TUB SCBANTON" TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 28, 1895. CARBOtlDALE. HONESDALE BEATEN. Completely Outclassed by tho Blb School Boy. Saturday a. toot ban ream rrprreent tag HamdJe cam over the moun tain to have revenue upon the ttlg-n school foot ball am, who P'f hem in HomesdaJe last week and toat them by fce awwa of 18-0. The ihopeaej.r Cho HonomJaiians were dashed to the ground ami hw returned to their homes rad, tut Wiser men. ' , TN HoiMwdote aggregation arrived, Upon the 12.30 o'clock train, being ac compatrtled Iby aeveral ewlhusiaete. The Kame started atoout S.J0 and the ait cesdance was quite large, many yountr ladles with the colors red and toluo betas present. Car.btndale kicked off, tout the Hones dale player waa downed on the spot. Honesdale then tried to sro rauuli' the end, but were blocked, The 'ball wfn to Oarbondale on downs after .the Maple Olty 'boys had pushed It nearly to the center of .the field. The Car tundato boys at onoe showed their su perior team work and soon the ball waa on the 15-yard line. Then for some wason only known to the umpire the. hall went to Honesdale. They punted, font the ball was caught by IKopbes, who made a -pretty run. At this time another delay was caused iby the umpire laying off one of Car honUate men. HI place was soon filled and the iraime went on. After aeveral rushes Watt, after a pretty run of twenty yards, wwnt ww the line for a toudhdown. Forbes kicked a pretty gwal and the half waa over, the score being: 6-0 In the high school's favor. Honesdale kicked off In the second half and went In hot and heavy. Noth fcnw coulrl stop the terrific rushes around, the ends and plunges through the cen ter. Watt and McDonald made long runs and Abhot went around left end fur fifty yards and a touchdown. The Bloneedale' boys weren't In It after that, and at the end of the half, four more it oueihf towns had fceen spcurod, from which goals -vre kicked by Forbes. The game, which would otherwise have Ibeen Interesting, was somewhat marred by the wrangling of the play ers, who were disgusted by the um pire's decisions. 'Some of them were so manifestly wrong that the team was several times on the point of leaving the field. The Honesdale boys are very ver dant in all particulars relating to font hall. Their game was nearly all of the punning older and only once did the ......- , naa V. ,n,ni.la Xt a Witt U l Ullliri . "fc f..,fc mcr a-,'i,ct. ...... brought down with grpat force by the w'fi Bcmxrts full macK, wno mmra one of the preiftlert tackles of the game. The flnil soore waa 30-0. The high Fchool ham will get down to hard prantlce mext week and good results may he expected. CHILDREN CAUSE TROUBLE. Miss Gilmarttn Complains That Usr Life Has Itccn Threatened. Miss Bridget Gllmartln.a teacher em nlnved at the public school in the an nexed district, made complnlnt to tho school board that she had been badly treated and hor life threatened by Syl vester Sears and his wife. Miss Gil martin had occasion to punish a son of these people and the child wont home and told his parents that ho had been punished for nothing at all. They at once went to tne scnool ana witnout in quiring Into the merits of the case be gan to abuse the teacher. A member of the school board went to Alderman Baker's office and a war rant was sworn out for the arrest of Sears and his wife. The document was given to Constable Moran and the par ties were brought before the alderman Friday evening, where they waived a hearing. A number of school children were present who were willing to testi fy, but their evidence was not taken. Mr. and Mrs. Sears were each placd under 200 ball to keep the peace. Wil liam Collins was secured as bondsman. ANOTHER SUIT. Th Transit Company Aro the Defendants in a Damage Cass. A couple of imonths'ago a wreck oc curred upon tne Transit company s roeli at Rldhmondale 'by which several of the passengers received serious In jurt'esfc Among them were Mr. and Airs, (Frank Tllgnar, whose Injuries were so never that they were confined to the hospital for some time. Mr. Blgnara injuries were the most eerlous, his thigh being broken and he Is only now able to walk watilx crutches. For the injuries iwh'lch he received Mr. Blgnar cla'lms damages to the amount of $3,000. He will mot probably receive rne entire amount but will get probably 1,600, and all litigation, wUl he avoided. Detective Crlppcn. who Is an expert tn mich matters, 'la adjusting the claim Wh'IMh will be settled through a Phtta- oejpnra. accraent Insurance company. which assumes the responsibility of that sort of accidents which occur on tne Transit company's line. RUNAWAY ON SAND STREET. The Horses of Drundage Make a Wild Dash. , Saturday morning as L. M. Brand' age, who keeps a butcher shon on 8a. lem avenue, was making his regular calls on Sand street, he left his warnn In the charge of a little boy while he went to see some stock which he con templated purchasing. He had gone but a few yards when the horses made a wild dash for liberty. The wagon caught In Mr. Ford's picket fence and the pickets were com "pletely demolished. This did not stop the team, but only added to their flight and they sped on. the pace belna- terri ble, the wagon swaying from side to siue ana looking every moment as If It would be overturned. Several children In the. street narrowly escaped being run down by the horses In their maH rush. The horses finally turned Into a vacant lot ana nere the lines which were uragging, necame tangled and bo fore loosened the horses were cap, tured. I FAIR PREPARATIONS. A Grand Parade Will De Held on the , Opening Night. . The general committee Iti iiorn the arrangements for the Mitchell Hose commnv'a failr. wMMi nrin ih n.i,i ,H W W. Waitt'a building, oommenchw Nov. 14, met on Thursday evenlg anU DiwuHm aai.cionai plana lor the event Secretary Alexander reported that lie TtWUH-HrWIy CMH Purine TMi Uii. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, LINO leums, Draperies, Window annexes, ana wan Paper, 419 LICKAWANNA AVENUE. GREAT ALTERATION SALE. ' We have derided oa a Sweeping Reduo. tioa rather thao corer tu our goods dur lag owr exteDtlTe Improvements, and hTe marked down everyUilnr In the store at ooet and Its. Bee onr Window Display, watch will ubtttntUt what we ssyi taeraM Carpet, wen lie. te K., wertti lie. te 76. encMWverseia, age, M MM., Wens floe, tt toe, MMrert,le.,WertMe And everything else in proportion. J. SCOTT INGLIS had secured word from (he Forest City, Mayfield and ArchbaM Hose companies (hat they would be here to the parade on firemen's) night. The advertising committee will begin their wotK today. It waa tlectided to abandon the trumpet contest, but some other contest will he secured ita Hs place. Chanaeey Hart Hurt. Chaunoey Hart, trainman on the Del aware and Hudson railroad, met with a painful accident, while at bis duties In the railroad yard Friday evewing. Some one had carelessly Cert a Baggage truck In the way. Mr. Hart was rid ing on 'the pilot of the engine and his teg was caught between the truck and the locomotive, lacerating it quite bad ly. Mr. Haft a Injuries, while not se rious, will confine him to his home for a number of niayo. Notice of Removal. The news and editorial departments of The Tribune are now located In The Tribune' new home on Washington avenue. Until otherwise announced, the Job printing and bindery depart ments and The Tribune business office will remain In the Bloesser building at Penn avenue and Spruce street. . PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Cbntraotor (Robinson's men are push ing the work on the new depot as rap Idly as possible. iNearly all the roof braces and roof hoards have been put In place and the tower which will adorn the top was started Saturday morning. The roof of the buk mill nas Deen completed and the roofers have re turned to their homes in 'Hoboken. The engine room, however, Is still to be roofed. Stanley Scott, who has been visiting his elater, Mrs. 'William Bingham, of Maple avenue, has returned to nis home In New York. Mrs. John Manlon Is lying 411 at her home on Brooklyn street. Miss Llzxle MoNlchol, nfoiypnant, is the guest of iMiss 'Lena Trallis. John B. Slocum, or Clifford, called on friends in town Saturday. Professor Twitmeyer, of Honesdale, called on Carbomlalo friends Friday evening. Professor O. W. Kramer, of Scran- ton, formerly of this city, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. ltOFe today. Odd Fellows will meet tonight 4n Cambrian hall to arrange for some winter entertainments. Miss Mary M'oLean, of Brooklyn street, left Saturday afternoon for a week a visit with friends In Dunmore. Miss Mattle HnrdB, of Lincoln ave nue, will spend Tuesday as the guest of Mtos Jeffrey, at Wyoming semi nary. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of spring war den, aro visiting (Mr. end Mrs. Irving Stone, of Birkett street. Mr. and Mrs. D. Scurry and Clar ence 'Spencer and wife returned home Saturday from the Atlanta exposition. Miss Martha Thomas, of Olyphant, spent Sunday with friends on High street. Miss Edith Mason, of Olyphant, who has been the guest of Mrs. James Williams for tho past few days, has re turned to her home. W. B. Chase is enjoying a visit from his mother, Mrs. J. J. Chase, of Mon roe, Wis. It. P. Dodge, or liingnamion, ior- merly manager of the (Hotel American in that city, was a guest over night at that popular hostelry. (He is now man ager of the Hctel Bennett at Bingham- ton. Miss Nina iBentley and Blaster jonn Ireland, of West iBalnbrldge, N. Y., are the guests or .Miss tuena ireianu, vi 37 Garfield avenue. Thomas Levlson was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kelley, of Oneonta Friday. IMr. and iMrs. George L. Kllborn, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hose, of Wyoming street. Mrs. Kllborn is Mr. Rose's mother. Twentv-flve members of the cross Country club and as many of their young lady friends have organizea a danolng class and have secured Pro fswir James McLaughlin as Instructor. The first lesson will be given next Fri day evening in the Hume nail on oixin avenue. Frank Miller, of Wayne street, is m He is threatened with typhoid fever. Mrs. Mary Davis, of Terrace street. Is entertaining Mrs. Perry and child. of Plymouth. Frank Mang spem paturoay wu frlmiHa In iMinirhamton. iW. J. Cody, of Goshen, . r., is visit ing friends In tnis city. f a ,uir ,has accented a position In New York city and will remove his family there at once. mt and Mrs. A. L. Baker will spend rnminr nortlon of the wlter In Sotanton, owing to mr. uaaer uui u vsn,iiniMiii iMr. Baker has pur chased lot on Land street and Is making preparations to erect nomo for himself In the spring. Miss Alice Hendrlck, of Great Bend, Is the guest of Miss Alice Chase. OLYPHANT, c. i in,. Avontncr nn lmnortant meeting of the Council was held. All v. nurnhna Tv pie orssent. except n, ih. 1?iMit wnril The busi- noes of the evening was me nwnnims of the contract for the construction of tho new eleotrio light plant. The con tract for the machinery was awarded to the Hcranton Buppiy anu jviacninei y r.nnnnnv m ta enn 1pu SSIIO for the old outfit. The contract for the dynamos was given to the General Klectric Com pany, of Philadelphia, the sum being $3,175. Spruks Bros., of Scranton, were given the contract ror me superstruc ... r... tin in- Bvnnvdtlon 18 cents per cublo yard,' and stone $2.25 per perch. J. M. BchencK, oi mis piace, bpiiv hi b bid for the superstructure also, but was vofnsori heoftiise it was not in at the time advertised. Mrs. Kva H. Van Sickle, wife of Dr. v T. Van Hilrkl llxl ti t 8 o'clock Frt Anv Avwtntnfr t ih'er Ihinne. on Hull RA'P- nue. Mrs. Von Sickle waa horn tov Blakely In 1K65 and was tne eldest daughter of Mr. and Airs. u. m. huh. Ill JOOI Kilo nn ,,,(. , , u. Van Sickle and has lived In Blakely lor tne pasx eiigni years, a tew Tram am tiv moved to their new residence. on Hull avenue. Three children are awi A-n rinfnm nlhniii 1 vpfl.rolil. Thefu- nerai will tane place tnis afternoon from her late residence, on Hull ave ttA m 9. 90 nVlne.k. TTitpnnent will! be made In tho Forest hiu cemetery. Soran'ton. D. O. Jonea has assumed the position of drug cletk for W. W. Watkins, at Pekvllle Unaries tiaDan, ot iunraoro virew, Im 111 than thntn. ruiian Yr.i'h .ViaArvn- return Arl tulmnA from a visit at Cambondale Saturday. The tracxa oi unw viypumm ana' w m ton Electric Street railway are length- mIm. n f varv TAnld ra.tA. A luw construction gang working on thw section of the roan 'Between tne Bor ough line and the Delaware and Hud son crossing. NICHOLSON. John Blanvelt, while driving a team ot horses, dropped his reins. As he went to get off the wagon to pick them up the horses started and threw him off, breaking his right arm In two places. 1 Mrs, MoConnell, of New Mllford, Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. u. trau. Mrs. E. Li. Bacon and daughter. Gene Vleve, visited the Bleotrlo City Friday. Christopher Reynolds la having hard luck, as he has lost two horses In less than twn weeks. Miss Mary Wllklni Is visiting her brother, Bert la Green Ridge. Mrs. Oaom Bnyder spent Friday PITTSTOII. The Plttston office of the Bcranton Tribune Is located at No. ( William street, where all advertisements, orders for Job work and Items for publication will re ceive prompt attention. Office open front I a. m. to 10 p. m. Thomas Murray , of New York, la Vis iting on Broad' street. James DouKber, of the Central hotel. Soranton, called on fiilenkls hero Friday. Tho grand Jury meets at. WUkea Barre 1Mb afternoon, and quite a num ber f rom 'this place will he In attend anoe. The Ptbtston Foot Ball team defeated the Tunkhatvnooks at the latter plaoe Saturday afternoon by the score of 12 to 0. Our boys have won every game With easo thus far this season, and stand ready to meet any club In north eastern Pennsylvania. The Ethel Tucker Comedy company Willi open a. iweek'a engagement at aiuslo Hall this eveniiing. There will be a change of linlll nightly. The com pany 4s said to be a very good one. Mr. Bell and faawlly, of Scramton, are visiting Mr. and M-rs. J. Ji. Foy, of William etreeit Mr.- and' Mrs. IB. J. Neville, of Scram ton. called on, friends in town yester day. The Democrats of iPHtston township held a grand rally alt Cork Lame Satur day night. Speeches were maae oy WUliam McLean, 'Lou etanton and ether county candidate wtllbum iMonmev. who stabbed jamea Tlghe 1n a drunken row at Cork Lane last week, has been arrested and lodged. In jail. Tlghe ormtilntiea to Improve emd will most undoubtedly recover. Pittstoa Business Directory. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on Wright & Co., 7 Boutn Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household gooda, bought or sold. AVOCA. The public schools will re-open to day. it Is with much pleasure we read In yesterday's Elmlra Telegram that our esteemed townsman, John J. Morahan, has announced hlmBclf a candidate for legislative honors. Though he has worked nearly all his life In and around the coal mines, and Is at present an employe for the Hillside Coal and Iron Company, his education ano attain ments are of such a character that many of the leading members of the present house of representatives would feel proud of. We wish John success, as he la worthy of the support of every voter in tho Fifth legislative district. . The Ladles' Aid Society of the Primi tive Methodist Church will meet at tho home of Mrs. Mark Bosling on Tuesday afternoon. Tea will be served at 4 o'clock. AH are Invited. Jonah Boughton. the well-known temperance advocate, will deliver a free lectur at tho Primitive Methodist Church on Wednesday evening, Octo ber 30; subject, "Curse of Drink." A large audience should greet the speaker. James and Katie Connors, or Loweu, Mass.. returned home on Saturday after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNally, of Grove street. Mrs. M. A. Guppey desires to return slncer thanks to her friends and neigh bors who so kindly asslted her during the sicklies and death of her husband. Also to tho choir of the Primitive Methodist Church, and those who kind ly sent floral offerings. The second annual entertainment or Division 9. A. O. H., B. of E., will be held in O'Malley's hall Friday evening, November 22. Many talented people from throughout the county will par ticipate on the occasion. Rev. George J. Dixon will not be widely separated from us, he having been appointed to assist Rev. J. B. Fln- nen, of Pittston, only a few miles dis tant. George Graham, of North Main street. Id slightly indisposed. Mrs. John Reap and daughter, Brid get, spent Saturday with friends In Scranton. Avoca Conclave, I. O. H., will meet In regular session this evening In their rooms at O'Malley's Hal). ' At a meeting or the ladles of Bt. Mary's congregation, held yesterday afternoon in the choir hall. It was de cided to hold a bazaar during the holi days. A large number of ladles atten ded the meeting. The Richmond Social Club have de cided to hold dancing classes on Fri day, Instead of Thursday evening. If the llaby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been lined lor over inny rears ty Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes thn Child. Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; cures wind uone, ana is tne best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every pnrt of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. HALL STEAD. 'William Trowbridge has opened a confectionery store In the 'Rossa build ing on Pine street. The building on Ohase avenue used by lEd IBoyle as a store is receiving a coat of paint. IM. IS, Quailey Is to open a meat mar ket in the IMltcheU building on Front street In tho near future. The Young People's 'Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church are to hold a Hallowe'en so cial at the home of Miss Gertrude Read. N. T. Mitchell lost a pocket book the first of last week containing ST5. He offers SS0 reward for its return. Fred Brown has secured a position at the round house. CLARK'S GREEN. The funeral of TVed Smith, of New ton, was held In the Methodist Epis copal church Friday at 11.30 o'clock. Interment In Clark's Green cemetery. 'Mr. Smith was aged 95 years- Mrs. F. S. Benedict, of Scranton, called at (Rose cottage Friday. Dr. and Mrs, Evans were In Soranton Friday. Mrs. William Jby died at her home liAfA tn iFrlrijiv .nrwirnlnff of crnimimn- tlon. The funeral took place at 2 O'ClOOIC. Don't Get Excited Was what the doctors told me, ml they tald I nut not run, on account ( flat terinf of my heart. I was sick over year with dyspepsia, could not deep or eat in COmiort, was gonereu wtwawiv. Hood's Gorooparllla rave mo refreihlnr steep, steady nerves Snd better health than over. I have great faith In Hood'i. H. H. Pica, Heading, rs A -'-jMbk ro IO CEMT5 GREAT DISSOLUTION - SALE According to announcement already made, we com mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our two large stores. The goods have all been marked down to first cost, many goods even below cost. Illlf If vou have any present ble goods be sure you come while this sale lasts. But the earlier you come the below but a very few of Illillf II The stock is entirely new and includes the latest ideas in design, texture and manufacture in the line o Carpets, Rags, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades and Upholstery Goods of Every Description. . &SMf you intend to buy, now is the time. Our Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the lowest prices ever quoted in KERR, SIEBEGKER & GO. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ineyarenaruptaeeia eeueo. u yen ,! Dr. Pocl'o Pennyroyal Pillo Th.T are pro.pt, i. ad eniala ta MWwlsn. oolnt. SeatsajwMfe, !.. 1 "-" " i. t.u muM u eutipe Pk.niMalit. ear. Wvamlno Avanuft and .w WW" - ... . . w. w - THE ONLY HOUSE That Has a Full and Complete , DRY GOODS COMPANY, 51 6 WE HAVE. Underwear for Men, Women and Children, any price and different grades. You can find with us Natural Greys, Camel's Hair, Fleeced Lined Bed, Urey Merino, rney are tjougnt tor spot casn at umes wnen goodi were at the lowest figures. This waa in April, 1896, and the only buyer in Underwear that understands quality is Mr. Ilcnry Goodman Manager oi tne tui race store, LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEXT WEEK'S SALE In Underwear, Jersey Overshlrta any prices, but we are willing to prices eisewnere. We Are Also Direct Agents For the Saoerlor Hyglena Underwear Corapanj Non-shrlnkable, the best for health. We guarantee them to be equal to the ones you pay $5.00. Our price on them, for Shirts (1.60, or $2.60 for the Bult. come ana see inem, . Sweaters, Cardigan Jackets. GREAT BIG or prospective need of relia better for you. We mention the Scranton. EVERY WOMAN sjnei4lilelUMc,nMnthly,feialeHaf niadlelBe. Only nmleaiaa - . - - m IN SCRANTON Una of Undorwear Is the EMPIR Lackawanna Avenue. in different styles. We will not quote take off 26 per cent, straight than usual ijargesi assortment or wooi uosiery, (AUTION TO OUR patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many paD rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new croc is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, ana owing to the excessively dry weather many millers an of the opinion that It fa already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tike no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three, months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail oi milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above othes brands. rti Wholesale Moosic Powder Go, uooms l ana z uomDoieaao ml SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTIKQ POWDER U ADB AT MOOSIC ANT RUBH DALB WORK& liSfflla A Band Powder CaS Orange Gun Powdef Electric Batterlee, Pnsea for mrpiad- lug blasts, SeJotf Fnse and BepannoClieiHlcal Go.'s HlgiEiploslra flT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal ef the best quality (or domes die, and of all sizes, dellTered la sax (rt of the city at lowest price. UTOern leii my uinca NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, flrnt door. Third National Bank, ar aent by mail or telephone to the nine, win receive prompt attention. flpeotal oontraota will be made for ta lakiaad aeUverr of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITH. KIEL THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAHHfc, r., nruiwi"r.. Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTIHfiAHDPUMPJMAiNERlp ITS THEar LITTLE THINGS ID UfE Like the fly In the butter, that bother Home folks the most. So, also, It is the little things- curve hero, reinforcement there -In the nmkoof our Cloth inn that causes it to be "Rlilp-sliape" and hauK right. This, too, with our low prices snd "Pay as You Can." A little at the time system is our stronghold. Bine, Black and Brown 10 f,hfllnt Snlts P Cheviot Salts Would be hard to find elsewhere short of (18.00 -cut in double breasted or single sacks. ONLY some at prices less than cost and all at prices less than ever such goods were offered for. Corner Chairs, Window Chairs, Divans, Arm Chairs, Rockers, Wall Chairs, Tetes. etc, all latest shapes of parlor goods. It's a consign mentorders are to sell. Now you take the cue. MiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiumiuiiMMiittiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiu'""' m s Y OCT. 25. I OCT. 26. FRIDAY iiiiuNiininnimnnmiiiiiiniminnniHnminni Are Parlor Goods Sale Days. ( CLOTHIERS. Y. M.C A. Balldinf lBoth9Wtfc HOMI FURNISHERS. aas-7 Wyomliif Av. f CONNELL Agents. THE. Pennsylvania Roofing Co., 326 Washington Inm, Scranton, Pi TELEPHONE 555. Ebonite Yanrisb, Gravel Roofing, Pipe CoYering, Building Felts, SbeatMng Papers. A kinds of rocflat work doaa Al fcfaxfeol crsTel or elaf roofs ataa. roof mnm IRD SOLDEXTS All dona awsr with by the one ef HASH lfAN'B PATENT PAINT, which eooaiata of InsTBdlents well-known to aU. It can be applied to tin, s alvantsed tin, sheet Ireej roofs, also to brick dwellnse. which wis irevent abeolutelr ans cfnmbllns, cracky ag or breaking of the brick. It will oue last unnins oi any aina w wur " and It's coat does not exceed one-ftfth thai of the cost of tinning. Is sold bj the Ml or pound, contracts taken oy ANTONIO UARTMAKNTeS S 111 1 u JUl FOR 3 DAYS. 97 Pieces of Parlor, Furniture will be gathered on our second floor to be dis posed of for CASH s n iuss'3 1 I MONDAY I OCT. 28. I AND : C12PETS UD 1LL PIPERS, . ; Ve lww"Wwnntl IkfMVWMt'f ' , , : ' ." ' .' ' . ' '' ' ' V with her parent, Mr. ant Mrs. J, B, Capwell, W aaowrjrriue, .... , 'L-'M-'.