The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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The Number of Vocalists Will Be
I'nnaually Laige.
' Th number of people met at tlhe
Burke bulkHng to prepare for the opera
whinh will be grlvemoy tnem mis wimer
wars unusually large. There were nearly
forty parsons present ami many others
Wijip unable to be present, but sent
word itfcat thy wtre willing to take
port. iAU those present save their word
that they would do all they could to
mike 'i'he play a success. The meeting
was Uvcdd for 'this purpose and a vote
taken. The rehearsals will be held
hereafter on Monday and Thursday
nteftts of each t?k In .November, the
ttiat be'.r.s next Thiirst-uy nitrht. All
those who wJs-h to Join should be pres
ent on that night.
The score books have not yet arrived,
but the secretary Iwm ordered them
from Newsdealer Shannon, so they will
be hers 'by the early part of next week.
It Js 4iored -that the number out. next
week will be greater "than this, as Pro
fessor Llr.alsay, of Soi union, will be
present and the east will probably then
be selected.
If t'hoje who took part In the last
oiTa toe beeen overlooked by the
committee. U 1 urged that they will
rme to 'the meeting nest Thursday.
The singers who haw already Joined
are among the beit vocalists In the oity.
and the success of the play is assured
ftvm the first. The score of the opera
can be 'had at Shannon's book store.
Secretary Jones Tendered Ills Keslgna
, tioa-Uther llusincss Trunsaetcd.
The regular meeting of the board of
tiealth was held at the cKy building,
all members being present. A great
deal of business was disposed of. one of
the ?hlef matters under discussion be
ing the plumbing as exhibited in sev
eral Instances. nu of the plumbing
that 'has been brought before the notice
Of the board of health has been very
poor and ft is to prevent this kind of
work that several rules were passed.
By the new rules considered the plumb
ers will be obliged to furnish the board
with their plann of the work, specifica
tions designating the kind of mate
rial used, kind of appliances to be put
In and the weight of the pipe. This
will assure tlhe work being well done.
The resigning of Secretary S. S. Jones
was a move which caused considerable
regret on the part of the members. Mr.
Jones 'has had the matter under delib
eration for some time, so his resigna
tion was not a surprise. Ma. Jones has
been connected with the board ever
lnce Its organization and has always
proved an efficient and faithful mem
ber. His duties have bten performed
alt no little sacrifice and his work and
opinion In all matters relating to the
health of the city will lie greatly
missed. The resignation will go into
effect on Nov. 1 and the board will
hold a meeting at once to elect a suc
cessor. ..
That Dread Disease. Diphtheria, Secures
Another Victim.
Yesterday morning Margaret, the
H-year-old daughter of Mrs. Jennie
Bryden, of No. 6 Cemetery street, suc
cumbed to a severe attack of diph
theria, from which she has been suf
fering for the last two weeks.
The child first complained of feeling
sick, but It was not then thought that
she had diphtheria. However, fhe grew
rapidly worse, and developed into that
dreaded disease. At one time it was
thought that she was a little better,
but she suffered a relapse and slowly
passed away, although every thing pos
EiMe was done to relieve her suffering.
Mrs. Bryden has the sympathy of the
entire community in her loss. The
girl was very bright and was then
Just entering that age when the child
developes Into maidenhood. She was
of kind and loving despoxltlon. and
was a general favorite with her asso
ciates, who will miss her badly. An
other child, a little bfy, about 7 years
of age. Is also sick with the disease,
but he Is somewhat better, and it Is
expected that he will recover.
The funeral was held yesterday af
ternoon, and was private. It occurred
from the residence of John Nlcol, the
father of the child's mother. Inter
ment was made in Maplewood ceme
tery.' (Mrs. Bryden, who has had the en
tire care of the children. Is also quite
Ick. the loss of her daughter pros
trating ber.
A Prematura Most May Cntf-e the Loss
of an Optio.
' While at his work In the Wilson
Creek tunnel, Patrick O'Malley, of
Urooklyn street, received Injuries which
may cause him to go through Hfe with
one eye.
' Mr. O'Malley was preparing a blast
when. It suddenly exploded, the unfor
tunate man receiving Its full force in
the face. He was badly burned and hi
fare cut In a terrible manner. Mr.
O'Malley was taken to his home and
Dr. GUIIs summoned, who did all he
could to relieve the pain. One eye suf
fered considerably and the result may be
the loss of It. . The eye ls badly inflamed
and what the result will be cannot yet
tie told.
Meeting of Hospital Trustees.
The regular monthly meeting of ths
board of ihospitaj trustees was held at
tihe K!ret National (Hank, all the mem
ber being present except C. H. Man
vlWe and 8. S. Jones. The business
transacted was not of much Import
ance, some "bills being ordered paid and
the new rules which M'iss Desmond, the
matron, lias prepared for the use of the
nursea at the (hospital, being discussed
and adopted.
The City Assessment.
Tlhe city assessors, Von Beck, Pldgeoti
and Moflltt, have begun the yearly as
sessment of 't he city properties. The
gentlemen are now going through the
Elxth ward. The school duplicate 1
made up from the county assessment
madV by ward assessors, white the city
and poor taxes are based on the city
MI? Llllle Coleman, of Peckvllle. Is
Visiting M'ifS (Lizzie Griffiths, of Bel
tnnt street.
.Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Friable were very
plearantly surprised at their pretty
home on Wyoming street Wednesday
' TEBMS-Stric'h CSH Putins. This U.
Iciuns, Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
W hT decided oa Sweeping Redac
tion rsther than corer op our goods dur
ing oar extsnsive improvements, snd
hare marked down everything In to.
store at cost and less. See oar Window
' DiitUy, which will substantiate what we
. y:
Ingrain C.rp.ti from lie. to SOc. Warts 26o. I Ttc
Bruiser. Carp.ti, 40c. to 50 Weflk IOC to Mrs.
Wall PBne., Worts I0., , .
And everything else In proportion.
- 4:1 UCXAWAIU AVE.1U. '
evening. It was the occasion of the
fortieth anniversary of their marriage
and they were made the recipients of a
very handsome oatfThalr of unlquue
dedlgn. Those present were .Rev. ami
Mrs. Charles tLee, Messrs. and Xes
damea W. T. Price, J. F. 'Reynolds, H.
Jackson, Lambent Yarrington.. George
Chamberlain and Charles Edgett, Mrs.
Charles Stanton, Mrs. Walter Carr,
Mrs. W. T. Morgan, Miss Nellie Cham
berlain and 'Hal Torrance.
The Loyal Legion will give their tam
bourine drill in the Presbyterian Sun
day school room this evening.
AII'ss Maybert Hunter Is Ul at her
home on Canaan Btreet with an attack
of la grippe.
Mrs.Brown.wife of Piifpaitoher Brown,
of the Ontario and Western, left for
Oswego yesterday. She will make a
brief visit with friends and relatives.
Alderman Bunnell started out for a
carriage nlde yesterday morning. While
going down Church street his liorse
slipped on some fresh tar and fell down,
breaking a thill.
W. L. Pryor, city agent of Lehigh
Valley railroad, was in this cHy yes
terday looking after 'tlhe interests of his
Mrs. Sophia McGlnnls toas returned
to her home on Farvlew street after a
week's visit with Scranton friends.
Miss Hut-ret t, of Uniond'ale, is visiting
friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch, of Dun
dallf street, spent Wednesday In Scran
ton. Miss Mary Flnnen, who has be?n vis
iting friends in Sciaii'ton during the
I ust week, has returned to her home on
Farvlew street.
Mrs. L .C. -Haln?s, who has been a
guest at tlhe hom of B. F. Wiilllams, of
Salem avenue, return!' to her home in
PK'tston yesterday.
Miss Mary B. Purcell, of Providence,
who has been spending a few days wUh
her mother on I'lke street, returned to
her home Wednesday.
'Dr. It. Hampton, who has been refill
ing in Screnton f)T several months
t-ast. called on friends in this city yes
terday. Miss Walsh, of Pike street. Is the
guet of 'her sister, Mrs. Juntos Walsh,
of SaraCTton.
Mrs. Aaron fowler Is 111 at her home
on Garfield avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sohuff and son
Adam returned liome Wednesday after
a week's visit in New York an'd, Al
bany. Jacob Swingle and Mrs. Stephen Kim
ble were iiv South Ca'minn Tue-siljy at
tending the funeral of John Itoblnson.
who met with such a vIoL-nt death at
Xlneveh Saturday evening.
IMrs. J. W. Jones, of Soirfh Church
street, is the guest of relatives In Sus
quehanna county.
Charles Dolph, formerly of Clinton,
Wayne county, but who bns resided in
North Platte. Neb., for nine years. Is
vhvtlng his family, who have been re
flJing In thji city for the past few
Mrs. Charles Edgrll and two children,
and her piece. Miss Ota Kdicell. wre
guevtsof CS. W. Benedict, of PiovUKiiot-,
Miss Ita.idgW KiK'iillen, eif Vni'!!a-n
avenue, ard her ci usln. Miss Mamie
Iturke. of One-onta, spending a few
djys with frh-nd-s InVci'.inton.
Klntack Jttothers have received the
contract for the erection of a new house
on the property of John James.
Ell Schnffer. ef the Gravity machine
shop, spent tur'i iv, and ftloinlay with
friend. in illonec'1 1'.t.
Henjsmln Spangcnburg while at work
Saturday had the misfortune to frac
ture Hie bones of h's left wi .st.
J hn Cilme. tnirchiir.1! of Dundaff
ftree t. lefl Wcdcief ,' iy for ?t. iouie.
Mo.. wh Mv 'Mrs. dime and sn have
tvn vlprttng theiimst month, on their
return they will a'.ter.'l the exposition ut
AMnila. Owfiii.
Mrs. Oerce PeMrlck. of Wllke
Biirre, and M'-s. D. t Hrncoter and
?ranrt.on. of this city, are vl.itlng Mrs.
M. II. Mi;:hiH'Jnn, of 'Montcumvry
stre-et, and iMrs. Will Shiffer. of Pitts
ton. Miss Klvlr.t IHincan, of R.ranton, Is
fltthe homeof herfathT. r. J. Puncan.
on Garfield avenue, confined to the
house with a severe cold.
Mrs. F. IVnwardcn I lying ill at her
home on Willi-irrs avenu.
Harry lte!V.tig Is binding a gre'n
house In the re-nr of his elwelllngg on
South Washington street.
Mrs. RIch'-.irdi' of South Church Ftreet,
Is visaing relatives in CliffoM and vi
cln:y. Ihtaware anil IIittvi .t 'nger en
ductor II. K. Johnson, of Maple nvenu'.
Is confined to h' home by sickness.
VMifs Hryd n and ChorUs Hryden. of
Pl'ttston. ure gui :,:' of the Mrvse-s Pry
den, on Ol ive strevt.
Miss Annie Hunter, of Wlntun. has
accepted a lienltliitnn bookkeeper in the
Plonew l.iundry on Salem avenue.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. (ienrge Holt,
of Ixiurel avenue, 4 ron.
l!ev. James Mufcme and Iti'V. B. K.
O'Byrne. tit'3 of the newly ord.i'ned
who have Leet'n aiting at St. IIojh
Church for the pat few weeks, will
cntno to F'.Tanton to revolve tlielr np
lo!.:tme7i'Ls frm Bijh p f'Hira. A
succe.'etir to Hev. J. .1. Curran as curate
in t!his parUli' wlil probably be an
nounced te-morrow al.
The Alumri fxitball team have s.
curcl the services of th? Wyoming
Seminary conch, who will probably ar
rive here this ve:'k.
William AuniriT. while engaged at his
dutlis in the railroad yard Wedne'day,
sustained a 1 ng ganh in the back of his
head by coming In con't'act with the pro
JeenJng edge of a shanty.
Wa'den Van tftee'nberg committed
suicide by Mviotlng himself In the
right temple with a 32-calibre revolver
at his home on I'nlon hill between 4
and 7 o'clock Wednesday evening.
Van Steervberg la a well-known charac
ter In Honesdaie. About five or six
years ago he won JM.OOO In the Louis
iana State lottery. A short time after
ward he erected a lrge brick house
near his father's home on I'nlon Hill
and as it was the largest house of
brle-k In that vicinity It created a great
deal of excitement and was the cause eit
much comment. For the Inst few
months Mr. Van Steenberg sold useful
household articles on the road. He
drove a bKick covered wagon on which
he had pained various advertisements.
His horse wore a string of bells and ho
soon 'became well known throughout
the county. Lately he has confined
Himself to his home and appeared In
his usual good spirits, lie ate a
luncheon and smoked a about 4
o'clock at a restaurant nearby. Retir
ing to Ms room he shot himself. iNo
reason Is known why he should have
committed such an act. but, as he was
an eccentric individual he was prob
ably out of hia mind. Coroner O'Con
nell Impanelled a Jury who rendered a
verdict of suicide by shooting him
self in the right temple. He Is survived
by his parents, a brother, Willis, and
sister, Emma.
The well-known restaurant of Fred
White, on 'Main street, was purchased
yesterday by Charles Nlelson; consid
eration, $14,500. Mr. Nlelson formerly
conducted a restaurant at White Mills.
The Honesdaie staff of the Hcranton
Truth 'has been Increased by the birth
of a daughter to Air. and Mrs. William
II. Mai la.
The funeral of the late Charles Spen
cer will be held from his residence
on Second street at 1 o'clock today.
'Rev. J. M. Lewis accompanied Harry
Pike on his return to 'New York yester
day. . .
Miss Maud Elliot and F. J. Tolley
were married at the Cherry Ridge
Metfiodlst 'Ends-copal church at 1 o'clock
Wednesday. Ufternoon. The wedding
waa a very pretty one. . Miss 'MUllcent
Tolley and Miss Carrie 'Metsgar were
bridesmaids. -Harry Tolley and ' Her
bert 'Slade were the ushers. After the
reception Mr. and Mrs. Tolley left for
a short trip. They will return to Hones-
dale, where Mii Tolley Is In the shoe
business with his brother.
Rev. F. 8.. Ballentln and .Mr. Rey
nolds, of Oren Ridge, rode to Hones
dale on their bicycles Wednesday.
-. 'i- V"-. - . .
The . Plttston office of the Scranton
Tribune is located at No. S William street,
where all advertisements, orders for Job
work and items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. Office open from
8 a. m. to 10 p. m.J
Mrs. J. J. Powell and daughter, Mae,
called on friends at Wilkes-Barre yes
terday. O. C. Manning and W. H. McMillan
have gone on a business and social
trip to Buffalo, Rochester, Erie and
other cities.
Patrick McAndrews, of Mill street,
was Injured by a fall of soft rock this
James Tighe, who was stabbed in a
drunken row at Cork (Lane last Sun
day night, continues to Improve. Wil
liam Mooney, who did the stabbing,
Is still at large. A young man named
liealey, who was concerned in the case,
before and after the fact, has been ar
rested and bound over to court.
Airrangtimerrts for the Black Dia
mond 'Hook and Ladder company's fair
are progressing promisingly. The lady
friends of the company will be held
this evening to make preparations for
the fair.
Washington Temple. No. 7. Ladles
of the Golden F.agle will celebrate its
third anniversary tomorrow evening.
William Morrison, 16 years old, son
ff Jacob Morrison, of Cornelia street,
accidentally fell from a caboose yester
day and had his arms broken.
Judrfe Darte was In town yesterday
en route to Plttston township on a
hunting tour.
Patrick English and Julia GUI were
married at St. John's church yester
day afte'rnoon.
PlttMnn Business Director.
on Wrluht & Co., 97 South Main street.
A new ranee for snle or exchanpe; Iko
fci'ond-huml household goods, bought or
Rev. and iMrs. O. C. Lyman, of Pitts
ton, are visiting their son, John, here.
T. B. Fitch, a prosperous business
man, who owns a fine farm in Lemon
township. Is reiported seriously III at
lMmira, whore he was stricken down
while attending to business for a few
days. His wife went up yesterday to
care for him.
A large audience greeted Miss Kaiser
and th'we who assisted at the con
cert at Piatt's Opera house Wednesday
evening, many coming from Meshop
pen, Laivyville and other tmvns up
the river. Miss Kaiser's faJne had
pone out before her, and those whose
ears were trained to catch the bird
like trills of her voice and note the
marvelous command over It, were not
disappointed. The ease with which
I she went fsr beyond the cjmpnss of
the ordinary singer, and the clenr,
sweet echoes as she seemed to throw
her voice Into the distance, were Inde
scribably beautiful, occasionally the
pianist would stop while she Indulged
in some of her vocallstlc Mights, but
through It all she never lort the thrend
of the harmony, and was ready to
take it up again without any prompt
ing by the Instrument. She Is a charm
ing singer, and her equals ure scarce
Indeed. Mr. turns, the World's Fair
prize baritone, was also a general fav
orite with the audiencev He passesses
a wonderfully rich, melodious voice,
smooth and pleasing to a remarkable
degree. Mis Beech toH. the pianist,
came in alsi for her share of praise,
and her admirable playing gave Just
the needed support to the soloists. Miss
Harlow handled the violin tow with
deft lingers, and brought out sweet
I'lnm. with Mrs. James Kintner. of
Meshoppen. as while.
Miss P.'iin gained for herself many
cumplinii nt.try nililshi!!:- by her reci
tations with dramatic effect. Kur
Mir.ate. In.b-i d. would thj p o
ple of Tunkh.mnock be. If such ater
talnment evmld supplant the kind that,
commonly occupies the stape.
Active ruvpartmnt are being made
for the entertainment, under the aus
pices of the M-thodlst church, ut the
opera hoiis-. Monday evening.
.!r.. M. L. Jennings has gone to
Philaileliihia to spend a fi-w days sls'it
seeing. S.i" will J-iln her husband, who
has ben 'hi re all -the week.
lr. B. J. Ki iley. whose traslc death,
under the cars at Peckvllle, was r
cor led yesterday morning, was a na
tive of M .11 city and weli-knoivn
Ihroughout the c uintv.
J. W. Reynolds Post. No. H. has
.arranged with Rev. O. L. Severson. if
Plymouth, to dedlver his dettysbur
b'Cture he re Monday evening, Nov. II.
Hev. Severson Is an old eirand Army
man, and Is well-known In this ses
tion. having freijuently addressed the
veterans at the'lr encampments, et".
The boys will turn out and give him
a ciod reception on this occasion.
St. Peter's church Evening prayer
and address on Friday at 7.30. Ser
vices em Sunday, morning, at 10 30;
evening, at 7. Sunday school at 11.43
a. in.
If the Bubv Is rutting Teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 8yrnp has been
met for over Fifty Vesrs by Millions of
Mothers for their Children wh'le Terthitnf,
with I'erfeel Huccess. It Boothes tho
Child. Softens the Oiiun, Alloys all rln;
Cures Wind Col'c, and s the best remeilv
for Diarrhoea, Sold by Druggists in evey
part of the world. Ito sure nnd ask for
"Mrs. Winslon's Soothing Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
'Miss iMollle Tracey Weston will give
an entertainment at the First Bap
tist church Wednesday evening, Oi-t.
30. Admission, L'5 ami 35 cents.
Mrs. Flora Sharkey, of Plttston, Is
the guot erf her cousin, Mrs. Charles
Knapp, on Main street.
Misses Lou Gardner and Mabel Rey
nolds drove tj Lathreip, Susquehanna
county, Wednesday, and spent the day
with Miss Rose Johnson.
jlrs, Freelore Baldwin, of Le (Mars,
It'vva, who has been visiting relatives
p.r.d friends at this place for the past
tw.i months, returned to her home on
K. G. Worden, of Scranton, the archi
tect ejf Dr. J. A. Heller's residence, was
In town Thursil a y.
Scrofula Broke Out
On our boy when a baby. We gave him
much treatment without avail. Noticing
In the papers Hood's Banaparilla wu rec
ommended for scrofula and blood diseases
we gave It a trial. We soon saw a change
for the better. He hoi taken four bottles
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and la now entirely well, hearty and tree
from all scrofulous symptoms. I have
also taken three bottles tor nervous head
ache and catarrh. It gave me treat relief."
Mrs. T. M. Smith, Ruther Qln, Va. -
LlrrM'a Dllle our t'.'tutii eoniuna.
SWWM W I 1110
lies. r nenMeeaMi
According to announcement already made, we com
mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our
two large stores. The goods have all beeu marked down to
first cost, many goods even below cost.
ft I
If you have any present or prospective need of relia
ble goods be surer you come while this sale lasts. But
the earlier you come thrbetter for you. Yc mention
below but a very few of the -
The stock is entirely new and includes the latest
ideas in desigu, texture and manufacture iu the line of
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, LiDolenms,
Oil Clotbs, Draperies, Window Shades and
Upholstery Goods of Every Description.
iXSHf you intend to buy, now is the time. Our
Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the
lowest prices ever quoted in Scranton.
Heiult In 4 wvekit.
For salt by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist cor. Wyoming Avenue and
Spruce Straaie Scrankor. Pa.
That Has a Full and Complete Line of Underwear Is the EMPIRE
DRY GOODS COMPANY, 516 Lackawanna Avenue.
Underwear fur Men, Women and Children, any price and different
grade. You can ttnd with us Natural Greys, Camel's Hair, Fleeced
Lined Red, Grey Merino. They are bought for spot cohIi at times w ben
foods were at the lowest figures. This was in April, 18U5. and tho only
uyer in Underwear that understands quality is Mr. Henry Goodman
, , Manager ot the Cut Price Store,
- In Underwear, Jersey Overahlrts in different styles. We will not quote
any prices, but we are willing to take off 25 per cent straight than usual
prices elsfthere.
We Are Also Direct Agents
For the Superior Helena Underwear Company
Non (Drinkable, the best for health. We guarantee tbem to be equal to
the ones you pay W.00. Our price on them, for Sbirta 11.60, or f 'ISO for
. the Bulk Come and see them. Largest assortment of Wool Hosiery,
Bwcaters, Cardigan Jackets. ,
IT omki
When In Aaifr wht to ul for Nervous DNWy. Lots of Set ml Power (In either
fen. lmitiKV. Airofttiy. VnicMtle rui oilier eakne.ei, (rum any caute. u
Seam fills. Dtsms thetked ant) lull vlfor quiikly restore!. If nWled, i-iih
trouble result fstillr. Mailed anywhere,, .filed, fetfi.ooi o Iwtes tot $yaa. W ith
erv ik oral f 1 we ai a legal fjianie? lo ture tit tetiiml tha money. Address
fHAL MI PI' INh CO., Cleveland, hift.
TO OUR patrons:
. abu.r,n"Cr0my-wl8n to 88ur thr mmny imU
rons that they w 1 this year hold to their usual custom
of millinn SI RIC1 LY oil WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owiriR to the excessively dry weather many millers ara
of the opinion that it Is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thraxs
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
E laced WHshburu-Crosby Co. 'a flour far above other
IcGsic Powder Co
Rooms 1 and 2 Common ealth Bld't,
Larflln ft Rand Powder Co.
Orange Gun Powder
Electric Ilatte-rlos. Piipph for ixpl4
lug blants. Huloly Fuss and
RepaanoCnemicai Co.'s High Explosiia
Coal of tha tost quality for domsMU
I'M, and of all fcuua. delivered ia say
lutrt of tha city at lowest prlus. left at my Offlee
Roar room, Urei floor, Thlid National
liank, or sent ly mail or telephone to UM
ejiluej, will rvreive prompt attientiun.
BpecliU rontract-i will h mado for las
laisaiui delivery of buckwheat CoaL
Loconiotlves, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Like the fly In the butter, that
botlior conip fulks tl) mot. So,
also, it is the liitie tliinirn-a curve
hero, reiiiforiviiu-nt there -in the
ituikeof tiur ClnthiiiK that eaus-s
it to be "nhip-fliupo" nud hUK
riht. This, too, with our low
liriceHnntl "Pny a You I'au." A
little ut the time system U our
Black and
Cbs.lot Suits ...
Would lie hard to find elsewhere
nhort of f 18.00 -out iu double
breasted or single sucks.
ONLY some at prices less than cost and all at
prices less than ever such goods were 'offered
for. Corner Chairs, Window Chairs, Divans,
Arm Chairs, Rockers, Wall Chairs, Tetes. etc.."
all latest shapes of parlor goods. It's a consignments-orders
are to sell. Now you take the cue.
I 2 SBB 9 '
g OCT. ZS. g OCT. Zb. g
S tm B
Are Parlor Goods Salo Days.
IERS, W.CA.Bulldlni ) .
FURNISHERS, n$-aaj Wyomlnf Av.ffmsa VI
Roofing Co.,
326 Washington Arenas,
scranton, Pa,
Ebonite Yarnish,
Gravel Roofing,
Pipe CoYering,
Building Felts,
Sheathing Papers.
t i
i i
All kind of roofing work dons. AO kinds of
(ravel or alas roofi made.
Mas uvw nwa j will ur iiw Uli VI XlJUsj y
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which oooatats
of Insrodients well-known to aiL It esan b
applied to tin, salvanlxed tin, sheet Iroa
roofs, also to brick dwellns. which will
prevent absolutely any crumbllas, erach
1ns or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many rears,
and It's rost does not exceed one-fifth that
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the )os
r pound. Contracts taken by
97 Pieces of
Parlor Furniture
will be gathered
on our second
floor to be dis
posed of for CASH
i finrmni H
ul lu HL
UUI. 26. ji
ft .)'