TUJ5 fcUKAJmi-N lliiiUxllIl Til U it allA It iiOAi.rtJ.iSl-. OUrOstilC iil, lJJj. ft V.VV,IM m and Women only Are mott competent to fully appreciate tfce purity, sweetneu, and dolicacy of Cutiuusa kokt, and to dlicorcr now ones for it daily. In the form of waabea. Mictions, etc., fcr diatroislng inflammation., Irritations, ar.l weaknesses of tbo mucout mcrubrono, it baa proved moat grateful. Ccticcju Boap appeals to the refined and rxltlrated srerywhero, as the most effect !vj skin purifying and beautifyingsoap,aswoll purest and sweetest for toilet and bath. Hold throughout tat werM. Bittlfh doli T.Vtw. mrtt Soki, I, King Kilirdit, London. For j.j ilaco a Caia. Coir., toll I'rcpi Boiloo, V. a. A. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AXP BONDS. New York. Oct. 31. Liquidations were the order of the day at the Stock Ex change during the greater part of the session, and the selling was not con fined to local operators either. London started oft bright and early with sales of Reading. St. Paul, Southern Rail way, Northern Pacific preferred. A a bnsh preferred, 'Loulsvlllo, and Nash ville and (Atchison. (Reading was the first 'tK?k to break, the price falling from 14V4 to 13. General Kloc'trlc was then taken In "hand and In a Jiffy the stock dropuiii nearly four points to 294. a break In electric stocks in Phila delphia 'having had a sympathetic influ ence on these shares. Northern Pacific preferred, which has been very quiet of late, loomed Into prominence and dropped from 17 to 10. Other rail way stocks conspicuous for weakness were the Grangers, Delaware and Hud ion and Jersey Central. .Missouri Pa cific and Atchison were particularly hravy, Missouri Pacific falling 2 to 30i and AtchiEon 4 to 1M4. In the In dustrials Sugar lbrke to 101, but later rose to 102aV4. Chicago Gas closed strong. Lead fell from 33 to 30Vi and recovered to 32. In the afternoon indi cations of support were noticeable in certain parts of the list and tihis In duced some of the bears to even up their contracts especially as the follow ing on the short side had (become un coniforta1ly large. The general list closed ibarely steady. Net changes show losses of a3 per rent. General Electric leaUlng. Chicago Gas, Pacific Mall and iSugar gained per cent, on the day. Total sales were 356,154 s-hares. 1 The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stoek mar ket are given below. The auotntlonsnre furnished Tho Tribune by G. du J. Plm mlck, manager for Wllllnm Linn, Allen Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Bcranton. 0p.n. igh-Low-Clos- ing. est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co m M mi, Am. Sugar He'g Co.lulH 1 C lot 1 4 Atch.. To. ft, 8. Fe... ? "4 Can. South 64 Mi MH Ches. & Ohio 1 H J"? " 4 Chicago Ga S'4 J Chic. & N. W lm 1W'.4 1' l'k'li Chic, H. & Q W $., C. C. C. & fit. 1 42 42 4 i 41 4 Chic, Mil. & St. P... 754 7.. 74 , 7..W, Chle.. It. I. & P 75? 7il4 w'i iU 1)" Hudson 131 131 I' 1314 151f t. fr C. P 221 23 22'i 22' Grn. Klectrlc 8214 32i 2!)'4 30 Lnkc Shore 150 150 150 .11 louk & Nairi: :::... b w ;4 w M. K. ft Texas 1'4 IB1. I"1 1N Mnnliiittan Ele 105V4 10 10514 10.,- Mo. i'acdns 32'4 32'4 30!, 8fi'a Xat. Cordage Vk 74 7 7i Nat. Lead S24 32'Si 3014 32 N. J. Central. 10Wi lo3 N. T L. E. & V.. n K 12 12 N. Y., -S. &W 12'4 124 11H lli N. Y., S. & W., Pr.. 34 34'4 33'4 3114 Nor. Pacific i 5 6 Nor. Paclllc, Pr 17 174 K 17 Ont. ft West 17'4 1714 17'4 m Pse. Mali 30-H iW, 2!H 3fi'4 Phil, ft Read 14 14'4 13 14'4 Southern R. R IIS 11'4 11r,4 H'4 Tenn.. C. ft 1 37 37 3.i'4 m, Tex. Pacific 9 9'4 8 914 Pnlon Pacinc 12'4 12'4 12 12 Wabash. Pr 20 21i 2(i 21H West. Union 9H So4 0'4 94 W. L 13Si 14'4 134 13H II. S. Leather 1214 12 1214 12'4 V. S. Leather, Pr.... 70 71 70 71'4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHRAT. ln. est. est. Ing. December B B9H 58 ttt'4 May 63 63 63 63 OATS. December 18-H 1'4 H May 2014 20 2014 20 CORN. December 274 27 2714 27 May 2914 29-Ts 2914 29V LARD. January r..2 Rto R,o May 5.83 S.S7 C.82 5.S7 PORK. January 8.02 9.12 9.00 9.10 May 9.30 9.40 9.30 9.40 Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tatlons-AII Quotations Baaed on Par of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Green Ridge Lumber Co 110 Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 130 Bcranfon Lace Cur. Co M Nat. Boring ft Drilling Co SO First National Bank 600 ... Thuron Coal Land Co VO Bcranton Jar & Stopper Co 25 Scranton Glass Co 63 Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Spring Brook Water Co 100 Elmhurst Boulevard Co ... 100 Scranton Axle Works SO Third National Bank 350 Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... ICO Scranton Packing Co US Scranton Savings Bank 200 Lacka. Iron ft Steel Co 150 Weston Mill Co 250 Traders' National Bank 120 Bonta Plate Glass Co 22 60 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 100 Economy Steam Heat & Power Co 100 Bcranton Pass. Railway first mortgage, due 1918 110 ... Scranton Traction Co 95 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due 1918 110 ... Bcranton ft Pittston Trac. Co. ... 90 people's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage, due 1920 110 ... Lacks. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage, due 1925 00 Dickson Manufacturing Co.... ... loo Lacka. Township School 6 102 City of Bcranton Street Imp 6 ... - 102 ftiw York Produce Market. New York, Oct. 80. Flour-Steady. Wheat Quiet, lower; No. I red store and levator, 69c. j afloat, 7114c ; f. o. b., 70c; No. 1 northern, 67c; options closed weak; J larch, 9V4c; April, 70Vic; May, 69c; une, 6914c; December, 66c. Corn Spots steady, quiet; No. 2 at 37c; elevator, tsc; afloat; options active; October, 37c.; November, 36c; December, 3514c; May, 2714c; June, 3514c Oats Spots dull, steady; options quiet, unchanged; spot prices, No. 2 at 2314c; No. 2 white, 2414 a24c; No. t Chicago, 2414c.; No. 3 at 23c; No. I white, 23c; mixed western, Ha25c; white do., 2a29c; white state, 25a29c. Provisions Quiet, unchanged. Lard Quiet, higher; western- steam closed I5.s714a6.90; city, $3.55n5.60; October, t-5.9214; market nominal; refined quiet: continent, 11.86; South America, $6.70; compound, 414 a4c. Pork Steady; mess, t9.75al0.26. Butter Steady; state dairy, 12a2114c; do. creamery, 2Ha23c; western dairy, lOalSc; do. creamery, 14a23c; do. June, 16a21c; do. ' actory, 9al4c; Elgins, 23c; Jmltatlon creamery, 12al7c. Cheese Firm, quiet; state large, 7al01io.: do fancy, lOalOVic; do. mall, 714allc; part skims, 3a714c.; full aklms, J14a3c. Eggs Quiet, barely steady; state and Pennsylvania, 20a23; "western fresh, lSaSOc.t limed, lSalOc' v Toledo Gmlit Market. Toledo, Oct. 30. Close: Wheat Re ceipts, 14,615 bushels; shipments, 7,700 bushels; market easy; No. 2 red, cash, WliCi December, 67c.j May,. 6814c; No. 8 red, - cash. 63c Corn Receipts 43,320 . bushels: shipments, 14,000 bushels; market quiet; No. I mixed, cash, Kc; No. I do., fine,! No. I ytllow, 32140. OatsReceipts. 100 bushels; shipments, none;, market JuUNo.i miitd, cash, 1014c; No. I white, 2114c. Clovcraeed-Recclpts. 618 bas; shipments. 200 bags; market ateady: prime posh and October, 14.2214; March. 11.3714. j 'clilcaeo Live S ick. Union Stock Yards, III.. Oct. S0.-Cattlo Receipts. 19,000 hi-ad; market weak aii-l 11 cents lower; common to extra steers. 13.20 a5.25; stockers and feeders, 2.30a3: cows and bullH. $l.2oa3.63; calves. $2.&uatU6: rex ana, 2.60alJO; western rangers. 2.2aa4. Hogs Receipts, 35,000 head; market 5 cents higher; heavy packing and ship ping lots. $3l0a3.70; common to choice 1 -J.WJ 7it. Itntcn n.unrtPtl. 13.50a3.ti5l light. 3.25aS.65; pigs. 2a3.55. Sheep Ke ceipts, 15.000 head: market steady; Inferior to choice, 1.40a3.40; lambs, i&i4. Buffalo l.ivo Slock. BufTalo, Oct. 30.-Cattle Receipts, 1.733 head; on sale. 110 head; market dull and weak; choice iteors, .4oa4.5i: good, 34 a4.1o; rough fat stuers, $3.4."a3.65; fair to good cows and heifers, 2 5a3.25; yearlings and light stockers, J2u2.30; good weight stockers, 32.50a2.S5: lteht to good bulls. I2.30a3; eals, steady; good to choice, t.1.60 a6; extra, S3.50a6.75; heavy fed. S2.7iia4. Hogs Receipts, 6.5W head; on sale, 6.4W head: market strong; Yo'kers good to choice. $3.80a3.S5; light Yorkors, $3.I5h3.kO; mixed packers, $3.S0i3.85; good mediums. J3.85; good to choice heavy hogs, 3.85a3.90: pigs, ;t.75a3.Si); skips and common, JaS.iSa; roughs. 3a3.40; stags. $2.50a3. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, fi.800 head; on sale, 8.4O0 head; market firm or lambs and steady for sheep; mixed and good to choice sheep, 2.15a2.C0; common to fair. $1.85a2; cully, 1a1.75; western lambs, choice to prime. 4a4.15; good, J3.G5a3.90; light to fair, 33.23 a3 50; culls and common, J2.30a3.15; seven teen loads of Canada lambs offered, prices 10a15 cents lower: eight loads held over; good to choice sold at fS.9fla4.10; common to fair, f3.75a3.80; culls, S3a3.C5. Oil Market. nttsburg. Pa.. Oct. 30 Oil ooened and lowest. 31.27; highest and closed, J1.29. Oil City. Pn., Oct. SO. Oil opened and lowest, $1.27; highest, fl.29'4: closed, 31.2D. Philadelphia Tallow Market. rhl'iu.vlphln. Oct. 30. Tallow Is dull and unchanged. We quote: City, prime. In hhds, 4.14'ic; country, prime. In bbls. 4a41sc; do. dark, In bbls, 3a3T4c.; cakes, "c.; grease, t4a3c. NEWS OF OUR INDUSTRIES. Happenings of Inierott to ths Staple Trades and Particularly to tho Trado in Iron. Steel and Anthracite Coal. Reading's coal tonnngs for tho week ended Oct. .v.nounted to 3C0.727. an in crease ovir tj.e correspondlnff week last year of 4;; it' tons. For the year to date the lpn.enta ba3 aggregated 12, 092.M7, fen Incrcrso over tho same pe riod lasl yr f 1,107,079 tons. Reyrls are that tee coal traffic on the mnin Una of the Pending rnllrond for tho month of October has ex .ceded that of any previous month In the history of the road. The New York, Susquehanna and Western railroad reports an increase In net earnings for September of $25,714. FICTION FOR THE MASSES. Rare Treat In St.ro for Regular Headers of Tho Tribuno-r.mlnont Authors to Contribute Serial Stories. Beginning next month The Ti'ibuno will entertain 'Its constantly growing circle of daily readers with a new se ries of choice serial stories, by the very best of living authors. These stories will 'be the best that money can buy, and they will be Illustrated correspand Ingly. Amon.'r tho authors 'to be represented there are Mr. Conan Doyle nnd ftlr. Stanley J. 'Weyman, famous for their historical novels, "The "White Com pany" and "The Refugees," "A Oen'tle man of France" and "Under the Ued Robe," 'both worthy successors of Walter Scott and Alexander Dumas. Mr. Doyle's versatility brought him still wider fame as the creator of Sher lock Holmes, 4he most fascinating de tective that ever untangled a web of mystery. There are also J. M. Barrio, whose "Little .Minister" Is still In great .de mand by thousands who know It only 'by Its reputation; Mary H. Wilklns, an unsurpassed photographer of .New Eng land village life; Rrander Matthews, whose plots have the Intensity of a plage play; the same may be said of Oeorge R. Sims, author of the "Lights of Ix:ndon," and other famous dramas; S. Raring Oould, who Invests his stories with the wonders of scholarly lore and the experiences of a clergyman in close contact with the people; Rudyard Kip ling, the most original genius of 'the latter pant of . the century, a literary Columbus, w.io revealed a new world to fictl'an readers; Eugene Field, whose verses, witty tales and Impish humor ore a constant deKght to his readers; Jerome K. Jerome, who has never lost (he favorer flavor acquired by "Three Men In a iTtoat;" Ian MaOlaren, the latest Interpreter of feol'ch character, and an tdept .In Scotch dialect; Eliza beth Sturat-.Phe.lps-Ward, whose popu larity h'as never diminished since "Gates Ajar" made her 'the friend and counselor of thousands of hereaved and of 'those wavering toward skepticism; Grant Allen, another English writer whose knowledge of science, travel and human mture has been Impressed deeply on his popular books, and An thony Hope, who In the "Prisoner of Zen da" and Its sequels has Invested Oriental modern life with the atmos phere of the Arabian Nights. This by no means exhausts the list of authors scheduled for The Tribune's readers around the evening lamp this coming winter, but It sets forth enough to make their "moifths water" for the appearance of these attractive stories. GOLDEN IlEDICAl' DISCOVERY. The Invention of Dr, R. V. Tierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at BufTalo, N. Y., has, during the past thirty years, made a record in the cure of bronchial, throat and lung diseases that fairly entitles it to out rank all other advertised remedies for these affections. Especially has it manifested its potency in curing consumption of the lungs. Not every case, but we believe . ,: Fully 98 Per Cent, of all cases of consumption, in all its earlier stages, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so fur as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration (includ ing tubercular matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation nnd weakness. Do you donbt that hundreds of such cases reported to us as cured by " Golden Med ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it They have, in near! v every instance, been so pronounced by the best and most experienced home physicians, who have no interest whatever in mis representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced nnd advised against a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery," but who have bcon forced to confess that it surpasses, in curative power over this fatal malady, nil other medicines' with which they ore acquainted. Nasty cod Hver oil and its fllthy "emulsions1' nnd mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these cases and had cither.iilterly failed to bene fit, or had only scented to benefit a little for a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of the liypophos phites had also been faithfully tried in vain. The photographs of a large number of those cured of consumption, ' bronchitis, lingering coughs, nsthma, chronic nasal catarrh and 'kindred maladies, have been skillfully reproduced in a book of , ifo pages which will be mailed to you, on re ceipt of address and six cents in stamps. Yon can then write those cured and leant their experience.' , - Address for Hook, World's Dispensam Usdical Association, Buffalo N. Y. ASPARAGUS-EN-DOUSED. THE USE OF ASPARASUS Yi lO CLiE OFFI CIALLY RICCGIZtO. Eminent French Physicians Havi Fcundlt Invaluable -What tho "U. S. Health Report" days About Sparajus Kidney Pi.lj and Their Curativa Powers. Asparagus is a kidney tonic. ll bulldj up anil tavlsjrate3 tho kid neys, and cures them frora the effects of Injuries, overwork, etc. Doctors agree that Asparagus is good for t'ae kidneys, but no strong ex'.rdct wl.h all the medicinal (properties t.zi been prepared until Dr. Hctb prepared It fiom the rocts by a special prccetj cf his own. lie found f:ils to successful that ke trade It up Into pills, with so'iV.j few other -Ingredient's, and u?cd flhem In tils private practice for years. Tiila was the origin cf Dr. Hobb's Spa vagus Kidney V'AU. Frent'h .physicians of repute have cart'IuHy tested Asparagus In all kidney troubles, and consider U of great value. Now the Unitel' States Health, Re ports, Vol. XXIV.. No. 2. hiu this i.o ssy abiut Dr. Hcftrb's iSparasw KMncy Pi;:s: "Er. E-:o I'.v.'s tald: Nteitcon dis eases cot of twer.'iy originate from dis eased 'kidneys, and 'those wha Ciave made pathology a rtudy will agree wM'h this evninent phyilclan that where th-j kldneyj 'fail to perfi rm Khelr fur.st!aa In any way tha whole system occ-mes enervated and the Iscdy diseased. When the kidneys fall to perform 'their work ed 'task, effete and Injurious matter Is cariUHi to all parts of ths body. T;'.rcu'::h a enistakem d!agno3li, 'i';se pymp.'crr. are cften pronounced sep arate ard distinct diseases, but on a n.E'itcT cf fact '.'hey can enly'be cured y remedies which roach and relieve toe oveiuvcrked kidneys and rlrc.-Tlihcn them, so that they can successfully act their part as cleanser.? of ilhe bcJy, thereby Insuring regularity, atreng'.h and good health throughout t'ae entire system. "Among n!1 the Remedies claiming to perform .tills much-desired result, ar l which have been Investigate'!1 by the compilers of these Itepot'Is, It has been four.d that -while there waa much to ceirrrr.en J 'there was much to be desired. It Is, there-fore, with mere th.in ordi nary pk'2'iure, after a imoji: painstak ing investigation, end a long and care ful examination o! '.'h-e results achieved by the reincdy 'placed upon the market by t'ae Hobb's 'Medicine Co., known as Dr. Ilolb's Spaiaus KUney Pill j, thai; we .pranour.ee this preparation a kld r.!3y remedy tar-excellence, and one that will cipeedlly and effectually cure all O.'scases of l.he kidneys, w'iiatevtr lher crlgl'n or name, or however chro nic cr decp-s?a'!ed they may be. "During a quarter of a century of Journalism, during which time Ave have exercised a watchful care over many of the preparations having for 'their object the cute of kidney diseases, we have never come across a preparation of such merit 83 Dr. Hotb'8 Sparagua Kid ney Pills." By eating Asparagus a slight effect Is had cn 'the kidneys, !ut the greater part of the cui atlve property of the plant Is not absorbed and goes to waste. The extract of 'Asparagus, however, as prepared ty Dr. Hobb contains all the active curative elements so pre pared that tthey iare at once absorbed and do their work of curing the kidneys without waste or loss. Dr. Hotlb's 'Sparagus KMney Pills cure all kidney diseases ar.d all blood diseases, such as Rheumatism, Gotit, Neuralgia, Anaemia, etc They will cure when other remedies wIM net even relieve. For sale by all druggists, or mailed pr"ld for 51 ennts a box. "Write for valual'le paim.r-hlet "A Fil ter for Tour Wood," free on apDlIcatlJn to Hcbib's iMedlclne Co., Chicago or San Francisco. RAILROAD NOTES. The Lehigh Valley icompany Is pre paring to equip Its main line complete with I'liedlall raffty switch system be tween Easton and Pittston. When the "LrhlR'n Va'lley railroad awa.rd-d a contract for thirty locomo tives some time ose to tho Baldwin Locomotive works, Hie option was re served to Increase the r.um.ber to fifty, on the ramp terms. The company last wei'li ava'.lcd Itself of the option, and an order for twenty additional engines has 'been placed. The employes in a number of de partimenis In the Pennsylvania shops at Altoona have been working twelve hot'.-s per day the past week. In order to hasten new work and keep tin with the rt;iairs. Today both fourJarles, the two erecting shops and the ma chine, vise and cab departments will work all day, BcaieUilng very unusual. A conference will be heM thla week between Pennsylvania, Reading and Lehigh Valley rallrcad officials to dis cuss the question of freight rates In ccal. Sectary Taylor,' of the Reading ra".-sad, has sent out proxies for the annual election to be held on Jan uary 13, and Tesiponses have already been rc.narkably libera'!. The proxies are made out In favor of Mr. Harris, or In his absrcr.ee. W. R. Taylor, tfie sec retary, Is to vote them.. The Reading railroad's coal tennarre for the week ended Oct. 19 aggregat ed 358,742.17 tons, an increase ever the same week last year of 41.230.04 tons. The company's C03I tonnage for the year to Oct. 13 Is estimated at 11. 731,820 tons, or 1,064,771.14 ions ahead ui i'.iu Eime xime lasi year. During the second week In October seventy-nine railroads Increased 6.48 per cent. In gross earnings. During the third week thirty-five roads Increased 7.88 per cent. The number of railroad accidents In this country In September were 108, In cluding mty collisions, finy-fcur de railments, and four ot.her accidents In which thirty-eight person's were killed and 178 injured. j The contract which the Electric Stor age Dattery company has made with Manhattan for an experiment with the storage battery on Manhattan provides lor iuimt up one or more cars to run on the Thirty-fourth street ferrv eon nectlon. It Is believed that a arood test of the battery tan be Tna.de there wli.h cut Interferrtng with traffic. The stor age 'battery cars are expected to be ready for use in about sixty days. Relief In Six Honrs. , Distressing Kidney and madder diseases relieved In six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy Is a great surprise on acount of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages, In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Drug fist, Ui Psna vsnus. Boranton, Pa. HETZCl'S Superior Face Bleach, P.siilTj. E m.TJ AH F.ciil BUm&i No more Frcclclcs, Tan, Sunburn, Blsck-n-;i.-ls, Liver Spots, P.niples and Sallow Complexions If ladles will use my Su perior Fare illeach. Not a cosmetic, but n medicine which acts directly on the skin, removing all dlscolocatlons, an one of the greatest purifying agents for the complex ion in existence. A perfectly clear and spotless complexion can be obtained in overy instance by its use. Price, $1.00 per bottle, l'or sale at E. M. HetxM'a Hatr dresslng and Manicure Parlors, S39 Lack awanna ave. Mail orders filled promptly. WELSBACil LIGHT Sjxallj" Adan.id .'or Reading and Sewing. Consumes three (3) foot of gas per hour and Rive au efllciency of sixty (60) candles. HavliiR at lenst 33 per cent over tbs ordinary Tip Uuriicrs, Call and See It. IT li CONNELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Manufacturers' Agents. THE NEW Contains all that has mtilo Hnrumond Work ramnus, and NEW, NOVEL and I'SEFt'L lln- provuments. "HammouJ Work tha Criterion of Hnmmond Superiority. " "Hinmond Sslus tbo t riterlon of Hnmmond Popularity." Ilnm monil No. 2. The Pcrfot Typewriter. Ex amine It nnd ba ennvincod. Fhiladulphia branch of Tb lUinmonl Typewritur Co., 110 , bixth Street. F. A. & A. J. liltANDA, 414 Sprues St., Scranisn RepresenUtlvii. OYSTERS We are He.idqURrt.-rs for Oystcrj and ara handling tlia CclcbrntcJ Duck Rivers, Lynn Havens, Keyport.s, Mill 1'onds; iilso Shrews bury, Kockuways, Maurice Klvvr troves, Wetern Shores unit Ulite Points. tVWemnk3a Kpeeislty of dellverlnj lilue Points on hell' hiil in carrier PIERCE'S MARKET, PENN AYE CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'sr. rtBMr tr Tut ttiMMf Mtmest SonteKmn vVSMlWHOLlHHfiLBl a v n r a 1 a r. n r r.iiiMiunwHk This llxmtoi lTTAtm llt ear. tou. A vondrrfpl boon to suSjren from Cold, rThrnt, Iaflnti. Brnaaifla. r HAY firt'KU. Afmit immtiHtifnUif. Anffflelfrt 1. n. . I M..mlMitln.iM la pock.t.nalT to us on Srrt Indlcmtion of niX rl4 Ih Kael. Ptraunt Care. S.tlruUornarantMlorinnnrr rofindca. Prlrn, L li CUSElli; air., Urn Lmt, uin C. i. i OTTSBTMAIgBa II F MTHn I 1no " ft ramsSy for Hlbn I nut an kinSIMM1Knrmik. Itch. Bail nnvvm,rin inrva, imrn, t it, woilcmil ram Mr fnrr I I.KS. Price, Mil eta. at Drue o a I tf titr by mall prepaid. Ad1rnaahoT. PwLr For sale by Matthews Bros, nd John n. rnoi Coapleilon PresaivsS OR. HEBRA'8 VIOLA GREAI.1 SemoTM FraeUa., flmplst. Cms . MoIm. Etaskhnda; ianbara aatf T.a, and is stores the skin to Its origi nal freahiwaa, prodiieios a alsat and Boalthr xom. uwra, Bujwnw wBaii" . . . . fnTaMttons and .pcrfrrtly fciriuleat. At aa laialstatetBiailed lot SOcta, Saud lot Ore alas, VIOLA wan tOAP iiii . Mat. Ataraatea, friMIGmii U. 6, BIT? 1,11 M ft aalafcy Matthawa Brat, and Job H.rnaui EVA M. A . VI1"- fw? i Pie lis Jk aw in 9 IWM suoioTYraie NO, 2, J.or a V?4 SCRANT0K-M1DE 150 Sizes and Styles OF CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles OF STEEL RANGES THE SCRAHTOH STOE WORKS have arranged with the following firms to sell their STOVES STliOXU'S FURNISHING DUPONT'S BIKING, BLASTING AND SPORTING llanufactnr! at lha Wnpwnlloprn Mills, La artia mnM-t,w ami a. V7il. mingtuu, beiawaro, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tbs Wyoming District. tt8 WYOMING AVE-, Scranton, P Third NaUonal Bank Doilding. Aesacnrs : TH08. FOSliHlt"on, Pa. JoHN B. HMITH A (SON, Plymouth, P E. W. MUI.UOAN, WUkea Barre, Pa. ag.nt for the Hrpauno Cuaixucal S Ulga awainuaivca. Stocks, Bonds and Grain Rough, and sold on New York Exchange and Chicago Hoard cf Trade, cither for cash or on margin. WM. LINN ALLEN & CD., 412 Spruce Streot. LCA'- STOCKS A SPECULTY. 'Telephsno 5032. THIS WITNESS THAT II. 1). SWAKTZ & CO. t An thi Loading Wbolsiale Agpnti la Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. HEADQUARTERS FORw L f. Smith's and Remington Cans, flay Ngcons and Tlgcon Traps. Telephone 2733. Open ETenlnz. S13)4 Bpracj Street, betweea Peon anl Wro nilng Arennaj. JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SMUr 81 1 Laak. At. aad Stewart's Art Store. Photo Eo(rtTlnt for Clrcnlara, BocU,CiU- , , lognea. M:w3pap?a ' KahVTonwa Ml Un Wort. ARE THE BEST. ii Wife w& t I gPfe I: AT FOUNDRY HOUSE, 320-322 Pcnn Avenue. W. G. D0U1) & CO., 509 Lackawanna Avenue. F00TE & SliEAIt CO., 119 N. Washington Ave. It. J. HUGHES, 121 South Main Avenue. TRADERS EatioDal Bank cl Scranton. OROANiZED 1C30. CAPITAL 250,000 HuMjUS, SIO.O00 HKT,TVTA, lTTXn3, rrealflcnt. W. W. WATBON, Vlve-l'realdent . D. WILLIAMS. Cashlor. DIRECTORS. Bamufl Illne?, Jamoa M. Evortart, lnr Ibb Finch, l'lurco B. Klnloy. Joseph J. Jvrmyn. M. H. Kcmorer. Charlen P. Mat thown. John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. IT EKE and LIBERAL. nm bnk Invites tha patronacs Of bus bej mn and llrt-.i rrnoraly. LAGER BREWERY. Uannfatnrar. of th CdabrataA PILSEHE LAGER BEER CAPACITY too.coo Barrels per Annum rmra anon co., in Ccpieei, i jo.r CKST SI. SO HllOli IN TUB WOKLOi -A dollar tntl it a dollar tanud." TM.Tjulla' Hoi I.I Frencb IVingola KM Tmt toOeo dallTMJd U anywh In th U.S., M rMeintoiuaa. uoorw uruvr, or 1'u.ui Aet. rar Kmia . mn nf ta be kM ta all retail atom for tl.bO. W. make thu boot ourMtrH, tlwmfor. gaar attlet the Jtl,ity mW and If any on (a to aaiMAd win rernira uh or wnid aaothw pair. 'rr roe er lomnov dw, width. O, I B, k KB. kaiM 1 to I aad kaK 8tndyemt Ml Ml fU. Ilfuetralrd Gala. Iota. FRCiC Ester Shoe Go, U FEDERAL ST.. BOSTON. MAU pnil law I. ititr. . In a "mm fj,r..T.j T Bare jrm goraThroa, CotrpeMXJprpd Svota, Adbea, (ad Bona, Cleen la at oath, HaJf raUlorl Write CMk Keeaedr Oev. 97 M eeaieTeanleleamJ IMor proof, of oaM. C.I tau s,Kuentaeaiedalayet 100 Sizes and Style; OF PARLOR STOVES 50 Sizes and Styles OF HEATING STOVES PRICES. 1 o cn-i R Celts for s-mol package. Faultlesi Chsmical Company, Baltl" mora, Md. Atlantic Refining Go aUnnfacttirars and Dealers hs OlbS Llnsoed Oil, Napthas and Oaaa. lines of all grades. Axle Grooae, Pinion Qrciae and Colliery Com pound; also a lrco Una of Pat afflne Wax Candk-4. We also handle the Famous CHOWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil In tho market. Wm. Mason, Manager. Office: Coal Exchngne, Wyoming Ava Works at Pine Brook. atTJT REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made 'iweii maw ' of Me. at a . aa Sa dl ut Day. MthDay. THI QRIAT 80th y- prodneea the above reewlte la'SO daya. H Jf ltowanuiir h. qnicair. vnrae wna au -yoaaa Baea will ragata their loat manhood, aad eld oaag ea maa will reserer thalr roaikful vttor by wMas BBTIVa Itu, 11 queii ir and nnii mure, na Lea Tltalltr. ImnoteBer. Xtiotlr Kalaaeaa, aa.LM( ' Loa Power. ralUu atamarv 'ry. Waatlna 011 all efleete of Hlf-abaae or aiowa and ladlaeretlea. wbleh naSta on. for aiady. kwataae. or aamafe. n nnlonlr currabr ataHlas at the Mat of eUaeeee. eat laasreat aarfatoaile aud Mood ballder, brlag Irg Wa the pink alow to pale eheeka and r etorlat the Ire of ywath. it ward, of raaaaitf aad Oaaaamptloa. laaiit oa earing BKVTVC ae ether. It oaa be eatried la va.1 pock., ar Saatl, 10parpaekair,eretx for S.OO, wtt a poet; Jew wrlttaa guarantee to ears at saftaaai tBOaaeawy, Ouealasfne. Addnat torsi. KEOICINI CO.. It Rlvsr It, CNIOAM. IU, ta few aattlieve aires. PttftBM 1WA WaT Da