124 THE SCRANTON TMBtTNTE - - v ... i . A Chango TpHE civlne vay of summer to win II teris often very quickly done, ' U viind unfortunately the giving rav of the human beings by this change Is often as sudden and sad. Hut when you stop to think, why should it not be so? The pores of the skin are open, the muscles are relaxed, the thermometer falls, the winds blow the pores are closed and the body be comes chilled, and then you are sick Now, do you ever stop to think that all this work Is thrown back upon what? The kidneys, nothing else. When the skin does not throw off the waste of the body by perspiration, th kidneys must do it, and too often they cannot stand the sudden strain. ' You know, if you are well read and in touch with the times, that there is but one cure for any kidney difficulty but one means of preserving the kid ncys in health, and that is, Warner': Safe Cure. So wonderful have beea Its results, so much has it accom plished, that physicians, scientists and the best informed people, both men and women throughout the world, have admitted it. If you are suffering from any form of chill, pains in the mu- cles, lack of appetite, headache, or the many ills which come at this special season, you should not delay a mo ment, and you are foolish if you con tinue to suffer when you can so read ily obtain relief. CARBOMDALE. A. Mitchell, sr.. 'has "pui-ch-ased a. tract of land at Crystal lake and la en ae(l In clearing It. In the spring he will buld an elegant cottage on one of the lots. At a recent meeting of the hospital trustees rulea prepared by Matron Des mond for the direction of nurses wer ap proved. A handsome new piano was placed In "Wood's 'business college yesterday morning. Mrs. Lawrence Fltzsimmons, who was dangerously rick, Is so far reclv ercd as to be considered out of danger. JoJin SB. .McArdle Is rapidly Improv ing. The London .Assurance da te has been changed from Nov. 20 and 21 and will he presented one night only, Thanks Eiving. Mrs. F. C. Smith and aon, Mrs. Henry ClnamtT and son, IMrs. Thomas Mor pin ani daughter and .Mrs. Benjamin J. a:vanj and daughter, of Ilttston, en jjoyetf a drive to the Welsh settlement yesterday. Mr. and .Mrs. A. Mitcihe..ll and fam ily and Mir. and Mrs. 'Major anU fam ily went to Wllkes-Barre Thursday evening, where they pleasantly sur prised the former's daughter, Mrs. Frank P. Carney, Thursday being her birthday. Samuel 1 arris, .proprietor of the American House, ae-omipaiiiea uy in Williams and Ales dames Howlson, J. P. Tlngley, John Pethtek and Mrs. Webb enjoyed a drive to Crystal lake Thurs day afternoon. K. WilmotCairr, of Prorr.'pton, has re Fi'.gned ihla position es track foreman for t'he G'liv.'ity railroad, which he has filled for the past flcrty years, making his total serv!.?e tin ithe employ of the Delaware ar.'i! Hudson Carnal conrpany nome fifty years. John Smith, of Way mart, la hla successor. (Mr. and Mrs. George Smith enter tained a n-uimlber of friends at their home on Canaan street Thursday even ing. F. P. Schooley, Who has for the past year iheid a responsible position with Kir.backk brothers, has resigned and will leave next week for Cleveland, O. JIarry 'Lee, of iBelmonit street, will ac company him, having secured a good TiiUon In that thriving city. By their departure from our midst Cairbondale will lose two of her most worthy young men. Arch Honeywell, who has been a con ductor on the electric railway for sev ral months, resigned and left Thurs day evening for 'his home In Wyoming. Captain E. 8. Harris and wife, of JAke Oeorga, N. T., who 'have been vis iting in Carbondale and vicinity, re turned to their home Thursday. Mliss Carrie Geary, of Carbondale, ppent Thursday with iMisa Jennie Mc Math, wf Plttston. Miss Jordan and Miss Rose Jordan, of ficranion, daughters of J. J. Jordan, business mainager of the Scranton Truth, -were the guests of IMisa May Foote, on South Church street, Thurs day. M:s Cello. .Mora n, of Aldenvllle, Is the guestof ifrlenda in this dlty. Alva, Scull Is much improved after e serious Illness wiirh typhoid fever. Alius Tlllte Smith, of Pike wtiwt, Is fipendmrg a few Ways with friends In Scranton. Missies Delia Shay and Delia Brown, of lttvac, N. Y., a.re the guests of Miss Mary Walsh, of Pike street. tMiss Mamie ums. of Powderly street, was the guest of Mrs. Baker, of For est City. Mhw Wlnflfred Walsh, of Olyphant, Is the guest of Miss Maibble Boylan, of Pike street. ' Miss Tessle Mlgglns returned home last evening after a. week' visit with friends In Scranton. J. M. Alexander, merchant tailor of North IMaln street, spent Thursday evening with Ihto dmuighter, Mrs. H. P. Johns, of Forest CHty. Frederick Moon, of Mill Creek, spent a, rtiort ttae at the liome of Ills pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. B. .Moon, of Terrace trepjt. . John Koxe, of Roufh Main street, 1 Visiting friends In Plttston. Mrs. Peter Herman, of Belmont TEHM8 Stricthr COSH OuHnq This fan, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, LINO leums, Draper-lea, Window Shades, and Wall Paper, , . , ;, 4MUCMWMIlMVE!iUE. GREAT ALTERATION SALE. ' We hav decided on Sweeping Redno. ' - Hon rather than cover up our goods our . Ing onr ettenaWe lmpror.meata, sad hay. marked down everything in the , store stoat and less. See oar Window Dtiplan which will sabttaotUte what we ay:; : .y . -, -. ... marats Carpeti frtm fSe. le We.. Wtrlfc Me. ten. raiNl Oirtiii, 40e. to He., Werts 60c. Is sOe. aNsHrs, to, Werts ., And ererjrthlnf else la proportion. . , J. SCOTT INGLIG cmsTs ixi WILL PIPERS, street, 'has been vhstting friends in Scranton the last few days. Mis. John Barrett and daughter, An nie, spent yesterday with friend in Olyphjant. - jaisstBwsle Frank returned to her home tin Scranton after spending n few days with M!a pessSB-Colants, of Gor; oon avenue. H. C. Loioas, of the New York store, Is In Nw York oley eeleotlng goods for his patrons. MIfs Laura Dotterr, who ha been vlairltig Miss Grace Smllth. will return to her home to Nantlcoke today. IP. E. Gumaer, the new proprietor of tthe Ofotel Anthracite, Is a cousin of Ulsfl 'Mary Louise Gumaer, the noted contralto soloist, who has been engaged by the Mosart Symphony club of New York. The 'troupe Is undoubtedly one of the beat concert companies In the United States, and their Itinerary Is from ocean to ocean. A large profile out of Miss Gumaer ornaments the pro gramme. The programme comprises eleven numbers, of which three are given by 'Miss Gumear. W. 13. Hunt, of Scranton, has ac cepted a position in the locomotive eihops of. the (Data ware an'i Hudson Co. In this city r.irid will make his home here In ithe future. Mr. Hunt Is a skilled musician and he will be gladly wel comed to our town by the music loving portion of the community. J. W. Rogers Is .movlnjr Into the Rogers' block on South Main street. Notice of Removal. With this Issue The Tribune's news and editorial departments cease to he locmted at Penn avenue and Spruce treet. and will, after today, occupy The Tribune's handsome new building on Washington avenue, four doors aibove Linden sdreat, where, within a few days, they will be Joined by the Job prtniUng and bindery departments. The bueimass office, until otherwise an nounced, will remain In the familiar place; but the new office on Washing ton avenue will, after next Monday, be open for the receipt of subscrip tions and transient advertising. ARCH3ALD On Thursday evening the Knights of Father MJJiew celebrated t'nelr ninth ari.nl'veisary by (holding a magnificent banquet and so.iial session in Moylea' and the Father IMathew hall. The ct-le-(Di'il.lcin was a means cf bringing to gether a large percentage of the youtlh and beauty ctf this an'i the surround ing towns, and seldom has there been seen 'here, ranged around 'the festal board, bo many charming ladie3 and handsome genijltunen. T'he affair waa one lomg to us remembered with pleas ure and the energetic young men who ananscd It are entitled to high praise for tthe admirable manner In which tt was conducted. , The members ' of the society, with their guests, the Father MatJiew so ciety, assembled in tihe hall at 8 o'clock. Here uclroy s famous oirchestra gave forth Its sweetest strains and for two hours 'the laUlcs and gentlemen moved to and fro In the tfta'tely measure of tha dance. Shortly after 10 the party pro ceeded to the banquet hall, which was elaborately decorated, and partook or the bounteous and wc-U-prepared least provided by Ca terer Kelly, of Saran ton. The "banqueting over, T. J. Kltky, who aoctiptably p,rfealdi;d as toastmaster, made a brief address and introductU Rev. Dr. Jjucus, who explained the rela tions of the church to the total absti nence movement. He complimented the tocluly m 'line seal and earnest necs It displays In its efforts to entend the cod work ibegan by Father Mathew and expressed a hope that Hs future would le crowned with great triumph for 'tihe nclble movement in which It Is engaged. James F. McAndrew, the president, artione at the founders of the society, eloquently responded to the tc-j'St, "T'ne Knights of Father ,Ma- thew," and told of the great good that the society 'bod accomplished since Its foundation. He st oke also of its pres ent floui'Vrfhlng condition and looked for ward wU'h confidence to a greater and more pwipetvius future. William Mur phy paid 'hva'h and fervent tribute to the memory ci" the Apostle cf Temperance, Fw.'iher Mathow, and IntOientally re ferred to li'io beneficent work of his Hfe time. M:'s'3 J. McAndrew In an ad dress fiii'cd with patriotic sentiments, responded to . t'he toa'it, "The United States." and John A. Foote establlshfd a refutation as a pot-prand!al ora tor by W.s witty response to "The La dies." John A. ReMly, of the Father Mutliew society, spoke of tihe "Pioneer Teminerarjce ortfarizai.'lon of Archbald." and his remrvarka, beside being reminis cent, were both witty and timely. P. A. BhWbln briefly spoke of "Our Town," and Hon. A. F. McNulty fittingly re sponded to "The Press." After a few closing remarks by Toa.tmaster Klelty the guests returned to the dancing hall and agiln "chased the glowing hours with flying feet" until the early morning nours. The nine years that Juive passed since the organization of the Knlgh'ts of Father Mathew have been years of uninterrupted prosperity. The society has steadily Increased In rrembersriin and Influence until It Is todav considered one of the most en ergetic and flourishing In t'he Plocesan union. Beside lending aFjrir.tance ar.d. envouragement to Its own members the society has always been ready to sus tain every worthy caue wlth'n It sphere of activity and '.he amount of good It Jias done for this town and the vomriff neonle of Ihls town cannot be overestirria'ted. TheTe Is a s atlofactlon In knowing that t.here Is no tmmeffiate prosnect of Its ibemeflcent Influence e Ing diminished, but that there 1 on the contrary every reason to Relieve that Its future will be even more glorious and creditable than lt past. M'rs.Dan!el Shea, an old resident of this borough, died at her home on Hill streot on Thursday morning after a short Illness. She Is survived by one son, Daniel Shea, and a daughter. Mrs. John Simon, both of this boronirh. Hr funeral will take place on Saturday morning. FOREST CkTY. On Wednesday Vast David Jones and Miss Marscar?1!. Beynon were unteeid In marriage by Rev. J. G. Evans, at tho borne of the bride's parents. In Rich- mor.dale. After the wedding a bounti ful supper was swed to the guests present. Mr. and Mrs.. Jones will re side In Richmodale. On Wednesday eventng next. Tony KWrell will appear 'In the Irish comedy- csraima, "Garry Owen," at Davis' Opera woue. - a Enterprise Hoe "company met In reg ular monthly session on Thursday eve rt in laut. Jm A. Brown and Carl Whea'ton were eleoted new mem bets. The proposition of enlarging the com pany from thirty-two to forty-five or fifty members and orgatidzlnsr a hook and tadder orrnipawy was considered, out no daflnlte action waa taken. The company was tendered an Invitation to attend t'he opening tit the Mitchell Hose company faAr, in CairTiondaJe. next mon th, and take part In a parade, and decided to accept ;h Invitation. N. E. Bell moved to Carbon dale, where he fwlll oanduot a black smith shop.'. Rev. J. L.Wtlll'aims, of Wellsboro, Jxa accepted a ctall to bpcome the pas tor of Uh Forest CKy Baptlat church. Mr, .Williams was a former pastor of the church. - DxslelMoylea, of ScTs-n'ton.,has been visiting her rrandmother, Mrs. Ellxa 4tih Klgglns, f this place, for the pawt week.' , z. : I . , Joseph Ackerm an, of Schenectady, M. Y is the guent of his slaters, Mrs. M. Kranta and Mrs. L. A. Kelts. ' The HoneaAale D.'strlot Kp worth tettarue will convene at HmtesdaJe, on Tuesday next, ' Rev. G. IB. Stone, of tnU place, will deliver thArcpIr to the AdArcM tf .wekoms. TI delfjAtcs from here are 'Miss Jessie Stone, Miss Eunice Dunn, Frea Russell and A, M Weetgate. , Next Tuesday evenin the Arllnrton Social and Athletic club will hold a ball In Davla' Opera aouSe.-An exhlbitlan game of tasked baH wul . be played at g O'CKKtt. Profoasor C. T. Thorpe, Hy reader, will conduct service m Ohrfet Episco pal -tihurch at 7.S0 next Sunday eve ning. The Sacramcmit of the Lord's Supper will be administered In. the Prei'tiy- tei'lan owmn next Sunday morning. Helen Dunr.!Ijr ha beeen vl<Uig frkmds In Soramton and May field ibis week. . HONESDALE, Two more mysterkus fires broke out in Honesdale last night, and It U now plainly evident that Hone'iidole Is shelt ering one or more fire bug. About 10 o clock lire wa discovered Cn tte barn of Judge George S. Purdy. on Spring street, and In an Instant the whole structure wa.j a moss of flames. The hcu'fe of drayman Aaron Dew let was stabled In the barn. It was lmpos sit'ie to release It. A cow belonging to Nicholas Shuman, ar.d Dewitt's wagon was gotten out. Three tons of hay, a sleigh, harness etc.. was consumed. A barn adjoining, owned by Frajik Farn. ham, caurrht fire and was partly de t.troyed. In this barn .was stored a quar.i'ity of grain owned by Fowler & Johns, whose grist mill was burned a fsw weeeks aao. A number of neigh bcu'jng bulliiir.is caught on lire from the flying sparks, but were quickly put out. The Are department did ex cellent work In controlling t'he flames. Tiie barn of Judge pwdy was not In sured. The barn with Hs contents was a total lo33. The barn of Frank Farn ham was insured for $-50. As no tiro wais visible in the bam at 9.30, and as thore was neither stove nor lamp In the barn, the origin of the fire seemed a mystery at first. At 1" o'clock as the last of the firemen were going towards tiie engine house the alarm of fire was aevvin sounded, and a blase was dls- l overed in the opposite end of the town. This fire proved to be a barn belonging to It. Karl on the hill, above Lady wood 'Lane. It was entirely ccmsumed. As Il'onesdale has been suffering from many mysterious fires of Ij.te, thera can be no longEir any doubt but that they are the work of incendiaries. The fires have been in various parts of the town and different elates of our clt-Izer.-j have been the sufferers. This would go to s.how that they are not vha result of hatred or malice, but pure man'ia. It Is about time that the town authorities took an aotilve hand In the matter, and endeavor to find out who the guilty parties are and bring them to Justice.' No excuses can nfiw ap pease the people, and If something Is r.ot done at once the only excuse for our town officials will be that of (negli gence. Evedenee polnta strongly to In cendiarism in .Honesdaie. Let the guilty be hunted out and punished without delay. The funeral services of the k late Ohxiles Spc-ncer were hold from his house at 10 o'clock yefitr.Td.iy. Rev. W. H. Swift offlclatod. Interment was n.'aide. in Glen Dybeny cemetery. . Rev. Tlog jr.s Israel, of St. Luke's church, Scranton, will exchange pul I Its with Rev. John N. Lewis, and of ficiate in Grace church Sunday. Harry Strong, of Now York, la visit ing frlendu here. The fire company made A'aTon Dcwltt a present of $25, to help lessen the burden of toss occasioned by the fire Thursday night. Mr. Dewltt is a mem ber of tihe company. A number of libeial-htartevl citizens made up a purse of over $125 and also presented It to Mr. Dewltt. The funeral of WeJdon Van Steen berg will 'be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. HALu STEAD. Master (Robert Millard, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Millard, was struck by a milk train oh Thursday and received injuries from which he died In a few minutes. He in company with Master Milton Simmons were re turning from rihestnutting and they decided 'to walk on the traok when above the home of William Knowler. 'Robert not seeing the milk train start ed to run across the track and was hit by It witih the result stated above. The funeral services will 'be conducted on 'Saturday afitcrnoon at 2 o'clock. Tihe bereaved parents have the sym pathy of all In this, their hour of trouble. A marriage ceremony that united Andrew Sawyer Miss Gartrude Nichols took place at 13 m. on Thursday at the home of the bride's parents on Main street. Rev. John Davis tied the nuptial knot In the presence of many friends of the prominent young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer, the recipients of well wishes for happiness and pros perity, left on train iNo. 1 for Ithaca, Elmira and other points of Interest. The honeymoon will occupy about ten days. After their return they will be gin housekeeping In town. LMr. Saw yer Is one of our popular business me-i and tils bride Is a most estimable young lady. . If the rtoby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wihalow's Soothing Syrup has been used tor over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Oums, Allays ail Pain: Cures Wind Colic, and Is the be?t reme.tv for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cent a bottle. . OLYPHANT, A large number of the young friends of Miss Nettle McDonsr.d, of Delaware sitireet, attended a party which was held at :er tome on WedneJJay evening In hem.' of her guest,. Miias Julia MUy, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The eventing was spent In various sociiS w'aj-3. T'he guests were served with refreslimer.'is at midnight. A most er.Joyable evening was passed. Among tlhaw who were present were the following: Mli's Annie O'Boyle, Miss Ann Loftus, Miss Mary Rogan. Misses M'innle and Anr.ia irjtan. Miss Allda. McHale.M'lFs GertrudeDearle, MissJu.v.a 'May, M'ias .Nettie. McDonald, Mtuvi'j, J Ferguson, Frank Fatrell. James Lolly, P. F. O'M.i'lley. Willie Kelly. Thomas McMale ar.d Mlclwl O'Malley. Mtoa Louiya Price, of WMkes-liarre, Scrofula Broke Out On our boy when a baby. Ws gave bias much treatment without avail. Noticing in the papers Hood's Bant par Ills wis rec ommended for scrofula and blood diseases we gave It a trial. Ws soon saw a change for the better. . Ha has taken f oar bottlat Hood's GaroQparllla and is now entirely well, heart and (res (rota all sorofulous symptoms. I hava also taken three bottles lor nervous ksaa ache and catarrh. It revs aas mat rabsf . Mm. T. m. Buirk, lVr C Vs. UaaIi CflU "re.a.etuwl eeaeusa. s ntM Ke mej . f Highest of all in Leavening Pover.-Late-H U. S. Gov't Report ' vsyy Is vilaiiAr.'g Mir. and Mrs. Gwllym. WU liams, of Blakely. Mjs. F. L. Van Sickle Is seriously lit at her home on Hull avenue. Tha Club of 'K will hold a social In their rooms on All Hallowe'en. Lawrer.ce Howard, of this place, and Miss Mary V. Hlggtas, of Dunmore, wvre united In nun oige -yesterday af toinoon at St. Mary's Churoh, Dun more, by the 'Rev. Ft' iher Dor.Oan. The groom was attndvd by his brother and the brirk.irr.e.J was Miisi Minnie Cro nan. After the ceremony they were driven to the home of the brldj, where they rjcolved the happy congratula tions of a Urge number of friends. Tcny Fa.ell In "Carry Owen" will be at the Father Mawhew Opera House Monday evening. . MONTROSE;' The Institute opened finely en Thurs day, with a very large attendance. The fceattr, cajaoi;y in the Jiigh chxl room is being severely taxed cu the days go by and luteivat grows in the ses kions. 1 1 scarcely aooinmodaui-a the teachers comfortably and the visitor are many, but not "crowdtd out." Tiie' addre4a.es given by the visiting profes ws an'J: otliers are exceedingly Inter esting and are given the individual at tention of the lls'.enws. Profesior 3'iJson coniinues his Instruothn upon United Srates history and Is making the study a recreation. Professor lllble took up the theme of ''Natural Studies" Thuisday afternoon exhibit ing rptclmer.ij cf wcrk of his school chadren lautterflles, night mol.Vis and birds. The exercises were varied by some fine sinking iby six male voices led by Profcs&ov lames, ar.d two reci tations by Mr. -Bible. Mrs. Mary iMo'ihi-rsh, of 'Blnrh-a-mton, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Weeks, on South Main atrett. Mis. Wetks is 01 years eld, retainlnig all her faculties in tact She ia the last survivor of six who were born in iMontrore In 1804. Mrs. .Safford, of New .MilTord, was the guest of Mrs. A. B. Smith Wednesday. Theodore Mungtr, J.r., who spent a week with his parents here,' has re turned to North Tonowanda. Misj iMoore ia the putst of iior friend, Miias 'Lottie Warr.r, of South Main street, lllsj Mcore favored the Insti GREAT DISSOLUTION - SALE According to announcement already made, we com mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our two large stores. ' The goods have all been marked down to first cost, many goods even below cost. I mHr If you have any present or prospective need of relia ble goods be sure you coiue while this sale lasts. But the earlier you come the better for you. We mention below but a very few of the mi The stock is entirely new and includes the latest ideas in design, texture and manufacture in the line of Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades anl Upholstery Goods of EYery Description. &2Hf you intend to Dissolution of Partnership lowest prices ever quoted in KERR, SIEBECKER & CO. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. lle&ult in 4 weeks. For s!d by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyomlnj Avenue SprucoStrcjt, ScrjDon Px ' THE ONLY HOUSE IN SCRANTON That Has a Full and Complete' Line of Underwear Is tha EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, 516 Lackawanna Avenue. WE HAVE." Uud-rwvar for Mn, Women and Children, any price and dlffrMnt . , . gradrs. You can find Willi' us Naturul Oreye, Camel's Hutr, Fcuci'd , ' Lined lied, Grey Merino: They rv buught for spot cusli at times wlivu goods were at the lowest flKur. This was iu April, ISM, and tho only buyer In Underwear that understands quality is Mr. ilcnry tiuodmuii Manager of the Cut Price Store, t . . ; . LCCX OUT F02t C"3 NEXT WEEK'S SALE : ' In Underwear, Jersey Overahlrts In dlffVreut'styles. ' We will not quote V any prines, but wo are willing to take oft 5 per ceut. straight thuu usual , ,- priori elsewber0.r ; ; ": '. ' j. - We ire lisp Blrect Agents -..'. For Use Esyerior Uyglcni Underwear Coiapanjr Y . : ' - Non shilnkalile, the nest for health. ' We guarantee them to be equal to the ones you pay $6.00. ' Our price on theui, for Shirts $1.S0, or i50 for . T theBult. Comeaad see them. . Largest assortment of Wool Hosiery, r nwtawis, varaigan jaoaws, . TP. " n -o tute with two solos, beautifully ren dered. General Thomas Darling will teotura on 'the subject ci "Train Up a 'Parent in the Way He Should Go." Miss Humphirey, of Tawanda. Is visit ing D. R. Lathrop, en Sauth Slain ureet. IT WAS niFrtHEXT. . "Now, Mr. Fisk," began the lawyer who conducted tho cross-examination, "Is It not a fact tfcat you harbor a female who goes by ths name of Mrs. Fiek?" "Yes, sir." "Do you not support her?" "I do, sir." . "Is she your legal wife?" "No, sir." J id oi s scowled. "You will admit that, although you have never been married to her, she lives with you?" "Yes, sir." "That Is all. You may step down." The legal light louked victoriously at tha Jury. "One moment, Mr. Fisk," sold tho op posing lawynr. "What relation cxiuts bo twun you and tho lady referred to?" "She is my grandmother." St. Louis Chronicle. Plttston tinslness Dlrcctorv. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on Wright A Co.. 7 Suuth Main strtet. A new runts for sale or exchange; aisa second-hand household goods, bought or ' sold. Pile! Piles! Itching Pitos. Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If ailowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerato. be coming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and in most- cases removes the tumors. At drugg.sts, or by niul, for 60 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. A CRUISE TO THS MEDITERRANEAN Bv spwia'ly cbartirel utiamor "Frisisnd," (7.110 tmis) January 2V, 1MM visiting Bermuda, Uibrnltnr. iiluUua, Uranuda, A.liunbrn, Al Kivrs. Cairo, Jerusalem Beyrout, F.pb su, ('ontsntinop e. Atbous. Uome, Niea: only JiiOunil p (nr-iniiH fe neto.. inuluied. F. C. CLARK, 111 Broadway, New York. nRTIDBU sufferers mav obtain valuahla UH I nflnn paraplilet by uclusiuir stump to Ao cui, nu pay, Tula con eru is relmble. buy, now is the time. Our Sale places before you the Scranton. RESTORE LOST VIGOR MS When In AmiU wt tn ute for Nervotn DeWHty, f . ml Scsual Power (fn either et, )my"loij Atrophy Varicocele n1 ft tier w tknct'O, ttvn anv came, use $eiit li 1 1. Dra'Pi vhrckeil ind full ifr quickly taw.A, If nc1ectetl( I'uh Ifuuule rult fftiailv. Milt ntlir. Icalfd. for It.eot C boun fnr tK.ao. With y rvrty i t)4t ve viyt lcfrt t(utni tw vura t,f rctuoJ (to tnuney. AUdrsu Pt'AL UEDH,INl-C(V,Ciiitl;D.I,Oh.o, v TO our Wshbura.Cn)sby Co. wish to assure their marry mW rona thut they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling sRICTLY OLD WHEAT until e necrop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market. inS owing to the excessively dry weather many mUlers are of the opinion that It already cured, and In proper londition lor milling. Washburnrosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. 7 M iThlsi wrtt',ui Bttnt,on to v.er?; dcta(1 of milling ha placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour Uy above otheT brands. ' rt aVAAl MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. Moosic Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtu Ml, SCRANTON, PA MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE! AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lamin A Rand Powder Co.B .'. Orange Gun Powder Electrlo Batteries, Pusns for explod ing blasts, Sooty Fuse and RcpannoChemical Co.'s HighExplosivri riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the tteat quality for domeatli Use, and of all aliea, delivered la aoy lrt of the olty at low.it price. Orders left at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, tnat floor. Third Nations) Bank, or sent by mail or telephone U the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special con tracts will be made for the tale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. X. SMITH. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA, Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, ' HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ' Qencra) Office: SCRANTON, PA. ITSTHEr LITTLE THINGS jfl II Like the fly in the butter, that buther come folks (he lnout. Ho, also, it Is the little things -a curve here, reinforcement there In the make of our Clothing that causes It to be "Hhlp-Bhape" and baug right. This, too, with our low prices and "Pay as You Can." A little ut the time system is our etronguuld. Bine, Black and Brown Cheviot Salts $10. Would be hard to iflud elHPwhrire short of $13.00 cut in double breasted or single sacks. ONLY some'at prices less than cost and all . at prices less than ever such goods were offefetl for. Corner Chairs, Window Chairs, Divans Arm Chairs, Rockers, Wall Chairs, Tetes, etc. tr ail latest shapes of parlor goods. It's a consign- v ment orders are to sell. Now you take the cue. ; iKUKunnnniiiiHfHiimiH S nninait man riint ii R OCT. 25. OCT. 26. fiiiniiimniiiiiiiiMiiniiniuiauimiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Are Parlor Goods Sale Days. HOAZS TvSN!mZ35- ", , j . . ! ... -..-.; patrons: i THE Roofing Co,, 326 Washington knn scranton, pi . TELEFK3NE 555. Ebonite Yarnisb, . Gravel Roofing, Pipe Covering, -Building Felts, ; Sheathing Papers. All kinds of roofing work done. All kinds of gravel or alag roof mud. ROOF TIMING UO SOLOEMRS AH done away with by ths use of HART MAN'S PATENT .hlh of Ingredients well-known to all. It caa be applied to tin, aalvanlied Un. sheet Iron reofe, also to brick dwollnn. which will urevent absolutely any orumbllaa. crack Ins or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the coat of tinning. Is sold by tho Jos) or pound. Contracts taken by -ANTONIO UAKTUArlN. 627 Biroh It. 97 Pieces of Parlor Furniture will be gathered on our "' second floor to be dis posed of for CASH " li, Y'',.:'-?:y,-.,- -;y ;;' Wysjalnj AVtvi?? 1 ".'.''!: '.7' '..-'.' CONNELL Pennsylvania Sfffll FOR 3 MVS. b n nu null r um nu i i I muHuni i OCT. 28. ( '.;v.;r.,.:;f;,V'.:.: . 'AYV ' , :