The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 31, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Only rounded spoonfuls are required not
Norman 1 km
120 Wyoming Ave.
M'ashinatoa Avcittm.
SOR Pcnn Ato. A. n. wakmav.
en Looamg
r nnn
r I II Li I,
ul unai
Do Not Fail to Sea
Our Fall Styles.
m in t ivi i
m u m nit
N. B. Prices Guaranteed.
cm a oiks.
The board of trade public market com
mittee will meet tomorrow afternoon.
There will be a regular meeting of the
board of health at their rooms In the
municipal building Friday at 3 o'clock.
Columbus council, Young; Men's Insti
tute, of the South Side, will hold Its an
nual social at Siegel's academy tonight.
The hearing In the Forkan habeas cor
pus case to have taken place yesterday
before Judge Gunster, was continued until
next Monday.
All the members of the State Liquor
league are requested to attend a special Thursday afternoon at Kaub's
hall at 2.30 p. m.
Bible class for study of the International
Sunday school lesson at Grace Reformed
Episcopal church this evening at 7.45.
Every one Invited, living your Bibles.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Edward A.
Jones, of Archbald, will take place at 2.30
o'clock this afternoon at the house on
South Main street. Interment will be
made In the Protestant cemetery.
The annual donation days of St. Jo
seph's Foundling home will be today and
tomorrow, when fuel, provisions, cloth
ing and money will be gratefully received
at the home, MO Jefferson avenue.
Dr. Anna Clark will give a practical talk
In the hall of the Young Women's Chris
tian association this noon from 12.30 to 1.
All young women attending tho Institute
are cordially invited to hear Dr. Clark.
The le of seats for "The Black
Sheep" opens this morning at the box
office of the Academy of Music at 9 o'clock.
It should bo remembered Mr. Hoyt sends
us his full original New York company in
his greatest success, "A Black Sheep."
Marriage licenses were granted yost?r
day to John Egan, of Throop, and NelJIe
Judge, of this city; John J. Cummlngs
and Nellie Hopkins, of this city; John C.
Buckingham, Dunmorc, and Harriet H.
Doud, Scranton; Edward Hunslnger, of
Newton, and Edna Savitts, of Scranton.
At St. Luke's church, All Saints' Day,
Friday, Nov. 1, will bi observed by two
celebrations of tho holy communion, at 0
a. m. and 8 a. m. Any person desiring to
remember departed loved ones may send
flowers Thursday afternoon for decorat
ing tho altar and chancel. These (lowers
are always sent after 'the services to the
tick and afflicted.
This evening J. H. Maloo, the blind
evangelist, will give his famous lecture,
"Th Dark and Bright Side of Washing
ton," In the Green Ridge United Evan
gellcnl church. This lecture consists of a
graphic description of Washington as a
city and as the nation's capital, given In
an Interesting and humorous manner. The
fact that come desperate opposition to this
lecture has been made In certain localities
by politicians and officeholders ought to
be sufficient to warrant its merit.
The nnnunl social of the Caledonian
club will be held tonight In Fuller's hall,
on Lackawanna avenue. Refreshments
will be served, and the following will take
part In an entertaining programme:
Misses Josephine and Alice Gllmnrtln.
Miss Jennie Alexander, Mrs. Liner, Co
lumbia Glee club, M. J. Coyne, James
Harher, David Wilson, James Langan,
William Jones, Andrew P mlth, J James
Btein, William Collins and John Simpson.
Miss Belinda Messett will be accompanist.
That Is All That Detective Bnrrlnff Would
Say About III Prisoners.
But little Information would be Riven
yesterday by the Barring & McSwce-
ney detective agency regarding the two
mysterious persons who were brnupht
here from New York city by the firm's
detectives Tuesday night.
' Mr. Barring said the tr-an are wanted
In a state other than Pennsylvania and
are Only two of several who will be ar
rested. Any detailed report of the caso, ha
aid, would Impede the work of the de
tectives and for this reason he declined
to discuss the matter.
Miss listen McDonald Becnme tho Brldo
of Carlos Reymond Vldol.
The marriage ceremony which united
Miss Helen MoDo-naJd, formerly su-per-(ntendent
of tine Lackawanna hospital,
to Oarloa Raymond Vldel, of New York,
was performed at the metropolis Tues
day afternoon In the -presence of many
friends. The groom Is a prominent and
wealthy gentleman.
The toride'a numerous friends In
Scranton have extended their congratu
lations, and every possible wish for the
couple's happiness. . v
Water colors, etchings and photographs,
with or without frames, half pries, Pratt's
sVook Store. ,.--.'
i'ure and Sure."
Will Discuss Topics That Are Linked
with Educational Work.
Subjects That Were Brought to the Atten
tion of the County Instructors at
VcstcrJuj's Sessions of
tho Institute.
Tills v.-lll foe the busiest Cay of the
institute, as the School Directors' as
sociation of the county will meet In the
arbitration room. The otllcers are:
I'res.dent, Thomas 'Hunter, of Jermyn;
lirst vice-president, John L. Stone, ot
AV'aveWy; se-rond vice-president, T. J.
Jennings, Scran fan; secretary, Horace
Sea mans, of La Plume.
The morning session will convene at
10 o'clock. The president, Mr. Hunter,
'will deliver an address, and after the
routir.'j 'preliminary fout'lnesa a (dis
cussion will ensue on the question,
"Should vocal music be added to the
curriculum tf the common schools?"
Dlrcctoi'3 A. IF. 'llrundage, Thomas B.
Evans, John (B. Daniels, nri John W.
Cure will enter ilnto the discussion. Dr.
Georco M. Phillips will answer the
queries of directors.
At the opening of the afternoon ses
sion which will be at 1.30, Superin
tendent Taylor will' address the direc
tors. Election of officers and reports
of committees will .be next In order
and a'lpr that a d'ctiFsion will occur
on the rtutl-es Im-posed by the compul
sory educational law on directors. M.
O. Neary, O. D. iSanderjon, George W.
UtempT and Dr. N. C. Maokey will- take
part In It. IIeputy State Superintend
ent Henry Houck will Uellver an ad
dress and concluding remarks will be
made by the directors.
Met in Sections In the Morning,
The morning session yesterday was,
as on the day previous, In two sections.
Tha primary and Intermediate teaohers
remained In court room No. 1 and the
principals adjourned to 'No. 2 room.
Mtes .Margaret McCloskey took up her
talk on numbers and gave an interest
ing 'blackboard cxereUe. She is very
popular (Willi tho teachers and her
talks are very Instructive, for she has
an aptitude of making .her hearers
reaU'Ily understand her meaning, and
this with a charming flow of language
conVblnos to make her lectures most
Professor Twltwyer addressed the
primary teachers on their opportuni
ties. Sixty per cent, of the boys and
girls of the country leave school at 10
years of age and go to the workshop.
Their narrow sphere In the school
room come under the training and dis
cipline of the primary teacher. He ar
dently maintained that only men and
women of the clearest wisdom and ripe
experience should be allowed to enter
upon the work of a primary teacher.
MIfs MclClosfcy followed With a bright
talk on resisting. Three classes of read
era, he said, tre to 'be found among
the American people; those who read
vapid or.i sentimental literature; those
who read because It is fashionable to be
well posicd on the newest book this
cla'FS would 'be more deeply chagrined
If It became known they had not read
Trilby 'than If they were discovered Ig
norant of ShakeF'pearc; the third class
is that whose members can read good
books with pleasure ami profit
Teachers in n Degree Responsible.
She raid the American people are be
hind the Germami, Italians and French
In literature. The teachers are In a
certain degree responsible for this state
of affairs and It la Incumbent on them
to do something- speedily to bring about
a change In this condition.
Dr. Gordy ppoke on 'psychology. He
believes that all teachers Ehould study
this subject thoroughly. Attention Is
the cnaln thins In the school room.
When the teacher succeeds In riveting
the minds of the children on any sub
ject he has accomplished all that Is
nceersary; the unl-hd of the child will
do the rest.
The principals' section In the other
court room was .presided over by SI.
V. Cumrvminss, of Olyphant. Professor
William Tagffart read a paper on dis
cipline. Mr. Tajrgart Is not In favor
of corporal ipunflshment, and termed It
a relic of 'barbarism. Rewards and
punishment. ehould be given only when
they are richly deserved. Superin
tendents John J. Forbes, of Carbon
dale, and John E. Williams, of Dun
more, and Professors H. J. Hocken
berry, of Carbondale, and M. J. Lloyd,
of Dl.cfcaon, discussed the question of
discipline pro and con. Proifesaor Twlt
myer spoke to them on recitation.
There imust he one to speak and one
to listen. The former must possess the
ablillty to retain the attention of the
hearer, who must be In a teachable
' At tho Afternoon Session.
The afternoon session was opened
with music and George B. P. Bible,
prlnc'oal of East StroudE'burg State
Normal rehool, was Introduced by Mr.
Taykxr. iHe re-echosd the sentiments
expressed Uy illra MjoCloritey on the
culture of a taste for reading and gave
extracts fran Shakespeare, ile Is not
In favor of the fads that have sprung
up; the best evidence of the transient
character of the fad Is Its passing
away a.fter a certain time. The first
lecturer -was Professor Twl tmyer on the
subject. "Development of Civic Vir
tues In the Ppuibllc Sahools."
Man Is a gregarlou.i animal, that is,
he does not like to live alone. There
was a man once who lived alone, but
God saw It was not good for him to
be thus tso.ta.tcd, and sent him a com
panion. This man had no one to ask
him where he had 'been all day, when
he oaime heme in the evening; he had
not the experiences that many men
undergro, yet he, was not content.
The speaker went from this phase of
moralizatlon to the responsibilities
that ree-t -upon teachers In training the
pupils. Order Is one of the essential
principles In the school room. Study
must tie natural, that Is the head, heart
and hands chould work In harmony.
The loafer In school will be the loafer
In society, and the same with the shirk
er. Somo of ttio Essentials.
Self control Is another element neces
sary for the success of the scihooj room.
Economy Is perhaips the mott essen
tial. It Ip not neeesary for a pupil to
oocupy ten minutes with an operation
that requires only half that time. A
tendency to fritter away time In the
class room, begets profligacy In later
life. Pupils imust Ibe loyal to principles
and In. later life they will be seekers
after truth Instead of shysters, and
pot 'house politicians.
The speaker delivered a broadside to
the class of business men who shirk
Jary duty.' They are not loyal cltlsens,
he said; they subjugate the principles
of duty tewsrd the commonwealth to
their own selfish and.
' r . '' '' ' '.
heaping spoonfuls.
Dr. Gordy spoke on the character and
life of John C. Calhoun. This man.
said he, was another Alexander Hamil
ton, with the latter' s distrust of the
people left out. A change came over
Calhoun when he espoused the cause of
c'.avery. Thcimas Jeffctson wrote nul
lification across the pages of history
before John C. Calhou'i appeared upon
the scene.
John Qulncy Adams eal-d that no
American can read the conduct of the
United States toward Mexico In the
war for the possession of Texan terri
tory without being ashamed of It. Mex
ico was bullied and Intimidated.
Dr. George W. Phillips, principal of
the West Chester State (Normal school,
delivered the concluding lecture of the
afternoon session. It was his first ap
pearance at the Institute, and his sub
ject was "A Day In a Good School."
Dr. Phillips Romnikv.
Dr. Philips found the school he spoke
of In his lecture at Qulncy, Mass., the
home of the Adams family. The teach
er would call the school to order by
saying, "Now, let us hear the clock
tick." The children obeyed this veiled
command scrupulously.
Frank llannls and E. J. Roodwln Thrown
from a Carriage on Washington
Avenue, bnt Fortunately Escaped With
out Injury.
That good horsemen are not lmmuned
against runaways nowadays was shown
yesterday morning. Frank Hannis
and E. J. Goodwin, respectively, In the
front rank of professional ana gentle
men drivers of this city, had a miracu
lous escano from serious accldtnt and
furnlnhed no little excitement for pe
destrians and drivers on Washington
The runaway horses were a newly
matched pair which had but a few mo
ments before been hitched together for
trial. The horse that caused the trouble
belonged to a dealer who keeps his
stock in Cuslck'B livery. It's mate was
owned by Mr. Goodwin and was hitched
with the other with the prospect of a
sale to the dealer.
Mr. Hannis held the reins and on his
left Mr. Goodwin was seated when they
left Ousick's stable on Washington ave
nue. The pair drove quietly to Vine
street, where Mr. Hannis turned the
team and headed them toward the
stables. At this point the dealer's horse
plunged forward carrying his quiet
mate with him and when Mulberry
street was reached were going on a
dead run. notwithstanding all the wiles
and strength of so good a driver as
Mr. Hannis.
Tho Speed Was Terrific.
The speed was terrific. Each occu
pant of the buggy knew it was suicidal
to jump. Mr. Hannis realizing the fu
tility of trying to stop the maddened
pair unaided asked Mr. Goodwin to aid
him. The two sawed and tugged at
the reins to no avail. The horses
seemed only to go the faster, and when
passing The Tribune building were fly
ing at race track speed.
Fortunately the avenue was not
crowded with vehicles, but In going
over the Linden street car tracks the
forward axle broke near the laft wheel.
Mr. Goodwin tried to remain in the
bufrgy, but the lurching of his compan
ion crowded him out and he was rolled
and slid about forty feet on the smooth
asphalt pave, landing near the curb
stone. Meanwhile the speed of the
crazed horses was unslackened and Mr.
Hannis made a forced exit from the
buggy In much the same fashion as did
Mr. Goodwin. Neither sustained a cut
or bruise.
Ono Horse Badly Injured.
The team collided with a dray at the
corner of Spruce street and came to a
halt on the sidewalk of the new Mears
building between two piles of bricks.
The pole snapped and was forced into
the chest of the dealer's horse Injuring
him so badly that he may not live.
Mr. Goodwin's horse was uninjured and
on being driven later In the day gave
no sign of having remembered the run
away. Persons who witnessed the runaway
and the lightning speed of the horsea
orvpied how the occupants of the
buggy escaped with their lives.
Pitcher Mnllarkoy. of tho Washington
Club. Given a Party.
Jdhn E. iMullarkey, the well-known
pitcher of the Washington National
league club, who la at present a guest
of his cousin, John Mullarkey, of this
city, was tendered a dancing party at
Excelsior hall, Tuesday evening. A very
large assemiblage was present to meet
the guest of the evening, and they en
Joyed a delightful evening. The grand
march was led by John E. Mullarkey
and his cousin, Miss Anna Mullarkey.
It was participated in by 100 couples.
'Music was furnished "by 'Pianist Joseph
Among those present from out of
town were: John Cohan, .Ma me Cohan,
Maggie P.a.rrett, Lizzie and Sarah Flan
nery, Katie Kelly, Belinda Render and
Belinda Carroll, of Pi'ttston; Patrick
Fceney, of Jermyn; Mary 'Myers, Car
bondale; John CMalley, Olyphant;
Misses Cooney and Haggerty, of Dun
more; Frank 'Pickering, Peckvllle; Dr.
Mulholland, West Pittaton.
Given at Their Hall on Seventh Street
tast Evening.
The active members of the Scranton
Turn Vereln gave ths first of a series
of exhibitions at their hall on Seventh
street last evening In the presence or
the older members and their families
and many who are not in any way
identified with the organization. Music
was furnished by Guth's orchestra and
Professor Saft.
At 9 o'clock the exercises began With
an exhibition by the junior clas rang
ing fram 8 to 12 years of age. The work
of the boys elicited much applause. An
exhibition on the parallel bars by the
active turners was the next feature and
it showed that those who took part In
it were skilled In that branch of gym
nastics. Calisthenics by a class of girls rang
ing from 9 to 18 years was an Interest
ing feature. Others were the high
lumping and wrestling. The exhibition
toncluded at 11 o'clock after which
dancing was Indulged In.
nusiness Non-Attention I
Do you want a good, strong, serviceable,
light, ell-round business buggy for rapid
delivery, orders, etcT If so, call and ex
imlne our own made "Concords," either
open or with Top and Boot complete 25 In
Hock ready for Immediate use. Prices
can't be equalled.
Wm. Blume ft Son.
622 and 624 Spruce st
The regular meeting of Bcranton lodge,
No. 123, B. P. of E., will be held this even
ing at 8 o'clock sharp. Business of Im
portance to bo transacted.
,. W. fl. Gould, Secretary.
Gold and fountain pons Wo. to ft. Pratt's
Book Store.
As your grocer for.Monixm Tsa, It
toll suit you,
Electricity as Underground Motive
Tower Is a Success.
Motor Weighing Nino Tons Can Haul
Twenty Cars a Mile in Four Minutes-It
Works" on tho Pria- .
ciplo of tho Trolley,
Electricity as a motive power In the
coal mines was demonstrated to be a
success, by the 'introduction of a motor
in the Bellevuc shal: of the Delaware,
Lackawanna ar.'i Western. This mo
tor was -tested Monday and Tuesday,
and it provt l yesterday to 'be able no
only to supplant the patient mule, but
also to be capable of accomplishing
quicker, more i-iulsfactery all around
and much more work than the long
eared animal, all at lcs3 expense.
The motor in the.Bellevue mine is but
three feet 'In a'.tltud?, and (t extends
six Inches on each side beyond the raila
of the 3-foot track. lis length Is twelve
feet. The weight of It is about nine
tons. It runs on -the fame principle in
volved In the operation of the trolley
car. There are the overhead wires, fas
tened to the .roc-f iby means of wedges,
the trolley pole, controlling handles and
brakes. A motcrman has a perch of his
own, and lis master of the situation with
two 25-horse power motors at his com
mand. A large headlight throws Its
rays Into '.ihe darknets.
Themachltie was -built at the shops of
the General Electric company of Schen
ectady, iN. Y.. and Is -the first one to
prove successful, it is said. Not that
the sye-tem la del'ecvive, or anything like
that, 'but wherever these machines have
been Introduced seme hitch or another
appears to have attended the test, ne
cessitating a reshlpplng of them back
to the factory for overhauling.
How It Was Got Down the Shaft.
In lowering the motor to the bottom
of thec'haft the hoisting carriage had to
be taken out altogether and the motor
was attached to the rope Itself. It was
then let down slowly and carefully.
There were no marring incidents met
with. The work was accomplished un
der the supervision of Inside Foreman
John Hale. Outside Foreman Bert
Green, sr., and Assistant Foreman Bert
Green, Jr.
The motor, or "dinkey," as the dusky
diamond diggers call It, does Its work
similar to the engine on the steam
road. It hauls cars after It along the
gangways, and this one machine will do
away with !ght mules. The rails on
which It runs weigh forty pounds to the
yard, they are of Iron and are set in
the regular 3-foot guage.
It operates between the foot of the
shaft and the Innermost passing
branch of the main gangway. It hauled
twenty loa-dtd -cars on Monday a half
mile In two m'inutes, and has a s-pec-d
of twenty miles an ihour on an average.
It will be necessary to .press the mule
Into service yet awhile to drag the
empty cars up the chambers to the min
ers, until a machine Is invented that
will do away with that, too.
Persons acquainted with the survey
of a mine .working and the manner in
which coal is hauled to the foot of the
shaft will readily perceive that It Is
not an ImpcrasJblllty to get a similar
motor for chamber work, so that tho
stubborn nn!.mal as a factor in coal
mining will be a relic of bygone days
before the close of the nineteenth cen
tury, Powor Generated Outside.
Alongside the hoisting engine house
at the mouth of the shaft a small dy
namo room has been erected for the
purpose of generating current. It has
a capacity of 250 horsepower; the en
gine wheels make 2.'0 revolutions every
minute and the generator goes around
6M times every sixty seconds. In addi
tion to furnlshln.? current for the jno
tor,' a pump for evacuating the mine of
its surplus water will be run by It,
and a switchboard will be fed that will
give current to llumlnate the breaker,
engine houses, offices, iblacksmith shop,
and all other appurtenances of the col
liery. The hoisting capacity of the shaft Is
ninety cars an hour, and if the new
motor falls to haul cars to the foot of
the shaft with regularity sufficient to
comply with this demand, another mo
tor will be got.
The miners, laborers, and, In fact,
everyone about the mines, are amazed
at the euccepi of the now mnchlne.
This Is hut the first step In the di
rection of harnessing electricity for
motive power underground, and the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
company lnteds to Introduce It In all
Its mines.
Roeso G. Brooks Denies the Published
S'orics About tho Pntisville Meetings
Reese G. Brooks and D. M. and T. H.
Jones, who were reported as being
among the Scranton men present at a
meeting of ee-al operators in Pottsvllle
Monday, -say there Is little truth In t'he
published stories of the gathering. To
a Tribune reporter .Mr. Brooks said yes
terday: "T'he two Mr. Jones and I went to
Pottsvllle .Monday tolely to look after
our Interests in that region. On our
arrival we found 'that a number of sales
agents from Philadelphia were in the
town, and, as Is often the case, a large
number of coal men, who, like our
selves, have property In that region, but
who live -in otlher cities. We met and
talktU- with many of them during the
day and evening, but to my knowledge
there was no meeting, nor do I believe
the coal men congregated there for any
euch purpose."
Mr. Brooks pronounced the story pu'b
llf hed In Tuesday's Pottsvllle Ollner's
Journal as a canard, and said the fol
lowing excerpt from the article Is a
What the Journal Said.
"While no Inside Information as to the
meaning of last night's gathering could
be obtained, one fining is certain that
Pottsvllle and her surroundings will en
Joy a new eta of prosperity by the time
the landed interests of these gentlemen
are ma Je to yield their dusky treasures,
and that time is not very far off. If the
remarks overheard by a reporter have
any significance, the meeting last night
may have formulated plans which will
not only multiply the number of our
coal Industries, 'but diversify our manu
facturing and banking Interests.
"They were to the effect that the big
coal carriers and producers of the
northern coal fields were going to con
centrate against t?he Reading and con
trol most of the anthracite output, not
only In the Luzerne awl Lackawanna
regions, but In .the Schuylkill region as
well. The 'beggarly low price of coal
during the past cummer Is attributed
by some to the Reading, whether well
founded or not, and to prevent future
losses caused 'by such a fall In prices
these gigantic corporations are going
to band together and combat the for
mer company. The Lehigh, Pennsyl
vania, Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western and a r,umlber of otlhers are In
the deal, It Is said.
Big Coal Metropolis.
"Potts-vtlle will be the big coal
metropolis of the battle ground and will
bear tho same relation to this mighty
revival of Industrial activity that
Scranton holds with the phenomenal
development of the Lackawanna coal
fields. A bank Is talked of also. Wltti
t'he gravitation of eo much wealth to
Pottavtlle, a better system 'f banking
nay tlhese men must be provided, Frank
Howell Is at present the heaviest stock
holder In the Mechanics' bank at Scran
ton, and moat of t he others are director!
In similar institutions.
"It ail aeetna plausible eViough that
thtM capital uru ptean wha they aay,
for wlrJh the tSiof wealth which Is set
ting tow ax i this part of the county,
greater banking facilities will be need
ed. They are too shrewd not to see
that such en Institution controlled by
themselves, will vastly assist them and
at the fame time make Its earning capa
city felt In the accumulation of
wealth." .
They Dellghod a Lirgo Audicncs at
tho Frothinghato.
One of Frohman'a most talented com
panies with Cissy Fltsgerald as the
particular attraction ought to give sat
isfaction to any audience. This It did
undoubtedly to the packed house which
greeted "The Foundling" at the Froth
ingham last night The company and
Cissy are certainly delightful enter
tainers and the play Is a very appro
priate vehicle for the delivery of their
entertainment, but no one will take the
trouble to sit down to think out the
lesson it teaches or the moral It points
It Is one of those plays, the action of
which is so circumstanced at times that
a great many things can be said and
done without appearing offensive, but
which, if robbed of their occasions,
would be decidedly raw. It's story Is
nothing more or less than a cleverly
linked chain of ludicrous complications
along the marital line. In the unravel
ing of which the author takes all the
liberty the present elevated tone of the
stage allows.
After seeing Cissy Fitzgerald one can
easily understand how New York
adopted her as a proper fad. 'She is
graceful and pretty, but does not by
any means deserve the superlative
when comparing her with others of her
She smiles and winks after her own
peculiar and winsome fashion, but these
achievements do not put her in the van
of dance hall graduates. There Is a
something about her, however, that Is
new and different from anything else of
that kind ana tt Is this new something
after which New Yorkers are always
on the lookout that made Cissy Fitz
gerald their Idol for a season.
The leaders among the mortals who
comprise the company . are Thomas
Burns, who played the part of Major
Colton, a henpecked but SDorty old
boy; S. Miller Kent, as Dick Pennell,
the unfortunate younf,' lover, who bears
the brunt of the disastrous complica
tions; Charles W. Butler, eccentric
comedian; Clara Baker Pust as Mrs.
Colton, of strong will, and Maggie Hol
loway Fisher, the Miss Ussher, a prime
old maid.
A Bort skit called "The Man Up
stairs," of the same style as "The
Foundling," was given as a curtain
Man Who Was Struck by a D., L. and W.
Passenger Train at New Mllford.
At 10.25 last night the spirit of John
MIcket, the 'Hungarian who was struck
by a Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern passenger train at New Mllford
Tuesday afternoon, went to its eternal
reward. The -body Is at the morgue in
the Moses Taylor hospital, where he
was 'brought, and relations In this city
are expected to arrange for the fu
neral today.
The deceased was 37 years of age; his
wife and family are in the old country.
He was employed as section hand on
the railroad, was at work Tuesday,
but failed to get out of the way of the
fast express. His body was mangled,
the top of the head having been torn
off, but he lingered unconscious until
the hour named.
Llndon Stroct Bridge Is Opened for
Vehicular Traffle.
The Linden street bridge Is now open
for vehicular traffic The bars at either
entrace were removed yesterday, and
during the day many drivers took ad
vantage of the opportunity to make
a, short out to Sixth street, or from
Sixth street over. Tine approaches are
not as yet graded, but enough filling
has 'been done to permit of the bridge
being saifely reached at either end.
The -beet way to approach the bridge
frcm the West Side la by way of Sev
enth and S'wet'and etreets. There hi a
hollow at the Sixth street end of the
bridge ttiat must be filled up before
Sixth street can be made easily acces
sible from the bridge.
Tho Great Sale Still Continues.
The creditors of the Martin ft Delany
rale will otter a large line of all wool suits
which have been sold at 110, 12, $14. $',6,
118, 120 at Just A the former price 15, 18,
17, S, JO, 10 all next week. This Is a
first-class opportunity for the people of
Scranton and surroundings to supply
themselves for the winter In suits of
clothing.' This Is without doubt the best
and cheapest bargain that will be offere j
In Scranton In many a day to come. We
will guarantee every one of these suits to
be strictly all wool and free from shoddy.
Our overcoat and ulster department is
without doubt the most complete one ever
shown In Scranton. It comprises the best
of makes in Mellons, Kerseys, Freese,
Chinchilla and Worsted ever shown, and
ell newly made for this winter's wear, of
which we will give you 2" cents on every
dollar of what you buy. To get the choice
of these bargains you will have to come
early, as they are selling very fast. Don't
forget the place. Martin & Delany's old
Miss Genevieve Romnioll
Is prepared to take pupils In piano and
theory at her studio, No. 205 Washington
avenue, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday of each week. Entrance through
J. W. Guernsey's music store.
Weals and Cold Lunches.
Meals and cold lunches served at all
hours at Lohmann's, Spruce street. Regu
lar dinner 40 cents. Imported and domes
tic wines, cigars and liquors.
Holiday books In sets and single vol
umes at half price. Pratt's Book Store.
Buy tho Weber,
and get the best At Guernsey Bros.
Photo albums. Bibles and Testaments
below cost. Pratt's Book Store.
Everything In the store will be greatly
sacrificed until Oct, 15 on account of re
moval to Williams building, Linden street
and Washington avenue. Pratt's Book
WRIGHT On Apple street, Dunmore,
Oct. 28, Mrs. Grace Wright, aged 72
years. Funeral today at 2.30 p. m.
Burial In Dunmore cemetery.
With us and you will have no
cause to regret it. The early
part of the week will be the
nost favorable time, as work
can be turned out more
promptly than the latter part,
.vhich is usually the busiest
time of the week. We are
showing a great many new
models, which include all of
the up-to-date styles.
324Urr.:.a Ail
TEiis fld
vertisement tells you
where to find original
novelties in Sterling Sil
ver, moderate in price,
extensive in variety.
417 Lackawanna Ays.
Malcolm Loyo.
donga & Warren,
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Prices.
E HAVE a car of
very fine York
State Potatoes in
transit. We will
sell in lots of five
bushels or more at 27c. per
bushel, providing the order is
left at the store between now
and Friday, Nov. 1st, and the
potatoes taken from the car
on arrival; or we will receive
orders for them until the above
date and put them in purchas
ers' cellar at 29 Cents Per
Bushel. It will soon be nec
essary to ship potatoes in
heated cars, which will add
considerable to their cost,con
sequently we think this is
about the best offer in the po
tato line that will be made this
season. We warrant the eat
ing and keeping qualities of
the stock.
There Is
no glass
made In
the world
which com
ninods i d
more than
It stands nn.
rivalled and
cnlv t'e r
tlsts of Venice
are nlo to
produce sarh
riqulnlte and
wilh the col
cr-d effects
about them.
Pane by snd
see exhibit in
on r show
Louis - Rupprecht,
Hnoceseor to Enjeue Kleberg.
231 PannAve.. Opp. Baptist Church
m um m r
latdadln tho velnlee MtrsoHnf f
Mtk bj aa entirely as pi a asm
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.f
1 an,
Selling line of Ladies'
and Misses' Furs and
Cloth Garments in Scran
ton. Our established
reputation is a guarantee
of merit.
in fh
Were the best in '94 and
will be better than the
best in '95 and '96. We
carry a large line of
Children's and Infants'
Coats and Capes in all
the newest styles and
For one week we will
sell $3.00 hats for $1.25.
jr. BOLZ,
133 Wyoming Avenue.
Tin Only Practical Furrier ki the City.
Winter Will
Soon Hw
And to be prepared to meet the eold
weather yon want a seasonable Suit or
an Overcoat or both
408 Lackawanna Ays.
The largest stock to seldct from. Trim
ming Always of tao Best, Latost Stylos
in Cutting, and made up on the premises
by Export Workmen.
CVNothlng allowed to leave the estab
lishment unlasi satisfactory to the cus
tomer, and the lowest prices consistent
with Hood More-hint Tailoring.
Costs more than cheap
stuff but worth it
keeps you well, strong
and happy. A full line
to select from.
412 Spruce, 20S Lack.
ff I M P
Hare been purchased by and oscd
During the past twelve years.
And vicinity during the past few years,
show thoir immense popularity. 1 hero
is no doubt ahoat tholr Doing The Beet
Piano for the Money in the Mar
ket Today.
We Wiil Be Pleased
To (how you our large stock of these and
other first-clam instruments nd give
prices and terms to all Intending par
226-228-230 Wyoming Ave
Ue at frMil the Mom reeolar aa riein4 kf
LaaoMt ArilM
Ware reomf ! OppetttaColusiBus Moanmeat,
ssui..iilaMslii Najj
FT 7