TITTC FCKANTOIT TRIBnNTJ-SA TUTlDAT WORm?T. OCTOBER 20. 1895. 124-12S Wydn'Ava. Don't Fail to Inspect the Extraor dinary Values We Offer for Saturday, Monday and Balance ol the Week. ii 63 pieces All-Wool Serges, Cashmeres, Diagonals, rough weaves; also Plaids and Stripes; choice of any 21 Cents 75 pieces very lino All-Wool Plalils, Checks, Policies, Henriettas, nml Novelty Dress Goods, none better In the lot worth less than 00c. and mot of them 75c. and 31 goods; take any of them at. 31 Cents a Yard Have 'OU visited our Black DreSS GOOdS Departments? If you haven't don't fail to do so. All Wool Henriettas, good quality. Leader's Price, 22c All-Wool Fine Figured Dress Goods, Leader's Price, 42c All-Wool GO In. extra heavy Btorm Serge, Leader's Price, 49c All-Wool Boucle, very stylish and good quality. Leader's Price, 42c New Coats, Capes and Fur Garments received daily. Our Mr. Corin is now in New York for the exclusive purpose of buying the very newest and nobbiest things in this line. To make room f ir them we offer the follow ing extraordinary values: I- T li Reaver Capes, trimmed with Jtjiiulr Braid and edged with l';:r. Leader's Price, $2.08 1." Pontile Reaver Capes, nicely I!:;.hltil and Jet trimmed, very etyl l.ti. Leader's Price, $3.15 Kt1 Rlaok Reavtr Jar!;?!, clored them out from manufacturer at about cost of material, latest cut, large Mellon sleeves. Lender's Price. $1.49 125 extra finality, fine Chinchilla Jackets. Silk Velvet Collar, very latent shape, sizes 34 to 42. Leader's Price, $3.98 Towels, Table Damasks and Miscel laneous. pleached Damask, very fair quality. Lender's Price, 22c (Fled Toil Damask, best quality. ' Leader's Price, 21c Pure TJnen Towels, a lot of Odds and Ends, slightly soiled. Choice of Any, Cc US all Linen Towels, were 15, IS and 20c In one lot; take any of them at 9 Cents Largo Bath Towels, wore 20c. Leader's Price, lie 10 piece 8-4 Unbleached Blicetlng, good quality. Leader's Price, 122c U piece 4-4 Bleached Muslin, was to. Leader's Special Price, 4Jc Here is where you get the greatest values of all. 230 Cakes Buttermilk Soaps. Leader's Price, 2c 29 pieces Fine Fancy Silk Velvet, wae $1 and S1.C0 yard; oholce of any 39 Cents 10 plecea Fancy Silk Velvet Leader's Price, lCc. Yd. 230 yards Flno Sllknllne. for Comforts or Curtains, worth 1254c. Leader's Price, Qc 23ploc.es Satin Ribbon, 4 Inches wide, Only 9c. Yd. 120 Covered Sofa Pillows. . Leader's Price, 29c Bear in mind any purchase made at our store that is not perfectly satisfactory, pur chase money will be cheer fully refunded. ' WiLKESefiRRE. 1NST1TUTL CLQSESi Tho End of the Week's Work for tlio Tcnchcts. Ona cf the blsfjest crowd of institute attended the clot-inff session yesterday morning at the Oram! Opera house. The Invocation wa3 asked by Kev. Fr. L. C. Murdock. Jnstor of the rarriph Street Methodist BpLwpal church, ar.d arter a song; by the teachers, Profes sor Fhilllps addressed them on longi tude and time. Mr, Phillips talked in a most ln-teresIrsr manner on thla sub ject, and told of the changes In time a person would experience In trave1!ns east or west, ari'd referred at oonsidyr n.ble lonfrth to the division cf the VnHerl States Irato our ti.mp belts, ami the R-otnl effects t-hcr.-fiom. Then re toll how ralla-s found their way nt sea. He drew a picture on the black board of "the sailor's Insr. and explained Its. use. lie als.t explained tho use c-f trn? hour F.'ln'3 and It.' value to nav"jr:i tlcm.' Professor J'-hJUVis 1r.a1.l3 a pood im preform w'ith tho ti-nc-hcra amd It la saf to predict that future Institutes will 5oe him here o.ealn. Professor Gibyrm l"-d the teachr-re In lirs'!nir "Home F-weet l!mi." ami Pro fersoir K. I. AVolfe. of WytKnlnff nem Ina.ry, talked on r-raotisal grrammar. He gave a very 'interest Ins address and was followed by Iirofessor Kemp, on mflihkx!a. The rpfaker thanked th'j pelvool boards for puttlns; libraries into the public schools. He referred to the supplementary reading and commend ed its use In oil schools. Professor Helices, of Plymouth, then spoke on the life flnd works of Thorn;1. Hurroiigh. The address wa dollvert-.l under dllTlcurMes. as Institute was nearly over, and the tcaeher were hiil iKnijr each other farewell. At the oloe of tho paper. Professor Slnrrlson, the county superintendent, explained that he had asked Professor Herkes to pre pare this paper wltih the view to tak ing; nome action In compliance with the request made .by the state ctommiitee. Professor Snlela then offered a resolu tion thnt wo appropriate f rwm the fund of the ilns'iltute. a mm aKKretratlng 'Jr cent TnuHlplled 'by the number of teachers present, for the erection of a monument to Pr. nurmugh." Tho repoliiri.m was adopted unanimously. Iteforo adjournment the auditing committee euhmltted the following re port: Tteerlpts. Caih on hand from ISM $T0 Ca!h from enrollment fees ".'! "" Cash from reserved Feats 21 J 7" Cash from county treasurer.... 200 00 Total .J1.4T7 11 . 171 0 on Kxpendltures. To Imtniotorsi To lectures Hall rent, hotel, miscellaneous, tto :t ss Total $1 n't 5 Cash balance Jn treasury $1-2 The rep-irt was received, adopted nnd ordered Hied. The committee on resolutions then made thiJlr reiKirt, which was adopted. The resolutions read ns fellows: V.'hereis, Thn twenty-elht nrnnal bvu-hers' Institute Is alMiur t,i trmlnute ns n very successful and er.thu.lif He iiptinu; nn-1 V!u r.'iis, it Is hut flttlnir arl proper PiM Wt. as t.'ii'lit'"s In fiinv.Mitt ti asMi nil.7 I. s'louM fxpr.'f's our jiwiroi 1'ition of tlie si rvl.'.s n iifl'Ted by our otlleers and lu Btrm tors; nnd Wh'-'i'ns. It FffTiis niiprojirlate th:it t-' -lie fjir.n shn-iM k!v n .-on.'.-rr.i some I ,Tr crt n nf mittr.rs conn.'t'-.l with the wo'faro of the Kehoul.i of the count v: therefore lie It Kf-solv..'. Thnt th thanks of the h'l tnt t-M1'-l to Sii'orlrt.'n.!-iit T. II. IliuTlsnn frir the utile niKpru r 1 1 wtil 'h be tins cnn.l'ii't"t the se .-iloiin. ar.d f ir the eycrtllort liir'-ivtors 101 I cfv.i'.s,-. lcrt'ir.t viif.'h he !-.vvl.l. 'l f..r us; t... Mayor Ntrh nli frr h! ii ri! i i ivl.in-s of vWnn'; to Iiepmy Wtnte Sup'-rlntcn I nt linu k f r Hh Insplrlnc ad.lrfssi: to ttif insiru. t - for tin !r fill on! en" huslj-on. en I t" tlie nrss fo the nrout unit ej:t'i"t"! rc-jmi-ts of 1 Vj... iroi...t''ttneI of tlie l:i.tlvitv Itesolvfil, TV-it lii.isinin h lis th d!r--tnrs bnvn shown t'V thrlr prsi-nco the dep Interest they feel 111 the work of the teachers" Instltut", we, tn anireliitlen of the ssme, exti'nJ to them our har:y thnnk.s. !t"olved. That tho tom hors of i,i)"n county !ntore thoms.-lvrs In tTe etf ttfn of reprepnti?tlvt's to tho state I. islslnjert. who will enl'-ivor to secure tv - i-ai eiire of a Mil mrildntr the tenure of olllcc of the tosehers mnr, soiirn. Pesolved. Thnt n vote of thanks he ex tended to fieorce Iv.-s for tho use of the piano during; the week. J. H Jv'l'iimin, r. F. TCob'in. 11. r. tnclrlde, Ti. .1. ri.iod. M. I.. T.aiihneh, Kred Siitllff. After retnrnlnir his sln-ere thanks ti the tencher fos the admlrnt'lo Interest mani fested. Ptipnrlntendent Hurrlxon declared the Institute adjourned. THE liOAUI) OF IIIADE. Prospect Thnt ft Will Soon I'-ecomo Mora Active Thnn F.vor. Some of the Wikex-Horre non-spa Tersi are conntantly pneerin? nt the Ileord of Tnttlo of this city and making lii porocinfr eonvpai'lsona with slnilUir Hoards in Scran ton and other eitlo.i. These nens ntrprM would be rertleri'is; the f Sty w'tter ?-'r ice u mey nnn VocsJ IkKnr.1 of Trade 'rhelr hearty sup port Instead of di-lreeatln(t what it don. The l'-onrd ha reeer.tly ben re. orf?ajnlael nJ younper bhol Infuwd Into lt manairenient. There is now every prospect thnt It will become more acrtlvo, more entcrprkslnp and more en orpeti'o tihnn i!t ns -been nt nny formrT period of Its existence. The Jtixard 'mas been cspeeally fortunate in the elec tion of Col. Asber Miner a tts presi dent. 1'ivwldcn't Miner stands omons; the for.vnost of the younser bimlripe men of tli W'yomlnff Valley ant his wide fiequalrvtamoe In 'business cirri, a ithrouirlioivt the alate will undoubtedly he wtiilizod to the i1vanriire of Wllkes iparre anI her Industries -a.n.d Intends. He wan recently ele.nted president of tiio .Mi'llers" Assoolartlon of Ivnnrylvania and ils In oloss toudi with tHV)Kres.-lv people kn th taite. tooal papers, at lemrt, ohould fflv "the Wllkes-narre Hoard of Trade a fair chnnie tinder tta new mmaera before adversely cr..U cilnp tt. TIIK 1'OLl TICAL SITUATION. Th leaders of lKth po'H!l partr exprep confidence of mioeesa at tho ptpction on the 5th of Nm-ember. What they Tiase their Jioies on l not ftlto pether apparent, tihe mart ot ncHherporty hove, uptothts Wme.m-aa-Ifested any tnterert In the ecmpa'frn. The oawlklcutes have been trvelllnaj thToujrh the country nd the oounty committees have held meetlnR ivt wihich "favorable reports" were given by reprettfrnitatlves from the several dl trtots, tbut 'it i!s a'ppnrent thnt e very llirht vote will t)e prilled by both politi cal parties. The 'Democrat ic tearing oi pear to be more (Titerewted in Mr. Mc Ieian, their candOidate for Judire. taln In the 1aa.nce of the ticket. The Hemo erctlc orjrang are lcvellln all .their at tvckt Judge licmnett, McTx-an'a oppo nent. Tihe fact remains, however, that large numbers of Oonscrvfitlve Demo onat will vote for Judg-e Bennett be cmuse tJhey are opposed to maUInK th Common Pleaa Iw-nch solidly Demo, crntla a 4t wouM be it Hetin"tt were defeated. Whrther the vote be llglit or heavy, the contest between Stanton and Martin, the opposInK nominee for Bhei'lff, will undoubtedly be clo. Kaoh possesseji elements of strength thait will have wetuht and wlgT.Wl canoe at the polls. Same of Stanton' aup porters are endeavoring to Injure Mar tin In the B.rlri"turl dltrbrlctJ by arousing natlonalMy nd religilous prej udloes 1 eiraJnt Mm. Thto H an old dodge tutd will not bt likely to suc ceed, ' The News-Dealer makes ma etlmat ; that electa McLean by a 1.S00 maj.irl.y., That, of rnursa. is ridiculous. There will be? r.o such irrujoriiy for any candi date en either ticket :iiL3 year. Mc Lean cannot be tlot ied at ill utiIcej the IVmocrals poll a niuh torjt.r lir cent, of thesr vote than tlie lieputiKcina. Tbo Democratic orAans ale n;.Ke viyiroua appeals to the ra ard f.le of the'.r pa:ty net 'to vcte for Ju'lse '.!. Tt.ait appeal alro will be hi vain. T.ioivin 'l of t;?m will vote for him ar.d It ras been confidently prsdCctcd tht t'.a n"i Jority .In VUkes-i:arre will esccti cms thousand. , URirp Noii:s. E. T. Camp wH! :'.jy the ocsan Mmor row at F;. Stnheaa", ov.-!rfr to -the Ill ness of W. P. Wllcix. tho regular crpan Ist, r.'ho recently hed an o-peratljn per forrr.d r-a hi eye.i. On Wei'nct-lay H.-Jt the oflcer.i of th' Peapl's Slirit railway w.'re tanquetc'S nt Aldcn. Tlv new read rur.3 f :m X.ir li'coke to AMen. J.iV.o fJlf.'son wja vestcrdiy sen' up by '-Satire Dono'.iue for thrcatcnl-is to ti ll his wlf. John FJynn v.rss yeptrrCay 1-11 - eonrt 1,v Tqnlre TVmchue. 6iVB 59 l.-'l. f.-..- wife beuMnr. Th" airunl rfyr'n of the !fo-Ti? br;r imnni held on Thuray U3t Dr. Trw rays tlt Chfls-s .eVer.. who cMitrsiie w-.isatt"i-Wc'l i-J nv,,"l I mifferiDjr fio.m a wr---hf' anlde. trpmi'ph srd Sils stvry of robbiry was br'J'evtd. VVUIi.rn rn.rkhuT. ''he p-r- vfinr reTc mfn. who ,V1r"1 v vlc"r f the rrc nt --'d.-t 1 r "' oiily ill 1. h!i hetie'-T Vrth FrmV!I:i sttt'et. H'.s w lfv !s alco s'.-Ai. Notlcs of Rerarvn'. Wli'li thiii issue Th Tt'lmc'a news and t litoj'.il drvav-!wnt ren e to he lm'.xl at re tin ovrmis and Srrive street, nr 1 will. nT'.cr t'liy. oc-itpy T.vif Tf.hune's har.il.vin'.e r .v Imlldl!! '.'.'r'1''" 'i"Ca Ul. on Wa-fclr.-m averue. four tloors I WAUMKS -t-KiDSXT HAl.trtMBS . , , , . , ...i 1 wanted, aniimli.te-i w;!!i tilt -d : 'l ctove Linden F;rc:. w.ltre. w ,.hln n i..v .irjj a-ni irnxvrv tr i ! . t lit ihu "r tfv i'uvh t!ev w''l! 1 c J''" 'd ty the;'"'0 "f rrad e'enrn, Aihlrest k!lvi 1 yt prlr.Mnsr end Y.'.r 1 -ry 1 partmonts. Th? buj'.rcfj ot'.lci', until oihe.-.vlye an n.TOr.?cl, wvll rrrsln in the famiVlar Place: but 'tho new crbc on WashinT- t.in 8v..n;3 will. af:.T nest Monday. L) i :i fir the r?.v !pi su-soi !;- tijr.a ai.J trir.L.'.-.Tt advi rl'.rlns. LINCOLN'S COOD i;;!T.ING. An I irbari.iidiv." InciJcnl lint ncrn.!c lite l'icld.'"t'' I 'i:it Iti flTi'ircnt, I'r.mi the .'..it- J r:'; '. 'V.K' iir'IT rf .i r.iN-r ' Vfiy v l! il hav- hestd a vi y (jilllivn li,!y. ,t nu;ii. r f the ?!.. 1 I-. '.k. il l. f-.iy. ih.it t:vu::i a: tv-it i.i"ri.i hi n.'iie .f t i.o p ";;! ar.-.l rrurt Tu'.-eFs t b ("' pec.' t fni'i! t .1. net, rilr. ti d iv'-h I1!,. i'v!,".i ! I r,:,'!v. ;,e w;u ..;ie ' ef nature'.-: ;..-tl-iiie:' h.T.r I;lr.-lllrtf3 f l.''t:r; and iru ... I, m r.'Mr.' i;v:L. An''. af..-r i'.V tii' i r; - j o .'.!!. 1 cn ir.-ijn.'e of I .'.'. 1 CJ I n:.iTi I n. : on h;rf ; - rt. , t il.r.I.cr UH TI" I. n r .. - ' ' rriittnii. Th-. r. rAMV.t r.ft. r h:i' lirs r .i-t p.s.-'l a pi'"'.'- of 1 :. N'r. c.iln I '! t!.e 2nd j'f !"' .1 "liv frim 1'.. TV t rv.ir.t g ' a:..-;h r c'.-. s nr I puvr, d It ar r.:r:d. Mr. I.'.!'i' il r. i. tl.-r-ii that the oth-rs 't t iiie mir.-'y took P. si '."'iifiil. V.'it'.i I'jt ein'i.:r: a: r- r.urit cr ;ip 'iony he 1 a : i T ii t (1 .nil ;iy ar I retnarhfo. "I rei-m to have tjii.il more i.l p.n. .... '.,, ' than r.iy rhtre," ar1 then 1; v. Hi lus tiisinor. y."-.-. p. n ns. i.is ! iiilv ioii-lit eft.r CTfiniltllnn r'.t.'il a s., .,.n, w .Ui.. : yjHUZ wita r.):.fusiail unj profu.j In '"';,,,,.,! n.' il.in'.l t hi r-n-s sii.l :h git J. Iio . In. le. S.i:i:i '.., tic". BUl.l.lANO , M tv, i:,t n) ,rt,, in. AN HISTOKK: S!'OT. Y,lN,s-'ii;l)r '4 PATKXT" lvivkT. - .'V ul Hair ( mier. "d V r vtn (ns. l wit.i- nrJtU Hons, ., ,hc Si:.- of tl-c ,ca. J Vlinslo:! UPvll I V.'.ishing'.on's reiv I-aT-.y -tte Sipi.ire ' -;-vj hour.', Luiit en tite Pi.e f l'i 'oil S-v.ail mimyi...!, winie W.I'k. s ' -Ii vot Ii'm .i-r i itpi.-A.or. A'tw-rodt. '.t ' f m,-- "1 the life . ' .'' re:a-y .-.mv.m d. ! and e'-o ie J unr.i (!. K'aire d'.J. nu i ..,aie l ti e oth.-r nlKt t.y Lillian Ilu; - ti il in I i:a: e. '1 ... tliea.tr fi''.-" I.ifayife Fipitr d.recily njii.o'lf ti-e v !i;t- l.ou . Tr.j s triu". ii r-1 Is li iilt 'if 1 1 ii io ii i J y gr in-It.-, ar.d :l.e arelilt.-i n tv i f ;:ie eiaf i.'.c fir.-, i.m er.'cr. If ha" a fr.'atAgv' of 76 feet a:rl !? H f.. t (! - Lt'VINii 1111. IVSl uanci:. The rui.l'uMa Life .Uhiih.m St ciety V.oulJ Arr-nr " tlivt It I'nts to Submit l ts unJ l ut'iic. Ihronth the .Medium .f sporor .tdttUln8 for the KetUloi. oflla I'.iMlc. The r-.T. r.t Id, era I urc tt P :utr a I- vertl-t.:i: f i'H e I ih's : i-I- r t:..i r;-;.t life insut:i.:re hi, 'i,::lpi rf i ...'!! ' s or:hv of notn. r aan? i... :h the i . vant.iK' tl.e.r eMniisry h.ivn t3 qU.t t''.e pui.il.- In t';e wey of inf.' b"i;ra.ic( h a prnllli't'le Invci l i.ent. f. y ill's u;...-ii lo tti.' Iiii'iinifa K:'i:i:ir.i of .u.'.i o' iiff.i:.. 'a l.i.. t iu ou.-ll..n of a '.. :.'. i j;i t K ho.irht Iti'.'riinie v. 'i'..'ii l .-"i --rt .at r i't com. ttr wlili-'fi tii. ul p. tiie I, "it 1 1, ..; mint et I'm ci ! of a tirn of y. jm. Tiie luivertSI'iir trii. ''itc e:i'.'i ;iey u(, .,", nirllts the r.oiil of tilr . . ;',e,';. r. , -I lrrMir ar.rs roiu-ttor. A c:;r,.fu: rtm'y of th- ' le: n coniarl-ons villi t."!! lit. :t"'e con.pr n!e;i s'.own la tli.' a.liair ;l . . ai. :, .-f the Ko'il alil.' :vea. to the l, : irij- niert of the mill li n.l of Invrtj -a, :. provrs it .'re of, 'f net t'.e .nfl t -'d s:r..:iK'"t. e.mral"s r, te -irirt, Ve I.Mnitah!.. Scly ha. j .-t ,..,..! t',r ," :i a thoreuch an I ev .vi-"v f.-aTliia" provrs !t .'re or, ;r net t .e .;! -'d l.v the snr"!rtenflent T IV. e fi- i.-n partmrrt ef N.-"V To-' wh ' o't ! full nf the h'.giifst r"s'-s fur ;:'.:-- csjnJitlJn of ti.e EUit....''ie. CATA11J1I1 l a r --: ! r: -a' '. aril cnii rot he C'"a d i-jr Iti'i t : .'I't!' ' ll.iol's Hat'saj sriiia I" r r,-"tr; "-i remedy; it erres Citsrril !: ;,.i:i- flea tho Kor. l. noorn and o vol uii (iru . :: "1.1.1 r.'f ri'-'i'.' .., .aia cr r-i Chtr er fin i! c i in Vu'lH- ' la H t'l l Y Vi:. 7 AT is B!l"lt '11 vl i Ih" .ant ' ''. of liiss ite of te iii-ric ,ii i.en . , .( Nov A.I1. I I v Ar li i v V , . li ik . L. e "t. iiiarl a r. p :. 0 no, wm. II. I'oil', i ustinrll e. v.i.n h i ... (Imt v Kr d lalet -, lie III t h s, a .. tittoConrr.il ll'-niy Yit'S". h Flu " e . Cliarliw Kl-r. lal r (4o dnui aa t ,T ,ii ! Itoll. under tli e, ij As e,n ,. o; t.'t i.in ; ntoi.wi aitli i f Pm stlr.it a etit tl - in i: to irn,du fo iIih iite.ir-p r ioti rtti.l .jruln tloti of "itain .i'rtii.rnta'1's." nr t .1 April. '."I'll U7I. ii I'd 111" a;i.pline;'t i tli r.im f. r t lite rhrrt-r of an n: a 'I' M e. I Mr.. I i. to I'" I enll'si "(lera at t nd'lin A . li Hi, o I tliorhametrr an t ol j s'i Ii r o ' to fm m 0y.,s,rl 'iifor ttm l''Jot o: e iiin'.iL.t in afuiil i f th er ofl.c. I en" ll.ti i .u..r His nietnliara of the.-orp r tios. nn I of s,.feiy .. veflnglh' same in s.-rord u.ro with t r - Ttsii.r.s of Hi A''t eit fed "Ail Ac; K;,llf to Mutual tjarl'iir r ui'O. niiiinuitf aioi i,i t As Kiation. fto..-' and lor lies ptliiosi to have, t os' as and enjoy i ll tiie r!ilit. If t: fl's ml privil.res of tliJ sill Act of .'sejnioiy ad ita SUPP enta. NO I' K IS liKRi EY tilVEN THAT AN npiilin,tt"'n wd 1 1 m ;!. to t'tw irorernor of ilia at itJ of P.'HUS' Ivat.'.a. on Ih ilta -Jar of NoV'tnuor, IBUi. by P. K. l avii.-, W. U Tay lor, W. w. ivt rin. K. P. K u'sliiirv and Jolin H. Law, ndr th'Artof Assinllv . f tueCommonneilthnr P-nnsvlrsnl .. entitled An Act. t trold" for th lueorp. ratios sad reunlitloa of oertaiu eori orat ona.'' a opr. 'Veil April 2U. I17. td tl suM lni''nla h.Tj o for tlio charter of an lot nd a coroorHtion to be railed "?. Clr.Ir Co.l Creauaiiy." tin i harao tar and otijsft wheivef Is the nil lu and pra ...Im f,,r marks" all 1 selling nnthraeitn eil and .er these tmr:oito Jiave, vow, and : n- ioyall the rijbls. bet.etits aim privi ige- of the said Act of M tnl.lv and Us s ppisuu nts. Lest LOST - pKTWIEK MULDKRRY AND Spruce streets, last PtBir. a poukst hock oontaialK tt tnesasj The fln ler A WORD. WAVTS op Ai.r. K!xns rnST that I mi c;t. aviii:n KAir for in ad- vM'K. VHK.V A !iorK Amu M IS M.AIjF:, NO CHAUCK vrii.?. :K lA'ZS THAV. ?S CVINTd. THIS lti-T.U A" PT.tF TO RM1I- WAVT ATift., KX riSPT T.OCAL R!TI'TIDNS ANT VTKf P W.WTKD. WHICH ARE INSKH7ED Kc3 Wanted Ml. i V ii. 'di.-.ilv n S rt'.i It :m K. ixo vi.r. . a'l at i.'lifstiiiu j nl Ju:-rn : nie?iA nTaHjVVAY Vi.Ka T VOXI' Y ! .'V yctr s;ar t!ru: tr ;v n nn"y ni-d l:ir.- il nr if.r-'io- mp'rui Y WB nwi wa'it.-.! .n rvr -if iu IVmhstI V4fl cr i-p. i .1 vr. rtt il in;.l; ro Ve :. j T-i-- t: !rn!.lsU.Si CJ. KWi.tw: : - . li'.'.NVEU- JtC IV l-.VK:f. j tw manviis: 'tinwil'i'n'iiiviiu!''! ; ;'! - ."J'. ! nnu.-!i y. r..fi..n ; oap a 4 l.a..u:u -iu I lntrCv, 'ii,c num. o. Tyt"fH- .rr.VAl" t"6:r YOf" $ ba ntsiry: lfii-.ir Im ; ibli: iir s-hemt' S rinvi.n,.; n il t cnl m ( ce. AtMni w I. U. li'.X .':iii I m'oo. ., M. UA.V I r 1-A H'J I'CIlt;!! VI In) HAS il All xi m cn.unt t;m IiU-1ii.',m: mu t !. wi-1! r i?,.iiimj d tt. Aii lro-s ''. U J., Trib iiuii i. a.' v. ui;n i s -m ;J "wANTiits ai,:.eaiY ' tl;ivil".rf. In ran v 1 lliri' at nif uilni'su iiu . i!iMi.Ai:n;iii:iu oil i:o.. j .l;ve'iid. O j ia!;tp:i "weiXknowN MAN ! ' 'T ry twn o Hi-rt si"'c wiUirip I t o:i: a i. nopity; h.j luoav lur ti-'fiit: no ,-i.i.i rcim nd. KDWAKUV. S.l 4t Co., t'l l.i-rH .rn -t. S. ,'. Kcla Wantec.' Femjli. ' US rt-:i IMjJrTl aTH.Y-TW KSKU- leto ii i hi iitiii''! to trp-r nt ui riuni'i.jvl J-la d t witin.-it to t i iVrluir with I'll., r linden I'.nllf I .."11 t o I . "rit I f.ir p:irtn:nl.4ni, ini'lu'intr s'.Tni. M'i' i -'ti-I n! '.'. ti-iMiiv. Su - J.ttii n'.i-.i't.. Vw Y"i'r. .'.enl Wanted. j-UNi Ai. ;: vr- WAXTi.n sKln. i I iii'U.-w.'i iiil.w to ,1. Minn: i-xriuiv t.r r"rv n i i, j tiln j-nr .npi' ' rcprrel: " ' "V-r t-.t. pn.lit r!uit.Ua ( lu'iuieal . . ill i). arU'ru 1 1 . t.uiuR.h 111. c.r. -vti was rF.i i vr-iywhers- io , V . . r. f. r r.ur Vew t:-M--v Ju '! r...., f..-:r (1irtn"s rim n'le.: t unit: f'o A.I.I" HCUftALTY. BuU- . I i.l l.M , t.n. i n. I i TMs W.VTril-r SK.1,1, CliAn; J f 7, pr ,"i n h i.'srv nnd ex eens s imid. u i... nit!i t'i.vut ulain.i HiiAiiO ti OA CO.. I i.lrim 11K.V ! I'U Kl'.'.i, I'VH PIMt TICAL ; i trold. s .vr, ..1 srel iHipiirr fr!'-tro Vi t m-s' i r !r I'D r.jiwa il: saim r sail ex ln.. j.. d: e -Tt live, A tl i.ts. l.il 'kii:i, I I I' A. V I'll (M., ci low crXTS Til'. IV. I. eh) UtSTOIiKAI.I.U; .1 . ' cekl;. aa'l el lle; mh.:i li-rt i l. ".o -.rv. . -h ;.;:iAiKi mi'ii cv, V.ui Pine i St. I ll ca :. CAM 8MAV !' CAttRV SiMH USK: II 1 r-r mi', eominikon; sr.iiie l,olc mi tl-Af -iv. Aili'mi u N. CO. M.itio:i l v - - i..itn" A Mr P " H 'X JK. Srr Vert Sa'etmen Wanlol. 1'.N'ir: CAl.'HVKV I'll SKI I, STA IV ) In i coilt 1 1 trine c trnvel: 1 heral sal ir? o ' !' eo nin sl n: wm s -1 s.iin ,a n .km oat i-ir x lii.iveterilt. ry. Aildrcsa 1". u. V) II -i, N'. w York l itv. fsr Ren!. I'MH liFVr-cN' l Ai'i'I'!' AVr.M'K, 1 1 r o'n on-e; latest Improvrcients. Ap- p v I t wp ut bvpiii e. i I.N'H l: N r-SIEV' VSON I'ltflT FAHM. I I i h-v. ii"-ei, fur a -Tin of y.r.r. Ap- !it" to .i: i. uk II. lAVll.st.N, Attorn. y. i Hl" ' -stro. t. 1 1 . V ITKICfis CM -KT. STKAM I1FAT, : 1 r"""" Xi,,rrI i.?rXf i",. h 'NhShZ , 'J !'A W U1U, JN ! j;,;.," TIA.Iir.l.OK "" I'VliTM f STiTlN 1 rii.; t an lest; ln'.i;io .ii;e; all . . o:nf r rnd eli--r: ul: r c -.r" it iiil... i '. 'i I s lis' JO.Nr ', :l I !-t.i it,-., itreet. i . s .:' . . t.'I'K loit 11 l-ri T" ' I.KT MAHMX i ,-.. i',,i , J- t J ' '. . l-i nre to rot in o ' a-", li (tilts ,.ns mi Ji a.'l S"H. IS III I prii's .troS fain Kr ST- fll. I -1IAI.F It it SC. NO. 2i; I No- I' .V.ala r:n lie; II Iro n. . c-s waiter. liitia.ru at fur-i sad I Hit t'.'M nt ! tstn linia. Aii'ter-o i . t.i'Ss mi IT r .L ine Mpiar". puit i:i,vT-n ii I .urn not ii,' witS r itwiImi 1 1 art, tin atib lor two rcr- tun', ll.'i A''-a:i l iiv.1. I, t K UKVT- fl.Vl!'t(.Ji;i'CfiKON'VF..-iT I I i.ek i'i "i i f A l.'r.M. I II .MAS j K. 1 n. a- I.iin true, li yd l'ir . , ., ,. ,,rv ..., ... . ,.v ,.,, ITTi. . , ., .. ,. ' I i', 1 '"i ' i I, ,. " u;.: -j'i" to tat J.;il.i Jh u- enl rf ta'e I "n ' M'F.'ni! st'c :c"Avr"'i.'. ' tt e t e i -1 i. l"o li-e '.t .'. sHEf- PT". .7 1 M.'.ie-o- s'r-'et. il-ltl O' I':'. Real Cttve M. i- p, I. I.l ;v a I.' ll'iuat 7-iX'll.r. ' . ; .. ... . .1 .,.!.. -: l it k . A..X. . ,. o-i,., itv f.U ,r n d: o .IV jf .111 ' tt...... itv iiiUtf ! e . . rl M II II I A K. ('.ai'V-ifX r..' V i n 1 1 1 . k ii'i'r-E, t TajC i. -r ". Join a ' tor; . t ..r II V. II. t-tliOt r. ...a" ""ll 1. I I'Y !7A";rr?l I.A .1. ' '.? ., ll .Id'. ' ' .tl till " l.f Me. 0 "" ;i : oil r , g vale" 1 r.m -it t ' 'i. h a e. II. i.'.l O r. " k, . il.., U V . UK;. dm: ' f f I- .i h ,'i p Bail l a. rl .V." ;u'..rl " " ; I o a,iii h a-i 3 lionei: $i '.'hi . ... A. II. liOI. A i li. '-i ""i"' v" j." i;ni.K" i.of T wO 1 'ii k. fine ftve': t ll ' (sieti: erittat inr p i: ;ieala's . .11 t ' e ii V. 11 li)I,..ATii. -1 'wTr',1, iltr.. a ii sw s'fiiit'i !:,''( In 1 .Ittj a tVntl s-aii io: r'nt Kl.l'.rj. M. II. UOT.I.A i . ,.a .71 uTCv I'KH'K Kl hlnKNC?. .. -.ii: riv a'r " f .r Drt et.lt. i JLJ. '? t ,- li.. M 'il llu, (! . ' I lill."!11''!'. lL .".'.!! :u.1, .... J.-1 4 CI .V J1j'. I.l. V id AUJiKSS UOUJtEH, V-fJ 1 liu : met. Is f .in 1 n't txr. rl It I. nil l in i-.rsl star., of rait un to,: I' It one of 111" lust funis ill tliecotui try. t rtna taisy, 0.- will xciat.. lor Ity pi'ipeny. M Ft. HOi. Tti. ' Con nrnntvea'th Bnlldlnr. ffsecia' fjoticei. NOTICE -ON AND A FT Kit MAY I. I vl 1 make a montti'y lour o' tlm follow Inir plaeos iilvl'ta tr.eop u air sdvrtisina el hil'Uions wi h h st.'rtpdtsn: Taylorviile, Hyde l ark. Provident e, pickaon dlynliant, 1'ieitvlU', Areltbs .1. J.rniyn. Ex'ulillioas l.ivii n Vie.ln.siRy and Friday nf eicu vwk dtuing tLe utoidlu the rates fur a.lver tic ara iio per Jnotilh. AdJruss K. II. l.'. ll, 'frtbone office, eity. opHE KOI PIER IN OCR CIVIL WAR." J Yon want this rellp. Contains all of Frank Leslie's f unions old war Pictares.shoiT inn ti tm oos n actind hattlo, sketnued on th spot. Tim volumes, 2.UU) pictures, bold on rasr montlilv paynientt. Pellvered by t irena rotneleia. all ol arses prapald. Address P. a MOOPY, 1122 Adams Ays., Httranton, P. BLANK IJOOKIS PAMPHLET". MAOA tinas, eta, bound or rebound at Thi Tntncaa officr, tuick work. Keasonabla prieaa. . SBVEil LUCKY PIOEeS BL11CK H fr.TTt1, 46 inches wide, regular $i quality for 50c. ' ' 1 ' CHS CASS TEfZliS Km mm FLAMSLS. 7c; former price, iaKc TEN DfZ ;N FAT3:3 833$, 36 Indus lon, were 65c. each; this week 2Sc. CHILDREN'S WHlTi m?M WmmU, mi fl!JD nmti 6 to 24, l5c. 'each... Sizes 26 to 34, 25c. each. Worth twice the price we ask. . . A IHRG2 LOT 0f LISS AF333?, ffbi full sbe and pretty design, 17c. each; were 25c GliBLSilCHEO TA0L5 MM 56 - wide, regular- 30c quality, at 20C. a yard. Cloak Department. icd Lzilzs1 Reefer Jackets, latest cut, ali of our $5.50 numbsrs.' This week at $4. 50. ONNOLLY & WO Situation Wntc i. ANM. A.. 1 A) i;V Ai I'U ' . i..:rv ifi'.-tnii v h u: I'lEtan:! Imiii MtrUiiiil ttoi-v: cm r-:oiuuifiiUcil Add. osrj Zli'., 'T 1)U.1M I lil'T, i : kati 'i ii. -uy a yji:nu man a ly.'.U'iwv 1 Ul .csi;, vi'U two v& t exp :ri. : b k r.'f r u.'o n l t n I iur- ins .eit. if r. .pdr'-'d. I r.leiiic riflico. ITL-A'I (:i WA.ViED-IlY A Yt'f.N'.. ' i. un si third IihikI l'n fi- tr i nv k'i' ilol work or trad And on lili St.iiie avuii e SiliUATIO.N WaNTI'.U -1Y A YoUMi i l;: ;y :u oTieo Kirl or el.rk: 1 li. si.ir.e kn iw ld .'4 of bj.iikeo:iia : Ad 1 rest U M ., J rili'i'.e eitic i. 'OUXU ADY Wl.fi.K I. IKK PrITl( I ii. titer.o :f;tpb -r ir. d I) peivnter: r.l-it' si.. i i t no (ket'iuii; lias I'.it 1 exii-rl-ne i.ii.l can i;lv. ttio Im. t of re'er.-ne. . dJre.s I KK.SU.x AU i.. k IS .x I A eitv. U'AN 1 I)-P.I'riiiN A Hi.L'lsFKK:.p it in uwi l f uiiily. or s irirsk-. A'l re MRS. J. k V. I : .l,t Sl. fltf Ailnmtaven.to. 'clTL'AT lr.; vAS-ifc".".-A"'YU t 1 tt ' man iiim. slni-le, w. ni l l.k- w ric of auy Ulr.rt. Ail r ti V. .M. II. I Kim rn-U V AN 1 1 li -.. PsiTlTiX HY A 1"11U11.K- S'.'i il u!.l country irntienri'i t miiv thT'g iv li i o lie cm 1m I'lwfiil a id liiid a homo. A.i.lri'h Me.ii , 'I ritMiiu o.'tice. ClTi'Al ! X W 3 rtii-T."l7uTl'T-HY O tl'e il .y w;is I'lm; Wisir.ll. tatien il.en... n.s.i. csll r :. i.lress u li.. i- euu.n.T .ui Hyio Hir!: I'lll ATlOii WAMI H-AS A Miur. ! i .V U. or willim: t ilo uy kli.d of wcrK; WAKii'h-AS A licoilS ; U is Lad rxir.'ri ncn. .1. 'i'. j cITl'ATii.S WANTKI-1Y A OHtl, 10 i 1 .1.. n, l,r li. tmework o- t.aku iare"ef cui 1. Addresn MHS. iiliKU 10JJ t.a.'i.aiv.iii.ia avei.U". j s iri'Ariu.v wamm-i;y a .. r.vi mail kk'M Ii. kn rut Innau mtn i rivaui f.iin n'l u'el'T. auila mi an hit t.io rare ..I h..i": w.liiiij aiel oli'.iin a aul t.ot uti id of -oTk: wnrt n lohjert; r.-ui co nn W' il recom- IQe'iile I i.l.l. 1 T Tr I. mi'' ..0" . Money to Loan. IjilOMl. LOANS N KKAL KsT TE -K- 1 iir.ty. tl W. ( Kl'-I'.K, lK'kairau. na avvuue. Clairvoyant. M I'h. r y. vr i:i.jk v v.snt and PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dcntts. n wit .i.iam A. TATT. l'OHCKl. A IN. Ilrlie nml Crown work. Otllce, V.'sslilngtoD awnue. C. C. I..M-11ACH. SITiCKOX DKNT No. 1'i Wyon lt'it menu.'. 1 It. ilT HTHATTON, OKI'UCE CoAb change. Itt 1ST. KX"- I'll) siciiiin and Siirncons. Pit. O KMIAR DEAN HAS F.VoTn to I'.tii Si.it" tr."t. pTfliitan, Pa, (J'lrt oppinlle Court House fi i iar.v) PH. KAY. I'M l'KXN A I". : 1 to S 1. AI.: rail U'i.:'. I.a. of v. omen, ubstrt'trlcs and and ail. 1ls. of chll. lilt. W. F.. AU.UN. North Washington avenue. ii. c. u. Fitriv, TrVu-Tici: mmitkk, i'i'o;s, of th" i:,,., i:-.r. :ost met Throat: nliVw 1?J V..on:liii ave. Kcil- denee. U3 Viae H'.r.rt. , PH. 1.. M. OATHS. II.. V.-ASMIN.ITON avenue, i.tliie hotirf, R to 9 a. l.M to S 7 to S p. m. Rf sldenc 3C3 .Madi son aveit'.'. urt j. c. r..TU!x. p.rT,i.u:i.Ti ?ktn. Tuai.'r mi l "'lire r ;.e.-la I -t. Tu.-d.'.ys end Pi Ida vs. rt r.ai T.lnden street. Of flee hours 1 to 4 p. ni. Lawyer. WAR'tliN tr KN ATP, ATT-iRVKYS iir.il ...iin. linn nt Ijw, Repti'i.lean bnlPiii'.',', Wnriii.i;': n avenue, Saran- tf.'i. I'.a. jli.5.-tITf Colltin-ili builillnA", - IlANTt. ATTORNEYS AVT ir nt t' tniuionwealth NYashlrit-ten iivtii"" V.'. H. .IIWI'P. H i'lA '' li it Wh, .. ii. .lK.srr. .iu. rsvTTnnsi v wn.fox. attdh- In v.H nnd ri'i-isc''nri nt Uaw; oiliees t nrd 5 I "i-a -.' 1-itt.!laif. Sernetna. Pa. ' niirsMWrii.T. h pATTr.nsoN. WIM.IAM A. V.IT.'.'CX. At.yrv:n ji.vxn. wit.i.t vm j. haxd. Vtta'ii'.ys nn-l t'o.tr.a.vl.-'. C.aaa-rton-vea:'h Milldlr. Rooms 19. "1 and 21. FP.ANK T. rilCvt.T,. ATT .nNV-AT-Law. Hjjm Conl Kxchnnire, Scran ton. T'a. j aviso v. o KV"PJI. ATT-'I'.VWV. st-f .sw. r-rns GO, CI and C3, Comnion r.'i'.t'th hullliair. BUIPP'r V.'. r'ar,.Tt. ATT'artNtY-AT-I.av.-. t'f.lae. 3!7 Srirrre t., S.Tr.r.ton. Pa, L. A. WATnnS, ATTO-VViV-AT-T.AW, 2l T.a.'ltaarina ave.. flrnnton, Pa. t'RTP. TOWNKNP, ATTORNEY-AT-l aw, P'me T!,, rtk RulMlnir, 8-nnton. Moiry to lean in Urja sums at 5 per cent . j C R. PfTCT-TPfl, TTORVKV-AT-Hw, Ccmmonwealtii bulldinj;, 3cranton, Pa. . . II. P. SeiYTin'. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue, C, COMKOY8. 1 81'RI'CR 8TRRET. D. R. RKPLOGLK. ATTOHNBY-f Oa'n rerotit'tnd on real estate security. 4' at.rucs rtreet. , I). P. KILLAM. ATTORNPiY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyomlne ave.. nerootnn;Pn. JAM. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNE Y-AT-law, 4r. Common wenlth bid'g. jcranton. M- c7 RANCK. 1M WYOMING AVH. Clulrvoyant. riIRENOt,0018T AND CLAIRVOYANT GIG Meridian 8treet, Tnrk Hill. Wire Sreuns. JOB. KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACkA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., nianufao turer of Wire Sereens. Medical. LA nitcnt CMtlwjter'i bgliih PefljywyM Wli j.an4 ar the eet. Hjll.W.. T.km as otlirt. sm3 c tor, f.s lanksUn, ' H.lwl . i FOR THIS WEEK ONLY WALLACE, 602-6Q4 L5CX1. AVE., C9.1. AOlilS. School. SCHOOL OP TIIK LACKAWANNA, S, ranlon. I'a., prepares boys and girls for coliCKi. or business; thorotiKhiy trains yiiur.g children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. UK V. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. III.' ELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINPERflARTEN mill Si'hiv.l. 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Klndetiarten !0 per term. Architects. EPWARP H PAVIS. Rjunia 21. ti and 2ti, biit'Jtng, Scranton. ARCHITECT, Commonwealtn E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OPPICK rear of tml W a: hiriKtoll avenue. LFWIH HANCOCK, jn.. AHCH1TECT, 43.', Hj.ruce st., cor. Wa.-itt. nve., Scranton. Hit'lWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS Price hiillilinir, 1.6 Washington uvvnue, Scranton. Lo:in4. THE RKPI'HLIO 8AV1XOS AND Loan Afsoclntlcn will loan you motn.y on ea-lor terms anil pay you better on investnient ttiua any olner aaao.'ia'iou. Call on S. N. CulieaJer, Dime Rank htili.Ilnt.'. Seeds. 5. R. CLARK & CO.. PEKD3AIEN AMI Nureryrron; store Vuslim:on pve nue: uierii house. 1STi North Main ave nue: suae (.tiephona 1L .alisccil:uico;is. RAl'llIt'8 ORCHESTRA MCBIC FOR bails, pii'tilrs. parties, ru'eptiona, wed illntj.a nr. I eoJKert work furnished. Kor terms e lilreys R. J. Hauer, eon.luetnr, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's O'lfle tt.iire, il EH A lt i KE BRtTdr!i:9pTlTNTr: it? s'i. ;,(, envelopej, papur bttga, twine. Wnre'iouse, 1.10 Washington ave., Siran ton. I'a. FRANK P. HH'JWN CO.. WHOLE rnle .ienlers Io Woodwnre. Cordage and Oil Ciotii, 7J1 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS ACRREY. EXPKHT Ac countant and ntiditor. Rooms IH and Jfl, Williams pitlllln, opposite poslolhce. Areiit for the Rrx Fire Extinguisher. Holds nnd Rcstutirants.' THE ELK CA EE, lil and 127 FRANK- llu avenue. Rates raao"i.tl.'i'. P. ZEIGLElt, Proprli-tor. SCRANTON 1IOPSE. NEAR P.. L. & W. parsenKcr ii..;iot. Cnn lucte.l oa tiie Eurowen pian. VICTOR . K CH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. ami Irving Place. New Ycrit, Ratei, SJ..7I per day nnd upwards. ( Ameri can pian). E. N. AN'AP-LE, Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Uuilro.tJ of New Jcracy. (LeMrm and Susquehanna Division.) Autiriii lte coal usee! exclusive. y, Ittsur Ins cleanliness nnd comfort. TIME TAHLH IN I-;!--!' h,CT Jl'NE 2. 1.VC. Train., leave Straiiton for Plttston, Wlikei.-llr.rre, etc., at :.), 9.15. II. JJ a.m.. i!.0.. j.rj. 5.W, 7.1a p. n. Sundays .ot) a. m., 1 f-ii. i.li, 7.11 p. ni. For At at.tlc City. E.'-'O a. m. ' ' Kor New York. Newark and Elizabeth, S.iJ (express) a. ni., 1.23 (epns with Rtif-L-t perlor car), S.05 (cxnrcs.o p. ni. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Trntn UbvIiik 1.23 p. m. nrrlvci a: Phliadelpbln. Iteadtne; Term iiioi, 6.?1 p. m. nnd New York II.4S p. m. Kor Maiieh Chtirk. Allcnlown. Rethle hrm. Ea.'to.i Rnd Philadelphia. 8.5) a. m., 1.2J, S.Uj. R-iO (excevt Piil.udelphia) p. m. Sorilny. 2 )r p. m. For Lonu Htanch, Ocean Orove, etc., at J.?o a.m., 1.21 P. m. For Headinfr, Lebanan and Ilarrlsburx. via Allmtown, &.20 a. m., 1.23, G.W p. m. Sunday, 2 lo p. iu. For Pottsville, S.:o a. m., 1.21 p, ni: Returning lesvs .Vw York, foot of Lib erty itreet, North River, n.t J.10 (exnress) a. in.. 1.10. l 4.3) (express with BuftVt parlor car) p. nt. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Piilisileiphln. ReadlnK Terminal. O.CO a. m., t.CO or.d 4.30 p, m. Sunday C.27 a. ro, Throurh tickets to nil points at lowest rr.t?:i innv lw had on application In ad vace to tiie ticket orient at the ststlon. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent. J. II. OLIIAVSEN. Gen. Supt. . DHIWARE AXD HL'OHiN RAIL ROAD. Commenclna; . Monday. W f fi wanna avenue statiun TW as follows: ' Trains will leve Scran ton ste Hon for Carhondale and Interme diate points at 5.45. 7.09, . laI? a. m.. 12.00, J.20. 3.65. 6.1&, HI. 7.2S. nu For 'Fo'rvlsw, Waymart "nil.Iioticsdnle at 7.00, S.2S and 10.M a, m., ltM, 2.20 and 6.16 PFor Albany, Saratoira, th Adlrondacks and Montreal at 5.4R a. mi and ISO p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Inturmedlot points at 7.45, 8.45, and 10.45 a. m.,12.06, U0. 2.M, 4.M, G.10, COa, .15and H.M p. m. Trains will arrive at Bomnton station from Carhondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, 1.40, .S4 and 10.40 a .m.; 1100, 1.17. I.S4. 3. JO, 4.6t, 5.55, 7.45, 0.11 and 11.33 p. m. From llonesdttlin Waymart .and Far view at .3t e. m 12.00, 1.17, 1.40, 6.55 aad ' From "Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p. in. - .'-''. '. From Wllkes-Barre and ' Intermediate points t 1.15, 5.04, 10 03 and H.M a--m LW, ili S.3, 1.10, .0rj, 7.20, t.0 and .ILlt P- ni- TRY US. IviZu Wall ace S2&til2r Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Oyer Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs. Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 12. 1. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via l. H. R. R. at 7.4S a. m., 12.0G. 1.20, 2.28 and 11.38 p. m., via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.00, e.OS, 11.20 a. m and 1.30 p. ni. I-eave 8Tanton for Plttston and Wilkes Rarre, via !.. L. A W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. 3.6". 07. 8.62 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha zleton. Pottsville and all points on the Heaver M-aJow and Pottsville branches. Ma E. & W. V. R. R., .40 a. m.. via 1 A H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m.. 12.05, 1.20, 2 38. 4 ) p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R. 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m.. 1.30. 3.10 p. m. . Leave Seranton for Bethlehem. Eiston,. R.iillrg. Harrislmrir and all Intermediate points, via 1. ft H. R. R., 7:4S a. to.. 12.0. I. 20, 2.S. 4.00 ll.tt p. in., via U.. L, ac W. It. It.. COO, 8.U8. 11.20 a. m., 1.9) p. rn. l-tive Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, F.imlro, Ithaca, Oeneva and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. R.. 8 $ n. ni., 12.03 and 11.33 p. m., via D., L. tt W. R. R.. 8 OS, s..v, a. m., 1.30 p. m. I.eivs Seranton for Rochester. Buffalo. Nlajjara Fall. Petroit. Chicago and all po'nts west via I. & H. R. R.. 8 43 a. m. 12. W. ST.. 11.38 p. m.. via P., L. W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, S.. 9.53 a. m., 1.30, 8.r0p. m., via E. ft W. V. R. R.. 3.41 p. m. For lilmlra and the west via Salamanca, via P. A H. R. R., 8 45 a.m. 12.05. 6.05 p.m., via P.. L. & W. R. It., 8.08, J.53 a. m.. 1.30, and .to; p. m. lulirr.nn parlor and sleaplng" or L. V. . chair tars on all trains bat seen L. B. J-isetion cr Wlikes-Harre and New York. PMIaiieiphia, liuffalo, and Suspension Bridge. P.OLLTN n. WILRPR. Oen. Supt. CHAR. 8. LEU. Oon. Pass. Agt..PhIlR..Pa. A. W. NoNVEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pass. Airt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday. June 24. 1W. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Et pres for New York and all points East, 1 40, 2..V). 5.15, 8.00 and 8.35 a. m. ; 12.55 and 3.31 p. rn. Express for Easton. Trenton. PhltadeU pl-.la and the South, 6.13, 8.00 and 8.56 a. n1 12 .V. end 311 p. ni. Wnsiilmrton and -ay stations. S.55 p. m. Toliyhanna aceommoilatlon, t. 10 p. m. Express for Blrirhamion, Ossrego, El mlra Curnlnff, Hath. Pansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.33 a. m., and 1.21 p. m.. making close connection at Hunulo to all points In the West, North west and Satithwest. Path accommodation, a. ro. rinntiaiiiton aril way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6.10 p. m. HinKhamton and Elmlra Express, 6.0S p. m. - Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswerro Vtl.-a nml Rlchtleld Springs, 2.33 a .m. and 1.24 p. m. Vhaca. 2.35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1 21 p.m. For Northumberland. Plttnton. Wllkea-R-ir-e. Plymouth, Hloomsbunr and Pan ville. rr.akltm close connections at North itnihcrland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg. HnMlmore. Washington and the South. No; thumlierland and Intermediate sta tion. 6.0". 0 55 a. m. and 1.30 and S.07 p. m. NttKicoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 3.40 ond 8.53 p. m. Pullman ixirlor and sleeping coaene on all exre trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlm tallies, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket oOlce. IK'S Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket olllce. - Krie nnJ WyotniiiR Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Tork ami Intermediate points oa the Erie rail road at 7.C0 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Alto lor Hor.erdale, Hawlcy and local points at 7.W. 8.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. All the above are through trains to and from Hopestlnle. . Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 13 a. m. Htid 3.43 p. m. SrUAiVTON D1TISIOW. In Kttcct September aaarl, lWflg. koril. Hound. x i? J ""n 8H(Trslni Dally, t J jr. I cept sunday.) m Arrive . Learei 7.H. Y. Franklin St. 7 to. West 4nd street 7 ixh wetiiawxea tt' Arrive . LeaveJ 1 is; Uancoeic Junotionj 1 o . Hancock - ntarllgbt ;i .- Preston Park liM 18 M t tti 181 , until Poyntelle Belmont Ple.isant Mt Dnlondal Foreetoity Corbonda'e White Bridge Mayneld Jenny a . Archibald Wlntoa Peckvllle Olvphant Dickson Throop Pmvldenoe Park Piaoe Ifnrsl 11 tot (I Mill ill rti4oma. T ..7 fS 8 7 18 8 48 714 84 f 80) a 81 787 H T88 0l 784 4 07 788 410 7 89 4 14 74114 17 744 4 W 1 ur ul (181 ....I (41111 SSI a-J 1 1 w (wniiol as ii ii (tin on ( ) II oil (1811 OH ( 15 11 oil ( 18 flOf.71 (lOIOiil ...r ... et .... ecraoton at 11 Leave Arrlvel All trnlnnin Wl.y exoept Buadar . - t UsTDinet Vlimt. ViUDi stop oa tignii tof ft niifprs . ; kwuw rates vu Ontario Wwtern Mdrf hrcliMinir tietttn and tare motuj. Day aai Slbgt BkprtMa to tbt wests i C. ABiloreon, Oen. Pms Aft. T. nitorgtt, ft tv A4 MctwioOf Pa. tenth fSMtaarls Wt f "4 a f Pat . a - 'Be . -Ml .I i 00 .... io .... v . I... t M ...a .... .... ... I ..! .... 9 41 ....( .... 3 53 . s .... tM .. ... 616, .... 8 0; I It lit .... TIM 8 81 ..m
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