The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 31, 1895, Page 3, Image 3
THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNINGr. OCTOBER 31, 1893. 3 wi bus AT NORTON'S, Burnett, Mrs., Two Little l'ilijrinis, by author "Dittlc fauntlcroy." Hope, Anthony, Count Antonio Chroni cles. Wlsgln, Mrs., Village Watch Tower. Wcyman, Stanley, Gentleman of France. I'emberton, Mas. Little Hugcrnots. Crockett, Bog, Myrtle ana Peat, Haggard, Heart of the World. ' King, Capt., Fort Frayne, Ward, Mrs., Story cf Bessie Cottrell. Crockett, Men of the Moss Hags. Wcyman, The King's Stratcgciu. Goodloc, Mrs., College Girls, Gibson's Illustrations. Davis.R. H., Princess Aline.illustratcd, Davis, R. H., About Paris, illustrated. St me of the recent books, rapid sellers, McClarcn, Bonnie Briar Bush. Hope, Anthony, Prisoner of Zenda. Caiue, Hall, Manxman. Our prices on above arc Interesting. "Teachers' " Bibles at surprise prices. Chautauqua Course Books, 85 cts. I A Fob to Dyspepsia! GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE DY The Weston Mill Co, I'EKSONAL. Mis Mnmo I). Ostrnnder, of Plttston, (pent yesterdny In theclty visiting frlenJs. J. E. Hrennnn, clerk of the common council, of Curhonclnle, wus a visitor at the city hall yesterday. William Dull, formerly editor of tho Scranton Times, Is now the city editor of the Washington Evening News, one of the live papers of tho natlunal capital. TONIGHT'S CONCERT. Programme That Will He Rendered at the 1'enn Avenue Church. The following programme will be ren dered at a concert to be given In the Penn Avenue ilaptlut church this evening: PART I. Overture, "Flora" Schlegrell Imperial Quartette. Tenor solo, "Sweet Little Mary"...Wooler N. A. Croft. 4kvll ,miUlli....n..( . Ill iPd l!lllt ,31111, ITI Bong , Eddie and Mary Davis Violin solo Will Allen Bolo, "Pattl Walts! Song" Pattison Miss Hilda Qarraean. March, "King Cotton" Sousa Imperial Quartette. PAIIT II. Selection Imperial Quartette Bolo Miss Slide lilurk Recitation Miss Lulu Porter Piano solo Miss Anna Ansluy Trio.... Messrs. Allen, Klple and Doersam Duet Misses Garrapnn and lilurk Selection Imperial Quartette MARRIED AT READING. Miss Laura Oclgor Ilccomcs the Wife of Dr. Reynold. Of This City. The wedding of .Miss Laura Oelger, of Heading to Dr. George B. Reynolds, a successful young physician of this city, took place at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and .Mrs. John M. Oelger, in Heading, In the presence of friends from Reading, Scranton, Plttston, Phil adelphia, Allentown, Burlington, N. J., and other points. The couple left at 3.25 p. m. via tho Philadelphia and Reading road on an extended wedding trip, and will spend their honeymoon at the Atlanta ex position. On their return they will take passeeslon of a very handsomely furnished house at 205 North Main avenue, this city. Are You Low-Spirited ? Take Horsford'a Acid Phosphate. Worry Is worse than work makes a Wan sick quicker. Worry comes largely from nervousness. Horsford's Acid Phos phate clears the brain and strengthens the ' nerves. i Wall paper at ysur own price. Pratt's Book Store. . Taylor's Sow Index Map of Scranton and Ounmnre for sale at Taylor's Directory office, 12 Tribune building, or given with an order for the Scranton Directory 1890. ' Blank books and stationery below cost. Pratt's Book Store. THERE'S A CHARM ABOUT THEM $3 There Is a charm about these fine kid boots which we are selling at $3. It is the lustrous, soft feel ing kid, the .flexible white oak soles, silk trimmings, beaded amps and quarters; they are extremely stylish, too or they would not be on sale at this store; $3 the pair. SCII1K A KOEIILER, 410 fei S!rd. INDOOR BASE v BULL HERE I'irst Game Was Played on the West Side Lost Night. . EXCITING, LAUGHABLE SI'OKT South SIdo Team Won by a Ssoro of 0-3. Wine Innings Occupied About an Hour-Description of tho New Sport. The first game of indoor lace ball In Scranton was plnyed lust night In St. David's hall on the West Side between a club representing tnat rectlon of the city and the South Side club. The lat ter won by a score of G to i. Tho game was really an experiment and for that reason had not been adver tised, but the result was all that the promoters of tho sport In this city could ask for, and the future games of tho Scranton Indoor Base Itall league seem destined to bo witnessed by li-rge crowds. Last rXfrfit's game consisted of nine innings and occupied only 65 minutes. The summary of the game is ns follows: South Side. West Bide. Ketrlck catcher Allen Southcra pitcher Kvans McDonald first huso Davis J. TlKhe second base A. 1 Utile Mulurki-y third base Lowry Hess phortFtnp Peck Murphy left Held CadiiRgSn Kerl HBht fUM Major West Side 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 South Side 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 -. Struck out liy Kvans, 2; by Soothers, I. Hase on balls Off Hvans, 1. 1'mplro Jennings. The possibilities of the game will be appreciated when last night's (wall score Is considerol and the fact that the players had but little opportunity for practice. -i Differs from tho Outdoor Cnmc. The pport Is radically different from tho outdoor game, nlthough tha rtih's differ but slightly. The bases are only twenty-seven ft'ct apart, yet It is rare ly that the large, soft ball Is batted out side the diamond. Last night's contest kept the small audience in a gale of laughter and good humor and the play ers were f.o enthused that games are bound to l.e played at frequent In tervals whether spectators prove nu merous or not. However, the history of the game will reverse Itself If in Scranton It fails to make a lilt. Al though the flrnt game in this city was highly successful, the cramped spnee available In St. David's hall detracted somewhat front the Interest of the sport and it is quite likely that future games on the West Side will be played In Turner hall. St. John's hall on the South Side, the Thirteenth regiment armory In the central elty and Com pany II armory in the North Knd will contain the games In those sections. The following description of indoor base ball will be read with Interest in view of the prospects of its popularity In Scranton: The game was Invented In Chicago in 1S87, and camp about through a frolic among the members of the Far ragut club. who. In a spirit of fun on Thanksgiving Day of that year, threw around the hall an orldinary "boxing glove, which was struck at by one of the young men with a broom. With the players In position they commenced their sport without rule or wisdom, but there was great fun, and bo the sport was evolved. It Is Popular and F.xlillnrntini;. The regulations and rules are made to equalize the difference of size and sur roundings from outdoor base ball, and have been found to work satisfactorily In making up a sport which Is both popular and exhilarating. At first the pport -was confined to a few of the social clubs of Chicago, which had or ganized a league, but during the past few years great strides have 'been made toward having the game spread all over the United States. Many of the Chicago cluos made trips to cities in the west, and played Indoor ball tiefore larRo crowds of spectators, who had be come lnltlate.1 in the sport, and conse quently extremely interested, for It is said of Indoor tall that It Is the most excltlnsr sport which the winter months give for, the F-pace alloted for play usually being somewhat confined, the spectators and players are at no great distance frcm each other, and the rapid action is of a very exciting na ture. A different style of play Is noticeable In the successful Indoor player from that adopted outdoors. In sliding to bases there Is perfect abandon, and in sliding well around the "bag the arm Is thrust out In passing, and the base held. In batting, the ball can be bunt ed succeEsfully, and as the llrst con tact with the floor decides its fairness, this feature Is one practiced by many of the best players. The Ehort stops usually play close to the 'batter about ten feet, one on either Bide of the pitcher, for In the Indoor game the right fielder comes Into tho diamond and takes the position known as "right short." Size of the Itnll I'scd. The ball used is of a compact sub stance, seventeen inches In circumfer ence, -weights eight and a quarter ounces, has a white cover, and, while lively. It Is go made as to do no dam age to objects surrounding the field. The limit of size of the bat Is two and three-quarters feet long and one and a quarter inches Indlameterat thelargest part. The weight is not limited. The pneumatic tip is filled with air, and at once conforms to the shape of the palm of the hand, when pressed, thus making the bat almost Incapable of slipping from the grasp. The bases are half filled with sand or other heavy substance, so they will remain In place on the floor, unless grasped by the player In running or sliding to the "base. They are not at tached to the floor, tout placed loosely on a marked ppot, to which they are returned whenever displaced. The home base Is of rubber, one foot each way, and Is also placed on a marked square. The shoes have rubber soles. Where bases He near a wall, padded mats are stood up opposite, against which the players may strike when running or sliding. The next (tame will be played tomor row or Saturday night In the Thir teenth Ttedment armory, between the North End and Central City clubs. SEMINARY SHIT OlT. It Failed to Score Against the Bicycle Club's Eleven. The Scranton Bicycle club foot ball team Jurneyed to Kingston yesterday and defeated the crack Wyoming sem Innry eleven In two twenty-five-minute halves by a score of 12 to 0 In the pres ence of about BOO spectators, the major ity of which were students of the school. It was an Ideal foot ball day and the Scranton team surprised their many frlpnds and rooters by the man ner In which they played. Kymer and Oendall put up a star game for the seminary, while the whole Scranton team, without exception, played In uni son, and their interference at times was simply superb. Decker played a star game, mak ing the largest gains for Scranton, while Walsh played quarter back like a veteran. Scranton's line, as usual, was like a stone wall, the ' seminary backs being unable to gain at any point and often being thrown back for a loss. ' Rymer Won the Toss At exactly 8.30 the Scranton team came trotting out on the gridiron, fol lowed soon after by the seminary eleven. Rymer won the toss and took the east goat. Decker kicked off and Rymer ran the ball back to the center of the field. On the line up. Frantl ran around the end for fifteen yards, fol lower by Bymtr around the. other end for ten more yards. Barnard plunged through tackle and end for four yards and Kymer edged around Decker's end for eight yards, placing the ball on Bcranton's live-yard lire. Scranton secured the ball on four downs and Decker was sent uround the end for forty-tlve yards. A fumble end Gendall falls on the ball. Short dashes by the seminary backs, carried the ball to Scranton's flfteen-ye.rd Una. liymer fumbled and Cann grabbed the ball and started down the field like a Rash. With a clear field. It looked like a touchdown, but Gendall downed him on seminary's ten-yard line, after an eighty-yard run. Posner dived through the end and tackle for five yards and Connery was pushed over the 11ns for the first touchdown. Decker kicked the goal. Plunged Through tho Line.. Rymer kicked off and Cogglna was downed without a gain. Connery, Zang and tielbeit r-uw'l through the line for largo gains and Decker circled the end, carrying the ball to the middle of the field. Time was called soon after with the ball In seminary's territory. Score 6-0. In the second half Wyoming kicked off and Scranton rushed the pigskin right down the field, where Gelbert went through right tackle and end for the second touchdown. Decker, as usual, kicking a pretty goal. Gelbert fumbled Hymer's kick and a seminary man fell on It. The ball was seminary's on Scritnton's ten-yard line. Rymer tried to go through Allen but was downed on the line. Frantz trlscl the other Ride, but Cogglns was through and blocked his "inn. Tim? was called with ball on Scranton's twenty-yard line. Total score: Scranton, 12; Semi nary, 0. Scranton. Som'nary. Cann left end Taylor f'o.Tglns left tackle ltet Connery left guard Stark Cleveland center Johnson .ling right gunrd Decker Allen rlKhl tackle.... Mcpcrmott Dfcker rlKht end ltolitnon Walsh j. quarter back Gendall Gelbert left half back Krauts Posner right half back Hymer Carr full back Ttarnard I'mplie, Gelbert; referee, McCartney; linesman, Huddy IT IS STILL HANGING FIR1-. Tho Trouble at lnihsr's Court Yet in Stntun Oun. The possibility of a struggle at Fnr- biT court Is fact fading away. Henry Hiefenberg. who represents all the ob jecting property holders, gave up his hunt for satisfaction nt 10 o'clock Tues day night nt which hour ho left City So licitor Torrey's residence fully satisfied to refrain from making any disturb ance until a conference can be had with Mayor Connell. . I'p to date the contractors have had but three men nt work on the private ground, merely enough to invite in junction proceedings, after which they intended to put on a full force. As the property holders refuse to go to the ex pense of an injunction the contractors have decided to delav no longer ond will this morning put on a full force of men, come what may. Mr. Hiefenberg, whose lot Is In the center of tho plot, has notified the con tractors not to set foot on his land, until he gives permission and that be will not do so until the city comes to buine un derstanding with him. Fine writing paper 15e. per lb. Pratt's Hook Store. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Some of tho Plays That Arc nillcd to Appear In City Thcutcrs. The Allentown Chronicle has this to say of "Shore Acres," which appeared in thit cily Tuesday nlKht: " 'Sliure Acres' had Its second presentation in this city last nlKlit In the Academy of Music before a large audience. Tho beauty, naturalness and simplicity of this play grow upon an audience as the scenes unfold themselves and the history is revealed. The play Is like a whiff of fresh air after one has In haled the miasmatic exhalation from a swamp. It Is pure, It Is perfect. It Is a simple story of simple folk,' a revelatalon of the joys and sorrows, the striiKgles and ambitions of a household In Maine. All the accessories fit Into the story. Tho characters are drawn with absolute fidel ity. Nothing Is exaKgerated. The com pany Is the same us regards tho princi pals, with ono exception, as the one that presented It Inst season. James Lack aye's 'Martin Herry' Is to-day one of tho finest character works on the stage. His portrayal of the ambitious, sordid, pas sionate and at last remorseful farmer Is as clear cut as a cameo. It Is the work of an artist. The same can bo said of the personation of that lovable, patient, sturdy character 'Nathaniel Berry by Archie lloyd. Kd. J. Connelly was again tho lank, amusing 'Joell Gates, the glass widower, whose work was only second to that of the llrst named. The entire com pany Is strong and well balanced." "Shore Acres" will be seen at the Academy of Music to-night and to-morrow night. O'Neill Friday and Suturday Night. James O'Neill's name Is almost a house hold word throughout the whole land. His popularity is not undeserved, because It may bo truthfully said of him that lie has always been loyal to his trust as an artist, us lie has only allowed himself to be associated with the best, purest and noblest in art. His lung association with Monte Crlsto is one of the traditions of tho American stage This season ha has Included tragedy in his reportolre and during his forthcoming appearance at the KrothliiKhnm on Friday and Saturday ho will be seen ns "Vlrglnlus" Friday night, while "Monte Cristo" will be played Sat urday evening. Mr. O'Neill's first per formance of Vlrglnlus was given last sea son In Ban Francisco and called forth encomiums of unwonted strength from every art-loving and conscientious critic. A Black Sheep at the 'Academy. When the theatre-going public see en announcement that a Hoyt comedy is booked to npear here, they not only pro. paro themselves for the event, but can rely upon getting the best attraction on the road. Next Saturday evening at tho Academy his latest and greatest success, "A Black Sheep," will be presented for the first time In this city, with the same cast and elaborate scenery which characterized the run of fourteen weeks In Chicago, and twelve weeks In Boston. Uccvcs' Company at Davis. For the last three days of this week Al Itoeves and his big company holds the boards at Davis' theater. In this organi zation are a number of great novelties, including Nathan, the armless wonder; Agnes Chcrcot, only lady hypnotist; Al Reeves, the banjo Paderewskl; the Hlatts, musical experts; and many other Interest ing features. This company plays the best houses in the country, and has a na tional reputation for excellence. Palmer Cox's Brownies. On next Monday and Tuesday evenings and Tuesday afternoon, C. B. Jefferson. Klaw and Krlanger's immense production of Palmer Cox's Brownies will be at the Krothlngham. Since seen hero last spring, the Ilrownles has been very materially Improved, while all of the best features of last year's piece have been retained. Such grand effects os a thrilling ship wreck, a terribly realistic earthquake and volcano, and the Instant destruction of a magnificent palace are presented in a way that has been hitherto unattcmpted. The very height of stage-art has been reached In these grand climaxes. The final transformation, "A Night In Brown ielnnd,' showing in marvelous hues tha unfolding into glorious life of the moon flower and thp nlght-bloomlng cereus, Is of such magnificence that words fall to describe It. Over 100 of the highest-salaried artists are necessary for the gor geous production. The world-famous Brownies ore surounded by beautiful wo men. Among the prominent features are the serial ballet, danced in mld-alr to the most superb calcium effects, and the Ori ental ballet, both of whlcdh created a furore. Milton Oborn Opera Co. The success attending the engagement of the Milton A born Opera company Is well remembered by Scranton theater goers, and the Academy of Music will un doubtedly be packed at every perform ance. Mr. Aborn made many friends when he appeared here last season, and will un doubtedly add many to those, already gained. Monday "Said Pasha" will ba presented, Milton Aborn appearing as Hadad, one of his finest characters. All last season's favorites will be In tho cast, and will be seen to advantage in each opera, presented. Bests on sale Friday morning for entire engagement. Inks 35c. per qt Wc. per ptnl, writing paper, envelopes and tablets at half price tor a fw days. Pratt's Book Itore. TBEY ARE OH fl STILL BUNT Democratic County Csndidatcs Feci That Their Suits Are HomcIcss. AKE APTEK KEITULICAX VOTES Ilcllcvo That Their Solvn ion Lies in Securing The in-Ballots for I'so at Tuesday's Election Are Being i'rintod-Nuiucs of Cmtdldatcs. No quitter campaign has ever been waged In Lackawanna county than that which will close on Tuesday even ing after the voters have expressed their will regarding the various candi dates for the otllees to be filled. The jsct that the battle has ibeen quietly fought docs not mean that It has been devoid of lnt?rcst, for such is by no means tho case. In The Tribune office a large force sl workmen were engaged yesterday printing the official anil specimen bal lots, which will be used Tuesduy ut th polling places of the county. Alto gether 72,179 are required to supply the needs of tho county. Of this number 12,080 ata specimen and 60,119 ofilclal ballots. The following are the candi dates on the official ballots: State Treasurer Benjamin J. Hay wood, Republican; li?njumin F. My-. ers, Democrat; William ,H. Kerry, Pro hibitionist; George W. iJnwson, Peo ple's; George Anton. Socialist-Labor. Judges of the Muperior Court James A. Beaver, Kdwnrd N. Wlllard, John J. Wlckham, Charles K. Rice, Howard J. Reedor. George U. Orlady. Republican; Harinnn Yerkcs. James 8. Moorhead. Charles Henry Noyes, Peter 1. Smith, Oliver P. Hechtel, Christopher Miigee, Democratic; Edward Campbell, Will lam W. Lnthrope. David Sterrott, Lewis D. Vail. F. Harry Hoffer, Ad! 3 A. Stev ens, Prohibition: John II. Stevenson, D. O. Couchlln, William C. Rhuem, Peo ple's. Coroner Snmuel P. Lnngstreet, Re publican; John A. Kelley, D?mocratlc; John C. Rateson, Prohibition. County Surveyor Udmud Hnrtl, Re publican; At ram R. Dunning, Demo cratic; Milton P. Mitchell, Prohibition. Delivery of the llnllots. These nro the men voters of Lacka wanna will have an opportunity of making a choice between on Tuesday. The work of printing the ballots Is al most completed and on Saturday the county commissioners will begin to de liver them to the election officers of the county. At this election the new schedule adopted by the last legislature for the payment of election officers wil' go Into effect. It differs but little from tlw umounts that have heretofore been paid, but grades the figures according to tho number of votes cast in a dis trict. This campaign haa been notable for the absence of torchlight processions, rallies and the other means usually em ployed to stir up the enthusiasm of the laggard partisans. While thee pub lic manifestations of campaigning have been lacking tho candidates for the county oftioss have bestirred them Eelvets and went 'about the county that the voters might see what manner of men were asking for their suffrage. Reports from all parts of the county show that Dr. S. P. Longstreet, the Re publican candidate for coroner, and Edmund A. Burtl, the candBJate for surveyor, have made a splendid im preavion on the voters everywhere and the indications are that they will re ceive a large party vote and draw not a little from the ranks of the opposition. They are both men of unquestioned ability who will make excellent officials. Get Out tho Vote. Ono thing that should be remembered by Republicans all over the county and that is to vote and get their friends to vote. As. this Is a light year, politically speaking, many may be tempted to stay away from the polls and thus reduce the sise of the emphatic majorities that ehould confront the Democrats on the morning succeeding the election. The candidates for county and state officers should not be neglected by any Republican on Tuesday. Judge Wll lard Is entitled to a large vote at his own home and it Is the duty of the members of the party he has for years so faithfully served to cast a vote for blm and the other Republican candi dates for the Superior court. The Democratic county candidates are making a HI1 hunt for votes in all parts of the county. Such disaffection exists through all the ramifications of their party that they realize that their pult for public favor is hopeless If they fail to dnw votes fom the Republican party, and they arc using all their wiles with that end In view. FUNERAL OF AIRS. WAGNER. Many Sorrowing Friends Follow the Remains to tlio Crave. Many sorrowing friends followed the remins of Mrs. Charles F. Wagner to the grave from her late residence in Petersburg Tuesday afternoon. She was the wife of Chief Clerk Wagner, of the county commissioners' office, and was a woman of rare loveliness of dis position. She Is survlvel.1' by her .husband and the following children: .Minnie C, Catharine, Henrietta, Emma, Sophia, Charles F Clarence I;., Oscar W., Ger trude M. and Louisa C. Wagner. Get the very latest, and that Is the Queen Surrey Trap, a triple combination of Surrey, Trap or Buggy. To be seen only at Blume's Carriage Repository, and 624 Spruce st. Can you afford to pay quality than we ask? 1 1 1 o ) A MEARS & HAGEN, 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. English Capital for American Invest ments. Important to Americans reeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of 2-0 successful promoters who have piaeei over 100.OKI.OW sterling in foreign Invest ment within the lost six years, and over f JS.uxiO.OUi for the seven months of ISM. Price 5 or J25, payable by postal order to tho London ami Universal Bureau of Investors, 20, Cheapslue, London, K. C. Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to receive cither personal or letters of introduction to any of these successful promoters. This list is first class in every rcspoet, and every mnn or firm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placlns the following It will be found in valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Alines. Dlrectors-STR EDWARD C. ROSS. HON. WAI.TKR C. TKDTI. CAPT. ARTHUR-STIKFR. Copyright. "Ilow to Cnro All Skin n!seno." Simply apply "Swayne's O'nlment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and heaithy. Its great healing und rurat'.ve powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. Wm. EPimo & Son have tho finest dls play cf Cabriolets, Traps, Surreys. Bun gles and all kinds of pleasure and busi ness vehicles to be te.-n outside of the great c'.tlis. No reed of going out of town to purchase hltfh grade carriages; we have them right at home nt Blume's CarHige Repos'tory, C22 and 524 Spruce st. 5.10 Feet Higher than Scranton is Scheibel's hotel nt the end of the new Klmhurst boulevard road. You can get the best of meals at all hours, also refreshments of nil kinds. Plllsbury's flour mills have a capacity of 17.M0 barrels a day. REXFORD'S. Success Every inch of this store; work-rn-n putting now frmt; ether improvements roming. What has grown so? Takes four times more help to servo yon now than it did a year oao. Only iim way rellaLlo goods; buy right; Boll rlhu Clocks Ansonis. tho best make. Bny. ing by tho hundreds gives us an advnntagQ. Alurni Clock, seru ruto ttmoand gets you up on the 7Rn ndiiuto I Ju Decorative Porcelain Clock, 1 Qft Dresden stylo $ ItwU Onyx, gold ornamented, a S.13 &Qft Clock; we say , $U Opera Glasses Only by chance conld ws offr such bargains. Might bring ns more Christmas week; we won't wait. Prices on tbem in case out f rout. We mention tUosu; Dlaek Morocco Trimmed, tt1 7R good glass, worth J3.0O $Mfw Peautiful Pearl, gold trimmed, (f Q Cf) double achromatic, 7 quality.. $diJU Morocco, double achromatic, ox- (JO Qft tr atrong leases $it)U Come Today, REXFORD'S. 213 Lackawanna Avenue. TAR CUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrlppe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELAIEX DORF, Llmlra, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CONNELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi HI A 11 We Are Showing Newest and Nicest Stock of Ladies GAPES i IB At prices that attract the at tention of every lady who exam ines them. others more for the same III T HI j i raw ci And other choice French makes. Our assortment is now very large, having just opened several direct im porta tlom containing a'.l the latest novelties. MICHEL & MILLAR, 134 UYO.HIM AVENUE. Walk in and look around. la Now at His New Store with a FULL LINE OF HATS -AND- Sole Agent for Knox Hats. Come aud Kce Me. 205 WYOIMNS AVENUE. 1 lii Bi OF SCRANTON. Clfll, Special Attention Given to Business and Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID OH TIME DEPOSITS. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y aro located the finest Ashing and hunting grounds in the world. Descriptive books on application. Ticket to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, Ht Paul. Canadian and United States North wests, Vancouver, Seattle, Tauoma, Portland, Oro., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and sp o inlly adapted to want of families may be had with Rocoaddass tickets. Bates always lesi than via other linos. For full information, time tablos, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A. 353 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE RECEIVERS China fia 1. P. HUM raffle ftp .UWUElfl 1 niny a i una n.a.hulbert's til OlllO 6111 1111 MARTIN CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to 5o per cent, below cost. These Goods Must Be Sold And if you want bargains come and get them at once. . MM I i DR. E. GREWER, The Ph:iade!hia Specialist, and his asio c.uted stu.'f of iiei:iih and Oermaa physicians, are now pertha ncntly located at Old Postefflce Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street The doctor Is a graduate of the Univer sity of IVnnaylvania, formerly demon suator of physiology and aurgery at the'hirurgle'ul college of Phlludel phUi. Hia epeclalties are Chron'.c. N'er ous. Skin, Heart, Womb and lilood d. easer. DISEASES OF THE KERYOUS SYSTES I lie symptoms of which are dizziness, lauic of commence, sexual weakness in men and women, hall rising in throat, spots II jat. iin before the eyes, loss of memory, unuble to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, d'stressod mind, which unllts them for performing the actual du. ties of life, muklnrf happiness impossible distressing; the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, feur, dreams, mel ancholy, tiro eay of company, feeling a tired in the morning as when retiring;, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, consti pation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those ko affected siiould consult us Immediately; and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Meu Cured, If you have been given up by your phy Blcian call upon the doctor and be exam ined, lie cures the worst eases of Nerv ous, Debility, Scrofula, old Sores, Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of tho Kye, Kar, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Otllce hours daily from 9 a. in. to 9 p. ni. Sunday, 9 to 2. Knrloso five 2-cent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In iro'it to nnyono whom I cannot euro of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS OH FITS. DR. E. GREWFtt. Old Post Office Building, corner Pens avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON, PA, WYOMJNG AVE, SCRANTON, STRIIMV 8 SOU DECKER BROTHERS IRANICH S BACK and Others STULTZ i BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS CU5ICAL nERCHANDlSB. MUSIC, ETC We Will See What Bicycles We Have on Hani! At a price which Mill save tha buyer money. Victorias. Gendrons, Relays', in Men's Wheels. Victorias and . Gendrons in Ladies' Wheels. We have some second-hand Wheels at your own price. Baby Carriages at a bargain. ID. 314 LACKS. AVE., SCRANTON, Pi TtfC PRDC and your eye will lAKt lAnt t.kecar. of yon. U M ...... .., you arn troubled with OF YOUR EYES kadache or nerrou. Ur IUWI1 LILkJ nossgoioOR.SHIM. W'KG'S and bnvo your eys examined frsa. We Lave reduced prices and are the lowest in the city. Nickel spectacles from fl to Mi gold from t to W. 305 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa, OF WJ & DELANY'S LUIY RECEIVERS; IjOElfl j All,