The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 26, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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X . '
Daily ud Weekly. No Sunday Edition.
published at Bcrantnn, Pa , Iy The Tribune rob-
llhliiir Company, j
ew Vorlc Office: Trimine Bulldlns. Frank K
Oray, Manager.
C. P- KINGSBURY. Paca. aae OtH'l M.
C, M. RIPPLE, Stc'v aao Taua
W. W. DAVIS, BuviNta Maniacm.
W. W. TOUWOS, Adv. Maaa'a.
KTIRED AT TUB P03?0rKC3 AT t,-.JlCTua. 3
Irllltrs Ink." the rw-osnl ...iirimt fot w!ver
ilsons ra'.in Tiik Hcbantox Tuim'NK ii Hid iHKt
advertising nieillnm In Norilicaslera ivunsylva
ula. "rrlulew' Ink" know
Taa Wehki.t TmnrsK, Iwuexl Every Saturday,
(Villains Twelve Handsome I'll. Willi un Abuil
tlannofNrvn, Fiction, und Well-fc.llled Miscel
lany. For Tluwe WUo (.'.iniint Take Tub Dali.V
'Ihidcne, tlie V'klv In lteconuuenileU a tuo
Ileal (joins. Only (1 a Vear, in Advunee.
Tus Tbibvke Is for Sale Unity at tue D., L. and V,
btation al Huoukeu,
SCRANTON, aCTOUim 26, 1895.
For Judges of iho Superior Court:
CHARLES E. lilCE. of Luzerne
E. N. Wlt,I,Ami, of Lat-kawuniiB.
HOWARD J HKKDEK. of Northampton.
JAM HIS A. HKAVKlt, of Center.
GEORGE B. OIILADY. of Huntingdon.
l or Stnto Treasurer:
For Coroner.
of Scranton.
For Surveyor.
EDMUND A. BARTL, of Scranton.
Election day. Nov. S.
It -will ncft take much time or ef
fort to )jln with your ncpiihllc.-in
neighbor 1n helpinpr to cail the people's
aittentflon to the ilmiportanoe of rot Ins;
the BtTailtrht 'Republican picket weolt
after next. The Republican whivo Re
publicanism Is too lukewarm for Unit
ehould be ashamed of his pretensions.
Got out the vote.
Time to Awaken.
Republican cannot afford to let this
year's e-lcct1o.ii go by default. They
canntot afford 'to let their sph niEd ma
jority of one year aso be paled by the
puccossion of a meager one bo-peaklnK
npathy and lniKlterence. Every tlletute
of Tarty prudence and party loyalty
calls for the polling of the entire party
Republicans In this county cannot af
ford, by their luken-arniness, to prlve the
Democratic em-my false pneouraKi
mcnr! They cannot afford to extend to
their candidate on the ta,te ticket, for
Ti-hoee nomination they worked and
f outfit, a support lesw earnest or less en
thulart'lc than he fairly deserves, and
lefj hnixiaina; than the county needs
to malntiiln Its self-respect anionic the
other eouiuU-s of the utate.
Republicans of Lackawanna cannot
afford to withdraw thi-lr support from
the splendid local ticket which hns been
nominated this year. The lmortance
o electing 'fit men to offlce nnd en
oouraifinK party loyaJty la even greater
' Jn an "off' year than it is in a year
when excitement Is hltfi and when,
from aheor momentum,, the, entire vote
la polled easily and with enthusiasm.
It Is tlmo to awaken and set to work.
What a fine iaugli the Democrats
would hare it iLackawanna Republic
ans dhould, by Indifference, lose a vic
tory dearly wltiln their reach! Get
out th vote.
No Tax on Bank Checks.
Ths protest of the Washington Post,
elaeivrkem repiwduoed, afia.lnt the
proposition to inortOHn the current rev
enue of the Government 4y resort to
tlhe emergvney method of a stamp tax
on bank cJieck is forcible and opixrr
txam. The migestlon, of tSiIs tax, llko
thrtt of the Income tax,' arises from
the lonverft pf class arrtajrontems the
.mlaftrtJo envy Iby those w(ho have
faflvd of "those who hlave Buccecded In
: life, n Is of a piece with the . mo
f tivea vt tho blKhwaymon who alms by
force of arms to correct Inequalities In
weaiilh Which lie Is too indolent or too
ancfuoient to correot by hontet end
ja.rnBtaklnc business endeavor.
1V be mrr, lit to not true that a tax
en bank chocks would be a tax felt
hy tho rtch alone; for it la a fact cap-
avis of nay demonstration that the
volume of tlhe business of out banltn
la furnWhd, not by the money giants,
but by the thrifty middle chuwee, tho
men .and women of mod era to means
who put their spaire pennies in the
Saving; banks rather than in the ma
loons or gambling; rooms. Hut whether
ithe burden of eudh a tax would fall on
those of mettro or upon those without
means, ft would be, In cither event,
a short-sighted, vexatious and un-
American tax, .tolerable only during
a grave national crisis not now citable
tn tts Justification.
The rrexit coneress, tn Its effomla to
overcome the (Democratic deficit,
ahould reject any mnd all expedients
Inoomsist'ant with the fullest possible
restOTtatlon of recently-sacrinced pro
ect'ion to ' American ndustry. It
ahvmld ait tiho vcTy 'bcglnnlnij insist
upon the restoralUon of the Bchtdulo
of tariffs on wool and woolens, tSiere
ty preservlnff from utlT extlnctton an
Industry all but ruined by the eoonomlo
miadmess of the Demooratlo chcvaWers.
; This ts the very first duty, rwamount
t!o all cithars, and unaffected by the ar
gument that a presidential veto-would
render its pctrformanco lnefftctua.!. The
thing for oongrtra to do Is to put back
Ithe tfaerlfieed duties eufflclently to
make tBie government firianclally re.r
eusteilnkng, and leave the es;wntlbillty
, of. a Veto upon the deficit-making pres-
' drJertt.
It Is t.o tlrrs, with this du!y un
performed, to tjlk about Iho revival of
emergency Internal taxation. .
Mr. Haywood, ' the Ite-publlcan ran-CI-late
for stailcTtreasuror, prove! Itla flt
Ceas for the place vlun, as receiver, i:s
took hold of irhe hursted Clearfield
'bank, the depositors in which thought
they nad lost every cent, nnd within a
few months paid every creditor off, dol
lar for dollar. Get out the vote.
Do the Republicans of this county,
In the face of the presence on the
state ticket this fall of one of their own
number, who has for years been a
stanch and valiant champion of Re
publican mien and measures, core to go
on record before the elate as Indif
ferent or apathetic? Are their mem
ories so" readily closed to post obliga
tions? The Democrats may ray so, but
for our part, we don't believe It. Get
cut the vote.
Notice of Removal.
With this Issue Tho Tribune's news
and editorial departments cease to be
located at Penn avenue and Spruce
street, and will, after today, occupy
The Tribune's handsome new bulldlns
on AVaGliiagtan avenue, four doors
albove Linden street, v.hsre, within a
few days, they will be joined by the
J'b prtnMng and bindery departments.
The bU'sto ofllee, until otherwise an
nour.cti.l, w:l remain lit the familiar
place; but Uie new office on Washing
ton avenue will, cfter next Monday,
be open for the receipt of subscrip
tions and transient advertising,
.Mir. Hartl, the U.'puM:ean candidate
for surveyor, has wen his way to the
front by cluer force of perseveiance
and tnhtrcnt futility. llle la a man
whose ra-t unuNled achievements fur
nish the l' of his fitness
for public otlice. Get out the vote.
Republicans, to Arms I
The nearn.'M of election day should
speedily Iritis an end to the Indifference
which apia:etil!y exists amorg tile
mosses to the outcome of the ap
cronchirs eUvtiiin. It will under no
co'cumstaiuta 1 f r Iti pulilioau lVnii
sylranio. or Xor the K.mblicans of
Lackawanna county to f.ilit ron Nov. 5.
J-'uoh a ivsult would Instantly be In
terpreted by the Democracy as an evi
dence of popular approval of Its ad
ministration an administration which
h:is called down the worst business
panic in mr history, whli'h has. run the
govtrnmeni, in time of absolute peace.
Into marly a quarter of a billion
of new debt and which cannot,
fnrni its miscalculated revenues, lny
much mo-re than half the current ex
penses. We do not believe that t'lthtr
Lackawanna county or the Ftate of
retinsylvanla wants U give the eem
blanee of cncoui.i gement to U'-h an
administration. We do not V lleve that
there ure many men, ev n among the
Democrats themselves in this state, who
would care to experience "Democratic
tlnu .i" over airaln, or who, having fore
seen what the change of ls;U meant,
would fail to want to change back
It will be said, cf CMiive, U'-o-t this lo
cal election doesn't decide national is
sues. The Democratic politicians will
say this. bccau.- tt 1 to their ecllWh
ii l.ivNt to have the pmple foiir.-t na
tional lssu s, and overlook iK-nmcracy's
hoiTible mismanagement of them. Mot
intelligent vot rs will understand that
t'.'.e La title of week after inxt Is really
the oin-nlng engagi nu nt of next year's
presldenitlul iampilgn. They will eui
d.'rstarJl that i the Republican party
Is not sustained now, it will enter upon
that campaign nerlousiy cml.amisnfd
and r"d, nnd will hae to
make up for l!--t ground when It should
hiiBband all i'.s utivngth fevr the com
niou enemy. ,
The state and local Republican tick
ets are both eiiperior to criticism. One
contains the name of a respected home
Jurljt. to wl o-m the voters of Iicka
wanna county fairly owe. a handr-omo
anil genenjus Indorsement. The other
contains the names of two progressive
young Reirulllcans wlxe private char
acter and pfofessloiuil 'reputations are
alike without stain or blemish. No Re
publican can honestly object to either.
No Republican cin consistently refuse
to support lKth. From every point of
View apathy 4s unpardonable-, and In
difference indffentrtl'le.
Let the laPt wmck of tho oanvj-aign
atone for past lukewarmneM. and te
made the Mlrrlng approach to a decis
ive victory one week from Tuesday.
The Republican candidate fer cor
oner, lr. LongKtreet, Is a riding physi
cian whose- profevi-lonal success has
been won fcy honest and earnest
struggle. The people of the county will
find him thorouslhly capable. Get out
the vote.
. -
(let Out the Vote.
A circular let.Ur recently cent Try
State Chairman Quay to a number of
prominent Republicans throughout tho
sUte .properly empbaflaoa tho neces
sity of getting out the entire party
vote one week from next Tuesday. In
this letter the senator tuys:
"At present B'-eat dt,al of ai1"1
and lack cf inlerect seems to prevail
throughout h state. Let us change
all thi. To do It energetic work Is
reciutred, and at once. Please confer
immei&latriy with your ownty com
rrrlttecrmen, and other leading Repub
licans Jn your 'ffistrtct, and have a con
ftiwncc caiK.l, so that pla.r.s can be
Sormtd for the gett'jis out of a full
vc'.e. Tho poll hooka should 'be gona
owr carefully, fcnd lifts should bo
mad! up fr ta?h rr.'.xn 13 look after,
car being taken to have every Ui
publican cf el'Jsjbtful voltr in your dis
trict on bjow''!? J'st. In thjs way
t5ic whole R'.wund ca'.l l covoted nvS
thfl full rata c-btataed. WAi the pros
pect c! splcaCild vkJJarlea th(s fall in
c-thfr Rrpubllru.n fl-r.d wmv doubtful
sta'.ca, tt would be hum'Jiailnj if Penn
3ylvan,'a, throus'ii the Indiffernica of
her Voters, chould . .be tarried by a
mt-igre nva'crtty. Wo tonnot afford to
alow r.UJh a renuU."
Tl;e'3 epp?al should touch the prMa
of vl-.s frvly UnSx-n cr.d Inspire all
of 'ifcera t'a ca-optrat3 for an old-time
It !e prtly v'.clcr.'t Ahjbt tho Kepab
l!3an ;cirty rtst ytcr will pet a g-ao.I
tCandird-uCCWr, whoever Is nor.vlr.ated
for pttii-itot G'Cit out tho vote.
Cae c! 0".;e r.tcTi recently set going
by tl:o tolK'lci! gorilpa has It thnt a w
erst ttiacrsUndlr.jr txUla Iclreen Cjv-
ernor McKtotey and ex-Speaker Reed,
to the effect Chat when either finds bis
ncrni'tnatlon improbable, lie shall throw
his strength in convention to the other.
The rumor la a plausible one, but bo
doubt premature. It is not likely that
many binding "understandings" will be
entered into prior to the evening be
fore the final balloting; hence these
various ebulliUions of the space fillers
may as a rule be dismissed as soon as
With only a week more of opportu
nity for campaign workand withapathy
yet pievaltinit among .the rank-and-file.
It oleai'ly behooves Lackawanna Re
publicans to get to work and to work
hou-d. Got out the vote.
Elaborate invitations have been issued
by the state commission to the Atlanta
exposition to participate in the ceremoi.tes
or Pennsylvania day. A special train will
leave Harrluburg Nov. 11. Tho party will
include the governor and his ta!f, the
members of the governor's cabinet and
tnelr wives and oitlcers and members of
the Pennsylvania Cotton States Interna
tional exposition and their wives, the
members of tho Woman's Auxiliary com
mission and their huxuamlsi the Juilties of
the Supreme court wind their wives, and
tile women commissioners from Pennsyl
vania, uppolutud t.y Governor Pattlson.
The rpeclnl train, made up of live Pullman
vestlbuled sleeping ears, one dining ear
ami one combination bai,-yaKe and sinok
Iur cur, will leave Harrlshurg on the uf
terneon or Holiday, Nov. 11, at 4 o'rloek.
reaching Ciiattanootta on the evening of
the 12th. Here a vljit will K paid to
Lookout Mountuln and the new L'hleka
mntii'.a National park. The train will then
proceed to Atlanta, arrlvlnn In that city
on the afternoon of tho 13th. H-?turrdn;r,
the pHrty will leave Atlanta on tl-.e after
noon of Nov. Hi, rraehlnjf i'hllnilulphli
shortly after norm of tho following day.
The par:y will rcun.ln on bonr.l the eais
during the entire trip. Including the stojis
at ('hattaiwiogn nnd Atlanta, meals being
served In the dining cur.
Tho programme for the observance of
Pennsylvania day, so far us arranged. Is
as follows: Meeting under tho auspices
of the Woman's Auxiliary eoinniij-ston In
th. au.ll'orlm at 11 a, in. ; meeting un.lor
the pusplecH of the Pennsylvania commis
sion on tho open space In front of lh
lvnnsylvanin building at 12 m., no m: a l
dross of l.y tlovetnor Atkinson,
of !eori;la; rts.onse l.y Governor l'anll
H. JlritliiK-, of Ivnusylvanin: n..)r.y by
a m'-rr.h.-r of tl'e Pnrirenie court of Penn
sylvania In behalf of the Judiciary of
Pennsylvania; nddress by I.I'ut..':ia:W I'.ov
ernnr Waiter I. yon, representative of tlie
legislative itr.tneh of the itate Rovern
nifn:; pulilie reeentlon In the state bulld
liii,' at 7.30 p. m.; tireworks at 9 p. m.
The ladles appointed by Oovsrnor Hast
lio:s on the niixIMir y commission lire tiie
f. llonliiK: Miss Julia Morsan lta-dlng,
clininnnn. Wn-vhlnuion: Ml-s Mury 8. (inr-r.-tt,
seeretTi y, I'i l!:i.elnhla: Mrs. Ada
t'.ilile. Itradfnrd: M's. Mn'y Wh'le Kin-
erv, Wl'llim-iioit; Mrs. l.o'i' W. lliM,
Harrlshtirg; Mr-. VlrtHnla White Hit h
c.i k. Iruli jiiii : .Mrs. William V. Ilueln s,
II olll.lav Ini-c; Mrs. j'lumnier V Jeffrie.
Wi t l'hster; .Mrs. Anna 1'. It Knnff
nitin, I'ohimlilK; Mh IllU.ihcth Marshall,
Phnmbersliiirg: Mlrs Lucy 11. Slovr, Al
lint:wn; Mrs. Henry W. Palmer, Wl'kes
I'urre; Mr. Hnrrlet Clay Penman. S'-r ni
ton; Mr. Ueort-e I' iwsrt lte.., CariNI"; Kii" Wcitweth Thonpsnn. A'V
KhMiy; Mrs. Henry V.'. Williams, Wells
Prim; Mr... Oeo'ire V.'. Wrlnht, Merer;
Ml Kl'-nlilh Mve-r, Towunla; Mrs. K.
Lo-lge, Media.
Hovcn-len's famous picture. "Pre.iklpir
Home Tls." wjs tHk'.n to A'.'anti Ihis
.-k. It was nnlr by the irrenti M effort
ned i:ftcr luii'-h iltOlci'ltj that It
ci'ic.l l.y Horace llr.'idly for ll.o art fal
I cry. The nunc:-. C. P. ll'irrlson, of
j'M'ii l.-ll.hlu. vahiss It at J.r..i.Mi. Mil w;i to allow It to go, Ion extra p-c
cautions were i:ikn for I i safety. It
! sent In a fp.clel car with a eperl:
Board nn.l a special Insnrnn. uxht :
y.i h Interest In this p.:f isif. not
en'y for Its own no-it. !int nn acoiril of
the reci nt trotic I'enth of th artist, Tho'.
lloven.ien. who lost his life In tn viln
fffo't to rsve thai of a little child. The
picture lll prut-ably be the grettest at-t-actlon
In th- rsll'-ry nt tlie A:lsnta e-x-po!tlon,
since It wlil ! remrmiierel by
the niavea .erlips loimer than any other
ita at tlie great World f.ilr.
Atlnnta la very rou.l of her expoalllon,
hut anoMier fieo-elan elty. Auifnstii. hoi Is
her head pretty tilith In r.nieinhrance of
an honor lie would not relinquish for any
mo '. rn itlorv. It wis Aui;ii''a thnt first
welcomed npteld"nt pf the I nltc.l P'stei
on the llrst vllt ever ma.h l.y a chief ex
f i.tlve to the land now known as "Dixie."
The president was icnre WaaliinKion.
who went on a southern tour In the na
tion's earllist hltory. Poor George had
in ha Ills bones r-,ileil In rounirv
hacks nil the way. Ho dined wherever
there was a convenient farmhouse rnd
niny tie, for rnierirenry, covered a fw
slices of hren.t with a huk nf nieit In
h;s pocket. When he reached llam'iu'-ir,
8 C. r courier v ns aent to Amriistn r iti
fv'vr 'ho elT'zer.x of hl- nrrlvrl and a
'leKi'tlon snlllid forth to ni'et Mm and
f i- iii. s.-.tcly ovr ne wineirg r;iv:ir.
nnh. He :n n lnmr time on Ms Jonrn.-y:
Clevetand went down In severtecn hoius,
f ired suniiiluoesly ell the Kir. and never
felt the need of a ham sandwich.
I.!tlgntlon up In date may " seen In
Attnnln.. P Is wt.e of Governor Hnstlmta
to take alot.k the Srorenie court Ja.Ues
on 'he tour '.oilh. 1 ney may get some
points. H. 'raninn lawyers mlaht al"o pro.
ft ly Die experience to be j.athe-ed In the
Georg'n courts. These lnttutlons open
nt !) o'clock and continue In aesaton until
2 p. m The I'nlte.l "stales courts open at
in In the mo-nlna Occasionally there t
a break In the proem llims. as when, the
other day. In 'he trlol o pm "while
c.-.t n" for running an Illegal dls;lllery. the
Jodiie ordered n recess po thai he n.Irht
rive Lnwver and Cailnt-otncr Hoke
Pmlth a prlvnto lienrlnir. Later the aanio
judae whispered lo tho prosecutor to
hurry, ns hf ha I a '' wph nme frlrnds
at the exposition The sherlfi down In
Atlanta, are one kind of sheriff also. Lan
week one of thi-m and two assistants m I
n thief In custody; also In handcuffs.
Tin ro was a rircu.i in town and thev want
ed to see the pnr.nle which wss then pa
rading. The ofi'.clBl and their ehar
were awaiting a anmmona to the court
room, o they tied the p-Wone" lo a chair
ant went to the front windows. The clrees
parade came and went, and the h'l(T
wdh hip itenntles saw It. When thv
turned nround the thief was gone. Po
was a nl"e hardwood chnlr that belonged
to the aet In the room. There was a irreat
deal of nlnerltv ninlnyed In the effort to
locate a certain llaht ro'ored nsrro eon-net-d
w-i'h hnndenffs and nn oaken chair,
but alt'inv.fh one or two people In Atlanta
renvnihtrH ae"ln a man carrying n
chair in scmewhnt ncuUnr fashion, the
llve'y and en'erprlslng thief has not yet
porn found. Now tho sheriff is sorry he
didn't invite his prisoner to the front win
dows to tee that circus parade.
Another up-to-date feature In Atlanta Is
a bicycle messenger service It funlhe
the hleyetes, while tho ooerntors thereof
enrrv messages or parkae-rs at the rate
of ?" certs nn hour, and they arrive at
their destination. If yon are attcmllna;
the erpolt!on. you don't have, ta hunt
over the town for a pollcemfin wii you
war.t to ask a nuestlon eho-it anvthlng In
that vicinity. Every resident i' Atlanta
Is en lnilllr-ncp horpau. ran rv ipfo--matlon
hy the yard, and Is delighted to
hnve the onnn-tunlty. The street car svs
tcn li better than in almost any other
From tho Washington Post.
There is nothing In the present condition
of the national nnoncta, or the relations cf
parties .'.hereto, that can nooessitato or
iu'ttfy the readoptlon of the war tux on
.auk checks There are psoplt who favor
this method of Increasing the revenues
on tho ground that 'rueh a tax would fall
wholly niioii the rich." If this were true
"tho rich" miRht ohject lo the propcjitlon
as a ape"lr.a of elasj legislation, similar
to the income tax. Undoubtedly "the rich"
have larger honk accounts thai persons
les fortunato'y situated, but only a small
proportion of the cherki essfced by the
banks in this country are drawn by
wealthy depositors. 8uch a tax might not
he a gret burden to "the rich." but It
would nnanesllornbly bs burdensome to
hundreds of thousands cf men who cava
small ccjllal. . .
' Thr cbeok pystem has te?n Bi'ootid hy
rca'-on Sf Iti aafuly anl convealenso by
fcT-o't evorvbody In ar.y end every It'nd
cf htsir.e?s. All but a small pcrenntrgo (.f
cfih t'anuel'on is reprejentcd hy eherke
rn.1' drr.fia The TiaU trace-man, the
thrlftv Tr.ochsnlc, the r'erk. and even ths
CLy lib-ror, In tarn larUncaa, pays hit
bills with checks. Largs numbers of wo
men of small means are bank depositors,
because they have learned that a bank
vault Is a safer repository for their little
hoards than a bureau drawer or a bed tick.
To put a tax on bank cheeks would ba a
totally .unnecessary Imposition of a bur
den on a hundred persons of moderate er
small means for every rich man, whom It
would reach.
To Justify the revival of this expedient
that was devised under the stress of our
great war, some urgent necessity should
be shown. It Is nof a euliicMent Justifica
tion to show that the revenues must be
Increased. We know that the national In
come Is less than the necessities of the
government demand. We know that the
last congress culpably failed to provide
means for carrying on the public business.
Tho country expects the Fifty-fourth con
gress to Improve upon the record of the
Fifty-third In this, the most Important
matter with which K must deal. But all
this does not call for the readoptlon of a
war tlx thirty years after the war. In a
time oi profound peace and growing pros
perity. The additional revenue should be raised
by tariff and not by Internal taxation. A
few slight changes In some of the tariff
schedules would afford oil the relief that
Is required. That is the direction in which
tho taxing power will be employed. If the
Interests of the people and their govern
ment nre consulted. Irft us wait till fate
Involves us In another war before going
back to war taxes.
FALL OF 1895.
I2I I33 I.. waSHiSSTOl ftVEM!
The Lnriet Stork of Fino nnl Me
dium l-'u mil tiro ever displayed In
b'erniitou; nil urraitgeil on our Seven
Flours, u tis to Ik i-a-lly Inspected.
Our method Is to sell every article nt o
moll profit, nnd ono pile?, nil goods h.'-
i Ins innikcd in plain lijtutc, thus mnkln;
or csi ihlUlimcut n saifu placa for pur
! a. ascrs.
All Are Cordially Invited to Vllt
Our WiU'crooni.
HILL & G0.l,.ELL,
Blao!. Books,
Offioo Supplies.
EOiSO'l'S AraeiiAPH
in in its Diiai:
Stationers snd Enravsrs,
217 LUXIWIM 111
Onp Slock hi Tnul?
Maluly ( orsl: Js of
Watches, Clocks,
Fino Jewelry,
Sterling SllYwwn,
Sterling Silver Ro70ltlcs,
Silver Plate Wara,
FiDJ Cat Glass.
Art Porcelains,
Fine Leitlnr Goads,
lOacqaet Lamps.
We carry tlio largot rarlaty In all of th s?
I ocs. Mo mncorn oa.'n then ths groat cities
ran show uch a vi rlely. l)i r word la our
bold. Nearly tuiitv jeurs of aoccssful Imsl
n as ahonld be proof enou;h that our toodi
and priooa am rig tit, and always baT j bean
287 LBMV.y,i1IAIl. '
Tcoelsfoundeivy iath. VVEEtH
Call and are fiess Tiasoa and coaia fine eta
end hand P.aau wo Iihv t.ikoa la aioUaBi't
fortiieoa. . 1
Flour, Potatoes and
But Blankets Are Cheaper.
At our establishment we are holding a Great Blanket Sale now. Prices
begin at 49 cents per pair and reach up to $12.98. The lower grades, of
course, are either all cotton or cotton and wool combined. The finest grades
are the Genuine California and the best that can be produced or that money
can buy.
A Special Blanket with us is a larga 11 -4 size, guaranteed all wool;
-fflAT $4.50 m-
Ipt ppt
E?3tf.- ;k.& Fjs'-m'
Jiiiawli r W .fW
J.--,.-, -,w . 5w .1 alt .M. 7i'XjM.:Ui--JttCLkl
113 piwc derutulo 1 iHaoraet for
Thwas av sp-cl 'I a ti wliie-h cjuiiot Lo du
plicated a:id aru rari baraiua.
Lamps, Cli.iPdcllcrs. Tubli?s in Onyx
Top and French Inlaid Wood.
t aVBre the gocda and get prictia.
an 11m, wiilet ol
Also Big Stock ol
222 Wyoming Ave-
The Nsw
Also a
Fleece Lined
COMB'S a Lucia, kumi
The Acknowledged Kxpert In 1
, llorticshoclnj; and UcnUntry,
Is Now I'crinunoiiUy Located
011 Vcst leUavanua Ave.
Kcur'lhe Ui'iMic.
r. ifnuii n&m rrunin VITR1PIEDBR1CK
aw ' ' J
Onions Are Cheap,
Just received, another invoice of Merritt's Lustre Wool
Skirts, which are conceded to bs the most durable and most
practical Skirts in the market. For bicycle riders we have
the Lustre Wool Divided Skirts, a great and us;ful in
vention. Look for a
Startling Announcement
From our Wall Paper Department next Monday.
uakisi or
Ofllos: S2U WeahlnRton Avcnna. !
Works: NuyAufi. Pa.. E. ft V. V. R. R.
General Sales Ancnt, Scruuton, Pa
(Una from I a. m. ti p. m. at the
Green Ridge Sanitarium,
720 Marion St., Qreen Ridge.
For Ladles Suffering from Nervous Diaeaaas.
Catarrhal and Kbonmatlo CotnplaiaU apeoial u giren.
lOradnata of the IVmtou Ibapital Training
fechooi for NuraoaK Superintendent
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton.
Cat and Water Co. Building,
OFFICE HOURS from T H) a m. lot p. m.
(1 hour liiUrmlaaion for i ausr aud tapper.)
P&rllCDlar AttentioioGivea to Collections
prompt Scttloiuoot OaaranteeJ.
Telephone No. 134.
Majestic Ranges are made of steel
and maleable iron, riveted together,
making them perfectly air-tight, gas
tight and ash-proof. The ovens can
not warp, being riveted to a solid
malable angle iron, both in front and
back, the body of the Range being
riveted to the same.
This is the only Range in the world
in the hands of the dealer made this
way. For durability, economy oi
fuel, quick and perfect baking, the
Majestic -Steel Range has no equal.
To this 150,000 of the best houses in
America can testify. ,
Now on sale and being exhibited
at our store.
An Important Question
Truthfully Anawered.
WUV Tll J s- TL'HXES CO. .S Hlib Orala
fini filinea for ' -nf. weir nre superior -o
an utuer make. DCpRIIQC Tuer me mala
from tna very DkUMUOb cliolceitt mato
rlU obtal.'al.lo, n i.ici iu tu.a couutrr or in
Eurnpn. Thy aro put totfotiii-r hy th most
skilled workman tliut caoit.ii will employ.
Tn-y fit every line of th foot properly an 1 all the luiproveiaeuta known to aci
entifl.! abiR'niak n. '1 hey are stylish, ailht
1 and sulntantial, an 1 ure sold to the lat
era do in very a'xt in the union. Our guiraa,
ante gst ilh tverj pair. Bimetal orde-ra care
ful y la un t
Thfl Lackawanna Store Association
523 Spruce St., Scranton.