1" 1 i TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY, Jack Frost's Eeemy In such Invulnerable force as to make the cold hearted, ley breasted monarch of frost and snow almost melt ait it appearance. Display Tbis Wed. I grand beyond description. It embraces about every good thing manufacturers ever thought of aiaklng. At GOe. we offer a wonderful amount of solid oomfort In an hon est White Cotton Blanket of good zi and weight, and from that figure, prices advance by almost Imperceptible steps, till a great fathomless wealth of luxurious warmth Is reached on our superb Blankets at 15.50. This week every number tin our endless stock Is opened up and conveniently ar ranged for your inspection. As to Values. ' It's only natural ws should take first place. We buy moat and sell nvovt, and when ws say that the prices ws quote this year, are mors favorable to your interest than ws have ever submitted, you oan guess the rest. Cotton Blankets The best that ever cams from looms, colored or white, fancy bor ders, ' 50c. to $1.25 50 Per Cent Wcol Blankets Gray or wfotte the best wearing Blankets on the market and In many respects ss good as all wool. The values are extra special. Gray Blankets. 12.00 and $2 50 White Blankets, $2.25 to 14.00 All Wool Blankets Scarlet or whits best standard makes only, and every thread of them purest wool. Scarlet Blankets, $3.25 to I4.G0 'Vbite Blankets, 13.75 to M.S0 Natural: Wool Blankets , i Mads from the purest undyed wools; soft, fleecy and very heavy. Prices $3.75 and $4.50 We carry a complete line of these jstly celebrated Blankets. For srabillty they are matchless, and they are not laoklng In any of the essential features of a good Blan ket COMFORTS Assortment unlimited fillings and oovsrtngsnbo very beat The tilth sr flgvrea are for Elder Downs. Prices, 85c to $4.50 -V OUR WASuUTON LETTER Porccasts as to the Organization of the Next House. DALZCLL FOR WAYS AND MEANS It Is the Belief of Senator Quay's Friends Thstthe Beaver Statesman Will Not Oppose the Pittsburg Con-grosssmaa-Otber Gossip. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Washington, Oot. 25. Much Interest is being taken In the make-up of the next house. Of course, Tom Reed will be the next speaker, and he will have the making up of the committees. There ars few, if any membero of t'he next house, in itown. They will) not begin to aci'ive until the m'jdd'.e cif next monith. What ittie programme of the Republican will be Is, of course, un known.' but Shot there will be some fun, gcvn without saying. It Is e?einer ally tuulfenstiood that there will be no raddoal tinkering wilth 'the tarlffa. The country doesn't want the tasue raised. Business U becoming settled now and any radioil changes in the tariff would only td to upset: Vt again. Even Re publican business men are opposed to any such change m the revenue laws nt this time. If (the house should paw a new measure the senate, which will be controlled by the Democrats, will only kill It. And m the event of 'botnt branches of congTess paiMlnB a new bill President Cleveland would promptly veto It, and that 'Is all congress would bve for Its labors. The silver question will' be one ot the leading Issues In the next cotixrcss. Of course, there will not be as many champions of the white metal In the next house as tthere were In the last two. but the few who will be there will. rt doubt, raise the Issue and carry It on to the bteter end. The silver ques tion -will figure as a two-edged swrd In the next presidential campaign. Ths old panties know It Is loaded at both ends, and mill handle it with a great deal of oaxe and respect. It Is too tarly yet to make any proph esies In regard 'to the kind of leylsla '.)ti that will be conceived by Speaker Heed and hU 214 Republic-til backers out of a grand total of 334 member In tihe nsxt houae. For that reason I will pats that question for the pres ent. With the soealcersihlp question prac tically settled the nixt topic uppermost 4fl the mlr'Js of the Republlnis Is who will be clerk of the house. S.-r-gtant-a.t-arms, doorkeeper snd post causer, ad who will tit sd the Impor tant comntfttets. The fight for the cVtirkwhp will. In all probability, nar row d j wn between ex-r'-cmrwman-nt-t.arge iMcDonuld. of Pennsylvania, and ex-RfprseT!.taiMve 1'enderson. of Illinois. Bciln are In the field. 0--1 both have many warm supporters. The of fice of clerk of the house has been hIJ by Pennsylvanlams almost contin uously since the erratic of the office. It I now held by Hon. James Kerr, of Pennsylvari'rt. who has made a very popular and effloVnt clerk. If the tieit house were Democratic Mr. Kerr would have no opposition for re-eleo'lon. In fact, he was eUdWl the two t rms h has held the office by scelnnvif ln. It 1s genetully beU-ved that McDonald will succeed Mr. Ki-rr. Thene Is now so.ne talk of making General Hendtxion sr?i'.int-at-a.'frs or doorkeeper. T!he emol'tments of the two l.i!tir pitloru or rif quit so large as the clerkship, but the pa tronage ot the latter 'j mucOi Lirger than the clerkship, snd n-rif.ant-st arms ofllce combined. If Melinald Is elected clerk, and Henederron ser-guint-a-t-arrra. the dvrkeeptr'jhlp and postmastershlp will likely go to the south smd extreme east, or extreme west. Or ooume, there are plenty of fellows who want the t laces, but none of them have developed sutf,?lrtly jo ten who w'll draw the pn'.sea Illinois now has the sergeant -at rms. ar.d Texas) ttie doorkeeper. T.s nost masterehip Is now vacant, eautvd by the death of Mr. Dal ton. an ex-member from Indiana. The contest for the ways and means chairmanship will be between Iw'iell, of Pennsylvania, and Payne, of New York. Payne ranks Dslsell on rfte mm mlblee at present, but the frlorvrts of Che little Pittsburger are o.nir to put up a good Miff tight for him. It ts be lieved that If Senator Quay has any Influence, with Speaker Reed Mr. Dal ssll will be turned down. The sena tor's closeivt friends, however, nay he will not take any fart in the flgit. for the reason that he does not vrxn to be under any obligation's to Mr. Reed when the national convention meets. General Bingham, of Philadelphia, will, no doubt, be made chairman of the committee on pottofllcea and port rcas. He was ohalrrmm of Unit en ra mi! tee under Speaker Reed In the fifty firfrt congress. He will also occupy a plaoe on the committee on appropria tions. He Is one of the most capable members from Pennsylvania. He has had considerable experience on both committees. Reprflsemtatlve Walker, of Massachu setts, will probably head the committee on banking and currency, and Her mann, of Oregon, or Grosvenor, of Ohio, the rivers and harbors commit tee. Borvtelle. of 'Mailne, will be chair man of the committee on naval affairs and Ocneral David B. Henderson, of Iowa, will aot in a aim liar capacity on the committee on appropriations. Ths urter-wtate and foreign commerce com mittee, 1m all probability, will be head ed by W. P. Hepburn, of Iowa, and H1M, of ininols, will preside over the foreign affairs committee. He ts prob ably the best posted mam In congress on matters of foreign interest. Marnier, of Pennsylvania, Is In Mns for chairman of ths commlMee on tls ttrlot of Columbia, butsa he and Speak er Reedl "didn't speak as they passed by" hi We ftfty-ftrst congress It Is mora than likely he will be given the "marbla heart" by ths big man from Mains. Henry Vf BDatr, who rnpreoenited New Hampshro in the senate for twelve years, but who ts now a mem ber of the houae from thaJt atate, will likely preside over ths commute on Pacific railroads. ' Colonel William A. Btone, of Penn sylvania, has always had a desire to be cbflJrmam of the Judiotary commit tee, ana If Powers, of Vermont, who rank Mm on ths committee, doesn't tools upon being placed at the head of st, Colonel Stone will probably have his wlah gratified. (He is a fine laiwyer and would make a capable chairman. Beth 'M.IHken, of Maine, will likely head the committee on pubKoibulMlngs and grounds, and Case Broderlck, of Kansas, that of the committee on print ing. '-i- Joseph A. Scranton occupied a place on two minor oomratttees In the last house, territories and manufacturea. Mr. Scran ton will probably devote- roost of his ttnis this winter to getting a bill through congrtsM reimbursing his friend. Postmaster Vandllng, for those stolen stamps. He wlU have his hands full at that. W. R. Bell. ENGLAND'S ULTIMATUM. Thore Is No Particular Haste in Forward Ing It to Vencsuels. Washington. Oct. 25. The Venesue lan minister, 'Mr. Andrade, had a brief Interview this morning wltih Secretary Olney, but the matter of the ultima tum, It Is learned, was only incident ally referred to. It Is believed that the so-called ultimatum was sent to the German foreign ofllce at Berlin to be forwarded to their representative at Caracas, by whom It will be delivered to President Cresno. Some uoubt Is ex preFsed If it has yet left Berlin. There are quiet Intimations here that at least nne of the girsat European powers, whose friendliness toward the United States has frequently been manifested. Is Interesting Itself In this dispute with Great Britain, altihough to what extent Is not known. CABINET STILL W1I0LE. Story of a :iash Is Dcniod-Mr. uiney'a Visit to Boston tlio Foundation of Sen Siitlnnul Ku mors. WashOwrton, Ocit. 25. The rumored r!jh In the cabinet be'tweiw tftie pres lAc.it and his secretary of state over qut'i'ttor. of fopulpn policy has bten e.linco't UBjnlmoiisly der.ound aa a "fake," cutrffestcd pMbably by Secre tary OOney's failure to accompany the lirwirtt-evt and cabinet to Atlanta. W'htin Mr. olivey was vleva'tcd to th. llrt't p'ace In the cabinet o till the vacancy wuwd by Uhe death of Jtidire (is'.'tJam 'the president was "thoroughly famiMar with hlsj views on fcvre'.gn af fairs. He had had two year's associa tion with bim at the cabinet table, and had listened 'to hU opinion upn the Maine dlotrlne ajid questions of foreign i.jiVy. It Is therefore urreamnulble to sup pose 'tha't either iMr. llnvy, who a? copied thw st.ate dvartment ptrtfo)lo fully jware of the preiMer. t's views on affairs cf fia'.e. or that the president. I wY.3 fhrcwu;!ily ur.dertooil ttiin, should I flrJ oautw for (liy.iyrH'mrnt In a sub y.C. wh'ich h b.s"ti (!U.Mid over and j ovur asln s'ance Mr. Civ vela r.id was I flrj: 'ItHittfrati'il In 18 '5 This rumor widoithlelly in llr.e with the sensa- tict.al diiivt'hes which have recently i !en fcrf t bTtMli-a.st o er the country ! com tiding: i!eve!.i.rr.fi:i!s In the Vene ! sutia h.''it'lj.n' dispute .and Is jremeral- ly arvp.t.nj here as having no more foundation. SKI-XKTONS roi XI) IN MOUND. keliiisof an Farlicr Itacs I'njsrthsJ on a Kurm Ncit' Toledo Toledo. O.. Vf. 2". A mound on the fn-m of Henry T. Niles. living J'lvt out side the city limits, wits opened today. Tiie mt r mjirkable dUcovers after a large excavation hod bt;n made, were no less tan twenty skeletons, all In a svtUrg fu-tirre aril In a row. UesMe e"h one. tlie face of which was Inva riably 'ow vd the eet. was a curiously wrought piece of pottery ware. dlfTererrt from that which as been taken from the TPOur.d. in o;her Uil'.'les. so far as known. Theee bowls would hold pr hsrs a rall m or -more ei h. and the edj. In'ead of lInF plsln and crude, sre fl!iil on nurh ornamental style, wh'Je on the Mm are curiously n iieht fliirfs. w'liether pictorial or !i!rwl pineal can scarcely be deter rc"l. Th te;r-s. f?-im lor Interment r.d r:ti exprwure to the elements, ratursllv hrmn to criimH ard fall to rtiidt i- in rrr.jll pleee. 'Hut many of them prwrved in nectlons. and oree'r two juUs are kept Ir'act. Prom careful mf-suremer:. the bodies seem to hiive he-n rf altit the raTie stature as the pvnU.r, 'rd.'v. al'V-urh the low r Jaws ore larger, heavier and etMr.z er. and the tee'h were n'eut (twice at Hrge B3 thee of the T'-Mile of today. Further excavations will be made. CHILD MYSTi:iMOUSLY LOST. Jnslo Ulclitar Step (Iti-.IJg the Poor of llrr llomf and Is ern More. Larvi, 111., On. 25 Jt: nichter, aged 12 yars. Hvirg with her parents in Steuben township, stepped outside '.he doer on an err.tr I at ID o'clock last nlht and i-Sf ptarOJ ss mysteriously as If the esK.h had swalpiwed her. The al irm wsa won given at Sparland. The town turned out In rf-atvh of the m Ine child, but ro trace of her was found. The hills and ravines In the relghbor hnod for mill around have been tra-verr-d with ro avail, and the parents are frantic with grief. If he has not been abducted or foully dealt with it Is porslble ehe fwjc to death, as the night was very cold, with da.mp atmonrtiere. It Is not pe:We that hc Is In hldlna:, ss her relations at home were pleas ant. It FAR LNl7i:oi.LIS!ON. Ons Msn Is Killed snd Three Are Injured 5esr llnltltnore. Bslrjmcre. Oot. Ij. A noli Won oc curred th's mornlnr on the rwiltkmore and Potcenac raJ'lixi'l at tvnie station, midway between Baltimore and Wash ington, In which one person was killed and tlixe injured. Enixine No. 113, moving north from WaHh'lnirton. with n stock train, badted In on the "Y" ait Howie to allow an ex press train to fa, when a work trnln on the Pipe's Creek lime ran Into tho rear of the train. RUN DOWN BY A TRAIN. Amos Forsemnn Is Instantly Killed by Heading Cars. PotrsVllle, Fa., Oct. 23. While Amos Fonssman, Jr., and Albert Seeling were returning from a eoclety meeting at LlfweUyn. tit miles from here, early tibia morning they were run down by a PhUadelrh'a .and iResJ'ig coal train on The Mine 11.11 brar.ch. Forpernan was Instantly killed, btrt Seeling escaped uninjured. Both resid ed m PottuVllle. For soman was 2$ years old and unmamed. , RAILWAY TRAFFIC STOPPED. Hot Cost Dropped from sn F.nglne Ignites a B'ldge. P)tt-burg. Oct. 25. Th . BaRlmore snd Ohio railroa d bridge aicross Gam bis Oreek, eiaht miles eaet of Washington, Pa., on the Wheeling division, was de t'.royed by fire today. ' All traffic over liaat division will be suspended until a new bridge oan be erected. Ths lira originated from hot coals dropping from ths ash pan of a freight locomotive. .i Result of the Shooting llsndlcnp. Bsltlmors. Oct 55. H. Ollbert, of Spirit Lake, fa., won the Dupont grand cbitni plonsblp handicap for trap shooters. Me. Alester ' ("Hay ward,") of Philadelphia, won second money; Wagner, of Washing ton, took third, and Cos, of Baltimore, fourth. . , McKHlght Onltty of Msnslsaghtsr! . . Pittsburg, Oct. H. The Jt ry In the cess of K J McKnrhlt. charred with the mur der of T. F. Hyland, returied a verdlst of manslaughter late this artsrnon. ' QUAY IS NOU DICTATOR Doesn't Like the References to His So-Callci fresldent-Nahlng. HAS IDEAS ABOUT THE NAVY Thinks -That tbs Best Wsy to Treat Englund Is to Excel llcr on the High scas-Oiie or Two Kuiaors Nailed. Philadelphia. Oct. 25. Today's In qu'irer, which Is regarded by politicians as Senator Quay's personal organ, says: '"Desi.lte the emphatic disclaimers of t)ie senator many of the newspapers ttiat arc hust'ile to him cont'inue to pluce J:.m til the occupation of 'presldeiit-niukirg-.' Irlor to his departure for Nt-w Yvrk theena:or expressed annoy Kmce at this sort of thLng, saying that .h only way he could account for it was a disposition In certain quarters to create antipathy to him by placing him In ''.'he objectionable role of a dlctu t'r. When the proper time comes Quay will do his full share In 'helping to norui rat a KepuiJlican candidate for presi dent of it he United Slates and after that he Will do more than his share in help ing to elect that candidate. But In the mearvl'me he Is not going about with a truss band placing possibilities in nomi nation. The story that Senaitor Quay Is a can didate for secretary of the navy under the next Republican adn.lnltratlon Is on a par with the other stories. A close friend of the senator said last nlkt that he felt morally sure that Quay would not -accept a cabinet port folio cif any desnrrptlon. It Is not In his line and his deposition would not P?r n!t him to tie himself down to the hard routine work Incidental to such a pct." That Navy Secretaryship Story. President Megargee, of the Pen and Pencil club tells. In the Times, the foun dation of the latter report. Says he: A few 'Jays ago. In the Hotel ftletropole. In this city, In the pruencc of a number of friends. Senator Quay was eiia-ed' In cor.vvrsalicn. The Venesueian Incident betam the subjf-t of talk, and reiur er.ee was made to Salisbury's sugges tion to i.lney that Urtat Britain had rights In, Ju:-h Attwxlva When the 1'nlted States rad not grown Into a na tional c milltlon. The argument was not foolihly warlike, but President C.WrianJ's pronnounovd altitude In support of the Munroe ductrine was una.ijm.:iily and warmly approved. Then came comment upon our new navy. S-'aiM Quay: "American Invent ive eenius has 'ilsplc yed Hnelf In the bull ling of our new warships. In thrir sneed. In their armnmen, In their re duction of the consumption of coal. Our evolution In this diroelien will forever settle any question of supremacy be tween in and Griat Britain; not on a war tasis. but on a commercial one. The Kntflli'h -people today owe their power to their leing the ereatest octan frelK'at-cirrier of the world. We should occupy that position, snd we sre now on the wsy to reach .lt It can be brought atout ty merits Inventiveness. Am erican pivgress and American pluck." Qoay's enthusiasm erou'ed some one In the party a naval offlolal to soy: "Set ator, It Is rumored that you sre a rand'.Jate f.ir the presidency. With those sentiments as a platform you would swet p the country." "No, no. no." came the response quickly and earnietly. "but 1f I were tr-r-etary of the navy for four years I think I emil't offer sjch rutrcettiona to cfmsrre.'s as would In the 'next ten years make this the greatest maritime nation. the grt test ocean freight carrier on the fsee of 'this srl.khe." That Is what happened. And upon that has been bu!!t the story of Quay's ambition to be se-cretary of the navy. PLOPLE WAITING FOR MAIL. Offiee In Kekois Closed While the Pint msster l.lcaln I .ill In s Mlnnesots To- g. W'ihion. N. D., Oot. 26. The people of Chr'.ttlne, this coumty, have been waiting for thoir mill marly a week, rnly to Mnd that their poetmaeter 's dtra'jntl by tne law In a nelsthlxirtng tte. Oluf Berglund. the p's!miat.ter, tine tt'.r day vUlled Whapeton and m '3Si1oi'j.:ed the quanUty of liquor h couii safely iirry. He tht-n went over to Breckenrldtre. Minn., got too tslkstlve. wis arrested ac.d sent to Jail for ninety da)-s. There he now lies, eervlng Wis sentence, and unle.s I'ncle Fam Intorferes the people of Ohr'jtK'no may have to wait some time fur their mall. BKICE HAD A NARROW ESC API: Broken Bill DlssovereJ In Time to Prevent sn Aceldsnt. I'pper Panducky. Oct. 25.-Pajrta of a broken rtaiil were the first Intimation of a most fortunate dleenvery near Xilma Sun-day afterrutm. The PeinnaylvanU Fast Une with Senator Jlrtce's private cur attached was approaching that city when the trackmen found a broken rail. Ths dlsaovery was made Juwt 'before the train was due. The Mind was kept a seortt until rhe arrival of the broken pin here today. Brlce's family. Chair man Smllley and Walter B. Ritchie were on the train. A WINK CAUSES TROUBLE. Mae Subject County to Exponas of New Trial. Hollldaysburg, Oct. 25. A Juror's winking habit may subject this county to the expense of a re-trial of an im portant criminal prosecution. In the oaf against Merchant Jacob Dross, who was convicted of defrauding creditors, the defendant moved for a new trial and one of the reasons la that a Juror winked several times st the prctecutor, O. A. Hrjrner, a Baltimore wholesale merchant, during the trial. The court held the case under advise merit. ONE MINER'S BONANZA. . lie Is l-eft Qusner of a Million by an Aunt's Death. Oreerunburg. Pa., Oot. 25. Ottis Ja ooby, of Butervllle. employed In the mines at this place, has become sud denly wealthy by the death of an aunt in 'Philadelphia, who bequenlthed 'him property to the value of 1275,000. - Accompanied by his brother, Ocorire Jaooby, of Ohio, Ottts went to Phila delphia last night to lay claim to ths property.'. - RELEASED WITHOUT BAIL. Peculiar Case In Wbish Msn Suspooted of i 1 1 Murder Goes Free. Pittsburg, Pa., Oot. 25. Today In criminal court on motion of attorneys In the case of Charles II. -Evans, charged with the murder of Isaac Jope at the First Avtfnue hotel, the prisoner was released on his own recognizance. This practically dosed the first chapter in one of the most mysterious murder case In the history of Allegheny county, and Is ths first Instance on record where a man charged with murder was released without ball. Evans has been In Jail since May 6, and was Indicted by the grand jury. For some unknown reason the com monwealth was unwilling to proceed with the evidence at hand, and Dis trict Attorney Haymaker willingly ac ceded to the motion of the defendant's counsel. Whether the case will ever come to trial Is a matter of remote conjecture. SHOT HIS FATHER. ' During a Petty Ouarrel with Ills Wife, He Is Fatally Wounded hv His Son. New Castle, Pa., Oot. 23. To defend his mother during a petty quarrel, Clark Itay shot his father, Farmer Howard Ray, of Neshannock township, twice In -the chest and groin, and the victim will die. Five shots were llred, and after the affray the elder Ray dragged himself to the home of a neigh bor and asltcd their protection. The wife and mother disclaims all knowledge of the affair. When asked if he wanted his boy arrested, Kay begggd that his son might be given a couple of days to get away if he wanted. dix's traiTe review. I'pon the Whole the Business Situation Remains F.MC'jtiraglng. but Imports Aro larger Thnn Ever lie fore. New York. Oct. 23. R. G. Dun & Co.. 'In their weekly review of trade. Issued tomorrow, will pay: Cooler weather tha.t generally helped retail trade, ami with Increased consumption by .tihe millions the way will -be clear for 'better business. Iron boasts rome coid contracts this week, one from -Russia for several months' production of armor plate by the Carnfjrle works, one for govern ment appraisers' stores here and others for 2.S'K) freight cars, with prospects of as many more. Bessemer piK ad vances, but finishes products o: the whole decline as murth. other piit Iron not rising. It Is too late 1n the season for good business In structural forms or pipes, and tank meel Is Hwer. wl'h sheets weultur. Rails to Oct. 1, OTrt.nel) Pons deliver.-!, and "oVOOti tons sold, make a ipitlful record f.ir w.irks, which have turned out over 2noo.o0O tons in a year, but this only ren lera more eur prUjig the Increase In other uses f iron. Whether tin fcla'te works will take 30O.WO.0.0 pounds steel th:s year, as the latent oflckal report Indlea'ten, will depend on prices, and rales of coke belgw the Imteat estaiMlthed price are noticed, wiitih the largest proJiictiun on re-oid, Kxponts for the week are 40 per cent, and f"r three week-s 6 per cent, larircr than la.s'! year, but Impom were for the week 34 per cent., and for three weeks 30 per cent, laruer tvan lt year. Failures this week are 231 In the 1'nlted States ayalnst 231, last year. (OKBETT'S BLOOU IS IP. The Champion Wires I'rienJs In Gotham to Send on ths Stake Money snd Look Out for a Scrap. Hot Spnlngs. Ark., Oct. 23. Corhett this afternoon tylegraphed to Phil I yei- and others 'In New York to for ward the stake money at once. He stS'ttd In the telegram Bhat he was determined to remain In Hot Springs unuil November, and see the matter out. Hills puis a new aspect on nffalrs, and It Is believed that Corbelt has made up his mind to meet Pltzsimmons under any circumstances. The champion was furious this after noon over the receipt of a telegram from Martin Ju!:.:in. In which the lat ter stated i;bit If Oorbett did not re main at Hot Springs andtneet Fltsslm muns he (Julian) would proclaim him a coward ami a cur. Joe Vendig this morning wired Dan Stuart to secure an option on a Urge circus tent, and stat ed that matters would be materially changed w;th!n a day or two. Corpus Ohrirti, Texas, Oct. 23. FHs slminona continues his daily training here, but rhe past few days he has not Ik en laboring as hard as he did two weeks ago. 'He thinks there ts no ohance mnv to meet Corbet! In the ring. He informed the reporter thnt the failure to pull a flKht off Is the greater; dies pi-ointment of his life, but he says he has tihe consolation of know ing it Is no fault of his. PITTSllURfi POSTOFFICE ROW Inspector from Washington Is Conduct ing a Mterlou InvcMlgstlnn. PUCtbursr. Pa.. Oct. 23. An Investiga tion, surrounded by an unusual decree of mystery. Is on at the Pittsburg post office. The Investigation came about thiough compiulnts made to the post office department ait Washington. W. C. Moore, of Philadelphia, one of the government's most efllclent Inspectors, Is conducting a most searching In quiry, the nature of which Is not yet positively known outside of the circle of those Who preferred the charges and the officials Interested. All sorts of hints ore allo.it In political circles, and int.'.ina Hons are that a big fight Is on In the local Democracy, Inspector Moore arrived in Pittsburg on Tuesday. Postmaster O'Ponnell de nies a number of the sensational re ports, but declines to make any state ment for publication. Inspector Moore also declines to make any statement concerning his presence In (Pittsburg at this time. SHIPPERS GET A VERDICT. Interstate Commerce Commission Aw srds Klg Sum In Reparation. Washington, Oot. 25. The interstate commerce conunlsskHi has announced Its decision on claims filed for repara tion by ehlppers. nvembers of the Inde pendent Refln-ers" association of TltUH vllle and Oil City, one agatnet the West ern Ntiw York and Pennsylvania and Ler.Jgh Valley Ttaulroa'd companies, end the otheir against the Fltchburg and Ronton and .Mi'r.e mlllnoads and tho Drla'Ware a.r.ii Hudson Canal company. The rc pa rat ion awarded by the com mission to various cUilmfl-nits amounts to an aggreg'J'te of tSf4.94S.80. and the do fer.damt cortters TMtrticlpatftne: in the vhifrments are held eeverally liable. LIBERAL INTERPRETATION Ulven to ths Mlno l.sw bv Oepnty At torncy Gsnorsl l.lkln. Harrlsburg. Pa., Oct. 25. Deputy At torney General Elkln has given Mine Inspector Stein, of Shamokln, an opin ion to the effect that the word miner as used In the phrace "practical ex perience as a miner" In the anthracite mine act of 1891, Includes laborers, loaders, roadmen, repairmen and others who work In the mines, but who do not actually mine coal. This opinion will, doubtless, Increase the number of applicants for examina tion for mine and assistant mine fore men. . Clothing Merchant In Trouble. ' HollMftysburg, Pa., Oct. 25. Executions for 118.000 were Issued here this morning against E. Conn, the proprietor of a large clothing and dry goods store In A) toona, this county. The establishment was closed by the sheriff. 1 LETTERS BY THE IK Surprising Kesults of the "Chain" Plan Pisclosed In Illinois. ' STORAGE K00M IXSITFICIEXT Figures That Are Incomprehensible in Their Immenslt) Tlio Missives Aro Still Pouring in from Across ths Oeoan-Govcrnment Is Worried. Karuevllle, Rll., Oct 23. IAs a result of the "letteir chain" scheme started by Edma. R. Orown two years ago for the ostensible purpose of collecting 1,000,000 ued clamps, for which a medical insti tution would gilve trealtiment to .Mat tie E. Oanman, a crippled girl, letters are pouring Into this village postofllee at he rate of 6.000 a day. The operations of the "chain" have been practically stopped In this country, but letters con taining from 5 rto 100 stamps continue to arrive from foreign lands. The postof floe, every house In the surrounding1 country and even the barns and hay stacks ore swamed with the millions of letters addre&sed to .Miss Brown, who has (recently become the wlfa of the vil lagei blacksmith. As ithvy keep on coming by the bushel from forelsm countrK-s the government can do noth ing bu t end thtm to the dead letter of fice at a heavy epenee. and fram there) they will never be reclaimed. The girl who was Miss Brown ao krowledires that "no medical Institution ever made an offer to treat Mies Oar man for the etampe, but she had a vauue idea that 'if she could collect 1, nftfi.oCO faiiiTs phe could eell them for $100 and devote the money to the sick g-3rl. To carry out the Idea of the "chafn" the first person sends out three letters. Tarii recip-lent of thew sends ihiee, and the ektxjnd serlvs thus pro duce nine enswers, the third twenty feven, the fourth enphty-one, the fifth 273. When the thirteenth series is reached 'the r.i'jmher of letters received exceeds 1,500.000. The increase Is colos yal from themce. If the chain Is un limk'vn. the nuimber of tho letters In the flift'ierith yert'S weuld be two hundred ar.'l n".ne1y-cix sextilUnns, one hundred and elphty-one qulht' lllons. seven hun dred ard twenty quadrillions, one hun dred and eix.;y-nlne trillions, six liuii dred and seven h'lllons. five hundred and forty-sCx miillrtii-s. four thousands and six hundred and eewnty-one. How the Figure Grow. The tulble carried out In full U as fol lows: 1 2 3 4 S B 7 9 9 )0.... 11 12 13 14... IS.... IS.... IT.... 1 ... 19.... !.... 21.... 3!!!!. 24.... it.'.'.'. 2T.... 24.... 29.... 30.... 31.... 33.... SI.... 3li.... 37.... ).... a.... 41.... 41.... 42.... 43.... 44.... 45.... 4-i.... 47.... 4... 4.... W.... 3 9 27 n 273 R19 2.4".7 7.371 22.113 SS..TS 1.79I.1H M73.4-.l ri.K.377 tT.l'JI.lSl 14: M.3!'3 427.150 979 1.'.N1.4.-C!.s:r7 3 M1.3..S.S11 ll.;.O.07ii.4.-J J4.V.i9.rr3.2:il lii3.7K7.f.!7.iW9 311.3S.l."i7 tB.073,i SfJI 2.7HS.21S.&C7.S73 8.7,iu.703.ll9 2:'.192.976.ll0Ai7 75.f.7"'.!r.,tS.y.2ri 2."j.7Ji.7-H,Wi.!(l3 lli'IU.3i4.!W.4.19 2.IMM11.I.'.71.3I7 .121.J1.19t.913..1l 18..V.t,i).5M.741.S"J M.H!7.:.7..4.:'S..V. 1iU.291.ll.M,77.ii77 495.R73.34g.T91.S30.031 1.4k7.&!.OH&2.99u,!4 4.46t.j(,l39.14.r 279 13.tW,..U.417.44C,910,S37 40.219.741. 2rvi.J40.732.:.ll 1 20 . 6.r.. 2S3 . 7 r,7 . 0!2. 1 y 7 . R.t3 3iil.977.iW!.271,0ij.59'J.K'9 l.S.S.933.i04.lil3,lW,777.71'7 3. 2T.7. 7911.01 4 . 4:t9. m. 333. 3!U 9.773.S97.0tS.31S.7!i.0ll".173 29.92U.I91, 129. 9."i.J!M.0iW.r.1 9 9. 7;o,573 s9. w. i ic.toi . s:.T 2h-9.1Sl,7W.l'S.liO7.M0.il.ir71 !;7.64i,ltW..WS,SC2.W.UH.013 If this chain Is carried out to the r'ifrhiM'th series, wvich Is the limit In Kngliind, a plamoe at tihis table, which Is carrk-d out to the fiftieth scries, will g'lve one an 'Idea of a total almost too great to be calculate'! and fur exceed ing ordinary conception. ARRESTED FOR GENEROSITY. A Man Who Threw Big Greenbacks Into ths CrowJ Gathered In. Chlcaito, Oot !5. Oeotve MbCormlck, who says he -came 'from Finvllle. Mich., was arrested at Slab? and Twwity eecond streets for sivlnar money to passers-by. He was surrounded by a large crowd, and was handling S10 and $20 bills to men and women Indiscrim inately. "Hasn't a man a right to give money to the poor?" he asked Justice Olen non. 'Yes," 'the court replied, "but he has not the 'rltfbt to create a disturbance on the etrcot." JdcCOrmlck was discharged. LIBRARYIEEITNG. Interesting Circulation Figures Were Presented bv Llhrarlnn f:rr. The Scranton Public Library board of tninrees held a repular meeting yes terday a Aternoon at the Albright .Memo rial building. (It was not largely at tended and the business transacted was numily of a routine nature. The reslKnatlon of Rev. D. C. Hughes, on. account of his removal from the clity, was accepted with sincere regret on the part of his associates on the board. The report of Librarian Oanr for the past month showed that 10.407 volumes were lisued from the circulat ing deparhnem-t of the library In Sep teinibeir, and 2,911 volumes were out In the narvA- of rea-dors ait t'he close of the month. The Vargest one day's issue? was 7.M, on Saturday. Sept. 2S. Borrow er's' card'. in farce numbered 7.539 amd were valid for use at the date of the re port. . PHIL SHERIDAN FAIR. Will llo Opened Tonight In Mnslo Hall with Speeches tir Prominent Citizens. Tonight willl witness the opening of the Sheridan Monument fair In Music hall. Addressfs will the mad by Mayor W. 'L. Connell, Judge F. W. Qunslir and Colonel B. H. Ripple. Mu sic will be furnished by itho Lawrence band. Colonel -Ripple, chmtnrran of fhe spe cial comrr.Htee appointed to solicit th loan of Sherldaih relics from the gen eral's widow lis n receipt of a letter from Mrs. StverMani in which she ra y s that she will gladly aoce'de to the re quest. TlKe ireHcs will be on exhibi tion nightly ait the fain. WEATHER REPORT. For Eastern Pennsylvania. fair weather; westerly winds. For Western Pennsylva n'a, fair; winds shifting; to southwesterly; warmer In northern, portions Saturday evening. ' r. ILEY'S Owmplctc Lite of Ladles9 UEfesIcIrts In Fast Black, SatJne, Alpaca, Mohair, Mo ire en, Brilllantlne Black Silk a n 6 Changeable Effects. Fast Rack Satlne Underskirt, trimmed with three narrow shirred ruffles of same material lined with striped Flannel. Price 8So) a r-.!.C4.2iflX1rS Fast Black Satlne Underskirt, um brella shaped, trimmed with corded shirred flounce, lined and has French yoke band, price. 11.19; same skirt, with deep embroidered ruffle J1.78 Moreen Underskirt, trimmed with five-Inch ruffle of same materiul, French yoke band, price $1.69; same skirt, with twelve-Inch flounce. Price. J1.9S Moreen Underskirt (extra size), um brella shaped, deep Spanish flounce, bound with velvet and faced at bot tom, price S2.4o; same skirt, with twelve rows of cords. Price ..1299 Quilted Fast Black satlne Underskirt lined with Flannel, price T1.45 and $2.09 Quilted Underskirts In Mohair and Brilllantlne, prioe 2.0), J2.45 and J2 93 Full line of Silk Skirts, Black and Colored; and call particular attention to those at 52. K. 13.U and 4.C0. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Dry and Wet Weather HOE SHOES that don't let in wet; baDt to keen feet dry when lt rslns: a comfortable, ser vlceable Shoe for winter wear. Have a pair. IS 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. Wholesale and Retail. ElegantSpecImensSult able for Wedding Pres ents, Birthday Presents, Etc. Eye Glasses, Opera Glasses and Spectacles a Specialty. W.J. Weichel JEWELER, 408 Spruce st., Near Dims Bank. RECEPTION LAST EVENING. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, of Dlvlsio Street, Entertain Their Friends. s Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, Jr., and Mir. and Mrs. .Robert Walker were ten dered a Teception tost evening at their home on division etreet by 'their num erous f I'lenda of the Wtst Side. Among t'hosa present were: Mbwraei Margaret Gtfbs, (Florence Ctt-bbs. So phia Wade. Margaret Edwards, Edith Richards,. 'Ella Wiilliama, Alice Evans, Jeinr.vlo Dan'tels, Giace Walker, Jessie oedwir, Hfltm Thayer, Ella Godshall, Bertha Jonktns, Adella Penwarden, Helen Mott, iMa Brydent. of Plttston; Miss W1Mn, of Nlctholson; Miss John eon, of PIMston. and Messrs. J. Oordoni Noakts.' Edward Thayer, Will Luce Ren Luce, George Peck, Robert C. Will lams, Frank Wetllntr, Charles Daniels, Frank .Matvf field, Harry Decker, Harry Jenklna, Ralph llllams, Marry Carltaa;, D. J. Davis. A1. Turner. WM1 Freeman, Ckorre Vlpond,- Kills Bond, of Nichol son, Mr- and Mm Thomas Richard and Mr, and .Mrs. Claronoe Shyrar. 4aViUa Si Fan. lYdties IN EM JEWELRY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers