TIIE FCItANTOU" TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNTN-Cfc OCTOBER 30. 1S33. WILKES-BARRE. A CHILD BURNED. Uttlo Clara Klslibuh llndljr InJuroJ Ploying with 1-irc. Yesterdny afternoon about 1 o'clock a trolley ciii- who crosslnir thtr tracks of the. Ofluwar anil .Hudiion road on llanovor street and the imuscnt'rs feaw 11 little eirl, enveloped In llames, run out from 'the Bide door of the house Just belo- the. hotel. Hnlf.a. dozen passen gers Jumped from the enr and tore the biasing;' clothes from tho child and car ried her back the house. No one wan home and the passentrors took idmrfre of affairs, one jjoIhk for a physi riun anl the others minlsterlwr to the liiiuries of the(llttle one.. Henry Holts, n neighbor, arrived ami Fiiid tho child tthnuld be taken to his house; where she eould have proper treatment, which was done, although un ambulance was sent for and the little one was Boon tukento the hospital. The child was I'lnra. the 8-yenr-old daughter of AVilliam Kishbaiisfh. a car penter, who was uway from home all d.iv, working on a Scott street building. Poinc time before the accident occurred, lira. Klshbaugll left the house to go to Scott street on nn errand, leaving the house In charge of little Clara, who was to look after five other little ones. Tlvre Is nn old-fashioned stove In the kitchen and the children got some pine splinters and were lighting them on the hot couls exposed through the grate. One of the burning splinters -(-nine In contact with Clara's clothing, Igniting It. She was dreadfully burned about the face and body, though the burning clothes had been torn off before the (ire reached her limbs. Her hair wns near ly all burned from her head and the llesh hung in great shreds from her face, hnnds and arms. She Is expected to recover, although terribly burned. Tho Lecture Course. The remaining events of the Young Men's Christian association lecture course are as follows: Tuesday, Nov. 17 Franz Wllczey Concert company. Including Vilczek, violinist: Mary Heuek Wllczek. so prano; Manglnnl de Pasqullla, tenor; Edwin M. Shonert. pianist. Tuesday, Dec. 10 Professor It. L. Cumnock, professor of elocution. Northwestern university, In humorous and dramatic readings. Tuesday, Jan. 21 Colonel H. A. Urqu hart, war lecture, a thrilling descrip tion of the Libby prison, escape and capture. Tuesday, Feb. IS Frank Heard, the famous caricaturist. Tuesday, March 10 Swedish Quar tette Concert company. Male quar tette, violinist nnd elocutionist. Course tickets sell at the unheard of low prices of $1, because the committee confidently expects that the house will be filled to the fullest capacity at each entertainment. The lecture commit tee Includes Dr. F. C. Johnson, Dr. H. N. Young and H. C. Davis, I'h. D. Tlic Oratorio Concert. The Hemberger quartette Theodore Weinberger and Hubert Hanoi-, of Beranton, and the Klppnrd brothers, of this city will piny at the Oratorio con cert In this city on Nov. 6, and Pro fessor Hemberger will also play a solo. St. Mary'n "and the Memorial church choirs, the Schumann society, the New York tenor. Mr. McKlnley, nnd Miss KalB3r's last appearance before a AS'llkes-Rarre audience prior to her re turn to Karope. I n t her Against Daughter. A peculiar case was Ibegun before Judge Lynch yesterday in equity court, It 'being the case of Timothy Reynolds effajnst Annie Reynolds. The parties I'PElde on IVinsle Hill, Kingston town Fhip. The plaintiff was married twice. Iiy his 11 m wire Tie 'hart a daughter, Annie Reynolds, the defendant In the case, who Is now S yeurs old. Three 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Call your special attention to the following departments, where will be found a com plete Hue of all the latest nov elties: . Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery, .Silks, Velvets, and Dress Goods, Plain jnd Fancy Cloakings, 1 Blankets, Comforts, Lin en Sheets and Pillow Cases, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Feather and Far Boas, Cloth and Fur Coats. At prices to suit everybody. We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. All express charges on. mail orders prepaid by us. T 1 IH ITU f 1 il l3 If LEBECK CORIN. years ago, two days after he married his second wife, Mr. Reynolds deeded his property to Annie, tine daughter by his llrst wife. Reynolds claims he can hot reed, and that he was drunk at the time he made the deed. He brings fhe null to try and rwover the prop erty from his little daughter, who is now living: with her grandfather. Michael Handler, since iier mother's death. Attorneys Fa.rnham and Davis rep.-ttent the plaintiff while Jarncs L. Dena'nan and JlcCormack are for the defendant. DEAD IN HI-1). David NcclJ Expires During tho Night of Suffocation. Yes tor-Jay morning1, David 13. Neeld, cf 214 Park avenue, the 19-year-old sun uf William J. Ncekl, a cnrpcr.'tcr In the employ of Wilson Smith, was found dead In bed. He and his brother, Will lain, Jr.. had retired about midnight, nnd David, just before retiring, had been Helzf d by a lit, to which he had been subject for years. -At 6 o'clock yesterday morning the boys were called by their father anil William tried to waken his brother, who was lying on his face. He found the body stiff. Dr. Kit: tier was called and said he 'died fiom Euffo-catlon or heart failure, but could not say positively without a post mortem. The funeral will take place at -Allen-wood, below Wllllampuort. leaving on tha 7.25 n. m. train on the Pennsyl vania railroad Thno.lnv morning. M ill I ile.l. The will of t'hfi late James Kelly, of this cKy, was "probated yesterday. Ho brqiicatihs all of 'his cstaite to his son, Charles' J. Kelly, 'who Is also named ex ecutor. The will of the late Maria WIckert, of 'this city, was also probated yes terday. 'She leaves her property on liennetit street, this city, to her hus band, .Franz Welckert, and appoints Mm fxreutor. The will of John Knappman, of Pitts ton, was probatril. His property at 109 .Mill ftreet. Is left to his cfrU-st d-Miprh-ter, Jane. She also to have all per sonal . property, on .payment of $25 to Philip Kna.ppman. The proiterty oppo site 109. Mill street lis left to sons Philip and John: The daughter, Catherine Knaippman. 'Is given $f00. she to pay Jciin Knappmun $25. Henry Geddin, of Plttston, is appointed exeeu'tor. Death nf Henry Kudcnuticr. Henry Rudenouer, nfri-d 45, of 10 Wood street, died last night of pneu monia, leaving a widow and one Bon, Charles. Mr. Iludeiiauer was born In IkHbrun, Wurtcmburp:, flcrmany, and came to this country when 15 years of age. He first located In New York, where he worked as a baker, and after ward came to this city and worked in the Hluckman mines, nnd nho at Ha stleton. He afterward conducted a bak ery at Orange, N. J., and finally located In this city permanently, having en gaged In the grocery, hotel and hard ware business at various times. He was a member of the Knights of Py thias. Wyoming lodge, Harugard lodge nnd Young JIaenner lodge. The llcnd Italian. From a pnrsport found on the Italian who was klllcl on Monday by a Lohlch nnd Wllkes-Harre engine, on the Ply mouth bridge, It was learned that his name was d'asquale Cavatta. A pocket book also contained letters addressed to his wife, In the Muthern part of Italy. t'wlf rtnkcr Huron delayed l iirlal until today, to give the relatives, If any, a chance to claim the body. The letters are new In Father 'M..--Ar.Jrrws' possession, and 'he will make an effort to find the relatives and no tify thvm cf Cavatla's untimely death. . A Chnrter Filed. The charter cf the Iuryea Presby terian iKiurciyi w-a'S f!lf d in the prothc notary's office yesterday afternoon. It will be known as the First Presby terian (lurch of Duryea, and the trus tees are Charles Allien. John R. Thomp son anI .D. W. Hlohanls. of Duryea;j Sa muel C. Jones and Y Minim Ilepp, of Old Foige. A New Attorney. Yesterday, on motion of John T. I,en ahan. Frank P. Slattery, of Haxleton, was admitted to general practice in the I,UJ!erne county courts. Mr. Slattery graduated from T-atrabe college, nnd read law under Mr. Lenahan, passing his llnal examination last June. He was obliged to wait until Oct. 29 on account of age. A Divorce Awarded. lou!s Coihen was awarded a mih pr'na in divorce from 'his wife, Esther Cohen. They tvere married In Hussla In JSSS; and the libelant at pres ent resides in Plttston. The huriband charges 'desertion, saying that his wife left him In 1S93, land at present resldts In Virginia. . Iliirt Ills Knee. . John Shannon, one of the oldest min ers at the Hex! Ash. had his right knee ba'dly crushed yesterday morning by being coiught between two oars. HR1F.F NOTES. A young child of leorge Hinifavago died yesterday morning of diphtheria, It being Uhe second child to die within ft week. A ivel'l-at tended social was lhe)d at the Young Women's Christian associa tion rooms last evening. A pleasant facial for Gratre mission was given last evening at t'he home of Theodore Ktoeckel, on South Main Btreet. J. K. Cuirran, formerly with the Peo ple's Furnishing company, on North Main street. Is now with E. P. Phil lips, the Kouth Main Btreet fmmiituro dealer. A supper trill be given at Memorial church this evening for the benefit of the Old Ladles' Home. All members of tho West End Wheel men wltl meet tonight ait 'the club rooms to complete arrangements for thelr cmoker on Thursday evening of this week, ; ARCHSALD Mm. Isabella- Jones, wlfa of Coun cllrlian Edward A. Jones, died very suddenly wt her 1ican, on ftnuth Main street, at 6 o'clock last evening. Mrs. Jones liaii "been ailing for the past few weeks, but at no time was her con dition so. serious as to cause any alarm to ,her friends. Last evening, while at tending to her househld duties, ehe was suddenly e'trlcken with a pain over the right temple and she died In a few min utes. Mrs. Jones was formerly Mies Isabella Myers. Bhe was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mavln Myers, of South Main street, and a sister of School ri. rectcr Henry Myers. She was born and reared here and was widely known anij respected. . The announcement of her death was shock to all her friends and much sympathy 1s felt for her sorrowing relatives.. She is survived toy her husband and three small children. At this writing the arrangements for tbe funeral 'have not been made. Rev. W. A. Beec'her was formally In stalled as pastor of tho Presbyterian church last evening. The church was crowded with people from this and the surrounding towns and In the assem blage were clergymen from all parts cf the valley. The exercises were opened with an invocation by Rev. L. A. lln dermuth, of Mooelc. The choir sang an amthem and there was a Scripture lesson by Hev. V, C. Byers. of Peck vllle, Mr. Dt.' Van Doren sa.ng a solo an Rev, Charles Iee, of Cxrbor.'iale, preached the Installation sermon. Con stitutional questions were considered 1y Rev. O. E. Guild, of Providence, and Rev. T. W, Swan, of Plttston, delivered the charge to the pastor. The charge to Wie people was made by Rev. T. A. Mills, of Wllke4Barre, and the In stallation prayer wa offered by Rev,' OB. MtaLane, of fflJlmfhiirtt. Rev. Mr. Bchr closed the exaroisM y be- stowing benediction, and the choir sang nn appropriate hymn. The exercises throughout Tvcre mort Impressive. Uev. Mr. Heteher Is the first Prenbyterlan paitor to toe formally Installed here. The congregation Jias erected a very beau tiful res'.'Jenre on iNorth Main street, which he will occupy when It U com pleted. AKhnugh the congregation (s not large it Is active and progressive, as i evident from their desire to have a pastor statlnr.Td anting them. Jchn Ratchford, a 16-year-old ton of Thomas R'ltehford. of Salem ftreet, died on Saturday morning after a phort Illness. H!i3 funoral was held on Mon day afternoon. A child of Josefh McC.owan, of Rock Terrace, was severely burned while pterin? near a fire, on Saturday after noon. Dut for the courage of Mrs. Jchn Mullen, the little one might have been burned to death. TIIE CIRK OF LOCKJAW. First Experiment with tho New Scrum Mndo on a Krooklyn Boy-Physicians Hopeful of Success. New York. Oct. 29. Tho physicians of Brooklyn are watohilng wkh Interest a fiase of lotkjaw from which Joseph Revere. 12 years of age, Is suffering. The unfortunate boy has furnished. It Is said, the first opportunity In this slate tor a test of 'Lho latejy dlejovered nmtldo'te for teCanus, wihlch at a late hour Saturday nW.vt was furnished by Dr. Paul GIbler, at t'he Pasteur Insti tute. New York. Joseph reyer, stcp fa .her of tCie, boy. Is employed at the Masipoth race trak. Two weeks ago ycung Revere was playing near the trst'C'k when he was kicked over tho It't eye by a horse. His stepfather, rpeaklng last nlgiht of what folloiwcd, icild: "I teleplioncd to St. Catharine's hos pital and was Informed that the am Ijulanc'? w.miU not come aP!?i33 the city Una for lc?3 'than $10. My tnnvloyer dhtn tailer up anil t'hey agreed to come for $5. I ciikl mot have the nwney, and borrowing a toaim I drove the boy to the 'hcpl'tal, where his wound was tirrrsed." Young Revere was nipparently well within a few days, airid In a week was out plaiyirar. Fh-e O'ays age the stitches were removed and nothing remained bt trie scar. . Frld?y afternn.:n the boy coimplalned cf a dldlrtilty In 'hreathlTg, and was put to he.l. Boon npanms dev4oMid. Rigid ity of the Jaws and muscles followed. Sip3-irs affcwlng the back were tie most prominent symptom. So frlihtful was his mfrorlng that, while lylr.g on tho floor, hla bxak would curve until but the top of the 'liead aod heela touched 4he floor. Hr. Thomals F. iMciCleary. of .No. 952 Bedford avenue, was called In, and 1m moJ'Iately dlairnosed the case 'as te tanus, or lockjaw. The boy's suffer ing was lessened by chloroform, buit the disease progressed nil day Satur day. .Dr. Morrison and the stnff of St. Catharine's hospital visited him. At 11 o'clock on Saturday night the anti toxic serum was secured by Dr. Mc Cleary and his first Injection given. SIn-.?e 'tht-n there has heen an Improve ment In the boy's condition. The senre of asphyxiation has disappeared, nnd Irs. MoCIeary and 'Morrison have hopes of his recovery. Aocording to Dr. William dray, gov ernment 'bacteriologist, the microbe lives in tho eai'th, and the soil of any garden Is f ull of lockjaiw germs. It does r.ot d.u-elop In the soil, being present there only In 'the form of spores. In a person's blood the s-pores quickly ha tch, and the bl.-llll arrive a-t the adult stage, throwing off freh spores. Tfie quires which exist In the soil pro due? a'polson of Inlen'Sely virulent char acter In the human system which re Fulls In death, the symptoms resem bling those caused by strychnine poi soning. Young Revere was given a dose of the nnti-toxlne every six hours, and lite last night the spasm had ceased, tOie muscles of the larynx had taken Place since nnon. Dr MeCleary does not say the Ixiy Is out of danger, as Iris heart Is lightly affected. HERE IS A MYSTERY. Two Men Dlsnppcnr from Boarding House, l eaving llclilnd Pools of lllood. Chicago, Oct. 29. A week ago two men, whose names are unknown, en gaged a room cf W. K. Allen, at No. .17 Pino street. StVernl times during the time they occupied It t'hey were heard quarreling; 'betw3cn Sat urday night nnd Sunday morning, the room was vacated, and all that now remains to Indicate that It was oc cupied are several large .pools of Iblood and the blood-stained walls and furni ture. A peculiar feature of the case Is that the tcuvels which were left In the room for the UKe of the two men have dis appeared as mysteriously and as com pletely ns the men 'themselves. While It seems hai'lly possible t h ait a -man could lose so much 'blood nnd still Ive, the police express the opinion that no murder was committed, and say they do not believe a 'body could be taken out cf the building without some one knowing It. Nevertheless, a half dozen detectives are working on the case, ar.'d It Is announced that the search will not be given up until one or both of the men who occupied the room have been found and made to explain how It came to be eo stained wR'h blood. CLUTCHED AT HER LOCKS. Stranger Trios to Steal tho Hair from Miss Ilnnernm's llcnd. Lincoln, Ne.Ii., Oct. 2!).. This morning at the. Wa'3hlng!on House Miss Macthi Hanzeram was In the kitchen attend ing to seme domestic duties when she heard a rap on Ilhe door. She opened It and a man asked her for a drink cf water. She turned to get It for him. The minute her back was turned he maUe a rprlng and grathed her by t'he hair, w'hlch tho usually wears braided down her ibaok. He made one swift stroke wl.ih a raxor, but a s she turned partly arcrandhe only succeeded in cut ting olt a few'' locks. She i ;reamcd and the man ran out of the door. The police arrested William McCarthy, who was Identified by a boy who saw him running from the house. QUEER IDEA Of GALLANTRY. Stonlslons Plotrowllio Knocks Senseless a Girl Who Refuses to Dance with Him. Mlllwaukee, Wis., Oct. 29.-Mary BI1-. ton -tonlgh't violated the' etiquette of her set at Simon Rath's dance, and waa taken home In a patrol wagon. Stanis laus Pk.'trow:ha aekdl her to dance with him, and fhe refused. PlotrowJha drew off a.nd planted his fist In her chest with such force that the was knocked senseless, and a hem orrhage was produced. The girl Is very feadlly Injured,' but declines to pro?e cute her assailant, claiming that it was all (her,fauK., t BLOOD AND NERVES are very closely related. Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy with Hood's Barsapnrllla and you will have no trouble from nervousness. HOOD'S PILLS are the belt after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent consti pation. 2oe. TUTSI a. .alti-aaV M Cnn ran teed Care rap fuultUiattTudiDfr aumciitx bah of young na mlddlo ro J tarn and wnmwn, . Th wfulc (Teeuof TOirrtmil. RMf.ltf of eraatmont Eltuor.3, prodacirt vesfc hem, Nerroui Debility, IfJhtly Emiauor.g, Congumpiioa. InianilT, eihauttlmr dnUm and lor ot point of thi Oca nunurnniuDDuing1 qm tor nmiji ducidmi aca; hTftF MmL MAMttnriM Tor eats by JOHN H. PHULPf, Draw (1st, Wyoming tva, tad Sprues strati A WORD. WANT3 Or ALT, KINDS COST" THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID KOn IN AD VANCE. WHEN" A IOOIC ACCOUNT 13 MADE. NO OlIiKGE WILJ HE LES THAN' CENTH. THTS ItCI.E AP PLIES TO SJ'AI.T, WANT AD3 EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS AND HELP WANTED. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. , Help Wanted-Mtls. ll'AKTFD-A POI.ITK. M-NTLEMAXI.Y younif ma'i of Is nr 20 reirsnf live to lenrn tue bni'ii'- n'd tnnl o b n;se!f us -'id. Ad lr. EXTURPKISE. iu owu fcaud writ'u.', Trdiuni nilice. ' " OENTH - A SN'AP 1'OR YOL. S'.ivOO weekly: i','W yeirlv: no sport-nee neeesviry: "failur im-nm ililer "ur srhrnin n ni.w one: tvu t iul.U' t. ce. Addrc-iS I. U. Uox fleS, I oston. Sluss. ' TAliTBDFOL'lfolt'K'V ! BNKhofcfiT! men: to d le Itbnnlo bniines: nt-ndy nmrlovment: uoim hut Inwller ieol apuly. (.'nil We'ltislii7 nioriiiiiK, lietrt'tfU U kiid 1" o'elni k: Ml I.Mrkiiwftiifn itvi'tme. rASTED- AONT Tm EVEItTsKO tinn lorcinvn-H: 4 00 tnSiOis ilsv mttl: sdls st Kiah': nlsii'i l a i to wll htspl Um-d-t to dt'nli'rs: best s1I. ouo ; 7 00 n nut ith; hiiI iiry nr ItirirH t'oirminmon ninle; exp''rienc iitinreoiisn y. Ciftun uai and Mniiuiaetar inn Co., C'inclniiiitl, O. WAXTED-A nXTPHKR WHO HAS HAD xper.onee Ht the IhihIiioss:' mu.t fome well r'cumiueiided. Address T. O. Trib line nfllre. OKNTH-MI..N WANTllii, ALKEAKY iV traveling, lo pnrrv lnliri' .itlou nilsnsa sdo lln. MANU. ACTCJKEKS' OIL CO., Cleveland, O T AKTED - WErLKNmVN MAN' LN' ' evi-ry twn to Hdieit stock sulnerip tion: a nifinniinly: hit; rnoni'y lor ABantH; no capital required. KUWAKU I'. K1SH CO., Iiorrt"ii MliK'k. I'hicie.'O. 111. Helo Wanted Females. rANTED-AN FXI'EUIEXtVD HI108- uiiikor; ii" otlii.r nert ntq.ly. Apply to S., '1 ribii' e nillcD Scrnntou. Pi UTANTKD IM MF.DI ATKLY TWO F.XElt pctle fnIenunnioTi to roprcS'Dt ns. Gnnronteed Jilsdny without It.t'-rferlui' with nthet: duties. liiA'ttif'.l nneuii;ition. Writo for partii'Ulnrs, luelmlTii.' stump, Mamn ('hem lord Company. No. 72 Jnbii Mri'nt. Now York, Agents Wanted. A OEXTS WANTED EVERY WIIFRE-TO i ennvass fur our New llollilWm- nil') nooks, f'.tir tlliristtpns naiiiiieH: sell at blirhf, liberal ternn. Ailib'M bl'EC'IALTY, Sub Station No. 2. Phl nd Iplii.i. Pa. AGENTS WANTED TO SF.LI, CIGAnW: ST.'i per month alurv nndexi'enH 'H pi'id. Address with twtwout stamp, KlUAltO CI UAli CO., Ciiicaeo. t UENT8- TO hKI.L Ol'lt I'KAtTK.'AL tilc-k.-l nrd copni'r elirtro iV iT"ld, silTer. plHtera: priee lrom S:t ujiwnrd; aalary and ex-pensi-H pud: out tit free. A!diess, with Hiamp, JIK'HinAN 1IFOCO., Chimso, AOENTS TO SELL CIO A US TO DE ALF.ltS: S'i weeklv inwl expenses: cxp'Tlrnno nn nwi'imrr, ONSOLIDAi'IIO JlFU. C ., i Van llnre-i St., Clrcs'jo. CALF.8MAN TO CAUHY SIDE LINE: 2i O pr i eat. ronimis-ion; simpUi book tnnlli cl fre. Address L, X. CO., ntatluu L, New Yrk. T)N(;E-AOEyr,SAlM'(ri sell now Italitnlu? selling tallc rlnlh. mos quito and Iioiiho fly liquid nt IU cents iili l'.'" rets n bo tie. Snnipln tro.. I'OHilANO M F'O Co., Iialtinvre, ild. "a"0ENTH-HINIE'.S PATENT "iTNIVEH V sal Hair Cut lers nnd W vera (us d with out heat), nnd "Pyr Pl:itrd"Hir Pins. Lib eral rotninissions. Free samplo and full iur ttenlars. Address P. '. Box tSil, Now York. Salesmen Wanted. UrANTEO-SALESMEN TO SELL ST A plo rooils nt home O'' trnvel; liberal Hid sry or wnod commissi n: w se id samp us on application: kIv i X''lusi-ot"n itory. Address P. O. Hex 1H, New Yurk City. ' Tor Rent. T.'OIl lSICNT-Tiri; PR i.VlsKK liECENTLY J nminied livTlmSiuiint hi Trib iie.known as tlio HI' snr ItuiUllntr. mint "f Hi ruco ft. and I onn uve. INti'ssi'tii civt'n iniiue.liatoly. The pi'pml i s ronlst of the b Cilirnt In lho rntr of tlm bullilitis nn the corner i f snrnro t-treot and 1 enn iivenue. tnto'lier with th liieotnent. nnd slso the euti-o to:trth Hnur if the coi ner buililimt. The elevator belonirlnit toTho Tribimo Ptlilis iui Co. will bo sold to tin) lessee on reasonable terms. For particu lars inquire on tlm premises, . f ItuiI'Miih Illooser, or ut thi o.llco of Tho ticrantu Trib une. TfoK KENT-IKH'SK CON'f aInIN'O II I rornis. with lath nnd li.rnTe, 3 1 .". Kss Lnfayetie street; til-n fix roon's for rent, four ni-t! rooms, tin ktly fui nls' ed, for lltht h hbh knepini.'. H1W Lafayntt" street. POli HENT-ON CAP IT.HK AVENUE, T 1 rnnm boii'e: lateht iiiiproreir.outs. Ap ply 1 -Tt Cnpcnse avetine. fpwbliFFTcES.'t'LO-iET. STUART TlKAT. 1 miming water, decorntii ns. front, wne splcnom; Sic. W. OIBSON JO.NES, UIISpiuco stnet. lfNKS l' BACHELOR A PA LTMl' NTS IN J1 rttv: st-sm heat;, hnmls'inin suite; all comf'Tisnnd olieerlul: s cere it quick. W. OHSSUN JONES, 3I1 Spruce ntroet. CUI IOR II 'ISK To" LKT-MAnisViN k5 nveniio He sure to not m'si s "in (this before, retitfnif. Also h.nse on Jeffers ni. W. GIBSON JOVE8. :ill f prm-nstrrot, I7OK REN T-ON K-Il A L V H 6 UHETno. aillt Nor'h Main ave nio: II notis. eas. wuier. furnnn and bathroom and barn. InquiiH nt Anderson's News liooliis. Providence i-qtmre. OR RE " T FUR IS H ED RO' )LwiTTl or witlinui beard, bWtaLlu tor two per tuns. 1X1 Adams live, Y'llR RENT sfx ROOM HOUSE ON WfCST I Lftokawantm nvemiM. AiMross 'I H IMA3 E, EVANS, sear IlUi Liuerne, Hydn Parx. T7(itR"ENf-NICFLY"FritNIsilErTHALL r sultnblo for IoIko looms. JOHN JE; MYN. II'.' Wyoml' ir ovenu". ' for Sale OYMIEK HOUSE FitR BAJjK (iV. AC count of other, buslnoss. H X TCI, pins liainton, H. Y. IXR SALE-FARM. ST CK AND ALL r faim'nif utoni-lls. Inquire of .7. V. SHEF FIELD, 711 Scinuton street, raq 0 1 Pa. T Pub.lc Sale. AT Moscow. p. , ocr. au. or der ricka, linn p cirs. wlr. rop s. bo lor nnd black. ti'ni 1m I illl'itp carts, lumi-ur wntr or, itim. bl.CiiUii.li trola, t'tc. 'ii si tlve. . . . -c. T. FOItD. Money to Loan. IJUO.MP LOANS f RKAL KST TE -h-. enrity. -t. W, CRt7sE, M Lnckawan ua avenue, " Seeelal Ketlcsv OTiTeToN AND AFTEit MAY I, I wl I rnako a mentn'y ti.ur- o! tho follow Ini plsci m vlni; tr o jp n nir advertising ox hiliiilona wl h ha sh roup le w: Taylorvble, Hyde ark, Prur di mv. IHekseti clynhant. Piekville. Arrhliad, Jermyn. Exhibitions' given n Wedmslay and Friday of e.iuu week dliiinfftho month, tlie laiu, fiir Oliver tis m nr- :lu per month, jid-reaj U. H. t,'all. Tribune nftlce, e.ty. 'rsUK KOI DIEH IN OUR CIVIL WA' ." 1 Von want this relic. Contains nil of Frank Lcvlio'a fi mousold War r-lctuin sliow ing the fin cm n actual battle, skoto led on tb i pot. Two Tolum-a, V.IMI pictures, Isold on aav monthlv pavnient. Delivered by ex l resa complet?. all nl ar.-et prepaid. Address P. O. WOODY, (122 Annuls Ave.. S. ran'on, Pn. BLANK I OCRS, 1MJ1PHLKT8, UAUA ilnes, etc. bound or reboand at Trh Tntnusi oOlcs, Uuick. work. Ueaaonabl "The Devil , v And th& - w Dep Sea." CeiiiSSf All Strips Effects, in varied tints of light, iuedi uia and dark shades, universally sold at $1.25. This Is asi Exceptional Silk i CONNOLLY & Situations IVanted. VJlTCAUON WAN I'l-.D-llV AllA.WliAS O elerk in wholesale, retail iiry (jonils or irrorerv Htore; lnia l ad experience Ad tress SI. J. K., Tribim -otllco. CITUAT.'ON W;STEl-T(i lit) OUT 11Y tlie'dny wasliinu; wiisliiuu'i tnken lio'ne, nlo. ( nil or ndilroa L. U,, ot)l X. fini uer nvoiiuo liydo l'.u It. s ITUATION WANTED - fiY A LD ronntrv cr-'oiu vh tin'lofHt:tnils Inrn vnrk nnd horses: ran be wotl recotuuiouded Address Mc, Tr.biino oih.-e. CIIIIATION WA 'I El) BY A YtlUNU O man ill butelu'r btisinesa, with two veu'a' experleniv; b st rof-reiien n d lu til lur nis.ied, if required. F. C. 'rribnnc olhee. ITlJA'riOM W ANT EU-RY-A VoUlTo 0 mnn as third liiind linker or any kind of work or trade. Aldios I'l.'j Stimo iiveiu o. irATlON'''wANTMBY A YoUXO la'ly ns oflire yirl or ebrk; lina bud aome knowl'-'de of boit:k'-'o;iiUf. AdJress U M., Tribiinoolllo 1. rOUN ' ADY Wtil'Ll) LIKE I'OSITIO 1 as Hteno::rrip!p'r and typewriter: also to assist in iHiokkitepiii";; lini hn-1 cxptrlenaj and can plvo the l:e-t of reicr-ntto. ddros l'EUSONAL. Lock ll ix IVI. city. r A N " ED-PI ISITIO N AS" IKiCSl'.K BKP. V rr In Hiiiutl f imiK', op r a nurse. Adilrnia JIKS. J. H. WILLI MS, (iM Ailnnnnveniio. W'as -i r.u a "FwTflo'jr rA'X sTmitLi aired old country iretitU'inan .'t any thing wh 'in I10 e in l.o m b.riil and llnd a homo. Address MeM , 'J'nliMne o.iire. Assignee's Sale. AS-KiXI E'a SALE - Till UNDER - V aL'tipd. asditneo of tho tfrrnnton Trust Companv and MnvhiRa l'nnk, will olfiir at i nliJir Kilo 011 Fridiy. 'hit n uny of N'ovom Per next, at ID o'clock a. m , at tho Arbitra tion Room nt thn Court lliiiise, Ki-r.inl'in, the lulanro duo upon mi are Hint of hts iiiede es hoi. O.wruo Fuller, ajsino in tho Scruntoa City Bank. CHARLES II. WELLES, Amign jo. JAMKS 11. TdUltl.Y, Attorney. 1 strayed. CTHA YKU TO Hill! SIONSKY AYENUK, larjo brown cow with b!a:c .Terse.- niarKed mu.so Owner can reetivor by paying coats. Clairvoyant. MUS. KENTN, CLAIRVOYANT AND phrenolo :1st, Arnoitt ll"Uso, 4ii Laeka wnnna nv tui". tlrs wi"k .oily. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAET, PORCELAIN. lirldKS and Crown work, olllec, t-3 V.'ashlnRton nenue. C..O. LAI'TIACIL SmOEON DENTIST. So, 115 Wynmlint avenue. It. M. RTItATTON, OFFICE COAL EX chanee. Physicians and Surucons, DR. C. EDO Alt HE AN' HAS REMOVED to CIO Sprtli'i street, B-rnnton, Pa. (Just oppovlto Court House Sqimn'.) DR. KAY, :n I'ENN AVE.: 1 to 3 P. ,L: mil i1"::. 1 Ha. of women, ubstrctrlcs and and all din. of ehll. PR. W. E. ALLEN, i"12 North Washington nvor.no. DR. C. L. FREV, PRACTICE LIMITED, dlsetiacs of the Eye. Ear, Noae an. I Thront; oltlee, 122 Wyonilng ave. Ite.sl dence, C2D Vine Htrret. DR. L. M. GATES. 123 WAS1UNCTON avenue. Oirtee hours, 8 to H n. m., 1."') to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Residence 200 Madi son avenue. PR. .1. C. IlATE'tON. TI'ESDA V3 AND Friday", at !0'i Linden Htreet. Ollloe hour 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyer. WARREN KNAPP. ATTORVEY3 nnd Counsello'-.s nt Lnv, Repnbliran building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. JESSUPH ft- HAND, ATTORNEYS AVD Coiinsellorii nt Low, Cor.'.momvealth bul'dlnif, Washington pvenoe. W. H. JESSCP, HORACE E HAvf, w. h. jEssirr. Jn. PATTERPOM ft WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Cnunselln-s Pt Lnw; offlecs ti and Llh-nrv building. a,'niton. Pn. P.OSEWELL IT. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HANO, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys end Counsullor", Connon wealth butltllrt.-. Itocmn 7!t. 20 and 21. PRANK T. OKFLL. ATTORNEY"-A T Lnw, Room 6, Coal Exrdmnfre, Scran ton, P. JAMES V. OAVFPRri. , n-T-1r.vi7v. nt-Law. rinini C3, CI nnd C3, ComniJ:i- wealth bulldlns. . SAMUEL W. POAR. ATTORVEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Sprtico Pt., S-rarton. P.i. ,; A. WATERS. ATTOXEV-AT-LAW, 423 Iackawnnna nve., Scranton, Pa. miE TOWXftEND, "attorney-at-taw, D'nne Rank Pulldlnir. Scranton. Money to loan In larso sums at S per cent. . C. R. PITCHER. ATTOR'EY-AT-tnw, Comrnonwcalth bullc'lnc;, Scranton, Pn. II. C. SMYTH E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lnrknwnnnn avenue. C. COMEOYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. C. ItEPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS neEOtlated on real estate security. 403 Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyotntie eve., peH-iton. Ti. jas j. H. iiamiltonTattorney-at- law, 43 Commonwealth bld'R. Scranton. JM. C. RAN'CK. 1i WTOMTXO AVE. Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT 61S Meridian Street, Park Hill. Wiro Srcens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR nil LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufao- turer of Wire Bcreeiis. mmm . Medical. LA must CWtnsrtw'i Emh Pewiyroyal Wl Wfc. OFFER A LARGE LINE OF A 1 WALLACE, TRY US. 632-634 LACll AVE., COR. ADIS. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Hernnt'in, Pu., prepares boy.s nnd Rlrls for cnllexo or business; thorouubly trains youtiK children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens Sept.-mhcr '). HEV. THOMAS M. CANX, WALTER H. UPELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KIXDERflARTEN and School, 112 Adr.niH avenue, opc-ns Sept. 9. Klndetrbrton $10 per term. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 21. !'i nnd 2'1, Commonwealth building, fle.ranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of fi'.'ii Wuiihtnston avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 1S."i Spruce at., cor. Wnsh. nve., Rernnton. LROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price biilldlns, 12i Washlniston avenue, Seranton. Loans. THE REITRI-IC SAVINGS AND lionn Association will loan you money on easier terma nnd pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call o:i S. N. Cnllendir, Dime Hunk liulldlnir. Sced-t. G. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 110 WnsliltiKton ave nue; i;reen house, 13"i North Main ave nue; store telephono 72. jllisucllnneotis. PACER'S ORCIIESTRA-MI'SIC FOR balls, picnics, partus, receptions, wed dines and concert work furnished. For terms nddrers R. J. Ilauer, conductor, 117 WyomlnB avenue, over Ilulbert's music store. MEOARUEE HROT1IER3. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bans, twine. Wn rehouse, 1JD Washington nve.. Scran ton, Pa FRANK P. HROWN tl CO., WHOLE sale dealers in Wood ware, Cnrdtme a.nd OII Cloth, 720 H'ei't Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AI'RREY, P.XPERT AC ivimitant nnd auditor. Rooms 19 nnd 20, Williams ItnlliHiiff, oppovlte poytotllce. Ai;ent for the Rex Fire Extlnc;ulsher. Hotels unJ Kestanrants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK lin uvenuc. I'ntes rensnnnb'e. P. ZE1GLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOPS NEAR D.. L. & W. Cotldllcteil on tho p.iypeneer depot. Europnin plan VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. a.nd lrvinpr Place, New York Unto?, V: ."0 per day ar.d upwards. (Amerl can plan). E. X. ANARLIl, Proprietor, RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Hail road of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used pxcluslvo.y, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TAltLE IN EFFECT JUNE 2, 1S!T. Trains loavc Scranton for Plttston, Wllkes-Harre, etc., at 8.20, D.1S, 11.3J a.m., 1.23, 2.. 3.05, 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 0.03 a. in., 1.0, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlnr.tte City, 8.20 n. m. Far New York, Newark and Elizabeth, S.20 (cypress) a. m 1.23 (expijcs'S with Hnf ftt parlor ca:), 3.03 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leavltiB 1.S3 p. ni. arrives nt Philadelphia. Reading Term inal, 0.21 p. m. and Nov York 0.43 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 1.23, 3.03, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p, m. Si'nilay, 2.13 p. m. For Lous Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at E.20 a.m., 1.23 p. m. For Rradlns, Lebanon and Harrlsburx, via Allcntown, K20 a. m 1.23, 6.00 p. ni. Sunday. 2.15 p. ni. For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m., 1.23 p. m. Returning leave Nr w York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, a.t 0.10 (exnress) a. ni., 1.10. 1.30, 4.30 (express with lluffet pal lor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Phi'ntle'phtn. Reading Terminal, O.OO a. m 2.00 Olid 4.30 p. m. Sunday 0.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be hml on application In ad vaco to tha ticket nuent t the station. II. P. HALDVVIN, Gen. Pars. Ascnt. J. H. OLIIAU3EX. Qen. Supt. DELAWARE AND neurits RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, l July 30. an trains win J arrive nt new Lacka wanna avenue siauuii ns follows: nMi,,a U7I11 teav (scran ton station for Cnrbondnle and Interme dlnto points at 2.20, 5.43, 7.00, 8.2.. and I 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.55, 5.15. 6.15. 7.2u, 9.10 nnd 11.20 p. m. , For Farvlcw, Waymart and Honesdnle at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 ond 6.1u PFor Albany, Saratoga, tho Aillrondacks and Montreal at B.45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Pnrro and Intermediate points at 7.45. 8.45, B.38 and In 45 a. m.,12.9j, I 2, 2.S8, 4.00, 6.10, 0.05, 9.15 and 11.33 p. m. Trains will nrrlvo at Scrsnton -station from.Carbondalo and Intermediate points nt 7.40. 8.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a .m.. 12.00, 1.17, 2.34. 3.40, 4.54, 5.63, 7.45, 9.11 and 11.33 p. m. From Hahesriale, Waymart and Far view at 0.31 a. rr... 12.00, 1.17, 2.40, 5.55 and 7.45 p. m. jot 4.54 and 11.83 p. m. r rom wiises-URrro - anu iirivrmeuuuo points at 116, l.0(, 10m and 11.66 a. m., t.li, ili !.. 6.U iOt IM. . ana U.W . n. W.j, SILKS CE, 69ga Iffering. 2owtHousvlnU0' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers.- Make and Repair Spring, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses, May 12, 1S03. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and Ntw York via D. A H. R. It. at 7.45 a. m., 12.03. 1.20, 2.: and 11.118 p. m via D., L. At W. R. R., 0.00, ti.Oj, 11.20 a. m., and 1.36 p. in. Leave Scranion for nttston nnd Wilkes. Parre, via IL, L. & W. U. It., 0.00. 8.0S, 11.20 a. in., 3.r.n, .n7, s.52 p. m. I-nnve Rernnton for White Haven, Ha 7.1eton, Pottsvllle nnd all points oil ths Heaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via K. ft W. V. R. It., fi.-tn a. m., via D & H. R. R. at 7.15 n. m., 12.03, 1.20, 2 38, 4.011 p. 111.', via D., L. & W. R. K. fl.OO, 8.0S, 11.20 a. m . 1.,'W. 3 511 p. m. Leave Sernntnn for Retblehem. Easton, Rending. H:in'isliiivg nnd nil Intermcdlnts points, via 1). H. R. It.. 7:15 a. m., 123, I. 20, 2.3S. 4.00 11. "8 p. m., via I)., L. & W. R. It.. COO. 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To wanda. Elmlrn, Ithnca. Geneva and nil Infermedlnte points via P. & H. R. It., 8.15 11. ni., 12.05 mi. I 11. S3 p. ni., via D., L. & W. R. It., 8.0S, 9.55 a. m., 1.3U p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Puffalo, Nlaitara Falls, Detroit, Chicago nnd all points west via I). & H. It. R., 8.13 a. m. 12.05, 0.15. 11.58 i. 111., via P., L. & W. R. It. and Plttston Junction. 8.08, 9.53 n. 111., 1.30, 8.50 p. in., via E. & W. V. It. R.. 3.41 p. m. For lllmlra and the west via Salamanca, via P. H. R. It., 8.15 a.m. 12.03, fi.03 p.m.. via P., L. ft W. R. It.. 8.0S, 9.55 a. m., U0. and 6.07 p. m. , Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair enrs on nil trnlns between L. ft P. Junction or Wllkes-P.arre and New Yo'k, PMladclphla. Huffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLTN H. WILBUR. Oen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, On. Piis. Agt.'hlla..!'.!. A. W. NiiNN'EMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pasq. Agt.. South Hethlrhem. I'n. Del., Lack, and Western. Eff.ii; Mnndny, June 21, 1?05. Trains leave Seranton ns follows: Ex press for New York and nil points East, 1.40. 2.30. 5.13, S.CO and 0.33 a. m.; 12.53 and 3.34 p. m. Express for Eniton. Trenton. Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 nnd 9.53 a. m., 12.53 and p. ill. nsMn,".toii nnd way stations, 3.53 p. m. Tobyhanna acenmmndntlon, H. 10 p. m. Express far Rlnirpanitnn, Oswego, El mini, Corning, Pnth. Pnnnvllle, Mount Morris and liiiffnlo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m and 1 21 p. in., making close connections at HufTalo to nil points In tho West, North west an'l Southwest. Hath accommodation, 0 a. m. Plnchamton and way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 0.10 p. m. p.inghumton and E'.mlrn, Express, COS p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego Utlea ami Rlchlleld Springs, "-33 a .m. and 1.21 p. m. Ithaca. 2.55 and Pnth 9 n. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Pltts'ton. Wilkes Rarre. Plymouth, Woomshurg and Dun vllle. mnlflnu close connections nt North vmbcrland for Wllliamsport, Hnrrlsburr. Hnltltnorn. Washington 11 ml the South. Northumberland nnd Intermediate sta tions, O.OO, 0.55 a. m. and 1.30 and fi.07 p. m. Naii'llcoke and Intermediate stations, 8 0S and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth nnd Inter mediate stations, 8.10 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman porlor and sleeping coaches on nil express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlrna tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket otllce. 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. F.rie and WyomlnB Valley. Trains leavj Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Kile rail, road at 7.00 a. in. and 3.24 p. m. Also tor Hor.csilule. Hawley and local point at 7 00. 9.10 a. m. and 3.24 p. ni. VII the above are through trains to ana '"Trains" too've for Wllkes-Barro at 6.39 a. m. nnd 3.15 p. m. SClt ASTO nivio. In I'.ffect September a'2nil, IS 1)3. a.irili It.mnil. MOII III HiiUliOj tea 801 Rtatlona hi 55 S 23 (Trains Pnflv, Er- B " K q a s 'j y, 1 cept. uuuay. 11 An-lve lave 7 N. Y. Krnnklln St. 7 10. West 4nrt- street 7 wi Weeliawken i t 74 f.W 810 r ti'ArriTB Leave; ' Ml 1 'i& tlanr.ee. rrfncitiiui It 6 1 (Wl S.'fli IS ' HnncM-U StailKbt rreton park Como Poyntello UrlmonC Pl'aiit Mt ilnlondala Foract city Cmbondaip W lute lirlrtg-o May tli la Jermyn Archibald Mlntnii Peckvtlle Olnliant Dickson 'llirnop Prnvldencs , 1 ark I'isce ' t-cranton " 'J ... ... .' sm J 41 11!: SVll It 14 18 1 Hi turn 11 11 i V 1 li OB II 01 7 Oil U 84l m 4n nuo 7'7W8 ... 7 14 3 45L..4 Tto s St ... I?3s M ..M 77 M .... 7 m 4 01 ,.M 7 84 4 HT .. 7t9 4IM ,.M 7 89 4 14 T4III 17 0 (141,11 Ml 8. Till H SlWflll.ll 6 as.11 11 OJ'ltl 071 tcHn 01 0 14,11 0) PI111 BliflW7 eiOiigw T 4ft 4 1 nr si M lr m nLWs ' Arrive' " ill trtlAii run iliitr nnt Kiinrtnr. f. sliriilltet that trains stop on sltfual for r lenifi'rs . ceurs rates v Ontario Western botnrf nirchnsinir tt' Kets and save money. Day m4 mst Kuress to the west, . I 0. Anrtorson, tun. rase A(l T, rutoroti, Uir. rant, Aft. teraAtos, Va, ' . ' ' '. (-':'.. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers