iCBANTON TBIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. OGTOBEB 2G. 1893. 3 NORTON'S KEW WALL DECORATIONS. Antnao Style Beiof Received. We Invite Attention to Our Beautiful New Designs and Colorings For Fall and Winter Use. Now Is an Excellent Tine . To Decorate Your Rooms And Get the Benefit or Use During Cold Weather Season. We Have the Finest Stock - Hade In This Country At Half New York City Prices. Our Patterns Cannot Be Found Elsewhere in This City. The Fine Work in Large Cities Is Done in the Fall. We Furnish Good Decorators. M. NORTON, 32HACMWA"NA VE A Fob to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE nouWe FLOUR And Always Have 1 uiuiivirTiiBFn am el r l M kaibs TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co. REED IN THE POLITICIAN. Cava a Very Entertaining Pcrronnaneo at the I-'rothinghatn. Roland' Ened r.d ca.Trru.ny onter- tain4 a large aueltier.-vw at th Froth- ingr.ajn list night with "TO Politic- Ism." a comedy liiat rives llj. Reed Jmjnpie fwi ice- nu peculiar tine or ooirwdy work. His -portra,yU of tha chainioter at General Jvmiah Limber waj amusing In tha extreme. One of the strong; features of the performor.ee was the work or eMriss Isa dtwe Rush as the Twentieth Century Tin. The company an wort Ins Mr, Reed this aaion la very competent. A Bargain. Misses' school jackots. maJe from ('lain jversey, ior w.sra; actual value, 6.-jo. Hears ft HaKtii. Fine watches at Turnquest's. English Capital for American Invest racnte. Important to Americans seeking Eng. llsh capital for new enterprise. A list containing the names and addresses of 2jO successful promoters who have Disced over 100.000,000 sterling In foreign Invest, ments within the last sis years, and over fls.OUO.003 for the seven months of 18K Price ii or Kt, payable by postal order to the London and I' ni versa! Bureau of investors, zv, nespsiua. LjOntlon K C Subscribers wiU be entitled, hv rr.n.ui ment with the directors to receive either iwrivnu wr leuera 01 introduction to any This list Is first class In every respect and every man or arm whose nam. pears therein may be depended upon. For pia'inK me lunuwinK it win do round In valuableBonds er Shares of Industrial Commercial and Financial rntn.' STortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or . DlrectorsSIR EDWARD C. ROSS.. 1 HON. WALTER C. PRPTS. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFS. Copyright. "How to Cure All Skin Diss no." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medioine required. Cures tet ter, ecaema. Itch, all eruptions on the fsce, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers ere possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne'a Ointment : Oorham's sterling silverware, at Turn quest's, 306 Wash, ave. 1-day clocks only2.t, at Turnquest's. " Taylor's Mew Index Map of Scran ton and Dunroore For sals at Taylor's Directory office. 1 Tribune building, or given w th an order for the Scranten Directory ISM. The Nickel Plats Road Is the shortest line between Buffalo and Chicago. olid 14k. ladies' gold watch, guaranteed perfect timekeeper, only flS.ii, at Turn quest's, 20a Wash. ave. Blank books and stationery below govt. Pratt's Book Store. ' Whan you think of the Nickel Plats Road it brings to mind that delicious meal you had In the Dln'.ng Car, and the fine service and Low Rates, and you won der why people will travel any other way. (Hchank's vhapely Newest Shoe JUST RECEIVED. Ill THE K0EI1LER 413 tet liEWS OF TBE CHURCHES Cvaogencal Latheraas Comprise a Sect That Is Growing. SOME INTERESTING FIGURES Show What Uaa Been Accomplished. Something Aboat a Mew Commnnloa Cop Little Mew a Notea of Cnarsaesaad Their People. The Christian Endeavor committee having In charge the arrangements for the state convention In Sorantan In 1SSS has Just Issued tU first number of the Sevan ton Christian Kndeavor Jour nal, the official organ of 'the City unions, but which will be especially devoted to the preparatory work for t'he conven tion. It contains articles from the chair men of the several committees outlining work 'to be done, and giving- local news of societies. Rev. W. H. Slubbleblne is the editor; J. .U. Wagner, assistant edi tor; O. W. Smithing, business manager; C. F. Hess, superintendent of mailing; E. W. rxriph. assistant business mana ger. The Committee of '98 has added an advisory board to Its organization. The members are: T. F. "Wells, esq., George Q. Many, Professor O. W. FSiil Hps, Luther Keller, Majjr J. B. Flail, J. H. Torrey. A. B. Eynon, Colonel E. II. Ripple antJ A. W. Dickson. C. L. Hess has been elected secretary of the com mittee, vice H. R. Lathrope, resinned, who will take a ministerial course, and Miss Jennie Daniels has been chosen private searetary for the committee. The Evangelical Lutheran church of North AmerloaCs agrvnvLntr church. She la sometJImes accused of being slow and r.wiv.picereisslve, but thesN accusation cannot be substantiated and very often emanate from those who never studied the history of the Evangelical Lutheran church. It has been ctated that the number of new churches erected In the yt.ar 1S)4 equals the numbtr of working days In the year. AKnr every line of chuich wwk progress Is noteJ by those who carefully follow the onward inarch of the Evangencai Lutheran church. The statistics of 't'he church for 1S54 are: Four general 'bodtei. 61 synods, 5.41)1 ministers. ,30S congregations, 1.332.9.12 communicant mcanbers anil about 7. W.000 -baptised members. 3.402 parochl.il schools, 'With 2.951 teachers, not count ing 'the large number of pastors who toach, and 198.77 pupils; 5.2S2 Sunday schools, with 4.61Somoe-rs ar.U teachers, and 457.SS5 sciiolars (not nil synods re porting). Ths 'benevolent contributions for the yeair (ten synoils not reporting), amounied to 1902. 640 4 3; but If the cor rect figure could toe secured t he amount would be more than a million and a quarter. These contributions do not in clude all the amounts contributed fjr the malntenar.ee and enielwnient f the eei-jrational Institutions of the church, nor the amounts conti'Lhu ted by Individ ual for the various interest or we chunih, nor the contributions sent to missionary and other societies In Eu rope anU other countries. The money thus contributed amounted, at a low estbr.er.e. to another million dollars. There exists wltihln the church, and un der churchly control, twenty-six theo logical semlr-ettria, forty oolleges. thlr-ty-evun academies, thirteen ladUV seminaries, thlrty-flve ori han homes and forty-five asylums for the agod. doaTonp'JS Inst'i.utlons. hospitals and o'-hr lrKtutlon. of oenevolen"e sr.! mercy. The 11(5 educational Institutions aggregate pMin-rty va!ui1 art J4 507.0jO, endowment amounting to II .3"2.74SI. tht-y employ 715 frr-ft'sors arvd Instructors and ihave 12.092 Ptudentj.. 2.731 of who-n have t'he ministry In view (only one-half the Institution reportlnar the latter Item). The elatity hene'0'lent Institu tions report the value of property at S.2 !I27.992 rmiowment sumountlng to tU6.ujO and SZ.tei inmates. The New Dmmiinlon "up. The recent death In New York from cencer. t'he result of Inoculation, and the advanced ideas of con to jr Ion in con sumption cannot fall to sug-gest the feax of danger In the common use of one cup In the administration of ltie Eucharist. U la known thait many people partake, whose physical condition demanja In dividual service and many are deprived of this blessing from a sense of justice to others. Is the oliumh exempt frn the discoveries of medtcil science? Can she escape the danger whlori the col lective usage of any vessel Invites? This Is the day of progress, when the intelli gence of a thinking people must ques tion the safety of even thia old and honored custom, a day when self-protection la not antagonistic to Christan ity. Attention has been called to this matter by the recent Invention of a syphon design d for Individual service. The liquid can-'be freely drawn Into the mouth, but not one drop can return to the cup. All danger s thus obviated while the Idea of unity and fellrnvhkp attending the us of one cup Is retained. Little Church New ot s. Secretary Pearsall of the Railroad Young Men's Christian Assoc'ation Is In Erie attending the state conference and conducted the "quiet hour" service Thursday evening. Kev. Newmin lUtlhe-wa. paiior of t'he Puritan Congrvfat!or.l church. Is absent from his charge tints week, hav ing gone to Lawrence. Mass.. where he was married Wednesday apternoon. He expects to return with hi brlle to day. The ladles of the church are pre paring to tender them a reception on Tuesday evenJng of next week. A concert was givn Wednesday evening at the Howard Place African M. E. Church by the Asaph Concert Company under tihe auspices of Payne's Theoogica! Seminary at 'Wllberforce, Ohio. The members - Cnlvarv Reformed Church will hold 'Festival of Days" in the Armory durlnx ths week begin nine; Uondiy. November 83. The Indies' uVId Poclety of the Elm Park CCiuToh served supper Thursday evening from C to 8 o'clock. The members of the Penn Avenue Baptist Churctti held a b!rthd-iy social at the church parlors Thursday even lnsr. . . 'Rev. Dr. Pearce, of the Elm Park Church, will address the annual con vention of the Epworth Ieasrue of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1 lone vl ale District, in Honesdaie, next Thursday evening. The oonrregatlon of th Tlfrst Pres byterian Church Wednesday evening fll ed the vacancies in the eldership oaused by recent deaths "and removals from the city. The names of ten gentle men were put m nomiir.'atilon, one of lihem Frank E. Piatt, withdrawing and requesting that he should not he voted for. Those elected were: Mesflm.Iraao Post, Louis T. .Mattes, John F. Snytler and W. J. Hand, the Selections belns; made from the younger men of the church. The regular monthly literary meet ing of the Epworth League f the Elm Park Church was held in thf ioera! par lors Thursday evenlny. A. V. Rnwer, chairman of the Literary. Committee, had arranfred for an evening; on astron omy. Short papers were read on the solar system, the moon, observatories. The oaator or or see Lutheran church. Rev. Foster U. Gift, is arranwlna to preach a series of Sunday sermons on the Ten Commandments.' The series begin Nov. 3 at j.su p. m. vt the Young Men s Chrirra.n association. The second annual meeting; of the members and suporters of the Florence Crittenden Mission was held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. H.. M. Bookstaver presiding. Offi cers were ejected for the enwulng year as follows:' President, Mrs. Frances B. Swan; first vice president, Mrs. H. M. Booktaver; second vice presldnt, iMrs. W. 8. DIehl; secretary, "Mrs. C. H. Von Btoroh; treasurer, Mrs. V. H. Taylor; aaslrtariit treasurer, Mls Jenny Rey nolds ; advisory board, Ueri.'E, O. Coursen. J. a. McAskle. . Rev. James aicLsod, Col H. Of. Boles and Dr. Q. E. Dean: director for on year, 0ft. W. S. Diehi, Mrs. Thomas Dickson, and Mrs. E. Q. Coursen. Mrs. F. W. Mason and Mrs. A. H. Sanderson: for three years. Mrs. G. E. Dean. Mrs. A. H. Christy and Mrs. W. S. Sadler. The Evangelical Lutheran confer ence which began Monday night In Christ Church on the South Side, con tinued until Wednesday night WeaLh erly was decided upon for the next con ference, which will be held next March. Mrs. .Emma Shaw Colcleugh will de liver her interesting lecture "Through Hawaii With a Camera," In Young Men's Christian Association Hall on Monday night Mrs. Colcleugh la an entertaining speaker who has a store of Information concerning Hawaii and Its Interesting; people. The proceeds of the lecture will be devoted to the chair t table work of the Mite Society of St. Luke's Church. Rev. Rogers Israel, rector of St. Luke's church, will exchange on Sunday with the Rev. J. N. Low la. of Grace church, Honesdaie. The offering at St. Luke's church Sun day morning will -be for the work of the church amon the Indians. Secretary iMa-hy. of the Young- Men's Christian association, ta now in corre cpjndence wth iie American Institute of Scored Literature regarding the formation of a K.ble study club to be conducted In connection with the 00 caillon, ibut under the direction of the institute, of wlitah William . Harper, of Chicago, Is principal. P.ev. I. w. Goodhue, of Cryn Mawr, Pa., w.lio has 'Ihhmi engaged to preach at the Penn Avenue Baptist church, will be t'he speaker at the Young Men's Christian association Gvtspel service to morrow aifiiernoon at 3.43. The mulh for the song service is in the hands of &!v?sus. Chance arvl UiUrgan, tho mu sical direc.toia of the association. An oysler was held last night by the con situation of the Providence Presbyterian church. The trustees of the First Presbyterian church will 'metit on the tirst Tuoeday in November. The Soranton Volunteer band are en deavoring to have the "Day of Prayer" for Jhe ttud'tnt volunteer movement obsurvej by the young people's socie ties throughout the city. A "sunrlsff" I isytr metln will be held tomorrow niornln ait 7 o'clock at the Young Wo men's Christian association and num bers of the band will address various societies In the evening. An offering will be taken at many of the meetings which will go toward preparing ene cf the Scran ton tand for missionary work. TOMORROW'S SERVICES. Calvary RiiformeJ church, corner Mon roe avenue utid Oluaoii street -'roachlng morning ur.l ocnlng ty the rustor. rlev. W. II. Sti;b!lillne Yoiuif 1'eopie'i do' cll'ty of Chrlbtlau Kndejvor at i.lt. A cur dial welcome to slrsnet. Second Presbyterian church Rev. Che E. Robinson, I). !.. imtor. Service-" to 30 a. in. and p. m. The Rev. H. F. Ha: monJ. of Wui-ent wn. Pa., will prvach In the absence ot tne pantor. Urate It.fornm! bl.'l'cctial church. Wy oming avumia In-low Mulbrry ttrvct Di vine wornhip U' 30 . m. uii'J 7.3o p .m. Selibath scligol 1.' m. Young I'ecuV So- ivty of Christian EnJeevor ii'l p. m. Seats free j ail. H:-tilik'r corJUIiy wel come. I'rva.-bltiir by the p;itor. bub Jects, morning, "S-lf SutTen-ler: Proverbs. Ill, 6; evening, "lltndtrlng Kears," Matt, xsvlll, S. tlospel Talrnacle. Adams avenue, (Irren Kldve Kevlval services tomorrow conducted by the evumteliats, Itev. Walter Kusivll and ulti'. nt 10.30 a. m. i p. ni , snj 7.30 p. m. Lord's supper at (30 p. m. Re vival ni-eM:i every eveiiin next week excei-t Uuturdny. Itlb'e res 'lngs at 3 p. m. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursdny n l Frh'ay. Simitay school lavson every 8ul ur.luy evening. St. David's church-Corner Jackson street and llrom'ey avenue. Itev. M. II. Mill, recor. llornlnx prayer and sermon at Jo 30, evvning prayer and svrmomst 7.30, Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. Seals free. St. Luke's church Itev. R irera Israel, re-tor. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. 7 3o s. m. holy communion. 9 30 a. m. Sun day school. 10.30 a. m. morning prayer and sermon, 7 SO p. m. evening prayer ana sermon. The rector will exchange with the Rev. J. N. Lewis, of lloneadale. SI. Mark's Mltslon. Dunmore Rv. A. L. I'rban in charge. 3 p. m. Sunday school, 10.30 a. m. service and sermon, 7.30 p. m. evening prayer and sermon. Trinity 1'nlted Evangelical church. Lit tle England J- G. Whltmlre. pastor. Preaching at 10 V u. m.. Huni.iy school i p. m., sov.iel revival services at 7.30 p m , also at 7 ti o'clock every evening during the week excepting Saturday. Cedar Avenue Methodist Eolscopni church Rev. J. I Race, pastor. Preach ing morning and evening by the pastor at HUO and 7. .Morning subject. "The Old. Time Religion;" evening subject, "Th Door Cloed Agalnat Your Uet Friend." Sunday school at 2 p. m., Epworth league 30 p. m. Hpedal sung service at all the services. Clans meeting every UonJay evening at 7.45. Revival service every Thursday evenintr at 7 45. Keats are Mil free, and all are made welcome. ftreen Ridge Haptlst church-Rev. W. J. Ford, paator. Service at 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. S'lhle.-t In the morning. "The Cry of Humanity." Rev. W. J. Ouest, of Peckville, will prach In the evening. Kim Park Methodist Episcopal church The paator will preach morning ond even ing. Monday school at 2 p. in., Epworth league at i Jo. Grace Lutheran church Rev. Foster I. Gift, pastor. I'reaehlnir at the Young Men's Christian aynclatlon at 10 30 a m. and t 7.3'J p. m. .Morning subtect, "The rerl.)lng Feast:" evening subject, "The WciHing Oarment." Sunday school at 9 Jo a. ni., Chrlttlan Endeavor at $.30 p. m. First Presbyterian church Services 10 10 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Dr. M.-I.eoJ will presch morning ami evening. Subject of evening discourse, "The First of the Ten Worde." Scranton Street Rstlst church Preach ing at 10.30 a. m. an-1 7 p. m. by Rev. W. W. Whlteomb, of Philadelphia. Sunday school at 2 p. m., conquest missionary meeting, Raptlst Young People's union, at 6 p. m, St. Mark's Lutheran church. Fourteenth and Washburn street Itev. A. L. Rimer, Ph. 7., pastor. Divine service at i0.Su a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Luther league meeting at I p. m. All welcome. Scranton Rescue mission Afternoon services at 4 p. m.; evening services st t p. m. Enrllsh Evaneellcal Lutheran church of the Kolv Trinity, Adams avenue, corner Mulberry street-The festival of the Reformation will be celebrated. At the morning service, 10 30. the pastor. Rev. Ed win Lunn Millr, will preach a Roformn tlon sermon. Speclnl programme by the Sunday school at the vespor service, 7.3 p. m. Pews are free, and all are welcome. Howard Place African Methodist Ents conal church Preaching, by the pastor, Rav. C. A. lleOee. 10 30 a. m. and I p. m. Notice of Removal. With this Isaue The Tribune's news and editorial departments cease -to be loroited at Penn avenue and Spruce street, ajid will, after today, occupy The Tii'.bune's handsome new building on Wiasihlng-ton avenue, four doors above Linden street, where, within a few days, they will be Joined by the Job prtratlng and bindery departments. The buotoew" office, until otherwise an nounaed, will remain In the familiar place; but 'the new office on- Washing ton avenue will, after next Monday, be open for the receipt of subscrip tions and transient advertising. LIKE OUR COAL MEN. English Fnrmors Trusted to Obnoxious Rnitwn Discrimination. English farmers arp . protecting agalntt the dl'crlmlriajiion In rates made by the railroads. Butter and cheese landed ait South ampton are sent to London for fl.SO a ton. while for the same articles made in England the charges are $4.60 a ton. Clocks, at Turnquc-,t's,J05 Wash. ave. Have your watch repaired by Turnquest, 205 Wash. ave. ' Silverware at Turnquest's. se . Wall paper at your own prl te. Pratt's Book Stors. ' SEVEN lill FAMES That Naraber of Divorces . Vere Granted Yesterday. REASONS P0K THE DECREES Sad Tales of Domes t Is Trlbalatioas Cos talasd la th Papers la the Cases. Maasss of Those Wko Usvs Bees Sat Frss. In. seven casts wtrere tnarrtag has bscia a failure, -the court yesterday frnanted divorces. Charles A. Cobb was unfettered from hrs wife. Ang-le H. OoL-b. Tliey were married Oot. 2!), 18S6. at Binshamton by Rev. 'Munley S. Hard, D. D., and lived together happy and corvteinted until Feb. 15, 18i3. Thea she packed her trunk and left him. All efforts at reccnclki'tlcm were idle. Cobb now rt'Ahi'ea ht Bentton, and his f ormtir wife rvi-idea at Green Grove. jloay A. Radckir, whose maiden najrie wajiMory It'arm.as. was divorced from Geo..'e U. Radeker. IThey were Joined e.1 we JliK-k on Aug". 15, 1.S90. a,' Smltliort, lw.ij county, N. Y., and lived tc-erether tmtll July 1, 1395. They tedded kn thus olty at 1717 Money ave nue. It was picveJ by two witnesses that Rade-kcir was faithless to his wife and abuiie J her. Arnde Kellerman was eparjuttd from Frederick Kejie,-nna'n. They were mar lead eifi lssii iby Aldi-rman RotsKT, then e.f the -Eighth wuid o? this city, and lived tcg-i'lihtr eight years. lids treat ment of her was so brutal that she haxl to haw hiim on seveii'il occaima. He wvuld net wvw-k, would comi? home drunk aiiel would choke her. On one Oiec-Wiiom h: took an axe, and, but fur Bhe tuciped to a neighbor's house, might have killed her. They lived near No. 7 s.ii.jol 'house, in the Twentieth ward. Queer kind of Mil i This. -Margaret J. Crofut will no loitycr be bound to riytvea E. Crofut. .)n Wash ington's birth-day, eight years ag. ey vtoid btifere the altar ami were ttnllel jn marriage by Rev. Monl.y S. Hard, at Ujr.chimtoti. They rcsiUK-d on the West Side. la this city, until a few morl'h s . and then Crofut's trent mer.t of Ms wife became urrbeiaraMe and caused her to leave his home. Five days after they wire married lie used his tWu on her. He Is employed as l-rakesinati cn a DuW tvajc. Lackawan r.A and WVs.trn i Jijenger train, and natty a t'.me. Mf s. Crofvt s:tys. he came l'.sm nd tilJ her of Ms Half mis with c-thsr wointin. lie was c.kt addicted to di-iik. bt-t k'j wife asrrlb. d his harsh tri-atrr.r.Mt t uncalled for Jealousy. WiUiiam Colemavn wa.s rranted free dom (win the tie that bound Mm to his vlf, Elizabetli Oeili.tmn. Th's un-hai-iiy coti.de J. ,fud cn the t:a of niat rl:n.iiy j(,oe 1SUI. at Wavvrly. N. Y. They ubij In Throip b.jroi;fh. On June 2i. lj2. he came from work at the usual hour In the e wrung and fou-n.J hlj hj.ne derttl. fche never i-unie Ivie'k. sss Ills Wife lie lit Hi to. iWiilj.rd Kr..)wll"n. was wedded to Amii'ii M. Kn-.ni.twn on Sept. 23. 1C9, at WU(.J.-or, N. Y.. by Rev. Mr. Parry. f tlie gticin iUott:;J'st church. She d sci ievl i-.ini four years ago la., t July. The yt.ii." tuyere that he was very sick of ptieumo-riii, anil r..j:e'.ia of nursing hlnj tnl coring f ir him she auxmented Mj w-ks by btiv i r.g hlnv !'. tw dauglitiits. Km an-1 Relle, the latter 21 Jtars ef age, and the former IS, t-ive .l Mm ftxtn bejr.g V llej. he aa-s. Afur he recovered, he was, taking an twi x walk, ond met his wife out wluh hir brcwitir. She avtulted him and left K.-n uron-loua n the road. At lou; -that Is tile story- he tells. U It-hard lllrhardi -is no l :igr the hu.ibanj of M itj-m Richard.s. Thv were man-led in f-juth Wales March 25. Usi They tame to America on a weddir j tour, kx-ate 1 on itrlck avenue, "his city, and Lved Oiere for a few years, he did not like the cauntry. told her husband ao, and lnrmed him ir he wanted to live with her he would have to go back to the old country. He refused to go and she went alone. Plumbers' Attention. Roth the theory and practee of plumb Ing will be tauaht at the John Raymond Institute. Young Men's e'hrtatian a.o-U-lion htilMing. beeinnlng Friday evening Oct. 25. Terms for membership and tui tion, 310. The Institute provides tools and materials. Fins anting paper lie. per lb. Pratt's Book Store. Alarm clocks, only 79o. Turnquest's. Vn'.formed colored porters are In charge of day roaches to show all attcnt'on to the passengers on the Nickel Plate Road. Pillshury's flour mills have a capacity of 17.500 barrels a day. Personal attention paid to watch re pairing. Turnquest, 2u5 Wash. ave. Inks 3. per qt., 20e. per ptnl, writing paper, wiveioues and tablets at half prlr-e-tor a few days. Pratt's Rook Store. The very latest designs In silver novel ties at Turnquest's, '.'05 Wash. ave. The Nickel Plate Road runs from Buf falo to Ch.cago, via Cleveland and Fort Wayne. t Tea spoons at Turnquest's. 1M7 Roger Bros, knives and forks, onlv 11 HI for (. Turnquest's, 205 Wash. ave. 4 ines Can you afford to pay quality than we ask?. M EARS & HAGEN, 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE AN EARLY SETTLER. Mrs. Saaan Gardner. Over SO Years Old. Dies la Scott Towaship. One of the last of the early settlers in Shis region to die was Mrs. Susan Gaodner, who passed away In. Scott township Thursday. She was over 88 years of age, and. with her husband, who died about fifteen years ago, moved to Scott township tn the early thirties. Here they made a clearing In the Joreat and afterward spent tbelr lives. Tihe following s3hildren are living: Attorney C. B. Gardner, of this city; William H. Hainrlson. S. and ' Mrs. Georre Vail, of SooM; Mrs. S. E. Miller sind (Mrs. Hiram Wells, of Clifford, Susqutthanna county, and Mrs. Colvin Vail, of Jormyn. The funeral will take place In the Scott Valley Baptist qliurch Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Are Yon Low-Spirited ? Take llorsford's Acid Phosphate. Worry Is worse than work makes a man sick quicker. Worry comes largely from nervousness. Horsford's Acid Phos phate clears the brain and strengthens the nerves. Water colors, etchings and photographs, with or without frames, half price. Pratt's Rook Store. e Buy Roger Brps. knives and forks from Turnquest; "mi" brand only J1.9i for . 205 Wash. ave. The Nickel Plate Road, as tho Low Rate Line, In connection with the Best Service, receives the enthus'astic support and praise of all delegations, conventions and assemblies. Soup ladles at Turnquest'a. There Is no chinso nf enrs of any rlnss between New Y'ork and Chicago via West Shore and Nickel Plate Roads. Ladles' Barters at Turnquest's. REXFORD'S. Success Kvfry Inch of th! store; worh mn puttlntr i:fv (r ut; other itiipri'Vfijariid con,: tiff. V lint t rtr bun i;ruwn mi, Hk. t fo.ir iims-t o to rvf yon lmw tlmn it lid vonr nm. Only ne wav rli.tbit gooJ; buy ritflit; miU n.hu Clocks Ans-ioi. the l-eet m.lce. Rny- ifiat br the hnLd-eds litres us u advantiie. AUrm ( iia-k, sc, u- rate t m.' sud gets you up on the 7Rf inuiuto f Decontlve Percelaln 1 1 ck. 1 Qfl IrMl-n stylo $ laWW Onvi. (T'-l I crna.nented. s f:ij ttlfl tUL; wo.ny vU Opera Glasses Only by chance conl l ws offer such liarsalns. Might bring us s nu.re CUr.stiuu wet k; wo won't Walt. Prl.- f rent. cn them In rare We Duatioa these: out lilaek Morocoo Trimmed, g d glaa, worth xa.ui $1.75 $3.50 $2.90 Reiutifal Pearl, gold trimmed, double schrouia.tii', IT quality., Mororco. double achromatic ex trs strung lenses Come Today. REXFORD'S, 213 Lackawanna Avenue. TAR CUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrlppe, Cure Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN DORF, Llmirn, N. Y., and for aaJo by the trade generally. MEGARQEL & CONNELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi tP I We Are Showing; Newest and Nicest Stock of Ladies' R ID IB At prices that attract the at tention of every lady who exam- them. others more for ths same n URVILAND & CO And other choice French makes. Our assortment is now very large, having just opened several direct im porta, tions containing all the latent novelties. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 WrOJII.IG tVEXUL Walk in and look around. I. P. M'CANN Is Now at His New Store with a FULL LINE OF HATS -AND- Sole Ace nt for Knox Hats. Come aud (ice Mc. 23S WYOMING IVE1UE. i OF SCRANTON. I Special Attention Given to Business and Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC !T are located ths finest fishing sal hunting grot ads tn tbe world, feecripttve books on xppltcatiou. Tickets to all points In Uslne, ( ausds and Maritime Provinces. Minneapolis, bt 1'aul. Cansdlsn and L'aitod States North weats, Vanoonver. Seattle, Taconia, Partland, Ore., ban Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Toarlst cars fully tittod with beddinc, curtains and sp e billy adapted to wantaot families may be h id with second-clans tickets. Kates always lest than via other lines, For full Information, time tablos, eta., ou application to E. V. SKIiMNER, Q. E. A. 353 BROAOVVAY, NEW YORK. THE RECEIVERS IE! I ni MARTIN & DELANY'S CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to So per cent, below cost. These Goods Must Be Sold And if you want bargains come and get them at once. IMl! I IEUW DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso. elated HtaiH of Knglish and Ucrmaa physicians, are now perma nently located at Old Postofflce Bullellno, Corner Penn Avenue and bpruce Street The doctor Is a graduate of the Univer. sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon Birator of physiology and surgery at the Medico-rhlrurgiual coIIbkb of PhiladeU phla. His siec:aitiea are Chronic, Nerv. ous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood d.s eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM '1 ce symptoms of which arc d.zziuess, lack of confidence, sexual weakneas in men and women, bail rising in throat, spots floating beiore the eyea, loss of memory, uiiHliie to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when aurlrienlv spoken to, end dull, distressed mind, which i untlts them fur performing the actual du j t:ea of life, inukinu hupijiiieia impossible, distressing the action of the heurt, caus- Ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil I foiebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, moi I ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as urea in ine morn.ng as wnc-n retirins, lack of enerfty, neivousnrss, treinblint!. confusion of thought, depression, coriitu pation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those oo affected should consult us Immediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy. sluiau call upon the doctor and be exam. Ined. lie cure the worst cases ot Nerv. ous. Debility, Scrofula, Old Sos, Catarrh, I'.le-x, Female Weakness, Affec tlons of tho 1-iye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, lieafne, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred nnd confidential, office hours daily from a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday, 0 to 2. Knclose five S-cent stamps for symptom blank and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars in irn'-l tn anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIO CONVULSIONS OR kits. DR. E. GREWER. Old Post Office Building, corner Pensj avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON, PA, N.A.HULBERrS 1 IE IE WYOMING AVE SCRANTON. STEIRW1Y t SOU DECKER BROTHERS IRARICH I BACK SIULTZ BAUER and Others PIANOS ellao a large stock ot first-lass ORGANS OUSICAL nERCHANDISG. MUSIC. ETC We Will See What Bicycles We Have on Hand At a price which will save the buyer money. Victorias, Gendrons. Relay, in Men's Wheels. Victorias ana Gendrons in Ladies' Wheels. We have some second-hana Wheels at your own price. 11a by Carriages at a bargain J. D. W1LLIAIS & BRO. 3 4 LflCKI. AVE., SCRANTON, PA. TAKE CARE and your eyes will take car ef yon. ' If nr iiaiin rurft you are iron oiea snin liF YOUR EYES beadacbe or uerTnos Ur IUUII LllA nessgoioDH.SHIH. nt'KG'.Sand have your eyes examined free. NNe have reduced prices and are tbs lowest In the eitv. N ton el spectacles from St to ti, golJ from i to fa 305 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. OF RECEIVERS, Wyoming An.
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