EIGHT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. SCRAXTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1893. TWO CENTS A COPY. ace On rsy .cm IX KEEPINO WITH OUR WELL KNOWN lil'LE OP INSISTING ON HAVINO CLEAN STOCKS IN EVEUY DEPARTMENT. WE HAVE GATH ERED TOGETHER AND PLACED ON BALE THIS WFJtK. A FEW ODDS AND ENDS IN HIGH CLASS LACE CUR TAINS: ALSO A FEW NL'MHF.RS THAT WE ARE REPLACING WITH NEW PATTERNS, ETC. NONE OK THE CURTAINS OFFERED ARE ' OLD OR EVEN COUNTER SOILED, AND IN ALL THE ESSEN TIALS OF QUALITY. ETC., THEY ARE JUST AS GOOD A3 THE LATEST THINGS OUT. - lace tatts IN WHITE ONLY. NOW 4 Pairs, were $6.00, $4.45 6 Pairs, were 7.50, 5.50 6 Pairs, were 10.00, 7.50 Lace Ciirtate IN WHITE ONLY. NOW 4 PaJrs, were $5.00, $3.75 3 PaJrs, were 6.50, 4.75 Irish Point Lace Curtaims IN CREAM AND ECRU ONLY. NOW 6 Pairs, were $2,25, $1.75 6 Pairs, were 3.50, 2.50 5 Pairs, were 4.25, 6 Pairs, were 8.50, 4 Pairs, were 10.00, 3.25 6.50 7.50 Write Sy!ss NOW 6 Pairs, were $2.50, $1.50 IN ECRU AND WHITE. NOW 25 prs, were $2.00, $1.50 22 prs, were 2.50, 1.87 50 prs, were 3.25, 2.45 Sale Opens Tnesslay Staling, Oct. 29 AND AS MOST OF THE LOTS ARE SMALL, INTERESTED READERS SHOULD MAKE A POINT OF GET TING IN EARLY, OTHERWISE DISAPPOINTMENT FOR WHICH WE CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSI BLE, MAY RESULT. 'GLOBE : WAREHOUSE. 5. AWFUL CfillS OF HOLMES Harrowinq Testimony at the Trial Given by Mrs. l'itczcl. GREAT KERVB OP PRISONER lis Faces the Woman Whose Husband and Children Havo Been Murdered Without Flinching Some Damaelng Testimony. Philadelphia, Oct. 30. Itranded though he Is as a liar, swindler and' murderer, the pictures drawn today of Holmes' cold-hearted villainy by Mrs. Pitezel. the widow of the man for whose murd;r he la being tried, presents him In even a more revolting charcater than he has yet stood revealed. Whatever sympathy might have been excited by Holmes' friendliness and forlorn condi tion was effectually killed In the breasts of all the hearers in the court room of Mrs. Pitezel's storv. She was placed upon the witness stand today and for three hours this afternoon and one hour tonight she was subjected to an ordeal that no woman In her condition had ever been called upon to face. Her story furnished the first really sensation al feature thc-t has yet been brought out. The whole scene and the events of the afternoon were intensely dra matic. Mrs. Pitezel and Holmes have never been brought face to face until today, since the dreadful revelations of her chlldrens' murders have come out. When a woman bent and feeble was assisted Into the witness box there was a craning of necks in the court room, for it was at once surmised that this was Mrs. Pitezel. Whether Holmes had schooled himsrxlf to face her, or whether the man really lacked sensibil ity, it was impossible to say, but as the woman stood erect before him he ex hibited no emotion of any kind, but, on the contrary, gazed fixedly at her for fully a minuto. As the woman came Into tho full light of the court room she plainly showed that she had borne a burden of sorrows, trouble that have proved too much for her. As One Hypnotized. Hor skin was sallow and her face was heavy and lifeless. Above her sunken cheeks her eyes stared steadily In front of iher with a meaningless gaze. She more resembled a woman under Influence of some strong drug that had dulled 'her senses rather than one 'that Is In full possesion of her faculties. She rank into a chair and crouched there like an animal that stands in fear of the lah. She was to weak that, throughout tire giving of her testimony, the court olticors ktood by her itde and repeated alowl her whis pered replies to the questions asked her. Only once throughout the day and evening did the look in Holmes' direc tion. At the beginning of her testi mony he was asked If she knew 'the prisoner. She cast one hurried glance In his direction and then quickly avert ing her eyes replied 'that she did. It was a damning story of duplicity and knavery that she related to the court. She was led somewhat hurriedly over the events prior to FCtezel's death. Then she told of Holmes coming to her nr.d telling her that iher husband dill lived, but was 'In hiding for his con nection with the swindle of the In surance company. How he persuaded her 'to send her daughter, Alice, to identify the supposed body of her father returning to her home In St. Louis extorted from her by nharp prac tices all but $500 of the $9,700 she re ceived In payment of her husband's in surance poKcy; of the persuasions he used to secure possession of two of her other children, whom he took away with him. . . , It was from this period on that Holmes' cruel practices began. Team ing for a sight of her husband and children, (Holmes led her 'from city to city with the Illusive hope before her that she would soon meet her loved ones. So thoroughly was she under his Influence that she gave him her letters to post to her husband and children, and, while her heart was breaking for word from her little ones, he was carry ing around In his pocket letters from them to her. Deception of Holmes. After the death of the children Holmes carried his deception so far as to ;brln her a letter written In cipher and purporting to be from one of her little girls. He also worked this strategm In a letter alleging to be from her hur.band. Never once did he give her a hint that she would probably nev?r see her husband again, and he constantly told her that her children were 'well and happy. Throughout, this long recital Mrs. Pitezel had 'borne up with fortitude, but when 'Mr. Oraham asked her If she ever sar,v the children . after she gave them Into Holmes' charge, she gave way and robbed quietly, but bit terly, before she could answer. Not a whisper was heard in the court room as the woman raised her head and In a broken voice replied: "I never eaw my two little girls again until I saw them lying side by side in the morgue at Toronto, and I never sn.w Howard again, but was only sht'jvn seme things that belonged to him In Indianapolis." Cross-Kxnmmation Unavailing. Mrs. Pitezel's testimony was most damaging to Holmes, and the cross-examination by the counsel for the de fense In no way served to help him. With the advent of his counsel Into the case today the current which was bear ing Holmes swiftly away when he was alone was slightly stemmed. Although his two attorneys have ns yet decid ed upon no definite line of defense they were better able to taike advantage of technicalities that arose. Holmes himself was cf great assistance to them, and suggested most of the ques tion that were atfccd the witnesses. The commonwepjHh today had Its witnesses upon the rtand to prove the conspiracy to swindle the Insurance company, and the consequent motive for the kllllmg of Pitezel. When couri adjourned tonight tho prose-eutlon had not offered all the tes timony of this character, and will have several witnesses to swear to these cir cumstances in the morning. The pros ecution claims to have convincing evi dence to convict Holmes, and the Dis trict attorney and his assistant are satisfied that they will easily prove their case. The defense will ask of the court tomorrow for a continuance for half a day or so In order to enable them to prepare their case. SWIFT JUSTICE. Albert Hawkins Convicted of Assault and Sentenced to Ha Hanged. Alexandria. Va., Oct. 30. On Monday afternoon last a negro named Albert Hawkins attempted a criminal assault upon a little girl named Sadie Scherw as she was returning home from school near Falls Church, a village few miles from this city. Amid great excitement Hawkins was pursued 'by a posse of cltlsena, captured and turned over to a county constable for- conveyance to prison In this city. It was thought for time that lynching would be retorted to, but the prisoner was safely locked up. This morning tho ca30 was brought before the grand Jury, an Indictment was found and Hawkins was Imme diately put on trial for his life, which Is the penalty for conviction under the Virginia laws. The prosecution rested after the positive Identification of the negro by the child. There was practi cally no defense. The Jury was out for an hour and before 3 o'clock returned a verdict of guilty. Hawkins was sen tenced to 'be hanged on Dec. 6. WILLIAMSl'ORT FIRES. Ten Thousand Dollars' Worth of Lumber ' Destroyed. Winiamsport, Pa., Oct. 30. Four In cendiary fires here early this morning caused a total loss of about $10,000. At the Raddix mill there were two fires and one hundred thousand feet of pine and hemlock were destroyed, entailing a loss of $1,600. About $600 will cover the loss of many thousands bundles of lath In the Strong. Lvemer & Co.'s yard. The lire at tho Mjhaffey & Co.'s kind ling wood factory was the fiercest. Over four acres of bundled wood was consumed. The loss at this yard Is about $8,000, with no insurance. The firemen worked from 1 o'clock until 8 o'clock this morning before tho tlames were gotten under control. SCANDAL X'F riTTSBUBO. Kaey Kvldcnco Introduced at the Of fleial Investigation of Affairs of the Anti Cruelty Society. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 30. Tha ofllclal Investigation into the charges of mis management and immorality In the conduct of the affairs of the Anti-Cruelty society was 'begun today In a room In the county court house. Francis J. Torrenee, commissioner of the date lward of charities, conducted the Investigation. The chief Incidents of the opening cession were the testi mony of Or. J. O. Flower, the prose cuting witness, and N. E. Dorente, the suspended secretary of the society. The latter contradicted almost every point indicated In the evidence of Dr. Flower. The numerous troubles originated re cently wltih the selection of Dr. Flower C9 executive chairman. Dr. Flower's ideas, which he insisted upon intro ducing, were not in perfect accord with those of Mr. Dorente and Miss Lizzie McMillan, who, for a long time, have had almost the t-ntlre management of tho society's business and the tem porary home for waifs em Penn ave nue. This difficulty culminated recent ly In a disgraceful horsewhipping Inci dent, In whl.:ih Dr. Flower and Lizzl'j McMillan . w?r.j the principals. Dr. Flower then iber.'t his energies to es curlng the present Invesl'lgatlon at the har.Hj of the date board of charities of the affairs of the H.wal society, and rotational developments, If nothing more, are expected. This morning Dr. Flower swore that he Eaw Dorente and Miss McMillan In a room at the home under "peculiar cir cumstances. The girl promises to re veal certain matters that, it Is hinted, will cause certain officials of the society no little annoyance In explaining. At the afternoon session, Dorente testified that Miss McMlllun first came to the home bb a patrol prisoner from the reform school. She remained there for some time when a place was secured for hor in a family. About five months later tho young woman returned to tho home again, this time In a delicate con dition. Bhe remained there for five months until her child was born. Do rente said he occupied a room adjoin ing Miss McMillan s when he remained at the society headqunrters over night. Dr. Flower was recalled and said that In March, 1S04, he went to the home and found Dorente and Miss McMillan to gether In a room, the door being locked. P. L. Kountz, who was a special agent for the socletv testified that he had seen Dorente kiss a woman In front of his own son. Dorente each time he en tered the room would ask the woman folks If they loved him as much as ever. Kountz paid that one night he took a young girl to the society's rooms, and when he knocked at the secretary's door It was not opened for fully five minutes. Then Miss McMillan opened the door and Dorente Btepped out In the hall and Into the street. Mrs. Me-Courtney, who was a matron nt the home, said she left on account of Mlf.s McMillan's dominating manner. Val Fisher agent of the society, tho past three years, testified that Dorente had told him he was going to get Misa McMillan a horse whip and have her use it on Dr. Flower. FOOT BALL RESULTS. Scores of Games Played Yesterday. Dartmouth's Left Taeklo ' Seriously Injured. Philadelphia, Oct. 30. Pennsylvania defeated Brown this afternoon In a very exciting and closely contested game. Pennsylvania did not score un til within five 'minutes of the expira tion of the last half, and her last touch down and coal were made within only thirty seconds to spare. Score: Penn sylvania, 12; Hrown, 0. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 30. Vale de feated Dartmouth at the Yale field this aifternoon by the score of 32 to 0. The rcore by halves are: First, Yale, 11; Dartmouth, 0; second half, Yale, 10; Dariimocith, 01. Atbt.t, Dartmouth's left tackle was seclously Injured In a head-on collision. He has not yet re covered consciousness. Easton, Pa., Oct. 30. The footbnll team of (Lafayette easily defeated Rutgers this afternoan by a score of 62 to 0. APPOINTMENTS MADE. Officials Announced at F.xccutlvo De partment In llarrlshurg. Harrhvburg, Pa., Oct. 30. These ap pointments are announced at the ex ecutive department: Delegates from Pennsylvania to the Ccaimerclal Travelers' congress, at At lanta, Nov. 13, Lewis H. Wampler, York; E. C. Craln, Philadelphia; John R. Rote, lanvllle; A. N. Arms, Wll llamr.port; George P. Strome, Wilkes Ilarre; George W. Header, Allentown; George .U. Sheeley, Lancaster; J. V. Parks and T. L. Lewis, Harrlsburg; William J. Ewart, Heading, . and Charles H. Kelly, Allegheny. Another Bippolntment Is that Of Hugh McDon ald, of Plttston, mine Inspector of tho third anthracite district. . BAD EGGS FOR NYE. The Humorist and llert Poolo Given a Doubtful Send Orf In I'atcrson. Paterson, Oct. 30. Bill Nye, the hu morist, and Hert tPoole, were advertised to deliver a lecture In the First Baptist church 'In this city lad night on "Farm ing F.xposed." It Is alleged that Nye was In no con dition to lecture when he visited the church and1 he was not very well re cflved. After the lecture Nye and Poolo drove in a carriage to the Brie sta tion to take the mMnllght ' train for New York. A crowd of young men secured a choice quantity of stale eggs and hurled them at the carriage. Nye was struck in the back and the carriage wu covered with the tad eggs. THE RESULTS OF HAZING Students at State College Will I'uy Dearly for Their Pan. STORMING OP SHIVERY HOUSE llazcra Fire Decayed Tomatoes and Stones at a Boarding Uouse-Put to Flight by Shotguns Two Students Expelled. 'Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 30. Two stu dents have been expelled from the State college and fourteen indefinitely Euspended for hazing. In addition the most of them, or may be all of them, may yet get Into the criminal courts before the affair Is entirely at an end. As Is usual at the opening of each college year, the higher men under took to Initiate the freshmen, and there were a great many of them this year, in the usual way of giving each one a hazing. For ttveral weeks all went along without a Jar. The old students were having their fun at the expense of the new men, and, though the col lege authorities attempted to suppress it, they were never able to find out who the participants were. Aimong the freshmen were two broth ers who had taken room and board in the family of Daniel Shivery, In the village, near the college. Try as they might the students were unable to catch these two to give "them the prop er Initiation. And thus matters stood for some time, until one night recent ly, when a large crowd of, the higher class men got together and surrounded the house of Mr. Shivery, and demand ed the surrender Into their hands of the two young men. The demand wis refused, wihereupon the crowd opened fire with one of the college cannons they had surreptitiously taken with them, and which had been loaded for the Occaslon with stones, old tomatoes and most all kinds of dirt, right at the ihouse. Window were broken, furniture inside of the house was badly demolished, and the outside of the house was so defaced and besmdrched that It was almost impossi ble to tell Its original color. Retreated llcforo Shotguns. Two shots were fired, by which time all the Inmates of the house were bad ly frightened except Mr. Shivery and one o.f the students. Each of them hastily seized a double-barrelled shot gun and sallied forth Into the crowd, demanding their Immediate withdraw al, under threats of being fired Into I'f they refused. Acting with discre tion the hazers began to withdraw, at tempting to take with them the can non. The owner of the property or dered thecn to leave that, and they had no other recourse, and the cannon, Mr. Fihlvery held an a ransom until his loss and damage may be made good. The names of most of the students taking part In thb night's work were known and reported to the faculty. They were at once taken In hand by the college authorities, and two of the number, the ringleaders, expelled, and under such a cloud that they will be unalnle to enter any other college In the United States, and fourteen otihers were suspended Indehnltely. . Mr. Shivery came to Bellefonte and consulted an attorney, and was In formed that he had a very strong case against the young men In the criminal courts. He decided, however, to give them one chance to settle, and the participants have been notified that If they will pay all costs accumulated so far, repair the damage to the house, a.nd In the aggregate pay a fine of 11,000, the imatter will be allowed to drop; If they fall to do this, they will likely all be arrested and tried at the coming term of November court In this place. SCORING DURANT. District Attorney Ilurncs flcglns Ills Argument for the Prosecution. Ban Francisco, Oct. 30. District At torney Barnes began his argument to the Jury In the Durant case this morn ing. He opened 'by stating that the murderer of Ulanche Lamont was no ordinary criminal; that his crime was without a parallel. It was not com mitted under any passion for revenge, nor for robbery. It was cold Wooded and vicious, and apparently without excuue or palliation. To accomplish what this monster did required a man of an utterly abnormal nature, extra ordinary strength of will, and abso lute density of moral sense; a moral Idiot with a keen perception, shrewd In devising Intelligent In execution, wholly unable to distinguish sin from holiness or virtue from vice. He was without remorse, sleeirdng after a mur der, Just as Durant had done since his arrest, like a child wearied with play. Huch a man would, as he had done, when confronted with the proofs of his crime, sneerlngly smile In the awful presence of tho relics of his victim. He asked the Jury not to acquit the defendant, to send him forth to prey on other Innocent and inoffensive girls, and then took up the evidence and dis sected It. D1F.D AT SEA. Commander llcycnnnn, of tho kcarsorgc, Passes Away. Washington, Oct. 30. Mr. Portello, United States consul at 8onneberg, Germany, hus cabled the department of state today from London as follows: "Commander Heycrman, of tho navy, died on the Havel at sea 4 p. m. Oct 27." Commander Heyerman was In com mand of the Keursage when she was wrecked on the Honcador reef. . For that he was suspended form duty and recently went on tho retired list. From the fact of the telegram coming from London It Is thought that Mr. Partello was In the steamer Havel at the time of Commander Heyerman'a dpath. ASKS THE LA KG EST VERDICT. I'apcrmokor Rudolph Claim $107,000 for Locomotive Smoke. Norrlstown, 'Pa., Oct. 30. The case of Sebastian . Rudolph vs. Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley Railroad company occupied the court's attention today. The plaintiff was on the stand the en tire "Jay. He testified to the detrimen tal effectof tho coal dirt, etc., from the railroad locomotives to the manufac ture of paper In his mill. He claims tho damage to be over $197,000, the largest amount ever asked for In this county's courts. STEALS HIS ENEMY'S FAMILY. Wifo and Children of Homesteader Abducted by a Former Friend. 1Wer,-'Minn.,0 ct. SO. Samuel Rob inson, a homesteader living on the Rainy Lake road, some miles from here, has gone to a rand Rapids, the ccunty seat of Itasca, county, for legal assistance In recovering; his wife and eCiUdren, who, be alleges, were recently abduoted. by Carel Lesure, aJeo a home iteajder, While iBoblnson km awajr ftom heme a few days ago, he says. Le sure went to his cabin and at the point of a rifle compelled the woman and her two daughters to accompany him to his cabin, where he now holds theui prisoners. Robinson and Lesure were at one time Intimate friends, but this frlnd t'hip was ended when 'Lesure fell In love with Mrs. Robinson, and offered her husband J.-.00 if he would relinquish ail claim to her. For this, Robinson says, he kicked him out of the house, and the latter abducted the woman and her ehlldren In an attempt to get even. His cabin is said to resemble a fort, so strongly Is It protected, and Robin son fays he 'has announced that he will kill his prisoners before they shall be taken away from h!m. It Is believed Lesure Is Insane. LOVERS TIRED OF LIFE. Young Ohio Woman Kills Uer Sweetheart and llcisclf. Dayton, O.. Oct. 30. Sylvan McCa'be, the 18-year-old daughter of Obed IMc Cabe, a promenent farmer residing near Miamlsburg, t.ho't and instantly killed herself this morning, first fatally shoot ing her lwer. Will Schaffer. A note read: '"Bury us both in one grave. We are tired of life. Please forgive us iboth." CRASH 9X 'CHANGE. Securities on Philadelphia's Stock Market Take a Tumble from Dizzy Heights. Philadelphia, Oct. 30. Visitors to the gallery of the Philadelphia Stock Ex change today witnessed a scone of ex citement such as can only be evoked liy a. crash in the stock market. It was the culmination of extensive specula tion In local Industrial securities that Phlladelphlana have recently indulge'.! in and In less than two hours a shrink age ranging from to $20 por share in certain of these stvK-ks was wltn?ss-.?d. Yesterday's developments In the stock market when the first sign of weakness In these securities became apparent had sounded a note of warning, but not even the most experienced broker was pre pared to witness such a cnash as that of today. At the opening the common stock of the Klectrlc Storage Battery company had sold at 66, but- before? noon It had fallen to 4S, and nt the same time the. preferred stock' had broken from 6X1,4 to r.5. The Unite' I Gas Improvement company stock dropped from H" to S5 and that of the Wclrfi'back 'Light company from Jtt to S7'4, while the "Rights" to subscribe to the shares of the newly-organized Pennsylvania Hvat, Light and Power company depreciated from V.iVfc to 14. A brief and merely temporary rally preceded a second bre-ak, which, by 1 o'clock, had carried electric storage common down to 47. the preferred to 49 and AVelthback light to 85, while the other stocks held a little firmer. Tho fall In prices wns really inaug urated on Oct. SI. for It was then that the Klectrlc Storage battery stocks reached their highest level. It was but a day or two later that the other secur ities Involved sold for the highest prices on record, but prior to today the de cline had been gradual nnd unimpor tant. In leBS than ten clays the Stor age battery stock has declined nearly 20 points each. Wclsbach 19 points. United Gas about 9 polts and P. II. L. and P. nenrly 9 points. Excluding the latter this is a shrinkage of nearly IS.0O0.000. In the afternoon the people Interested In maintaining the prices of these stocks came .to the rescue with supporting orders, and a sharp rally ensued, Klectrlc Storage common ris ing to 55, tho preferred to S7, United Gas to 88, Welsbnch to 8C',i nnd Pennsyl vania Heat. Light and Power to 17 with tha closing bids a little under these figures. The excitement had by this time quieted down considerably and thff feel ing In financial circles was that the worst was over and that tho market would soon return to Its normal condi tion. WEIGHMAN'S CRIME. D. K. Hartzcll Convicted of I'sing Incor rect Scales When Weighing Coal. PlttFburg, 'Pa., Oct. 30. 'D. R. Hart zcll, check Welshman nt tha mines of T. D, Stein, wihose trial legan yester day, was toflay found guilty on the first charge of taking more th.in 2 000 pounds for aton of coal, and the 'third charge of knowingly u.dng an Incorrect wcght and scale. The Jury recommended Hortzell to the mercy of the court. Similar charges are made against Mr. Stein, owner of the mine, where, it is alleged, workmen have been defrnude'i out of a .very considerable sum of money iby the use of false weights, the penalty for which 4s a workhouse sen tence. GOMEZ HAS RESIGNED. Will Leave Cuba and Have Wounds In His Legs Treated. Havana. Oct. 30. A dispatch from Puerto Principe says it Is reiwrted there that General Maximo Gemez, the cem-mander-ln-chlef's sergeant, has re signed his command and will leave the island for the purpose of having tho wounds In his legs cured. It Is said that he Is now taking leave of his fol lowers prior to departing, 'but his des tination Is not mentioned. The rebels placed a bomb on the track of the Nouvltas railroad yester day which exploded while a train load ed with troops was passing, one sol dier was seriously wounded. TROUBLE IN MOROCCO. Petty War Hot ween t rench and German Officials at nsnhtnnea. Berlin, Oct. 30. Tho Cologne Gazette has a despatch from Tangier saying that M. Ferrien, temporary French consul at Casablanca, Moroco, accom panied by four soldiers, forced an en trance Into the residence of certain Germans at that place and wilfully damaged property of the occupants. The British consul, the despatch says, Intervened and prevented further out rages. No explanation of this action of the French consul is given. HURLED THROUGH GLASS. Editor Sent Crashing Into a Window by on Irate Official. Easton, Pa., Oct. 30. Editor J. P. Carroll, of the Sunday Call, had hla clothes almost torn from his body and was violently pushed through a show window today .by County Treasurer Hemingway, for criticising tho latter In print and declining to retract. The editor had charged tho treas urer with extorting exorbitant fees from taxpayers. The treasurer was ar rested for the assault. Killed by tha Cnrs. Ashland, Pa., Oct. 30. Mrs. Griffith, a widow CO years of age, was struck by a Philadelphia and Reading passenger train here tonight and Instantly killed. 8ho had attended services at the Presbyterian church and was on her way home to Fountain Springs whon tho accident hap pened. Pension Alderman Arrested. Harrlsburg, Pa., Oct. 80. Speclnl Pen sion Examiner Connolly had ex-Alderman Urackenrldge arrested this evening on charges of filing false affidavits and mak ing false statements to htm in support of a pension claim. Ho furnished &M ball for a further bearing tomorrow. TROUBLE WITH BRUISERS State of Arkansas in Hysterics Over Presence of i'rizc-Fiohting Gang. BOB FITZSIMM0XS ARRESTED Governor Clarke Countermsnds His Order Scndlns the .Militia to Uol Springs A Warrant Out for Sheriff Hoapu A Tempest In a Teapot. 'Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 30. James J. Corbett is safely housed under a friendly roof in Hot tfpilngs. By the articles- of agreement which bear his signature he guarantees to be in this city tomorrow prepared to contest for continued possession of the title of championship heavy weight of the world. He in j.rtpared to fulfill this part of the bargain. On the other hand, Robert Kitzsimmons. the party of the second part, is lit Little Rock In the custody of officers of the law acting for the governor. This is the condition of affairs on the ve of the day set for what prim!sed to ibe one of the greatest pugilistic contests of modern times. During the morning news from the Cornlshman's party was a scarce com modity, but after dinner, when a dis patch from the United Press announc ing that the party was between 'Mar shall nl Tcxnrkana, and that Sheriff Houpt, of Hot Springs, with his pack age of friendly warrants in Ms Insido coat pocket was their privileged guest, the spirits of the Hot Springs Athletic club and the vif Jtlng sports soared high. As on every day, for a week or more, their Jubilation was short lived. The statement came over the wires that Fitzslnimons had given the Hot Springs sheriff tho go by, preferring to entrust himself to the officers from Little Rock. This was at first re ceived with Incredulity both by many friends of Corbett and the Fitzslmmons following, but similar advices were re ceived by other parties, there was drooping of spirits and bad words were spoken. Thoce who have been persist ently declaring that the Kangaroo was a bluffer and would not be seen tomor row within a good many miles of this ridge of the ( "narks were able to raise their voices high, and find no one to contradict them. Late tonight it was decided that Cor bett should appear at Whittlngton Park between 10 ami 12 o'clock tomor row In order to claim forfeit from tho Florida Athletic club. A force of car penters is working tonight on a temp orary rlns In order that all conditions may be compiled with. The wives ef Fitzslmmons nnd Julian, with Krnest Groves and Charley White, of Fitzslm mons' training force, arrived at the Arlington tonight from Corpus Christl. A Warrant Served. Texarkana, Ark., Oct. 30. fFltzsim mons passed through nt 3.10 o'clock. Little Rock officers, backed up by tho tiherlff, of this county, arrested him as soon as the train reached Arkansas ter ritory, 11 )t 'Springs shcrilT claimed prior arrest, but was 'ignored by flrst name'J ollicers, who disputed his right on authority of the governor of tho state to act In any official capacity. The train did not stop In Arkansas, but remained In, Texas until ready to pull out. It Is known lhat the sheriff of this county has men on the train with cour age to hack up all his orders to tho death If necessary. Rumor has It that a detachment of state troops on a spe cial are waiting at iMalvern, the Junc tion to Hot Springs, to bag the Fitz slmmons party. Littlo Jtock, lArk., Oct. 30. Governor Clark, at 3 o'clock this aftvrnoon, countermanded his orde-r sending the militia to Hot Springs. This was be cause Aitternty GVi ral Klnsworthy telephoned the governor from Hot Springs to the effect that Corbett would be tried 'before a Justice of the peace in Hot .Springs this afternoon and after that h.is conse-nted to come to Little Rock for trial be foreChancellor Martin. Chancellor Martlin today issued a warrant 'for the arre-st of Sheriff Houpt In Arkadelphla, charging him with ccn uplracy. l itj'jlmmons Is Safe. Texarkana, Ark., Oct. 30. Fitzslm mons was taken from the train at Fulton, twenty miles north of here and brought 'back tonight, arriving here at 7 o'clock by Sheriff Dlllard, of this county, and Deputy Sheriff Howard, of Little Hock, who is acting as personal representative of the governor. Ho will be taken to Pine Bluff tonight over the Cotton Belt road, and thence to Little Rock. Tho proposed light at Hot Springs tomorrow morning cannot take place, as It Is now Impossible for Fitzslmmons to be there. ASSAULTED HIS CAPTOR. Patrolman Perry Receives a Stunning Itlow on tho .Mouth from a Prisoner. At 2.13 yesteKlay morning the North End police were called to quell a dis turbance In Edward Oonklln's house, on Khort avenu.. Patrolmen Hawks, Iug gan, R. Jones and Perry found Conklln, and his wWe and a man named Clarke Rarber drinking beer and singing. Upon the appearance of the officers Conklln bolte-d through the back eloor, but was overtaken by Patrolman Perry. As he was taking him back to the house Conklln struck the officer a vi cious blow In the mouth which stag gered him for a moment. He, however, succeeded In eubdulng him unassisted. In poller? court Conklln was given a fine of lis: his wife. :t, and Clarke, $10. They scraped up sufficient among them to buy the woman's liberty, and rhe set out to secure the wherewithal to re lease her fellow-unfortunates. Up to midnight the Ciad not returned. SEATS FOR THE DROYVNIES. They Will Io Placed on Sale at the 1 rothtughum This Morning. The advance sale of seats for the big production of "Palmer Cox's Brownies," which will bo the attraction at the Frothingham next Monday nnd Tues day evenings and Tuesday afternoon, wlil open at the Frothingham box of fice this mernlng at 8 o'clock sharp. The many Inquiries regarding the sale of seats Indicate thnt the Brownies will be greeted by fully as large audi ences as when tho brilliant spectacle wus presented In Koran ton last spring. KICKED IN THE EYE. Driver boy's Accident In tho .Mt. Pleasant Mine. Daniel Gallagher, 14 years of age, a Wtst iS'Ao driver boy employed In the Mount iPlea ant nYine, wns kicked In the eye yesterday by a mule. He was painfully cut and brirleU, but no Injury to the sight was entallcp At the Lackawanna hospital his Injuries were attended to and he will be out In a few weks. , Colonel Pott Dead. '.' ' McConnellsburg, Pa., Oct. 30. Colonel James Pott died today. In the Iowa City hospital. Colonel Pott was editor of the Fulton Republican In the sixties, was very active In politics, and was a veteran of the late war. He was 71 years of age. FINLEY'S Complete Line of Ladles9 UisIersMrls In Fast Black, SatJne, Alpaca, Mohair, Mo reen, Brilliantlne, Black Silk and Changeable Effects. Fast Black Satlne Underskirt, trimmed with three narrow shirred ruilles of same material lined with striped Flannel. Price J Past Black Satins Underskirt, tint. brella shaped, trimmed wltH corded! hirred flounce, lined and has French yoke band, price, $1.19; same skirt, with deep embroidered ruffle $ Moreen Underskirt, trimmed with five-Inch ruffle of same material, -a French yoke band, price $1.69; iamo , skirt, with twelve-Inch flounce. Priced -iH Moreen Underskirt (extra size), um- brella shaped, deep Spanish flounce, bound with velvet and faced at bot tom, price. $2.13; same skirt, with j twelve rows of cords. Price Quilted Fast Black satlne Underskirt lined with Flannel, price $1.45 and IX- Qullted Underskirts in Mohair and i Brilliantlne, price $2.00, $2.45 and 1 "J Full line of Silk Skirts, Black and Colored; and rail particular attention) to those at $2.95, $3.45 and 4.50. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Dry and Wet Weather BnOES that don't let In wet: bo lit (o keep feet dry when it rains; s comfortable, ser viceablo Shoo for winter wear. Have a pair. 114 AND 110 WYOMING AVE. Wholesale and Rotail. lilies ' ElegantSpedmens5ui& able for Wedding Presv ents, Birthday Present Etc. . Eye Glasses, Opera Glasses and Spectacles a Specialty. W.J. Weichel JEWELER, 403 Spruce St., Near Dime Bank. IT IS IN THE FRONT RANK. East Strondsburg Normal School Now Has Four Hundred Pupils. No normal school of the state haa had a more rapid frrowth than the one at East Stroudsburgr, of which Pro fessor tleonre P. ;Biu3e Is principal. It has 400 pupils new enrolled, which Is a remarkably larpe number considering; the short time the school has been In existence. An unexcelled faculty, fine location and modern buildings have caused the East Btroudsburs school to Jump right to the front rank of state normal rohools. A gymnasium 50x90, with an annex 41x18, Is now being completed, and will bo opened Jan. 1. - It wilt be equipped with the most modern appa ratus. ' . WEATHER REPORT. For Kastem Pennsylvania, fair, but with Increasing cloudiness during Thurs-. day; easterly winds. Conditions are fa vorable for rain by Friday. jiff' 1 1 Fa