The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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j-i n riii-u-i nji.f--n"
Per Bushel.
Delivered to any part of the
cit Get your orders ia
Arrangements Completed fur Substitut
ing Electricity for Mules In llcllcvuo
Mlncs-Mccting of Chautauqutins.
The now olr-ctrlc mriter which is to do
away with the us of mulca ait the
Ui-llt'vue collkiy, was taken ,i,nto the
mines last work ami nlven ccvcral
triul Uirlu. Tin; ivgular work of haul
inp the cars was to have 1k-ruii yester
day, but it was found nv.syary to iVe
. lay 'tho formal Martins of ifhe motors
uM'il tn Jay.
Soverul trolley parties enjoyed a rlp
throuRin the mine last week In the
(inme on Wednesday Night.
' The Imloor Jnse tall .project la crvflit
Irn prv.Tt lr.'eercMt on Uh!s side. Tine
West S'ido clii'b wMl practice this even
ing in Kvanw' hall, on W'arlVburn Ptrect.
The pcrsoraiol of our team has not been
completed, tliouifh Muri'ajrrr Hm;hcs is
at work Ei'lertinjr nhe most disira'ble
candiidiiitos. The first flame will be
played in St IXi.vM's 4a.l1 butween Hhii
Vist PIle and Hotrth Side teams. 1 11 irli
JonnltiK niwl jlr. ..MciJra.w will likely
umpire the contest, which will be a
Jitird-fourh't one. John TiKue Is mnn-;?rer-captaiin
of the South Side tram
and has selected a Stalwart lot of play
ers. Tierce Runaway.
A runluwny wh'ich resulted In a
smashed bimwy occurred on Jackson
Plreet yesterday moming'. A team at
tached to a heavy wagon owned hy
the Mooslc Ki'i-tilininK . company lie
came fi'lshtened and ran down Jackson
street. The run-away came Into contact
with a IjutrRy of E. 1'opt, which wiaa
fitaiiJIns In front of his howie. The
busBy was smashed into atom. Tin;
team was Plopped by Drayman AWll
Harals 4n a plucky way.
Chntitnnqnn Circle .Meets.
TTie first meeting oif the newly or
ganized Cbautauiiua eii-cle of the tXrMt
Welsh Itaptlft chiirr(i was held last
. .eveniln-st t the i'huioh .with .n oittend-
nnceof about twenty me miters. Itev. V.
8. J"mc, paotor of the church, is teacher
cf the vlars. La.t evening .the books
dsscusFO.1 were "The Industrial Evo
lution" and "Tltio (irowlh of the lAmei'l
oan Nation." The mectinga are held
every Mondiay evening.
News Notes nnd Personals.
The Hyde Park Literary and Debating
soclfty jiu-t last cvcnintr.
Several new members were elected Into
membership of the Washburn Street Pres
byterian Church Chi fpsllon society at
last niKht'i meulinK.
An entertainment nnd social will be con
ducted at the Jacltson Street Baptist
church Friday evening.
A busings nieetlnc of the Jackson Street
. Purlist rhureh was held Inst evening.
II. H. ,yjran nnd Jr. K. Worden have
,returneiriroin a hunt in tho woods above
. NJoholsonA
" At the home of Mr. nnd Sirs. William
. Fowler, of Jackson street, a pie social will
be conducted Thursday evening by the
Beranton Street Haptlst church Sunday
school elnsa, of which Mrs. Fowler Is
teacher. -.
A. JI. Eynon has withdrawn from tho
flKht for school controller of the Fourth
ward, leaving ltlchnrd Nichols and James
A. Evans as sole opponents. The contest
will he hard fought, both men having
many friends.
.A is belnp organized on this side
for the study of the Welsh lanifuace
11 ward Thayer is able to be about on
crutches after his Injury at tho Scranton
Bhamokln foot ball came.
"The District School" will he presented
this evening In Wears' hall, corner of
South Main avenue and Scranton street.
All participants will meet at the hall at 7
o clock sharp.
The male members of the Scranton
Choral union are requested to meet
Wednesday evening at the corner of Main
avenue and Jackson street n.t 8 o'clock.
Undertaker Fred Reynolds has returned
from BliiRhamton. Mr. Reynolds has con
tracted for rt new wagon, which will be
one of the finest In the town.
The gem hank entertainment which was
to have been held Friday evening at the
Bcrnnton Street IlHirtlst church, has been
postponed one week owing to the "Dccs
trlct Skule" entertainment, which will be
conducted on the evening of Nov. 1 in the
Plymouth Congregational church.
- Henry A. Jones, ,of Beltevue Heights,
was Injured yesterday In Pine Brook
The eisteddfod committee of Robert
Morris lodge rent last evening 'and dis
cussed the programme, which is about
The marriage of Miss Annie Jeremiah
to William Wright will occur tomorrow
t the home of the bride.
Mettresses, at S3: springs, at $2.50. !. W.
Tague, J13 8. Mnln ave Mears build
ing. est side niislncss Director.
TAILOR Suits made to order, $18.00 and
up; overcoats, JIG and up. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Repair work a specialty.
Frank Gilbert), 103S W. .Lackawanna
avenue, near Main avenue.
Grand Parlor, Mystic, Easter and Dock
ssh Ranges. 20 per cent, saved. R. J.
Hughes, agent, 124 South Main avenue.
BICYCLES repaired, . scissors ground,
f tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted,
, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback,
dealer In Guns, Fishing Tackle, under
West Side Bank. . .
PH OTOO RAI'HE R Cabinet Photos, 11.40
per dozen. They are lust lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Starner'a
Phote Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main
. av-oue. . .
BARBER. Hair cutting and shavlnff done
in a first-class manner at John H. Rey
nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld'a Hotel.
ORCJCERiES - Revere Standard " Java
Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee
of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma
;. ton Co. Fine Groceries. 118 South
Mam avomje. . j,
for anything you have to sell. Furnl-
lira U .1.1'ua Tnnla I . . . -
. , -, r , u. van Rng b
-. the stork of J. C. Klnf, 1024 and 1021
', Jackson treet. , .
......, niiii (19, 11m
, North Main avenue, does first-class
, , Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting.
,. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed.
I - v
- 1ry r i .1av1 la lit! I Mi n o- nAM. v.....
. j w u.j n uvuBV VII
Rockwell street.-
Mrs. Mary A. Wllcox is Improving her
residence, erv lMrker street by adding a
Hew-coat 4f point. . .
O. H. Hchars1, of North Main avenue.
t h. u' rapruJy recovering last week
i n mm
of f b? Stibiirbs,
from an attack of pneumonia. Is now suf
fering irom u relupse or tne uisease.
There was a small tire last evening at
the residence of C. Wescott, on Church
avenue. The lire was caused by the wind
blowing some lace curtains against a gas
jet, bat was extinguished by the family
nnil neighbors before any serious damage
was done aside from ruining some lace
curtains and slightly dumaging the wall
of the house.
The North End Indoor Base Ball club
met at Company II armory lost evening
for practice.
Miss Ruth Thomas, daughter of Mr. and
M rs. John Thomas, and lavid Evans, Al
derman Huberts' assistant, left Saturday
for Jersey City, where they were married.
They were expected home last evening.
John Cullen, of Meylert avenue, who
works in the Idi kson mine, had ope of his
hands badly crushed on Saturday while
shifting some ours.
A. Vosburg Is grading the ground around
his new house 011 North Main uvenue, and
is also putting out a number of maple
trees In front of his property.
The installation of ollicers of tho Lin
coln lodge of Providence took pluce last
evening in Osterhout's hall. Tho follow
ing were installed: Noble grand, A. Vos
Imrg; vice-grand, Thomas N. Evnns; cor
ri spending secretary, Isaac Jones; assist
ant secretary, John U. Owens; treasurer,
William Jones.
Mrs. X. I". Osterhout and Joe Osterhont,
of Oak street, who have been visiting
friends In Jefferson county, returned to
their home lajit evonlng.
Team of Horses Driven by Georgo Splticr
Han Away-Miss lorkcl Will
Keep the M atch.
Cedar avenue bridge was Just wide
enough for tieorge Spitzer's team at 5
o'clock yevU rday aflternoon. A strap
or buckle srot loose In the harness, t'hait
started the lacrimals on a breakneck
rate, and tho contents of the wagon
tit w tonvaiU' the four cardinal polmts.
Mr. Sp'itzer talighted In time to escape
fiwm serious 'injury. He la In the em
ploy of the Krantz Brewing compuny,
of Ciarbondi.tle, land lives on Meadow
avenue In the Nineteenth ward. T'h
team dashed a'avvss the bridge at a
futfoiis speed and turned the corner
wl'.hout leFsfnlnir the ga.H. The wagoa
wt'nt around on two wheels, but lta
contents were emptied on the asphalt.
Ithere were att ieas.t twenty-live per
sons passim? on t'hctr way .home, sev
eral of them were on the bridge when,
t'ho t( aim went 'by. luckily, the horses
k 0 1 1: a. sitra'Ifrht counse and none of the
bai-re'ls tunilbled off the wacon until the
la?t fpan wan reached. The damae
ro the wagore wan slight, anil the 'horses
were not Injured. They were stopped
n 'block or so away from the tii!.dgo.
Mr. 'SipMze.r wan congratulated on Ms
escape from Injury.
Miss l orkcl May Keep tho Timepiece.
A1 derm am' C. C Donovan, of tho
Twelfth w.urd, handed down a decision
yeMterday to the effect tihait iMiss Dora.
MUy Koirkel is entitled to retain the
gold 'Wa tch gtlven to 'her by Joseph .Mor
mon, as ho alleiges, 1n coni deration of
h'ls expectation tihait uhe would become
his wife. The heaiUn'S took place Sat
urday aftermxjn: several witnesses
wi're sworn on the pant of the plain
tiff and dtifenl-I'arat. The alderman's
dwliilon. was reserved umtll yesterday
and then he decided that the fair de
fendant should .not Ibe disturbed from
the pofieisyilon of the chronometer.
Mermon w.lll also 'have to nay the coita
of tlhe Wit. At the hearing ftMss Fbr
kcl's folks S' of ibt'inig'Intr action in
debit ag'aiinifrt Mermon to recover an
amount for board which they claim is
not liquidated.
.. Entcrtninmont This Evening.
Camp No. 96, Patrlotite Order of True
Americans, will give a free entertain
ment tihCs ever.ilnsr at their hall, 524 Al
der fit.reelt. A iliit'mry and musical pro
gramme has been arranged, and after
wat'd' refreL-hments will be Ber-1.
This oTfraT)ilatlon has beeome very pop
ular HirouKih the ententalnments pro
vided from time to time. It is com
posed of a flouirisMng membership of
promimnt South S'ide l'ad'les. and is
an auxlttary to Wns-iMngiton oanip, Pa.
tniotiio OTdt-r Sons of Ame.rica. Invi'ia
thms have been Issued to as nuamy aa
the 'hall can accommodate.
Shorter Paragraphs of News.
EdwarJ Hastings, of Prospect ave
nue, returned yt'sterday from a. two
moniths' sojourn Jn Irelanid.
tlcorge Hahn, of Blroh street, Js very
dangerously iA and not expected, to
live many days.
Mifts Ella Joidan, of Waverly, Minn.,
who has been vteiting Miisses Bllle an'd
and KaUe Dor.ahoe, of 'Stone avenue,
has retuirnied home.
Jiyltin Steppaird'o estate will be old
at the court house Wednesday, Oct. 30,
at 10 a. m.
!Rev. Jamesr P. Jordtin, of ItondCiam,
preached the ermon at the forty houro
devotion In St. Joseph's church, Mir
nooka, last evening, ft. 'Peter, Kins
David and iMairy Magdalen, he snild
were the ftreniteisit Flnners that ver
lived, and yeit the me'rey of God has
clothed them with the mowt celestial
raiment. St. Peter, who has charpe of
the gates of heaven, denile'd his Mas
ter. The speaker cited these as Mluw
t'rat'ions of tlhe boundless graces .that
the Savior 18 ready to 'bestow on ail
who seek .it, end he exhorted the con
gregia.K'.yn to avail themsdlves of the op
pwiitun.l'ty presented to 'them 1m the sea
son of tQie forty hours.
Philip Davis, Misses Kate Grant and
A Professional , Nurse Afflicted with
firlght'a Disease of the Kidneys
Kinds a Cure.
(From the Buffalo News.)
Mrs. A. E. Taylor has resided In BufTa'o
for over forty years; her address is 280
Herkimer avenue; as a professional nurse
she has nursed back to health many a suf
ferer. Disease In all Its varied forms have
become as familiar to her as to tho regu
lar practitioner. Her occupation Is ono
that taxes the strongest constitution, 'jut
the fatigue of long watching and nuts
Ing at last brought her to a bed of slow
ness. Mrs. Taylor speaks of her com
plaint and cure as follows: "After being
conllned to my bed for some time my dis
ease assumed such a serious aspect that a
doctor was called. He pronounced my
ailment Brlght's disease of the kidneys In
the third degree and a very bad case. My
limbs swelled up so that 1 could not wain
acress the floor, or, Indeed, help myself in
any way. My face bloated up and my eyes
swelled so that the sight was badly im
paired. This condition continued for near
ly two months without any marked im
provement from the doctor's treatment.
I have taken quarts of buchu and juniper.
I triod battery treatment, but all with
out any lasting benefit until I felt like
finally giving up In despair. Hearing cf
Doan'a Kidney Pills I gave them a trial
and after taking three boxes I was able
to get up without assistance and walk,
something I had not done In months, i
continued steadily to Improve with thtdr
use. The swelling In my leg left, the color
returned to my face, changing from a
chalky color to a healthy bloom. I now
consider myself entirely cured and I shall
never rest praising the little pm that
saved me.
"Doan's Kidney Pills are certainly a
surprising discovery for kidney ailments.
I shall be glad to tell anyone of the won
derful cure they performed on me." .'.
- For sale by all dealers price 50 cent.
Mailed by Foster-Mllburh-Co., Buffalo, X.
sola agents for the U. '
Frances Dillon leave today for Hones
dale, where they will attend the conven
tion of Epworth leagues, to be held In that
Place, as delegates from the Dunmore so
ciety. The Junior league will be repre
sented by Miss Addle liar nurd.
John Wert is spending a f-'W days with
friends at Forest City.
Miss Clara Conger, of Mill City, Is tho
guest of friends In this borough.
Miss Hattie King, of Cherry street. Is
visiting friends and relatives at George
town. "Dlumonds and Toads" will be presented
by a good company at Manley's hall on
Thursday evening.
Frank Sampson, of Wilkes-Barre, was
circulating among friends in town yester
day. Mrs. Hall Thornton, of West Drinker
street, left yesterday for Lackawanna,
where sho will visit friends.
Chauncey Decker will move Into tho
Shuft'er property on Chestnut street this
Tho congregation of the Dudley Street
Baptist church nnd their friends gathered
In the church last night to celebrate the
first anniversary of their organization. A
fine musical programme was rendered and
appropriate remarks were made by several
of the city pastors. A free-will offering
was taken lip, which goes toward the
liquidation of tho church debt. After tho
rendition of the programme refreshments
were served and a most enjoyable social
time was had by all present
Nearly 75,000 to He Distributed in This
County, Beginning Friday.
The ballots to be uaed In the elec
tlon of next Tuesday, Nov. 5, are being
prepared (by the printer and will be
eilstiUbuted beginning Friday. Of the
total 72.179. there wHl be 12.060 spec"!
men and 60,11!) olllcial ballots. In
S'oramton 6.ul0 specimen and 31,9."0 ofll
ciul 'ballots will 'be distributed, nnd out
side the city 5,670 specimen and 28,109
oltlcfeil balhrts.
(Although there are over 30.000 res'ls
tcreiJ' voters In the county, It Is not
probtilble that the vote will he over 20,-
000 and lit may possibly he close to 18,000.
This estimate -Is baaed on the fact that
only 26.267 voiles Were polled in la-Mt
year's state and county election. When
the contests were unusually spirited in
the county ami ithroucihont the state.
Th is y ear t he pan it I san ship is nmt
(strong and there la not the high feel
ing and personal Interest In the can
didates. PRICEBURQ.
After vilsJUng her parents since Frl
day 'MLss CilaiL Grler left yesterday
morning to resume her duties asteach-
eir In Wlmmcv.
The ".squeeze" at Johnson No. 2 col-
Knry'te 'b(iin rapidly timbered.
Mins. J. F. O'Hona iretuirnd yester
day after a short visit with fpienid3 am
Joh.mam & Co. have commenced 'to
lay their tracks on Jermyn street. The
read is to extend from colliery No. 1 to
X'J. 2 and Is to be used for conveying
eoial inrimd In 1N0. 1 mine to the break
er at No. 2. It will be run by a station
ery steam engine and cable. When
tih'i.9 la completed' better 'times are ex
Dented frni Prk-ebUTg.
Thomas P. Arthur has iremoved Ma
nlace of iresldcince .to .Scramton.
John Grabowski was severely Injured
at Hhe'Paneoawt rollleryon Saturday.
MinslMttry McClawley. of CarbomloJ,
I vlsMitng her cousin, Thomas M'eehan,
of 'Lincoln' street.
John MCPawleyhns resigned his posi
tion as teacher iln Justus and will here
after devote his 'time exclusively to his
paneir. the Pr cebure (Rpcordeir.
M.Jsa AHlce Kelly, of Olyphanit, is the
gwsit of iheraunt, Mrs. M. F. Fadden.
Mils lAnno. Schaeffer Is sick.
Oonfltiable 'R'lohiamd iBairron was in
Carbondale yesterday on official busi
tM:La Mary Hugnes, of Upper Main
street, was a visitor 4n Hyde Park yes
terday. iMps. W. ?. Griffin lis vlstting friends
In Providence.
Mrs. William M. Jaimes Is 111 at her
home on Lincoln street.
J. R. Slckler. of Mill City, was a vis
Itor In town on Frldny at the home of
Sylvester Corby, on Main street.
Thomas Ford, of Minooka avenue,
was a visitor out of town yesterday.
Mrs. L. A. Llndermuth was a visitor
out of town yesterday.
David and Charles Itobertson spent
Sunday at the home of their parents.
They resumed their studies at Wyo
ming seminary today.
D. H. Hessler, of Terra Haute, Ind.,
who has been visiting at the home of
his mother, Mrs. Hessler, on Main
street, left on Saturday for his home,
with his daughter, Jessie.
On Sunday the Scranton Traction
company put their crossing in over the
Delaware and Hudson railroad. They
were assisted by a large force of Dela
ware and Hudson employes. Mr.
Kellow, construction superintendent
for the Delaware and Hudson, had
charge of the work, the line is now
through to Avoca. ,
Mrs. Sylvester Corby, of Maine
street, is confined to the house by a
severe attack of sickness.
Mrs. Harvey Jacques is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Ira Brodhead, of Mill
James A. Hand has returned from a
business trip connected with the Lack
awanna Fertilizer and Chemical com
pany. K. J. Foulks Is confined to the house
by a severe attack of sickness.
Miss Carrie Vanderburgh spent Sun
day at the home of her aunt, on Main
street. ; ,
Mr. Smllie,' the noted landscape ar
tist, who has been occupying hlB cot
tage here all summer, left for his city
home. In New York city, Saturday.
. James Morris will occupy the house
on Lake avenue for the winter lately
left vacant by Mr. Herrlck.
Miss Clara Searle, of Brooklyn, sister
of Judge Searle, Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. McCollutn, on Maple street.
Mrs. Warrlner. the wife of the rector
of . St. Paul's Episcopal church, rend
a very Interesting letter before the
Sunday school on Sunday . afternoon,
pertaining to her recent trip to Hones
dale to attend the Archdeaconry. Her
description of the Journey there, and
of the different themes discussed by
visiting clergy were very fine Indeed.
Fred Warner, of Chicago, whose
home was In Montrose In his youth.
Is a guest of his sister, Mrs. Ann
Mrs. Troop and daughters, who spent
the summer here, left for their home,
In New York, Saturday.
Mrs. McCollum, Mrs. Searle, Miss
Anna and Clara Searle will visit To
wanda this week, returning on Friday.
The Popular Lino to tho Atlanta
Trains leave Buffalo 6.40 a. m. dally for
Columbus, Springfield, Dayton and Cin
cinnati; 9.45 a. m. or Indianapolis, Peoria
and St. Louis.
Southwestern Limited finest train In
America leaves Buffalo at 11. CO p. m. dally
with combination cafe and library car,
elegant Wagner sleeping ears and day
coaches on all trains, which make close
connection In Union depots at Cincinnati
and St. loiils, for all points west, south
and southwest. For further Information
call on local agents or address C. S. Black
man, general eastern agent, No. 40 Ex
change Bt., Buffalo, N. Y.
"How to Cnro All Skin Dlaa.
Blmplr aPPly "Swayne's Ointment."
No Internal medicine required. Cures tet
ter, ecsema, Itch, all eruptions on the face,
hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin -clear,
white and healthy, Its great healing and
curative powers are possessed1 by no other
rsmedjr. Ask four druggist lw Swaynt's
Ointment : 1
Did Not Succeed in I5uyiti( the Fran
chise of Scranton Club.
Air. Hurst Docs Not Think It Is Worth
More Than $3,500--llis Intention
Was to Keep n Club Hero
in Scranton.
Tim Hurst, theex-EaNtern league um
pire, and now of 'ihv National,
who has been hi re for two days wso
t Allying lor petf'.-sJan of the Kkirarjfju
to. leagukj franchise, iha-s not 're
ceived mueih eincou'iagemcint and re
turns bJday to Uvls home In Atihlaoid,
"I came here," saSd Hui3t to a Trib
ute reporter, "expecting teat the fi'aui
chlse could be boiuvifi for, fay, S1 vii
thing 'like $2,500. That Is all ut'j Wv.nth
and t Wat la all it will brinir. If -.Iva
present ownws have la-t several thiu
eand d'-i'airs 'in one season they can
not expect to sel'l at a high llgure. II
haive It.ijJ to come .o an u:idii 'i. i r.iaiiis
wi;h Uhe ofllceiis of Mie ne0K-!u:.V.'n,
cam get no di'ilrvlte pt'jpcaXilou from
them. I "don't iKi'uk they are al ''.? to
cometo an undi rst'ar.idijng among them
selves. I dim'lt believe t'hey to
contilnue In the biis'..ness, but they will
probably hid in the franchise at Fri
day's sale and run the risk of getting
pifd of it rather than closing a deal
MuiMt raid his 'Intentlcn was to buy
the franchise and keep a club in Swam
ton. 'Ho tforrfed ll' he was there In iCra
interest of Prcsiident Pat Powers, of
the Eastern league, or that there was
anv kntfin.Uon. of ilivflueinclng the leosue
to tramsfer Sm'.Tiiton to iNewark r any
otiheir city. "WHWvout any Intention of
belMitKng- Tilly dlairnle, Htwst paid he
could cenduct a club tn this city, which
would prove a g.iod financial venture
amid would make a gixid showing lm the
pennant lace. He felt Fangulne, he
tald, because he thought one owner
could d'.j better than a board of direc
tors Bind a muiroaiarfir um.:mg wheon
there was too much difference of opin
ion. In speaking of the prospect for pfcvy
eirs he fai'd he could secure any tiumlwr
from the Brooklyn, Baltimore and New
York clubs who have rnt proved jitrong
enough for the National league. With
four, live or fix e-ucih men and the re
mainder of tha' team composed of
youngsters. Hurst biMeves he can get
together a club that will hold Its own.
The remadns of the late .Mrs. Cora H.
Van Sickle, wife of .Dr. F. L. Van Sickle,
who died on FriUay at her home, on
Hull avenue, were interred In Forest
Hill cemetery yesterday afternoon.
The funeral service was conducted at
the house by Rev. J. 11. Kills, who spoke
of the many otimalilo qualities of uhe
deceased. He was resisted by Itev. Mr.
Guest, of Pe.ckv':lie, and Rev. J. Millard,
of Rush, Susquehanna, counlty, Pa. The
pall-hewers were: Howard Hull,
Ralph Hull, Edward Bentlne, Charles
Bentinc, Clarence Heed and Homer
A eperial meeting of the iClxthollc ta
dlra' Tcin pciia nice society wll'l be held
Wednesday even'img at their rooms.' The
meet ing Is called n't the 'Ir.sOanco of 'the
Catholic Youn.?Mt'n's Total Abstinence
enel Benevolent fxneiety. Business of
vital Importance will be transacted.
Mrs. iLouise Price, of Nantlcoke, Is
visiting her parents, on Lackawanna,
'Miss Gent rude Morris, of Rcrtamton,
spent Stind'ay with Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W.
Wn.tklns. of tthe West Side.
Tony Farrell. iln "Oarry Owen." at
tracted a good-sized audience n.t tlhe
Father Mlathew Opera House last even
ing. "The Past MaiU" will he present
ed on Friday evemitiig.
J. W. Swveney ilrns awarded the con
tract of his new hu'lldlng on Daeka
wanna street to Contractor Sohenk.
Soma Are Suddon.Othcrs Last for Genera
tions-Thc Canso of These Subterranean
Disturbances Is Shrouded in Mvstcry.
It Is a mistake to suppose that earth
quake disturbances are always over
In a few minutes. In Japan, where a
careful record of seismic shocks has
been kept for hundreds of years, one
series of shakings lasted from the year
745 to the year 75. There was a con
tinuous disturbance of the earth's crust
In the year 977 for 300 successive days.
It is quite common for them to last
from twenty to seventy days. In San
Salvador, Central America, In 1S79,
more than 600 shocks were felt In ten
days. In Honduras, In ISM), there were
108 shocks in a week. At Lima, Peru,
In 1746, 200 shocks were felt In twenty
four hours. At St. Thomas, in the
West Indies, 283 shocks were observed
in ten hours. Perhaps the greatest
number of shocks ever observed In a
given time was In the New Zealand
earthquake of 1818, when they con
tinued at the rate of 1,000 a day for
five weeks.
A big earthquake does Its work quick
ly, with or without premonitory symp
toms. The great earthquake at Lis
bon occurred on Nov. 1, 1755. In five
minutes 50,000 inhabitants were swal
lowed up, whole streets were burled
out of sight, and the whole city was
practically, destroyed. That was not
the only earthquake In Lisbon, for. on
Feb. 20, 1531, 1,500 houses were de
stroyed and 30,000 persons perished.
Between 17S3 and 1857 the kingdom of
Naples lost 11,000 persons threiugh
earthquakes, or an average of 1,500 a
year out of a population of 6.000. Com
pared with these disasters our losses at
Charleston In 18S6 were trifling.
How They Affect Water.
Mountains, valleys and deep sea
channels do their part In stopping the
destructive causes of earthquakes.
When they strike mountalnn they often
exhaust themselves on the far side, un
less the vibrations are running along
a stratum of rock which dips under
the Intervening valleys. When an
earthquake strikes water it shakes It
or piles It up In huge waves which then
constitute the chief tlanger. It is be
lieved by seismologists that Toklo, In
Japan, Is partly protected from earth
quakes by the canals which surround
It. The city of Quito has comparative
ly slight enrthquakes, owirifc. It Is be
lieved, to the canons near by. Some
times we are first made aware of the
direction of a particular stratum of
rock by observing the different points
at Which an earthquake crops out. Per-
naps this may account for the patch of
Brooklyn which vibrated In sympathy
with New 'England in 1871. It may
also, with the deep channel of the Hud
son river, account for the freedom of
New lork from earthquakes, the river
having cut of! the connection between
the upper stratified rocks of New
York and New' Jersey.
tfart'iiquakcs which are v olent at tho
surface of the earth seldom go very
deep. In Virginia City, Nev about
twenty years ago, twenty-four shocks
were felt tn one dny by tho residents on
Onnronti-rd Cnrn fnr
Mfrcri turn aiul women. Th
Rtmtlta of treatment.
.wiumuocmok louillr L'l
mm, Ntrroi
nun Omni unflUlmr oni
Tlajrela quick ly cured by Ir. ItoflHFiMsNtiiifh ftet-Te
vrmiM. incr not onijcqro ai aMnina ninoMM orui.
1 jii'.n ?jy ivfliu ana jiL.tmj
D th
pttitafc Br null, tl.llii per box or S for with writ,
leu narttntee t rare mr refund f lie wiener, book
freV aauk flarve i rle c., llo CUM. JUw tmSS
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Druf
gist, Wyoming ava. and Bpmca street
the surface, while the miners down In
the Comstock lode did not feel them
at all. Utually the heaviest shocks
come first, but this is not always the
case. At Broussa, In Turkey, where a
great earthquake occurred In 1853, the
llrst shock was felt on Feb. 28; then a
heuvler one on'Mare-h 23, and the heavi
est of all came on .March 28.
Laitliquako Clothing.
In Caracas, where earthquakes are
an evcry-day iK-currence, the inhabi
tants have prollted by experience to be
prepared for them. Every one there
has his earthquake coat, made of thick
felt, in which to sleep outdoors, and the
pockets are filled with provisions In
eve of a tcmixirary famine. As the
shocks In that city nearly always como
from west to east, the north Bide of
each houi-e Is called the "laga sceuro,"
or saf side. All the family china and
litcaiiiildes generally are invariably
kept on this sidv of the house.
Nobody knows exactly the cause of
rnuhqtiiikes. (One theory, which was
inns held, but which Is not satisfactory.
Is th.i.t they are Incomplete volcanoes:
that 1, that there Is nn underground
eruption which shakes part of the
earth's - crust without being able to
blow it off. Another theory Is that
water leaks Into vast subterranean
cavities where the temperature Is nat
urally above boiling point, becomes
converted Into steam and tries to blow
Its way out. A third theory Is that the
mineral rrrin.i;!! excavate vast holes in
the earth's interior, which finally be
come so large that tho roof of rock
rails In and stai rs the commotion in the rocks. Tho most generally ac
cepted theory, perhaps. Is that the sea
attacks soft rocks nnd by removing
i'.ie support 01 1 110 narur rocks above
puts sii"h a strain upon them that they
Kueiucniy cracic lor an indefinite dis
Is a Monster Knft.
The monster rn ft of pulpwood which hn3
ucen pxpccnri at Long Tail Point, Wis.,
recently arrived in tow of tho tugs Sani-
Bon and Saugatuck There ore ulxiut 7,(KX)
corns or pmpw-ooil 111 the raft, which is
nliout one mile In circumference and Is
worth in round figures tll.(n) The raft
was on tho road eighteen days from Ie--tonr,
Mich. There are 650 boom sticks
around the raft, und these are worth $13,-
uuu or sii.uuv.
Condensed Milk
will atop a cough In a night, check a cold
in a day, and cure consumption if taken
in time. II the little ones huvo Croup or
naoopinR eoiijn,
us 11 prompt iv.
Croup is a very
tatui aiscase.
ruliv one-
halt of
those at
tacked die.
The greut
danger is
in delav.
The dlseaso orogrcsses so rapidly that
the loss of a few hours in treatment is
often fatal. Ackkr's Enoush kkmk
dv will cure Crouo. nnd ft nhnuld n-
wkvh do krtt in tho house for
emergencies. A 25 cent bottle may
save yuurcnua s lite.
Three elicit 3.1r, tlOc, 91. All Dnugiiite-
16 ft 18 Chambers St., New York.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, Nervousness,
ucimity, and all the train
01 evils rrom early errors or
later excesses, the results of
overwork, sicknew, worry.
etc. t all strength, devel
opment and tone given to
.every nrgnn and portion
of the body. Simple, nat
ural methods. Immedi
ate improvement seen.
Failure Impossible. 8,000 references. Book,
explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) fro.
NO, 2,
Contains all that ruts made Hammond Work
fnmoiis, and NEW, NOVKL and I'HUFUL Im
provements. "Hnnmioml Work tllo Criterion
of Hammond (Superiority." "Hammond Bales
tho I riturion of Hanimnnd Popularity." Ham
mond No. 2. "The Perfect Typewriter. Ex
nniine it nnd ho cunviucsd. Philadelphia
branch of Tim Hammond Typewriter Co., 110
8, Sixth titreet.
F. A. & A. J. Bit AN DA,
414 Sprues St., Scranton Representatives.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
Oct 23, 29 and 30.
The Dramatic Succoss cf tho Year,
"Demosthenesjlato Potts."
All Scenery Used It Curried by tha Co.
Admission, 10, To or 30 Cents.
:-Ve Do Not Advertise In the
Elmlra Telegram.
Of all klnda, manufactured at short
aoUca, at Tt3 TriSBBC ,
Remedy ;
1 OFll
V II m I
LV..1 ilU7 " &
Th F
fciTrV- Jo.
FIXE MILL1XEKY ia what you want if you wish tho best in
quality at lowest possible prices, with the additional advantage of
having tho largest line in tho city to select from, you will not be dis
appointed by calling at THE FASHION'.
30S Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Commonwealth Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Telephone 422.
mom m
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv.
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc,
Undor tlw Manafremont of Ansrustus Pitou.
In the Suc-ufcsful Comody-UrmnH,
Br Augustus Pitou and George H. iesiop.
HEAR OLCOTT SING "My Bountiful Irish
Mmii." "ICHtv Miiliona." "Olrntt'e Irish Sarn-
iiiidc." "Look in ily Heart," slid Tom Monro's j
Doniituul lyric, "liulteve ilo ir All XUosb tu
di'HriiiR Yountt Charms."
Kritular iiricos. Halo of touts opens Mon
dny, Oct. 2S.
Thursday and Friday.
"The sncross of a dramatic generation. "
New York Herald.
JAMES A. NERNE'S Beautiful Play,
Presented with entire new scenery, original effort nnd proiortks.
Under the direction of
ITS REC0RD:-2.'7 NlRhts In Xow York City.
lis a Hints in uoston.
ji'Kiiuir iirii-i-H. diiiu vl neie ujuua iuue
dny, at i o'rlnclt.
THE FROnilNGflflM,
Wagner & Rcls, Lessees and MnnnRcrs.
Charles Frohman Prosunts
the New Comedy,
The Foiindling
With the Great and Only
FITZGERALD, see cissy wink"
!h Her Inimitable Dance.
Presented here hv thd nrisinnl cnt. as soon
200 nluhts at Hoyt's Theater, New York.
Reitnlar prices. Sale of seats now open.
Amorioa's Greatest Tragedian,
jaes O'NEILL
Management of Wm. F. Connor, in tho
Two Productions ot the Scowm,
VlltUlMUSlSloute Cristo
Two Bumptnons Scenic Productions.
Spucial Cast
oinilnf nrlftfta. Ratn nf aoatn ononi OcL !VL
at 9 m. m.
NOV. 4 AND 5.
0. 1, lefftrton, Klaw A Erlanoer'a tut mauls
Successful Prediction,
Bali of seats now open.
Jackets, Capes and Itir
Garments. They're 11 e
Maguet. We sell good
Cloaks.the best that expert
skill cafi make or money
can buy. "
Itoiicle Jacket, nicelv made,
the latest style, worth'$10.0U
$7.5)8 Special $7.98
Cur Wool Beaver Cape,
80-in. long, trimmeHl with
braid and fur, worth $7.00.
$1,98 Special $1.08
A 3G-in. French Goney Cape,
hair up, full sweep.extra heavy
satin lining, cheap for $11.01).
$9.99 Special $9.99
When you cm have your eyes scientifically
TcstcJ Frco bv the now method.
t-f l'hre ere hundreds of people if they
knew this, would go miles to huve tueir
exnmlncd. DON'T WAIT.
tfWhen yon fret lnse, or ir'naspi", nil
many peoplo call them, tict tho llcst, as they
won't cost you any more tnan poorer ones.
Do not trust yourvuluable sight to ped
will correct the vision and stop all
pain in the head.
Placed In tbo Finest Solid Gold Frames for $9
Thrso Lenses are sold only by
Oppralte Scranton House,
203 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA.
Horns Daii.t:
t to 11 a m., 1 to 4 and T to 9 p. m.
The Finest In the City.
The latest improved furnish'
ings and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Ave.
Guns and
Foot Ball Goods,
Sportsmen's Supplies,
Hand-Leaded Shells a Specialty
Gun and Locksmith.
Typewriters Repaired.