THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, '1883. NeWs Luce Best Flour, per barrel $3.95 Feed, Meal and Corn, per 100 .90 30-lb. Pail Jelly 75 Choice Hams, per lb 09U Choice Light Bacon, per lb QV Pure Maple Syrup, per gal 80 Luce NEW STORE. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Political FiRht of Next Spring I, Already Receiving Much Attention in the Fourth Ward. The Fourth ward is already agitated with a political fight for school con troller of the ward. Tht present In cunibent. James Kvans, Is belnfr hard pressed for Te-nominatlon on the Re publican r!de by Klrh.trd Nichols. Mr. JfuVhols Is In the tls'.it to stay, It Is claimed, ell statements to the contrary notwithytandlnsr. It was noised about that he would withdraw before elec tion 2.iy. thus making Mr. Evans' vic tory almost a certainty, but this report Mr. Nlnholi rays is untrue. The Pem-xraiis are also active, and Attorney C. II. Pitcher and Thomas Carey a;re mentioned for t'he olllce. John Fern will oppose Simon Thomas ftor the counoilmanlc seat. Benson Davis, late candidate for the legisla ture. Is the Democratic candidate for council. Injured in an Accident. Mr. and iMrs. C. A. Purr, of South Main avenue, visited Mrs. Frances Hjtckley, founder of the John Raymond Insfltute. at her Jiomo In Peeksklll. New York otatej this momth. L-ast week, while enjoylna; a drlvev through John Rockafeller'8 park, the team be came frightened and ran away. Sev eral of the party were Injured. Mr. Burr was the mo?t seriously hurt of the party. He sustained a fractured collar bone, and was unconscious for several hours. . Mrs. Burr was also slightly Injured. iMr. and Mrs. Burr have returned home. Miss Harris Entertains. Ida Harris, of Arohbald street, entertained a few of ier friends Thursday evening at a social gathering at her home, A pleasant time was enjoyed. Those present weret The Misses Fannie MeLane, Hattle Evans, Bessie Jones, Agnes NValls, Sarah Davis, May Jones, Kate Lark in, Josle Richards, MolFIa Butler, Oertrude Al pinaJph and Albert Davie, Will Mwrrey, Will Evans, David Jones, Ous Brown, David Evans, Reed Sively, Harry Sively. Dance In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Walker, ex., of South (Hyde 'Park avenue, gave a dance last evening In honor of .M.r. and Mrs. R. W. Walker, Jr., and Mr. and Mr. John Walker, who -were recently wtedded. About seventy couples were In attendance amd the event was one of the most brilliant ever conducted on the Wet Side. Now Nuggets and Pcrsonslw. Jessie Jones, of this elde, who droppc! insensible Thursday while at work in the tin shpo of the Dela-ware, Lacka waima and Western company, is now alt the .Moses Taylor hospital. He has re covered consciousness. Rev. iMr. Booth, who wa to have preached In the Scranton Street Bap tist church tomorrow, will not be pres ent, owing to Illness. The funeral of Michael Gaughan, Trtio died suddenly at his home on Sev enth street, wa held yesterday after noon. The principal topic for tMs evening's meeting of shfl Welsh iPhikwophloal eoclt'ty will be a talk by Dr. Heath on "la There a. Necessity for a ivard of Revision in Seranton?" It will be Inter esting. The members of Keyston lodge, Ixiyal Krvtent of America, ore requested to meet Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock 'm their tooll toaittpn-d the funeral of their Jate fellow member, Henry O. Victor. Uenjamtn Kvaim, who was Injured Saturday in the Oxford mine, Is improv ing. The funeral of Henry i. Victor will occur 8unday front the family residence on Kverett avenue. Mls Anna McFadden, of Chestnut Btreet, Is visiting In New York olty. Kotella. the 14-montJi-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas, of r,V On take Erie's shores -Th, Captain's Wife Tells Iho Story-It M ill Interest Many People From the Buffalo Evening News. If you were to call at 27 Front avenue, you would find a pleasant elderly lady, Mrs. Captain Henesy by name. Her kind ly smile and Joyous manner are to no mall extent due to the escape she has had. Her own words can better describe her rescue and one can easily understand her present happy condition whPti they . realise what she has gone through. Sho says: "About Ave months ago I had un attack of sickness which lasted for a week and since that time I have been subject at Intervals to similar attacks, some of which were longer in duration. It Is hard for me to describe how I suffered. The pain would commence In my head, after which It would seem to past down my body and settle In my back, my sides ached, my back ached, and I had a feeling of great distress In the bowels. The In creased pain which seemed to come from lying down, would be almost unbearable, my face and stomach would bloat up and I could hardly stand on my feet, dlxxiness made It almost Impossible; this feeling was always with me even after the vio lence of the attack passed over. The last attack I had was the worst, and was so bad I would not have been able to tell this story but for Doan's Kidney Pills. As soon as I commenced their use I found im mediate relief. The pain In my back and Ides left me and the dlsxlness went with it; the bloating In my face and body disap peared and all distress In my bowels was gone. I hare great faith In Doan's Kid ney Pills; In a short time they did a great deal more for me than all the plasters and medicine which I had resorted to In seek ing relief and cure. I hope always to be able) to procure them." For sale by al dealersprice 60 cents. Mailed by Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, aela agents for the U, I. Bros. Bros of tb? Sdbbrbs. North Hyde !Park avenue, died yester day. Mrs. Smfth, an ogeJ resident, of Brown's court, died jtestwiay. The funeral notice will be given later. The funeral of the late Mrs. Bridget drey was held yesterday afternoon from her 'late resktence on Lafayette street. Services were 'held at St. Pat rick's church end Rev. F. P. MoNally preached the sermon. The flowers sur rounding the casket were very beauti ful. The pallJboarers were: Captam, Molr. Thomas Iveonard, Arthur Kelley, Hairy Canavan, John iDougherty and John Oaipsldy. Interment was made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Tomorrow will be 'Home Gathering Sunday tut the Warhburn Street Pres byterian. Bible school. All who In the past have attendi'-l the school are ex pected to be present. P. J. MoCann and daughter, Mar garet, are In New York city. . K. 'M. Clark-? Is In New York city. Dr. H. C. Fisher went to New. York yesterday morning. West Sido noisiness Directory. TAILOR Suits mnrte to order. $18.60 and up: overcoats, $16 and up. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repair work a specialty. Frank Ollbertl, 10.18 W. Lackawanna avenue, neur Main avenue. CJI0T THR MAJESTIC OIL STOVG. iTriind Parlor, Mystic, Kauter and Hock ash Ranges. 20 per cent, saved. R. J. Hughes, ugent,12l South Alain avenue. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws tiled, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. L. Steenbaek. denier In Onus. Fishing Tackle, under West Side Bank. PHOTnortArnEfl-Cabtnet Photos, 11.40 per dozen. They are Jim lovely. Con vince voiirfelf by calllnn at Starnnr's Photo Pariors, 101 and 103. South Mala avonue. BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done In a first-class manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Fairchild s Hotel. GKOCERiES Rovere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The lead'ng cnnVe of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son Co. Fine Groceries, 113 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND Fl'RNITURE-CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture. Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and ree the stook of J. C. King. 102t and 10M Jackson street. PLL'MUINO William D. Griffiths. 113 North Main avenue, doe Urst-ola. Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. Have your watch repaired by Turnquest Satisfaction guaranteed. 203 Wash avc. SOl'Tll SIDE. Rev. William A. Nordt. the nfw pas tor ct the -Hickory Street C.erman Presryterlan church, will nfTlcla.te nt the services (tomorrow. He will an nounce to the congregation what time It will be poFSlbl-e for him to terminate his relations wlflh the Newark church, of which he has been pMr for several years. Rev. Mr. Uloonifelilt. who con duced services last Sunday, having been sent on by Mr. NVrdt. stated it would not be possible for the latter to assume charge of the Hickory street church for about four weeks. Mrs. Rachel Brown, of South Washing-ton veniie, who was seriously burned Thursday afternoon, is not so bad as that iher life U In danger. She will l-e around in a fow days. Forty .Hours Devotion will begin at St. Joseph's church, iMInooka, tomor row, after the 10 o'clock mass. A mock trial will be eonduoted next Thurtxl-iy evening a a meeting of the St. Aloyylus Total Abstinence and Benevolent society. An ertertailr.lng soalal for members only was htJd la.t evening nt the rooms of the Young Women's Christian aeso c!aithn. Musical and literary exer cise formed the programme. The Gop4 meeting at the Siuth Side Young Women's Christian association on Sunday. Oct. 27, will e led by Miss Mllnnie Munson. at 3.45 p. m. Her sub ject will be "Rahab." All friends of the association ore most cordially Invited to be presen t. Profeswr C. B. Derman will conduct a class In elnging at the South Side Young Women's Christian association during the coming months, beginning on Monday evening. Oct. 28, at 7.30. The fact thai -this class will be under the direction of Professor Derman os- surrs -its success and popularity. It Is hoped that many will relsiter for tihe work, and so receive the benefit of his Instruction. NO K i ll KM). Rev. W. O. Watklnn last Sunday evening commenced a very Interesting serKs) of eermonaon the book of Ruth. The (trim will comprise four discourses to be delivered on Sunday etvnnig. The sut)Jeot for tomorrow evening will be "Naomi." The ordinance of bap ttrm will lie administered at T.30 p. m. tomorrow. Rr-v. George E. Guild will preach In the Providence Prealiyterlan rhurrh to morrow morning on "The Day of the Lord," and In ithe evening- on the "Bi ography of Solomon." In the North Malny Avenue Christian church tomorrow the pastor, Rev. M. H. Kuntener, will preach on "Christ's Be trayal," and In the evening on "God'e Word Compared to the Snow." Tho Christian 1'TjJieavor society of the churoh held their month ly meeting last-ev(nilng. A largv crowd enjoyed the lecture of M,r. SclFon In the North Main Avenue Binii'wt church. The T.nd:-s' Aid society of ilhe Provi dence PrcelbytfrCan churoh served an oytr supper laft evening In the par lyovs of Mm church to an extraordinary iarge crowd, Who seemingly enjoyed the supper very much. DUNMORE The house of Mrs. Van IBusklrk. at Ney Aug, was destroyed by fire about 11 o'clock Wednesday night. The fire spread so rapidly that they were un able '.o save any of the contents. The houfe and furniture were partly In sured. Services In -the Pre4yter!an church tomorrow at the usual hour. Prechlng at 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, at 12: Jumior Rndeavor, at i; Sontor so cety, ait 6.30. Mrs. Reuben Jones, of Nay Aug, was the guest of IMr. and (Mrs. Jones, of Brook street, yesterday. Prearthing at 10.30 and 7.30 In the iM'Ji.hodlst church .tomorrow; Sunday school, eit 12; Junior Epworth league, at 6.30. The school children Will have a vaca tion next week, while, ithe teachers are attending county Institute. - THE FINAL GAME. annlngs and McOraw Will Play with Monsls Against the Y. M. C. A. - This afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Scraniton Base Ball park Hugh Jen nings, the famous vhortatop, and Third Baseman John MoOraw, of the Balti more champions, will play -with -the Moos4o Populars agattwrt , the Young Men's Christian aesoolattion, the cham pion amaiteurs of Lackawanna county. Dean, who tiaa -won 'the proud dlsMno tkwi of -betn the best amateur twirler in either county, will pitch for the Boranton club, while Howard Luckey, Who has signed a Wilken-Barre con tract for fitsfc yean ' wrH pitch for Moosie. The posOMona are aa follows: Seranton.. Positions. , . Mooilc. VS. Rogers. . ........ catuher. .. ; O'Nel) Dean pitcher .Luckey Hoffner.........flrst base..T. Dougherty White second base.. J, Dougherty Coughlln third base...,. ...McOraw J. Brooks.. .t shortstop Jennings Mallott left field. Burns Reese , . . .center- Held, . . . , .McDonald T, Brooks ...right Held. ...... .Campbell MISS DICKINSON'S POEM. Road at Banquet of the tnlon Ex Prison crs of the War, The following poem, written by Miss Susan K. Dickinson, was read at the banquet of the Union Ex-Prisoners of the War association: Thanks! O brothers, ye who battled through the great war's stress and strife; Comrades of so many a soldier who laid down a noblo life Bravely on the nation's altar, counting naught too great a price To be puld for Right and Justice, on the mount of sacriiice. Yours were lives as freely offered, In the camp, the trench, the Held, Your's the cry: "We turn back homeward only with or on the shield." Yours the battle sears; the anguish of starvation's awful pain In the priaon-pens where thousands died; yet, died not there In vulnl For their blood cried to Heaven, as did Abel's long ago; And Heaven answered It with Freedom for the unbroken land we know. Never more shull Slavery threaten, or In fsutrk'lilul strife. Lift lu Cain-like hand of murder to de stroy the nation's life. Could the women of your country, thoue whune love was on it poured, When the time came for their brothers teuUfUHtly to Krnsp the sword. Sit at home in hopeless weeping, or lift folded hands ill pruyer, While they wrought not what the Master plainly marked us women's share? Wherefore thelr's the gifts of mercy sympathy clear-eyed and strong, Brains to plan nnd hands to succor, hearts through grkf aud love mude strong? Surely theirs to dedicate them to tho ser- vlee of the bruve They had bussed und sped in parting, marching forth thi-lr land to suv. How they welcomed flod's revealing, In their souls writ larite und clear, Where heart and hand llnd work to do, that work Im woman's spheral 'Twns her's to orgu'nise relief such as earth never yet Had dreamed of when In dark array Its warring ho.-tts hud met 'Twas her's at home to fcather up the treasures of tho land And use them for Irs loyul sons with wife and generous hand; And even toplnutirh. and sow the seed, un reap the harvest's yield. That those she loved should bear the flag across the battlefield. 'Twas her's to mnko her way where'er the cannon's sound was heard; 'Twas hers to walk In hospital, with lov ing glance nnd word: 'Twas her's to bind the bleeding wound, to carry food und cheers. To leave no task of love undone, no hard est work to fea-V. O, blessing came to her through all, so many s life she saved: So many a dying soldier's heart she bore the boon it craved; So many a dying liutdiir's faith she lifted up on liK'h. And soothed bo m-nny a dying pang with tenderet ministry. O, brothers marked by battle sears and worn from priaon-pens, When ye came back from Southern Holds, o'er all the land nu;iln The Nation's tlag triumphantly w -.waving In the light. The tlag of I'nlon and of Peace, of Frje dom and of Right. And woman who had' ministered while all her heart-Htrlng bled. And stayed not work for living onea, even while she mourned her dead; 'Twas her's to welcome home again the heroes of the war To whom the Lord of life had said, 'Not yet la service o'er. Never, we know. In life, or death, the soldier can forget; And, answering to his loyal words, each woman's eyes are wet With tears of proud rejoicing from lifted hearts that rise To thnnk the Lord for all the fruits of war's grim ehc-iUIco. A world looked on, amazed to see the great Republic stand Upheld by sons and daughters, one loyal, faithful band: And. side by side, to scale the heights th-ii Ood has set before, Together they will keep the step till Time shall be no more. Susan G. Dickinson. October 21, ISO.'. Itoods' Answer to Thorpe's Challenge. I, Thomas Dodds, of I'rlcoburg, will sc. cept the challenge of William Thorpe, but will not play at any unlicensed hotel. !( Thorpe means business, let him select a place at a licensed hotel, and 1 will select another and toe him up where to play, and If he wins tho toss I will play at his grounds. About three -months ai;o he challenged, through the Press, to connede me flvo points start, and now wants to play even, but I will play him for nry stake from 1100 upwards. I will nie-t him at the house of William Krhe to make the match at any time he ninnes th'j date and time, Thomas Dud-.l. Second Organ Itccitnl. On Thursday evening next at o'clock occurs the fecond organ recital In the series of recitals to be given on the grand organ in the Elm Park church by the organlat, J. Alfred Pennington. In this second concert he will b assisted by Miss Winifred Sullivan, soprano, und Miss Julia Clapp Allen, violinist. A novelty In the form of a new organ sonatn by the great French organist, (lullmant, will be presented. No admission fee is charged; there will, however, be a silver ottering ut !h- rtoor. FOR LIVING IM BAKNS. It solid comfort, compared to our houses before tho furnace firs Is lighted. The discomfort of sitting in an un healed room Is bad enough, but the cold that Is sure to follow is ten times worse. To sit sewing all day with the leet cold to sit shivering in an office or In a draughty lecture or amuse ment hall, Is often equivalent to a winter's sickness. ' In the midst of thesa dingers, if you have in your pocket a bottle of "77," an occasional dose will prevent your taking cold. "77" cures Colds, Grippe, Influen ts, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in Head and Chest, Cough, Sors Throat, General Prostration and Favsr. "77" will "break up" a stubborn cold that threatens to "hang on" all winter.' Be sure to gat H-U-M-P-H-R-E-Y-S-'-. Dr. Humphrey puts up a Hpeoiflo for every disease. They are described In his Usnnal, which Is sent free. Hmall bottles of pleasant pellets-flti your vest packet; sold by druggists or sent on re celpt of prloe, Hq.s or fl lor tl. Humphreys' Medicine do, Ul snd 113 William street, Mew York. A permanent relief to 1obs suffering women; speciflo for all female., weaknesses; one of na ture's own remedies; Is not In jurious to the most delicate con stitution. Why sufferf Prloe, f 1 per bottle. er Isle ky JOHN N PHILPI,trsstM,Ps. Roy's v fiestorla Coand SO IDS v BIG FOUR ROUTE. The' Popular l.ino to the Atlanta Exposition. Trains leave Buffalo 8.W a. m, dally for Columbus, Springfield,' Dayton and Cin cinnati; (.45 a, m. or Indianapolis, Peoria and St. Louis. Southwestern Limited finest train in America leaves Buffalo at 11.(0 p. m. dally with combination cafe and library car, elegant Wagner sleeping cars and day coaches on all trains, which make close connection In Union depots at Cincinnati and St. Louis, -for all points west, south and southwest. For further Information cull on local agents or address C. 8. Muck man, general eastern agent, No. 40 Ex change St., Buffalo, N. Y. Family wines that rival the world In excellence are from Speer's Pussalc, N. J., Vineyards. The Claret, vintage 1M1, the Burgundy and Port uro very old superior wines. Tho Port Is especially for Invalids. The Clinmx Brandy Is very superior. (Always FIRST a ctnizT w Gail Borden : ! Eagle Brand I S CONDENSED J1ILK 2 2 For H years the leidinjt fcranj. It U ths S) Best 'id tho most economical, 2 A PERFECT FOOD FOR INFANTS AMUSEMENTS. fflONOAY EVENING, OCT. 28. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AT Y. II. C. A. HALL, By Mns. Emma Hiiaw C'oi clkluii, of Trovi duiiu?, It. L ACADEMY OP MUSIC, One Night, Monday, Oct. 28. THE WOKl.D-IAMI-.n BROS. BYRNE lu 'i heir hneivs'f ul Spectacular t'roducilon i f the NEW 8 BELLS A Number ol Slarlllng NovO'lts. The Acrobailc Ouaurilte. THE W NOFRFUL REVOLVING SHIP. OUU Ins AMUMNU C'HKIACE KIOE. ! neen'a- prices Siluuf seats opjiw FrUny i ni ininir. : ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30. THE SW1.F.T MNGKK, CIIAUSCKY OLCOTT, Under tho Mai a:'rr,ent of Anirnotus Pitou. In ilie Sue "rHf ul ( ou'd I) Hi hh'h, THE IRISH ARTIST By Aujtiituj Pltou and Gcorg- H. Jeltop. HEAR O1C0TT flK0My !-i.t r'"l Irish 5Imui," "K ty Viihone," " Icoit'n Irish oi't-uiid.-." "I.ik ' in Mr Hi art." uud 1 oin llo . o iKUntiful lyre. U.livi- Jle if All Thus Ku dtf.rii g Youuif CUiirtai." Hi en.iitr i rices. Kul j of ie:.ts oponsMon day. tct. THE FROTHINGBflM, V.'asnci 4 Rcle, l.csseos and .Moniii;crs. WEDjSMY7WT03ER3J, C'hitle Fniliinau Presents tho N;w Comedy, The Foundling With tin Urrat Slid Only CISSY FITZGERALD.sEE cissy Wm tu II. r Inimitable Dance, Pr.isKnted hern liy tho orlilnnl rnt, ai scon 300 nli.-ht.nt iloyi'e'l heater. New York. Mcifuhr prices. 6alo uf scats now op n. TWO NIGHTS, KOM IHO 2 America's Oreuti'it Trncdim, james O'NEILL JIui sienor.t of Wm. F. Connor, In tke 'J o Production, ol the hon-on, FRIDAY I SATURDAY M VlKCilMUSlMoiitcCristo Twj 8umptnonn Kcnic Productions. bK.'iial Cent reiiular pricus. Bale of st ats opens O. U 00, t D u. iu. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 23, 23 and 30. Tl e Iiram.itic Si d ena if the Yrnr. A MONEY ORDER BY SEYMOUR S. T.BBALS. JULE NVALTERS "Demosthenes Plato Potts." All Scenery Used I-i tVrihd liy the C Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. 5"Ve Do Not Advertise In the Klmlra Tclfgram. WHY SUFFER When ron onn hare yonr rye. rlentlfloally Tested free by the now method. . . tisl'here nre hundreds of people If they knew this, would go miles to lure exsmlned. DOVT WAIT. ITfWhen yon get lenses, or g'asses, ss many peopl. call them, Oct the nest, as they won't aost yon any moro tBan poorer onea Do not trust yourvaluablo tight to pad dlere. Tho ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will oorreot the vlalon and atop all pain in the head. Placed In tbs Fiossi Solid Gold Fit m4 for 9 Thise Leases are sold on'y by DeWITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Opptalte Bcranton House, 0a Laekawanna Ave.. 8CRAHT0N, Pi. BocuDAit.rt tella.alHltolaaartell. I THE NEW jSSelW HAMMOND TYPEWRITER NO, 2, Contains sll that hns mitdn Hammond Work futpnus, and NEW, NOVEL and I'HliKUL im provement. ' Hnu mond Work tho Criterion of llamrnoud Superiority." "Hammond Hales tbo ( riterlonof Huminond Pi piduilty." Haia niond No. 3, "The Perfect Typewriter. Kx amine it end b convinced, rhilsdelpbia branch of Ta Hammond Typewriter Co., 110 8, Sixth Mract. F. A. & A. J. Bit AN DA, 414 Spruce St., Scrsnten Rtpreientstlvis. WELSBAGH LIGHT Sillily or Reading and Stwing, Comume three (S) foot of gas pur hoar and gives an efficiency of sixty (60 1 candles. HuvIiih ut least 83 J per cout over the ordinary Tip liuruun. Call and Sue It. HUNT I COHNELL CO., 434 LACXAWANFia AVEMUE. nanufdeturers' Agents. . . i MAN'S riCLD TATG N01J.1AL SCHOOL. Intel jitial and practical Ira n tf for tcai hers. Time courses of study besides lircparutory. 8imc!uI atlelit'on 'vrn lo prciinralion lor collcitv. a-1-m'ttpd to best roil'k-cs on certificate. Th'rty Rraduatt-s pur -u nir further stu.-Vcs last year. Great advantages for fpecia' studios !n art and mus e. Model school of thrc hundred pupils. Corps of slxtopn teaihcrs. Iloaut!ful grounds. MavnTicnt Im l l.iiKH. rnrse grounds for athli-tif s. Kit-valor ninl ;nfl-mnry with atti'iidant nurse. Fine gymnasium. Everything fnrn shed at an uverncj cot to normal siu -Ifrts of tU3 a your. Fail term, Aug. is. Winter term, Dec. 2. R'.u-ir.K term, Mnrch It!. P'mlcnts crtmitted to rlme"' any lirr.e. For catalogue, containing full Information, applv to S. II. ALBRO. Principal. MaiiMficld. Fa. Y We are Heaiiia.irt rs for CysU-ri and are baudliuu tiio '.vlehf:itoil Duck Kivcrs, 1. ynn Havens, Keyports, Mill I'ond.s! iviso Siircws. luiry, Kuokuways, Maurice Kivcr Covin, Ucolcrn hhorcH and liltu I'oin'.s;. r-VVo tuukj a Speciiltyof dt-llvariot blue Points on lu.lf -hull In oarr i-ri- PIERCE'S MARKET, PENN AYE CALL UP 5882. till lilil CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. C O UullM 3. JM'e Stocks, Bonds and Grain Bought antl sold on ew York ExchnriKc and Chicago Hoard of Trade, cither for cash or on margin. WM. LINN ALLEN & CI, 412 Sprueo EtraeL LIC. iTOCXj A SPiCMLTY. Telephone 6002. AYLESWORTH'5 MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latent ImproYcd furnish lag and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. iwAKw inirTash airfuWitseuot kMnse(trtaMat. XRHOKS. DroduMu rak M NarTM. IMlUltT.HtaktlT IllukU.CniiMk. pmmt. aihseiilaf dniassndloa at sower ef the For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS. Drss f let, Wyomlna ave. and Spruee street. Jl i m in Jjglm in llP men 9' ttlBH. yoiiTmriii. The MILLINERY. MILLINERY. FIXE MILLINERY is what you want if you wish the best in quality at lowest possi ble prices, with tho additional advantage of huvin tho largest line in the city to select from, you will not be dis appointed by calling al THE FASHION. Lackawanna Avenue, Seranton, Pa. ' CMT'.T7'1. -.i;--w... THIS IS THE HOUSE III 4Moot lot on Race street, near the Driving Park, FOR $900.00. Walks are now laid, water in, sewer connected, electric lights, grates, furnaces, and only a few lots left unsold on this street. House will be open for inspection Monday and Tuesday afternoons, Oct. 2S and 29. This will be the last time you will have an opportunity to make the best trade of your life. 1 ED SEE II. COSTS Id Any inquiries previous to answered by H. B. Reynolds, ft i.t LD WHITE PINE TIBER For Heavy Structural Work. flHY SIZE, flHD OP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bldg., Seranton, Pa. Telephone 422. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rm ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEBE11B SCR ANTON, PA. Guns and Ammunition Foot Ball Goods, - Sportsman's Supplies, Hand-Leaded Shells a Specialty Gun and Locksmith. Typswiters RepM A. 7.1uitlSGII, 453 f.l S7.1KJ Fashion BIG VALUES IN Jackets, Capes and Tut Garments. They're ti e Magnet. We sell gotd Ciouks,the best that expert skill can make or money .can buy. ASK TO SEE OUR T)n Itnln T.jtbA. mIa.Ih m.J. iue utvesi siyic, worm viu.uu. $7.98. . Special $7.98 Our Wool Beaver Cape, 80-1 n. long, trimmed with braid and fur, worth $7.00. $4.98 Special $4.98 A 30-ln. French Coney Cape, balr up, full sweep.extra heavy satin lining, cheap for $14.00. $9.99 Special- $9eS9 5 .l"U. . ji.i.,,"" ",.w ALT W.00 10 SECURE II. the above dates cheerfully or Green Ridge Lumber Co. J) QQ JU 0 14 THE GREAT LADY DOCTOR Now In Charge of 1h Chicago Mo4lv csl and Surgical Initltuto, No. 412 Sprueo Slraat, Seranton, Pa. Comet highly rsrenmsaM bjr all ths IstxV lug l ootars of ths world, anil tnttkss s tvl ty pf sad wUl trsst only wosmo and eblidrsa soA all acnta and chroiilo dlsaaass pMollar to ths female srs. Bar specialties hi waioh aho has achlervd so m h grsat .Bosses and hona are Ftasala Ootaplsiata. Blood Poisoa. Bhee Butl.n. ttaroak) Ntrvooa Diassws, TvaMtsv psnesra QnUres. (Mpples, DetomlMss, St. Vitns' Dance and Ipilsptlo Flta All who os3 within twenty days UI feoelro ad1otaid sm-rloa free, iaelndlav aasdiolno for threo Booths, for tin XsaaUoaMoa aad adriee free. This lastltatloo hot no o aaeotteo with Dr. ResTos. Taks elevator In store below, til Bpraoa street Ofllcs boara froaa I ss. eAt4 l. a., Maday front i eWook m ft OIL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers