6 THE SCRAHTOJT TIJIJUTNE WEDNESDAY MORNINGr. OCTOBER 30, 1855. INSTANT RELIEF for all ' afflicted with TORTURING SKIN DISEASES in a Single v Application of tlciira Cdticcra Work Woxdees, and ItEcnret of torturing hanxrart are ilicfily marvellous. ' SoM Ihnragkoal h tmtt llrttik etet. T. Vww. ikt feo I, Kirg Etv.K-rt., LmhWio. Pome to A Cam Cour, Sol hoot. Bum, U. a. A. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, Oct 29. An advance In eUerllnt?- exchange today started a fresh selltnfr moverocnit In stacks In the first hour of buslines. The strength of exchange, of course, revived the talk about exports of cold, but leading bankers ore of opinion that ishliwnenta were not likely this week at least. The greatest pressure during the early part of the day waa directed against the In dustrials and Iteadlnig. The last named foil from 17 to 15. rallied to ltH, and dropped to and olosod at 14",. ' Rumors were current that assessment on the stock under the proposed plan of reorganization will certainly be $:!0 and may reach $30, while the Income bondholders will have to pay 10. The tock was unusually active and flirured for 70,000 shares In a jrrarid total of 277, 000' ehareist. The pe,nral market closed weak a.r.d to 34 per cent, lower on the day. The range of today's prices for the ac tlvo stocks of the New York stock mar ket are Klven below. The quotations aro fllrnlah.l Thn Vrihnnn hv fl. rtu B. Plm- mick, manager for William Linn, Allen ft Co.,- stock brokers, 412 Sprue street. Scrunton. Op'n- HlKh- Voir- Clos- inir. em. est. "k Am. Tobacco Co 2 9! 4 Am. fnt. Oil 22 23 22 22 Am. Supar lte'jr Co.lfla 104 lul5 101 '4 Atch., To. & S. Fe... 20'4 20H 19M t'nn. south Sfi4 w1 oo rhea. A Ohio UNA 19U 19 19 Chlcapo Oas BSVi 4 CT',4 Chic. & N. W, M VA 106 lUi Chi .. n A o X.V.4 Kit 8Ti f C. C. C. & St. I- 4I 424 Wi . K c at T, ttu cu. Tnii TTJUL inf., mil tv ri. j ... I'm - fnic., it. X t V... 7'i'i (1'l in Plat & C. V 23 SI K74 i-- Oon. Klectrlc W.k Mi u 111. Pont WW 300 1(V 100 I-ouls. & Nnsh MT4 G GS14 68i M. K. ft Texas 1 Manhattan Elo Vi$ Vfr l'fi4 IOR'4 Mo. Pacific S.1'4 Sl-j 32'4 3' Nat Cordage 7 74 7Mi 7!4 N. J. Central 110 lie 10 in N. Y., 8. ft W., Pr... 34'4 MV4 84'4 84'4 Nor. Paclfle, Pr 17 IS 17 17M Ont. ft West 17'i 17',S 17ii 17 Pbc. Malll Si 314 30 8fl'4 Phil, ft Read 1774 177ft It' Southern It. R 11 1174 114 11 Tenn.. C. ft 1 3SI4 8S-4 37 37 Tex. Pacific , ' 9 S1 T'nlon Pacific 13 13 1214 13 Wansah H 8 8'4 8'4 Wabash, Pr 21r4 21 !1"4 21 West. Union W4 91V4 90 W, I, Wi 13 14 T.T. 9. leather 12'4 12'4 12H 12W t'. 8. Leather, Pr.... 71-T4. 71 v4 70 70i,i CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRTCE3. Open- Hlch- Low- Clos WHP.AT. inir. Ml nl. Ini. December fio'4 604 B May 01 61 63 63 OATS. December lS'i IR14 18 18W May 20V4 20',, 20 2u CORN. Perembcr 27 27 ZI 27 Jiay 2UV4 H4 LARD. January ........... E.H2 8.12 E.60 S.G2 May ,.85 S.&5 E.77 C.bO PORK. January 9.02 9.02 S.93 8.95 May 9.32 9.32 9.27 9.27 ficranton Board of Trade Exchange Ono totlons-AII Quotations Based on Par of 100. Name. Did. Aakel Green Ridge L timber Co 110 Dime Dcd. ft DIs. Bank 130 Scranton Lace Cur. Co ... M Nat Boring ft Drilling Co SO First National Bank 600 Thuron Conl Land Co ... W Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co.... ... Scranton Clans Co 05 Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Siirlna- Brook Water Co loo Klmhurst Boulevard Co 100 Scranton Axlo Works SO Third National Bank 3W Lacka. Trust and Bafo Dep. Co ... 1G0 Scranton j'acklng Co 115 Scranton Savings Bank 200 Lacka. Iron ft Steel Co l.r,0 WeBton Mill Co 2;,o Traders' National Bank , 120 Bonta Plate Olasa Co ... 22 50 BONDS. - Scranton Glass Co M 100 ; economy Bicam neat ft ' Power Co ... 100 Scranton Pass. Railway first mortgage, due 11)18 110 ... Soranton Traction Co 95 People's Street Railway, first mortgago, due 1918 , 110 ... 1 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. ... 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgaue, due 1920 110 ... Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage, due 1925 ... 100 Dickson Manufacturing Co.,,, ... 100 . Lacka. Township School 5 102 City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 103 New York Produce Markot. New York, Oct. 29.-Flour-Steafly. wheat Easier; No. 2 red storo and eleva tor, 704c; afloat 7214c S f. o. b., 70a.; No. 1 northern, OK 14c; options weak; January, 6394c.; March, 70c; May, 70c.; October, 60c.; December, 67?4c. Corn Easy, quiet; No. 2; 37i4a37'4c.: elevator, 3Sa38K,c.; flont;-optlons weak; October, 37V4C; No vember, 36c; December, 33'4c.; May, 35e. Oats Quiet, easy; options dull, easlor;Octobor, 23'c; November, 23c.; December, 23lS4c; May, 25c; spot prices, No. 2, 23c; No. 2 white, 25c; No. 2 Ohi- ' cago, 24'4c; No. 3. 23c; No. 3 white, 23V4c; mixed westorn, 24ai"Vic; white do. and white state, 24a29c. Provisions Quiet, In active, unchanged. Lard Quiet, lower; ' city, t5.G0a5.6O: October, !5.62ty; refined dull; continent, $6.40; South America, $0.76; com pound, 4a4ftc. Butter Steady; state dairy, 12a21V4c.; do. creamery, 20a23c; do. June, 15a21o.; do. factory, 9al4c; Klgins, 23c; Imitation creamery, 12al7o. Cheese Quiet,, nrm, unchanged. Eggs Steady, quiet; stae and Pennsylvania, 21a22c; western fresh, lKa20c; limed, 16al6Ho, Toledo Grain Market. ToIedOi O., Oct 29. Wheat Receipts, 14,000 bushels; shipments, 4,000. bushels; market easier; No. 2 red, cash, 67c; De cember, 67c. ; May, 68c ; No. I red, cash, (4c. Com Receipts, 17,000 bushels; ship ments, 18.000 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 mixed, quiet; cosh, 82c; No. t yellow, S34c; No. S do., 33c; No. 2 white, 32c; No. - I do., Slttc Oats Receipts, 6,000 bushels; market nominal. Cioverseed Receipts, 668 bags; shipments, 48 bags; market flrmcV; prime casta, (.30; October, S4.2714a4.30. Chisago Live steak. Chicago, Oct 29. Cattle Receipts, 7, BOO head; market steady; common to extra steers, t3.20a&.20; stackers and feeders, 22.30a8.8r; cows and bulls, tl.25a3.45; calves, $3o6; Texans, t2.60a3.15; western rangers, t t2.25a4. Hogs Receipts, 89,000 head; mar ket weak and 10al5c lower; heavy pack ing and shipping lots, t3.4oa3.70; common 4o choice mixed, $3.30a8.70; choice assorted, t1.6Oa3.70; light, t3.30o3.75: pigs, t2a2.60. Sheep Receipts, 10.000 head; market weak; Inferior to choice, fl.G0a8.40; lambs, 3a4.60. 1 Biiffolo Live Stock. Buffalo. N.' Y., Oct 29.-Cattle-necelpU, 1000 head; on sale, 120 head; market dull and weak; good to choice steers, t4a4.SO; prime, 14.4Oa4.70; fat cows and heifers, 2.65a3; common to good fat cows, 2.2Ba3; light to good stackers, t2.26at; feeders, t3.1Cai.W; good to .choice veals, IS.7Sae.S0; common to fair, f4.25aS.60. Bogs Re ceipts, 7,000 head; on sale, t,000 head; mar ket dull and weak; aTood to extra heavy hogs, t3.25a4; mellums, f3.85a3.90; roughs, 4X2iu3.w; stags, K.o0u3; 1'orkers, good to heavy weights, iKwii.90; Ught Workers, fX75alS5; plus, U.7aa3.1!0. bheep and Lambs Receipts, 2.4U0 hi ad; on sale, 8.tu0 head; market dull; mixed sbrep, good to choice, 1.7.,u2.5(i; common to fair, 1.75a2; culls, tlul.115; fair to good export sherp, t3.Ua3.5i); extra fancy, jl.10a4.2V; good to prime, fcl.75a4: fair to good light lots, 13.50 a3.U5; common to fair. t2.75a3; culls anj common, Ja2.65; Canada lamUa, S4.15al.25; prime, 14.30. Oil Market. Pittsburg, Pa, Oct 29. Oil opened and hlghtst, 11. Su; lowest aud closed, tl.i'i. standard Oil company's price. 1)11 Cliy,.l'a., tx-t. Vi. t)ll oyened. hli'a cst and closed, S1.30; lowest, W.al Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Oct 29.-Tal!ow is dull and weak. We quote: City prime, in hhils, 4c; country prime, in bbls, 4c; uo. dark, in bbls, S"io3'4c; cakes, 4c.; grease, SViaSHc KEWS OF OUK IXDUSTaiES. Happenings of Interest to tha Stsplo Trades and Particularly to tho Trade In Iron. Steel and Anthracite Coal. Eoston retail anthracite coal prices have been advanced 25 cents a ton by nil dealers, making CO cents since low est prices of the summer on furnace coal and 75 cents on all other grades. Prices per ton now are: Furnace, $5.25; egg, $5.50; stove, $5.75; chestnut, $5.75; Shamokln, $G; Franklin, $7. The mar ket there la reported to be very active, and another advance In prices will probably be made soon. The statement of business of the Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey for Sep tember shows: Gross earnings, $1.1S1, 218; increase, $154,211; expenses, $1S9, 640; increase, $37,543; net earnings, $489,757; Increase, $116,GGS. For the nine months ended Sept. 30, the gross earq lngs are $:i,G07,Ul'J. an Increase of $148, 820, and net earnings of $3,765,775, an in crease of $078,442. The advance In anthrncits coal freight rates to New York and Buffalo by the Delaware, Lackawanna and WcBtern, which Is to take effect Nov. 1, will cause all the competing lines to take similar action. The Erie com pany has already given notice of an ad vance, and tho Lehigh Valley is willing. The Pennsylvania railroad's coal shipments on lines west of Tittsburg for the year up to Oct. 12, were In round numbers, 6.000,000 tons In excess of tho shipments for the corresponding period last year. Superintendent Potter, of the Toledo j division of the Pennsylvania lines, has asked the company to furnish one thou- 1 sand new cars for service on that divls- Ion, on which the business Is raplul) j Increasing. - I Freight trafllc onhe Pennsylvania nttsburg. Fort Wayne and Chicago di vision is the heaviest since 1KS2. Every car Is In service, and many of the train men are working overtime. A conference will he hcM this woek bet wean IVnnsylvnnlu, Heading air.il LvihJgh Vailk'y railroad officials io dls cum tho uutelion of ftvlg'ht ra'tcB un coal. The New York, Ointaj'.'b and Western Railroad cvimpaiiiy ihaa teaued speelflca tficma for 600 coal cars. It is urjdetT.tood ttot the Lehigh Valley (Ra.ll'intad company Is In the mar ket for 2,000 box coirs. The Cem'tlial Rol'rood Company of NVw Jersey la In the markot for 1,000 cars. RAILROAD NOTES. A Joint meeting of the Brotherhood of Ruilway Engineers, trainmen, tire men and switchmen wus held In Ha zleton Sunday. Representatives were present from lodges between Delano and Wllkes-Rarrc, and Included em ployes of the Lehigh Valley, Jersey Central and Delaware, Kusquehanna and Schuylkill roads. J. II. Warg, grand mastT workman of this district, presided. The meeting was held be hind closed doors and representatives of the press were not admitted. Ac cording to those who attended It, how ever, tho gathering was held for the purpose of harmonizing the different orders and discussing railway appli ances In a general way. . 'While the feeling existing between tho different brotherhoods is said to bo harmonious It is known flint there Is a disposition among some of them not favorable to the admission of members who took part in the late strike on the Lehigh Valley road. An effort is now being made to harmonlzematters. The contract which the Electric Stor age Unttery company has made with Manhattan for an experiment with the storage battery on Manhattan provides for fitting up ono or more cars to run on the Thirty-fourth street ferry con nection. It In believed that a good test of the battery can be mads there with out Interfering with traffic. The stor age battery cars aro expected to be ready for use In about sixty days. Thp Seaboard Air line has placed on the Baltimore market $4".6,O00 first mortgage 8 per cent, treasury bonds of the Raleigh and Augusta Air line road to get money to hill id a new freight depot at Atlanta and make other im provements. Net earnings of the Sea board Air line for July and August in creased $48,726. The number of railroad accidents In this country In September were 108, In cluding fifty collisions, fifty-four do rallments, and four other accidents In which thirty-eight persons were killed and 179 Injured. The Interstate commerce commission has brought action against all promi nent western lines for ignoring the long and short-haul clause on trafllc to Colo rado and Missouri river points. -::- Durlng the second week In October KM ur arm Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable, MILD BIT EFFECTIVE. Purolv VAirfltalilfl. ant wlthnnt ntn. nloo'Ant. It coated, tastelew. small and e.y to tuke. Kadwnr's I ills easitt nature, stiroulatlns- to healthful activity th liver, bowel and other digeitive organ, leaving the bowels In a net ural condition without any bad altar effect. Cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles ,, AND 1 All Liver Disorders. MDWAY'l PILLS are tinrilr rentable, mild and rellsble. Caoan perfect Digjetion, com plete absorption and healthful regularity. 2S eta a box. At Drug tint, or by null "Book of Advice" free by uill. . RADWAY A CO., P.O. Box 304, Jfew York, DWAY'8 AGOOD THING - V A Great Big Piece fop revenly-nlne railroads Increased C.-S6 per cent, in gross earnings. During tlic third week thirty-live roudd Increased 7.86 per cent. Many Delaware, Lackawanna and Western coal conductors will draw $103 this month. Some of them have thirty live days made already. The Lohlrh Valley has ordered twenty additional locomotives from ths Baldwin works. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. A Chart Which Tells of l:cry Change In Our Nutlonnl liinblcra. From tho New York World Few Americans could 4;ell of the origin and the evolution of the flag they all venerate. K. A. Housman, of Danbury, Conn., has however, epitom ized the results of his long researches In the hl.'iiory of our flag In a chart, which he has called the United States Bohool flag map. This Is intended to tench to our school children, in the easiest and most effective manner, the progress of the "Star-Spangled Ban ner" from 'the original flag of thirteen Stars and thirteen stripes to our pres ent one with forty-four stars. Tho chant conl. tins pictures of twenty-three varieties of the national emblem, and their accuracy is attested by the au thorities at Washington. Between these picture are Interesting bits of Information In regard to their history, among which is this explanation of the colors: "Red is supposed .to represent coinage; white. Integrity of purpo.?, and blue, steadfastness, love and fah." The first Ftar-sp.anglcd banner, Mr. llnuwtman 1 hews, consisted of thirteen stripes and thirteen stars, the latter ranged In a circle. That was odoq-.ted by cor.grc."s In 1777, from a model mnde by Mm. John Ross, of Philadelphia, who was appointed to the H:it of flug maker to the government. But the ad mls;on of Vermont and Kentucky to the Union ltd to ia ohange, con silting of the addition of two staia and two Strlpr3, and for convenience the stars were arranged In parallel rows. This was the flag carried during the war' of 1S12. The rapid admission of states, how ever, noccrsl'ta'ted a change in the pro posed plan of adding a star and t,.rlpe for each new possesion, and In ISIS, when twenty states composed the Union, It was agreed to reduce the number of stripes to thirteen, in honor of the original federation, and to ar range the twenty rtars In the ehape ot a great rlar. That was changed, how ever, because it wan found that -the addition of etars upset the plan of the big Etar, and the arrangement In paral lel rows wus again adopted. Looking down the rows of flags on the chart, you see ot a glance the rapid multiplication of the p'jlts In fhe fed eral constellation. In 1845, for instance, there were twenty-seven white stars on the blue field of our flag and It Is Interefltlng to note, by the way, that the different changes that have been made in the flag have always been made on July 4. There were three tfhangea In the flag mnde during the rar of the rebellion. The admission of Kansas In 1861, West Virginia In 1S63, and Nevada In 1RG4 were responsi ble for these changes. The la-st change wan made In 1S!)1, when the admission of Idaho and Wyoming brought the 'number of Etars up to forty-four. NOT WANTi-l) AT BERLIN. Two American Qirls Fail In an Attempt to Study Dentistry. Two American girls have Just re ceived an intimation that their pres ence was not desired as students of dental surgery In Berlin. Thy are tho MI.iscs Fcder, two San Francisco glrla, wh? journeyed across land and sea to Ilerlln only to And that the rumors of Oerman progress, .which they had heard, were baseless. They are bo.th graduates of tho State UnlvtrfiJty ct Berkeley, amd tlhey are clever girls. These facts, however, did not move the stern Oerman professors and regents who were called upon to decide their case. They are looked upon In Ilerlln as specimens of tho "new woman" In her most aggressive form, but distasteful as this-view Is to them, they are not going to turn and flee. They have applied to the English and American ministers for aid, and will make another earnest effort to gain admission. 1 Kellcf In Six Honrs. . Distressing Kidney and Rladder diseases relieved In six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This new mm. edy Is a gr?at surprise on acount of its exceeding promptneis in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back) and every part of the urinary passages. In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost lrmn.-dlately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Drug. (1st, US Peon avenue, craotoa. Pa, e a PUSH IT ALONG WELSBACH LIGHT Specialty Adaplcd .'or Beading and Sewing. Consumes three (3) feet of gas per hour and Rives an cfilciency of sixty (00) candles. Having at least 33 per rant, over tlw ordinary Tip Burner. Call unJ See It. HUNT s com CO, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Manufacturers' Agents. OYSTERS We aro Headquarters -for Orsterj and are handling ths Celebrated Duck Rivera, Lynn Havens, Keyports, Mill l'oiuls; also Slirews. bury, Rocknwuys, Muurico -River Coves, Western hhorcs and Blue Points. fiVWe maks a Specialty of dctlvarinj Blue Points on half sholl iu carrier PIERCE'S MARKET, PENN AYE CALL UP 36SX CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, I 141 TO ISl MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'afr. CltlrtMtcr'a HaalUk Diamond rtroai, ENNYR0YAL PILLS Orlcfnal ud Only Genome. V ttArc, lwaVM rallavblo, laoiib tik 4ie?wTs m4Umn,l In Itrd and GU men Zri 2 K- tfia with bif) rinhnit. Take fwtivrunnamuatunt: At Urufflrta.arewnt.4A Jf In t imp for nar'lenlari. itiiaatiUe i MmIL 1,HATrniffint)UU. ttmrnultur. B:j bjf tul Logol DrutfltU. I'klaULtk. Frcncll Injection Compound Cnrrm potltlrely, qnirklr, (not nernlj choc it t.) Guraitcert it inoimjr refunded, Arold dannrwi remctllos. price 30 rent rr bottle, kli Uoiile Ovlli t 1 re evTPt nwe) wntprnpald. iecurrfrom oie-rTtlm, with only KstiuUflcaUjr nuulo yrlace. to any adiircn fur 3.u0. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To n suffnrcre ef ERKOKS OF YOUTH, LOST VIGOR and DISEAtiliS OF MEN AND WOMEN, SOt) ruga: cloth bound; aecnrely sealed and ma 11 tree. Treatment by niafl .trirtly conBdsotlal. and a roaltlre qnick cure gua an t.-ed. k o matter bow long standing, I will po.itiy.ly cure you. Write er call. Ill) I (IDD 320 N- ,5,h st- Philada., Pn. LIH.liODDai years' centinaona practice. A permanent relief to long suffering women; psciflo for all female weaknesses; one of na ture's own remedies: Is not In jorioas to themoit delicate eon etilutlon. Why safrjrf Price, f 1 par bottle. Fer tale by JOHN H. PHELPS, fcraaton, Pa, Roy's Restorla Componnd A CRUISE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN Bv specially chartered atwmer "Frlctland," (7.1IB tone) January IV, 1H00. visttlng Bermuda, Gibraltar. Ilalasa, Uranada, Albambra, Al glera Cairo, Jerusalem, Beyrout. Ephreua, OinsUntlaop'e, Athena, Roma, Nleo: only UuO and -p. ejtr-nralona, fees, eta, Inolnded. P. 0. CLmRK, 111 Broadway, Mew York, S&frK Sl ll!W 9 ffllClitll o 150 Sizes and Styles OF CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles OF STEEL RANGES have arranged with the following firms to sell their STOVES AT FOUNDRY PRICES: STRONG'S FURNISHING HOUSE, 320-322 Pcnn Avenue. W. G. J)0U1) & CO., 509 Lackawanna Avenue. F00TE & SHEAR CO., 119 N. Washington Afc. It. J. HUGHES, 124 South Main Avenue. DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Haaafantured at the WapiMillopm Mills, La earns connty, Pa., and at Wil mlngtoD, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. H8.WYOM I NG AVE Scranton, P Third KaUonal Bank Buildlce. Aoiacnst JHOS. POBDTilttatori, Pa. oHN B. HM1TH HON, Plyrennth.Pa E. W. MULLIUAN. WUkes fiarra. Pa. agents for the Repanue Chemical Cob I toga MPIOBITOB, Stocks, Bonds and Grain Bought and sold on New York Exchange and Chicago Board cf Trade, cither for cash or oo margin. WM. LINN ALLEN & C9., 412 Spruoo Street LCCAL STOCKS A SPECIiLT. Telephone S002. THIS WITNESS THAT II. D. SWARTZ & CO. An tha Loading Wholeule Agenti in Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. HEADQUARTERS FORx L C, Smith's and Remington Guns, Claj Pigeons and Pigeon Traps. Tclcphono 3723. Open Evontngs. 813M Bpruoe Street, between Penn and Wyo ming Avonues. JOHN L HANGI. ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP SI I Laek. Ay. and Stewart's art Store. Pboti Engraving (or Circular, Books, Citi- M . logon, iawspipsn. Klf-Tonw u Un Work. POWDER ARE THE BEST )) ' f 6a f) 1 ISlM 1 TUB TRADERS Eitional Bank, of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1C90. CAPITAL 2S0.0G0 SURPLUS, $10,030 FAMTTET, ITTNES, President. W. W. WATSON, Vlce-Prosldent, A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuol Illnes, James M. Evnrhart, Irr Ing A. Finch, Plorco B. l-'lnie; Joseph J. Jermyn, M. B. Kemerer, Che.r'es P. Mat. thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. prompt. HiEiw. mm and LIBERAL. TT.ta bnk Invites tho patronage of bua aeas men and firms gcneraly. LAGER BREWERY. Uanufa-tarera of the Colobratod, PILSEN LAGER BEER CAPACITY 1 00,000 Barrels per Annum nrrtB anoB co wp. c.-rpitni, ii.odd.oct. iokst at.no hhois n the woia.D. "A dollar tared it a dollar tanud." t Tale ladles' Hallfl French Kongols Kid Ba. ton Boot dellTerad free anywhere In the U.S., OS roenptoiuaan, aeosyunitrr, or Portal Note for tl-M. Kqnale orfiry way tae boots mid to all null stone for J.60. W. nak. tbla boo ounehrm, tberofore we faf anttt the SV. tttU mud wr. and If any on. fa not euunrf we win mane wo nwej or eend another pair. Opa 'l oo or uomraon t, wldlha O. ft. B. ft SB. IVV alisa 1 to k and Bad lunnram jviif : " mm m" sT 'afl Dexter Shoe Co., FEDERAL ST.. WaTksV-VV-afaf- mi A SB. Spuial trm U 2aUn. i 1'S Si Bar roa Bore Throat, Plmptee, Ooier-4lprea I tpots, Aebea, Old soiee, Vloere In alooth, Balr UUritT Write CeBeaMdy Oe,a4TMavl MloTeaaBlekleaweJlMor proof, of eum. I Oavltial ttamOfiti. PaUenteoared alae reare I s TOVES 100 Sizes and Styles OF PARLOR STOVES fNsaaiaysBfs 50 Sizes and Styles HEATING STOVES r4 w WORKS & Ren-t B cents for sample package Faultless Chemical Company. Bara moro, Md. Atlantic Refining Go Manufacturers and Dealers la 01 hS Unseed Oil, Napthas and Oaso. lines of all srades. Axle Oreasa, Pinion Grease and Colllerjr Com pound; also a Uve line ot Par afflne Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME t)IL, tho only family safety; -burning oil In the market. Win. Mason, Ktassst, Office: Coal Exehacne, Wyoming Ave, Works at Pine Brook. "atrar REVIVO RESTORES VrTAUn. Made 1st Day. XSIWJVC4 fcVVeil MBIT na enur sota Day. . X'x-txnjcjx xanvrsBP'af prodnoM th. abore re. alt. In'SO days. Itarif powotfnllyandqidclily. Cone wheaaUetaerelaa Voeaf meawlUnsaia their loet auabood. aad old dob wtll teemr thtlr youthful Ttser ky setae BETIVO. It evleklr and Baralr reHerae Mraue seta, Uel Vitality, IrapolMKT. Xlsbtly lHaMesa Loet rewer, Faluns Mrmorr , WaaUM Plain., eaa all UMi of e.U-abnM or eseataaad iadlaeNitea, whleh aalta one lor etady. seataaie er sientafe. H aol only ears, ey etoHlns at tte east ot staiese. set leamat aetne toole aad bloael balMev, Mef lefbaak the sink glow te ped eheeke end Iw ttoMaj eh. Are of youtk. Award, e faaealW aad OaBeuBpUoa. laalH ea kartat BBTITO, Be euer. it eaa ee earnxl la een peu. IIM per aaekats, er els tor Me, with a aeetj; e wnctea eraaraatee ee ewe aw leiaia the aaeai.y. OUeaiariree. Adaraae 0tl MtOiaH CO.. IS alter It. CHWMO. WL Vet Hta syJatthewslSreeU Diegraa)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers