THE" SCRANTON TRIBUKB SAT0KDAT HORNING,' OCTOBER 26, 1895. The Pure Food Lawf . The "Pure Food Law" recently passed by the legislatures of several States, notably those of Pennsyl vania, Ohio and Michigan, is a step in the right direc tion. No manufacturer should be allowed to put upon the market anything that is adulterated or unwhole some. , . Cleveland's Baking Powder is not affected by the Pure Food Law of any State, it being perfectly pure and all the ingredients entering into its composition being plainly stated on the labels. The Cleveland Baking Powder Co. has always so labeled its powder, and assurance is hereby given to everyone handling the goods that it is fully in com pliance with the law and that the Company fully guarantees them from all penalties in selling it Cleveland Baking Powder Co., New York. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST AT THE COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. OUR WAGONS CALL ReUrlyln oil parts of the city. Have wemuwed you? Prop postal. ACKAWANNA THE LAUNDRY, SOS Pen Ave. A. II. WARM AX. When Looking WALL PAPER, Do Hot Fail to Sea Our Fall Styles. WILLIAMS & M' ANULTY 127 WYOMING IVENUE, N. B. Prices Guaranteed. CITY HiUTKS. Marriage licenses were yesterday grant ed to Thomas O'Connor and Bridget Con way, of this city. Rev. J. C. Madden, of Dlmock, Pa., will change pulpits with Rev. A. E. Douglass, of Clark's Green, tomorrow. J. H. Steele and A. L. Francois are In Philadelphia on business looking to the re-opening of the glass factory.. In the estate of Charles Farher, late of the city of Scranton. letters of adminis tration were yesterday granted (o Jose phine Miller. The Bcranton Caledonian club will con duct its annual Hallowe'en social at Ful ler's hall, on Lackawanna avenue, Thurs day evening. Andrew V'ross, the feeble and aged Hun garian tramp, against whom the doors of the county Jail were cruelly cloned Thurs day, was yeaterdny provided with a home at tho poor farm. A special meeting of Keeley league. No. 16, and friends of the cause will he held at the parlors of the Institute on Huidnv afternoon at 3 o'clock to welcome; Key. H. M. Cole to this field of labor, and .o iiear an address from him on a real live sub ject. Mr. Cole Is an official lecturer and organiser for the National league. ' Charles Phillips recovered yeaterda from hi drunken stupor and told that bis residence was In Wtlkes-Itarre. When taken tiefore the poor board he was still somewhat dased, and In answer to a ques tion as to whether or not he knew wheie he was, he said: "Yea, of course; this is the upper end of Ptttston, Isn't It?" The Methodist ministers of ficranton and vicinity will hold their next semi monthly meeting In the Elm Park church on Monday morning next at o'clock. Rev. Elijah L. San tee. pastor of Lacka wanna Methodist Episcopal church, will read a carefully prepared paper on the abject of "Law." Mr. Bantee Is an able writer, and will doubtless read a very interesting paper from the theme an nounced. The absent-mindedness of Rev. Dr. D. C. Hughes, who resigned as pastor of the Jackson Street Baptist church, will occa sion him considerable difficulty in case he soon Intends settling In a new home. Dr. Hughes had his household g.iods cart ed to the Lackawanna rallro-"1 yard, where they were loaded In cars. The min ister forgot to pay Drayman Post before leaving the city, and the latter secured an execution against the goods which will be held in this city until the Is paid. Special writs were directed by the co'irt Jesterday to Issue In the matter of the udgments thst have been entered up against the Bcranton Base Ball associa tion by the directors of It. The sheriff . will make a levy now and advertise the lease, franchise, etc., for sale to the high est bidder. The Intention of the directors Is to buy In the privileges of the associa tion and then dispose of It afterward to Fall River or any one paying the price sked. Attorney Joseph O'Brien, J. Alton Da vis and R. A. Zimmerman, the law ex amining board before which those desir ing admission to the bar of Lackawanna county must pass examination, held an examination yesterday afternoon In the law library at the court house. The candl dates were: Constable J. 8. Miller, of the Ninth ward; Alamansa Porter, colored; S. T. Crocker, J. Gordon Noakes, Robert J. Kernan and R. W. Capwell, of this Htyj A. Edgar Bchoemaker and Andrew Bchoener, of Mt. Carmel, and A. Bataitls, of Shenandoah. Attorney O. T. Partridge applied to court yesterday for a writ of habeas cor pus to compel Edward D. Farr to liberate from Illegal restraint Fan's young son, Richard. - Attorney Partridge represents Mrs. Auarueta C. Farr, wife of Edward D. Fair. The petition recites that the father has forcibly taken possession of the child against the child's will. The hearing on the writ will take place on Thursday, Oct. SI. at t a. m. Farr Is charred with tak ing the child on Oct. 18. The couple do not live together, but the mother- has possession of the children. ,.. J. ,- Miss Lucy Laney. of Augusta, Q. len tnred on "Freeclmen" last night In the First Presbyterian church and delighted a fair alxeu audlance. Miss Laney is a highly educated and cultured colored wo man who has fascinated manv an audi ' ence In the north In her arguments for advancing the social scale of her race, I which, she contends. Is capable of a much nigner development man is usuauy believed likely. Her people, she says, are a peace-loving, loyal anil patriotic people, who have In them the many qualities for citizenship of a high order. . It May Rain. A good Gloria umbrella, tied oak or na tural stick, only 83 cents. Meurs & Heei. THAT OLY I'll ANT CONTEST. Court Yesterday Listened to Argument with Regard to It Quarter sessions argument court was held yesterday. The exception to the report of viewers In the matter of a road In South Alblngton waa argued and the exceptions were dismissed. On the rule for a new trial In the case of the com monwealth against Tho man Holtham, Attorney John F. Scragx and ex-Judge Ward argued for the defendant and District Attorney John R. Jones for the commonwealth. The argument was very complete on both eldes and court took the papers. The only Interesting case argued was the Olyphant contested election oaae, where exceptions hnd been taken against the report of Commissioners John V. Murphy and David J. Davis. Attorney Joseph O'Brien argued for the contestant, Edward J. Uurke, and Ma jor Everett Warren and Oharlea 1. O'Malley argued for John J. Flynn, the respondent. The commissioners -filed their report and found that twenty-eight Illegal votes had been cast 1n the election In the Third ward of Olyphant borough, where John J. Flynn and Edward ,1. Burke ran for he ofllee of councilman. Of .the twenty-eight It is believed a majority of them were cnart for the con testant, so that the contest Instead of re.Ioundlnr to his Interest only made more effectual Flynn's title to the seat. The argument imadefcy M. O'Brien was on the manner of the Uncling of the com missioners. After the rule for excep tions Is disposed of the court will order the ballot box opened ond the Illegal votes for Whichever of the two candi dates they were cast will be deducted from the face of the returns. Minor eases In reference to remitting eowts were heard. CHESS AND CHECKER CLUIi. Organization Perfected -Will Have a Home at 416 Lackawanna Avenilu. The Scranton Chess and Checker club perfected an organization Thursdny nght In the rooms they will occupy at 418 Lackawanna avenue, second floor. Edward aitTritk'ld was chosen tempo rary chnJrman and the following per manent officers w?re elected: John F. Scragg. president; Dr. E. J. I'lerce, sec retary and treasurer; Professor F. Kipf. and 8. Fried wald, executive committee; Edmund llartl, H. J. Anderson and Mr. Worden. Committees were appointed to provide furnishings for the rooms, tables and playing paraphernalia. Wed nesday and Saturday nights were de cided upon as playing night and on the former Jiigfrt patrons of the games and friends of memberswlll be admitted. THE SEW VEHICLE. KIDDER TIRES AND BALL HEARINGS I OR CARRIAGES. William Blame A Son, the Scranton Carriage Makers, Advocate Their I'so and Will Build These Styles of Vehicles. Among the various Improvements which have been brought about within the last few years; none are of more Importance than those adopted in methods of locomotion. Tlje old tylt of vehicle are rapidly going out of use. and more elegant land Improved styles are takg tlhekr places. Scnamton Will be, usual, to the fore front In adapting these Improvements, and In One coming spring we may ex pect to see on our streets qufto a num ber of the new styles of vehicles, fitted with Kubber Tires and Hall Bearing Axles. The successful Introduction of the Rubber Tire t a comparatively re cent occurrence, emd Gs one which is giving deCfrhtfjul satisfaction wherever ill is u.-wtl. Only 'those who have rid den tn this kind of vehicle, are able to realize "perfect comfort" and what test and enjoyment of riding. Is to be derived from tho use of the Rubber Tire. The Rubber Tiro has now won Us way to the forefront In tho carriage Industry, and has come to may. Its merit has been thoroughly tested and proven tatlsfactlon tn this city, by that enterprising firm of carriage mak ers 'Messrs. William Blume & Bon, who regard t!he Rubber Tire as one of the Indispensable of 'the future not as a luxury, but as a necerstty. This firm has long been trying to ad vocate the use of these vehicles, they having- constructed the first Rubber Tired and Ball-Bearing Axle Buggy used In this city. This buggy was made over a year ago, and h now In the potwentfon of one of our prominent oitlaens. Two others ttiave since been built, and one of these Is used by C. W. Blume, the Juirlop member of the firm. William Blume & Son, In sollctlns? or ders for tlhelr winter trade of sleighs, etc. (of which they wBll have a mag nificent Wock), .have booked several orders for these vehicles, some of which are now being buHl, ttd others are to be delivered next spring. They will also have ia varied stock for show In their repository. Every Intending pur chaser or pernn Interested in these Im proved vehicle will do well by calling on Blume & So.?, who will be pleased to give any information regarding- them, and will also demonstrate the superior merits of the Rr.bber Tired and Ball Bearing; Axle vehicles over all other. . WM. BLUME & SON, " Maticf ,ttari-ra o' FINE CARRIAGES lUptsKsty. 832-024 Ipftot tircit, . v Ope. Court Moat. ; . ' HOST CO TO THE Ml No . More Outdoor Relief for . Old ' Persons Without Families. ' POOR HOUSE THE ONLY REFUGE Will Not Be Supported Outside of the Hillside Home-Bad Story of Young French Widow-Alder, men's Bills Too High.. The poor -board met yesterday af ternoon, Mr. Gibbons preslcJknfr, tn the absence of President liangstaff. Some acrimonious discussion was aroused by the 'Introduction of a resolution by Mr. Shottlan, making- it obligatory upon dl Ktctora to refuse outdoor relief to ap plicants, who should 'be sent to the poor houye, suoh as axed persons who have no one -to care for them, or no one to care for. Mir. Gibbons characterized the reso lution as unnecessary lefpls'la'Uton and 1'ntlroated 'tlhait Its arJgmttar's prime lda was to pass as a reformer. It passed, however, and a few minutes later Mr. Shot ten got back at Mr. Gibbons by questioning the propriety of 01 r. Gibbons' aottoat In advising a man to defy the law wMdn provides for the imposing- of a penalty on delin quents. It was agreed .by the boaird that hereafter, unliss the directors are pre-; vlously notified of the application, no alderman or Jitsblce of' the peace will be allowed a fee for making out an order of reMef. Mips. Alice Thoron, a young widow, who waa timong yesterday's list of ap plicants, told a sa.1 Atwy to the board. Ifer unci?, Rang'tarrae Therca, of Prov idence, 1 tlhe owner of lx or seven hourea. He Is 65 years of age. and she was his housekeeper. She came to this country at h' aolleHstUyn, bKngrlrsr her Mtlle boy with br. Mur uncle told her that he would moke a lady of her, and that the would have re wants a.nd car riages, and all that fort f thing. When she arrived her drtam of Wc-alth and luxury had a Fad awaken nlng. She found her uncle to be penu rious", w.inttd hfr to do his house work, and to paw hersvlf off as his Wife. Whm his Importunities became unbearable she left and found shelter wfilh a neighbor, who took he.r before the poor board. The cape was referred to Mr. Shottun wilth power to act. John Parker, who came before the board for ad mixtion to the home, was stricken with an apoplectic fit Just out side th'9 met'tln room, and created a deal of ro'.j and excitement until he was restored. . Notice of Removal. With this Issue The Tribune news and eiiitortal departments ccaise to be lonaited at Penn avenue and Spruce street, an! will, after to-day, oomipy The Ti'.bune's hand-sime new building on Wavhirrgton - avenue, four doors aibove Linden street, where, within u few days, they will be Joined by the Job printing and 'bindery department. The bulnvs ofllee, until otherwise an nounced, will remain In the familiar place; but the new office on Washing ton avenue will, after next Monday, be open for the receipt of subscrip tions and tranisk-nt advertising. DIOCKSAN CHANGES. New Parish in Plttsion and Priests Appointed to Stations. A new parish consisting of PIttston Junction and Duryea was yesterday formed ?y Kt. Kev. Bishop O'Hara. Father Greve. who has been assistant to y Hev. Ji-ihn Flnnen at St. John's church. PIttston, will be paftor of the new parish. liev. J. J. ortmn Is to be tranrferred from dlonesdale to Ca-rbondnle and Father o' Byrne, one of the newly or da.lnv.d priests succeeds him. Ka'htr Dixon, who lhas at St. Thomas' college, art! Father Iavelle. both new prletus. go to Pitts-ton. Father Malorve will take Father Dixon's place at the college. Father Kelly, of PIttston, will lie o&ristant to Father Hoban at Ash ley. FOOT HALL NOTES. The foot ball team reprenentlng the Hcranfon lllryrle club left hero this morn ing on the 6 o'clock Delaware, Lackawan na and Western train for Hhamokln. where they will met the ghamiikln Athlete team on the gridiron. Heranion was to have gone to Shumokln last Huturday, but the game was postponed until today. It will no dnubt be a very Interesting con test, as Jnith teams are about equal In weight and skill, though Hi-runtnn will be wetkened by the absence of Captain Welsh, who was suddenly called to Pitts burg by the sickness of ' friend on Wednesday last. The team will line up today as follows: Owens, loft end; Cog gins, left tsrkle; Cnnnery, left guard; Cleveland, center: Zsng, right guard; Al len, right taeklw: leeker. rleht end; Walsh, quarter back; Thayer, tort half; I'osncr. right half; Ayers. full bank; Rteele, Ruddy, Manley and Hrler. substi tutes, and will be aecompanlcul by F. J. Ieonard and K. A. Cllmore, members of the advisory board, and alio by a number of rooters. Tho team will not lave Sha mokln for home until Sunday morning, arriving In this city over the Jersey Cen tral at 12.45 p. m with, they hoe, the Shsmoksnlte's scalps dangling- at their belts. The boys anticipate a vory hard game, as Hhamokln has succeeded In de feating every team they hsve met since 'US. and will make a hard fight rather than be worsted In their own city. The Great Sale Still Continues. Nobody will have to go without cloth ing this winter, when you can get such bargains as there Is to be had st the grat sale of Martin A !elany's sheriff sale. We will continue for a short time longer on that great worklngman'a friend suit, at-IB, In tho extra heavy black ond blue Cheviot, single and double-breasted. It la without doubt the heat, cheapest and most ! durable garmsnt made. It Is a strong i fabric, and will give you a good winter's 1 wear. Every worklngman should vet nnn of these before they are all gone. We have still a large assortment of our bo-cent on the dollar suits left, which are the best bargains ever offered In Bcranton lie sure nnd come early to get tha btst choice left In this department. All other goods that were purchased for this fall's trade, whlrh are all this season's make, we will give the purchaser off, which consists of the choicest-lino of Overcoats, Ulsters and suits for men and boys' wear ever shown in this city. We can give you the best .pair of pnnts for ll.fjo which we will guarantee strictly nil wool, extra heavy and the best value ever shown in this cltv. Before you purchase, elsewhere, look these goods over nnd be convinced this is no sham stile, but a strictly honest nnd upright one. Call at Martin Delany's old stand, Coal Fx change, Wyoming avenue. - . ' , ' , MO Feet flintier than Bcranton Is Schelbel's hotel t the end of the new Klmhurst boulevard road. You can get the beat of meals at all hours, also refreshments of all kinds., The finest line of wines, cigars, malt and other liquors in the city at Lohmann's, Bpruce street. B. Robinson's, Milwaukee and Felgenspan's beers on draught, - The Nickel Plate Road runs along the shore of Lake Brie and through Erie, Cleveland, Fostoria and Fort Wayne. marhied" ' JONES-EDWAnnSAt the residence of the bride's parents, near take Ariel, Vic tor A. Jones and Miss Mary p. Edwards, both of Lake Ariel, by Rev. H. O. Har ned, . - ' .V iiki. VAN flICKLH Mrs. Corai H., wife of Dr. F. L. Van Blckle. at Olyphant, Friday evening, Oct. 5. 1893. Fi neral on Mon day Afternoon at 130 p. tn; from her late . resldonoe. r ...... , i HERE'S A UIIOLE FAMILY. , . . . Husband, Wifo and Ghildron Mado Well by Paino's Celery Compound. , T'he pre-eminence of IPalne's celery compound over all other remedies couM not be better Illustrated than In tha case of the Turney family, of St. An thony, Iowa. Mrs. Turney had recovered her health by the une of IPalne's Celery compound. She had suffered from a variety of Ills all due to a nervous system Im properly nourished. As frequently happens he entire family overcome porhaps by anxiety and care, began to feel "run down" and to suffer with the hardest disease In the world to diagnose the trouble they have when they say: "Doctor, I don't feel well." The advice of their physicians to use Palne's celery compound, the one known remedy that restores lost ner vous energy, creates an appetite, purl, lies the blood and builds up thj strength of the entire system, was followed. Mrs. Turney, In a letter to Wells & Richardson company, Who pre pare the remedy, soon wrote as fol lows: "My husband and three children were as greatly iH-neflted by the use rf Palne's celery c-:iiixuhd as I was after an unusually hard ulege of the grip, with variations of the disease. We re gard the compound as a most remark able remedy." As the winter comes on many people will begin to suffer from debility, and ri'M.K AI. OF MRS. NOKTON. Interment Was Ms Jo In llvdo Park CniholU i cmot.rv. The funoral of "Mrs. iMary Norton took place ycteritoy morning at 9.30 from hf r laie revKi.-nce. ;ilj Penn ave nue, and was attended by a laiive con court f liitrowljig friends. At St. IVur's cathedral a solemn high mass of n null .p w.iis celebrated by Hev. M. J. .MUUrie. Hev. J. A. O'Ri-IIIy was ckjn, and Rev. Father Carmody, suh-il aon. . After the mass Rev. Father Mlllane de'.ivtred a short sermon in which he s;..)ke of the necessity of ever being I r.-pared to d. H paid an eloqumt tribute- to the worth and Chitstlan cl. il ii-ter of the dvrcas!. At the con-elm-inn of "the services the remains wi re taken to llyd-e Park Catholic cem-i-U ry, whore interment was made. The pall-i'.iearx rs were M. J. Kelly, Ati.hony Kelly, Anthony Clark, John Mel.c.m, .la nn Uavltran and John i'll.;ro. The umer--nn fl-iral tributes wire carried by William Mo-Uan, John Kvlly wnd Mentrs. Ooldon and O'Horo. - - - Mora Pastoral Testimonial for Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal Powdcr-A Marvel of liloscJ UnUk Kellsf and Deal Per inanunl lire. "One short puff." Itev. T. II. Meeker, pastor of the Oerman Kviingelli-al Lutheran Christ chnri-h, of IlufTulo, declares that the III at time he fol io ed directions to "give one short puff," with Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder he experienced an Inexpressibly restful re. Ilef from a serious catarrhal cold. It la the experience of thousands of others allllrted with catarrhal troubles. No two people softer alike; but no matter In what form catarrh may appear, or how long en dured, a Klsilsume and quick relief from Its most distressing and offensive features Is found the first time you use Dr. Ag new's Catarrhal I'owder. No other c. turrh cure has won so many hearty testi monials, and you will refuse any other after onc trying this. It cures, but first gives Instant relief; fa) rts., at Carl I.orenj and all druggists. Sample, with blower, rent by S. 11. letehon, tT72 Seneca St., Huffulo, N. V., for 10 cts. In silver or stamps. The Scranton flusincss College. The second lot of tables was put In thl w-ek and a -IMrd lot ordered, 't i k, v hltmoie tt Co., are determined to propir ly accommodate all who come. An Investigation shows that about twen ty students have secured positions during the past two months. An application for a lady bookkeeper Is now on Hie. The ptoprletors claim that they have the best night school In the country. If you doubt this, visit the school when In session. New students come bearing letters of In troduction from lawyers and business men, This means much. Has he talked you tired and have vou paid U cents to the photograph ll.-V-t agent T Do not believe him whei he makes such gross mlsrepreenti.:lons that you ha to pav two and thre time a much to th pltotogrnpher as w i.-n -n-i buy a llcset fr'.m him. Vou can n( tin cents or m-ire. nnd you can have any lilnC of phntogranhln wm-k done to your i uttr.i satisfaction by calling st Frey's phu'o graphle establishment. 1 I,rka. urn , Scrsnton. Pa. I,eve your orders f i por trait work In crayon and water colors. , I.njlcs and Gentlemen. For the .latest styles and lowest prVe In fine shoe try the Commonwealth shno store, Washington avenue Everything In the store will bo greatly sacrificed until Oct. 15 on account of re movul to Williams btitMIng, t.lnden street nnd Washington avenue. Pratt's JtooU Store. - Mis Genet levo Hnmmcll Is pwsared to tako pnnlls In piano and theory at her. studio. No. Jffi Wnshlnglfin avenue, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday nnd Bnturday of esch week. Entrance through J. W. Guernsey's musio store. Bend us a postal or telephone us and we will call for your clock nnd other heavy repairs. Telephone, No. 2352. Turnques:, 205 Wash, ave. ' Buy tho Weber, and get the belt At Guernsey Bros. Wo set diamonds. Turnquoit, 103 Wash, ave. ... Holiday books In sets and single vol umes at half prlce.Pratt's Book Store. 1 Fine llisard skin pocketbooki st Turn quest's. . , The only diamond setter In the city. Turnquest. 206 Wash, ave. ' ' Photo albums, Dible and Testaments below cost. Pratt's Book Store. . .'Buy your diamond ring rom Turnquest. Monsoon Is the tea Chicago theaters serve iced, between tco tou. lack of rallying powers after a slight chill or cold. Their ral trouble Is a run-down con dition of the nerves and blood, and Palne's celery comound, as In the case of Mrs. Turney and her family, will make tlu-m well again. Rheumatism and neuralgia, too, grow more dangerous and more painful with cold weather. This Increased pain points to In creased activity of these disorders. There Is positive danger In allowing the system to meet the perils of win ter handicapped by rheumatism and neuralgia, or any disease that comes from poor blood and bad nerves. There la the same certainty of get llrg rid of these two diseases that there Is of a complete recovery from sleplessnpsit, nervous weakness, hys teria, or any other result of Imisivtr Ished nerves nd blood. Physicians today get rid of rheumatism and neu ralgia as thc-y do sleeplessness, melan cholia and nervous dyspepsia by build ing up tho system and supporting its delicate nerve parts with Palne's celery c.-iiM)Und. Palne's celery compound restores vi tality to tired nerves; It feeds every tlsuecif the body when -unusual waste has reduced the weight and strength of the body, as Is frequently the case at the close of the heated season. It gives new appetite, and keeps every rart of the body, nerves nnd Mood so well nourished that the nervous, ex hausted, tired, "run down" feeling from worry and hard work soon dlsap pear. Try It. not; on Tin: kampacji:. It Caused Consternation nnd llovoc in National I'xr-res Of (Ice. August Ma trlwvn, of the National Ex press company, had a lively express shipment In his otttcv 306 Licknwnnn i avenue, the other night. A live hog, crated, was received from Forest City, destined to a party In IMwId-lace. Arriving after delivery hours bis hog ship was assigned a comfortable berth In the re-nrnllioe. where large ouantltli-s of "On Hand" freight was stored. The hog waited utwll Nltfht Cl-rk M u-an was peacefully sleeping and then be coming restless concluded to see what there was to eat '- the oftl'-e. iWlthout much effort, apparently, he ruorveded In breaking his teniKirary prison ami proceeded to check up the fre !ht by "count and mark." The first thing he did a to upset the mucilage pot Into Ticket Agent Klrby's summer ruswts. .'He turned over everything Iri the office nnd finally teached thre! Jars of Ivelmware county butter. Not fatls fle.l with running his t.ose deep In each Jar he plant. d both forward feet Into one Jnr and evidently enjoyed the soft footing ilmmenrely. r Morning revealed a mixed condition of things and It seemed Impossible that one hog. unassisted, could work sm-h havoc. It r.'ft:lred the combined ef forts of several of the men to get the animal ag-aln roralled. Ttuit wasn't the end of It. Frank nrundago started to make delivery as soon as possible, but on his way to Providence the hog again broke his Vnrs ar.d Jumped from the waa-in. After tpilte ft long chns In which. Brundage was assisted by smnll hoys and dogs, he wa "n-nlly captured and delivered. . Several small claims have been paid by Agent Mnttlson for goods damaged by the hog In his rampage, ond he hopes tbat Fotvst City hops will hereafter be secured by ball and chain or come In like hogs gent-vully do, dressed for mar ket. ftlohc Hotel. Ttetween the Academy of Music and the Froth!nghnm. Special rates made to the strltal people and lurnrs. Rates II OH to 12.0) per dflv. TVrd A Flannghsn. rrnps., 229 Wyoming ave, Scranton, Pa. - 4 Alligator skin pocketbooks at Turn quest's. Real Imported Jspnnese leather card rases at Turnquest'. 2j, Wash. ave. The Nickel Plato Road In the line for the masses. Real sealekln poc-kethook, sterling silver corners, only $1.19, at Turnquest's, 205 Wash, ave, Imported Persian Goat skin pocketbooks Is the latest: large assortment at Turn quest's, 2U5 Wash. avo. Gold and fountain pens We. to 13. Pratt's Book Store. Large assortment of pocketbooks and card cases made from Seal skin. Alligator, Llsxard, Japunese leather or Persian Goat skin, sterling silver corners, beautiful and the very latest designs at Turnqucst's, 203 Wash ave. The Nickel Plate Road Is the Low Rate, Best Service Short Line between Buffalo and Chicago. You Must ave a He As the colJ woatliur it mi, and you can't it flora to pav exorbi tant rrlcc.-t when yon' can buy lievi for half what others ask you. FOR A FEW DAYS. Childrsn's Rob Roys -. Ladies' Trimmed Sailors, - ICc. 69c Ladiei' UitfinimeJFs, 70c. TrlmmeJ HafsJ$1.25)$1.49,$1.89 HASLACHER'S-:-MILLINERY H-. UNSFELD, S JCCJS;0R Tbisfld vertisement tells you where to find . original novelties in Sterling Sil ver, moderate in price, extensive in variety. . i ems. ElttH flYORo BERRY. THE JEWELER 417 Lackawanna Ave, High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lots. Clough & Warren, Carpenter, -Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELIE, 303 SPRUCE STREET. 1 Heavy Spring Wagon, DOUBLE. i Heavy Spring Wagon, SINGLE. I Photon, 1 Side Spring Baggy, INEW.1 2 Horses, Choice from 10, Tflchior'c DocV now 1 VUdUlUl II tVJU UVSl 1 Large Safe, new, 1 Large Butter Refrigerator 1 Florida Steam Heater. INQUIRE AT THE Palace It is nowadays not the per son, but the goads and prices, that talk; and just there lies our strength. . We make it a point to care fully stud)' the wishes of the public and shall bring before theni 'onl' the "up-to-date" goods. Experience in New York has been a good teacher. LOUIS RUPPRECHT Headquarters In China, Glass .', Ware, Etc., :3I PERU ME, 0??. BAPTIST CHURCH, Isclndin? the tralnlm extracting of U-vlh liy tn "uttrjij unw pruceco. S. C. SNYDER, IV D. S m ra is i! lilill i an, en i hi Selling line of Ladies' and Misses' Furs and Cloth Garments in Scran ton. Our established reputation is a guarantee of merit. Were the best in '94 and will be better than the best in '95 and '96. We carry a large line of Children's and Infants' Coats and Capes in all the newest styles and shades. IN OUR For oue week we will sell $3.00 hats for $1.35. HIVE YOUR FURS REMODELED BY J. BOL2 133 Wyoming Avenuo. The Only radical Furfltr In till City. Winter Will Soon B? H?r? AnJ to be prepared to met the cold we.ither you want a seasonable Suit or an Overcoat or both MD THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FQ3 SOMETHING G30D A MERCHANT TAILORING IS il 406 Lackawanna THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest itock to soloct from. Trlm nii! m Always of the Best, Latest Styl'S in t'uttint;, nnd made up on tbe pretnUed Ly Expert Workmen. t "N'othinit allowed to leave tliooatab lialiment unlks satistactory to the cus tomer, and the lowest prices consistent with Uood Merchant Tailoring. Reduced from S1.50TO.00. VSes Show Window. iSTU In MEN'S OUTFITTERS, 42 SPRUCE STREET. 191. i I I'll': P Have been purchased by and used IX THE NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MISIO Purine tbe past twelve years. 500 SOLD IN SCRANTON Anl vicinity during the past few years, alio their immeune popularity. 'J hers Ik no dnubt about their uuing Tha Best Piano forth Money In the Mar kat Today. We Will Bo Pleased To uliow you our lunre stork of these and other flrst class Instruments nd five Trices and terms to all iutendlng pur cbs.ors. LJ. POWELL & CO., 226-228-230 Wyoming Ave THE CILItXATM . FIAWOS (re st Fruent tUe Mwt Popular and "rehired by LvaUuis ArlbtLS wtrtrocms : Oppcsils Columbus Monumtnt, i,a c. t.Paj Oil FIB I Bl HATS AT Dunn's 'iiJM fed mm mm C V.-. ,' 1 ;
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