHTS, N07. 1 1110 2 - America's Groatest TragedUn, JAMES O'NEILL Manatement of Wm. F, Connor, In the Two Productions ot the Seusou, vnE8'fi!IusMouTOsto Two Sumptuous Hcenlc Productions. Special Cast Regular prices. Bale of seats opens Oct 30, at a. iu. H3NDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, NOV. 4 AND 8. SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY C. B. Jefltrton, Klaw a Erlinger't Enormgail, Suceetilul Production, PALMER COX'S BROWNIES BIGGER, BETTER AND BRIGHTER THAN EVER. THE WORLO'S GREATEST SPECTACLE Sole of seats openi Thursday, Oct. 81, at 9 a. tu. Buarp. DAVIS1 THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct 31, Nov. 1 and 2. ' Al Reeves AND HIS Big 5how ao -STAR ARTISTS -20, HEADED B7 Ilia IKE ARMLESS WM. Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. IrWe Do Not Advertise In the Elmlra Telegram. ewis: tt asp s-as- Accident Insurance The beat wearing, most stylish, and the greatest value of any $3.00 lien's Shoes on tho continent. licet calfskin, dongola tops, solid leutlier soles, with all the popular toes, lasts and fastenings, and Lewis' Cork filled Soles. Each pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Policy for $100, good for 00 days. Wear Lewis'Accldont Insurance Shoes once and yon will never change. Tha Insurance goes for "full tneasuro.M Talk with your dealer who sells Lowis' Shoes. ' FOR SALE AT Globe Shoe Store i27 LACK! AVE., SCRANT0.1, PI EVANS ft POWELL, Prop'ra. ti4M4tna AYLES WORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest in the Cltjr. The latest Improved furnish' togs and apparatus for keepiag neai, Doner aod eggs. , aaa Wyemina Av The Quality with us is always the Hammer the Prices Down CLOAK DEPARTMENT. At no time in the history of Scranton has there been offered such values as these. Misses' Jacket, From 6 to 12 years, assorted color, same as electrotype; your choice $1.98-Beat It If Yon Can-$1.9S Ladies' Double Beaver Cape, Satine trimmed; never sold for less than five dollars, $2.98-For a Few Dajrs-$i98. Ladles' Jackets, A line to close out; prices ranging from five to fifteen dollars, Yonr Choice, 13.98. Q1 flfl WITT THTV A Flne French Felt Hat, In anv color, ivorth 0vV iliLLDUl fully $1.75. No chromo thrown in. IV IT T kTIV A Velvet tuwit m juu uui sold by additional offering to captivate the Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE LACKAWANNA Trust and Safe Deposit Co. NO, 404 Lackawanna Avenue. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, OFFICERS t WILLIAM T. SMITH, PrciUont. HEKRT J. ANDERSON1, Vice President JOHN W. FOWLER, Treninrer. Business and personal ncsounts received. Savings deposits received and interest paid on sums of $1 upwards. Till Lnmnnnv nut fw Ttnut,. l'viti.iifni M,... j , - " . uuuiuiaut vivi, uuuwi appointment by the courts, corporations or individuals. Designated Legal Depository for the State of Pennsylvania and the Courts of Lackawanna County. Safes of desirable sizes In Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults for Rent from $5 to $40 perannnm, and convenient Storage for Valuables for the summer months. OLD WHITE PINE TIMBER For Heavy Structural Work. flHY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Telephona 422. BROW km STEEL . Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1I SCRANTON, PA. WHY SUFFER Whan VAtl mn hav .nn .AlMttflnallv Tented Frc by th naw method. . tff-'fhora nra bnndrada of pa,, pis If lb7 mmww una, wuuju gu muem 10 nara inair xaiBttifd. DOST WAIT. tarWhen yon jrt lanaat, or f'aaom", ' many ptopl call them, Oat th Beat, aa they won i mat too any mora tnan poorer ones. Do net trtltt vourvaluabla alaht to nad dlerm. Th ACRO-CR YSTAL LENSES wm correct tha vision and stop all pain in tha head. rlteed In tba Finest Mid Grid Frtm?s for $3 Th aa Lenaa an told on'y by DeWITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Oppcalta Scranton Houm, 803 Laokawanna Avt., 8CKANT0N, PA. HODBa Dall.T: to 11 a. m 1 to and T to I n. at. BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, aannfacurtd at abort MtkMf Its Trttsue CZttm first consideration; this secured w) to make them acceptable to all Hat or Bonnet, nicely trimmed; exclusive I houses for $5.00, with an. unwary. $250,000 '$95,000 DIRECTORSi HENRY BEUN, Jr. CO.NKaD Sl'HKOF.DER. P.J. HO,(AS. H. T. BL.AI K. HENKYJ. ANDEItBOW. EDWAKDB. 8TUKGES. J. HEN UIVMIIK. WM. T. SMITH. GEORUE SANDERSON. tvlLLIAM CON NELL. T. I.HNoVEU CHAKLE3H, WELLES. Oar Stoek In Trade Malnljr Consists of Watcbe3, Clocks, Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Sll?erwara, Sterling Silver Novelties, Silver Plated Ware, Fine Cnt Glass, Art Porcelains, Fine Leatber Goods, Banquet Lamps. Wa carry tba largmt variety in all of tVaa line. No concern nearo th. the great cltlea can ehow anrh a variety. Onr word ia onr bond. Nearlv thirty yeara of eucceaeful bnsl n, aa ahoold be proof enough that oar vooda and pi-leea are right and alwaya have been right. 307 UCMWIIUUVE. oth of yeans mnd middle tbvi tan nawmnM. Thai mxntultftaMjtat VmiTlTFlTt RMrlta of trtfctmtnt. Kltl.rma. nrnAiuHm wtm MMeNerroM Pobllitj, Klfrhtly IirJUoiif , Corumrtioii, lixiinila' rvknnat.'ni 1awaJiaaMl IAh n imaia mk.1 T Tmr eale by JOHN tt. PHKT.PH Trm giat, Wyoming ara. and Bpruoa atraaU w m a cm.. 9 MERCEREAU & CONNELL CiTii- .711 3aa.i.l TKJJii fVrflUa Haul BYlTartUlinaT aUlman4. vihiitv vrnri uuHiuuf vnviurtvuuj, iruBincas mad mar muuwX. Br iail7al.lH Mr box or a ta mM tt-ZZ mm,